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Drosophila Cytogenetics Protocols PDF

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MMeetthhooddss iinn MMoolleeccuullaarr BBiioollooggyy TTMM VOLUME 247 DDrroossoopphhiillaa CCyyttooggeenneettiiccss PPrroottooccoollss EEddiitteedd bbyy DDaarryyll SS.. HHeennddeerrssoonn Drosophila Chromosomes 1 1 The Chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster Daryl S. Henderson 1. Introduction Drosophila have two basic forms of chromosomes—mitotic and polytene— that have vastly different morphologies and cellular roles. Polytene chromo- somes are found in interphase nuclei of differentiated cells, being especially prominent in certain tissues of the larva and adult ovary. They are produced by repeated rounds of chromosome replication unhitched from nuclear division in a process termed “endoreplication.” Among the largest and most familiar of polytene chromosomes are those of the larval salivary gland, which can consist of >2000 sister chromatids tightly aligned in register. Such scaled-up chromo- somes permit production of large quantities of gene products in a narrow developmental window. The highly compact mitotic chromosomes, found in proliferating tissues (e.g., the larval central nervous system [CNS], imaginal discs, ovaries, and testes), are genome-packaging vehicles that, in association with the spindle apparatus, function to transmit complete copies of the genome between mother and daughter nuclei. Meiotic chromosomes also can be cat- egorized as mitotic chromosomes, and some of their unique properties are touched on in Chapters 2–5 (for recent reviews, see refs. 1–3). Just as mitotic and polytene chromosomes serve different functions in the fly, they are exploited by drosophilists for different purposes. The large size and distinctive banding patterns of salivary gland polytene chromosomes— Darlington likened them to “contorted earthworms” (4)—make them an excel- lent material on which to locate genes and gene products in situ (see Chapters 13–15) or to finely map the breakpoints of chromosomal aberrations (see Chapters 12–13). The rise of Drosophila melanogaster to preeminence as an experimen- tal organism owes much to these giant chromosomes. Mitotic chromosomes are useful for investigating basic questions of mitotic and meiotic cell biology From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 247: Drosophila Cytogenetics Protocols Edited by: D. S. Henderson © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 1 01_Henderson_1-44_F 1 9/17/03, 1:35 PM 2 Henderson (see Chapters 2–5, 17, and 18), including cytological studies of heterochroma- tin (see Subheading 3. and Chapters 16, 18, and 19). This chapter provides an introduction to the chromosomes of D. melanogaster, in both their mitotic and polytene forms. It begins with an outline of some of the pioneering work in the field of Drosophila cytogenetics, focusing mainly on achievements from the first half of the 20th century. More recent discover- ies, flowing from advances in molecular biology, microscopy, probe technol- ogy, and electronic imaging, are referred to later in the chapter and throughout this volume. 2. Drosophila Cytogenetics: Early Milestones Sutton’s 1903 landmark paper, “The Chromosomes in Heredity” (5; see also ref. 6), in which he pointed out that the behavior of chromosomes in meiosis parallels the observed patterns of inheritance of Mendelian traits, is considered to mark the beginning of the field of cytogenetics (the actual term would be coined years later). Before then, cytology with its focus on animals specimens, and genetics, which consisted of breeding experiments involving mainly plants, had been separate areas of inquiry (6). In the practical melding of cytology and genetics that soon followed, D. melanogaster would be unrivaled in its funda- mental contributions to the new field of cytogenetics, many of which are listed in Table 1. Ahead of her time and seldom acknowledged since, Nettie Stevens of Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania (34,35), was the first person to study chromo- somes of Drosophila, beginning in the autumn of 1906 (7). Stevens, a codis- coverer of chromosomal sex determination, was already an accomplished cytologist when she worked the preceding summer at Cold Spring Harbor, NY, examining chromosomes of cucumber beetles (Diabrotica spp.; see ref. 36). It is then and there that she likely obtained her first Drosophila specimens from entomologist Frank Lutz. It was Lutz also, according to Kohler (37), who prob- ably introduced Morgan to Drosophila that same year. Attempts in Morgan’s laboratory