Typeset with jpsj2.cls <ver.1.2> Full Paper Drude Weight of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model – Reexamination of Finite-Size Effect in Exact Diagonalization Study – Hiroki Nakano∗, Yoshinori Takahashi and Masatoshi Imada1 7 Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo, Kouto 3-2-1, Kamiori, Ako-gun, 678-1297 0 1Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Tokyo 113-8656 0 (ReceivedFebruary6,2008) 2 TheDrudeweightoftheHubbardmodelonthetwo-dimensionalsquarelatticeisstudiedby n the exact diagonalizations applied to clusters up to 20 sites. We carefully examine finite-size a effects by consideration of the appropriate shapes of clusters and the appropriate boundary J condition beyond the limitation of employing only the simple periodic boundary condition. 0 We successfully capture the behavior of the Drude weight that is proportional to the squared 3 holedopingconcentration.Ourpresentresultgivesaconsistentunderstandingofthetransition betweentheMottinsulatoranddopedmetals.Wealsofind,inthefrequencydependenceofthe ] l opticalconductivity,thatthemid-gapincoherentpartemergesmorequicklythanthecoherent e - part and rather insensitive to the doping concentration in accordance with the scaling of the r Drudeweight. t s t. KEYWORDS: Hubbardmodel,Lanczosmethod,metal-insulatortransition,Drudeweight,opticalconduc- a tivity m - d 1. Introduction ical quantity as the Drude weight of the strongly corre- n o Metal-insulatortransitionisafundamentalissueinthe lated system without approximations. One possible way c condensed-matter physics. Particular interest has been is to apply the exact diagonalization method to finite- [ focused on properties of metals near the transition be- size clusters. The first work along this line concerning 1 tween the Mott insulator and the metallic phase. Many with the two-dimensional Hubbard model was reported v studies have already been made from both theoretical byDagottoetal.2 Basedonthetreatmentontheclusters 5 and experimental points of view.1 upto16sites,theysuccessfullycapturedaroughfeature 3 Oneofthequantitiesbywhichonecandistinguishbe- oftheDrudeweightasafunctionoftheholedopingcon- 7 1 tween metallic or insulating phases is the Drude weight centration δ. They tentatively concluded that D ∝ δ, 0 D,namelythecoherentcomponentoftheopticalconduc- although the Drude weight sometimes becomes nega- 7 tivityσ(ω).The systemismetallicorinsulatingdepend- tivewithlargeabsolutevaluesespeciallynearthe metal- 0 ing on D 6= 0 or D = 0, respectively. In the Mott insu- insulator transition point. Such negative Drude weights t/ lator,the Drude weightthereforealwaysvanishes.Ifone occur as a consequence of the finite-size effect. In order a m dopestheMottinsulatorwithcarriers,itbecomesmetal- to get rid of such a finite-size effect, Nakano and Imada lic and the Drude weight increases with further doping. examined the properties under various boundary condi- d- TheHubbardmodelisbyfarthesimplestmicroscopic tions in the system ofthe same size with 16sites.3 They n model which can show the Mott-insulator-metal transi- consequently found the concave behavior of the Drude o tion. It is the most appropriate model for intensive the- weight as a function of δ in the small-δ region, which c oretical studies. Precise determination of its properties implies the dependence D ∝δ2. Recently, Tohyama and : v by some methods with no approximations contributes his co-workers treated larger clusters of 18 and 20 sites Xi much to the fundamental understanding of the metal- under the periodic boundary condition.4 Their result of insulatortransition.Inspiteofthesimplicity,variousas- the Drude weight seems to suggest D ∝ δ again. Thus, r a pectsoftypicalmany-bodyproblemsareinvolvedinthis the issue of the δ-dependence of D is still controversial model due to the presence of the Coulomb interaction. at present. Many of them are still controversial even now. Among Under these circumstances, we examine the finite-size themis the hole-dopingdependence ofthe Drude weight effectsoftheDrudeweightofclusterswithvariousshapes near the transition between the Mott insulator and the and sizes up to 20 sites under various boundary condi- metal. Primary interest of this paper is the dependence tions very carefully and do our best in minimizing the of the two-dimensional Hubbard model for small doping finite-size effects when we calculate the Drude weight of concentration; this is because the Mott insulator of this the finite-size clusters. The purpose of the study in this model at half filling is considered to become metallic in paper is to capture thereby a reliable exponent for the anontrivialwaywhenthe doping is switchedonandbe- δ-dependence of the Drude weight near the transition causethismodelhasbeenextensivelystudiedasamodel between the metal and the Mott insulator. Our present of high-T cuprates. results suggest that D ∝δ2. c Generally,it is notso easy to calculate sucha dynam- Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.Inthenextsection, themodelHamiltonianandthemethodofnumericalcal- culation are introduced. Section 3 is devoted to the ex- ∗E-mailaddress:[email protected] 2 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.Takahashi andM.Imada amination of the finite-size effect in the non-interacting case. In Section 4, results in the interacting case are re- portedanddiscussed.Summaryandconclusionaregiven in the final section. 