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ate I I Inside this issue: UANTlUM.6RAVlTATION,T H E MATHEM ATICS. Q HYPNOSIS,A REUA BLETOOU :r ' , , HISTORY R.EVlSlT'ED. . THE.F IFE INCIDENT. AND MUCH MORE ••••••• ., Dragon Watch Editor: Anthony Barcello Co-Founders ofWFIU: Margaret Fry and Gary Rowe. IDragon Watch correspondence address. I I Correspondence address for WFIU. AnthonBya rcello MargarFerty 29 OvingtToenr race, Fry'Csr oft, Llandaff, Llangernyw, Cardiff Clwyd, CF5 1 GF LL228 PJ CONJTENJTS 3: Page Editorial. 6: Page Articfloetrsh ef uture? 7: Page Guidet ot hec uttings. 12: Page Book reviews. 17: Page Historreyv isited. 19: Page Hypnosias r,e liatboloel ? ,- 21 : Page TheF ifien cident. 31: Page QuantumG ravitation. 40: Page SkyliBnoko ksf ly.e r The views in this magazine do not necessarily represent the views of Dragon Watch. IDRA60N EDITORIAL! �ATCH As always I offer you a warm article should be interesting and magazine on a friendly basis. welcome to the farewell issue of hopefully thought provoking. There were to be no rivalries and Dragon Watch. For those of you if I used any one elses articles who do not know this is the last 3. All the articles should not just they would be free to use any of ever issue of Dragon Watch to be be understood by Ufology mine. produced, I sincerely hope you experts! This magazine is for all have enjoyed reading the levels of interested Ufologists, the 8. One of the most important magazines. However many you articles should be understood by aims was that while the magazine have had the chance to have everyone, they should also be represented the WFIU, read. For any readers who are interesting, varied and easy to contributions or opinions from seeing this magazine for the first comprehend for all readers. over the border or overseas time this is the potted history of would not be excluded. Ufology the magazine. 4. The magazine should always is such a big subject that it needs be value for money, the article everyone to take part. These are Dragon Watch was first printed by has always been 32 pages with the words that I wrote in the first myself in 1996 after I had offered very little in the way of pictures. editorial: to produce a magazine for a new This in my view does not dilute organisation at that time, the the contents of the writing, which 'THERE WILL AND SHALL BE Welsh Federation of Independent is the the most important part of NO BIAS. While the WFIU may Ufologists (referred to as the the magazine. I am not a big fan have the word Welsh WFIU in later instances). I had of huge pictures all over the place predominate in it there should be had articles printed elsewhere but as it takes up a lot of space and no borders in Ufology.' this was the first time that I had cuts down the space for the produced a magazine off my written articles, where pictures While on this subject I feel that I own back so it was quite an have been presented it is have achieved this having printed undertaking. because it compliments the articles from English, Scottish, articles. American, New Zealand and There were two issues produced French contributors. in 1996. These issues covered 5. The articles in Dragon Watch all different angles of Ufology and should be original articles. There The aims and policies that I they were based on the following have been items that have been mention above I feel have been policies (as were the following presented elsewhere but they adhered to, I hope others feel the four for 1997): have been included because same way. they really can not be bettered or 1. All subjects should be are interesting articles in After producing the first two covered, there are many different themselves. issues