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Preview DTIC ADA231655: Channel Protein Engineering: A Novel Approach Towards the Molecular Dissection Determinants in Ligand-Regulated Channels

I - SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENT AD-A231 655 a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Ib Ri (L') 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DI' u ", .- NA 2b. DECLASSIF ICA TION / DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Di.stcribut ion Unli ited 4. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) NA NA 6Pa.ENFAOMR OIN ORANIATON b.OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION Univ.of Calif., San Diego NA Office of Naval Researc h 6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIPCode) 7b ADDRESS (Ci, State, and ZIP Code) Departments of Biology and Physics, 0319 300 N uincy Street La Jolla, CA 92093 Arlington, VA 22217-5000 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/SPONSORING 8 b OFFICE SYMBOL 9 PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (If applicable) Office of Naval Research ONR N0001 L-89-J-1469 8c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10 SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS 300 N. Quincy Street PROGRAM IPROJECT TASK ~ WORK UNIT Arlington, VA 2217-5000 ELEMENT NO NO. NO ACCESS;ON NO It. TITLE (Include Security Classification) Channel Protein Engineering: A Novel Approach Towards the Molecular Dissection Determinants in Ligand-regulated Channels 12. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) Montal, Mauriclo '3a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED / 14 DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) 15 GE COUNT Annual I FROM 2/1/90 TO 2/1/91 I/23/91 3 16. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION 17. COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP protein structure, orotein design, acetvlcholine receDt:-r, L3 ionic channels, biological membranes, signal transducri::.. 19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) Our goal is to establish the molecular determinants that account for the pore properties of voltage-gated and ligand-gated channel proteins. We are modeling hypothesized pore-forming structures of sodium channels, calcium channels, potassium channels and acetylcholine receptors. We succeeded in designing a calcium channel protein according to our model. Accordingly, a protein was synthesized by solid-phase methods. The synthetic channel protein forms channels in lipid bilayers that emulate the pore properties of the authentic channel. The key role of specific residues in determining the activity of these channel proteins is currently being assessed. These studies are guided by the results on "computer mutations." 91 2 04 17 20. DISTRIBUTION /AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT jI 21. ABSTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1UNCLASSIFIEDAUNLIMITED [] SAME AS RPT. 0 OTIC USERS 22a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL .2b. ELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 22c OFFICE SYMBOL Dr. Igor Vodyanoy ,(202) 696-4056 ONR 0 FORM 1473,84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF -HIS PAGE All other editions are obsolete. 00 0 0 p.N. ca - ('D. R&T Code: 4414911 0' 0 .. DATE: 23 January 1991 PROGRESS REPORT ON CONTRACT N00014-89-J- 1469 PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Dr. Mauricio Montal CONTRACTOR: University of California, San Diego CONTRACT TITLE: Channel Protein Engineering: A Novel Approach Towards the Molecular Dissection Determinants in Ligand-regulated Channels START DATE: 1 February 1989 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To identify the structures forming the channel lining of ligand-gated channels; to characterize the single channel properties of the pore-forming structure; and to model the structure using molecular mechanics and dynamics. PROGRESS (Year 2) 1. Molecular modeling of the pore forming structures of voltage-gated and ligand- gated channel proteins. We pursued the modeling of the pore forming structures of the sodium channel and the acetylcholine receptor (Proteins 8:226-236, 1990, enclosed reprint). Further, we calculated the energy profiles for cations and found them to be consistent with the permeation properties observed experimentally. We introduced the use of "computer mutations" whereby specific residues are substituted and thereby various molecular contributions to the binding sites and energy barriers are deduced. Notably, for the acetylcholine receptor channel, an innermost site is found to be attributable to -OH groups of serine residues, consistent with our previous modeling and more recent experiments. However, a most external site is found to arise from a ring of highly conserved phenylalanine residues, not usually regarded as providing favorable interactions with ions. This site may provide favorable interactions with amphipathic channel