2. Model and Method We consider the two-dimensional Hubbard model. Its Hamiltonian is given by H = H +H , (1) hop int H = −t c† c , hop i,σ j,σ X hi,ji,σ Hint = U ni↑ni↓, Fig. 1. Finite size clusters for Ns = 16, 18 and 20. The blue Xi and green vectors represent two translational vectors for each cluster. The atomic sites are denoted by the red circles inside where the creation (annihilation) of an electron at site thequadrangleformedbythesetwovectorsandtheotheredges i with spin σ is denoted by c†i,σ (ci,σ) and ni,σ is the denotedbyblacksolidlines. corresponding number operator, namely n = c† c . i,σ i,σ i,σ In this paper, we treat only the nearest-neighbor hop- ping on the two-dimensional square lattice. Shapes for deviation from the value in the thermodynamic limit. finite-size clusters will be illustrated later. Energies are In ref. 2, a remarkable finite-size effect was reported. In measured in units of t; therefore, we set t=1 hereafter. view of this situation, effects of other types of boundary The system consists of N electrons on N atomic sites. conditions, namely the antiperiodic boundary condition e s The hole doping concentration is a controllable param- and the mixed boundary condition, were studied in ref. eter given by δ = 1−n, where the electron density is 3 to see whether one can reduce the finite-size effects defined as n=Ne/Ns. for the fixed Ns or not. Consequently, the wrong nega- We perform numerical diagonalization of finite-size tivelargeDrudeweightsweresuccessfullyresolved.Note clusters of the model (1) using Lanczos algorithm. This here that when one imposes the mixed boundary condi- method is non-biased against the effects of Coulomb tion, the two lattice directions are no longer equivalent interaction. The method is also useful to obtain the and the average of the two directions gives a reasonable ground-statewavefunctionwiththeground-stateenergy result. This suggests that adhering to the equivalence of E very precisely. On the other hand, the disadvantage the two directions is not necessary. The two directions g of this method is that available system sizes are lim- becomeinequivalentwhenonerelaxestheconditionthat ited to be small. This is because the dimension of the these quadrangles of the clusters have the right angle at Hilbert space grows exponentially with respect to the their vertices. Therefore we rather additionally examine systemsize.5 Inorderto overcomethis disadvantage,we the parallelogramclusters depicted in Fig. 1 (d) and (e) perform parallel calculations in the computer systems for Ns = 16 and 18 in place of squared-shaped clusters, of the distributed-memory type. Thereby we can treat respectively.Animportantpoint is thata setof possible arbitrary shapes of clusters up to N = 20 if we use ap- wave number vectors corresponding to the clusters (d) s propriate supercomputer systems. We also employ the and (e) is different from the one corresponding to the continued-fractionexpansionmethod,6whichprovidesus clusters (a) and (b), respectively. The system is never- with dynamical quantities including the optical conduc- theless still bipartite. For Ns = 20, on the other hand, tivityandtheDrudeweight.Thedetailedprocedurewill it is impossible to preserve the bipartite nature when beexplainedaftertheexaminationsofclustershapesand one distorts the cluster (c) so that it realizes a parallel- boundary conditions. ogram cluster with a different set of possible wave num- ber vectors. Then we study only one type of cluster for 3. Finite-Size Effect for U = 0 and Boundary N =20. Therefore we consider these clusters (a)-(e) up s Condition to N =20. s In this section, we examine how finite-size effects oc- Next, we show how to select the appropriate cluster cur in various types of boundary conditions of clusters under the appropriate boundary condition for a given for a given Ns. When one considers the system of two- Ns.Forthis purpose,letusfirstsee the ground-stateen- dimensional square lattice by using a finite-size cluster, ergy Eg of the clusters (a)-(e) at half filling for U = 0, regular squares under the periodic boundary condition presented in Table I. Note that this quantity is propor- are usually adopted as in refs. 2 and 4. Such regular tionalto theDrude weightforU =0.Anoticeablepoint squaresforN =16,18and20aredepictedinFig.1(a), of the results of clusters (a), (b) and (c) under the pe- s (b) and (c), respectively. The merit of adopting these riodic boundary condition is that the relative difference squares is that the x and y directions are equivalent. (E∞ −Eg)/E∞ does not monotonically converge as Ns When one treats such a quantity as the Drude weight, is increased, where E∞ denotes the ground-state energy however,calculationsbasedontheregularsquaresunder in the limit of Ns → ∞. This suggests that the system the periodic boundaryconditionreveala largefinite-size size Ns up to 20 is not free from the finite-size effect as J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.TakahashiandM.Imada 3 far as we stick to the periodic boundary condition. We have thus to be careful in choosing an appropriate clus- ter under anappropriateboundary conditionfor a given N .Letusnowcomparethedifference(E −E )/E of s ∞ g ∞ alltheclusters(a)-(e)withvariousboundaryconditions. One can find the best cluster and boundary condition fromamongthe casesshowninTable I sothatthe abso- lute value of the difference is the smallest. For N = 16 s and 20, two boundary conditions give the smallest one. Sets of possible wave number vectors of the two cases for eachN are equivalent.Thus, the same result will be s obtained if one selects either of the two. Let us compare the δ-dependence of the non- interacting E between two cases, the one of the most g appropriate cluster under the most appropriate bound- ary condition with the best E at half filling and the g other of the regular square under the periodic boundary condition; results are depicted in Fig. 2. One can easily observe the results of the former case fall closer to the curve of the thermodynamic limit in the whole regionof δ,irrespectiveofthe sizeN .Onthe otherhand,thelat- s terregular-squarecaseundertheperiodicboundarycon- ditiongivessignificantoverestimatesparticularlyat(N , s N ) = (18, 18) and (20, 18). This strongly suggests that e theDrudeweightsofthesecaseswillbepossiblyoveresti- matedevenwhenU isconsiderablylarge.Italsosuggests that if the intrinsic Drude weight shows the concave be- havioras a function of δ for large U, this overestimation will possibly cancelthis behavior.Figure 2 alsoprovides another important finite-size effect that finite-size data Table I. List of ground-state energy per site in the non- interactingcaseU =0athalffillingforvariousshapesofclusters andvariousboundaryconditionstogetherwithrelativedifference from the energy in the thermodynamic limit. Head BC1 (BC2) denotes the boundary condition along the green (blue) transla- tionalvectorinFig.1.PandArepresenttheperiodicboundary conditionandtheantiperiodicboundarycondition,respectively. Noteherethattheboundaryconditions givingthesameenergy for each cluster correspond to the identical set of possible wave numbervectors.MarkedcasesinlastcolumnwithheadPWshow Fig. 2. Ground-state energies as functionofδ innon-interacting the selected clusters under the selected boundary condition in caseforgivenNspresentedintheformof−Eg/(4Ns).Thisquan- whichweactuallyperformcalculations inthepresentwork. titycorresponds toD forU =0.Greentrianglesrepresentdata cluster BC1 BC2 −Eg/Ns (E∞−Eg)/E∞ PW for the regular square under the periodic boundary condition. (a) P P 1.5 −0.0747 Redcirclesrepresentdata fortheappropriatecluster under the A P 1.70711 +0.0530 appropriate boundary condition based on the analysis in Table P A 1.70711 +0.0530 I. The solid curve denotes the corresponding quantity for the A A 1.41421 −0.1276 thermodynamiclimit. (b) P P 1.77778 +0.0966 A P 1.53960 −0.0503 P A 1.53960 −0.0503 show nonzero curvature in their δ-dependence only at δ A A 1.33333 −0.1775 correspondingtothe closedelectronicshellstructure.At (c) P P 1.69443 +0.0452 A P 1.65065 +0.0182 • δ for the open electronic shell structure, on the other P A 1.65065 +0.0182 hand, Eg follows linear dependence. The linear depen- A A 1.52169 −0.0613 dence from this origin is likely to survive more or less (d) P P 1.70711 +0.0530 evenforU >0.Thisis,infact,confirmedinthequantum A P 1.63099 +0.0061 • Monte Carlostudy atnonzeroU.7 Thus,it is difficult to P A 1.5 −0.0747 judgewhetherthelinearδ-dependencerevealedfromnu- A A 1.63099 +0.0061 (e) P P 1.72417 +0.0636 mericalstudiesintheinteractingcaseintheregionofthe A P 1.64519 +0.0148 • openshellstructureisintrinsicorissimplyattributedto P A 1.51621 −0.0647 this particular electronic structure. In view of this situ- A A 1.44675 −0.1076 ation, it is desirable to confine our analysis to the data 4 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.Takahashi andM.Imada at δ for the closed shell structure in order to extract the intrinsic behavior. In this paper, therefore, we take the appropriateclustersunderthetheappropriateboundary conditionforeachN (showninTable I)andadoptdata s for the filling forming the closed shell structure. In the selected clusters and boundary conditions, the equivalence of the two directions denoted by α (= x,y) doesnothold,aswehavealreadymentionedintheabove. Then,wetakethedirectionaverageaccordingtothepro- cedure used in ref. 3. The optical conductivity is given by σ(ω) = 2πDδ(ω)+σreg(ω). Here, the second term is theregularpartofthe opticalconductivity,whichisalso