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DTIC ADA260191: Arbovirus Isolations from Mosquitoes Collected During 1988 in the Senegal River Basin PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA260191: Arbovirus Isolations from Mosquitoes Collected During 1988 in the Senegal River Basin

* - C: - ~~01:5P1t LIS r-E Cr: miE J7O . AD-A260 191 F, 1.AGUICY USI ONLY ji.tjý* 11400) 2.POAT 2~Rfi OCA? T?( A140 OA113 COVtKLO ~ £STIL.Arbovirus is~tosfrom ro~squitoes, coLtette d lGUSt l'rig19188 in. the s'eneia.L river basin -(~*.I" LA1NR~lScott W. Gordon, RaLph F. TammarieLLo, Kernneth j.1.inthicum, et aL. 7.P IAJOAMLP4O OMAGA .AltON NAMPIt~A kO ALIMAISS413) L PtAfOARfdIPG ORGAN &1ON Dept of Ento'~oLcg>'; USAMC -AFRIMS, APO AP 96546 R OTNP41 I.SpCXSOM jGIMOPMITGR~hr AC;NCY NAMtL5) ANDOA DOAMI5(151.so~~~chCdT~H AWNIC' W~ORT NUM110I~ U.S. Army Madchal Researcl: & beveicopmntn Coninsond Ft. Detrick, Frederic'k. HD 21702-5CI2 DSRIBUTIOtJ UNLINLTL 13. AAS IILAC T (A JaMIT JOO-O r= SA.jguS: an Septente- 1986, .cc' .ec-ec--aau(.t rnosoLit:es -cT'- .Zcctions r' the Senega. Ri,ýer basr' to search fý)r ev~aen~e sf Ri4t Va, 'ey Teve, Mrl vir~l, activity one year after tne '987 outbreak, which occurreo aLona tie SenegaL-Mauritj ina oorder.More tnan 62,000 soecinens representing 18 species i. seven genera were COL te cted wit-I carcz.n dioxive-ca~ted, soLid-stete Army fminiatLJ-e Light traps ano sheep-osited t-aoS. Twenty ý.Arjs 7soatians 'ram CuLex.,Aedes, arcd AmooteLes ms,7e were recovered 1'rom six Locations: Fanaye DieryC11),8cde~foujr),Natam(two),Diongi.. (one;,NdiaLeme(one), and Ngoui~orle3.Species yieLding viraL' isc.ares were Anopheles orar~eensis Ceight&.CLutex tra-irycistre.xuiittsg-(ht)C~,tna~ Ctwo) ,Cx~poiciLLioes(two),Ae.hirsut.us~one),and An.gambiae(ene). Vir~jses were icldentjific by cot'otement fixatior, ano virus ano F.o.aque-reduction neutraltizaticni testing as Ngari(Bunyavir'..s, Bunyav~ridae) (n=15),Babanki(A~phavirus.Togav''idae)(n)=3).Bagaza (FL avivi rjs~rLav-,i ridae)Cnz.) ard Bangui (8unyavi rus-L ink)(n=1 ) No evicfente of ar-> RVF virai. activity in the SenegaL. River Basin was dotected ir the mosquitoes Testeo IA. SJWJU9C? JAMS Is, IuMBlot OF phat VIRUS, ARBOVIRUSES,'RIFT,.VALLEY FEVER 1. P.C Cora - S71 ILCUnlfr CLASS111c,%Iion A. SuufU91 CL.ASS.CtO'9 I CU'IltfCyLA ISIlC.AtIoN ~a UPAI'Ti1ON OPA B3RA-Tý OP RI04 O fill$ PA61 CAIO FIIAa BS1TPLA~1' 14S $404J! .30-5 $03 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $I&-a rsa~O IMn19 l alt'e.2 .691 A." , 'IAI f "s1. l- Ir- JI rop. Med tlvg.. 47(6). 11)12, pp 742-748 (opyright ! 1c 92 h) The American Soc(cid:127)'c of Tropical Medicinc and Higiene ARBOVIRUS ISOLATIONS FROM MOSQUITOES COLLECTED DURING 1988 IN THE SENEGAL RIVER BASIN SCOTT W. GORDON, RALPH F. TAMMARIELLO. KENNETH J. LINTHICUM. DAVID J. DOHM, J. P. DIGOUTTE. AND M. A. CALVO-WILSON Departmyent of.4rhoviral Entomology. Virology Division. L'.S. .Irm" Medical Research Instiute of lntctious Diseases. Fort Detrwk, Frederick. .arviand: Institut Pasteurd e Dakar. Dakar, Senegal Abstract. During August and September 1988, we collected adult mosquitoes from 14 locations in the Senegal River basin to search for evidence of Rift Valley fever (RVF) viral activity one year after the 1987 outbreak, which occurred along the Senegal-Mauritania border. More than 62,000 specimens representing 18 species in seven genera were collected with carbon dioxide-baited, solid-state Army miniature light traps and sheep-baited traps. Twenty virus isolations from Culex. .Aedes. and .4nopheles mosquitoes were recovered from six locations: Fanaye Diery (11). Bode (four), Matam (two), Diongui (one). Ndialene (one). and Ngoui (one). Species yielding viral isolates were Anopheles pharoensis (eight), Culeh tritaeniorhynchus( three). Cy. univitattus gr. (three), Cx. antennatus (two), Cx. poicillipes (two), Ae. hirsutus (one), and .Aln. gambiae (one). Viruses were identified by complement fixation, and virus and plaque-reduction neutralization testing as Ngari (Buntavirus, Bun- yaviridae) (n = 15). Babanki (.