signal processing DSSS vs. FHSS narrowband interference performance issues An impartial comparison of DSSS and FHSS operation in the presence of narrowband interference for ISM band operation. ter the commercial development of ference, the performance of direct-se- By Earl McCune spread-spectrum technology. quence and frequency-hopping spread- By definition, a spread-spectrum sys- spectrum techniques differ significantly tem uses a process other than the infor- under certain (likely) operating condi- Direct-sequence spread spectrum mation signal to expand, or spread, the tions. Measurements of DSSS and (DSSS) and frequency-hopping bandwidth of the signal [2, 3, 4]. There FHSS operation in the 915 MHz ISM spread spectrum (FHSS) technolo- are two fundamental techniques for band are presented under likely oper- gies have different physical mecha- spectrum spreading: direct sequence ating conditions. Interference to the in- nisms for rejecting narrowband and frequency hopping. These achieve tended communication is determined to interference. Because of these phys- the desired spectrum spreading, but occur only when the following three cri- ical differences, they perform differ- that is about all they have in common. teria are met: ently in the presence of the same Direct-sequence spectrum spreading •An interfering signal exists at the levels of narrowband interference. combines the information signal with a demodulation frequency. This is an important case for suc- spreading signal having much wider (cid:127)This interfering signal exists at cessful operation in the ISM bands. bandwidth. The net modulation signal the time demodulation is attempted. After presenting the physical mecha- effectively handles the wide bandwidth (cid:127)The interference is strong enough nisms by which these spread spectrum of the spreading signal. This wide mod- to corrupt the demodulation (issues of methods reject narrowband interferers, ulation is then applied to a fixed fre- circuitry and implementation technol- measured examples are shown to illus- quency carrier signal for transmission. ogy are left to other texts). trate DSSS and FHSS interference The spreading code rejection. Performances of DSSS and directly spreads the FHSS in the presence of a large out-of- information, ahead band interferer are also measured and and independent of compared. Comparisons between the the RF modulator. two spread spectrum methods are The principle of drawn highlighting the conditions direct sequence under which they perform identically, spread spectrum and also when one method performs bet- generation, and ter than the other. The proper choice of despreading in the direct sequence or frequency hopping as receiver, is shown in a spread-spectrum technique depends Figure 1. Figure 1. Principle of direct-sequence spread spectrum. on the actual environment in which the Frequency hop- system will be deployed. ping takes the opposite approach. Rather than Some background spreading the modulation Spread-spectrum communications about a fixed carrier, the has enjoyed a surge of interest since information is left the Federal Communications Commis- unchanged and directly sion (FCC) allowed its type-approved modulates a carrier of and unlicensed use under Part-15 regu- varying frequency. The lations in the late 1980s [1]. This FCC principle of frequency-hop- allocation is a shared and lower-tier ping spread spectrum gen- occupant in the industrial, scientific, eration is shown in Figure Figure 2. Principle of frequency-hopping spread spectrum. and medical (ISM) bands around 915, 2. In frequency hopping, the 2,442, and 5,750 MHz. spreading signal is used to change the The physics of DS The fact that this allocation is shared frequency of the carrier provided by interference rejection is important. Other users, and therefore the carrier generator. The data direct- A key to the interference rejection of other signals, are present in these ISM ly modulate this hopping carrier. In DSSS is the cyclic cancellation of the bands. Successful spread-spectrum essence, the frequency hopping spreading code under consecutive digi- products must tolerate the presence of approach is just a collection of conven- tal multiplications, implemented by the these interfering signals. The FCC has tional narrowband signals. exclusive (or gate). This means that a intentionally set up this situation to fos- In the presence of narrowband inter- second spreading operation with the 90 September 2000 same code actually cancels the spread- es in the despread noise floor. At some defined as the ratio of the system bit- ing on an input DSSS signal. The point the “noise” could be raised such rate out to the system input bit-rate, is spreading process itself is independent that the detector begins to make mis- essentially zero. For a shorter (length of the data, so by canceling the spread- takes. As long as the filtered spread 15) spreading code that might be used ing, the data are left intact. Figure 3 interferer behaves like noise, conven- for high-speed data applications, the tional noise performance theory can jamming margin is smaller and be applied to the detector’s perfor- throughput begins to fail at lower inter- mance. This leads to the well-pub- ference