blockers such as local anesthetics. Calculations are currently being extended to include a molecule of QX-222, a quarternary ammonium derivative of the local anesthetic lidocaine, within the lumen of the pore. Specific predictions for possible experimental mutations are made which can serve to test both the proposed structure, as well as the computational inferences we have drawn from it (Progr. Cell Res. 1:195-211, 1990, enclosed reprint). We are in the process of calculating the pore structure of the rat brain acetylcholine receptor cac, a neuronal receptor with presumed tetrameric structure. The M2 transmembrane segment may form the bundle that lines the pore: it shows extensive homology to the M2 segment of the muscle receptor, it has the same two potential binding sites exposed to the lumen of the pore, namely a serine and a phenylalanine spaced eight-residues apart and is also amphipathic. Modeling is also carried out on a tetrameric potassium channel (of the delayed rectifier type) and on a tetrameric calcium channel (of the dihydropyridine receptor family). The results on the calcium channel are more extensive and very provocative. We modeled the inner bundle that lines the calcium channel as a tetramer of S3 segments contributed by the four homolgous repeats. The bundle is funnel- shaped with the narrowest end pointing to the N- terminus. The exterior of the bundle is hydrophobic and, presumably, is in contact -v.5 the apoiai membrane interior. The lumen of the pore is lined with polar/neutral residues and two clusters of acidic residues spaced ten residues -1- Mauricio Montal R&T Code: 4414911 apart. The pore diameter at its narrowest extent is 7.4 A and occurs at the level of a conserved aspartic acid. Thus, this motif satisfies the structural and energetic requirements for the function of the inner bundle that forms the pore of calcium channel proteins. We are currently investigating the binding of QX-222 and how the structurally related dihydropyridine enantiomers of BayK 8644 [ (+) antagonist and (-) agonist] may cause opposite actions. Binding sites for drugs are - - evaluated using the docking subroutine in the hNSIGHT program package (Biosym Technoiogies, CA.), monitoring electrostatic and Van der Waals interactions, simultaneously. We identified a potential binding site for the 1, 4-dihydropyridine located in the middle of the bundle and formed by a serine residue of one helix and stabilized by a cysteine in an adjacent helix. We are evaluating the model by "computer mutations" and "experimental mutations". As described below, we succeeded in designing a synthetic calcium channel protein according to this model. Therefore. the current excitement is based on the availability of the structure model and of the synthetic pore protein, which should prove valuable in assessing the functional role of key residues and should facilitate the conceptual design of drugs t,:at alter the pore by blocking it from the aqueous pathways or via the hydrophobic access to the protein from the bilayer interior. 2. Synthesis of tetrameric synthetic channel proteins and demonstration of channel blockade by a local anesthetic. We have extended our synporin strategy (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:6929-6933, 1990. enclosed reprint) to design and synthesize pore proteins based on sequence information and oligomeric number. This concerted approach encompassing the technologies of molecular modeling, synthetic chemistry and single channel recordings in lipid bilayers is proving to be valuable in identifying and further examining the functional pore entities of an entire channel protein (FASEB J. 4:2623-2635, 1990, enclosed reprint). Thus far, we have designed and synthesized four homotetrameric proteins which imitate the sequence of a highly conserved segment predicted to line the pore of channel proteins. A. For the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californicaa muscle-like receptor. the sequence is: EKMSTAISVLLAQAVFLLLTSQR B,C. For the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from brain, a neuronal acetylcholine receptor. the sequence for the aX3 or u4 subunit is: EKVTLCISVLLSLTVFLLLITE and for the 132 subunit is: EKVTLAISVLLALTVFLLLIS K Where A is replacing the authentic cysteine in this position. D. For the dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type calcium channels, the sequence is: DPWNVFDFLIVIGSIIDVILSE This sequence is identical in L-tvpe calcium channels from skeletal and cardiac muscle, brain, aorta and lung (Soc. Neurosci. 