-1phavirus, Togaviridae) (n = 3), Bagaza (Flav ivirus, Flavi- viridae) (n = 1). and Bangui (Bunyavirus-like) (n = 1). No evidence of any RVF viral activity in the Senegal River Basin was detected in the mosquitoes tested. A major epizootic of Rift Valley fever (RVF) in the Senegal River basin during that rainy sea-- occurred in October-December 1987 in the Sen- son. egal River basin, centered around the town of Rosso on the Senegal-Mauritania border (Figure MATERIALS AND METHODS 1).' Cases of human febrile illness and often fatal hemorrhagic disease were first noted by French Study' area physicians at the Rosso hospital. In all. 385 lab- oratory-confirmed human infections ofRVF were Mosquitoes tested in this study were collected reported by the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, Sen- at 14 locations in the Senegal River Basin (Figure egal. and estimates of total human involvement 1). The vegetative pattern in the Senegal River exceeded 1.000 cases.' 'Local domestic animals, basin can be categorized as Sahelian to Sudano- primarily sheep and goats, were also heavily in- Sahelian savannah, dominated by annual grasses volved in the outbreak. Serosurveys ofdomestic and widely dispersed trees. particularly Acacia animals in the Rosso area revealed IgM antibody spp. and Combretacae spp6. Rainfall occurs pri- to RVF virus in 80% of the domestic animals marily from July through October and ranges tested.' from 200 mm to 600 mm annually. A water The magnitude of this outbreak and its ap- development program, instituted by the govern- parent linkage to the development of a multi- ments of Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali, was re- national irrigation project' generated intense in- cently established in this area to make better use terest in conducting studies during the rainy of the Senegal River basin for agricultural pur- season of 1988 (August-September) to assess the poses. Two dams were constructed on the Sen- potential for continuing RVF viral activity in the egal River, one at Diama in the delta region, Senegal River basin. This study describes at- preventing saltwater incursion upstream, and a tempts to isolate virus from mosquitoes collected second at Manantali in Mali, creating a reservoir 93-02100 742 ARBOVIRUS ISOLATIONS FROM MOSQUITOES IN SENEGAL 743 MAURITANIA Rso --- Collection Sites OSSO . 200 km 1. Dakar Bango 2 5 Podor 6 7 2. Ndialene 4 7 " .3. Rhor St. Louis /1 /(cid:127)8 " ,- 4. Sends St. (cid:127) 10 us85. Fanaye Diary 10er 6. Ndtoum 13 12 T7B ode '4pLlnguere 8. Diongui 9. Ngoui 10. Fete Diabe Dak.r SENEGAL Vallee doMb1oun- 1121.. MYoantaomfere 13. Oahra Kb(cid:127)Olack ...... .... S or1 14. Tatki FIGURE 1. %ap of the 14 mosquito collection sites at villages in Senegal. Rivers are indicated by italicized letters. to maintain a constant level in the river and en- Iirus isolation courage the development ofirrigation agriculture in the region. Mosquito pools were triturated in glass tissue grinders containing 3.0 ml ofdiluent as described .Mosquitoc ollct'Lton and identification by Turell