power levels. lished concept of the jamming margin [2, 3, 4]. The jamming margin is The physics of FH defined as the difference of the interference rejection spreading gain and the required If the operation of direct sequence is detector input signal-to-noise ratio. viewed as interference suppression, As long as the interferer power is then frequency-hopping can be viewed within the jamming margin, then the as performing interference avoidance Figure 3. Cyclic cancellation of direct sequence direct sequence processing will com- [4]. The frequency hopping receiver has spreading. pletely reject it. At higher interference bandwidth matched to the data modu- demonstrates this process. In a real powers, the despread noise floor lation, and follows the transmitter as it DSSS system, only the first two stages exceeds the detectors’ ability to make jumps around the band. If one of those are actually used. The first stage is in error free decisions. The DSSS system jumps encounters a narrowband inter- the transmitter, and the second is in quickly collapses as the interference ferer, then the communications on that the receiver. exceeds the jamming margin. channel can be jammed if all three An interfering signal appears in the For example, assume that a DSSS interference conditions described earli- channel between the transmitter and system is using binary phase-shift er are met. On the next jump, the nar- the receiver. In the receiver, the multi- keying (BPSK) modulation and a 127 rowband interferer will be moved away plier with the spreading code is the sec- bit maximal length spreading code. from (avoided). This allows the receiv- ond spreading the DSSS signal encoun- More realistically, assume that the er’s selectivity filters to reject the nar- ters, which cancel the original spread- packet or frame being sent is 1k bits rowband interferer, essentially inde- ing. This is, however, the first spread- (125 bytes) long and protected by a pendent of its power. The amount of ing that the interference “sees.” The cyclic redundancy code (CRC) parity interference rejection is therefore limit- data are recovered as they follow the field. If any errors are encountered in ed by the performance of the receiver second stage. The interference behaves reception of the frame/packet, then the selectivity filters. as if it is at the transmitter: It is CRC should detect it and cause it to be Channels can, in principle, be over- spread, becoming a direct-sequence discarded. What is desired is the lapped, adjacent, or spaced. Overlapped spread spectrum signal. So the interfer- frame/packet throughput rate in the channels are not allowed for operation ence simultaneously becomes spread as presence of a narrowband interferer in the ISM bands. The total spread of the data are despread. One possible near the DSSS carrier frequency. The the FH signal must be at least the interpretation of this process is that the results of this example are shown in channel size times the number of hops. spreading process “breaks” the data Figure 4, which compares the DSSS This sets the avoidance range of the FH signal into little pieces. The despread- system throughput factor to the inter- system, in that the FH signal has that ing process, using the same code, ference to signal ratio (ISR). much room to move away from a nar- “knows” where these pieces are and col- rowband interferer within lects them back together. In this that range. reassembly process, any other signal During a hop in which the will not match and so is broken up into interferer is in the current pieces of its own. channel, the FH system oper- Narrowband filtering the despread ates as a conventional nar- data signal rejects much of the power rowband single channel link. in the spread interference signal within The modulation chosen, along the receiver. Only a portion of the with the demodulation interfering signal power remains in the method used, sets the inter- bandwidth of the data signal, and this ference -to-signal ratio (ISR) portion appears as a noise floor in the Figure 4. DSSS normalized packet/frame throughput vs. inter- that the radio can tolerate. filter passband. As long as there is ference to signal ratio. Unfortunately, detailed infor- enough signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in mation on ISR performance is the receiver to successfully demodu- As Figure 4 shows, the throughput not well documented in the reference late the despread data signal, the remains constant and at unity up to the literature for general modulations. For DSSS system completely rejects the jamming margin. As the noise floor at purposes of discussion, assume that for narrowband interferer. This continues the despread desired signal is raised by binary frequency shift keyed (BFSK) as long as the above qualifier is met. the increasing strength of the spread modulation demodulated with a lim- The despreading process is linear, so interferer, more errors are made until iter-discriminator, the tolerable ISR is that any increases in interference the packet/frame error rate nears –10 dB. Thus, if the interference is 10 power correspond to equivalent increas- unity. At this point, the throughput, dB below the desired signal power or 92 September 