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DREPANOSTACHYUM FALCATUM SENGTEEANUM: VAR. AND BAMBUSOIDEAE) IDENTITY ORIGINS (POACEAE: C.MA.Stapleton Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond, Surrey TW9 UK 3AB. chris_stapleton@oneteLcom ABSTRACT Drepanostachyu m falcatum var. sengleeanum Stapleton, a variety of bamboo thought to have originated from the Himalayas and cuhivated ui the west for over a century is discussed. The apphcation and the typification of the name under which was once grovvn, A rundi riu/tWcafa var. glomerata Gamble, are considered, along with the ntJ It application of the name Arundinariajalcata Nees, Arundinariajakata v2Lr.gJomeraia is lectotypified in accor- m name synonymy Drepanostachyum dance with the protologue and current use of the India, placing in of it own mcomplete Jalcatum (Nees) Keng for which an epitype is designated to support its lectotype. f., RHSUMEN bambu DrcixinostiichyumfalcuLum sengteeanum Stapleton, una variedad de que se piensa que se Se discute var. origino en el Himalaya y se ha cuhivado en el oeste durante mas de un siglo. Se consideran la aplicacion y la tipificacion del nombre bajo el que fue cuhivado, Aruudinoria falcata v^r. glome rata Gamble, junto con la d nombre A AruiuUnar\aJalcalay^T.glomeraiadG^.QUGrdo con aplicacion del runtii?it?rit(/a a Nees. Setipifica /cti! U m nombre en colocandolo en sinonmiia de Drq;an(?5(ach}^iu?i/cHa:[i u (^ protologo uso actual del India, y la el Keng para que designa un epitipo para apoyar su lectotipo incompleto. se el f., A bamboo with prominent and distinctive ring of hairs around the culm sheath base a Kew and on the young culm nodes was in cultivation at around 1900, without any record /' NW /^ A m bamboo genus Drepanostachyu Keng with very similar char- curently placed in the f . m and has been widely acteristics started to flower in California 1994, its seed distrib- under names. uted, different HimalayacalamusfalconerU graceful Califor- h identified as this initially bamboo was Drepanostachyum glomeralum based on D. nian later distributed as Hort., and Drcpa?iastaLhyumsengteea?iumHort. provi^ gZomeratum, then /(^Icatum var. as It IS somewhat hardier than other bamboos in the genus Drepanostachyum, and is thus of all considerable horticultural merit. has recently been described as D. Jalcatum var. It nomenclatural treatment required the sengteeanum (Stapleton 2006), but a detailed is for um application of names, D./(3 /caf and D./a!catum var. gfomert^f u/71, to both wild and cul- tivated plants. Drepanostachyum falcatum When made by describing Arunclinaria falcata, Nees (1834) cited ^Nepalia' collections NW I< tradictory, no Royle collection from Nepal is extant, and it is actually quite unlikely that Royle or his collectors ever entered Nepal, as they concentrated their collecting activities 1081- 1086.2006 SIDA22(2): 1082 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) to the north and west of their base in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh (Edmondson^ pers. conim.). The Himalayan passes further to the east were httle-known, except to some 17th Century Jesuits, because of the 'jealous policies^ of Chmese and Nepalese powers (Royle 1839). For identification of species of Drepcm()s;dc"fi_)^um,culm sheath characters are criti- culm mare cal, but the sheaths of D./alcatu not w^ell represented in the original material m at K, nor in the Roylean Herbarium (LIV). One small, glabrous culm sheath present is Munro Gamble the Icctotype. Tewari and Negi and Naitham (1868), (1896), (1993) (1994) culm all record the sheath of D.Jalcatum as glabrous, reflecting the characteristics of a number made large of later collections, from Himachal Pradesh Nepal, with which to mother the lectotype collections agree characters. Drcpcinostflchyum/ci/c'^fum in the wild bamboo cleady interpreted as a with glabrous culm sheaths (which actually have is sparse, when inconspicuous, white hairs young). Plants of Drcpanostachyumjalcatum introduced into western cultivation on differ- culm ent occasions also have essentially glabrous sheaths. Stapf (1904) was the first to They identify these plants correctly were Europe Bamhusa initially cultivated in S as & C name while was gracilis A. Riviere, the A.Jalcata misapplied the hardier species to now known A Hz (Munro) Kengf.d<nown as ma?d3^t?a] /amus/67!coneri then as ruiidinarici nohi lisMitford. Stapf (1904) concluded that early introductions probably came from Nami Tal or Mussoori in Uttar Pradesh around 1840. Thc name consensus is clear that the A.Jalcata applies to a species found in the Himalayas from Himachal Pradesh to Kathmandu, and also found in cultivation in Eu- known where was Bamhusa rope, it as gracilis. This species has almost completely gla- brous