called the incoherent part. The regular part σreg(ω) is obtainedby the averageσreg(ω)=[σreg(ω)+σreg(ω)]/2; x y each of σreg(ω) given by α Fig. 3. Ground-stateenergiesasfunctionofδininteractingcases σreg(ω)= π |hℓ|jα|0i|2δ(ω−E +E ), (2) presented in the form of −Eg/(4Ns). The solid curve denotes α Ns X Eℓ−E0 ℓ 0 −Eg/(4Ns) for U =0 for the thermodynamic limit.Closed cir- ℓ(6=0) cles and closed triangles denote the present results from exact is calculated by the continued-fraction expansion diagonalization calculations for U = 4 and U = 35, respec- tively. Open symbols (triangles, squares, reversed triangles and method. Here, j is a current operator along the α- α diamonds) denote results of Ns = 6×6, 8×8, 10×10 and direction defined as 12×12 for U =4 from the quantum Monte Carlo simulations, j =−i t(c† c −c† c ), (3) respectively.7 α i,σ i+δα,σ i+δα,σ i,σ X i,σ whereδ istheunitvectoralongtheα-direction,|ℓirep- the finite-size effects in D and N based on the present α eff resentsaneigenstatewiththeenergyeigenvalueE .Note procedure are also small if the smooth δ-dependence of ℓ that the groundstate is describedby ℓ=0.One can ob- D and N is confirmed irrespective of the size N . eff s tain the Drude weight D from the combination of σ(ω) In this paper, we take three cases of U = 10, 20 and and the sum rule 35.Inthe systemwithanonzeroU weakerthanU =10, ∞ itisdifficulttodistinguishtheupper-Hubbardbandand σ(ω)dω =πK, (4) Z the lower-Hubbard band in the responses of σ(ω); the 0 estimation of N is not available. On the other hand, eff where−4Krepresentsthekineticenergypersite,namely in the system for U > 35, the ground state is possibly −4K = hH i/N . For U = 0, the incoherent part is hop s ferromagnetic near half filling. Once the ferromagnetism absent;thereforeonehasD =K.Itiswidelyknownthat appears, it is too difficult to study the scaling of D near for U >0, the incoherentpart appears.When U is large half filling. enough, one can easily recognize in σ(ω) the responses towardtheupper-Hubbardband.Insuchacase,onecan 4. Results for Interacting Case and Discussions definitely determine a frequency just below the upper- Weshownumericalresultsfortheδ-dependenceofN eff Hubbardbandtobeω ;wealsocalculatedefiniteintegral c connected by lines for interacting cases in Fig. 4. The δ- 1 ωc dependenceoftheDrudeweightislatershown.Although N = σ(ω)dω, (5) eff π Z the data consistof those of various system sizes for each 0 case of U, δ-dependence of them is fairly smooth, inde- which is called an effective carrier density. pendent of the value U, as shown in Fig. 4(a). It clearly As for the validity of extending the present procedure indicates that deviations of our numerical results due to to cases with finite U, there is no convincing theoretical the finite-size effect are very small for every U that we argument on the condition of reducing the finite-size ef- treat. One can also observe that as δ is decreased to- fect.Thoughnotreliableinastrictandrigoroussense,it wardthe half-filling caseδ =0,N goesto a verysmall isatleastbettertostartfromsituationswheretheeffects eff value for each of non-zero U. The values of N at half are reduced in the case of U = 0 from the continuity of eff filling are very close to the corresponding D. This is be- behavior as the function of U. Another evidence for the cause no significant responses within 0 < ω < ω are validityofthepresentprocedureisgivenfromourexam- c observed in the optical conductivity; this behavior has inationofE forU >0;theresultsaredepictedinFig.3. g already been reported in all the previous works2–4 and Althoughallthe possible data ofN =16,18and 20are s willbeconfirmedlaterinthepresentstudy.Then,wewill shown there with the same closed symbol for each case later come back to these values of N at half filling in of U >0, δ-dependence of E is fairly smooth. This fact eff g the discussion of the Drude weight. In order to examine implies that finite-size deviations ofthe presentdata are the δ-dependence of N near half filling, Fig. 4(b) de- small. One can actually confirm that the present results eff pictstheδ-dependenceofN /δinsteadofrawN .One for U = 4 agree well with the results from the quan- eff eff can observe the linear behavior irrespective of the value tum Monte Carlo simulations7 on larger systems up to of U in the wide region of δ. They extrapolate to finite N =12×12.Therefore,itisreasonabletopresumethat s J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.TakahashiandM.Imada 5 Fig. 6. Log-log plot of D and Neff as function of δ for U = 35. Circlesandtrianglesdenotes D andNeff,respectively. inthe thermodynamic limit.Allthe values forvariousU are so small, less than 0.003, that we cannot distinguish their symbols from the origin as shown in Fig. 4(a) and 5, where our data of the half-filling case for N =20 are s plotted. For N = 16, we obtain D ∼ 0.009 for U = 10 s at most; since its difference from the data of N = 20 is s onlywithinthesymbolsize,itisnotshowninthefigure. On the other hand, ref. 