2000 in both direct-sequence and frequency- hopping spread-spectrum systems. Evaluation hardware is constructed for a direct-sequence transceiver, and another set is constructed for a fre- quency-hopping transceiver. Both sys- tems are targeted to a simple cordless telephone application, supporting 50 kbp/s uncoded data transmission using the 902 to 928 MHz ISM band. To put quantitative numbers on these cases, the following system definitions have been made. The DSSS system Figure 5. FHSS normalized packet/frame throughput vs. interference-to-signal ratio. Two configurations are used for direct-sequence spread-spectrum evalu- higher, the interference “wins” and munication is lost. Interference is not ation hardware. Both systems use communication on that channel ceases. present on the remaining channels, so BPSK for their modulation. The first Communication on the remaining N—1 normal communication proceeds. The uses a processing gain near the FCC channels continues unabated. throughput falls to (N—J)/N, where J is minimum for Part 15.247 applications, The net throughput of the FHSS sys- the number of jammed channels out of using a 15-chips-per-data-bit spreading tem is shown in Figure 5. Interference the N available. code. This design has a maximum in onechannel has no effect as long as it process gain of 10log(15) = 11.8 dB. is below the ISR limit of the demodula- Evaluated system For an input bit rate of 50 kbp/s, this tor, –10 dB in this case. Above this limit, definitions results in a mainlobe bandwidth of 15 the interference controls the demodula- It is illustrative to measure these x 50000 x 2 =1.5 MHz. tor on that channel and the desired com- interference-suppression mechanisms The second DSSS system evaluated 94 September 2000 Figure 6. Direct-sequence spreading compar- Figure 8a. Direct-sequence interference transfor- Figure 9a. Direct-sequence process gain effects isons: x15 and x127. mations using a x15 DSSS signal with CW inter- at the receiver, with equal power CW interferers ferer at 915.5 Mhz. on the carrier frequency at x15 DSSS. changes only the spreading code. ciency to 50/76 = 0.66 bits/sec/Hz. This form. At the same time, the interfer- Instead of using 15 chips per input bit, value is compatible with binary fre- ence should become spread. This is this system uses 127. The maximum quency shift keying, the conventional indeed what happens, as shown in process gain is now 10log(127) = 21 modulation type for FHSS systems. Figure 8b. The original DSSS signal is dB. Since the input data rate is not Using 52 channels for the hopper, now a single spike at the 70 MHz inter- changed, the bandwidth of the main which is just over the FCC minimum mediate frequency (IF). Centered 500 lobe is increased to 127 x 50000 x 2 = of 50 required for operation in the 902 kHz above the desired signal, at the 12.7 MHz. Figure 6 shows an overlay MHz ISM band under part 15.247, converted frequency of the interference, of these two DSSS signals, where both this provides a total spreading band- is the spread interference. signals have the same output power. width of 3.9 MHz. This spread system To actually achieve rejection of the Notice that the occupied bandwidth is placed between 912 and 916 MHz, interference, the desired signal is now of the DSSS signals of Figure 6 are not as shown in Figure 7. passed through a bandpass filter. Since absolute. Much of the signal energy is Unlike the DSSS systems, the spread most of the interference energy is now in the main lobe of the spectrum, but bandwidth of the FHSS signal in Figure outside the filter bandwidth designed there is also energy in many sidelobes. 7 is well-bounded. Measurements of the to pass only the despread signal, this Measurements of the total DSSS total FHSS bandwidth at –20 dBc, –40 energy is blocked from continuing into bandwidth at –20 dBc, –40 dBc, and dBc and –60 dBc, give essentially the the receiver. As long as there is a sig- –60 dBc, give different values. This same value. This behavior is defined as hard-bounded spreading. DS narrowband interference rejection performance The basic operation of the interfer- ence rejection mechanism is illustrated in Figure 8. Figure 8a shows the chan- nel, with the x15 DSSS signal at 915 MHz and an interfering CW tone of equal power at 915.5 MHz. From the earlier discussion, after the receiver’s despreading operation, the DSSS signal should return to its original, unspread Figure 7. Frequency-Hopping spreading process, Figure 9b. Direct-sequence process gain effects as used in the evaluations. at the receiver, with equal power CW interferers on the carrier frequency at x127 DSSS. feature of DSSS signals is defined as soft-bounded spreading. This charac- nificant amount of spreading, then teristic becomes important in some of there will be an equally significant the later measurements. amount of interference power rejection from the receiver. This is clearly shown The FHSS system in Figure 9, where signals are pre- Only one system configuration is sented after despreading in the used for the frequency hopping evalua- receiver. For these measurements, tion. As in the direct-sequence evalua- the equal power interference was tion, the bit rate is set to 50 kbps. moved to be