16(2): 957a, 1990, abstract enclosed). As control proteins for the first three cholinergic receptor channels, we synthesized a similar tethered tetramer with M1 peptides; for the calcium channel, the control protein is a tethered tetramer of the S5 segment of repeat IV. None of the control proteins form channels in lipid bilayers, in accord with expectations. -2- Mauricio Montal R&T Code: 4414911 The synthetic proteins emulate the pore properties of the authentic channels, including single channel conductance, cation selectivity, transitions between closed and open states in the millisecond time range and sensitivity to channel blockers. In membranes composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, the single channel conductance in symmetric 0.5M KC1 or 0.5M NaCl of the muscle-like channel protein, is 20 pS and 15 pS, respectively. For the neuronal-like channel protein, the corresponding values are 28 pS and 14 pS respectively. The apparent Kd for channel blocking by QX-222 in 0.5M KC1 is = 10pM. Thus, the M2 synthetic channel proteins exhibit the sensitiity tc ocal anesthetic channel blockers ouifi ici ic authentic cholinergic receptor. For the calcium channel protein, the apparent selectivity ratio inferred from single channel conductance ratios is: Ba2+>Ca2+>Sr2+>Na+>K+>>C1-, in agreement with measurements obtained on authentic calcium channels. To assess the integrity of the designed pore protein we examined its pharmacology. Remarkably, the synthetic protein exhibits the pharmacological specifity that is characteristic of authentic calcium channels and at similar effective concentrations: Nifedipine, verapamil, QX-222, Cd2+ and Ca2+, all block ion conduction through the synthetic pore protein. A critical test of the model involved the action of the enantiomeric forms of the 1, 4- dihydropyridine BavK 8644. We showed that the (-) BayK 8644 acts as agonist and increases the frequency of openings and prolongs the channel opentime, whereas the (+) enantiomer acts as a powerful blocker and drastically reduces the number of openings and their open lifetime. Hence, the stereospecific activity of 1,4-dihydropyridines on the synthetic channel matches that exerted on authentic channels. WORKPLAN (Year 3): We are in the process of examing the key role of specific residues in determining the activity of these channel proteins and their sensitivity to local anesthetic blockers by designing and synthesizing analogues where such residues are substituted. These studies are guided by the results of the "computer mutations" previously described. PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS: I. Two (2) copies of reprints of research supported by the award are enclosed. These include: Montal, M. Molecular engineering of channel proteins. In: Membrane Technology in Clinical Pathology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. Verna, R., ed., Serono Symposia Publications, Vol. 64:9-22, Raven Press, New York, (1989). Montal, M., M .S. Montal and J. Tomich. Synporins: Synthetic proteins that emulate the pore structure of biological ionic channels. Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA, 87: 6929-6933 (1990). Montal, M. Molecular anatomy and molecular design of channel proteins. FASEB J., 4:2623- 2635 (1990). Oiki, S., V. E. Madison and M. Montal. Bundles of amphipathic transmembrane a-helices as a structural motif for ion-conducting channel proteins: Studies on sodium channels and acetylcholine receptors. In: PROTEINS: Structure, function and Genetics., 8:226-236 (1990). Montal, M. Molecular anatomy and molecular design of channel proteins. July 20-August 3, 1990. Tenth International Biophysics Congress, Vancouver, Canada. S9.4, p.24 (1990). Grove, A., J. M. Tomich and M. Montal. Design, synthesis and single channel characterization of d dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel protein. Soc. Neurosci. 16(2):95-a. (1990). -3- Mauricio Montal R&T Code: 4414911 2. A progress report was submitted on June 15, 1990. TRAINING: Two trainees are involved in the project. Women or minorities -0 Non-citizens -2 (India, Spain) DISTRIBUTION LIST: Dr. Guenter Albrecht-Buehler Dr. D. W. Deamer Dept. of Cell Biology Department of Zoology Northwestern Univ Medical School University of California 303 E. Chicago Ave. Davis, CA 95616 Chicago, IL 60611 Dr. Edward A. Dratz Dr. Max Berkowitz Department of Chemistry Dept of Chemistry Montana State University University of North Carolina Bozeman, MT 59717 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290 Dr. Harvey M. Fishman Dr. Martin Blank Dept of Physiciology & Biophysics Dept of Physiology University of Texas Medical Branch Columbia University College of Galveston, TX 77550 Physicians and Surgeons 630 W. 168th St. Dr. Sol M. Gruner New York, NY 10032 Department of Physics Jadwin Hall Dr. William E. Brownell Princeton University Dept of Otalaryngology-HNS P 0 Box 708 Johns Hopkins University Princeton, NJ 08544 School of Medicine 720 Rutland Avenue Dr. M. Gutman Baltimore, MD 21205 Tel Aviv University Department of Biochemistry Dr. Marco Colombini Laser Lab for Fast Reactions in Biology Department of Zoology Ramat Aviv, 69978 University of Maryland Tel Aviv, Israel College Park, MD 20742 Dr. Huey W. Huang Dr. Michael A. Cusanovich Department of Physics Dept of Biochemistry Rice University University of Arizona Houston, TX 