to identify Drosophila mutations did not begin in earnest until either the fall of 1907 or 1908, and it was not until 1910 that the first unequivocal mutants were actually found (8,37). Thus, Stevens’ cytological studies of D. melanogaster (then called D. ampelophila) predate the first use of Droso- phila for genetic analysis. Stevens’ research was important because it helped substantiate Sutton’s chromosome theory of heredity (5). Indeed, she was far ahead of Morgan in recognizing the significance of chromosomes (34,35). For example, Stevens discovered that the karyotypes of male and female Drosophila (and other insects) differ at a single chromosome pair, from which she inferred a role for such heteromorphic chromosomes in determining sex (7,38), following 01_Henderson_1-44_F 2 9/17/03, 1:35 PM Drosophila Chromosomes 3 Table 1 Some Notable Achievements in Studies of Drosophila Chromosomes 1906 N. M. Stevens begins first ever study of Drosophila chromosomes; observes heterochromosomes (X and Y) in males; observes somatic pair- ing of homologous chromosomes (7; see text). 1910 T. H. Morgan discovers sex-linked inheritance; first assignment of a specific gene (white) to a specific chromosome (the X) (8). 1913 A. H. Sturtevant constructs the first genetic map (involving X-linked genes) (9). 1914, 1916 C. W. Metz builds on Stevens’ work; examines chromosomes in approx 80 species of Diptera, in gonads of both sexes, and in somatic tissues of embryos, larvae and pupae (10,11). 1916 C. B. Bridges proves chromosome theory of heredity through observa- tions of nondisjunction (12). 1916 H. J. Muller discovers crossover suppressors, later shown to be chromo- some inversions, from which the concept of “balancer” chromosome is derived (13). 1917, 1919 C. B. Bridges describes the first chromosome deficiency, first chromo- some duplication (inferred from genetic analysis) (14,15). 1930 H. J. Muller discovers variegating mutations (“eversporting displace- ments,” e.g., white-mottleds) resulting from chromosome rearrange- ments (16). 1930s E. Heitz investigates Drosophila heterochromatin (17–19). 1931 T. S. Painter discovers giant chromosomes in larval salivary glands and demonstrates their usefulness for mapping (20–25). 1934 B. P. Kaufmann publishes survey of chromosomes from various tissues of Drosophila; reports that cells of the larval brain are most useful for observing mitoses; presents extensive morphological description of same (26). 1935 C. B. Bridges devises map coordinate system for polytene chromosomes (27). 1938 H. J. Muller and colleagues coin the term “telomere” to describe the specialized ends of chromosomes (28). 1940s T. O. Caspersson undertakes first cytochemical studies using micros- copy (29). 1959 K. W. Cooper undertakes extensive cytological investigation of hetero- chromatin, including morphological descriptions of the X and Y hetero- chromatic elements (30). 1969 M.-L. Pardue and J. G. Gall develop in situ hybridization method for polytene chromosomes (31). 1972 D. L. Lindsley et al. systematically analyze the genome using synthetic duplications and deficiencies created in crosses of Y-autosome translo- cation stocks (32). 1977 G. T. Rudkin and B. D. Stollar demonstrate first FISH experiment (33). Note: Some of these advances may be considered purely “genetic” rather than “cytogenetic,” but they are included as historical reference points. 01_Henderson_1-44_F 3 9/17/03, 1:35 PM 4 Henderson McClung (39). [N.B.: It was later established by Bridges that sex in Droso- phila is determined by the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes (40), and not by the presence or absence of a Y chromosome, as in humans, for example. The Y chromosome of Drosophila is essential for male fertility but not for maleness.] Stevens was also the first to note the tendency of homolo- gous chromosomes of Diptera to pair in diploid somatic cells (i.e., outside of meiosis; see ref. 7). The methods Stevens used to study insect chromosomes are not so different from the basic techniques we use today. She dissected testes and ovaries of adult flies in physiological salt solution, transferred the tissues to a drop of stain (acetocarmine) on a microscope slide, pressed the cover slip down to break and spread the cells, and removed the excess stain by wicking with filter paper. Of the nine dipteran species she studied, Stevens found the tissues of Drosophila to be the most difficult to work with, requiring her to examine an inordinate number of specimens. She wrote, While in Sarcophaga all the stages necessary for a description of the behavior of the heterochromosomes of both sexes were found