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Drug-DNA Interaction Protocols PDF

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Preview Drug-DNA Interaction Protocols

1 DNase I Footprinting Keith R. Fox 1. Introduction Footprmtmg provides a simple, quick, and reasonably mexpensive method for assessing the sequence specific mteraction of ligands with DNA. Although the techmque was developed in 1978 for studying the mteraction of DNA- binding proteins with then target sites (I), it has proved invaluable for deter- mining the sequence specificity of many small hgands 1.1. Footprinting , Footprmting is essentially a protection assay, m which cleavage of DNA is inhibited at discrete locations by the sequence specific binding of a hgand or protein. In this technique, a DNA fragment of known sequence and length (typi- cally a restriction fragment of 100-200 bp), which has been selectively radiola- beled at one end of one strand, IS lightly dtgested by a suitable endonucleolytic probe m the presence and absence of the drug under investigation The cleav- age agent is prevented from cutting around the drug-binding sites so that, when the products of reaction are separated on a denaturing polyacrylamide gel and exposed to autoradiography, the position of the ligand can be seen as a gap m the otherwise continuous ladder of bands (see Fig. 1). In this figure, cleavage at position “a” will produce, after denaturing the DNA, one long fragment (9 bases) corresponding to the left hand strand, and two short fragments (7 bases and 2 bases) from cleavage of the right hand strand. Since the bands are located by autoradiography, only the shortest of these species bearing the radioactive label will be visualized. The condittons of the cleavage reaction are adjusted so that, on average, each DNA fragment is cut no more than once. As a result, each of the bands on the autoradiograph is produced by a single cleavage event, i.e., single-hit kmetics. If an excessive amount of cleavage agent is used, then From Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol 90 Drug-DNA Interactron Protocols Edited by K R Fox Humana Press Inc , Totowa. NJ 1 Fox gel eleotrophoresis Fig 1 Schemattc representation of the footprtntmg experiment The DNA is labeled (*) at the 3’ end of the right-hand strand labeled products can arose from more than one cleavage event, biasing the dls- tribution of fragments toward short products. In general, the extent of cleavage 1sa djusted so that between 60 and 90% of the radtolabeled DNA remains uncut, though longer fragments require greater amounts of digestion to produce suit- able band intensities. DNase I footprmtmg has been successfully employed for mdentrfymg or conlirmmg the preferred DNA binding sites for several hgands mcludmg acti- nomycm (2-4), mtthramycin (5), quinoxalme antrbrotrcs (6,7), daunomycm (8,9), nogalamycin (1/J), vartous minor groove binding agents (2,3,12), and triplex binding ohgonucleottdes (12,13). Various other cleavage agents, both enzymrc and chemical, have also been used as footprinting probes for drug- DNA interactions including micrococcal nuclease (24), DNase II (6,15), cop- per phenanthrolme (16,17), methtdiumpropyl-EDTA.Fe(II) (MPE) (18-21), uranyl photocleavage (22,23), and hydroxyl radicals (24-26). Each of these has a different cleavage mechanism, revealmg different aspects of drug-DNA interactions. An ideal footprmtmg agent should be sequence neutral and generate an even ladder of DNA cleavage products in the absence of the hgand This property is almost achieved by certain chemical probes, such as MPE and hydroxyl radi- cals. However, the most commonly used cleavage agent (because of its cost and ease of use) 1s the enzyme DNase I, which produces an uneven cleavage pattern that varies according DNA sequence and local structure (see Subhead- ing 1.2.). Cleavage at mdrvtdual phosphodiester bonds can vary by over an order DNase I Foo tprinting 3 of magnitude m a manner determined by both local and global DNA structure (27,28). In addltlon, drugs that modrfy DNA structure can induce enhanced DNase I activity m regions surroundmg their binding sites if they alter the DNA structure so as to render it more suscepttble to cleavage (3,6,15,29,30). This IS most frequently seen m regions that are particularly refractory to cleav- age m the drug-free controls. 