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DTIC ADA259560: Clinical and Laboratory Observations Following Oral or Intramuscular Administration of a Live Attenuated Hepatitis A Vaccine Candidate PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA259560: Clinical and Laboratory Observations Following Oral or Intramuscular Administration of a Live Attenuated Hepatitis A Vaccine Candidate

AD-A259 560 Clinical and laboratory observations. - following oral or intramuscular administration of a live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine candidate Maria H. Sjogren*t, Robert H. Purcell*, Kelly McKee, Leonard Binn§, Philip '0 Macarthyt, John Ticehurst, Steven Feinstone", Jeffrey Caudill, Anthony See, Charles Hoke§, William Bancroft§ and Erik D'Hondt" CA) Clinical observations made after immunising volunteers with a live attenuatedh epatitis A A vaccine are described. The candidate vaccine was prepared with the HMI75 strain of U hepatitis A virus and shown to be safe, immunogenic and efficacious in experimental animals. When the candidate vaccine was tested by oral administration in humans at increasingd oses - 104, 10-, 106 and 107 median tissue culture infective doses (TCIDso)) - an (cid:127) S antibody response was not observed at any, dose. Volunteers who received similar doses by "I the intramuscularr oute developed antibody to hepatitis A three weeks after immunization with 106 or 107 TCID-,(. The antibody response .was sustained for the 12 weeks of the observation period. All volunteers remained healthy' with normal results from liver tests throughout the monitoring period. Further clinical observations of this product are in progress. Keywords: Hepatitis A. Ora) hepatitis, liver INTRODUCTION obtained from each volunteer. Although inactivated hepatitis A vaccines are in the pro- In this clinical trial, volunteers received increasing cess of preparation, logistical problems such as multiple titres of a live, attenuated hepatitis A vaccine by the oral injection and cost of the product could be significant route. Later, a second group of volunteers received simi- impediments to implementing a worldwide immuniza- lar doses by the intramuscular route. Eight volunteers tion programme. A live, attenuated hepatitis A vaccine, received the live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine by the if safe and immunogenic, would be a candidate to use in oral route in the following manner: two received a 104 massive eradication programmes. Investigators at the median tissue culture infective dose (TCID%), two National Institutes of Health in Maryland and investi- received 101 TCID50, two received 106 TCID,0 and two gators at SmithKline Beecham Biologicals, Belgium received 107 TCID5,. Six volunteers received the vaccine prepared the present candidate vaccine. Investigators by the intramuscular route in the following manner: two from the US Army performed the first human trial of this received 101 TCID_, two received 106 TC1D5, and two preparation. Details of this trial are described, received 101 TCID50 MATERIAL AND METHODS Candidate vaccine Study group The vaccine was prepared with the HM1 75 strain of The study was approved by Institutional Review Coin- hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV was first propagated in mittees. Before enrollment, informed consent was African green monkey kidney cells (AGMKC) and then adapted to human MRC-5 fibroblast cells. Attenuation was attained by serial blind passages. An earlier publica- The work was performed at the following institutions: tDiv- tion described the vaccine preparation in AGMKC and ision of Medicine, United States Army Medical Research pre-clinical studies in chimpanzees and marmosets'. The Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD M RC-5 adapted vaccine candidate used in this study was 21702, USA. :National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. 'Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Washington, also tested in chimpanzees and marmosets. These pre- DC. USA. 'Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD, clinical studies demonstrated that the vaccine was safe, USA. 'SmithKline Beecham Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium. immunogenic and efficacious in experimental animal *To whom correspondence should be addressed models. 