in 1996 I decided to angles to Ufology should be continue to produce the magazine presented. This also stretched to 6. One aim was to try new in 1997, with four issues but as subjects that are considered aspects of the magazine, this I an independent magazine. The outrageous or maverick. These did when I had tapes for the blind presentation changed and there articles may be a load of rubbish produced. Although there was no were improvements as well as and impossible to digest for initial success I still have the articles from further a field. some people but they should at tapes and hope to do something Although continuing to to adhere least get the chance to read with them using the Blind to the aims stated above. about them. Institute. I would be interested to know if any other UFO magazines On a personal note, producing 2. All the articles should give have tried this road before and if Dragon Watch has taught me a you something to think about, they ever will. lot on all aspects of Ufology, whether you agree with them or writing, editing, business sense not. Even if there are different 7. lt was my aim to work together and generally the whole package opinions out there the least the with groups to produce the of producing the magazine. ROLL OF HONOUR. My thanks go to the following people who have contributed to Dragon Watch in any of the six issues. I would also like to thank everyone who has offered opinions and offered help for any of the issues, especially Matthew Williams for all his thoughts and technical help, Or Robert Sexton whose constructive criticism I rate very highly and also Margaret Fry who gave me the chance to produce the magazine as part of the WFIU's plans in the first year. Not forgetting those who actually subscribed to the magazine. THE CONTRIBUTORS AND THEIR WORKS. Matthew Williams. (Truth seekers Review). Terry Hartman (Psi-Creative International). Meet the groups (Issue 1). Meet the groups (Issue 3). And for all his help on all aspects of the magazine. Inter-dimensional shifts (issue 5). Eric Monis (BUFOSC). Margaret Fry (WFIU). Meet the groups (Issue 1). Introduction to the WFIU (Issue 1 ). Colin Ridyard (WFIU member). Tom and Kerry Blower. Anglesey sightings (Issue 4). Meet the groups (Issue 1). Parliamentary questions (Issue 4). Adam Whaley. (West Wales Weirdos). Gordon Millington (Pegasus Magazine and SIGAP). Meet the groups (Issue 1). Meet the groups (Issue 1). The Zecharia Sitchin view (Issue 1). Malcolm Robinson (SPI). Abduction, A worrying new trend of abduction cases Meet the groups (Issue 3). (Issue 2). Book reviews (issue 3,4,5,6). UFOs and humanity (Issue 4). Left at East Gate review (Issue 4). And for sending me the SIG AP pen! Hypnosis, a reliable tool? (Issue 6). Ufology proves its point (Issue 4). Sheila Frank/in (American Ufologist) The Fife Incident (Issue 6). Historical flashback cutting (Issue 2). For sending me the Nessie report and letter (Issue 6). Jason Chapman (The UFO Investigation Bureau). Ron Pearson. Meet the groups (Issue 1). Key to consciousness- Quantum Gravitation (Issue 6). Area 51, The facts and the fiction (Issue 1). Ernie Sears (SUFOG magazine reviewer). Matthew Hurley (Phenomena) Left at East Gate review (Issue 4). The Billy Meier case (Issue 1). Mark Fraser (Haunted Scotland). Viv Alexander and Ran Halliday (Phenomenal News Meet the groups (Issue 3). magazine). Meet the groups (Issue 2). Lionel Beer (TEMS). A tribute to Nigel Stephenson (Issue 3). Mia Adams (The Excyles book). For allowing me to print his ftyers( Issue 3, 4, 5, and 6.) Meet the groups (Issue 2). For sending me the Historical Flashbacks cutting (Issue 4). Roger Hill (Planetary Aid Network), Flying triangles (Issue 4). Meet the groups (Issue 2). For sending me the Sky watch/Roswell case report cuttings (Issue 6). Michael Orlon. (WFIU member). Wylfa update (Issue 2). Michael Hudson. The evidence for UFOs (Issue 2). For the PC Text ftyer (Issue 4). Internet pages (Issue 2). Paul Damon Tony James (EMUFORA) The Peruvian stargate (Issue 5). Area 51 dispute (Issue 2). This was written by Paul and I printed this Gareth Price (WFIU member). article as it had no copyright. My thanks Helped design the Junior Members page (Issue 2). anyway. 