and Bailey.' The homogenized sus- pensions were centrifuged at 800 x g for 20 min Mosquitoes were sampled from 14 villages and the supernatant was immediately inoculated during August and September 1988 in sheep- onto two plates of Vero cell monolayers (grown baited traps and in solid-state Army miniature in 12-well plastic plates). After adsorption for I light traps (John W. Hock. Co., Gainesville, FL) hr at 35"C, the cells were overlayed with 2 ml baited with 0.5 kg of dry ice. Collections were well of an agarose-nutrient suspension contain- frozen in liquid nitrogen in the field and stored ing 0.5% (w/v) agarose in Eagle's basal medium at - 70"C upon return to the U.S. Army Medical with Earle's salts (plate 1) and a liquid mainte- Research Institute of Infectious Diseases nance medium consisting of medium 199 with (USAMRIID). Mosquitoes were identified to Earle's salts, supplemented with 10% fetal bo- species by using available identification keys,,"(cid:127)' vine serum (plate 2). Cell cultures were then in- sorted to sex and blood-feeding status. and pooled cubated at 35"C in a humidified atmosphere of on a refrigerated (4"C) table. Specimens were 5% CO.. Liquid cultures were observed daily for stored at -70"C until processed for virus isola- cellular cytopathic effects (CPE) for 6-7 days. tion. Identifications of specimens used as vouch- while agarose-overlayed cells were stained on day ers for specimens that were assayed were verified 5 by applying a second agarose overlay (I ml/ by the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit. Smith- well) containing neutral red (330 Ag/ml). Aga- sonian Institution (Washington, DC). rose-overlayed cells were incubated at 35*C for 744 GORDON AND OTHERS one additional day, and were then observed for formed in 96-well microtiter plates." A comple- the presence of plaques. ment-control titration was included in each assay to detect any anticomplementary activity in the .......:.n... .. r , ¢,,(cid:127),,t.. immune sera or the viral antigen preparations. Cell culture seed stocks were prepared for each Plaquer eduction and virus neutralizationt ests in positive mosquito pool by inoculation (0.2 ml ice undiluted) of either a plaque-picked suspension or cell culture supernatant from the original iso- The plaque-reduction neutralization test lation assay onto fresh Vero cell monolayers (PRNT) was performed in the same manner as grown in 25-cm2 (T-25) plastic flasks. Viral titers the plaque assay for infectious virus, except that for each seed stock were determined by plaque a known concentration of virus (50-100 PFLJ) assay in Vero cells, and expressed as log,, plaque- of each viral strain was incubated at 37"C for 30 forming units (PFU) per ml. Isolates were iden- min with various dilutions of either National tified at the laboratories of both the USAMRIID Institutes of Health (NIH: Bethesda. MD) ar- and the Centre CollaborateurOrganization Mon- bovirus reference reagents or type-specific im- dial del laSuddeReferenceetdeRechcrchepour mune sera before inoculation onto Vero cell les Arbovirus. Dakar. Senegal. monolayers.' An immune serum was consid- ered to react positively with a viral strain when Plreparatione )(immune sera it inhibited ->5 0% of the virus dose. When an- tisera to some viruses were not available at the Mouse immuneascilic fluids were prepared for USAMRIID, virus neutralization tests in mice. a selected number of the viral strains isolated by instead ofPRNT, were conducted at the Institute using a modification of the method described by Pasteur in