right on the carrier fre- Channel spacing is set at 76 kHz, quency. This is the condition used in which is a convenient value for the fre- Figure 8b. Direct-sequence interference the mathematical models predicting transformations using a despread IF signal quency synthesizer used in the test. process gain and jamming margin. showing compressed DSSS signal and spread This sets the channel bandwidth effi- interference. Figure 9a shows the behavior of 96 September 2000 quency interference, as expected. The 902 MHz ISM band has large pager transmitter signals located just above it, at around 935 MHz. It is important to also check the behavior of the DSSS systems in the presence of such large, out-of-band signals. These measurements are shown in Figure 10. Figure 10a is the channel test setup, showing the DSSS signal at 915 MHz, which for this photo- graph is the x15 version, and the Figure 10a. Direct sequence out of band interferer Figure 10c. Direct-sequence out-of-band interfer- performance measurements: with interferer at er performance measurements at x127 DSSS +20 MHz and +40 dB from the DSSS signal. after receiver despreading. the x15 DSSS system. There is 12 dB interferer at 935 MHz with an ampli- from the top of the despread signal tude that is 40 dB greater than the to the peak of the spread interferer. DSSS signal. Figure 10b is the receiv- It is no accident that this distance er after despreading this channel sig- essentially matches the process gain nal arrangement. Notice that there is for this configuration. Figure 9b spreading energy from the interferer shows the same measurement except present in the signal passband. The that now, the wider spread factor of receiver filters will still reject the x 127 is used. The distance to the interference power, but now there is peak of the spread interference is much more interference power to Figure 10b. Direct-sequence out-of-band interfer- now 20 dB. Wider spreading reject. In the photograph of Figure er performance measurements at x15 DSSS after improves the rejection of near-fre- receiver despreading. 10c the DSSS system behavior with 98 September 2000 x127 spreading is more striking. jamming signal. That particular hop There is actually more interference communication is likely to be impossi- from the out-of-band interferer with ble. This characteristic is expanded on the wider spreading in use. The very in Figure 12. The interfering power is feature that improved the in-band increased by 40 dB. Figure 12a shows interference rejection is exacerbating the channel with the large interferer. the out-of-band interference rejection. In Figure 12b, the signals following the This is a direct result of soft bounded FH despreader are shown. The interfer- spreading. Because the spreading fac- er is now spread. Notice that if the nar- rowband bandpass filter has sufficient Figure 12a. Frequency-hopper large in-band interferer performance with a +40dB CW interfer- er at 914 Mhz. Figure 11a. FHSS signal with equal power CW Figure 13b. FHSS after receiver despreading. interferer at 915 MHz. Figure 12b. Frequency-hopper large in-band inter- ferer performance despread IF signal showing compressed FHSS signal and spread interference. Figure 11b. Despread IF signal showing com- Figure 13c. Wider band measurement of the pressed FHSS signal and spread interference. FHSS following despreading. tor is nearly eight times wider, the selectivity, this large interferer will be rolloff of the spread sidebands is rejected when it is shifted outside the eight times slower. filter. Communications is jammed com- Figure 13a. Frequency-hopping out-of-band inter- pletely when the frequencies align. FH narrowband interference ference performance with an interferer at +20 Evaluation of the FHSS system per- rejection performance MHz and +40 dB from the FHSS signal. formance in the presence of a large out Like direct-sequence spread spec- -of-band interferer is the last compari- trum, frequency hopping achieves its that uses all frequencies simultaneous- son measurement. The results are pre- interference tolerance by spreading the ly, and 2) the soft-bounded nature of sented in Figure 13. Figure 13a shows interfering signal over a wide frequency the DS spread compared to the hard- the channel configuration, which uses range at the same time as it collects bounded nature of the FH spread. the same conditions as those used in and despreads the desired signal. The Figure 11b shows the signals in the the DSSS evaluation, namely, the physical process, however, is different. FH receiver following the despread large out-of-band interferer is 20 MHz Figure 11 illustrates the FH process. In operation. The desired FH signal is above the spread signal, with +40 dB Figure 11a, the FH signal covering 912- now compressed into a single tone at more signal power. The despread sig- 916 MHz is shown with an equal power the 70 MHz IF, and the interference is nal is shown in Figure 13b. This shows interferer at 915 MHz. Compare this spread. Like the DS system, the use of only the despread FHSS signal, with with Figure 8a, where the same condi- a narrowband bandpass filter to select no effect from the interferer. The tions are applied to a DSSS signal. Two the despread FH