1.2. DNase I DNase I 1sa monomeric glycoprotem of mol wt 30,400. It IS a double strand- specific endonuclease, which introduces single strand nicks m the phosphodiester backbone, cleaving the 03’-P bond. Single stranded DNA is degraded at least four orders of magmtude more slowly (32,32). The enzyme requires divalent cations and shows opttmal actlvlty m the presence of calcmm and magnesium (33). Although it cuts all phosphodiester bonds, and it does not possess any simple sequence dependency, its cleavage pattern 1sv ery uneven and 1st hought to reflect variations m DNA structure (27,34). In particular, A, * T, tracts and GC-rich regions are poor substrates for the enzyme. The most important fac- tors affecting Its cleavage are thought to be mmor groove width (27,28) and DNA flexibility (35,36). Several crystal structures have been determined for both the enzyme and its complex with oligonucleotides (37-42). These show that DNase I bmds by inserting an exposed loop mto the DNA minor groove, Interacting with the phosphate backbone, as well as the walls of the groove. This explains why cleavage is poor in regions, such as A,, * T, tracts on account of their narrow minor groove, to which the enzyme cannot bind. An additional feature of these crystal structures 1st hat the DNA 1sa lways bent by about 2 lo toward the major groove, away from the enzyme. If this bendmg 1s a necessary feature of the catalytic reaction, then rigid regions, such as GC-rich sequences,m ay be refrac- tory to cleavage. However, these factors do not explain the very different cutting rates that are often observed at adjacent dinucleotide steps.I t 1sp ossible that this is determined by precise orientation of the sclssile phosphodlester bond, How- ever, the crystal structures show that there may be other specific interactions between the exposed loop and DNA bases removed from the cutting site. In particular, tyrosme-76 mteracts with the base 2 posItIons to the 5’ side of the cutting site and arginme-4 1 binds to the base at position -3. This latter mterac- tion 1s sterically hindered by a GC base pair in thts position. By examining the characteristics of several good DNase I cleavage sites, Herrera and Chaires (43) suggested that the best cleavage site was WYWIWVN (where W = A or T, Y = C or T, and V = any base except T). The DNA-binding surface of DNase I covers about 10 bp, i.e., one complete turn the DNA helix. This has tmportant consequences for interpreting 4 Fox A B Fig 2. Schemattc representatron of the 3’staggered cleavage produced by DNase I The DNA helix has been opened out and IS viewed along the minor groove The hatched box represents DNase I. the tilled box represents a DNA-binding ligand footprmtmg results and explams the observatton that the enzyme overesttmates drug-binding site sizes Although DNA bases he perpendtcular to the hellcal axis, they are mclmed relative to the phosphodtester backbone. As a result, clos- est phosphates, postttoned across the minor groove, are not attached to a single base pan, but are staggered by about 2-3 bases m the 3’ direction. This is illus- trated m Fig. 2A, m which the DNA has been drawn lookmg along the minor groove, showmg the inclmatton of the DNA base pans. Since DNase I (hatched box) binds across this groove, its bmdmg sate on the top strand 1s located 2 bases to the 3’ side of that on the lower strand. When a DNA-binding hgand is added (filled box in Fig. 2B), it can be seen that the closest approach of the enzyme is not the same on each strand. DNase I can approach closer to the enzyme on the lower strand; the region of the upper strand protected extends by about 2 bases beyond the actual ligand-bmdmg sate. As a result, DNase I footprmts are stag- gered by