0264-410X./g2J100S13&--3 92 12 30 058 1992 Butterwor9h-HeinemannLtd Vaccine, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992 S135 Live hepatitisA vaccine: M.H. Sjogren et al. Clinical monitoring 100 Volunteers were admitted to a closed clinical ward at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious > Diseases, Fort Detrick. M:'ryland. Each volunteer 80 remained on the ward for three days after immunization. .o Local or systemic side effects were monitored during the * admission period and for 12 weeks following the immu- (cid:127) 60 nization. Volunteers were asked to return at 8 and 12 months for serological follow-up. Vaccine was adminis- 2f tered as a single dose of 1.0 ml orally or intramuscularly .- 0 in the deltoid area. r- Collection and testing of clinical samples > 20 < Sera were obtained prior to immunization and once a T week for the next 12 weeks. In volunteers who completed C the appropriate follow-up time, sera were also obtained < at 6 and 12 months after initial administration of vac- cine. Serum specimens were tested for alanine amino- Time (weeks) transferase (ALT) and antibody to hepatitis A. ALT was Figure I Antibody to hepatitis A following immunization with live, atte- tested with a Kodak EKTA Chem 700XR analyser nuated vaccine. Antibody to hepatitis A was tested by standard HAVAB (Rochester, NY. USA): normal values were 0-50 lU/ml. (. l) and neutralizing antibody (*).V accine was administered at time zero. _, 106 TCIDO; 0. 10, TCOD,. Neutralizing antibody was present at Antibody to hepatitis A was tested by four different various titres (see text) methods, including a commercial radioimmunoassay (HAVAB. Abbott Laboratories. North Chicago. IL, dose. 1gM anti-HAV was not detected in any of the USA) and an enzyme-linked immunoassay developed by volunteers who received the vaccine orally. Sera from SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (SKB-ELISA). which volunteers who received 107 TCID, i.m. had detectable was more sensitive than the standard HAVAB. in which 1gM anti-HAV. a level of > 20 mlU ml was considered positive. Selected Stools from all volunteers who received the oral vac- sera were tested by the radioimmunofocus inhibition test cine were negative for hepatitis A virus, while those from (RIFIT) for neutralizing antibody to hepatitis A. With volunteers who have received the vaccine by the intra- this test, a serum titre of > 1: 10 was considered positive2, muscular route are in the process of being tested. In the fourth method, sera were tested for immunoglobu- lin M (IgM) anti-HAV by commercial radioimmunoas- say (HAVAB-M. Abbott Laboratories). DISCUSSION Stools were collected from the volunteers two to three Although only a small number of volunteers received the times per week for the first 12 weeks and were tested for vaccine orally, the vaccine was not immunogenic in the presence of hepatitis A virus by radioimmunoassay3 them. This is probably due to overattenuation of the and molecular biology techniques4. virus, although other causes, such as inactivation in the gastrointestinal tract or too small an inoculum, should RESULTS be considered. The vaccine was safe and immunogenic bN the intramuscular route at doses of 106 and 10- TCID(cid:127),. All volunteers remained healthy during the follow-up The antibody response was prompt: anti-HAV was period (12 weeks to one year). No systemic complaints observed within 3 weeks of immunization, persisted were present immediately after immunization or during during the period of observation and did not diminish in long-term follow-up. Serum ALT levels remained titre. Such a response to a single inoculation of a prep- normal in all 14 individuals during the period of obser- aration which lacked an adjuvant is remarkable. The vation. presence of IgM anti-HAV in volunteers who received Antibody to hepatitis A was not observed in any of the 10' TCID, without evidence of hepatitis is suggestive of eight volunteers who received the vaccine by the oral asymptomatic replication of the virus. Final evaluation route or in the two volunteers who received l05 TCIDS must await the results of attempts to detect HAV in by the intramuscular (i.m.) route. The four volunteers stools of the volunteers. who received higher doses of vaccine i.m. (106 TCID , or Two other groups of investigators have reported clini- 5 10' TCIDO) all had detectable antibody by ELISA as cal observations after immunizing volunteers with live early as 3 weeks after immunization. Detectable levels attenuated hepatitis A vaccines. Provost et al.5 described persisted for the 12 weeks of observation. Figure I shows the F and F' variants of the CR326 hepatitis A virus the immune response of one of the volunteers who strain. While the F variant was highly immunogenic, it received l06 TCID,, and another who received 107 also caused abnormal serum