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AFFDL-TR-79-3021 USAF DAMAGE TOLERANT DESIGN HANDBOOK: GUIDELINES FOR THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF DAMAGE TOLERANT AIRCRAFT - * Howard A. Wood and Robert M. Engle Jr. Structural Integrity Branch Structures and Dynamics Division 6 DEC !?179 AD A 078,216 Sr rch 1979 TECHNICAL REPORT AFFDL-TR-79-3021 Interim Report for Period January 1977 to November 1978 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. iRCE FLIGHT DYNAMICS LABORATORY )RCE WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL LABORATORIES A LiORCE SYSTEMS COMMOAND WRIGhT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE DASE, OHIO 45433 . 0 : 001' NOTICE When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any pur- pose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licen- sing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. This report has been reviewed by the Information Office (O) and is releasable to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS, it will be avail- able to the general public, including foreign nations. This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication. Howald'A. Wood, Principal Scientist Engle Strbctural Integrity Branch Project Engineer FOR THE COMMANDER RALPH L. KUSTER, JR., Col,CSAF Davey L. Smith. Chief Chief, Structures & Dynamics Division Structural Integrity Branch "If your addres3 has changed, if you wish to be removed from our mailing list, or if the addressee is no longer employed by your organization please notify AFFDL/FBE , W-PAFB, OH 45433 to help us maintain a current wailing list." Copies of this report should not be returned unless return is required by se- curity considerations, contractual obligations, or notice on a specific document. * AIR FORCE/S478o0/I October 2979 - 1000 UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASS'FICATION .)F THIC -41;E rW%.,, Del.)* Enf.fd) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REAm CMSTRUCINoNs I~i(cid:127)R'P(cid:127)mt b(cid:127)~r (cid:127) 12 GVTACCESSION N.RaR COMPLE'rING~ FORM PITht~~nTTGOVFA~r~IBNNO EC'"FIT~f'trT" CATALOG NUMBER AFFDL-TR-79- 2l1,ALA S. : .. .... --------- _ .--- . . . . .. " : _ F Evo, .r, J r lq IRIOD COVERE0 J Damage Tolerant Desigr Handbook: Guidelines Interimn ept.o for the Analysis and Desigr of Damage Tolerant Janl 77-% NovY 78 pI t Aicrajft Structures, J,/,, f- C7, AUTHOR'IIIJ CONIRACT OA GRANT NUMBER(.) ow a A.W Robert M. Engle, Jr, 9. PER;ORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO AOORESS to PP AM EL ENT. PROJECT, TASK Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFFDL/FBE) ProAjPeEýcA t : To 24(cid:127)1 UMBERS Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433 Task: 0 l Work Unit: 09 1 1. CONTROLLIN2G OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESSI Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFFDL/4 .I I Marlý_79. - Wright-PattersonS ~A3FB3,0 Ohio 45433 30AE 14 MONITORING AGENCY NAME 6 AODRESS(if different Item Cont.oilins Office) 15 SECURITY CLASS. (of flu. r.po,I) UNCLASSIFIED 'IFI. OECLASSICATION, cO*NGRAOING 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thi. Repor,) Approved for public release; distribution unlimit d. 7I. DISTRIBUTION STATEMEN' (of the ob.Ircfi eniered in Block I-i tem A rp-, I1. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on ,.e010P Sid. It n.ceeol¶ end identify by block nouber) Damage Tolerance Requirer(cid:127)ents Damage Size Considerations Fracture Mechanics Damage Tolerance Testing Residual Strength Fracture Control Guidelines Crack Growth Predictions Individual Airplane Tracking (-. Design Guidelines 20 ABSTRACT (Con(Inu* on ro.er. e olde It t.ce..