77251 Tuscon, AZ 85721 -4- Mauricio Montal R&T Code: 4414911 Distribution List cont: Dr. Israel R. Miller Dr. James C. Weaver Dept. of Membrane Research Div. Health Sciences & Technology Weizrnann Institute of Science Room 20A-128 Rehovot 76100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Israel Cambridge, MA 02742 Dr. V. Adrian Parsegian Dr. Michael J. Wilcox Lab of Chemical Biology Department of Anatomy NIADDK, Room 9N-307 University of New Mexico Building 10 School of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20892 Basic Medical Science Building North Campus Dr. David S. Perlin Albuquerque, NM 87131 Department of Biochemistry Public Health Research Institute 455 First Avenue New York, NY 10016 Dr. H. Gilbert Smith EG & G Mason Research Institute 57 Union St. Worcester, MA 01608 Dr. Michael E. Starzak Department of Chemistry State University of New York Binghamton, NY 13901 Dr. Tian Y. Tsong Department of Biochemistry University of Minnesota College of Biological Science 1479 Gormer Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Dr. Peter Vanysek Department of Chemistry Northern Illinois University De Kalb, IL 60115 Dr. Howard Wachtel Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Colorado Campus Box 425 Boulder, CO 80309 -5- auricio Montal Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA R&T Code: 4414911 Vol. 87, pp. 6929-6933. September 1990 Biophysics Synporins-synthetic proteins that emulate the pore structure of biological ionic channels MAURICIO MONTAL§ . MYRTA S. MONTAL0, AND JOHN M. ToIlCHOI ,Deparienis of Biology and Physics. Universit" of California. San Diego. La Jolla. CA 92093-0319; and %MedicalG enetics Division. Children' Hospital. Los Angeles. CA 90027 Communicited by Bruno Zirnm. May 3, 1990 (received for review February 27. 1990) ABSTRACT A class of proteins that mimic the fundamen- with stoichiometry a./y6 (4). In vivo. the AcChoR pentamer tal pore structure of authentic ionic channels has been de- acts as a ligand-activated cation channel with an effective signed, synthesized, and characterized. The design is based on pore diameter of 7 A (see ref. 1). A high degree of amino our earlier result that a 23-mer peptide with the sequence of the acid sequence homology exists among its four subunits, and M2 segment of the Torpedo californica acetylcholine receptor 5 each exhibits four presumed transmembrane regions de- subunit-Glu-Lys-Met-Ser-Thr-Ala-le-Ser-VaI-Leu-Leu-Ala- signed as MI, M2. M3, and M4 (5). A synthetic peptide with Gln-Ala-Val-Phe-Leu-Leu-eu-Thr-Ser-GIn-Arg-forns cat- a sequence that corresponds to M25 forms discrete channels ion-selective channels in lipid bilayers, presumably by self- in lipid bilayers. The channel conductance and selectivity assembly of conductive oligomers. Accordingly, a tethered sequence are comparable to those characteristic of the au- parallel tetramer was synthesized with four M235 peptides thentic AcChoR channel (2). attached to a carrier template-a 9-amino acid backbone with This molecular-engineering approach has the great virtue four attachment sites. As expected, the complete 101-residue of simplicity. The design. however, dictates that these pep- protein does form channels in lipid bilayers reproducing sev- tides self-assemble in the membrane to g.enerate discrete eral features that are characteristic of authentic acetvlcholine conductive oligomers. expressed as channel units. We show receptor channels, such as single-channel conductance, cation here that this lack of control over the final product (oligo- selectivity, transitions between closed and open states in the meric number) can be circumvented by synthesizing a teth- millisecond time range, and sensiti-ity to local anesthetic ered parallel tetranier with four Torpedo AcChoR M28 nep- -hanel blockers. An analogue protein, in which the serine tides attached to a carrier template-a 9-amino acid backbone residue in position 8 is replaced with alanine in each of the four with four attachment sites (6). When incorporated in lipid M25 23-mer peptides ([AlaS]N126), also forms channels that, bilayers. the complete 101-residue protein forms channels however, exhibit lower single-channel conductance. By con- that reproduce several features that are characteristic of trast, a similar tethered tetramer with MIS peptides does not authentic AcChoR channels: single-channel conductance (y). form channels, in accord with expectations. The general va- cation selectivity, transitions between closed and open states lidity of this strategy to other channel sequences and oligomer in the millisecond time range, and sensitivity to a local numbers is anticipated. Thus, synporins-a term coined to anesthetic channel blocker. Thus, synthetic pore proteins- identify this class of synthetic pore proteins-enrich our ar- synporins-provide a strategy to investigate structure- mamentarium directed toward the elucidation of structure- function relationships in channel proteins. A preliminary function relationships, account of this research was presented elsewhere (7). Ionic channels are transmembrane protein arrays organized MATERIALS AND METHODS around a central aqueous pore (for review, see ref. 1). A key Materials. 