4 reported the Drude weight of about 0.02, which is substantially larger than ours, for thecluster(c)withN =20undertheperiodicboundary Fig. 4. δ-dependence ofNeff in(a)andNeff/δin(b).Closedtri- s condition.Ourpresentresultisclosertothecorrectvalue angles, open squares and closed circles denote data for U =10, 20 and 35, respectively. In (a), total weight for U = 0 is also ofzeroinspiteofthesmallersizeNs,whichindicatessu- depicted bythesolidcurveforcomparison. periority of our present calculations in reproducing well the insulating state at half filling. In the metallic region for δ >0, all the data obtained from studies on various system sizes are presented in Figs. 4(a) and 5 according to the discussion in section 3.Recallhere thatrefs.2and4 reportedanomalousand discontinuous deviations of D at some particular hole concentrations, resulting from a finite-size effect.11 On the other hand, the present data for all the values of δ in Fig. 5 show smooth variation on the whole, though they consist of mixture for various N . It indicates that s the finite-size effect is well eliminated in our estimates. Asfortheδ-dependenceoftheDrudeweight,theconvex behaviorisapparentinalltheregionofδ forU =10.For U =20 and35,on the other hand, the concavebehavior occurs near half filling. The change in this δ-dependence with increasing U will be discussed below. InordertoconfirmtheconcavebehaviorofD,weplot Fig. 5. δ-dependence of Drude weight for U = 10, 20 and 35. the data of D on the logarithmicscale in Fig.6 together Notations for closed triangles, open squares and closed circles are the same as those in Fig. 4. For comparison, solid curve with Neff for U = 35. Our data of D near half filling represents D forU =0,whichisthesameasthetotal weight. indicate the dependence D ∝δ2. (7) intercepts of the N /δ axis, resulting in the following This dependence is in contrast to the linear dependence eff dependence ofN ofeq.(6).Formoredetailedanalysisofthedepen- eff dence of D in the region of small δ, let us next examine N ∝δ, (6) eff the δ-dependence of the ratio D/N . The correspond- eff near half filling δ = 0. Note that the above dependence ing quantity wasalsostudied inthe two-dimensionalt-J (6) is in agreement with all the previous studies.2–4 model.12 The present results are shown in Fig. 7 in the Wedepictδ-dependenceoftheDrudeweightinFig.5. formof(D/N )/δ.ForU =10and20,asδ isdecreased eff Note that the Drude weight at δ =0 vanishes for U >0 toward half filling, the quantity (D/N )/δ shows steep eff 6 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.Takahashi andM.Imada Fig. 8. δ-dependenceofD/δ.Notationsforclosedtriangles,open Fig. 7. δ-dependence ofD/(Neffδ) andits inverse. Notations for squaresandclosedcirclesarethesameasthoseinFig.4.Broken closedtriangles,opensquaresandclosedcirclesarethesameas linesarethefittinglinesin0.25≤δ≤0.5.Dottedlinesareguides thoseinFig.4. foreyes intheassumptionofD∝δ2. increase.ForU =35,ontheotherhand,nosuchbehavior tem sizes not yet treated by exact-diagonalization stud- isobserved.TheincreasingbehaviorforU =10and20is ies. The QMC calculation15 also demonstrated that the examined in the plot of the inverse of (D/N )/δ shown eff localizationlengthsuggeststhedivergenceξ ∝|µ−µ |−ν in the inset of Fig.7. Our data for U =10 and20 reveal l c with ν = 1/4 as the chemical potential approaches the linear dependence in a wide region of δ. For U = 35, a charge gap µ from the insulating side. The scaling the- similar linear dependence is observed in 0.2 <∼ δ <∼ 0.5 c ory indicates zν = 1, which also leads to the exponent togetherwithadeviationfromitinthesmaller-δ region. z = 4. Therefore, our present result is consistent with Each of the linear extrapolation of plots intersects at a these QMC results in views of the scaling theory. Re- non-zerointerceptwith the axis of ordinatesin the limit cent study of the metal-insulator transition16–18 clari- of δ →0. If one takes its weak δ-dependence for U =35 fied that the exponent z = 4 appears at the marginal intoaccount,itisnaturaltoconsiderthat[(D/N )/δ]−1 eff quantum critical point between the continuous metal- forvariousU staysfiniteinthelimitofδ →0ascommon insulator transition with T = 0 and the discontinuous behavior; there is no sign of vanishing [(D/N )/δ]−1 c eff transition with nonzero T . The appearance of the same from our data of finite size clusters. The above behav- c marginal exponent z = 4 was also found in the one- ior, together with eq. (6), thus leads us to the scaling dimensional Hubbard model with next-nearest-neighbor (7) valid not only for U = 35 but also for U = 10 and hopping.10,19 The unified understandingofthe marginal 20. This analysis is particularly important since it sug- point occurring in the one- and two-dimensionalcases is gests the validity of the scaling (7) even for U = 10 in the subject for future studies. Although it is difficult to spite of the fact that the δ-dependence of D for this U determine the marginalquantumcriticalpointprecisely, in