Drag correlation for dilute and moderately dense fluid-particle systems using the lattice Boltzmann method Simon Bognerb,∗, Swati Mohantya,∗, Ulrich Ru¨deb aCSIR-Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar-751013, India bLehrstuhl fu¨r Systemsimulation, Universit¨at Erlangen-Nu¨rnberg, Cauerstraße 11, 91058 Erlangen, Germany Abstract This paper presents a numerical study of flow through static random assemblies of monodisperse, spherical particles. 4 1A lattice Boltzmann approach based on a two relaxation time collision operator is used to obtain reliable predictions 0of the particle drag by direct numerical simulation. From these predictions a closure law F(Re ,ϕ) of the drag force p 2relationshiptothebeddensityϕandtheparticleReynoldsnumberRe isderived. Thepresentstudyincludesdensities p tϕ ranging from 0.01 to 0.35 with Re ranging up to 300, that is compiled into a single drag correlation valid for the c p Owhole range. The corelation has a more compact expression compared to others previously reported in literature. At low particle densities, the new correlation is close to the widely-used Wen & Yu – correlation. 7 Recently, there has been reported a discrepancy between results obtained using different numerical methods, namely thecomprehensivelatticeBoltzmannstudyofBeetstraetal.(2007)andthepredictionsbasedonanimmersedboundary ] n- pseudo-spectral Navier-Stokes approach (Tenneti et al., 2011). The present study excludes significant finite resolution yeffects, which have been suspected to cause the reported deviations, but does not coincide exactly with either of the dprevious studies. This indicates the need for yet more accurate simulation methods in the future. - u Keywords: lattice Boltzmann method, drag force correlation, dilute system, particle beds, particle-resolved numerical l fsimulation . s c i s1. Introduction els (Mishra and Tripathy, 2010) and a combination of y discrete and continuum models (Chu et al., 2009) have h Many of the mineral processing unit operations involve been reported in literature for various mineral process- p multi-phase systems that can be classified as either solid- [ ing unit operations. In practice, multi-fluid models such liquid system such as hydrocyclone, high wet intensity as Eulerian-Eulerian models, which treat the phases as 3magnetic separator, fluidized bed, thickener, spiral con- inter-penetrating continua, are more common because in vcentrator; solid-gas system such as gas fluidized bed; or an actual system it is difficult to capture the dynamics of 5 solid-gas-liquid system such as flotation column. The vol- 2 all individual particles present. It has been reported by ume fraction of solid particles that is fed into these units 0 vanderHoefetal.(2006)thatformillimetersizeparticles 2varies from sometimes very low concentrations as in the the linear dimension of the system that can be simulated .case of hydrocyclones or magnetic separators to very high 1 with the existing computers is about 0.1 m. For larger 0concentrationsasinthecaseoffluidizedbeds. Themineral systems, multi-fluid continuum models have become more 4processing industry is considered as one of the most pol- popular that treat the granular solid phase as a contin- 1lutingindustriesandthereforeitisdesirabletouseonlyas uum and the momentum balance equations for both the : vfew experiments as possible. Computer simulations prior phases are solved to predict the flow profile of the phases. ito and accompanying experiments cannot only reduce the X These mathematical models require several closure laws, numberofexperiments,butarealsocheaper. Withthead- primarilyforthedragforce,toaccountforthemomentum r vent of high speed computers, it is now possible to obtain a exchange between the phases. The earliest correlations solutions faster and with better accuracy. This does not available were those by Wen and Yu (1966) for dilute sys- only save time, money and material, but is also pollution- tems and the Ergun’s equation (Ergun, 1952) for denser free. systems. Botharebasedonexperimentaldata. Othercor- Several approaches like continuum models (Swain and relations commonly used in two-fluid models are the ones Mohanty, 2013; Mohanty et al., 2011), discrete mod- proposed by Gidaspow (1986) and Shyamlal and O’Brien (1987). TheGidaspowcorrelationreducestotheWenand ∗Correspondingauthor Yu correlation for low solid volume fraction and Ergun’s Email addresses: [email protected](SimonBogner), equation at high solid volume fraction. The correlation [email protected](SwatiMohanty),[email protected](Ulrich by Shyamlal and O’Brien is based on the terminal veloc- Ru¨de) Preprint submitted to Elsevier October 8, 2014 ity correlation proposed by Richardson and Zaki (1954). sizebutdifferentdensities(YinandSundaresan,2009a)as Thereliabilityofthesecorrelationsformono-dispersedsys- well as of different sizes (Yin and Sundaresan, 2009b) at temhasbeenquestionedbysomeauthors(Beetstraetal., lowReynoldsnumberandsolidvolumefractionof0.1..0.4, 2007), as Ergun derived the correlation based on experi- have been reported using LBM. Holloway et al. (2010) ments carried out using sand and pulverized coke in addi- used the data from Yin and Sundaresan (2009a,b) and tion to that carried out with spheres. that by Beetstra et al. (2007) to obtain a drag correlation for poly-dispersed particles in the solid volume fraction 1.1. Studies on drag closure laws based on DNS range 0.2..0.4, particle diameter ratio between 1 and 2.5 Withtheadventofhighspeedcomputers,severaldirect and 0≤Re ≤40. p numerical simulation (DNS) methods have been adopted by a number of researchers to obtain drag closure laws. 1.2. Objective of the present study Pioneering studies on particulate suspensions by Ladd (1994a,b); Ladd and Verberg (2001) using the lattice Most studies using LBM have reported drag laws for Boltzmannmethod(LBM)enabledtheworkonestablish- solidvolumefractionabove0.1andhigherReynoldsnum- ing drag closure laws. The earliest systematic studies on bers, primarily aimed at fluidized beds. Hence, there is dragforcerelationsbyHilletal.(2001a)consideredafixed currently a lack of studies carried out in the low solid vol- bedofspheresarrangedinsimplecubic, facecenteredand ume fraction range, except for the results reported by Hill random order. The volume fraction of solids ranged from et al. (2001b) for low Reynolds numbers. Several unit op- approximately0.001to0.64atlowReynoldsnumberRe . erationsinmineralprocessingoperatewithlowersolidvol- p Subsequently, the effect of the Reynolds number, up to ume fractions and higher Reynolds number. Also, in the Re ≤ 100, on the drag force for the same arrangement same system there can be regions with low as well as high p of spheres was studied by the same authors (Hill et al., solidvolumefraction. Thereforeadraglawapplicableover 2001b). Later, van der Hoef et al. (2005) used LBM to awiderrangeofparticleconcentration,includingsolidvol- study the drag force on fixed arrays of mono-dispersed ume fraction ≤ 0.1 at a given range of Reynolds number and bi-dispersed spheres arranged in random order in the would be desirable. In the following study, a drag law for limitofzeroReynoldsnumber. Theyestablishedanormal- solid-fluid dispersions with solid volume fraction ranging izeddragforcecorrelation,definedastheratioofthedrag from 0.01 to 0.35 and Reynolds numbers Re ≤ 300 is p force for a given Reynolds number and solid volume frac- derived from simulations. tiontothatcalculatedusingtheStokes-Einsteinequation. All the lattice Boltzmann studies on fluid-particle drag They also reported that when their drag force correlation mentioned in Sec. 1.1 have been carried out with the code was extrapolated to Re =0, there was no significant dif- developed by Ladd (Ladd, 1994a,b; Ladd and Verberg, p ference between drag force at Re = 0.2 and Re = 0. 2001). One common disadvantage of these efforts is that p p Beetstra et al. (2007) later extended this work to Re up thesphereisrepresentedbyastaircaselikeapproximation p to 1000. They also obtained a correlation for the normal- (bounceback boundaryconditions)insimulationsandthus ized drag force as a function of solid volume fraction and a certain error will be introduced. However, it has been Reynolds number. Reportedly, the Ergun type correla- established already in the original work that LBM still tion fits the simulation data better than the Wen and Yu delivers accurate predictions, for instance by comparing type. Benyahiaetal.