in the course of a few hours’ work on perhaps ten or twelve preparations, satisfactory results in the case of Drosophila have been obtained only after prolonged study extending over more than a year and involving dissection of some two thousand individuals. (7) (See Chapters 2–5, and reduce the number of your Drosophila dissections to Sarcophagan levels!) Despite such inauspicious beginnings, Stevens’ camera lucida drawings of Drosophila prophase figures clearly show a complement of eight chromosomes, with males having a heteromorphic pair (later designated X and Y). Stevens concluded, “The general results of the nine species of flies are the same; i.e., an unequal pair of heterochromosomes in the male leading to dimorphism of the spermatozoa, and a corresponding equal pair in the female, each equivalent to the larger heterochromosome of the male. . .” (7). Unfortu- nately, Stevens’ promising work on flies was abruptly stopped by the breast cancer that claimed her life in 1912. It was left to Charles Metz (10,11) and many others to build on Stevens’ discoveries (see Table 1). 3. Mitotic Chromosomes Diploid nuclei of wild-type D. melanogaster contain eight chromosomes (2n=8) that can be seen most easily in squash preparations of the third instar larval CNS (see Fig. 1). The autosomal complement consists of two pairs of large metacentric chromosomes, designated 2 and 3, and a pair of tiny, spheri- cal fourth chromosomes. Chromosomes 2 and 3 appear morphologically very similar after aceto-orcein or Giemsa staining, but sometimes they can be dis- tinguished: Chromosome 3 is slightly larger, and chromosome 2 may display a 01_Henderson_1-44_F 4 9/17/03, 1:35 PM Drosophila Chromosomes 5 Fig. 1. Mitotic chromosomes from a male third instar larval brain stained with aceto- orcein. This metaphase spread was prepared as described in ref. 41 without colchicine or hypotonic treatment. The secondary constriction of chromosome 2 is marked with an arrow. Note the homologous associations first observed by Stevens (7). A helpful guide to mitotic chromosome morphology and landmarks (e.g., primary and second- ary constrictions) is Kaufmann’s 1934 article “Somatic mitoses of Drosophila melanogaster” (26). See also Cooper’s 1959 study of the X and Y chromosomes (30). prominent secondary constriction in its left arm (see Fig. 1 and ref. 26). Unam- biguous identification can be achieved by using the DNA stains Hoechst 33258, quinacrine, or 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), which produce fluores- cence banding patterns characteristic for each chromosome arm (see Chapter 16 and refs. 42,43). Female Drosophila have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y. The X chromosome (also sometimes referred to as the first chromosome) is slightly larger than a single arm of chromosome 2 or 3 and very nearly acrocentric. The heterochromatic Y chromosome is divided into short (YS) and long (YL) arms. YS and the proximal part of the X both possess a nucleolus organizer region (NOR) of 18S and 28S ribosomal-DNA tandem repeats. Spacer regions between rDNA repeat units mediate X-Y pairing to achieve normal disjunction in male meiosis (1,44,45). Otherwise, the X and Y chromosomes are nonhomologous, except where they share simple satellite and certain other repetitive DNAs (e.g., refs. 46,47). 01_Henderson_1-44_F 5 9/17/03, 1:35 PM 6 Henderson Two simple treatments can improve mitotic chromosome cytology (see Chapter 16). First, incubating the larval brain in 1 mM colchicine prior to squashing increases the proportion of cells in mitosis (i.e., the mitotic index). Colchicine, an alkaloid derived from certain plants of the lily family (e.g., Colchicum autumnale), interferes with spindle assembly and thereby prevents cells from entering anaphase. The chromosomes in colchicine-treated cells show both increased condensation and repulsion of sister chromatid arms, a phenotype referred to as a “C-metaphase” (or “C-mitosis”). Colchicine treat- ment can sometimes cause even the centromeric regions of sister chromatids to come apart, generating a configuration of closely aligned sisters termed a “ski anaphase” (e.g., ref. 48). A similar phenotype of chromatid separation can be seen in brains of mutants defective in a spindle checkpoint function, even in the absence of colchicine (49). Incubation in sodium citrate solution typically follows colchicine treatment. Hypotonic sodium citrate causes nuclear swelling and spreads the chromosomes apart. The combination of colchicine treatment and hypotonic shock is useful in karyotyping or when investigating the possibility of chromosome breakage because it results in large numbers of mitotic figures and makes individual chromosomes and any fragments of chromosomes (and chromatids) easier to observe (e.g., refs. 50,51). Hypotonic shock alone is also routinely applied in studies of mitotic figures (see Chapters 16 and 17), but it can disrupt chromatin organization in interphase nuclei (e.g., ref. 48). 