1,2-Diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine issue has been to account for the known permeation prop- (PC). 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine erties of channels. specifically the pore size and ionic selec- (POPC). and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoeth- tivity of the open channel, in terms of structural elements anolamine (POPE) were obtained from Avanti. All other predicted from the deduced amino acid sequences. chemicals were of the highest purity available commercially. In one approach to this problem. a hypothesis is first Synthesis of Proteins. Synthesis of the four-helix bundles formulated about the existence of such functional segments. was accomplished by a two-step procedure. A common The design of a functional peptide that mimics the predicted 9-amino acid template was synthesized using automated structural element is followed by its chemical synthesis using solid-phase synthetic techniques starting with 0.5 mmol of solid-phase methods, and the peptide's ability to form ion t-Boc-glycine-PAM resin with a substitution of 0.79 mmol/g chdni,€s is tested by incorporating it into a synthetic lipid (where t-Boc is N..V-tert-butyloxycarbonyl; Applied Bio- bilayer. The channel activity of the peptide is characterized systems). Amino acids (2.0 mmol) were added as the pre- in terms of ion conduction and channel gating. This charac- formed hydroxybenzotriazole (HOBt esters on an ABI terization is compared with the specific features of the model 431 peptide synthesizer (2, 3). Coupling efficiencies authentic channel. The comparison. in turn, leads to a were monitored at all steps by using quantitative ninhydrin redesign of the peptide to match the anticipated character- assays (8). Coupling steps were repeated as required to istics of the authentic channel. Finally, the identification of a generate coupling efficiences >99% per residue. Accord- specific residue thought to be critical for the function under ingly, the template NH:-K*K±K*PGK*E*K*G-PAM resin study can then be tested by substitution (2. 31. was generated, where E' is L-glutamic acid, y-benzyl ester. A test case using this approach has been the nicotinic KI is N'-2-chlorobenzyloxycarbonyl-L-lysine. and K* is N- acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR). The Torpedo californica AcChoR is composed of four glycoprotein subunits (a.p.y,S) Abbreviations: y. single-channel conductance: AcChoR. acetylcho- line receptor: TFE. trifluoroethanolh PC. 1.2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero- 3-phosphocholine: POPE. 1.palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phos- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge phoethanolamine; POPC, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "adverrisement" choline. in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 41734 solely to indicate this fact. ITo whom reprint requests should be addressed. 6929 R&T Code: 441!911 Transport Mechanisms and S9 Mdcanlsmes de transport et Model Systems ____ syst mes mod&les S3.3 IONOPIIOPES: STRUCTURE AND INTERACTION IN RELATION TO TRANSMEMf3RANE ION- TRANSPORT. K.R.K. Easwaran. Molecular Biophvsics Unit. Indian Institute of Science. Bangalore - 560 012, india. Much of the current understandcln of the molecular mechanism of transmembrane ion-transport has come essentially due to the discovery of certain transport moiecules. lonophores, which act as carriers or channels In selectively enhancing the Ionic permeability across natural and model membranes. There are essentially two aspects of the problem which need a detailed study to understand the process of carrier or channel mediated ion.-transpcrt across membranes at the molecular level, namely, a) structure alld conformation of icnophores and their cati-'n complexes b) the mode of interaction of these lonophores with model and biological membranes. Our results on the structure and conformation of carrier tonophores and their cation complexes using NMR and CU techniques in solutIon and X-ray crystallography in the solid state studied under different conditions clearlv showed that the ion selectivity of the lenophore depends not only on the nature of the liqands but also on the conformational state of the whole molecule and that the conformatinn !s very r,'ch dlporr ndant on the s7ze and charge of the catton and the nature of solvent and anion used . The studles on the Interaction of innophores with model membranes, in particular phesphoLipids. usinq DSC. ESR. III and 31P NMR gave Information on the preferred locateon of the ionophores in the lipid bilaver and the mode of inserticn In the lipid matrix. These results will be presented In reiation to tI~e transmembrane