Description:Your campaign's in trouble! Your PC's have just walked into the "Stalwart Adventurer Inn," and no one's there! You need NPC's, and you need them fast. No need to panic we're here to help. From the creators of The Red Star, the runaway Image Comics hit comes: Dramatis Personae, Campaign Ready NPC's. Dramatis Personae is a supplement that contains numerous fully written and fleshed out NPC's ready to be used in your fantasy D20 game. Find within its pages dastardly foes to challenge your PC's, or courageous allies to assist them; all NPC's come with an interesting story hook to be used for a quick, or ongoing, adventure. Also, this fantasy D20 supplement comes complete with new magic items, feats, and spells to add more color and surprise to your existing world. Never be shorthanded on NPC's again!