Fig. 5 does not show concave behavior which appears the presentresults suggestthat the critical regionof the for U =20 and 35. marginal point is wide extending to all the values of U Let us now discuss the present result from the view- we studied. This allows us to capture successfully the pointofthescalingtheorydevelopedbyImada,ageneral distinct signature characteristic to the marginal point. theory of the metal-insulator transition.13 This helps us Next, let us consider the width of the critical region to justify the dependence (7) in relation to other behav- of δ in which the behavior (7) is observed. For this iorofthetwo-dimensionalHubbardmodel.Accordingto purpose, we depict the δ-dependence of D/δ in Fig. 8. the scalingtheory,the Drude weightshowsthe following critical behavior near the metal-insulator transition, In 0.25 <∼ δ <∼ 0.5, one can observe U-irrelevant lin- ear behavior. In Fig. 8, we fit our numerical data in D ∝δ1+(z−2)/d, (8) 0.25 ≤ δ ≤ 0.5 with broken lines. For U = 20 and 35, our data near half filling digress from the broken lines. where z denotes the dynamical exponent and d is the In particular, for U = 35, two points shows clear de- spatial dimension. Since d = 2 in the present problem, viation toward the origin in Fig. 8, while one point for one obtains z =4 from (7). The scaling theory also pre- U = 20. Here, let us draw the dotted guide lines for dictsthecriticalbehaviorofthecompressibilitynearthe these digressingdataby assumingthe presentresult(7). transition, Thedottedandthebrokenlinescrosswitheachotherfor κ∝δ1−z/d. (9) eachU.OnecanregardthecrossingpointforeachU asa rough estimation of the boundary of the critical region. Substitutionofz =4andd=2intheabovedependence Then, the estimated boundaries are δ ∼ 0.14 and 0.22 of κ leads to κ ∝ δ−1. The diverging behavior of κ was for U =20 and 35, respectively. Though crude are these reported by the quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simula- estimations, this is the first study to report the bound- tions7,14 performed on the same model with larger sys- J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.TakahashiandM.Imada 7 ary. Calculations of systems with larger N with proper s treatment of finite-size effects will make the precise es- timations possible in future studies. For U = 10, there arenodatapointsshowingdigressingtowardstheorigin. If the δ2 dependence of D, i.e. eq. (7), is true, then the above fact suggests that the critical region for U =10 is narrowerthan δ <1/9.This is consistent with the rapid decrease of the estimated boundary as U decreasesfrom 35 to 20. The doping concentration at the extrapolated boundary for U =10 may be very small. Let us discuss the frequency dependence of σreg(ω) obtained by eq. (2) for the insulating and metallic cases wherethe systemisinthe criticalregion;we presentour resultsinFig.9.Figures9(a)and9(b)depictthe results for insulating cases. The structures of σreg(ω) between N = 16 and N = 20 are similar for each U. This fact s s suggests that finite-size effects are rather irrelevant for the structure of σreg(ω). For each U, broad responses corresponding to the transitions to the upper-Hubbard band appear around ω = U. For U = 10, a sharp peak emerges at the lower edge of the band. According to ref. 4, this sharppeak is ascribed to the spin-polaronforma- tioninthephotoexcitedstate,andtheweightofthepeak becomes smaller for larger N . On the other hand, our s sharp peak for U =10 does not show any significant N s dependence,whichimpliesthatitwillsurviveinthether- modynamiclimit,althoughthe peaksgetrapidlyweaker for largerU =20 and 35. The broad responses are unaf- fectedbythechangeinU betweenU =20and35except that the center of responses moves with U. Figures 9(c), 9(d) and 9(e) depict the metallic cases; one can observe not only the high-frequency spectrum due to the transi- tions to the upper-Hubbardband but also a pronounced structure in the low-energy region below the Mott gap. First, let us see the transitions to the upper-Hubbard band.Byswitchingδ on,these transitionsgraduallylose their weights by transferring them to the lower-energy structure, as already been reported in refs. 2, 3 and 4. Next, let us see the structure in the low-frequency re- gion. We find strong responses growing rapidly towards ω =0 with decreasing ω. It is noticeable that the shape seems to be a common property irrespective of U and δ within the present parameter ranges. The same shapes are produced in the present results of both Ns =18 and Fig. 9. Frequency dependence ofregularpartoftheoptical con- 20.Theω-dependenceoftheshaperemindsusofthe1/ω ductivity in (a) for Ns = 16 and Ne = 16, namely δ = 0, (b) tail and the mid-IR peak observedin the experiments of for Ns = 20 and Ne = 20, namely δ = 0, (c) for Ns = 18 and high-T compound.20 Ne=16,namelyδ=1/9,(d)forNs=18andNe=16,namely c Finally,letusmakecomparisonswithexperimentalre- δ=1/9and(e)forNs=20andNe=16,namelyδ=0.2.Blue, green and red lines denote the