culm sheaths, although the culm nodes may have initially sparse, short hairs be- A specimen from Pradesh low. Uttar selected here as epitype, support the incomplete is to Royle lectotype by indicating culm sheath characteristics. /< was distinguished on ba e initially solely the /< m sis of agglomeration of 3-4 spikelets close racemes or panicles. This followed an ear- (Munro unnamed identical distinction 1868) between two developmental forms lier, of and h Munro A.Jalcata, listed as var. a var. clearly explained that these forms merely rep- He resented diiterent stages of inflorescence development. observed that as the season advances branch compound proliferation leads to rather than paniculate forms, with racemes 3-4 shorter of spikelets (var. h), totally unlike those seen earlier on younger shoots He December (var. cited a collection, Waliich 5035 (K-W), from Chisapong, near a). Kathmandu, Nepal as representative of the later developmental form, var. h. not whether Gamble Munros It is clear (1896) followed interpretation of the devel- opmental nature of this distinction. Gamble's brief description repeated that of Munro m He for var. indicated a plate caption that illustrations of gJonierata were from h. var. made collections by Bagshawe in 1879. This action w^as interpreted by Chao and Renvoize (1989) as designation of a type for A.Jalcata var. gJomcrata Gamble, and they cited a m K Bagshawe made collection at as holotypc, albeit a collection 1878 not 1879. They synonymy var.glomcrata listed in of Sinarundinariajalcaia, Tewari (1993) subsequently gave the variety full recognition, providing a detailed description attributed to Pandey ined. This, however, differed from that of the type little Culm variety. sheath hairs were not mentioned at The description of the culm sheaths all. STAPLETON, DREPANOSTACHYUM FALCATUM VAR, SENGTEEANUM: IDENTITY AND ORIGINS 1083 as shining below probably meant having a glossy adaxial, internal surface, rather than being basally glabrous, but there was certainly no mention of any prominent basal ring Kumar and Chandra and Seethalakshmi and merely Naithani (1998) (1998) in- of hairs. synonymy Drepanostachyumjalcatwn. cluded in of It bamboo The name AJalcata glomerata has thus been applied to two taxa, one a var. of unknown origin cultivated at Kew, the other an Indian bamboo from the borders of Himachal and Uttar Pradesh. The principal diagnostic character of the cultivated plants culm and culm a prominent ring of hairs around the base of the sheath the node. This is not seen convincingly in any of the collections of wild material. Other characteristics is of the cultivated plants include long sparse hairs on only one side of the base of the leaf midrib rather than both densely scabrous lemmas and paleas, and pubes- (costa) sides, cence only at the tips of rhachilla segments. These characteristics are also not present in the wild material, which therefore cannot be considered the same taxon as the cultivated plants. Typification of glomerata var. K from Gamble's Original material consists of three differently labelled collections at herbarium, annotated by him as Arundinaria jalcaia var. glomerata. To complicate all matters, as usually the case with older bamboo collections including both fertile and is and material, these collections represent at least two, possibly three different spe- sterile with mixed collections mounted together on the same sheets. cies, was Only one from Jaunsar Bawa, Bagshaw^e in 1879, literally cited in collection, s.n. culm the protologue. The culm nodes and persistent portions of the sheath bases are al- most completely glabrous. A specimen by Gamble, second, different collection includes the actually illustrated annotated and therefore, can be construed as part of the protologue. This sheet, as this, As by type by Chao, simply labelled 'Comm. Brandis, Jaunsar'. 'specimens' collected is Bagshawe' was the citation this could be a further Bagshawe 1879 collection, sent by Brandis. clearly mixed, with old, unidentifiable flowers of a Dreipanostachyum spe- is It probably Himalayacalamusfalconeri, with cies as well as leaves of a different species, on some smooth culms, entire leaf sheath ligules and distinguishable tessellation of veins of the leaves, which are broader, glabrous, and less cuneate than those of Djalcatum. Gamble from two His drawings remain attached dissected spikelets these collections. remaining the Bagshawe 1879 collection, with the recognisable spikelets he illustrated to when in capsules on the two sheets. These drawings were reproduced describing his var. glomerata, but interestingly were used for the plate of the type variety not that of var. glomerata, suggesting that Gamble himself actually had scant regard for any difference between