4- Jean Bsstide. out if it is possible. Turning now For the various cuttings that he sent to me (Issue 5). to this issue I would like to UFOs and the small white spheres (Issue 5). highlight some of the the articles presented. The first item is by Rosemary Decker (American Ufologist). Ron Pearson on the mathematics Canals on Mars (Issue 3). of quantum gravitation. You Martian artifacts (Issue 3). may well ask why I have included UFOs and holograms (Issue 5). this piece. Very simply it is For sending me the Arizona sightings cutting (Issue 6). because I printed an article by Michael Roll. Michael Roll on how the answers Proof on life after death? And how it affects Ufology (Issue 3). can be found for the paranormal History revisited (Issue 6). and strange phenomena using sub-atomic physics. The thinking Shane Pickering and Mark Van Rooyen. is that there could be invisible 'Was the Hale-Bopp Comet followed? (Issue 4). worlds out there, the best way to describe it is as a radio, there are Gary Rowe (Go-founder of the WFIU). many frequencies, which is the For sending me the information for the 'Never seen a UFO' article (Issue 1). basis of how atoms work, if you Qualiprint in Cardiff for printing the magazine at a reasonable price. changed the frequency of the If 1 have missed anyone out I offer my apologies but I would like to thank radio, you would get a different everyone who has helped in any way. station, if you changed the frequency of the atoms, you could get different dimensions or worlds This issue is the sixth to have money and the costs of the that interfere with this world at been produced and I hope you magazine were draining my certain times. The article that I can see the differences between finances. present is the mathematics of this this issue and the first ones. If analogy. you can't I have not done a very Also I felt that I had come to the good job at all. As time as gone end of the road as far as the Also included is the article from on, I hope that the magazine has magazine was concerned. At Michael Roll about the improved with the presentation the end of 1996, there was suppression of knowledge side. Any thoughts or opinions on considerable momentum to carry although on a different subject it any aspect of Dragon Watch I on as I was getting plenty of could be likened to the conspiracy would be very interested in articles to print. Now there are a theory and is generally an reading them. Just get in touch few contributors and I don't know interesting read that is thought with me at the address given in if I could now print four 32 page provoking. Back in Ufology the contents page. issues next year. Very simply put terms, I also have pleasure in it was the right time to stop. I printing the Fife Incident that tells And now to keep a promise. In also have another reason that us the tale of very strange the editorial of the fourth issue I contributed to my decision. I am happenings in Scotland. Written stated that I would explain my interested in writing and by Malcolm Robinson and printed reasons for discontinuing Dragon especially comedy writing. I in many other magazines this Watch. Well the decision was would like to pursue this