Dakar. Senegal. Virus neutralization Brandt andothers.I'A l:100dilutionofeachcell tests were performed in three-day-old mice in- culture seed stock was inoculated intracerebrally oculated intracerebrally with 0.02 ml of an in- into litters of 1-3-day-old suckling mice (ICR cubated mixture of test serum (1:4 dilution) and strain: 0.03 ml mouse) to provide infected mouse virus (serial 10-fold dilutions) according to the brains to immunize a group of mice for produc- methods of Causey and others.' tion of immune ascitic fluid. After the ascitic fluid was harvested, it was treated to eliminate RESULTS clot formation. - tescribed by Chiewsilp and McCown."' Five milliliter aliquots of immune A total of 62,055 mosquitoes representing 18 serum were stored at - 20°C. Normal mouse brain species and seven genera was collected. Cule.\ extract was used to prepare normal ascitic fluid. (eight species, 92.7%). Anopheles (four species. 3.8%). and .4edes (four species. 2.6%) accounted C ,.,,,,h.,,,aet i /CF) test for more than 99% ofall specimens. Twenty viral isolates were recovered from 2,793 pools ofunfed Preparation of antigens. Crude complement- female mosquitoes (Table 1). All 20 isolates pro- fixing antigens were prepared for each viral iso- duced visible plaques in Vero cells by day 6 post- late as 10% (w v) infected suckling mouse brain inoculation, while 19 of20 strainsexhibited viral susvensions in Tris-buffered saline. pH 9.0 or CPE in liquid-overlayed cells. Passage of either inlected Vero cell culture supernatant fluid.' infected cell culture supernatant or plaque-picked Normal mouse brain and uninfected Vero cell material of each isolate resulted in characteristic supernatant control antigens were prepared sim- viral CPE within 4-7 days postinoculation. At- ilarly. tempts to reisolate virus from the original mos- The CF test was used to rapidly screen and quito pools were successful in both cell culture tentatively idcntify the viral isolates. Serial four- systems used. fold or ten-fold dilutions (starting at 1:4) of an- t igens were tested against various dilutions (two- Virus identification fnld siartin2 at 1:8) ofhomologous hyperimmune sera and a battery of type-specific heterologous Plaque-reduction neutralization test. Prelimi- hyperimmune sera in a cross-block titration per- nary screening of the viral isolates was performed ARBOVIRI'S ISOLATIONS FROM MOSQUITOES IN SENEGAL 745 TABLE I .Ifosquitoes teotd for virus isolation Species No. tested Virus iolations* MFIRt htrsutus 1,046 1 Ngari 1:1,046 irrltans 24 0 ocihraceus 88 0 sudancn.vs 480 0 spp. 3 0 .Iti|'dopnia afnutcianus 26 0 In ophe'le vambiac complex 316 1 Ngari 1:316 pfiaroensis 1.906 7 Ngari 1:272 I Bangui I : 1,906 rulipe' 66 0 ZW'1!iOlMIl 89 0 spp. 10 0 ( "u/tv antennatvu. 21.209 2 Ngari 1:10.604 ta,'ttmorhnivochas. 78 0 perhocus 347 0 potlt /hpes 5.567 2 Ngari 1:2,783 quinqunfkzsciltuji 73 0 thalasitus 1.097 0 tritaemorhenchus 20,08 1 2 Ngari 1:10,040 I Babanki 1:20,081 otntittaLtio group 5.565 2 Babanki 1:2,782 1 Bagaia 1:5,565 spp. 3,568 0 .1linswuo'a tgnid, rml.s 381 0 If, mit -',tsap p. I 0 *r anotaentias pp. 34 0 Total 62.055 20 All 'rust i-lalions were made from po s 0olu nfed females NIM RR minimum field infection rate (n, ou %irus Tsolaies no of mosquitoes tested) b%P RNT in Vero cells using NIH arbovirus ref- 15 isolates that reacted with BUN group refer- erence grouping sera and type-specific imnt:une ence serum and showed similr patterns ofgrowth mouse sera. Three isolates reacted poqitively with in Vero cell culture and suckling mice were placed group A reference serum and with arti-Sindbis in group 2. The remaining two viral strains (16- (SIN) mouse ascitic fluid. 