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Preview Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2008: Vol 92 Index & Table of Contents

ALCONOoE e DEPENDENCE Volume 92, issues 1-3, 1 January 2008 ELSEVIER CONTENTS Editorial The language barrier and institutional provincialism in science OT er Te COURT ETE COPE OTC ET CO OCT TCE ORR ET CU CEEOL TCE Pree re ee eo Ry Commentary Cytisine for smoking cessation: A research agenda ee aa EN, WO EE, Bae CUR EL, BIE 6k isid a Saccee Ces de Read bh Gdn specs cee Meda des SRS WED EEE es wae coed bee Ubeekbe eer eee Full length reports Inter-informant agreement and prevalence estimates for substance use disorders: Direct interview versus family history method C.L. Vandeleur, S. Rothen, N. Jeanprétre, Y. Lustenberger, F. Gamma, E. Ayer, F. Ferrero, A. Fleischmann, J. Besson, F. Sisbane, M. PROM tir tsagdtauupeueneeesneis Norepinephrine transporter polymorphisms 7-/82C and G/287A are not associated with alcohol dependence and its clinical subgroups ee On a es DO COD 9s acne b6een tains svat he babes Vek onde ann oe 00s 0 6SbWS bbb Obes htd0cns ae ckiu he ucnk sevens eees The Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule-IV (AUDADIS-IV): Reliability of new psychiatric diagnostic modules and risk factors in a general population sample W.J. Ruan, R.B. Goldstein, S.P. Chou, S.M. Smith, T.D. Saha, R.P. Pickering, D.A. Dawson, B. Huang, F.S. Stinson, B.F. Grant... 0.000000. 0 oe occ ccc cece eee cece ee Initial reliability and validity studies of the revised Treatment Services Review (TSR-6) J.S. Cacciola, A.I. Alterman, K.G. Lynch, J.M. Martin, M.L. Beauchamp, A.T. McLellan ........ ccc ccc ccc cece cece eee e cece ccc sncsccscvccusveesevsesseerns A within-subject comparison of withdrawal symptoms during abstinence from cannabis, tobacco, and both substances rs SN Cee, Se Oe , Si CE: 6 6 6.5. vie 6 Ui d:0SW OOhG Eb Ss SAE Eee en RAR EAT C00 UeKees RES bea bees e cht og6eneeedbercgdsaeebaedseewKiee Prefrontal cortex modulation using transcranial DC stimulation reduces alcohol craving: A double-blind, sham-controlled study P.S. Boggio, N. Sultani, S. Fecteau, L. Merabet, T. Mecca, A. Pascual-Leone, A. Basaglia, F. Fregni ............ 0. ccc cc cece ce eect cece ee ee se eeeeeseeeeennes Ethnic differences in alcohol treatment outcomes and the effect of concurrent smoking cessation treatment S.s. ou, Be. ROG, M. Wiesorag, D.B. Nelson, S. Nugent, A.A. Gravely, ADE. SORGGR 2. oo cc cccccccc ccc ccc es ce reeevsnencccssccusdussbessvcessevrandeses The relationship between the locomotor response to a novel environment and behavioral disinhibition in rats es ee OD 5 ain 6 no 5 4950055 0408 Mees beaks ebeesh bh eah aba SR SMe Ns AARACKY pede dbibe Hind d che reesihs vsepanteeeeerewu 69 Association between improvement in depression, reduced benzodiazepine (BDZ) abuse, and increased psychotropic medication use in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) patients ee Os Os he oa nae ais Ven who Mada a ROS Oe kd HERE Re SRS Owe wed RRR ee en aon a knC ai bee bd wale ote Bie on adTs Oran so Oa en Are diagnostic orphans at risk of developing cannabis abuse or dependence? Four-year follow-up of young adult cannabis users not meeting diagnostic criteria i es Sn ee i Ro 6) bie hkR ade Wa eed SOSA RCE whe Hh EEEL SEE Lsbe a ODS Sod SE ROhs Renee whee eee Cee 6 Oeee kaa kon A study on the TNF-a system in Caucasian Spanish patients with alcoholic liver disease T. Auguet, F. Vidal, M. L6pez-Dupla, M. Broch, C. Gutiérrez, M. Olona, C. Oltra, C. Aguilar, E. Gonzalez, J.