(2006)modifiedthecorrelationspro- it with analytical solutions for Stokes flow of Hasimoto posed by Hill et al. (2001a) so that a continuous function (1959)andSanganiandAcrivos(1982). Anothercommon can be obtained for all range of solid volume fraction and disadvantage of the aforementioned LBM studies is the Reynoldsnumber. Tennetietal.(2011)haveusedaparti- usage of a single relaxation time collision operator. This cle resolved DNS method that they call “Particle-resolved is known to introduce a viscosity-dependent error in the Uncontaminated-fluid Reconcilable Immersed Boundary boundary placement (Ginzbourg and Adler, 1994), and Method” to study the drag force on a fixed array of ran- forces the authors to apply a correction for the effective domlyarrangedassemblyofmono-dispersedspheresinthe hydrodynamic radius of the particles for the given relax- solid volume fraction range of 0.1-0.4 and Reynolds num- ation time. The present work is based on a two relaxation ber up to 300. The results are compared with Hill et al. time lattice Boltzmann code, tailored to circumvent the (2001b)andBeetstraetal.(2007). Thethreestudiesagree viscosity-dependent boundary placement (Ginzbourg and quite well at low Reynolds number. At higher Reynolds Adler,1994;Ginzburgetal.,2008)toobtainmorereliable number, the data of Tenneti et al. (2011) and Beetstra results. Detailsonthesimulationmethodologyaregivenin et al. (2007) disagree by up to 30%. Tenneti et al. (2011) Sec.2. SimulationresultscanbefoundinSec.3. Thepre- attribute the mismatch to the constant resolution used in sentation of the main results of this paper in Sec. 3.3 - 3.5 Beetstra et al. (2007) over the whole range of Reynolds is preceeded by a verification experiment of the numerical numbers. model (Sec. 3.1). Most importantly, we have conducted a All of the above studies assume static beds of spheres resolutionsensitivitystudytoshowthatthereisnosignif- without changes in the relative positions. However, some icant error stemming from under-resolved physics in the work on moving particles for bi-dispersed spheres of equal present study (Sec. 3.2). 2 Without relying on supercomputers the present study where a is a gravitation vector (Luo, 1998; Guo et al., would not have been successful, as simulation of dilute 2002). Macroscopicquantitiesaredefinedasmomentsover particle concentrations at high Reynolds numbers is quite f. In particular, the moments of zeroth and first order, resource demanding. E.g., for ϕ = 0.01 at a resolution 1 (cid:88) of d = 40 lattice sites per particle diameter, one needs a ρ= P = f , (6) domainsizeofapproximately4503 gridpoints. Toaccom- c2s q q plishefficientsimulations,thepresentstudyisbasedonthe ρa (cid:88) ρU=ρu− = c f , (7) waLBerlacodebase(Feichtingeretal.,2011). Thisframe- 2 q q q work has been shown to offer extendibility to numerous physical applications involving fluid-structure interaction yield the pressure P and fluid velocity u. The shift in the (e.g., Bogner and Ru¨de, 2013), while providing a highly fluid momentum by ρa/2 is necessary if a source term F q efficient implementation for a wide range of supercomput- is used in Eq. (2) (cf. Buick and Greated, 2000; Ginzburg ers, even for complex fluids like suspensions (G¨otz et al., etal.,2008). Theparameterizationoffeq inEq. (2)stays 2010). unchanged and is given by feq =feq(ρ,U). q q Fluid-structure interaction. To incorporate spherical par- 2. Numerical Method: Two Relaxation Time ticles into the flow, we use the bounce-back rule similar LBM for Particle Beds to Ladd (1994a,b), for all lattice links intersecting with For the simulated hydrodynamics we employ a lattice the surface of a particle. For a boundary node x with b Boltzmannapproach(Benzietal.,1992;ChenandDoolen, boundary-intersecting link q one has 1998; Aidun and Clausen, 2010) using the D3Q19 lattice model(Qianetal.,1992). Theevolutionofthedistribution fq¯(xb,t+1)=f˜q(xb,t). (8) function f = (f ,f ,..,f ) on the lattice for the finite 0 1 Q−1 This approximation of a non-slip boundary condition can set of lattice velocities {c |q = 0,..,Q−1} is described q be made effectively independent of the lattice viscosity, by the following equations, Eq.s (1) and (2). We use a η = −(λ−1 +1/2)/3 = (τ −1/2)/3 by fixing the second collision operator with two relaxation times as proposed + relaxation time λ , to satisfy by Ginzburg et al. (2008); Ginzburg (2005). − fq(x+cq,t+1)=f˜q(x,t), (1) Λ± :=(21 + λ1 )(21 + λ1 )≈ 41, (9) + − as shown by Ginzbourg and Adler (1994); Ginzburg et al. f˜(x,t)=f (x,t)+λ (f+−feq,+)+λ (f−−feq,−)+F , q q + q q − q q q (2008); d’Humieres and Ginzburg (2009). The optimal (2) value of λ may slightly differ depending on the geom- − Here, Eq. (1) is referred to as the streaming step, and etry of the flow (Ginzburg et al., 2008). Here, we used Eq. (2) is the collision step, with independent relaxation Λ =3/16. This is an important difference of the present ± times λ ,λ ∈ (−2,0) for the even (symmetric) and odd + − approachfrompreviouslatticeBoltzmannstudiesondrag (anti-symmetric) parts of the distribution function. Of- relations such as those reported by van der Hoef et al. ten the symmetric relaxation time is expressed as τ = (2005), Beetstra et al. (2007) and Hill et al. (2001a,b). −1/λ ∈(0.5,∞). F isasourcetermthatwillbedefined + q These studies are all based on collision schemes that do later. For the discrete range of values q ∈ {0,..,Q−1}, notallowviscosity-independentsimulationsofflowaround the opposite index q¯is defined by the equation c = −c q q¯ particlesandthuscomewithanadditionalsourceoferror, and thus, whichcanbecontrolledonlybyfixingthelatticeviscosity 1 1 toaconstantvalue. Panetal.(2006)haveshownthatthe f+ = (f +f ), and f− = (f −f ), (3) q 2 q q¯ q 2 q q¯ elimination of the viscosity-dependent error is significant, especiallywhenrelaxationtimesτ >1.0areused, astypi- respectively. The polynomial equilibrium function feq is callythecaseforlowReynolds-numberflows. Itshouldbe given by noted, that the bounce-back rule yields a first-order accu- (cid:34) (cid:35) cTU (cTU)2 UTU rate approximation of the particle boundaries (Ginzburg feq(ρ,U)=ρw 1+ q + q − , (4) q q c2 2c4 2c2 et al., 2008; Junk and Yang, 2005). Higher-order schemes s s s (Bouzidi et al., 2001; Ginzburg and d’Humieres, 2003; where the wq =w|cq| are t√he lattice weights given in Qian Mei et al., 2002) exist, but are more complex to apply et al. (1992), and c = 1/ 3 is the lattice speed of sound since they require interpolations over a number of com- s ofthemodel. Toexertabodyforceontheflowweusethe pute nodes. Also, according to (Ginzburg et al., 2008; source term d’Humieres and Ginzburg, 2009; Pan et al., 2006), not all of them allow viscosity-independent parameterization (cid:32) (cid:33)T F =w ρ cq−U + cTqUc a, (5) according to Eq. (9), and thus may complicate the pa- q q c2 2c4 q rameterization in terms of lattice viscosity. Hence, for the s s 3 presentstudy,wedecidedtouseonlythebounce-backrule, the two definitions of the drag force can be directly re- but to include a resolution sensitivity study, showing that lated as f = (1 − ϕ)f . Since a pressure gradient can- d t the error due to boundary conditions is sufficiently con- not be included in simulations using periodic domains, we verged (cf. Sec. 3.2). will simply assume f = V ρa and interpret the results as b p The drag force exerted by the fluid on the particles is equivalent to a pressure driven flow. The dimensionless obtained by the momentum exchange algorithm (Ladd, drag force is accordingly defined as 1994a; Yu et al., 2003). For a particle p, let B be the p f f slientkosfIb(oxun)d⊆ary{0n,o..d,eQs,−w1h}e,reinftoerrsaelcltixnbg∈wiBthp,thtehesusreftacoef C = 3πηtdu¯, or Cd = 3πηddu¯, (14) p b oftheparticlepisnon-empty. Thenetforcef exertedon p respectively. the particle is then given by (cid:88) (cid:88) f = ∆j (x ), (10) 3. Results: SimulationofFlowinRandomParticle p q b xb∈Bpq∈Ip(xp) Beds where∆j (x )=c (f˜ +f )isthemomentumtransferred After two verification studies in Sec. 3.1 and Sec. 3.2, q b q q q¯ along a single intersecting link in direction q from the demonstrating the validity of our method, we study the boundary node x . Note that in our specific case, the flow through randomly generated fixed arrangements of b incoming population f is actually equal to the outgoing spheres. Sec. 3.3 presents qualitative results for the most q¯ f˜ because of the bounce-back rule. extreme cases studied. Finally, we present a comprehen- q sive and systematic flow study in Sec. 3.4 including its Drag force computations. The flow through random fixed compilationintoadragforceclosurerelationandcompare configurations (beds) of N non-overlapping spherical