15 isolates were mark- 17 and 20-100) that showed no reactivity in edly inhibited by the Bunyamwera (BUN) se- PRNTs. but had similar growth characteristics. rogroup reference serum, and two viral strains were placed in group 3. (16-17 and 20-100) showed no reactivity with When assayed by the CF test. isolates in group any of the immune sera used. Control viruses I showed antigenic similarity to one another and showed positive reactivity with the appropriate to SIN virus. In contrast. results obtained with antisera. other alphavirus antigens and immune sera (Chi- Complement fixation test. Based on results ob- kungunya, Semliki Forest. Ndumu. and Mid- tained from preliminary neutralization tests and delburg) showed virtually no reactivity when characteristic growth patterns in cell culture and tested with group I viral strains. However. pre- suckling mice. the viral isolates were categorized liminary results with neutralization tests of these into different groups for screening by the CF test. viruses in mice showed close antigenic similarity Group I consisted of three isolates (12-401, 20- to Babanki (BBK) virus. 130. and 22-17) that reacted with group A ref- All group 2 CF antigens reacted positively and erence antiserum and with SIN ascitic fluid. The similarly when tested with immune serum pro- 746 GORDON AND OTHERS TABLE 2 TABLE 3 Serohloc" identification(cid:127)a fisolate 20- l 00 hy the plaque- Serologic identil/cation o"i tolate 16- 17 h" viru~s neu- rcdttction neutrali/ationt est tra.:atwon tesis in onue Hypenmmune mouse ascitic fluid* Antigen* Viral strain$ 20-100 Bagaza 16-17 iBangui Antis(cid:127)era (6 It 1661t 20-100 >640 40 Bagaza >640 640 16-17 4.4f 3.3 Bangui 28 5.1 'Values are the reciprocal dilution inhibiting 80% of a plaque Jose ol approsimatel, 50-10) plaque-forming units as assayed on Vero cell "Antigens were prepared from mouse bram. monola-ers. t Values are the log, titer of antigen with normal mouse serum t Virus was prepared from infe-ted Vero cell supernatants t Neutraliiation index (log., plaque-forming units of virus neutralized with t(cid:127)pe-sp fcihacn tiserum). duced against one of the isolates (14-144). All isolates reacted positively with Ngari (NRI) type- in 1979 from male Ae. simpsoni mosquitoes specific ascitic fluid. No group 2 antigen reacted reared from field-collected eggs.'" It has also been with Germiston virus, but all antigens reacted previously isolated from .4n. gambiae s.l. in Bur- with antibody to individual Ilesha. Shokwe. Bit- kina Faso and the Central African Republic. An. ao. Mboke. and Bozo viruses when tested by the niascarensis in Madagascar, and Ae. argenteo- CF test. punctatus. Ae. tittatus. and Ae. neoa/ricanus in One group 3 antigen (20-100) reacted posi- Senegal." ti-ely with Bagaza (BAG) virus immune serum. The numerous isolations in Fanaye Diern and but did not react with other antisera to the Fla- the high minimum field infection rates in mos- vivirus tested (Saboya. West Nile. yellow fever, quitoes in September 1988 suggest that NRI vi- Zika. Spondweni. Uganda S. and Usutu). The rus was circulating at a high level. The August- similaritv of 20-100 to BAG was confirmed by September 1988 rainfall was the highest in this PRNT (Table 2). The other group 3 antigen (16- region since 1981. and Linthicum and others re- 17) did not react with any of the immune sera ported vegetation growth caused by rainfall in tested, but did react strongly with Bangui (BGI) the Senegal River at this time to be almost as Virus by the virus neutralization test (Table 3). extensive as in October 1987 when RVF virus was found to be circulating at high levels.' DISCUSSION The vertebrates involved in NRI virus am- plification are unknown, although the virus has Ngari virus was the most common isolate (I 5 been previously isolated from a sick sheep in isolates), followed by BBK. (three isolates), and southern Mauritania."0 The numerous isolations BAG and BGI viruses (one isolate each). Ngari of NRI virus from mosquito species that feed on (Bulln'atvirus. Bunyaviridae) virus. registered with both humans and domestic ungulates (.-4n. gain- the American Committee on Arthropod-borne liae. An. pharoensis. Cy. antennatus, Cv. poi- Viruses in 1987, was isolated from six species: cillipes, and C~v. tritaeniorhtvnchus)" suggest that in. pharoensis( seven). CX. antennatus( two). Cv.. human and domestic animal involvement in the powillipcs (two). Cv. tritacniorhy-nchus( two).Ae. ecology of NRI virus should be investigated. hirsuttus (one), and .-in. ganihiae s.I. (one). All Prevalence ofantibody to NRI in domestic sheep isolates represent new mosquito-virus combi- in rural villages in southeastern Mauritania sug- nations for Senegal. The majority ofisolates (II) gests that this virus was circulating in August were collected in the village of Fanayc Diery. 1988.i' Serologic evidence from individuals liv- while four were collected in Bode. Although both ing near Yonofere, Senegal indicate that humans ofthese locations are in the vicinity ofareas where are infected with NRI virus.18 RVF activity was very high in the fall of 1987. Although NRI virus has been isolated in Ke- we did not isolate RVF virus from mosquitoes.' dougou, Senegal, the isolations reported here are Minimum field infection rates in Fanaye Diery the first in northern Senegal. Experimental stud- wereas follows: .An. ganbiacs.l. (l:54)4,n. phar- ies are needed to evaluate the potential for .4-n. nenltsl (1:89). CY. poicillipes (1:441). Cv. anten- pharoensis,w hich accounted for seven of 15 iso- natult (1:1,062). and Cv. trtacniorht'nchus (1: lates. and other.4nopheless pp. to serve as vectors 1,976). Ngari virus was first isolated in Senegal of NRI virus. Investigations into the potential ARBOVIRUS ISOLA(cid:127)TIONS FROM MOSQUITOES IN SENEGAL 747 for NRI virus to be transmitted transovarially Pasteur de Dakar for invaluable assistance in the field are warranted based upon the initial isolation of' portion of this study. to R. E. Shope (Yale Arbovirus Research Unit. New Haven. CT) for generous assis- virus from males reared from field-collected eggs lance in virus identification, and to R. E. Harbach and the isolation of the virus from adult female (Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit. Washington. DC) Aedes spp., including the isolation reported here for identifying voucher specimens. We also thank J. from Ae. hirsutus collected in Bode. 1' M. Dalrymple, J. E. Freier. K. Kenyon, G. W. Korch. Babanki (Alphavirus, Togaviridae) virus, reg- T. P. Monath. and M. J. Turell for critically reviewing the manuscript. This research was conducted in com- istered with the American Committee on Ar- pliance with the Animal Welfare Act and other Federal thropod-borne Viruses in 1987, was isolated at statutes and regulations relating to animals and exper- three locations: Ndialene (in the delta region), iments involving animals and adheres to principles Diongui, and Matam (approximately 400 km up- stated in the Guide fbr the Care and Use of*Laboratory river). The virus was first isolated in 1969 from Animals. NIH publication 86-23, 1985 edition. .1Iansoniaa fricanai n Cameroon and subsequent Disclaimer: The views of the authors do not purport isolations have been made in Anopheles. Aedes. to reflect the positions of the Department of the Army ('i/ex. Eretmapodites. Coquillettidia.a nd 1atan- or the Department of Defense. sonia species throughout much of sub-Saharan .Authors' addresses: Scott W. Gordon, Department of Africa and Madagascar.