signal will cause the wider band measurement of Figure major differences are noted: 1) the FH rejection of most of the interference 13c shows the entire story. The spread system applies all of its output power power. Unlike the DS system, when the interferer is present, but all of its at whatever frequency it is operating at interfering signal overlays the desired energy is removed in frequency by 20 during a hop, unlike the DS system signal is not a noise signal, but a real MHz. Filter selectivity can be used to 100 September 2000 completely reject this interference. transmitter, and once in the receiver dB of additional interference power This is a direct consequence of the for the despreader (Figure 1). The the throughput of the DSSS system hard-bounded nature of the frequency- problem is in the receiver despreader, has gone to zero. This happens hopped spreading process. where the spreading of the interfer- because noise from the spread inter- ence takes place. There are two ways ferer in the receiver is now large Comparison discussion to address this problem. First is to use enough to completely dominate the These measurements show that the a roofing bandpass filter to eliminate detector. As the interference level con- differing physical processes used in out-of-band signals. This works, but tinues to grow, so does the noise fol- direct sequence and frequency hopping because it is not inherently required lowing the despreader, and the do perform differently in the presence by the FHSS system (Figure 13) it throughput remains at zero. of narrowband interference. In fact, puts a DSSS system at a complexity The frequency hopper shows a these two spread-spectrum approaches disadvantage in this instance. The degradation in performance at a sig- can be considered duals. If the interfer- other method is to examine the real nificantly lower level of interfering sig- er is within the spreading band, then source of the problem, the receiver nal power. Once the interference is the DSSS system can tolerate and com- despreader, and to address it directly. large enough to disturb the detector pletely reject it while the FHSS system The remaining points of comparison on that channel, communications can be completely jammed on that relate to Figures 4 and 5. Considering through that channel is lost. Any channel. For a large out-of-band inter- the system frame error probability packets sent on that channel must ferer, the opposite is true. The DSSS (FEP) in the presence of a narrowband be present on a different channel. A process is sensitive to such interferers, interferer, Figure 4 shows that the major difference here is that once where the FHSS system is not. direct-sequence system initially com- that channel is lost due to the nar- For the DSSS system, this sensitivi- pletely rejects its presence. For signals rowband interference, then it ty to large out-of-band interferers is a lower than the jamming margin, the remains lost. This remains true irre- direct consequence of the switched DSSS system throughput is unity, spective of the level of the interfer- mixer method of generating BPSK. which means that every packet sent ing signal power, to first order. At Remember that this modulation can be accurately received. When the large interference levels, other method is used twice; once in the jamming margin is reached, within 5 effects such as ultimate filter rejec- 102 September 2000 tion levels and front-end compres- [3] M. K. Simon, J. K. Omura, R. A. sion come into effect. Scholtz, B. K. Levitt, Spread Spectrum About the author Communications Handbook, McGraw- Conclusion Hill, New York, 1994 Earl McCune is the founder of Tropian and is responsible for over- The proper choice of direct sequence seeing the development of new prod- or frequency hopping as a spread spec- [4] H. Taub, D. L. Schilling, ucts for wireless communications sys- trum technique depends on the actual Principles of Communication Systems, tems. He has over 20 years of experi- environment in which the system will 2ed, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986 ence with creating and managing the be deployed. If there are narrowband creation of new technologies for wire- interferers of moderate level, then a less communications. McCune holds DSSS system that will completely more than 10 patents and has had reject them may be designable. Should numerous articles published in pro- there be any large interfering signals, fessional journals. He has a then a DSSS link may completely fail BS/EECS degree from the University while FHSS is likely to continue oper- of California, Berkeley; an MSEE ating, even though the interference is degree in Radiosciencefrom Stanford not completely rejected. University; and a Ph.D. from the References University of California, Davis. He is a member of the IEEE, Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa [1] FCC, Code of Federal Regulations Nu. He can be reached at: Tropian CFR 47, Part 15, section .247 Inc 20813 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 150, Cupertino CA 95014-2107, [2] R. C. Dixon, Spread spectrum email [email protected] Systems with Commercial Applications, 3ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1994 104 September 2000