cases for U = 10, U = 20 and sultsofopticalconductivities.Recallherethatthecoher- U =35, respectively. Delta functions arebroadened withwidth ent and incoherent parts are not definitely separated in ofη=0.05. the experimentally observed optical conductivity. Thus, it is not so easy to make direct comparison between ex- perimental and numerical σreg(ω). Theoretically, on the the system is in the insulating state. This comes from otherhand,onehastointroducethebroadeningofdelta the tiny D due to the finite-size effect. For δ > 0, on functions with some widths in dealing with finite sys- the other hand, the Drude weight is considerably large tems as the present ones. Keeping these circumstances in comparison with this tiny D at half filling; there oc- in mind, we consider the frequency dependence of σ(ω) curs a huge peak at ω = 0 as the coherent component. including the Drude part; Figure 10 depicts results of ItstailinFig.10appearsduetothebroadeningofwidth U = 10, typical value of the Coulomb interaction for η =0.2.Noteherethateventhetailissizableincompar- most of the high-T materials. For δ = 0, the present ison with the intrinsic responses of σreg(ω) in the inner- c spectrum reveals a clear increase as ω → 0, even when gap region. This means that in order to understand op- 8 J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.Takahashi andM.Imada lowdopingsisindeedcommontoallthehigh-T cuprates. c Itisevenmoreuniversalinthetransitionmetaloxidesin general.Ourcalculatedresultforthefurtherdopingpro- cessfrommoderatetooverdopingisalsoconsistentwith the universaltrend of the experimentalresults in transi- tion metal oxides including the high-T cuprates, where c the mid-IR structure is absorbed to the Drude weight. The δ2 scaling of the Drude weight is tightly related to this profound and universal trend in the doping process of the whole spectral weight in the optical conductivity. 5. Conclusion and Discussion We have investigated the Drude weight of the Hub- bardmodel onthe squarelattice by means of large-scale parallelized exact diagonalizations. The hole-doping de- Fig. 10. Frequency dependence ofoptical conductivities forU = pendence of the Drude weight near the transition point 10. The insulating case of Ns = 20 and Ne = 20 is denoted by between the metal and the Mott insulator has been a the sky-blue dotted line. Red, deep-blue, green and black solid controversialproblem. We have very carefully examined lines correspond to the metallic cases of Ns =18 and Ne =16, finite-size effects and we have successfully captured the Ns =20 and Ne =16, Ns =16 and Ne =12 and Ns =18 and Ne=12,respectively.Deltafunctionsarebroadenedwithwidth intrinsic behavior of the Drude weight. Our results sug- of η = 0.2. For comparison, the coherent part in σ(ω) is also gest that the Drude weight is scaled by D ∝ δ2, which presentedforthetwocasesofNs=18bythebrokenlinesofthe is consistent with results from various kinds of analy- samecolors. sis. In particular,it is important that this scaling agrees with the quantum Monte Carloresults throughthe scal- ing theory of the metal-insulator transition. The behav- tical responses of the system, it is important to capture ior D ∝ δ2 is a characteristic feature near the marginal boththebehaviorofthecoherentcomponentandthatof quantumcriticalpointofthetransitionbetweentheMott the incoherentone included in the total σ(ω) simultane- insulator and the doped metal in two-dimensional sys- ously.InFig.10,qualitativelythesamechangebydoping tems. The restructuring of the electronic structure upon in the transitions to the upper-Hubbard band is seen as doping into the Mott insulator first causes the spectral that mentioned above for U =20 and 35. The structure weight transfer from the weight above the gap mainly in this ω region should be associated with the charge to a mid-IR incoherent component below the gap. The transfer from the copper d to the oxygen p states in the spectral weight is further progressively transferred from case of the cuprates, hence it is, in narrow sense, dif- the mid-IR component to the Drude weight. This large- ferent from the present case of the Mott-Hubbard type. scale restructuring seen in the frequency and doping de- Aside from the character of the gap, i.e., either it is the pendences of σ(ω) in our result is consistent with the Mott-Hubbardgaporthechargetransfergap,theevolu- experimental results on transition metal oxides includ- tion of doping observedin the experiments are correctly inghigh-T cuprates.The δ2 scalingoftheDrude weight captured in our numerical results, the spectral weight c comes from this underlying physics involving the high transfer from the higher to lower energies as well as the energy scale. collapse of the sharp peak at the low-energy edge. AtU =0,theHubbardmodelwestudiedhasaperfect Theevolutionofthelow-energystructurewithdoping nesting just at half filling and the Fermi level coincides contains both the growth of the Drude weight and the with the van Hove singularity. The