line of may not be the newest story to taken in the September of this writing and I now can do this as a have happened but it is still well year while I was preparing the result of the extra time I will have worth reading. Well that's it for fifth issue. very simply after look­ next year. now and possibly forever, happy ing at the finances of the maga­ reading. Incidentally back issues zine, it was plain to see that with The s mmary of it is that I have are still available from the the low circulation and the high lost a lot of money but learnt a lot address given on the contents costs in producing the magazine, while producing Dragon Watch. page. I could not continue to afford to Something that could put me in spend that amount of money any good stead in the future. I am My thanksg o toM ichael Roll, longer. now free to pursue other subjects MalcolmR obinsonR,o semary and interests but I would still like Decker,R on Pearson,a nd I need to get a few things sorted to keep in touch with the subject Lionel Beer for their out in my personal life that cost and maybe help other magazines contributifoonrts h iiss sue. ,) ARTICUE_S FOR THE FUTURE? Over the six issues I have think why they have never seen a 'THE MEDIA'S VIEW'. produced I have found the need UFO. This is based on a sighting Again, a look at how the media to write my own articles to help fill that was solved but also raises treat the subject of Ufology. the issues. Now that I am important points that contribute to discontinuing to print Dragon the lack of sightings. 'HISTORICAL Watch I would like to think that I FLASHBACK'. can help someone else with their 'THE MEDIA'S VIEW' A look back at the famous 1952 efforts. I would therefore like to A look at the way the media treat Washington sightings. Very highlight the articles under my the subject of Ufology, the links revealing with some aspects of name that people are free to use have either a direct or indirect link the sighting such as the time in any other publications, as long and may also refer to similar taken for any action taken by the as they get in touch with me to subjects. authorities. Complete with say they are doing so. The only cutting. other things I would ask for is that ISSUE 2. Dragon Watch and myself are ISSUE 3. credited as being the original 'LIFE ON MARS' source and also a free copy of the This was inspired by the findings 'ERNEST WILLOWS magazine or newsletter it is of the fossils discovered inside THOMPSON' featured in, would be nice as well! the Martian meteorite. There is A look at the history of Ernest So if anyone is interested in any also mention of Professor Willows Thompson and the of the articles I have printed, a Chandra Wickramsinghe and his famous solved sightings over catalogue of the work under rrty theories on the origins of life. Caerphilly and Cardiff in 1909. name is printed in this section. Interesting especially if you want 'JUNIOR MEMBERS to know more about the history of If you are interested in any of the PAGE' Ufology. other articles that have been A two page article that was an contributed from other authors, experiment to try and cater for a ISSUE 4. just get in touch with me and I will younger audience. There is use pass on a contact address of the of pictures and the artide gives a person whose work it is. 