ion transporting properties of ionophores. S9.4 MOLECULAR ANATOMY AND .MOLECULAR DESIGN OF CHANNEL PROTEINS. Mauricio Montal. Departments of Biology and Physics. University of California. San Diego. La Jolla. California 92093-0319. A central goal in membrane biophysics is to understand how channel proteins work in tens of their underlying protein structures. Ionic channels are symmetric (or pseudosymmetric) transmembrane protein assemblies organized around a central aqueous pore. The two key functional elements are the ionic channel - the actual polar pathway that permits the selective passage of ions across the apolar core of the lipid bilayer and the senor - the structure that detects the stimulus and couples it to the opening or closing (gating) of the channel. Molecular cloning and sequencing led to the elucidation of the primary structures of several muli-member gene families. Given this structural information, molecular modeling has been used to postulate structural models of the protein with emphasis on the identification of structural elements: the channel and the sensor. To test the models the putative f,-nctional peptides are synthesized by solid phase methods and their abiliry to form ion channels is assessed by incorporating them into synthetic lipid bilayers. This approach - molecular engineering - will be briefly described with particular emphasis on the progress we have made in the design and synthesis of peptides and proteins that emulate the pore structure of two prototype proteins of two major gene families in the brain, namely the voltage sensitive sodium channel and the nicotinic cholinergic receptor (Supported by NIH, NIMH and ONR). 24 TJIURBDAY AM CALCIU V CHlANNELS IIIrii f~l~ R&T Code: 4414911 FUNNEL-WEB SPIDER TOXIN (PUX)S ELECTIVELY BLOCKS THE SUSTAINED. DISTINCT RAT BRAIN CLASS-C CALCIUM ChLANNELS ARE BUT NOT THE TRANSIENT, CALCIUM CURRENT IN RETINAL HORIZONTAL CENERATED BY ALTERNATIVE SPLICING. W--gmjij CELLS J..S0 n Olpff, Of Physioogy a-id M-. Gilbert Ind T-P Snutch. Biotechnology Laboratorv. Optehalmology. Urti. of Utah SciofO Medicine. Saft Lake. City. Utah. 84 108 Unin. of British Columrbia. Vancouver, B.C.. Canada V6T IW5. Using the winculi petctscfamp techvilue. we Pe" IderAfed two &"prate Rat brain class C Ca channel cDNA3 (rbC) hybridize on Northern Ca curreres-onet saosairked PlCS). the oterw trarnsient Pl.-TR)-in cunurert blots to two mRNAf of approx. I and 12 kilobome (kb). The deduced horizonta cea 04CA) laisatd Pmrmf idut .4l'r bea rritesi Ca cijrAt wre priroy structutre of two o..er-Ig iones CrbC-6I and rbC-30) ernncd uinng to mM @zdracelAar Ca. whie Na .and K' currents wsrg show%t hat the clam C gene product is 390% ideaitcci to tse rabbit- pharrrucocogcly suprestfed The large trarmerit Ca cuff"a Is sirtar. but nr cardiac dihydropyridit receptior/Ca channel (designated rbC-1). Iila o &T -Cuyae descred In ottreptratIons I.TRnactivates abom.e Anslysni or a numnber of other eDNAs reseals dtil1 Clas C coding -OD mV. Is inactvated at a hjInig potential of -40 mV and s carried less ne4I sequences (designated rbC-IT). Further, In 1400 amino acids by Be' " thsen Ca. Urdfkr the 1-Currant. IC.TR is r"c preferentily blocked by comoared. rbC-I essd rbC-rf transcripts differ at only two sites. ia WNt. This is the Mteatti rst it a large trantswir Ca curnre has been s"en, nIte first intane. rbC-fl trascripts have a three amnino'a cid MCA.o r In a non-nmnrnllan vertebrate pteparation. The suntained Ca curdr~- inseCrtion (ProAleArg) corresponding to the putativec cyti~ptcsnuc loop Is similar. brA net hieertlal. to the L-Crrrsr described in many pepearatioa between homology dotmains it and 111. The secontd rite. a 28 auttino/ IC.S activateabove -3OrrV. is arger when Be recptcesCandIenaced acid rrgion which includes the third patative trorutnembra" snee given t by the d~ ropyridle agorr.tAY K 96 (Calbocicenn. Unikie the LCr"r. (S3) of domain IV of rbC-I. is replaced by a different 28 amino ac~ I5 SIs noct preferentall~y blocked by Cd '. nr~ Is A reduced bryi vcirnro ;n hvdrapfrobic stretch. By Southern blof analysii. rbC-1 In~d rbC-11 traction GVIA (a girt fromr Dr. B. P.. Olvaera) FTX (a git from Or A, lrrail. a trrcific Probes are shown to hybridize an identical pattern of rsu factor Isolated Phornthse venoms of the Isr"e web spider (1-ias at af, P N A S. renomnicD NA fragments. In addition, polytnerase chain reaction A§:689. t1989).s electively blocks lC.S at very ov, concentlratins n t 300.0 anslyisi of rat Sertomic DNA showes that the rbC-I and r6C-ll' dlttkon of the cdtmer, traction cotanrning FPU blocked "2 of the sustained traflacriptt are generated from the same genomric DNA fragment. curant,while a 1tt0,00.000 dilution bioclkad 10-- of ths current This block These results suagest that in addition to the distinct genies which was mairtained even after weashing with FrX~ree Ringer for up to 20 mn These encode the rac brain class A. B. C and DCis channiels. alternative