3.1. Euchromatin and Heterochromatin Topography Mitotic chromosomes are differentiated longitudinally into regions of euchromatin and heterochromatin. Euchromatin is the gene-rich portion of the genome that decondenses after mitosis. Heterochromatin exists in a relatively condensed state throughout the mitotic cell cycle (17–19,52), generally replicates late in the S-phase after euchromatin (53), contains few genes (e.g., refs. 54–57), and consists of mainly satellite DNAs and transposable elements (e.g., refs. 46,48,58–67). In D. melanogaster, approximately one-third of the male and approximately one-fourth of the female genomes are heterochromatic (68), including the entire Y chromosome, the proximal approximately one-third of the X chromosome, the middle 20% (i.e., the pericentric regions) of chromo- somes 2 and 3, and roughly three-quarters of chromosome 4. In addition, the telomeric regions of all chromosomes are heterochromatic (69). At the molecular level, heterochromatin domains are associated with his- tone H3 methylated at conserved residue lysine 9, a modification catalyzed by SU(VAR)3-9 methyltransferase in Drosophila and by its homologs in other multicellular eukaryotes (e.g., refs. 70,71). This modification creates a bind- ing site on histone H3 for heterochromatin protein 1 [HP1; encoded by 01_Henderson_1-44_F 6 9/17/03, 1:35 PM Drosophila Chromosomes 7 Su(var)2-5], which in turn may recruit other heterochromatin-associated pro- teins to form higher-order chromatin complexes. In polytene chromosomes, heterochromatin-associated DNAs usually show reduced polyteny compared to euchromatic sequences, and they coalesce into a nuclear structure termed a chromocenter (see Subheading 4.3.). Another type of chromatin, “intercalary heterochromatin,” is associated with polytene chro- mosomes and is discussed in Subheading 4.4. 3.2. Satellite DNAs and Associated Proteins Highly repetitive DNAs, often simple reiterations of AT-rich sequences, make up approx 20% of the D. melanogaster genome and therefore the bulk of heterochromatin (72). These can be separated by centrifugation through cesium gradients into four major satellite bands having buoyant densities distinct from main-band DNA (see Table 2). Satellite classes I, II, and IV each contain a predominant simple repeat sequence together with less abundant repeats dis- tributed in large blocks on one or more chromosome arms (46). As examples, the AATAT repeat is especially abundant on the Y (approx 5.8 Mb, visible as four discrete blocks) and fourth (approx 2.7 Mb) chromosomes, is moderately represented on the X (approx 600 kb) and third (approx 630 kb) chromosomes, and is practically absent from chromosome 2 (46,61). The AAGAG repeat is present on all chromosomes in different amounts: It is abundant on both the Y (approx 7.2 Mb) and chromosome 2 (approx 5.5 Mb, in mainly its right arm); it is present in smaller amounts on both the X (approx 1.2 Mb) and third (approx 1.1 Mb) chromosomes; and it represents a substantial portion of chromosome 4 (170 kb). The class III satellite consists mostly of a 359-bp AT-rich repeat (73) located almost entirely on the X chromosome (approx 11 Mb; 46). Dimers and trimers of this satellite behave as efficient scaffold-associated/attached regions (SARs) (79; for a review, see ref. 80), defined as DNA restriction fragments that bind strongly to histone-depleted “chromosomal scaffolds” extracted from nuclei. SARs (also referred to as matrix-associated regions [MARs]) are typically AT-rich sequences of several hundred basepairs and are cooperatively bound by DNA topoisomerase II (79). SARs have been found flanking a number of Drosophila genes, in some cases comapping with transcription enhancerlike sequences (81), and are postulated to define the sites where chromatin loops attach to an underlying scaffold or nuclear matrix (80). The observed cleavage of a 359-bp satellite by topoisomerase II may be important for satellite III con- densation (79). The chromatin-associated protein D1, identified more than 20 yr ago (82), is an AT-hook protein likely to be important in organizing the structure of het- erochromatin. The AT-hook motif (83) occurs in a wide variety of eukaryotic 01_Henderson_1-44_F 7 9/17/03, 1:35 PM 0 1 _ H e n d erso Table 2 8 n_ Satellite DNAs of