'THE BURDEN OF PROOF' basic, introductory and hopefully this article looks at what evidence entertaining look at the subject. Here it is the list of articles that is needed to prove Ufology as a editors are free to use providing subject to be taken seriously. lt 'CONFERENCE they abide to the conditions also demonstrates that if you above. REVIEW' don't want to believe in UFOs it A comprehensive review of the wouldn't matter what evidence Supernormal Research there is, with an insight in to the ISSUE 1. Conference held on the 21st of thinking of the hardest debunker. July 1996, and organised by Kerry and Tom Blower. There 'A KIDS VIEW' 'THE MEDIA'S VIEW' was a wide range of speakers An article inspired by the A look at how the media treat the and this is reflected in the review. sightings made by kids, to the subject of Ufology. WFIU and how they could be ignored I An article to help people 'SEEING IS BELIEVING' • ISSUE 5. An article based the sighting of a think about sightings from strange occurrence by my brother dubious sources, but how they 'THE MEDIA'S VIEW' while he was working in America. can be taken seriously. A look at how the media treat the lt looks at how a witness needs subject of Ufology. answers when they experience or 'NEVER SEEN A UFO' witness something beyond their There are no articles under my Another article that makes people comprehension. name in issue 6. l I 6UIDE TO THE CUITIN6S. This is a guide to the cuttings that are presented on the following pages. They are from a variety of sources and cover a wide range of aspects. I hope you find them of interest. The first article on this page is a cutting on the recent Arizona sightings, my thanks go to Rosemary Decker for sending me the article. The cuttings on page 8 have been sent from Lionel Beer and deal with two subjects. The first are the results of the Skywatch that happened on the 21st of June this year. The second deals with the statement of the laughable claims by the American government over the Roswell incident. The cuttings on page 9-11 were sent to me by M alcolm Robinson of the SPI. The article on page 9 is an article from an Arab magazine with a mention of Malcolm Robinson. Can any understand this clipping? lt seems that man gets everywhere. The article on page 10 and letter on page 11 deal with a story from the messenger of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth: The Sunl lt deals with the trap set to try and capture Nessie, apparently this has been organised by Steven Spielberg and Malcolm Robinson. lt is in the Sun so it must be true. The letter from Malcolm clears up the nonsense and gives the proper story. 7 4 PF.GASUS) whn were presenatt the famouss ky-watcheisn NATIONAL SKY WATCH Night the sixties. Exercise, Sat. 21st June 1997 The first airnaft were not noticed until I 0. 35 pm. One flying from south to north overhead at cloud level appeared to resemble a flying triangle, hut there was nothing to PewleyD ownspo st,a boveG UII..l>FORD, suggest that it was other thana mnvrntional aircrafLtat.er Surrey( TimeBST:) SitReepo rt on, aircraft lights were noted tn the ESE and were assumed to he assnciated withG atwickai r traffic control. When I left Hampton at 7.45 pm. the eastern sky was filled with an ama7.ing luminescent double raihnow , which At 11 pm there appeared to he two bright flashes in the remained for some while. clmu.ls slightly tnt he south. ll was deduced that these might he reflectiforonms electric train pick ·ups, as we could see I went fur a site inspection on Pewley Downs at q pm, saw the railway and trains In the SSW of us llowever at1 1 ()� pm, we rC'alistehda ta major fier -work display was laking two rabbits and noted that the wind and rain had abated. placeto the west of our site, which induded some ('olmuful and expensive mortar shells. A sound delay of several Our group consisted of members of TEMS and SEMG (the Surrey Earth Mysteries Group): Eileen Roche allowed us to seconds, suggested that they must have been near Farnham. We noted the directinn of moon-rise hut cloud-cover was use her house as 'base-camp', myself (Lionel Beer), Jimmy Goddard (SEMG eo-m dinator), Richard Colbo rne (a former such that W(� saw it and a couple of stars only briefly. BlJFORA NIC), llugh, Robert llaining, and C'harles Refoy. Richard C'olhorne announced that he had seen a 'gloww orm', which seemed unlikely in view of the weather and temperature, hut all our team confirmed the sighting int he We jointly went on site at I() pm and set up a pmtable wet grass! picnic table on the Downs, and had our recurd photo taken at I 0.15 pm. At this time there was almost I 00% cloud After midnight we returned to hase ·camp due tu the cover. Shortly after, Richard Beet joined us, and we were deteriorating weather. Three of us returned at 4 am tn see pleased to see him as he ·was one of the original SIGAP the cloud -nbscmed sunrise and there was nothing more of (Surrey Investigation Grnup on A. P.) officers (and editor of note, hut we felt that we had done our duty. -linnet Beer. -- TilE R>LLOWING SHORT ITEM FROM lANES- -JJFJEN(J---- WFI.lL·-- Y, ---S-HOULD----- OH READ WITH -A-· ·STRA--IG----HT- FA--<I--I -- - - USAF presents 'Case Closed' over Roswell -------ebqoudiypm meonvtep meerfnotrsm aanncd e.e Fscoarpet y­ - threeh igh-altitbuadlel oons Alien bodiess upposedlyr ecov­ --� - -- carrying 67 dummies were ered in New 1\lcxicino 1947 • launched and recoveraecdr oss were actuahlulmya n-lidlum<­e • .. I New Mexicboe twee1n9 54a nd mies droppedd uringt he 1959a nd3 0 wered ropped hy mid-1950s,t he US Airf orce aircraft ovWehrit e Sands Prov­ revealedin a new reporotn t he ing Ground,N ew Mexicoi,n famous HosUw fcOl li ncident. 1953. The USAf contends that "Thed ummiesw eres ome­ the reported 1947c rasho r timetsra nsportedto and from an "cxtrall'rrrelsytirdniigsca "l off-range locatioinn ws ooden and its "alieno"c cupants shippingc ontainesrism,i ltaor were dehris from Project caskettso,p revendta maget o Mogul, n high-altitude balloon fragiinlsetr uments mounteidn researcphr ojectT.h e pro­ and0 11 thed uJHmyt,h"e re port gramme was to determineT hef irpsitc turoefts h eU SAF'hsi gh-altibtauldleo oenx periments said. whethear osund channeelx istasn d( inset) the dummiesd roppeidn the mid-195(0Phsot o us DoDI Inl 9lJ·• the USAF rckased its int heu ppeartm osphere that firHsots \\'rcelplo rotn t heo rder coulbde usedt od etehcatl listhnidcir s came in thela te 1970s,m ics asp arotf higahl titauird­e of n Ne\\' 1\lrxicnc ongressman. missiles. leadinUgS AF offictioaa rlgsu e crafets capper ojeccatlsl leidlg h The US/\f- saidi th as \'olun­ Them ostlyu ndassit'icd Pro­ thatth em cnH>ries ofw itnesses Divea ndE xcclsior. tcNed thiss econdH oswell ject Mogul useda coustical ha\'ec onsolidatedf oaricre Thesep rogrammesa imedt o rcpurtt o ans\\'"elirng ernig scnsors, radar rcOccting targetsa ctivitfiol'ras p erioodf y ears devismee thodsf orr eturningq uestioanbso"ut s itingso fa lien and othedre vicensl tachleoda intoa handfuolf d aysi nJ uly pilotosr nstronaulse atrot h bodieas .su bjectn otd iscusst·d train of weatherb alloomnosr e I Y-\7. Thew itnesses arc" wrong by parachute should htey he "extensivient lhye1" 9 94p aper. than1 80m long. In l9.t7 aah nutt he l9-l7 dale",s aiUdS AF forced to escape at extreme Subtitl'eCda sCel osed', the ram:hcrt urneidn t her adatra ­r (' oJl( )lllallynle si na ePntagon altitudes. new documenta lssoe rveass a gettsot hel ocaslh eriaflfl.e gedblryi efing. The dummies,t ransportperde -cmtipve strikagea inst the artehera rnig mediar eportosf From 1953t o1 959t,h eA ir byb allootnoas lt itudesa sh igh publiitcy thati ss urrounding Oyingd iscs. ForcAee ro MedicaLlab oratoyr as9 8,000(f3t0 ,000fme)l,fl r eelyth e 50th anni\'ersray of the Thef ircslta imtso h aves een used anthropomorphic dum- whilei nstrumenrtesco rdde inciden.t �------------------------ fan�·� Ddencc Weekly 2 July 1997 8 1\�f'R.:�i._ �' : -� ' 1\- I, I (, ., huMSc:£rHbPe4 UupnapaSO7lflkrn efp petVw k le latbm ua:iIMrethTuei,.Epu -a lhdr lM lr•1be lAwm •c Iee TTRyCi i lLoor noEt-S olagaa1naAhfmatc:a:w i e ut :NRLb feholrDO o Woleddmtotaobll taIl Sa r lyUlJNdoanetlunb-o et r.. doiaeewdadn wa o uv auel. nita· lewlwnm�rc.