results strongly suggest that the sustained and transient Ca currentis aie carried sptlicing provides a further toure of Ca channel divniry in the through two differeut arid unique tye oPc I-anne't. cnd support the notocnt hat CNS there Is a wie variety of Ca channels arriong differit spiscies aendI lssue mopes This workt was supported by N IH. Grant EY05972 to E M L 395.11 395.12 Biochemical Charoetuitorto of a High Affinity (11H]RYonodtnse Receptor DIVERSE as-COPOT 0XIN OVIA BINDDNG PROTEINS IN ELECTXC ORGAN Prom Rabbit Brain Membrartes. PS . Uc'tino-es and fPCmg AND BOVINE BRAIN - Hom &KLDIM andR -W Tic, DTLao l Moine. Hocward Hughas Medtcal Irntie ana Ptogram In Neroeclence and Dacit of A Celt. Phisol.. Stanord Univsity Schioool f Miedicinse.S torfced. Calif. 94305. Physiology ard BlophysicaUs,n iversity oPI ow@C ollege oPM edicine. Iowa City. Binding stes foe the marne trail rosin. marsonlin OVIA (mCgTx).P iaveb ent tA 5Z242. idmstffd in a vnsy of neunal ditsuer ypm and haoe beenass signed eccisnnely to The skelealM rneide receptor toe the pla t alklo ryndn has been, noltage-depenident calciun channels. atCsTa has bee shotwnt o hind with high raasfihcouwumnt o. bHe igIhr ticaaffji nittoy thj3eH Cjr8y2a ierdefne seb liVndleinngn e hoaPs theb ~seaenrc oprctaexrioniyc ahfrfaininit y( Y(aXr(m,-3a gPsxMc)eh ttio amJ.t.Ji rBsCil y2 6f-3e. w9 4n9e1p). x anadie ws i(t0h. 4 lapwn isafofilneistyt rpOinrtgtt,s .i ) I ipna bmr)o tows ia cleontrte i islaedbrinnwibrires(Ahly.RJ .HM im. ,grealr n-tnr of teceptora t- (2M pinotestnrgp ro-e ) in p"qr~es~qe Pe11:17r1l.9 9) isoaett l~7b9ra.9in~ lWtthaea t 1a3vIebasnnrh y aasoi odd(Arriee. bRiinniinn gisis ennriicliee iin Or ~ ( tinreIhsuelte sl ehcutrlitcic so rwtah ato tfh Dewit cboipn7d1.ig0 anustrma r ep(rMes5enil sca! ) otef Ie, oBarmnA nRp eosp4 l5fa3i.o 2n4 7o).f Mmrrsfrmthe hippocajnpi but is signiftcaritty lower in ttemtbrnes, esCgla binding proteinis and that. in alectric orgam oaiwl l ac tualy caiciam Prm The brain mam and atinsl cord. Appnoxnetal 50% OP(3 Hlr-aicdhne chanrnets. Crosutirking experimnents with the botnobiturncdonal intidoester. labeled receptor is solublitzed from brain mnrbaies us"n CHA'.PS dirtieilyluberainiiou (DMS4)t.e re tat lI"twC&Tx specdifily labelltsw o .ars ll-ceiutlichdsecontaining t M N.aC9. TI-e brain IJHI"ryanc newcon in bovat brainw ith K, sises of 330 and 220DkD ar detanainedb y SDS-PAGE. aid ocimigratee i-fough suose gradlents with the hlrsalt recepitor as at large tian Proftins in electric Organ , repodrr wisthM e,v alues of 170. 60. aid 45 ItD. complex (-30S). SoluAitted rocepstor Is snpecfically 41 inicplad by We hare demonstated tht thet4 3 LDp rotnr of tines-ic color is the 0-subrustofthse arertceeeppt orp cctoydpr~lea toc sparMoeiLine~1 ,A &So£pi-auareotsp su. rt1e3dI Rysakissoedtihn ret tlraobieelle d rryercvedceiosre O' f the tOta-lin ysuwmtob efrIbeo f m-C~gIT- x b(ainAi ngR )i iat.n d OFWor ittsaecncooeu tsi tf ocraani bgen nifeipcoaatt fufr acfrtoiomn~ blinds to hepe moonw et high af",ty buAd oes tri blind to ,nst gem bot L- 170a id 60 kDa protin, by immaasopraecpttatownit h a Mob againstt he agglutinin liectn -441yarcidin " receptor is isolated using hevern- oACbR. All three electrie argan mCSTat binding proteins itat similar "rsh onrtgo ooo lbelxisednlt detcrrualr PlUnsacolroics propentiesin, Chhalf trialc tm esia of '2f-ImrCSTos =n A proen o -4Wogr0aoyis ercheb y aion ~dNe~ey~arnsdalyn e Wcrdriteun ugtjort in the rangeo f 0. 1- .0 JM mICgTea n the binding of latI-m(gTxs am inhbtdb Aa pi retenii cohfe 40i0n00p0~ k -Prct~ooa00he caliums entry blochea such asn itirwndipine. cc by ct-isagfornija and other oPh epacli-aigarbsa eluttac arndau mcroe grirns, and is crosnoective with agnt blown to interse, with the ILAChiR.t oCITs iitiing both in brainaenedl ecsti artbsodles raisead0 9"k the ailti treacle ryoadene receptor. We proprose rgon is chorcaistically inhibited by higher conceowa cif Call (0.5-1.0 mm) 'hat the -400.000 Do protesnI ist* bains Pormo P the high a"hrt rytarodlie -hee-a" Is brain prepshLIorsI WOsil esMNm that OCIT2 bindl" If testalY racspitor and ttat I furicaborsiats c Co; rlaise clsartrii brain ndsoptsnrrrc rilulAted or us 3-fold &Il ower Cau concentratios (03-1.0 taM). it is toausiy hatiulut E~jLQaX Is an lrrveeslgitor oP te Howard Hughes he this 11siratf"-C 'mct acess -- Le rinane sis range is Ca"* blotting Medical trntr~e. to sitesc onrtrollig Pmeio icd insactivation of calcium dusmek. 3011.13 DESIGN.SYNTMEIS. AND $tNGLECt{ANNELC{ARIACTERMATIONJOF A DIRYDROPY~RMIDINIUE-SlaIEnNdIS MVE CALCIUM CHANNEL PROTEFIN. M. MInLL 'tESD. is Ails CA 9209 andC halran Hospital. Los Ancelet. CA 90023. The s'a oprn tetpoinee of a dlirytkopylathssenstane rajeses asell krota elscA ckwasunddoestaqoat(Tuube-. c. t96.Nnnvr32J1. I l3-3 ) . pIenWs y wtatius ~ugesd iouec of four Infrmal repeats ' rdss dqix lefernabitio-tebeal oromnonbrn,. segmts. We deItned Atinplose(X U XO) (M. Jt ofanl.I "S. 7 8)awi~tanre ameo iirmlhenumly st oz iamstiaooffoo rttaa 22-mia ppt *diN seeqveacec coreseponding to tnaanomembrone segmeat IVS3 (tPW'NVPDFUJqOSDVR.M Tills stauiet proto formsc utao-sicis S~inM,al,ndSua,m72* 1.,9.1 * luS6A OA pS.t ~otvy. aed IDA* lpS11S50IntMlla Owsriareboeltedby 10'Maitedom. 