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DROP SIZE DEPENDENCE OF CONTACT ANGLES AND LINE TENSION A thesis subrnitted in conformity with the requirernents for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Mechanicd and InduStnaI Engineering in the University of Toronto National: Libtary Bibliothèque nationaie &=-da du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services seNices bibbgraphiques 395 WemngtMI Çtreet 395. rue WetlingbPn OttawaON K1A ON4 QttawJaON KtAW canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclde licence dowhg the excIuSive permettant a la National L i .of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, Ioan, disbn'bute or seIl reproduire, prêter, distn'buer ou copies of this thesis m microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de m*c.rofiche/nimd, e reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownmhip of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyri&t in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thése. thesis nor substantid exûacts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantieIs may be printed or othenirise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reprodiiits sans son permission. autorisation. DROP SIZE DEPENDENCE OF CONTACT ANGLES AND LINE TENSION Doctor of Philosophy, ZOO 1 Alidad Arnirf'mli Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto Abstract The generalized theory of capillarity identifies line tension as a natural and necessary extension of analysis for the systems with multi-phase boundary curves. Theoretically, finding an estirnate for line tension is very complicated. Modeling of molecular interactions almost always requires significant simplifications which would cause considerable uncertalnty in the resulting values. Experimentally, line tension is typically small and hence rnuch more difficult to measure than surface tension. A review of the Iiterature shows that there is little consensus among researchers with respect to both sign and magnitude of Iine tension. Our preferred method to detennine line tension for solid-liquid-vapor systems takes advantage of dependence of contact angles on the drop size according to the modified Young equation (Eq. 2.22). Using a sensitive and accurate contact angle and drop size rneasurement methodology, Le., Axisymmetnc Drop Shape Analysis (ADSA), a large number of contact angle data were pmduced Le., 27, solid-liquid-vapor systems were studied. Potentid artifacts that may effect the observed drop size dependence of contact angles including contortions of the three-phase line, solid surface deformation, thin film effect, and heterogeneity of the solid surface, were considered. They all proved hsignifÏcant either by the use of models developed to descnie and analyze the effect of the particula. feature, or by thermodynamic reasoning, or the use of available literature (see section 4.4). It was established that line tension was positive for al1 of the systems shidied. The magnitude of line tension detemiined ranges from below fiorri 1 0 J~/m~ f or systems with low contact angles to IO-' J/m For the high energy system studied (the range reflects mainly the matenal properties such as intemolecular forces). Exploratory steps taken to examine line tension behavior near the wetting transition suggested that the h e t ension decreases as the contact angle decreases and perhaps vanishes at complete wetting. A high energy system, Le., liquid th on a silica surface, was also studied. The seemingly large iine tension value obtained, Le., 104 Um, should not be entirely surprising, as it was found that there exists a positive correlation between line tension and solid-liquid interfacial tension. 1 would like to thank Professor A.W. Neumann for his continued guidance, and support at the key moments throughout the course of this thesis. I leamed not ody a great deal about surface thermodynamics Eom him, but also he was a role model in professionalism. 1 must also thank Professor Neumann for taking the the to ensure that 1 could effectively communicate my ideas, pdcularly on paper. 1 also would like to thank al1 my colleagues Eorn past and present, and the undergraduate students under my supe~sion,a t the Laboratory of Applied Sutface Themodynamics, for their assistance and advice. Assistance of Ms. 2. Policova in experimental matters is also acknowledged. Chapter 3 .E WENMENTAL METHODS A DP ROCEDURE ............................. 72 ............................................................ 3.1 Contact Angle Measurements 72 3. la Axisymmetnc Drop Shape Analysis-Profile (ADSA-P) ........................ 76 .................................................................................. 3 Theory 76 P Experimental Procedure and Apparatus ............................................ 81 .................... 3.1 b Axisyrnmetric Drop Shape Analysis-Diameter (ADSA-D) 85 .................................................................................. 3 Theory 86 ............................................. î Experimental Procedure and Apparatus 87 ............ 3.2 Cleanuig Procedure for Glassware and Test Liquid Handling Material 91 ..................................................................................... 3.3 Materials 92 ........................................... 3.4 Solid Surface Requirements and Preparation 96 3.4a Preparation Procedure for Alkanethiol SAM Surfaces on Gold ................ 97 > ................................................................... Substrate Fabrication 97 > Monolayer Preparation ................................................................ 102 3.4b Roughness and Homogeneity Characteristics of SAM Surfaces ............... 