·. .l· la. . on.�::. ·a�;e. ··.-. '·•pwtC�pp-. . t:aloh·ro NM·u:nauaooo·a fr.ocltbrww Ilv•o�nkdl ocnlM h:am e:nnuo aaa11lam lwalnlvlai diormybeacn;'"'nta l aowta''htIlallh,olf.t tLnalyd3ml bl." roj".t8:re'' lcubTya, ef an0c·rhaeh.•o ;,ra · ··a e le t b No.i.mtB. l bhe1mN�l A·.elualedc1., H U .t,.�.olvaby •1, ·.a .ooh. n•.·ao lll..­.dae e uale ,a lbpwlattN t· loooihto1H" aukwaat 1aTAccel rltawh•aaa daln.la aNwub. caa mf tdtehal"t- lhtal1a e t aehrc1tt•otiyrItwkh,ole··. t on·a ooo awv rtwut ukeeahloaol harecteuh detv dhf hbkd l roMoeoee nodb cwtr h',1tofan o 1h.dr b htdlrryolaahdro'\.a·rt��·. : m ;!1Iatre"'� { a-uala-·f.· 1n :r"'•'t ta! �; ··.:.:· e :t·ed, h t •a•mpctoptt m.w hnrehfaheTh1IM.. al..lrie1:ul ceela·�ll.:omonftt �llb pl.nw.·n }1aauw h. lco•:t· w"ia.I·a ..1l l.n , to.: d·h.a' tI lat . l dtel Jwpeoa"httkw a: lm'.b::n u'l. ae •poaaa ·d ohu aha mi kalno·l0rre plbl lddtw"e -aate.ran:l•ano Tn�aw•d.p 1· o1 l·.c ro·.� th r..:r o· a•,;.;aa ol t vrkhe · . udm,dn a� nhe,al l dho dnuea.w mrca..d.l oa dr·;. f'ia'a' .a-t e >·•ftch !e 'otov'.e rhwa • " oua'fahf•ni•! :iaa n 'mcvna�• e -'- arpdnu· : e•·· ·­ a. htclooRamo eS pblpalalnnbeyaHo lQorra bnaNaeI ete'nne1at L bD1 ollrbaueeoA e maonpwbaroyetlr lrnoleatfuaap �c·o ··- af· n yo o:·n u.l ya eDefa ortsurf eeIt. n. ;f _.r ontiipl oorMwioalnplaent c x1 vNoa iehcd1nwteo1 elw lcnyhw1at ee m or enec:ra o ahd"uB aodlyl w anpaf iono-nndl- yOpeaenr aaatoi.f oD ane i l esap'.1 E: · ··· S catnh. ; ree· yltTap ranhy TAonde lh•ct : nLp 1ooh ·n rf :woato ulhmr·Wsldeldoe- sutrlgradl.cm� l:d"�1uayn 1Gtu11no�aei8.hh du vet t a� Ied :pN'm�i e·��euler�oaa·laluel'on.,l.tl ac•�v be ·t ' ·o•· .-0tal ta :r.pll·ir�t:a..;!'eask.tr ' ohtteaa 'w•� co bow I chf.ouhoeht �xlidaot'idcr v :afn h'�elrowg� di lluo eoonrupvnwa ullw..;,.l-.ul ·.".aldioaa b ..nttu·ae ohl.·.c.5. d a'pk a 0 luleb fankeolln poe kattpmll ohio•e""TpvcalnTah lt tghoanenut lfh aa arwhma ewchn.eo o d ocde uaoe·uu rwlt1a .lr pedw • ada•eol h ela txpaeaaleluhnlova llt l eall.G.utm hl.re ehaeo uo el wuptlfoe arnlh r • ootso elyfo par a ut3a·a l0ht ""�lftBl8�rtaol�dca cla h.iaha Ivto..,led a�owmeou a hndeod nNctrap v deaodJa ti 1n tr!t na1ahPhgnlo eef debr� bbl t a'J.!'oocora:.ettdc�a ..ty·h;cw. t,o ki.�Ih,1,m ne.t•e'o • ct· hn·f . dealadnnlodI "u:l'u 'n11vve lbt:enucy 11an Il awauc lan •kbliyedd I n"Otnot htel hoccehaf b llooerwa-.o uldb e tthiantced thl en'oaaa patluheraa tll oiavaeaIudnnr et ,xh ­e we' 'wlomtua lyd ano'luton adet racokf . la�����eLol��w·a� ��b�11e\tl:l�e!:�v�S•e.chado e&.-.; -�am�et:l.i d c��l��r��couuldleaur�pa hv�e1ra • ':ad%w•i t h aleoc"haL .ob cuhtN m eiul lliaeoo nff •ry aeeawhna a taeor·'· It u·dhaee paa.rt ey oo e.b ab ar.e"b, lct-yrh eea't ed btywhau"•aen. Inwoy h fa ovp• h..ror o velbbnhnb.,.sdynl h o f•fo ce roxm mlniyeen �lle.-.td l ·�:�ormeo"'.fr·. o el·.J·wut, nr oha'Ia'enul nt.lnwet mdlobdhlt ueeetl • o·l t d taadocah tllhreala neaprlcoeobt hclnat.o:te a )llfxendeohJll!.: ·p�,· pn:;pJ,e-•i'aaI\ fral a,ulrll ln elclIaa pyltn Taw os rhate kaahe·e o oepddpva l beeneynrl�a·. ,molal at. opa.lh erp" ·eat ·aa at rurehlr·eaeobn n rco•e&t·yaff l• . p. wo�ay l;ary l.,uae.e:l ·r �wfN-oile:A.uat n..�lothd··. tdn .·aa hi .I ofalf htf t·i1labf nra ra·di tdct nh eontl,- edhl,-·· :e - n· •-• "'

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