104 M" MININ go 100 M ofteu local mttie asolga ofitldosit QX-2. - Adiferme Ind gisseboarceslnig fowl I " ibmqI s-aemodsg bo IJMYSe u VALLZrha4J'FYAVIOMQ0aGTK doesam forem e 3,11, ambpN G (Gh(42340).NDAICM4N-4438mel P.0778uaiONlR silchewc e wmm annisegauf too mv in syatsr 5o mm sCa, pH 7.L SOCIrTY MR61 4111080rn1ct AIRSTACM1 VIIIIMIE 16 it" Mauricio Montal R& Code: 4414911 PROTEINS Structure. Function. and Genetics 8 226-236 11990) Bundles of Amphipathic Transmembrane a -Helices as a Structural Motif for Ion-Conducting Channcl Proteins: Studies on Sodium Channels and *] Acetylcholine Receptors Shigetoshi Oiki,' Vincent Madison,2 and Mauricio Montal' 'Department of Neurosciences. Roche Institute of .11olecularB iology. Nutley. New .Jersey 07110. 2Roche Research Center. Hoffmann.La Roche Inc., Nutley. New Jersey 07110, and -'Departm,,nttso f Biology and Physics. University of California, San Diego, La Jolla. California 92093-0319. ABSTRACT Channel proteins are trans- INTRODUCTION membrane symmetric (or pseudosymmetric) Channel proteins are a special class of membrane oligomers organized around a central ionic proteins that mediate the selective passage of ions pore. We present here a molecular model of the across the low dielectric constant apolar core of the pore forming structures of two channel pro- membrane lipid bilayer (for review see 1). Under- teins with different primary structures and oi- standing their mode of action has progressed with gomeric size: the voltage-sensitive sodium the advent of recombinant DNA technology that re- channel and the nicotinic cholinergic receptor. suited in the elucidation of the primary structure of We report low-energy arrangements of a- several channel proteins.'" A remarkable feature helical bundles calculated by semiempiricial inferred from the amino acid sequences is the high potential energy functions and optimization homology conservation among members of this fam- routines and further refined using molecular ily of proteins. They are composed of homologous dynamics. The ion-conducting pore is consid- subunits or domains which contein several trans- ered to be a symmetric or pseudosymmetric membrane segments. Further, segments that could homooligomer of 3-5 amphipathic a-helices ar- be folded into amphipathic transmembrane a- ranged such that the polar residues line a cen. helices are identifiable in all channel proteins for tral hyd'-ophilic oathway and the apolar resi- which sequence information is available. -' This is dues face the hydrophobic bilayer interior. The significant because amphipathic a-helices could channel lining exposes either charged (Asp, form a bundle with one side facing an internal hy- Glu, Arg, Lys) or polar-neutral (Ser, Thr) resi- drophilic pore and the other facing hydrophobic he- dues. A bundle of four parallel helices con- hiceo rl he membrane cor°I f addition, i-r. c eal- strain d to C4 symmetry, the helix axis aligned ysis of eiectron micrographs obtained from ordered with the symmetry axis, and the helices con- arrays ofchannel proteins in their native membrane strained to idealized dihedral angles, produces environment produced low resolution images (- 18 a structure with a pore of the size inferred for A) that are consistent with radial symmetric or the sodium channel protein (area - 16 A2). Sim- pseudosymmetric protein assemblies organized ilarly, a pentarneric array optimized with con. around a central aqueous pore. ' "' These key fea- straints to maintain Cs symmetry and backbone aon eta qeu oe torsions chaaceistic syomf melic and ao tures, homology and symmetry, raise the notion that torsions characteristic of -helices adopts a a unifying motif in the biological design of ion chan- structure that appears well suited to form the nels is an array of transmembrane a,-helices ar- lining of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor ranged such that amphipathic helices face a central (pore area - 46 A2). Thus, bundles of amphi- hydrophilic poe whereas hydrophobic helices sur- pathic a-helices satisfy the structural, ener- getic, and dynamic requirements to be the mo- lecular structural motif underlying the function of ionic channels. Received December 18, 1989; revision accepted March 16, 1990. Key words: protein structure, ionic pores, neu- Address reprint requests to Mauricio Montal, Departments ral membranes, protein design, en- of Biology and Physics. University of California. San Diego, La ergy minimization, molecular dy- JoSll.a .O CikAi' s9 p2r0e9se3n-0t 3a1d9d.ress is Department of Physiology, Kyoto namics University Faculty of Medicine. Kyoto 606. Japan. 0 1990 WILEY-LISS, INC.

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