effect of deviation developmentofthe incoherentmid-IRstructure.Theto- from this perfect nesting by introducing the hopping to talsum ofthese two contributionsis the effective carrier further sites (such as the next-nearest-neighbor hopping density N , whose weight is proportional to the dop- eff t′) isleftfor separatestudy.The QMCstudy14 indicates ing concentration. In the doping process of the evolu- that the scalingbehavior of the compressibility does not tion from the insulator to low doping, the mid-IR in- sensitivelydependonthepresenceorabsenceoft′,which coherent part below the Mott gap grows quickly in our implies thatthe presentscalingofthe Drude weightalso calculated results and is already prominent even in un- holds. Next, let us recall the marginal point with z = 4 derdoped systems (see the result at δ ∼ 0.111), with a in the one-dimensional Hubbard model with the next- rather insensitive dependence on the further doping to nearest-neighbor hopping10,19 mentioned above. In this the overdoped systems (see δ = 0.333). On the contrary case, a singularity in the density of states is absent at to the mid-IR part, the Drude part grows slowly at low half filling at U = 0 because the next-nearest-neighbor doping, while it starts growing quickly from moderate hopping is small. This fact also suggests that the metal- to over doping, which is the origin of the scaling given by D ∝ δ2 rather than D ∝ δ. The total sum resulting insulatortransitionwithz =4occursirrespectiveofsuch a singularity in the density of states. in N evolves smoothly and linearly with δ because of eff The finite-size effects in such a quantity as the Drude the compensation of these two contributions. The fact weight are considerably large. Thus, the careful exam- thattheDrudepartremainsonlyasmallfractionofN eff ination of the finite-size effects is necessary in possible whereasthemid-IRstructurerapidlygrowsfromzeroto ways as much as we can. If one calculates the quantity J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. FullPaper H.Nakano,Y.TakahashiandM.Imada 9 without considering the effects, obtained results could 2) E.Dagotto, A.Moreo,F.Ortolani,D.PoilblancandJ.Riera: severelysufferfromsuperficialfinite-sizeeffects.Bysuch Phys.Rev.B45(1992)10741. results,unfortunately, the incorrectconclusionwould be 3) H.NakanoandM.Imada:J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.68(1999) 1458. 4) T.Tohyama,Y.Inoue,K.TsutsuiandS.Maekawa:Phys.Rev. derived. In this meaning, the present problem of the B72(2005)045113. Drude weight is an instructive example. As a way to re- 5) The largest dimension of the subspace of the Hubbard model duce the finite-size effect, the present work employs ap- with a given Ns is realized at half filling with the same num- propriatelychosenclustersundertheappropriatebound- berofup-spinelectronsanddown-spinones.Forexamples,the ary conditions. Thereby, we have captured the critical dimensions are 165 636 900 for Ns = 16, 2 363 904 400 for behavior of D ∝ δ2 near the half-filling insulator. Av- Ns = 18 and 34 134 779 536 for Ns = 20. It is possible to reducethesedimensionsbyusingthesymmetriesoftheHamil- eraging over twisted boundary conditions21 may be an- tonian;however,theprogramforthereducedcaseisnotneces- other possibility for the reduction. Quite recently such sarilyapplicable to any Hamiltonians having arbitrary shapes an investigationhas been done in the N =20 cluster of ofclustersincontrasttoourprogram.Theversatilefeatureof s thet-J modelplusthree-siteterms.22Althoughthiswork our code makes it possible to examine the various cases very easily.Althoughthedimensionisveryhuge,ourcodecosts29.7 givesaresultoftheδ-dependenceofD,itissosubtlethat hoursforthe260-timeiterationstoobtaintheground-stateen- one cannot conclude either of D ∝ δ2 or D ∝ δ. In the ergy of the 20-site half-filling Hamiltonian for U = 35, when not-too-distantfuture,computerswillbeevenmorepow- we use 16 nodes in the supercomputer SR11000 in Hokkaido erful; numerical diagonalizations of the Hubbard model University. withlargersystemsizeswouldbe possible.Suchcalcula- 6) E.GaglianoandC.Balseiro:Phys.Rev.Lett.59(1987)2999. 7) N.FurukawaandM.Imada:J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.60(1991)3604; tions could clarify the validity of the present procedure ibid.61(1992)3331. for reducing the finite-size effects in D and provide us 8) H.NakanoandY.Takahashi:J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.72(2003)1191. withamoredefinite resultforthe criticalbehaviorofD. 9) H.NakanoandY.Takahashi:J.Mag.Mag.Mat.272-276(2004) We hope that the knowledge in the present study will 487. serve for such future studies. 10) H.NakanoandY.Takahashi:J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.73(2004)983. 11) The negative Drude weights with large absolute values were Acknowledgements reportedatδ=0andδ=1/8forNs=16inref.2.Inref.4,the discontinuousdependencewasreportedatδ=1/3forNs=18. 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