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DTIC ADA241884: The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (38th) Held in Honolulu, Hawaii on 10-14 December 1989 PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA241884: The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (38th) Held in Honolulu, Hawaii on 10-14 December 1989

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SPCNSORING/MONITORING .. j AGENCY REPORT NUMBER U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command Fort Detrick Frederick, Maryland z1702-5012 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Meeting held in Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii December 10-December 14, 1989 12a. DISTRIBUTION AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE, Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 13. ABSTRACT 'ax,mum200words) 14. SUBJECT TERMS I1. NUMBER OF PAGES 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECUIRITY CLASSIFICATION 18. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THNLPAGE OF ABSTRACT Unclassified Unclassified ' S' :;40 " ,')- Standard Porm 29 (Rev 2-89) 'CCdCCAS t5 3 13%-T% GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOt COMPLETING SF 298 The Report Documentation Page (RDP) is used in announcing and cataloging reports. 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(If known) Block 11. Supplementary Notes. 1h"itc, Block 20. Limitation of Abstract. This block must information not included elsewhere such as: be coinpe*t:d 'ca ssign a limitation to the Prepared in cooperation with... ; Trans. of...; To be abstract. Enter either UL (unlimited) or SAR (smre published in. ..W. hen a report is revised, include as report). An entry in this block is necessary if a statement whether the new report supersedes the abstract is to be limited. If blank, the abstract j or supplements the olde- r-iort i ,nmd ",h , !r ,ed Sta-dard Form 298 Back (Rev 2-89) THE 38TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE HILTON HAWAIIAN VILLAGE HONOLULU, HAWAII December 10 - Deccmber 14, 1989 PLEASE BRING THIS COPY TO THE MEETING ADDITIONAL COPIES WILL BE $5.00 iL A 'Do .* I4 lbrt l; Itwwv AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE OFFICERS President ............................................. Louis H. Miller President-Elect ......................................... John R. David Secretary-Treasurer .....................................W illiam A. Editor, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .............................. William D. Tigertt Editor-Elect, American JouLaal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .............................. McWilson Warren Editor, Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News -............K.ar l A. Western Chairperson, Scientific Program Committee ............. Donald J. Krogstad Chairperson-Elect, Scientific Program Committee ....... Thomas P. Monath COUNCILORS Thomas E. Frothiagham Eric A. Ottesen Gene I. Higashi Dyann F. Wirth Ruth S. Nussenzweig Jeffrey F. Williams Stephanie L. James Dickson Despommier COMMITTEE ON CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION* Jay S. Keystone, Chairperson Peter F. Weller David Wyler Martin S. Wolfe James W. Kazura * - The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is certified by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, Chicago, IL. ASTMH COMMITTEE ON THE YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD Carole A. Long, Chairperson Bruce F. Eldridge Philip T. LoVerde Suzanne Holmes Giannini Jai K. Nayar William S. Kammerer Thomas Unnasch -2- AjTMH LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Wasim A. Siddiqui, Chairperson Carol Ahmed Kenton Kramer Karen Amii Michael Langford Steven Bjorge Chris Locher Joei Browu Susan Lofton Stephen Case Frederick Miller Sandra Chang David Morens Arwind Diwan Francis Pien Joe Elm Suzanne Richmond-Crum Ann Hashimoto David ScollarU George Hui Leslie Tam Patty Iwamoto Zilka Terrientes Sheila Kawamoto Zixian Zhao AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TROPICAL VETERINARY MEDICINE President ................................................ Jim C. Williams Secretary-Treasurer ........................................ Ibulaimu Kakoma Editor, Tropical Veterinary Medicine News ................ Miodrag Ristic ASTMH SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Donald J. Krogstad, Chairperson Walter E. Brandt Steven R. Meshnick Joseph A. Cook Thomas P. Monath, Chair-Elect John R. David Eric A. Ottesen Richard L. Guerrant Matguerite Pappaioanou Robert W. Gwadz Jontha n I. Ravdin Michael R. Hollingdale William D. Tigertt Ibuiaimu Kakoma Gary J. Weil Jay S. Keystone Martin S. Wolfe James W. LeDuc Gillian R. Woollett PREPARATION OF THE PROGRAM BOOKLET The General Program of the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene was prepared by American Inqtitute of Biological Sciences, 730 llth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-4584, Telephone 202/628-1500. Production by Louise Salmon (Meetings Manager), Adele V. Orndorff and Jean H. Cvetko. -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS Officers and Committees of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, and.................... 2 American Society of Tropical Veterinary Medicine.......................... 3 Registration Information..................................................... 5 Sponsors.................................................................... 5 Exhibitors.................................................................. Time and Place of Exhibits................................................... 5 Tours......................................................................... 