about 2-3 bases m the 3’ direction across the two strands 2. Materials 2.1. DNase I For most footprintmg experiments the DNase I does not need to be espe- cially pure. There 1s ltttle advantage m purchasmg HPLC-pure, RNase-free enzymes. Currently purchased 1s the type IV enzyme, from bovme pancreas, from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). This should be dtssolved m 0.15 MNaCl contam- ing 1 mMMgC1, at a concentratton of 7200 Kumtz U/mL. Thts can be stored at -20°C, and is stable to frequent freezing and thawing. The enzyme 1sd iluted to workmg concentrattons immedtately before use; the remainder of the diluted enzyme should be discarded DNase I Footprinting 5 Table 1 Sequence of the tyrT DNA Fragment AATTCCGGTTACCTTTAATCCGTTACGGATGAAAATTACGC~CCAGTTCATTTTTCTC~CGT~CAC 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 3'-AAGGCCAATGGAAATTAGGCAATGCCTACTACTTTT~TGCGTTGGTC~GT~GAGTTGCATTGTG TTTACAGCGGCGCGTCATTTGATATGATGCGCCCCGCTTCCCGAT~GGGAGCAGGCCAGT~GCATT 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 AAATGTCGCCGCGCAGTAAACTATACTACGCGGGGCGAAG ACCCCGTGGTGGGGGTTCCC 140 150 TGGGGCACCACCCCCAAGGGCT-5' The fragment ISo btained by cutting with EcoRI andA vuI a-32P-dATPIS u sedto labetl he 3’ endo f the lower strand,w hereasa -32P-dCTPIS usedt o labelt he uppers trand 2.2. Choice of DNA Fragment 2.2.1. Natural DNA Fragments For footprinting experiments, the length of fragment used depends on both convenience (how easily a specific fragment can be generated) and the resolu- tion limit of the polyacrylamide gels. The chosen fragment length is typically between 50 and 200 bp. Although different laboratories have adopted different natural fragments as standard substratesf or footprmtmg experiments, a few have been used more widely Among these are the 160 bp tyrT fragment (sequence shown m Table 1) t&8)), the EcoRI-PvuII fragments from PBS (Stratagene) (4&M), and several fragments from pBR322 (HindIII-HueIII, HindIII-AM, or EcoRI-RsaI). The plasmids from which these can be prepared are available from commercial sources or from the author’s laboratory. In many ways it would be convenient if a few fragments did become recognized standards, since this would facilitate direct comparison of the relattve specrfictttes of hgands prepared in different laboratories. Since many sequence selective small mol- ecules have recognition sites of between 2 and 4 bp, there is a reasonable prob- ability that their preferred sites will be present in a lOO- to 200-bp restriction fragment. However, it should be noted that there are 2 different bp, 10 different dmucleotides, 32 trmucleotides, 136 tetranucleotides, 5 12 pentanucleotides, and 2080 hexanucleotides. It can therefore be seen that the chance of finding a particular binding site within a given DNA fragment becomes more remote the greater the selectivity of the ligand. A further complicatmg factor is that, although many ltgands spectfically recognize only a dmucleotlde step, their binding affinity is often influenced by the nature of the surrounding bases, 6 Fox which alter the local DNA structure (47-49). It IS therefore possible that using a natural fragment may fail to detect the optimum bmdmg sites for the most selective hgands. This becomes especially relevant since many novel synthetic ligands possess enhanced sequence recogmtton properties, with binding sites of eight or more base pairs. 2.2.2. Synthetic Oligonucleotides As explamed, although footprmtmg experiments with natural DNA frag- ments provide a reasonable estimate of a ligand’s preferred bmdmg sites, these are complicated by the limited number of sequences studied, together with ambiguities over the exact bmdmg site within a larger footprmt. The next step m confirmmg the sequence preference may be to prepare a synthetic DNA fragment containing the putative binding site and to use this as a substrate for footprmting experiments (50,51). In addition, for compounds that have been produced as the result of rational design, one may be able to predict their pre- ferred bmdmg site. Synthesis