-C. Quer, J.-J. Sirvent, C. Richart ........... Familial transmission of derived phenotypes for molecular genetic studies of substance use disorders a en, es ee, Gee, WD, LC Ng cde kbd oc tht nd eee bt ps ke ted nae s DOOR ECS Khe On v0es sb wed beds beaws FORA B BAO OREN 100 Pathways to ecstasy use in young adults: Anxiety, depression or behavioural deviance? en ks SO, Se, Cr, Ji OO 2. eC, WD ie pce ceebhodebbowtectcssdnnasdecesseS aateuhcewstes cnneest ecuep ceed ci es Problem-free drinking over 16 years among individuals with alcohol use disorders ea a OS a i a 4 SESE DSR be FER EERE RAE AS CURED EV ED ROMEO OSE Op eae eave FRE Ube Ree RV ESE CUED R A DOTEN Oe he The influence of legal coercion on dropout from substance abuse treatment: Results from a national survey oo Re ee ee ee eee re ee eee ey eee ee Eee Oren fe eee eee eR ery wy, Te eee ees Cr ee rr eee ee ee Correlates of injection drug use among female sex workers in two Mexico—U.S. border cities S.A. Strathdee, M.M. Philbin, S.J. Semple, M. Pu, P. Orozovich, G. Martinez, R. Lozada, M. Fraga, A. de la Torre, H. Staines, C. Magis-Rodriguez, T.L. Patterson ..............0..4. Smaller feedback ERN amplitudes during the BART are associated with a greater family history density of alcohol problems in treatment-naive alcoholics i PO ere eb sh OE Nese h CEM EVES HEAR ADS SRR OME Cad COCK KARERERS PR DAESEOMRED EO ES ROMS GENER OP EbO TMX Y Sere wih ote Rides heGtale en GA Characteristics of drug-related hospital separations in Australia ie ee CGR GR atin Sad eG kgiorh a Needle Ke SMa ie eRe RNC RES OS DATES 0 0-e ORT DA OPAL EN EEA Oh b50— DIR KES OLE CORN TR ee EE ae An analysis of racial and sex differences for smoking among adolescents in a juvenile correctional center oe ON A OR er eee Ee Eee eee ee eee Te Lee REET TET T TEST PORES eT PET TP ere Te re rts Pere Brain macrostructural and microstructural abnormalities in cocaine dependence K.O. Lim, J.R. Wozniak, B.A. Mueller, D.T. Franc, S.M. Specker, C.P. Rodriguez, A.B. Silverman, J.P. Rotrosen 2.0.0... 0. eeee ee nen eens The association of self-reported neighborhood disorganization and social capital with adolescent alcohol and drug use, dependence, and access to treatment Ecos. CORE, SPUNUE, UONNCUN, E.ES, SUNG. A, CEO, CL GU CRM 6 beech sacred eee vesect econ eeedeeresseenes ew ans UE Ov ES CREED RADE CESS The Thai HIV/AIDS epidemic at 15 years: Sustained needle sharing among southern Thai drug injectors ES I ee rere LE See Oe CET CEST COL RET ETT ETT OT eCCETE ECT Se ETE TOE e Tey Te TEES TCT The impact of early school behavior and educational achievement on adult drug use disorders: A prospective study ade, SenOeees, Deel. EEE, Te, Capeem, DLWve, CUM, J, POCONO, TEs BOG. 6. etc c cern cee ieee teen res as eres ebedenceeseesdedebeseoksegevuecven Treatment programs in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network D. McCarty, B. Fuller, L.A. Kaskutas, W.W. Wendt, E.V. Nunes, M. Miller, R. Forman, K.M. Magruder, C. Arfken, M. Copersino, A. Floyd, J. Sindelar, E. Edmundson ... . Severity of childhood trauma is predictive of cocaine relapse outcomes in women but