ALT levels in a substantial TCIDq, vaccine. Selected sera tested for neutralizing proportion of individuals. The F' variant was more atte- antibody had titres ranging from 1:10 to 1:40 in the nuated: 10 of I 1 volunteers had demonstrable anti-HAV volunteer who received a 106 dose and 1:40 to 1:2560 in by modified HAVAB without abnormal ALT levels the volunteer who received a 101 dose. The time of when the vaccine candidate was administered by the appearance of neutralizing antibody is also depicted in subcuianeous route. Figure L. The commercial HAVAB assay detected anti- Another recent publication from this group of investi- HAV in only one of the volunteers, who received the 10' gators has described further work with the F' variant". S136 Vaccine, Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992 Live hepatitis A vaccine: M.H. Sjogren et al. They observed that the immunogenicity of the product is as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of dose-dependent. 10" TCI,, evoked an antibody res- the Army or the Department of Defense. ponse in 100% of the volunteers within 9 weeks after The authors are grateful to the outstanding assistance immunization. Lower doses were immunogenic in a of the nursing and laboratory staff at the US Army smaller percentage of volunteers and anti-HAV was Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort observed 4 to 6 months after immunization. Detrick. We thank Ms Judy Reichard for secretarial Chinese investigators have recently described studies assistance. We acknowledge the staff at the US Army of a live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine prepared from Medical Material Development Activity at Fort Detrick the H2 strain of HAV'. Twelve volunteers received the for financial support and scientific encouragement. vaccine by the subcutaneous route. All volunteers {C US Government. remained healthy and had detectable anti-HAV by week 3 after inoculation. Follow-up of these individuals REFERENCES showed persistence of antibody one year after initial inoculation. Three subjects had detectable hepatitis A 1 Karron. R.A., Daemer, R. Ticehurst, J., D'Hondt. E.. Popper, H., virus in the stool on days 8 to 21 after inoculation. Milhalik, K., Phillips, J.. Feinstone, S. and Purcell, R.H. Studies of prototype live hepatitis A virus vaccines in primate models. J Infect. The present work, as well as the previous reports, Dis. 198857, 338-345 strongly support the concept of a live, attenuated hepati- 2 Lemon. S.M. and Binn, L. Serum neutralizing antibody response to tis A vaccine. Such a vaccine could have significant hepatitis A virus. J. Infect Dis. 1983. 148, 1033--1039 impact on the eradication of disease. It could be antici- 3 Purcell. R.H. Wong. DC.. Moritsugu, Y. etal. A microtiter solid-phase radioimmunoassay for hepatitis A antigen and antibody J. Immunol. pated that a live, attenuated vaccine which requires mini- 1976, 116, 349-356 mal purification and no adjuvant would be less costly 4 Ticehurst. J._ Feinstone. S.M., Chestnut. T., Tassopoulos. N.C.. Pop- than currently available inactivated hepatitis A vaccines, per, H. and Purcell. R.H. Detection of hepatitis A virus RNA by If anti-HAV persists for a long time after one dose, the molecular hybridization. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1987, 25,1822-1829 logistics of administration of this product would be 5 Provost, P.J., Bishop, R.P.. Gerety, R.J., Hilleman. M.R., McAleer. W.J.. Scolnick, E.M. and Stevens, C.E. New findings in live. atten- simpler and more successful than with present hepatitis uated hepatitis Av accine development. J. Med. Virol. 1986, 20. 165- A vaccines. 175 6 Midthun, K., Ellerbeck, E., Gershman. K., Calandra, G., Krah. D.. McCaughtry, M.. Nalin, D. and Provost. P. Safety and immunogenicity of a live attenuated hepatitis A virus vaccine in seronegative volun- teers. J Infect. Dis. 1991. 163, 735-739 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 7 Mao, J.S., Dong, DX, Zhang. H.Y.. Chen. N.L.. Zhang, X.Y., Huang, HY.. Xie, R.Y., Zhou. T.J.. Wan. Z.J.. Wang. Y.Z.. Hu, Z.H.. Cao, Y Y.. The opinions and assertions contained herein are the Li, H.M. and Chu. C.M. Primary study of attenuated live hepatitis A private views of the authors and are not to be construed vaccine (H2 Strain) in humans. J. Infect. Dis 1989. 159, 621-624 Accesion For NTIS CRA&I ode DTIC TAB U, annou1ced19 3 a:lstý, ctlOn By OiA4 ib ution .......... ...... Availability Codes I ~JIA vailpeand/or MTCe QUALM7 IN8SPEMD I Vaccine. Vol. 10, Suppl. 1, 1992 S137

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