par- the result with two other numerical studies in Sec. 3.5. ticles of diameter d is simulated by accelerating the flow Quantitiesobtainedasresultsfromnumericalexperiments along a certain direction with a given uniform gravity g. will be labeled with a superscript ∗ in the following. Thedragforceevaluationisdoneaftertheflowhasreached a balanced state. The particle Reynolds number is ex- 3.1. Verification: Stokesflowinregularsimplecubicarray pressed as, For the verification of our code, we first evaluate the ρu¯d linear flow through a regular periodic array of spheres. Re = , (11) p η For the case of a simple cubic array, Sangani and Acrivos where (1982) have presented analytical results valid over a wide aT (cid:88) range of solid volume fractions ϕ(χ) = πχ3/6, extending u¯= (u(x)−u ) (12) |a|L3 p the prior work of Hasimoto (1959). By varying the radius x∈Ω R of a sphere placed within a periodic unit cell of length is the average flow rate (directed with gravity a) within a L = 32 and L = 64 in lattice units, respectively, a set of periodic cubic domain Ω of length L, relative to the par- differentϕisrealized. Thenormalizeddragforceobtained ticle velocity up, that is taken as zero, since the particle from simulations, C∗, and the error relative to the analyt- positions are fixed with respect to the given frame of ref- ical solution C by Sangani and Acrivos (1982) is shown in erence. Thecharacteristiclengthdcanalsobeinterpreted Tab. 1. The average flow rate u¯∗ in these simulations is as the Sauter mean diameter that is often used to study also shown. Note, that the Mach and Reynolds numbers heterogeneous, non-spherical particle beds. The approxi- are always kept low (i.e., u/c <0.01 and Re <0.03) for s p mateddragforcefd isobtainedbyaveragingEq. (10)over exclusionofcompressibilityeffectsandassuringagoodap- the whole number of particles, i.e., f = 1 (cid:80)N f . The proximation to the Stokes regime, respectively. To speed d N p=1 p solid volume fraction of the bed is given by up the convergence, the Mach number could be increased (typically one chooses 0.01 < u/c < 0.1 (Succi, 2001) - NV s ϕ= p, (13) here it was easier to compute with constant λ+ = −1/3 V and gravitation 10−6). The relative errors are below 5% where V is the particle volume, and V = L3 the total in all cases, which shows the validity of our code. It also p volume of the bed. shows that the method is capable of accurate predictions In many practically relevant conditions, the flow in the of the drag force on spheres, even if the resolution of the particle bed will be driven by a static pressure gradient, sphere, or the gap in between the spheres, respectively, is yieldinganadditionalbuoyancyforcef =−V ∇P oneach relatively small. b p particle. Hence, the total hydrodynamic force (averaged perparticle)isactuallyf =f +f . Often,f isreferredto 3.2. Verification: Resolution sensitivity t d b t asthedragforceinliterature. However,assumingthesys- For particle Reynolds numbers in the unsteady regime temtobeinabalancedstate,i.e.,thedrivingforceequals numerical instabilities may arise in under-resolved cases. the total force exerted on the particles (−V∇P = Nf ), We therefore study the dependency of the estimated drag t 4 Drag Force Computation in Simple Cubic Array ϕ 0.0042 0.014 0.034 0.065 0.11 0.18 0.27 0.38 L χ 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 R 3.2 4.8 6.4 8 9.6 11.2 12.8 14.4 u¯∗ 4.75E-4 2.49E-4 1.51E-4 8.91E-5 5.45E-5 3.03E-5 1.59E-5 7.21E-6 32 C∗ 1.37 1.75 2.16 2.93 4.00 6.15 10.29 20.06 C∗−C -1.13% 2.74% 0.45% 2.93% 0.57% 2.49% 2.43% 4.69% C R 6.4 9.6 12.8 16 19.2 22.4 25.6 28.8 u¯∗ 1.87E-3 1.02E-3 6.00E-4 3.61E-4 2.17E-4 1.23E-4 6.36E-5 2.97E-5 64 C∗ 1.39 1.70 2.17 2.89 4.00 6.08 10.25 19.52 C∗−C 0.37% 0.27% 0.92% 1.63% 0.73% 1.27% 1.95% 1.86% C Table 1: Drag force on spheres in simple cubic array and the relative error compared to the analytic solution from Sangani and Acrivos (1982) at two different resolutions. C∗ obtained from simulations on the grid spacing δ . Our d x setup consists of a randomly arranged bed of N = 27 spheresinacubicperiodicdomainofunitlengthandsolid (a) Re =100 p volume fraction ϕ = 0.35. In order to keep the Reynolds δ τ d/δ Re∗ C∗ δ /δ x x p d b x number constant while varying the resolution parameter 0.02 (!) 