`"' This is the first re- Microbiology. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, ported isolation of BBK virus from Cv. tritae- CO 80523. Ralph F. Tammariello and David J. Dohm. ntorhyrnchus and C.v. univittatus group mosqui- Department of Arboviral Entomology. Virolog\ Di- toes. Babanki virus has been isolated from vision. U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of In- fectious Diseases, Fort Detrick. Frederick. MD 21702- humans: howcver, clinical disease was not de- 5011. Kenneth J. Linthicum, USAMC, AFRIMS, scribed in association with these infections. Cal- Bangkok. Thailand APO AP 96546. J. P. Digoutte and isher and others have reported that BBK virus M. A. Calvo-Wilson, Institut Pasteur de Dakar. PO is closely related to SIN virus."' The BBK virus Box 220. Dakar. Senegal. isolates used in this study were also found to be closely related to SIN virus. REFERENCES Bagaza (Flarivirus. Flaviviridae) virus was iso- lated from Cv. univitattus group mosquitoes col- 1. Dtgoutte JP. Peters CJ. 1989. General aspects of' lected in Matam. The virus was first isolated the 1987 Rift Valley flever epidemic in Mauri- from C'ule\ spp. mosquitoes in the Central Af f- 2. Jotuaanni aA. . RLees GI'uireonln 1o4 0B: .2 D7-ig3o0u.tte JP. Phillipe B. rican R-.public.1' Subsequently, it was isolated Riou 0. Adam F, 1988. An RVF epidemic in from C(cid:127). thalassiusi n Senegal. Cv. perhiscus and southern Mauritania .. In Inst l'Pat'ur I'rol Cv. gzaarti in the Central African Republiz, and 139: 307-308. Cx. ,quiarti and C(-. ingrami in Cameroon." 3. Jouan A, Coulibaly 1. Adam F. Philippe B. Riou 0. Leguenno ;;. f(h'istie R, Ould Mermoug N. However, no information exists concerning nat- Ksiazek T. Digoutte JP. 1989. Analytical studN ural human or animal infection with this virus, of a Rift Valley fever epidemic. Re, I tinl 140. Bangui (bunyavirus-like, Bunyaviridae) virus 175-186. was isolated from a single A-n. pia-,iensis female 4. Ksiazek TG. Jlouan A. Meegan JM. LeGuenno B, collected in Ngoui. This virus was first isolated Wilson ML, Peters Cl. Digoutle JP. Guillaud M. Merzoug NO. Touray EM. 1989. Rift Valle\ from a human in 1973 and l as been associated fever among domestic animals in the recent West with human disease.: Although Bangui virus re- African outbreak. Res I irol 140. 67-77. sembles members of the Bunyaviridae morpho- 5. Linthicum KJ. Bailey CL. Tucker CI. Mitchell K. logically," it was not associated with an arthro- Gordon SW, Logan TM, Peters CJ. Digoutte JP. pod until 1985. when it was isolated from lIn, m19a9d0e. aPlotelarar-tioornbsit ining sthaete lelictoel omgoyn iotof rtihneg oSfe nmeagna-l nih in Burkina Faso. The present report is only River basin, as they relate to a Rift Valley fever the second association of Bangui virus with an epidemic. .4rbioirtsR e'search ine .ustraha.P ro- arthropod.-' Experimental vector competence ceedings of the Fifth Symposium. August 28- studies are needed to determine the relationship September 1, 1989. 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