103 .................................................................. 3.5 Micropipette Cdibration 110 ........................... ... ..............**..*.... 3.6 Evaporation Rate Measurements 114 Chapter 4 .R ESUL TS AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................1 17 4.1 Drop Size Dependence of Contact Angles for Low Energy Systems .............. 117 .................... 4.la Experimental Results for the Single Species SAM Surfaces 122 4.1 b Experimental Results for the Dual Species (Mixed) SAM Surfaces .......... 129 4.2 Drop Size Dependence of Contact Angles for Systems with Low Contact Angles 136 4.3 Drop Size Dependence of Contact Angles for a High Energy System .............. 141 4.4 Exclusion of Causes Other Than Line Tension for the Observed Drop Size Dependence of Contact Angles ......................................................... 145 4.4a Viscous Effects ...................................................................... 146 4.4b Solid Surface Deformation ......................................................... 146 4.4~T hin Film Effects .................................................................... 147 ............................................................... 4.4d Heterogeneity Effects 148 .................................................................. 4.4e Evaporation Effects 152 4Af Hydrostatic Pressure EEects .............................. ... ..................... 155 ................. 4.5 Correlation of Line Tension with Solid-Liquid Interfacial Tension 157 Chapter 5-SUMMARYm CONCLUSIONSFUTURE WORK ........................ 165 Chapter 6 -FUTLIRE WORK .................................................................... 169 .................................~........................................................ References 172 Appendir A .S andwich Drop Method and Surface Preparation for High Energy System 18 5 A.1 Sandwich Drop Technique .............................. .. ........**.................1 85 A.2 Experimental Procedue and Apparatus ............................... . .......... 186 A.3 Surface Preparation for High Energy S ystem ......................................... 187 Appendix B Patterning a SAM Surfaces Using a LASER Beam .......................... 190 w ................................................................................ B 1 o d c t i n 190 ............................ .. ....................... B.2 Description of the Method 191 B.3 Results ...................,...................,,.,.................. ........................... 192 Appendir C .S oftware Application to Extract Contact Line Profile of a Meniscus in Contact with a Heterogeneous Wall Composed of Altemating .......................................... Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Stips 198 List of Tables TABLE 3.1 Physical properties of test liquids; dl data provided by supplier, except surface tension, TABLE 3.2 Summary of substrate preparation procedure. TABLE 4.1 Liquids studied, number of solid surfaces (methyl temiinated SAM, 1- octadecane thiol) used for each liquid, and the total number of contact angle measurements for each system (experiments were performed at 22+ 1O C). TABLE 4.2 Summary of experimental results obtained for 8 liquids on methyl terminated, 1-octadecanethiol, SAM surface (experiments were performed at 2211°C). TABLE 4.3 Liquids studied, total nurnber of contact angle measurements, correlation coefficient (r) and its significance level for the studied systems on the mixed SAM d a c eo f [CH3 (88%) - COOH (12%)] (experiments were performed at 22k1°C). TABLE 4.4 Liquids studied, total number of contact angle measurements, correlation coeficient (r) and its significance level for the studied systems on the mixed - SAM surface of [CH3 (80%) COOH (20%)] (experiments were performed at 2211°C). TABLE 4.5 Surnmary of experimentd results: line tension, Q,, and correlation coefficient, r, for pure methyl terminated SAM surfaces (experiments were performed at 23 OC). TABLE 4.6 Summary of experimental results: line tension, O ,, and correlation coefficient, - r, for SAM-1 surfaces [CH3 (88%) COOH (12%)] (experiments were performed at 21 OC). TABLE 4.7 Surnmary of contact angle (0,) and line tension, o, for Iow contact angle systems, TABLE 4.8 Modei calculations for the effect of three-phase line contortions on the drop size dependence of contact angles for several different mode1 heterogeneous surfaces, TABLE 4.9 Summary of the average evaporation rate results. The experiments were performed rmder normal laboratory conditions in open air at 23 OC. The experiments were conducted in a corner of the laboratory where air currents were deemed to me minimal. At least three similar drops were used to obtain the average evaporation rates for each system. TABLE 4.10 Summary of calculated hydrostatic, Laplace, and total pressures inside of water droplets (at the three-phase Line)of various size placed on a methyl terminated SAM surface, TABLE 4.1 1 Summary of cdculated hydrostatic, Laplace, and to ta1 pressures inside of nonane droplets (at the three-phase he)of various size placed on a methyl terminated SAM dace. TABLE 4.12 Summary of experimental results for Line tension and solid-liquid interfacial tension fiom al1 systems studied in this thesis.

either by the use of models developed to descnie and analyze the effect of the particula. feature .. indicates the part of the image below which it was cut in the second run of The solid line is a least squares fit This version term line tension is used for "a certain linear tension" in both two
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