of suitable length ohgonucleotides (50 bases or longer) IS now routine. However, the results obtained with short oligonucle- otides need to be interpreted with caution and rigorously controlled for several reasons. First, binding sites located close to the ends of short ohgonucleotides may not adopt the same configuration as when located within longer sequences because of “end effects.” Second, smce the synthetic fragments will contam only one or two binding sites, it is necessary to ensure that other sequences with equal or greater affinity have not been excluded. This can be investigated by comparing the mteraction with other closely related sequences, m which one or two bases m or around the cognate sequence are altered m turn. Analy- sis is simphfied further if the variant sites are contamed withm the same DNA fragment. 2.2.3. Synthetic Fragments A frequent variant on the above is to clone the synthetic oligonucleottdes mto longer DNA fragments. This removes the problems associated with end effects and provides other common flanking sequences to which ligand bind- ing can be compared. An added advantage is that, once it has been cloned, the sequence can be readily isolated from bacteria. The authors usually clone syn- thetic ohgonucleotides mto the BamHI site of pUC plasmids. They have pre- pared a wide range of such cloned inserts, containing central GC, CG, or (A/T),, sites (11,15,29,30), which are available from the authors’ laboratory on request. DNA fragments contammg the synthetic inserts can be prepared and radiola- beled at either end (see Subheading 3.2.) by isolatmg the modified polylmker. Once again a proper analysis will requtre fragments contammg both cognate and closely related noncognate sequences. DNase I Footprinting 7 2.3. Buffers 2.3.1. Solutrons for Plasmid Preparation 1 Resuspenston solution 50 mM Trts-HCl. pH 7 5, contammg 10 mM EDTA. 2. Lysis solution. 0.1% SDS, 0.1 MNaOH. 3 Neutralization solutton 3 M potassium acetate, 2 A4 acettc acid 2.3.2. Genera/ Buffers 1 10 mA4Tris-HCl, pH 7 5, contannng 0 1 mA4EDTA This is used for dtssolvmg DNA. 2. 10 mM Trts-HCl, pH 7.5, containing 10 mA4 NaCl. This is used for preparing drug solutions 3 DNase I buffer 20 mMNaC1,2 mM MgCl*, 2 mM MnC& 2.3.3. Reagents for Electrophoresis 1. TBE electrophorests buffer This should be made up as a 5X stock solutton con- taining 108 g Tns, 55 g Boric acid, and 9.4 g EDTA made up to 2 L with water 2 Acrylamide solutions Polyacrylamide sequencing gels are made from a mixture containing acrylamtde*btsacrylamtde in the ratio 19.1. Because of the toxic nature of these compounds. acrylamide solution are best purchased from a commerctal supplier (National Diagnostics [Atlanta, GA], Anachem [Luton, Beds, UK]) and should be used according to the manufacturers mstructions 3 DNase I stop solution. Formamide containing 10 mM EDTA and 0 1% (w/v) bromophenol blue 3. Methods 3.1. Plasmid Preparation Several methods are available for preparing plasmid DNA, which IS suitable for restriction digestion and radiolabeling, including several commerctal kits (including Qiagen or Wizard) and caesium chloride density gradient centrifu- gation. It 1sb eyond the scope of this article to review the relative merits of each procedure, except to note that in many instances it is not necessary to generate high purity plasmid preparations. Since the radtolabeled restrtction fragments are eventually isolated and purified by gel electrophoresis, prior purification of the plasmids may not be necessary, so long as the preparations do not contain nucleases or any agents that inhibit restriction enzymes or polymerases. As a result, plasmtds are usually prepared by standard alkaline lysts procedures, fol- lowed by extraction with phenol/chloroform. A very brief protocol for extract- mg pUC plasmids 1sd escribed as follows: 1 Grow 50 mL bacteria overnight. 