two the varieties. from The third collection from Gamble's herbarium annotated as var. glomerata, also Jaunsar Bawa, but in 1878, Bagshawe 6608. This was cited as holotype of AJalcata var. is glomerata by Chao and Renvoize and annotated as type by Renvoize. again (1989), is It culm some below has no culm sheaths, but like the second collection, has short hairs the node. was To summarise ^specimens collected by C. Bagshawe, in 1879' the citation in the .... A A mixed by thus second, collection, sent Brandis, protologue. collection labelled at K. is was actually illustrated in the protologue, and annotated as type by Chao, while a third was collection, Bagshawe 6608 in 1878, a date that conflicts with the protologue, cited as 1084 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) 'holotypc^ by Chao and Rcnvoizc The com- (1989). collection cited in the protologuc has culm pletely glabrous nodes, while the other two collections have though very distinct, below short, hairs the nodes. seems more It appropriate for the collection bearing the details cited in the protologue to be taken as holotype, rather than the collection stated as 'holotype' by Chao and Renvoize Although was (1989). that collection part of the original material as was nei- it ther cited nor illustrated in the protologuc, their citation ol as holotype cannot be con- it an sidered acceptable lectotypification. The designation here as Icctotype of the only sheet actually labelled Bagshawc, Jaunsar Bawa, 1879, in accordance with both the protologue, and with current is applica- name As tion of the in India (Tcwari 1993). the collection actually illustrated in the protologuc is recognisable, and citation of Bagshawe, 1879 was merely indicating (possi- which was bly incorrectly) collection illustrated, there would appear be elements to tw^o to consider as syntypes. name The D.jalcatum var.glomcnitum Gamble misleading, and seems merely is to represent a later stage of inflorescence development, as Munro originally intended (1868). There indeed no separate variety of D.jalcatum with agglomerated might is spikelets. be It considered more Gamble appropriate have for to followed the typification of Munro's ear- unnamed lier variety. However, WaUich 5035 one of the worst bamboo specimens ever is preserved in a herbarium, being so decrepit that has practically no spikelets it left at all. h 1 and (1993) lectotypificd here according to the protologue, differs little at all from the if The type variety precise origin of this type not known, but probably from same is it is tlie Culm district as the epitype of D.Jakatiim designated sheaths known, here, arc not but basal portions remaining attached to the culm nodes of the Icctotype are completely gla- brous. Drepanoslachyuin falcatum Keng Bamboo (Nces) f J. Res. 2:16. 1983. INDIA: 'NAV India; TviMi.s: ., Royh' (i.ncTOTvrr: K, selected in Chao and Renvoize 1989), INDIA, UiTAR Praohsu; Chakrata, Sep 1898, Gaiubic 27256 (epitype designated here: K)- Aiundh}iiyiafalLata Nces, Liiniaea 18H, 9:-i78. Chimo}]o]}amhusafahdtd (Necs) Nakai m. J. Arnold Arbor. 6:151, 1925. Fdr^csia jdlaitii (Nees) T.R Yi, Tl. Xizangica 5:33. 1987. Kew Sn}iirun(U}Uindfalca(a(Nee^)C.S.C]rAo6^ Renvoize, Bull. 44:357, 1989. k- r Nguyen rh'iohldstusfalcatns (.Nees) To Quyen, Zhurn. Bot. 75:225. 1990. BdmhusdgraciUs A. 6? C. Riviere, Bull. Soc. Acclim. scr. 5:682. 1878. 3, Drcpano^^tachyumjalcdlum Keng (Necs) Gamble, Ann. f. vav.gJoiucratd Bot. Card. Caleutta 7:13. 1896; emend. Pandey D.N.Tewari, Monogr. Bamboo 84. 1993. lAin:: INDIA. D T TAR Praofisi Jaunsar Bawa, 1879Jkigshdwc I: & s.n, U i:rT0TVlT designated here, K, superseding previous citation of type Chao Renvoize, Kew Bull. l:)y 44:358.1989, Further collectioiis. INDIA. Uttar Pradesh: Jaunsar Aug 1878, Bagshdwe 6608(K); Jaunsar Comm. Brdndis a sji. (flowers) only b excluded (leaves) (K), Drepanosiachyum falcatum senQieeanum and bamboos var. other similar /' m Kew plants once cultivated and currently USA, at in horticultural use the neces- it is sary to consider other possible names. Arundinaria intcrrupta Trin. from Nepal has variable development white of hght, m m hairs on the culm nodes, noted the description. Culm sheaths are not present the STAPLETON,DREPANOSTACHYUMFALCATUMVAR.SENGTEEANUM: IDENTITY AND ORIGINS 1085 type, but recent collections from Nepal from a similar location have, in addition to simi^ white hairs on the culm nodes, the distinctive sparse white hairs on most of the culm lar /' /' The and this character was also given in Tewari (L993) for the type variety possibility of was Arundinaria interrupta Trin. representing a separate species raised (Stapleton 1994), synonym but the new collections suggest that should remain a of D.falcatum. it Other bamboos with hairs at