*'y end identify by block nunmber) /.This is the first edition of a handbook to support the USAF Airplane Damage Tolerance Requirements contained in MIL-A-83444. The 1handboolprovides specific background data and justification for the detailed requirements of MIL-A-83444 and provides guidelines and state-of-the-art analysis methods to assist contractor and USAF perzonnel in complying with the intent of the specification and in solving cracking problems, in general, for metallic aircraft structures. The material --oa.4-sfed/in this document is general DD , 14 73V EDIoTIoN O I NOV(cid:127)S, 1,9O SOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE ("oen Dole Ente(cid:127)od) Ik UNCLASS IFI ED i(cid:127)-;u.T" C7 A77' " IC .TION OF THIS PAGCE(Wh,. D0t. Ent.o.d) 20 AB TRACT (cont'd) 5;rough to be useful in the evaluation of the damage tolerance of in-service aircraft designed and qualified prior to the issuance of MIL-A-83444. The .- a(cid:127)C (cid:127)'LoR*t-6 'structured to provide a clear and concise summary of the specification, MIL-A-83444, as well as supporting analysis methods, test techniqu"s, And nondestructive inspection (NDI) methods are provided as state-of-the-art along with suggested and/or recommended practices, limitations, etc. -F"i--the-conve th--b goopf ies of appropriate USAF structural specifications are contained as an appV-dix to this handbook. 7) V NTIS C~vA/LI _1 X _T A UNCLASSIFIED SECURI~y CLASSIVICATIO04 OF THI.S 'A(.r(Ia7.n .. PI.d USAF DAMAGE TOLERANT DESIGN HANDBOOK Guidelines for the Analysis and Design of Damage Tolerant Aircraft I! FOREWORD This report was prepared by Howard A. Wood and Robert M. Engle Jr. of the Structural Integrity Branch, Structures and Dynamics Division, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory. The work was performed in-house under Work Unit 24010109, "Life Analysis and Design Methods for Aero- space Structures." Major portions of Chapter 4, "Determination of Residual Strength" and Chapter 5, "Analysis of Damage Accumulation" were developed Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio under Contract F33615-75- C-3101. The principal authors for Battelle were D. Broek and S. H. Smith. The contract was administered by R. M Engle Jr., Project Engineer, AFFDL/FBE. This report covers work accomplished during the period January 1977 throish Septeomber 1978r. f This report was released for publication in January 1979. 4 iii COMMENT FORM TITLE: USAF Damage Tolerant Design Handbook: Guidelines for the Analysis and Design of Damage lolerant Aircraft Structures PUBLICATION: AFFDL-TR-79-3021 REVISION: A (Initial Release) 1. USAF solicits your comments concerning this handbook so that its usefulness may be improved in later editions. Send any comments to the following address: AFFOL/FBEC ATTN: R.M. Engle, Jr. WPAFB, OH 45433 2. Comments are solicited in the following areas: a. Is the handbook adequate? b. What improvements would make the handbook more adequate? c. Are there any general comments concerning the handbook? Please note any specific errors which have been discovered. Include the page number for reference. 4. Revision B of the handbook is already underway so early submission of any comments would be greatly appeciated. V a REVISICI nf(cid:127) OlC :EVSTOt'H P T INITIAL RELEASEE(__,JJL 70) vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SUMARY OF REQUIREMENTS 3.0 DAMAGE SIZE CONSIDERATIONS 4.0 DETERMINATION OF RESIDUAL STRENGTH 5.0 ANALYSIS OF DAMAGE GROWTH 6.0 DAMAGE TOLERANCE ANALYSIS - S.AMPLE PROBLEMS 7.0 DAMAGE TOLERANCE TESTING 8.0 INDIVIDUAL AIRPLANE TRACKING S 9.0 FRACTURE CONTROL GUIDELINES 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 11.0 REPAIR GUIDELINES 3 APPENDIX: SPECIFICATIONS & STANDARDS i MIL-STD-1530 ii MIL-SPEC-83444 iii MIL-SPEC-8866 iv MIL-SPEC-8867 ixl tT CHAPTER 1 * INTRODUCTION

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