0.500563 14.5726 102 26.6 1.4572 δ , we adjust the sphere diameter and lattice relaxation 0.015625 0.500922 18.653 100 27.2 1.8653 x time accordingly (i.e., the apparent physical viscosity and 0.01 0.50225 27.5089 99 27.5 2.751 length is kept constant). The study is repeated for three 0.005 0.509 58.2906 100 27.2 5.8291 different target Reynolds numbers Re = 100, 200 and p 300. (b) Re =200 p δ τ d/δ Re∗ C∗ δ /δ For the first two cases (Re = 100, 200), the flow is x x p d b x p 0.015625 (!) 0.500922 18.653 202 38.5 1.319 driven by a constant body force starting from zero uni- 0.01 0.50225 29.1453 198 41.3 2.0609 form initial velocity, and evaluated after a balanced state 0.005 0.509 58.2906 198 41.5 4.1218 is reached. Tab. 2 shows the results for different Reynolds 0.0025 0.536 116.581 202 40.5 8.2435 numbers. Due to the “staircase” discretization of the spheres the resulting Re∗ varies slightly. For the highest (c) Re =300 p p Reynolds number, Re = 300, we dynamically adjusted δ τ d/δ Re∗ C∗ δ /δ p x x p d b x thefluidaccelerationaduringsimulations,inordertocir- 0.00625 0.50576 46.6325 300 55.4 2.6923 cumventamanualcalibrationprocess. Evenintheunder- 0.005 0.509 58.2906 300 55.6 3.3654 resolved situations marked with an (!) where one would 0.0025 0.536 116.581 300 54.0 6.7308 expect instability, we observe that the predicted C∗-value d Table 2: Sensitivity of drag coefficient on resolution. The doesnotdeviatesignificantlyfromthewell-resolvedcases. cases marked with (!) would eventually become unstable. From the magnitude of the deviations in the data (less Also shown is the approximate boundary layer thickness than 3% when excluding the unstable solutions), it can δ in lattice units. be concluded that the chosen lattice resolutions are suffi- b cientlyhigh. Infact, theresultsshowthatthereisamini- mum required resolution that increases with the Reynolds number, but also that further increase of resolution does notsignificantlyeffecttheresultingdragforces. Thisisan important observation, since it has been reported by Ten- neti et al. (2011) that previous studies based on the LBM (Beetstra et al., 2007) would lack validity at intermedi- d/δ x ate Reynolds numbers due to poor lattice resolutions. As 46.6325 58.2906 116.581 noted by Tenneti et al. (2011), the boundary layer thick- 3/16 55.4 55.6 54.0 (cid:112) Λ± 1/4 55.0 54.0 53.5 ness (δb ∼d/ Rep) must be sufficiently resolved and can 3/8 53.4 (!) 54.0 53.4 be used as a guideline when choosing the spatial resolu- tion. For the given regime, one should have δ ∼ 3 or b Table 3: Normalized drag C∗ for various “magic parame- higherfornumericstability. Furtherincreaseofresolution d ter” settings in the Rep =300 – case (c). yieldsonlyslightimprovementintermsofaccuracy. Hence forthefollowingstudyinSec.s3.3-3.4,wechosegridspac- ings of the order of the second-to-last row of Tab. 2 as a compromise between accuracy and efficiency. 5 Influence of parameterization Λ on numerical solution. ± For completeness, we also studied the influence of the magicparameterΛ onthesimulationsinthetransitional ± regime Re = 300. This allows us to estimate the er- p rors stemming from the parameterization of our scheme in Sec. 3.5, when comparing to the results from other au- thors – and the variation between the respective studies is most considerable for large Re . The optimal choice of 70 average normalized drag (Re=300) p average normalized drag (Re=250) Λ± isunknownforarbitrarygeometries,soitisimportant 60 standard deviation (%, Re=300) standard deviation (%, Re=250) to control whether the computed solutions depend on it. 50 Because, for this regime, one has only small values of τ, the effect on the solution is expected to be non-significant 40 (cf. also Pan et al. (2006)). In Tab. 3 the resulting drags 30 for different parameterizations is shown. Indeed, the in- fluencewasvery smallforthe givengeometry atthe given 20 relaxation times τ. The parameterization Λ = 3/8 lead ± 10 to instabilities at the lowest resolution. 