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Driving Change Through Diversity and Globalization: Transformative Leadership in the Academy PDF

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DRIVING CHANGE THROUGH DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:47 PS PAGEi .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:48 PS PAGEii DRIVING CHANGE THROUGH DIVERSITY AND GLOBALIZATION Transformative Leadership in the Academy James A. Anderson Foreword by Ronald A. Crutcher STERLING, VIRGINIA .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:51 PS PAGEiii copyright(cid:2)2008by styluspublishing,llc. PublishedbyStylusPublishing,LLC 22883QuicksilverDrive Sterling,Virginia20166–2102 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedor reproducedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,or othermeans,nowknownorhereafterinvented,including photocopying,recording,andinformationstorageand retrieval,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-Publication-Data Anderson,JamesA.(JamesAlan),1948– Drivingchangethroughdiversityandglobalization: transformativeleadershipintheacademy/JamesA. Anderson.—1sted. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978–1-57922–098–3(cloth:alk.paper) 1.Multiculturaleducation—UnitedStates. 2.Education,Higher—Curricula—UnitedStates. 3.Educationandglobalization—UnitedStates. I.Title. LC1099.3.A53 2007 370.117—dc22 2007011282 EAN(cloth):978–1-57922–098–3 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Allfirsteditionsprintedonacidfreepaper thatmeetstheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute Z39–48Standard. BulkPurchases Quantitydiscountsareavailableforuseinworkshops andforstaffdevelopment. Call1–800–232–0223 FirstEdition,2008 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:55 PS PAGEiv To the transformational leaders who have shaped my values and visionondiversity: KermitL. Hall(inmemoriam) LarryMonteith HildaRichards JohnWelty RonaldA.Crutcher WilliamE.Kirwan BenRuffin(in memoriam) ReginaldWilson MarleneRoss FredCarrier CraigE.Nelson DavidSchoem DerrickScott JohnellaE.Butler LauraI.Rendon GeorgeD.Kuh CarolGearySchneider JeanMacGregor BarbaraSmith Marilee J.Bresciani Willard‘‘Bill’’Lewis .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:56 PS PAGEv .................16625$ $$FM 09-25-0713:05:56 PS PAGEvi CONTENTS FOREWORD byRonaldA.Crutcher ix 1 INTRODUCTION 1 . DEFINING DIVERSITY IN LEARNING-CENTERED 7 CONTEXTS 2 . SHIFTING THE ORGANIZATIONAL PERSPECTIVE 35 ON DIVERSITY InstitutionalandAcademicChange 3 . SHAPING THE ACADEMIC DISCUSSION ABOUT 59 DIVERSITY 4 . ACCOUNTING FOR DIVERSITY WITHIN THE TEACHING 79 AND LEARNING PARADIGM 5 . PRACTICAL TEACHING STRATEGIES THAT ENGAGE 103 STUDENT DIFFERENCES 6 . BALANCING THE TRADITIONAL CURRICULUM WITH 125 INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY 7 . EMPOWERING THE VOICE OF DIVERSE STUDENTS IN 147 THE COLLEGE CLASSROOM 8. 167 RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY AWillingnesstoExamineOurPromisesandProcesses APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF FINDINGS IN RELATION TO 179 RESEARCH QUESTIONS APPENDIX B PERCEPTIONS OF ACADEMIC LEADERSHIP AND 183 COMPETENCY AND DIVERSITY OUTCOMES vii .................16625$ CNTS 09-25-0713:05:50 PS PAGEvii viii CONTENTS APPENDIX C 187 ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF DIVERSITY AND LEADERSHIP APPENDIX D 191 STUDENT SURVEY ON CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT 193 INDEX .................16625$ CNTS 09-25-0713:05:50 PS PAGEviii FOREWORD ‘‘T he problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line—the relation of the darker to the lighter races of men in Asia and Africa, in America and the islands of the sea.’’ThuswroteW.E.BDuBoisatthedawnofthetwentiethcentury.Argu- ably,onecanstatethattwoofthemostvexingchallengesofthetwenty-first century are related to DuBois’s statement: They are the dual challenges of diversity and globalism. Diversity, of course, remains a vestige from the twentieth century—achallenge for which wein higher educationhave been unable to find effective solutions. Even those who have not read Thomas Friedman’s2005book,TheWorldis Flat,shouldrecognizewhyglobalismis suchachallengeforsociety.JamesAnderson’snewandinsightfulbookpro- videsafreshperspectivewithrespecttothesechallenges. Drawingonhismanyyearsofteachingandresearchaboutteachingand learning,aswellashisbroadexperienceatlevelsinhighereducationinstitu- tions,Andersonpresentsaguidebookfortransformationalchangeinourin- stitutions. However, rather than simply espousing lofty ideals, Anderson’s book presents both thorough analyses of the challenges as well as practical examplesandrecommendationsforsuccessfulimplementation. Ihaveapersonalinterestinthisbook,becauseWheatonCollege’sstrate- gic plan, Wheaton 2014: Transforming Lives to Change the World, recognizes the dual significance of diversity and globalism in a number of ways. The plan hassixmilestones,oneofwhichstates: DiversityandexcellencewilldistinguishtheWheatonlearningexperience, define the Wheaton community, and delineate Wheaton’s academic culture. I have appointed a presidential action team to monitor our progress toward reaching this milestone, and to provide leadership for making excel- lence inclusive at Wheaton. This book will provide a broader context for understanding the urgency of the work we have ahead of us at Wheaton ix .................16625$ FRWD 09-25-0713:05:53 PS PAGEix

This book significantly advances discussion of the mission of higher education in today’s multicultural environment and global economy. It sets out the challenges and considerations that must be addressed by administrative leaders, by trustees, and others who shape the vision and direction of the
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