2 Spin culture at 3000g (I e., 5000 rpm m a Beckman JA20 rotor) for 5 mm m Oakridge tube. 8 Fox 3 Resuspend the bacterial pellet m 5 mL cell resuspension solution (50 mM Tns-HCl, pH 7.5, containing 10 mM EDTA) 4. Add 5 mL cell lysis solution (0 1% SDS, 0 1 MNaOH) and mix gently until the solution becomes clear Add 5 mL neutralization solution (3 M potassium acetate, 2 M acetic acid) Spin at 17,000g (12,000 rpm) for 15 mm Remove the supernatant and add 0 6 vol of lsopropanol. Spin at 17,OOOg (12,000 rpm) for 15 mm Remove the supernatant and wash the crude DNA pellet with 5-10 mL 70% etha- nol Transfer the pellet to an Eppendorf tube and dry 10 Redissolve pellet m 0 5 mL 10 mA4 Tns-HCl, pH 7 5, containing 0.1 mM EDTA and 100 pg/mL RNase Leave at 37°C to dissolve for at least 30 mm 11 Extract twice with 0 5 mL phenol/chloroform (phenol forms the bottom layer and should be discarded) The interface will probably be very messy, leave the Junk behind 12. Remove any dissolved phenol by extracting twice with 0 5 mL ether (which forms the top layer and should be discarded) Allow excess ether to evaporate by stand- ing at 37°C for a few minutes 13 Precipitate with ethanol, dry and dissolve m 100-l 50 JJL Tns-HCI, pH 7 5, con- taining 0.1 mM EDTA 3.2. Radiolabeling the DNA DNA fragments can be efficiently labeled at either the 5’ end (using poly- nucleotlde kmase) or 3’ end using a DNA polymerase. However, the results of DNase I digestion are easiest to interpret for 3’-end-labeled fragments. Smce DNase I cuts the 03’-P bond, the products of dlgestlon possess a 3’-hydroxyl and 5’-phosphate group. In contrast, Maxam-Gilbert sequencing reactions, which are used as markers in footprmtmg gels (see Subheading 3.3.), leave phosphate groups on both sides of the cleavage pomt (52). As a result, the radlolabeled products of DNase I cleavage and Maxam-Gilbert sequencmg reactions will be identical if the DNA 1s labeled at the 3’ end (i.e., both possess a phosphate at the 5’ end). However, if the DNA 1s labeled at the 5’ end then the labeled DNase I products will possess an extra phosphate group and so run slightly faster than the correspondmg Maxam-Gllbert products. Although this difference 1s often over- looked in footprmtmg gels, it becomes significant for short fragments for which the difference m mobility may be as great as 2-3 bands. For enzymes that cut the O-5’ bond, such as DNase II and mtcrococcal nuclease, 5’-end-labeled fragments comlgrate with the Maxam-Gilbert marker lanes. 3.2.1. 3’-End Labeling with Reverse Transcriptase The production of 3’-end-labeled DNA fragments can be achieved by cut- ting with a restrlction enzyme that generates sticky ends with 3’-overhanging DNase I Footprmting 9 ends, followed by filling m with a polymerase using a suitable [a-32P]-dNTP. The fragment of interest IS then released from the remamder of the plasmid by cleaving with a second enzyme that cuts the other side of the region of interest. The two restriction enzymes usually cut at single locatlons in the plasmid, though this 1sn ot necessary so long as the various radiolabeled fragments can be separated from each other. The most commonly used polymerase is the Klenow fragment. However, it is found that the most efficient labeling is achieved using AMV reverse transcriptase, even though this 1s actually an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase. However, not all commercially sources of this enzyme are equally reltable; consistent results are obtained with reverse transcrlptase from Promega or Pharmacia 3 2 1 .l RESTRICTION DIGESTION AND a’-END LABELING Using the aforementioned procedure for DNA isolation, the followmg 1s used for generating radlolabeled Hindlll-EcoRl polylmker fragments from pUC plasmids. 1. Mix 30 pL plasmld (about 50 pg DNA) with 10 pL of 10X restrlctlon enzyme buffer (as supplied by the manufacturer), 45 PL water. 