Drosophila melanogaster 1 -4 4 _F Satellite band, buoyant density Major Minor class (g/cm3) constituent repeat Comments constituent repeats Ref. I, 1.672 AATAT (85%) ~3% of haploid genome; maps to multiple hetero- AATAG, AATAC, (46,61) chromatic sites, major sites on fourth AATAAAC, AATAGAC 8 and Y chromosomes II, 1.686 AATAACATAG ~2.1% of the genome AAGAC, ~2.4% of the (46,73) (73%) genome; also bands at 1.689 and 1.701 g/cm3 8 III, 1.688 359-bp Repeat Maps to proximal X; 2 sites in proximal 3L in (46,74) pseudo-nurse cell (PNC) polytene chromosomes IV, 1.705 AAGAG Very abundant; ~5.6% of haploid genome; AAGAGAG (46,75) (or circularly maps to multiple discrete sites on Y and ~ 1.5% of the genome permuted as pericentric heterochromatin of all other 9/1 GAGAA) chromosomes; a translocated block of 7 /03 this repeat is associated with the bwD mutation , 1 :3 5 P Dodeca- CCCGTACTCGGT Maps to proximal 3R (48,76) M satellite H e Note: Satellite classifications are after Endow et al. (77). The buoyant density of main-band DNA is 1.701 (at peak). Information about the dennsity, d chromosome distribution, and genome percentage for the AT-rich satellites can be found in (refs. 46,61,72). Without exception, each specific sateellite r repeat listed maps to one or more heterochromatic sites (46,61). Repeat units 63–81% identical to the 359-bp satellite and usually in clusters of tswo to o four have been mapped to multiple euchromatic sites of the X chromosome (e.g., see ref. 78). n Drosophila Chromosomes 9 DNA-binding proteins in single or multiple copies (84). AT-Hooks consist of approx nine amino acids centered around a highly conserved Gly-Arg-Pro core flanked by mostly basic residues that bind to AT-rich sequences through DNA minor groove contacts (83). D1 has 10 or 11 AT-hooks and must therefore have considerable affinity for AT-rich DNA. Indeed, immunostaining of mitotic chromosomes with anti-D1 antibodies shows a pattern that reflects the overall distribution of AT-rich satellites: The Y chromosome, the proximal part of the X, and chromosome 4 are all heavily stained; faint staining is observed on one arm of chromosome 3; and there is no detectable staining of chromosome 2 (85). Loss of zygotic D1 results in early lethality that is remarkable because the embryos appear to complete development normally but are unable to escape the eggshell. The proliferation disrupter (Prod) protein is concentrated at the pericentric regions of mitotic chromosomes 2 and 3 (86,87), mirroring the distribution of AATAACATAG satellite to which it can bind cooperatively (88). Prod is also found at much lower levels along all mitotic chromosome arms, and on poly- tene chromosomes it localizes to >400 euchromatic sites (86). Null prod mu- tants (obtained from heterozygous parents) are slow-growing late larval lethals whose brain cells show defects in both chromosome condensation and chroma- tid separation (86). The condensation problem can affect all chromosomes but is especially pronounced near the centromeres of the major autosomes, the same regions that in wild type show heavy accumulation of Prod. The transcription factor and chromatin protein GAGA factor (GAF) binds to the very abundant AAGAG satellite (as well as to other GA repeat-rich sequences; e.g., ref. 89) and shows heavy accumulation at known GA-rich sites in mitotic heterochromatin (87,90). In polytene nuclei, GAF binds hundreds of sites in euchromatin but is not detectable at the chromocenter (90), a pattern it shares with Prod (87). Assuming that the chromosomal distributions of GAF and Prod seen in polytene nuclei are magnified views of their distributions in diploid interphase nuclei (this is by no means certain), these observations sug- gest that during the mitotic cell cycle, there is a massive relocalization of GAF and Prod from heterochromatic to euchromatic sites and then back again (87). It is not known how such protein redistribution occurs or whether it is a cause or consequence of mitotic chromosome condensation. A self-assembly mecha- nism involving differences in affinities of protein-binding sites in euchromatin versus heterochromatin has been proposed by Platero and colleagues (87) to explain the apparent cyclical movements of these proteins. Cryptic satellites are highly repetitive DNAs with buoyant densities the same as main-band DNA. An example is the GC-rich dodeca satellite (48,76), which was cloned from a partial genomic library enriched for pericentric DNA frag- ments (76). Dodeca satellite-binding protein (DDP1) binds oligo-repeats of the 01_Henderson_1-44_F 9 9/17/03, 1:35 PM

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