the base of the culm sheath have been collected else- m culm where Himalayas. Himalayacalamusjimhriatus Sidphton also has sheaths the much with a basal ring of hairs and a fimbriate ligule, but the larger stature, the larger leaves, as well as the asymmetry of the culm sheath with its broader ligule and less sca- Drepanostachyum annulatum Stapleton from Bhutan brous interior distinguish clearly it culm also has a ring of hairs at the base of the sheath, but the hairs are darker, longer, brown culm more and narrower That having dark upright in a ring. species also differs in culm which sheath hairs, especially on the distal third of the sheath, also bears erect, when up basally scabrous oral setae young, as well as darker brown, longer cilia of to 1.5mm on the edges. also has well-developed leaf sheath auricles, and thicker culm wax. It In addition the ligules are neither as delicate nor as laciniate, and the culm sheath is less pubescent on the inside the base of the ligule and below Although shares the pos- at it. it session of basal ring of culm sheath hairs with Kjimhriatus and D. annulatum, the a bamboo currently cultivated in the US, recently described as D.Jalcatwn var sengteeauum much (Stapleton 2006) clearly closer to the type of D.falcatum. is The 2-3 flowered florets and the densely pubescent culm sheath interior apex of var bamboo indisputably sengteeanum are sufficient to place this cultivated in culm Drepanostachyum. The absence of oral setae and the distribution of hairs on the from previously described Following sheaths are sufficient to separate clearly all taxa. it current taxonomic concepts in bamboos, culm sheath pubescence and presence of oral important and consistent specific characters. They are usually supported by setae are and minor while sheath blade characters are differences in spikelet or floret detail, leaf m more However, Drepanostachyum more variety seen within spe- inherently variable. is cies than in most other bamboo genera, and was felt inappropriate to describe this taxon it new unknown. The and as a species, especially as its origin remains florets spikelets of D. and /akYitum var sengteeanum more scabrous than those of the type variety the palea are The segments longer and have rather different apical rhachilla are slightly less bifid. is 0.25mm while pubescence: the beard mainly restricted to the distal of the rhachilla, in is 1mm The Djalcatum becomes more puberulent. progressively the type of the distal lemma and palea more densely scabrous than any other material of D.falcatum from are the Western Himalayas, and approach the state seen in other species from the Eastern Himalayas, suggesting a Nepalese or Sikkimese origin. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS whose honor The author would hke to express his deep gratitude to Seng-Tee Lee, in the Bamboo variety Djalcalum var sengteeanum was named, for funding the Sino-Himalayan HSO Kew from 1994 2000. LIV thanked loan of Royle post at for six years to Staff at are for Gib Cooper thanked sending material from Oregon. The Ameri- specimens. for initially is can Bamboo Society thanked supporting travel to lecture and collect cultivated mate- for is in California. Reviewers are thanked for helpful comments on the manuscript. rial 1086 BRIT.ORG/SIDA 22(2) REFERENCES Blan,W.J. 1907. The flowering of cultivated bamboos. Misc. Inform. Kew 1907:228-233. Bull. CHAo,C.S.and A S.A. Rlnvoize. 1989. revision of the species described unde^ Arundlnaria {Gramineae) Kew in southeast Asia and Africa. Bull. 44:349-367. The Sambuseae GambleJ.S. 896. of British India.Ann. Roy. Bot. Card. (Calcutta) 7:1-133. 1 A monograph MuNRo.W. 1868. of the SambLysaceae.Trans. London Linn. Soc, 26:1-157. bamboo Naithani, H.B.and S.Chandra. 1998. Flowering of {Drepanostachyum a fa!catum).\nd\an For- 124:663-666. ester Bombuseoe Nees AB EsENBECK,C-G. 834. BfosiHenses. iinnaed 9:461-494. ] and Handbook Ni S.S. H.B, Nakmani. 994. of Indian bamboos. Oriental Enterprises, Dehra Dun, 01, India. 1 RoyleJ.F. 1839. Illustrations of the botany of the Himalayan Mountains. London. Allen, SEEThiALAKSHMi, K.K. and M.S. MuKTESH Kumar. 998, Bamboos of India: A compendium. Kerala Forest Re- 1 search &INBAR. Institute Stapf, 0. 1904. Himalayan bamboos. GardenersXhronicle May 14:305-306; May 21:325-326; June 4:356. bamboos STAPL[TON,C,M.A.1994.The ofNepal and Bhutan Part lll:Drepano5rac/iy(j/T7,fV/>77a/ayaca/a Ampelocalamus.Neomicrocalamus.andChimonobambusa {G[am\neae:Poaceae,Bambuso\^^ Edinburgh Bot.51:301-330. J. New SrAPLETON,C,M,A.2006. and combinations bamboos taxa cultivated (Poaceae-Bambusoideae). In 22:331-332. Sida Tewari, D.N. 1993. A monograph on bamboo. International Book Dehra Dunjndia. Distributors,

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