2 Add 3 pL HzndIII (A/AGCTT) and incubate at 37°C for 2 h 3. Add 1 PL [a-32P]-dATP (3000 Wmmol, Amersham)t ogether with 1 PL reverse transcriptase and Incubate for a further 1 h 4 The reverse transcriptase IS then Inactivated (to prevent further mcorporatlon of radiolabel at the 3’ end of the second restrlctlon site) by heatmg at 65°C for 5 mm 5 After cooling to 37”C, 3 pL EcoRI (G/AATTC) is added and the mixture mcu- bated for a further 1-2 h In this case, the DNA can be labeled on the opposite strand by reversing the order of addition of EcoRI and HzndIII If the second enzyme produces blunt ends or sticky ends with 5’ overhangs, or if the 3’ overhangs sites can not be filled m with dATP, then all the enzymes can be added simultaneously. Examples of such combinations for pUC polylinker fragments are HzndlII-SacI, and EcoRI-&I. The @rT fragment can be prepared by simultaneous digestion with EcoRl and Aval. In this instance the EcoRl end is labeled with [a-32P]-dATP, whereas the Aval end can be labeled with [a-32P]dCTP. Although various enzymes are supplied with dlffer- ent reaction buffers, it 1s found that there IS usually no need to change buffers between the first and second enzymes. 6 The mixture of radlolabeled fragments is preclpltated by addmg 10 PL of 3 M sodium acetate and 300 pL ethanol, followed by centrlfugatlon m a suitable microfuge, at top speed The pellet 1s washed with 70% ethanol, dried and dls- solved m 15-20 FL Tris-HCl containing 0 1 mA4 EDTA. Then 4 PL of loading dye (20% F~oll, 10 mA4EDTA, 4 1% [w/v] bromophenol blue) is added before 10 Fox loading onto a polyacrylamide gel (typically 6-8%). The gel should be run cold, so as not to denature the DNA, it is usually run 0 3-mm-thick, 40-cm-long gels in 1X TBE at 800 V Samples are loaded into slots 10 mm wide by 15 mm deep After the bromophenol blue has reached the bottom of the gel (about 2 h), the plates are separated and the gel covered with Saran wrap Scanning the gel with a hand-held Geiger counter should give a reading off scale (1 e , at least 3000 cps) over the radiolabeled bands The precise location of the radiolabeled bands is determined by short (2-10 min) autoradiography This autoradlograph IS placed under the glass plates and used to locate the band of Interest, which IS cut out using a sharp razor blade EXTRACTION OF RADIOLABELED DNA FRAGMENTS The simplest, cheapest, and most efficient method for extracting radio- labeled DNA fragments from polyacrylamlde gel slices IS by diffusion Place a small glass wool plug m the bottom of a 1 mL (PlOOO) pipet tip and seal the bottom end with parafilm. Add the gel slice containing the radiolabeled DNA and cover this with 10 mA4 Tris-HCl, pH 7 5, containing 10 mM EDTA (about 300 pL is sufficient). Cover the top of the pipet tip with parafilm and incubate at 37°C with gentle agitation. This is usually incubated overmght, though most of the DNA elutes after 2 h. Remove the parafilm from the top and bottom of the tip and expel the buffer mto an Eppendorf tube using a pipet and/or low- speed centrifugation (15OOg m an Eppendorf centrifuge). The gel slice should be retamed in the pipet tip by the plug of glass wool, though a small amount of polyacrylamide does occasionally come through This can be removed by cen- trifugation. For fragments shorter than 200 bp, this procedure recovers about 95% of the radiolabel m the gel slice, though the efficiency decreases for longer fragments. The DNA should then be precipitated with ethanol and redissolved m Tris-HCI containing 0.1 mA4 EDTA so as to generate at least 10 cps per pL on a hand-held counter. For most footprintmg experiments it is not necessary to know the absolute DNA concentration, since this is vamshmgly small. The important factor is concentration of the radiolabel, which should be sufficient to produce an autoradiograph within l-2 d exposure. 3.3. Maxam-Gilbert Marker Lanes Bands in the DNase I digestion patterns are identified by comparison with suitable marker lanes. Since each DNA fragment produces a characteristic sequence dependent digestion pattern, it is sometimes possible to identify the bonds by comparison with a previous (published) pattern. 3.3.1. G-Tracks The simplest and most commonly used marker lane is the dimethylsulfate- piperidme marker specific for guanine (52). Since the procedure is more time-

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