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DTIC ADA231500: Aeroballistic Performance of the 25mm M910 TPDS-T Range Limited Training Projectile PDF

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Preview DTIC ADA231500: Aeroballistic Performance of the 25mm M910 TPDS-T Range Limited Training Projectile

*RWILif-I-S6 MEMORANDUM REPORT BRL-MR-3886 0 0 T- AEROBALLISTIC PERFORMANCE OF THE 25MM M910 TPDS-T RANGE LIMITED N TRAINING PROJECTILE €I PETER PLOSTINS ROBERT L. McCOY BARBARA A. WAGONER DTIC , ELECTE I FEFB0 5 1991D E JANUARY 1991 U APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRBUrION UNLIMTED. U.S. ARMY LABORATORY COMMAND BALLISTIC RESEARCH LABORATORY ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND 91 2 04 149 NOTICES Destroy this report when it is no longer needed. DO NOT return it to the originator. Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position, unless so designated by other authorized documents. The use of trade names or manufacturers' names in this report does not constitute indorsement of any commercial product. UNCLASSIFIED Form Approved REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMFNo .o o0,d Public reporting burden for this collection of information ise stimated to average 1 hour per response. including the time for reviewing inotructio e.arChing existing data source. gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of Imformation. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of thts Collection of Information, including suggtions for re.ucing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services. Directorate for Information Operations and Reports. 12 IS Jefferson Davis ighway. Suite 1204, Arlington. V4A2 2202-4302. and to the Office of Managemer t and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Project (0704- e), Washsi ton. DC 20$03 1. AGENCY USE ONLY (Leave blank) 2. REPORT DATE 3. REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Januar 1991 Final 1 Oct 88 - 1 Oct go 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE S. FUNDING NUMBERS AEROBALLISTIC PERFORMANCE OF THE 25MM M910 TPDS-T RANGE LIMITED TRAINING PROJECTILE 1L162618AH80'1 6. AUTHOR(S) Peter Plostins Robert L. McCoy Barbara A. Wagoner 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) B. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory REPORT NUMBER ATTN: SLCBR-LF Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADORESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory AGENCY REPORT NUMBER ATTN: SLCBR-DD-T BIL-f-3886 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12a. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 12b. DISTRIBUTION CODE Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words) The U.S. Army has developed a 25mm spin-stabilized, sabot-launched, limited- range training projectile for the Bradley Fighting Vehicle M242 Chain Gun. It is designed to be a ballistic match to the service ammunition and is designated the M910 TPDS-T. The acronym stands for "armor-piercing target-practice - traced." The specified maximum range of the projectile is 8000 meters. During prototype testing at Fort Bliss, Texas, it was determined that the maximum range measured by radar was significantly shorter than had been predicted. Subsequent analysis determined that the projectile had anomalous subsonic aeroballistic performance. Firing tables and range safety data were required to certify the projectile for general use; therefore, extensive aeroballistic tests were ordered to determine the supersonic and subsonic aerodynamic characteristics of the pro- jectile. This report documents the results of those aeroballistic tests. 14. SUBJECT TERMS 25mm training projectile; training ammunition; IS. NUMBER OF PAGES aeroballistic coefficients; spin-stabilized-sabot-launched- 49 projectile; non-linear aeroballistics; BFV 25mm ammunition; 16. PRICE CODE aerodynamic characteristics 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION IS. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT OF REPORT OF THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Same as Report NSN 75,0-01-2B0-5500 UNCLASSIFIED Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89) eb, ANSSItd Z39-1 8 INrENTIONALLY LEFr BLANK. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures..................................................v List of Tables ................................................. vii I. Introduction .................................................. 1 II. Test Instrumentation and Procedures .................................. 2 IIl. Analysis of the Data .. ............................................ 4 a.) Drag Coefficient ............................. ................. 4 b.) Overturning Moment Coefficient .................................. 5 c.) Gyroscopic Stability ........................................... 5 d.) Lift Force Coefficient .......................................... 6 e.) Magnus Moment and Pitch Damping Coefficient ......................... 6 f.) Epicyclic Damping Rates ........................................ 8 g.) Spin Damping Moment Coefficient ................................. 8 IV. Trajectory Analysis ............................................. 9 V . Conclusions . .................................................. 10 References .. ................................................... 37 Accession For List of Symbols ....................... " " . .. .. .. ..... 39 DTIC TAB Distribution List ...................... Unannounced ..... 0 ......... 43 Justificatlon BY Distribution/ Availability Codes Dist Special INT-ENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Schematic of the M791 APDS-T Service Projectile .......................... 12 2a Schematic of the M9 10 TPDS-T Training Projectile.......................... 12 2b Photograph of the M910 TPDS-T Sabot, Pusher and Sub-Projectile .............. 13 3 Ft. Bliss, Texas, Midi Radar Data versus Point Mass Trajectory Prediction ......... 13 4 Sabot Mo difications .............................................. 14 5 Pusher M odifications ............................................. 14 6 20 mm Sabot for the M910 TPDS-T and Sub-Projectile Modifications ............ 15 7a Supersonic Flow Field Shadowgraph: M. = 4.49 ............................ 16 7b Transonic Flow Field Shadowgraph: M , = 1.009 ......................... 17 7c Transonic Flow Field Shadowgraph: Mo = 0.90 ............................ 18 7d Subsonic Flow Field Shadowgraph: Moo = 0.625 .......................... 19 7e High Yaw Subsonic Flow Field Shadowgraph: M.0 = 0.62 .................... 19 8a Zero-Yaw Drag Coefficient versus Mach Number ........................... 20 8b Quadratic-Yaw Drag Coefficient versus Mach Number ....................... 20 9 Drag Coefficient Data Summary ..................................... 21 10a Zero-Yaw Overturning Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number ............... 22 10b Cubic Overturning Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number ................... 22 Ila Zero-Yaw Lift Coefficient versus Mach Number ........................... 23 lib Cubic Lift Coefficient versus Mach Number ............................ 23 12a Magnus Moment Coefficient versus Effective Yaw Squared ..................... 24 v LIST OF FIGURES (continued ) Fi~rePage 12b Zero-Yaw Magnus Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number ................. 24 12c Cubic Magnus Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number .................... 25 13a Zero-Yaw Pitch Damping Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number ............ 25 13b Cubic Pitch Damping Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number ............... 26 14a Slow Arm Damping Rate versus Effective Yaw Squared: Mo = 0.70 ............ 26 14b Zero-Yaw Slow Arm Damping Rate versus Mach Number ................... 27 15 Spin Damping Moment Coefficient versus Mach Number .................... 27 16 Ft. Bliss 6 Degree-of-Freedom Trajectory .............................. 28 17 Ft. Bliss Trajectory: Mach Number versus Range ......................... 28 18 Ft. Bliss Trajectory: Velocity versus Range ............................. 29 19 Ft. Bliss Trajectory: Mach Number versus Time .......................... 29 20 Ft. Bliss Trajectory- Total Angle of Attack versus Range ................... 30 21 Ft. Bliss Trajectory: Dynamic Stability versus Range ....................... 30 22 Sea Level Trajectory- Height versus Range ............................. 31 23 Sea Level Trajectory: Velocity versus Range ............................. 31 vi LIST OF TABLES Table Pag I Projectile Physical Properties of the M910 TPDS-T ......................... 32 2 Range Values of Aerodynamic Coefficients of the M910 TPDS-T .............. 33 3 Range Values of Flight Motion Parameters of the M910 TPDS-T ................ 35 vii INTENTONALLY LEFT BLANK. viii

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