not men Ss Sy Fr; rey Ce, Se, DUE, ED, SEE, EE, I oi a thine wis itve ec ed nen es en es eo sven ebeusrDebdsebeeesseatcbeeetasrecberebesius Ketamine exposure in adult mice leads to increased cell death in C3H, DBA2 and FVB inbred mouse strains ee rr 6 Lice ike bias ene bl s £6 6055060 5.00 whe 048v.b 5 vps 00 64S bee hhc ua 68d wenee o0e.cb. oes bd Migp hs ed Wa bbes nee ess Treating paternal drug abuse using Learning Sobriety Together: Effects on adolescents versus children EE EN Si rere deere ee ree oe ee eer ee eee ey eee ee eee eee eee Sere Pee ee ot ee eee ee ee Likelihood of developing an alcohol and cannabis use disorder during youth: Association with recent use and age Silas a Ss ccd aon Se hie yh dls hn eva oie ae CESS TER aAE ET OE ORT EDO OCR Ca mph bese a 3020.5. 2 AD ieee’ ope G'x 00 se’ papas 6 ese Pees 20 The incremental inpatient costs associated with marijuana comorbidity EE PEO LE SPECT EE CECT TTC LESS Pe RTE CLE LTT ETUC EPC CU ET ERE TPIT REET CUTLER ree ee Evidence for a two-stage model of dependence using the NESARC and its implications for genetic association studies en ne Pe hod Cin cee y keh bas RA OO bho 66 SME ST ORT W HSS do OREO RS EE OE oe eben Kw hE CED OSS N RS Ree Ree eee Prescription opioid use, misuse, and diversion among street drug users in New York City es Oe ESE a PR EETCSC SELENE MERE SED POLERCERD ICES TAM EES FREE TREE REESE EAS ETRA SRD TEED ETRE RAE WEES EECERE RO OREO RS 267 Short communications Profile of lifetime methamphetamine use among homeless adults in Los Angeles A. Nyamathi, E.L. Dixon, S. Shoptaw, M. Marfisee, L. Gelberg, S. Williams, S. Dominick, B. Leake ............0 0c c ccc cece ce cece eee eee eee e ete tense eeeeenes Safety, tolerability and subject-rated effects of acute intranasal cocaine administration during atomoxetine maintenance ees a, 2 Se, Ce, OO Ml MS daca esb ose rks na ears bso SehEEDF SS Om SHON ODES DETR DOSE TEED S OR ede NETS bs eee EDS Sie BOS Use, function, and subjective experiences of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) H.R. Sumnall, K. Woolfall, S. Edwards, J.C . Cole, C.M. Beynon Ea Ore er eee ee eer nen ry eer Serr eres oe ree eee Responsiveness of EQ-5D utility indices in alcohol-dependent patients eK EES ere res eee rr eerTe Serer erer en ere eee rere er Tee eT eee Ter errr re rr. ee HIV risk behavior among patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders: Associations with mania and drug abuse Rt eee eee eee ee or er ae TT. eee oP er ETL Lt CEE EP TEUPRORE CULE TLT CE TLELeer ree News and views f Overview of conference on preclinical abuse liability testing: Current methods and future challenges SR RR ee ee ee ee ee ee Eee TCE CT Te caer CSE eee Eee ee EET TEP EE ER eT Tee ee Tee ere Lee) © See eee Summary of NIDA medications workshop: New opportunities for chemists and pharmacologists EO Pere Pri. aero re ree eee eee ee ee eR ETE ET ERE UTE PEECEEETCTT TOPE Tear ee Cees ee Nicotine addiction: Past, present and future. Marian W. Fischman Lecture given at the 2007 meeting of CPDD REE ERS ee ey ee en eee re Se ee eee eee Bee ee Pee TEE eee CET TEST PTS Te TT Te Tee CI eRe EERSTE eR Re eee Printed by The Alden Group, Oxfordshire, UK Available online at -” ScienceDirect UTIL 0376-8716 (20080101) 92:1/3;1-P www.sciencedirect.com 08013

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