6 Audiovisual Facilities........................................................ 6 Microscope Facilities......................................................... 6 ASTMH Archives................................................................ 6 Hospitality Suite.......................................................... Emergency Calls and Messages................................................ 7 Employment Opportunities...................................................... 7 Notices..................................................................... 7 Program Notes................................................................. 8 Local CommiJ~tee Business Office and Information Center...................... 8 Continuing Education for Physicians.......................................... 8 Clinical Tropical Medicine CME Course........................................ 9 Summary of the ASTMH Scientific Program and of Special Events.............. 11 Detailed Scientific Program.................................................. 17 Guidelines for Poster and Oral Presentations................................ 88 Abstracts of Symposia, Workshops and Individual Presentations.............. 90 Index..................................................................... 327 -4- REGISTRATION INFORMATION Place: Coral Lounge Office area, Mid-Pacific Covention Center, Hilton Hawaiian Village. Times: Beginning Saturday, December 9, 1989, the registration area will be open from 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM. On Sunday, December 10, the registration area will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM. On Monday through Wednesday, December 11 through December 13, the registration area will be open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. In addition, on Thursday, December 14, the registration desk will be open both for late registration and CME credits. SPONSORS * Applied Biosystems Bionetics Research Incorporated Hawaii Chemical Company, Limited Honolulu Reporting Services Otake Instruments The Rockefeller Foundation Smith Kline & French Laboratories The Upjohn Company iac "S Army Medical Research and Development Command EXHIBITORS * Academia Book Exhibits Academic Press American Type Culture Collection Applied Biosystems Katadyn Kirkegaard & Perry Labs, Incorporated McGraw-Hill Publishing Company National Academy of Sciences Proctor and Gamble Distributing Company Smith Kline & French Laboratories W. B. Saunders Publishing Trend Scientific, Incorporated Water Technologies Corporation TIME AND PLACE OF EXHIBITS Pldce: Coral Ballroom I and II, Mid-Pacific Convention Center, Hilton Hawaiian Village. Times: Monday 1i December 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Tuesday 12 December 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wednesday 13 December 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Thursday 14 December 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon - As of October 19, 1989. 5- TOURS Information and arrangements for tours and other sightseeing activities in the islands are available through the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel. Please contact the front desk or concierge. Arrangements are also available through Hilton Tours at their desk located in the meeting registration area, Coral Lounge, of the Mid-Pacific Convention Center. Additional information may be found in the Hospitality Suite located in the Nautilus I Room of the Mid-Pacific Convention Center. AUDIOVISUAL FACILITIES Slide projectors and carousels together with other audiovisual facilities will be available in the South Pacific Board Room, Mid-Pacific Convention Center, beginning at 3:00 PM on Sunday, December 10 and continuing (7:00 Am - 5:00 PM) until 12:00 noen on Thursday, December 14. These facilities are available for presenters to preview their slides. Investigators are requested to preview their slides and place them in carousels AT LEAST ONE DAY IN ADVANCE of their scientific presentation. The South Pacific Board Room is next to Sea Pearl I and across the hall from South Pacific I. Videotape facilities will also be available oa request in the South Pacific Boardroom. Please specify either BETA or VHS and provide at least 24 hours nctice. MICROSCOPE FACILITIES A compound microscope will be available in Sea Pearl I, Mid-Pacific Convention Center beginning at 4:00 PM on Sunday, December 10 and continuing (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) until 12:00 noon on Thursday, December 14. ASTMH ARCHIVES The ASTMH Archives will be on display in Sea Pearl I, Mid-Pacific Convention Center. The Archives Exhibit was created by Linda Brink, Wilbur Downs, Richard Krause and Charles Morrissey. It reviews the historical influences of various government agencied and philanthropic organizations on U.S. Tropical Disease programs and initiatives. Research for the exhibit was sponsored by the Rockefeller Archives and Fogarty International Center. The Archives will be open for viewing from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM beginning at 1:30 PM on Monday and concluding at 5:00 PM on Wednesday. The prototype "Global Epidemic Emergency" (GEE) interactive model was developed by Frank Toth and his colleagues from the Center for Interactive Media in Medicine at USUHS. Society members are invited to use the model to review the parameters of the GEE scenario (at the Archives in Sea Pearl I) and to update the system by adding factual information related to their own specialties. Dr. Toth will be available at the Archives on Monday, December 11 to discuss the potential of interactive media and to demonstrate several interactive medical training models deveJoped at USUHS. -6-

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