0.1 0.2 0.3 solid volume fraction 3.3. Study: Qualitative evaluation of different flow regimes Figure 3: Normalized drag values for Rep = 250, 300. Each data point corresponds to the mean value of 5 runs. Fig. 1 shows the flow profile of fluid through a bed The standard deviation is shown as error bars and sepa- of spheres with solid volume fraction ϕ = 0.35 at a low rately in percent. The percent values are strictly below Reynolds number compared with the profile at a high 10% and not correlated with the solid volume fraction. ReynoldsnumberRe =300throughthesamebed. Tovi- p sualize the flow, a number of streamlines has been traced through the flow field, starting at equally spaced points along a diagonal line in the back plane, x = 0, of the do- main with the flow directed along the x-axis. The plots differ significantly at the two different regimes. As a second example, we consider the velocity field in a bed of low volume fraction ϕ = 0.01. Fig. 2 shows the velocity magnitude, indicated by color, in a plane slicing throughthedomain,attwodifferentregimes. Inthetran- sientcase(Re =300)weobservetheappearanceofeddies p behind the particles that are located at the black spots. 3.4. Study: Drag force within random static assemblies of spheres For the present study of the drag force within mono- dispersefixedassembliesofspheres, thesolidvolumefrac- tion takes the values ϕ ∈ {0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.35}, while the particle Reynolds number Re is var- p ied from 0.05 to 300. A series of simulations was carried out,repeatingeachpair(ϕ,Re )atleastfivetimes. Inour p approach,theaverageflowvelocityinthedomainmayvary depending on the randomly generated bed. Hence, the re- sulting Reynolds numbers has also been averaged for each Figure 4: Pointwise relative deviation of the computed series. For higher target Reynolds numbers (Rep ≥ 200), values C∗ from the fit correlation F given by Eq. (15). however,thegravitationparametergwasadjusteddynam- ically to fix the Reynolds number. The resolution in this study was varied between d=17 and d=47 lattice units per sphere diameter, and the number of spheres taken for each simulation was either N = 27 or N = 54. A cubic domain of length varying from 74 to 449 lattice units, de- pending on the desired volume fraction ϕ, was used with 6 Figure 1: Streamlines in bed of solid volume fraction ϕ = 0.35 in the laminar (Re = 3.6, left), and in the transient p regime (Re =300, right). Blue color indicates lower, red color indicates a higher flow velocity, respectively. p Figure 2: Velocity magnitude plot (slice y = 50) in particle bed of volume fraction ϕ = 0.01 in the laminar regime (Re =2.4, left), and in the transient regime (Re =300, right). Flow direction is from left two right in both cases. As p p indicatedbythecolorbar, theflowvelocityiszeroattheblackspotswheretheparticlesarelocated, andhighestwithin the white areas. 7 periodic boundary conditions for all the exterior bound- aries. The domain length to particle diameter ratio var- ied between 3.43 and 11.18. For each run a randomized arrangement of spheres is generated, and the resulting di- mensionless drag values are averaged over the whole se- ries to obtain the approximated bed-independent dimen- sionless drag force. The number of 5 runs was found to be sufficient to even out artifacts from the random bed generation, in consistency with the reports by Hill et al. (2001a) and Tenneti et al. (2011). We did not apply any “check-reject-repeat” – strategy to eliminate any spikes in our data. The variation of the resulting absolute values is largest for higher Re . Fig. 3 shows the data for the p two highest Reynolds numbers included in this study, and (a) Normalized drag force (b)Thenormalizeddragforce the standard deviation for each data point. The situation based on total hydrodynamic as a function of the Reynolds is similar for the lower Reynolds number, however with forceasafunctionofsolidvol- number Re for various solid smaller absolute values. p umefractionfordifferentpar- volume fractions. A dimensionless drag correlation F is obtained using ticle Reynolds number. the conjugate gradient method to minimize the objective function Figure 5: Drag correlation derived from present study. (cid:88) |F −C∗| E = , F (ϕ,Rep) betweenthecorrelationandtheLBMsimulatedvaluesC∗ (averaged over 5 random beds) with an average absolute percentage error of 9.69% compared with the simulated data and with a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.995. UsingthemodelfunctionF(ϕ,Re )=(1−ϕ)a[b+cRe d+ p p e(1+Re )−fϕ+g(1+Re )−hϕ],withparametersa,b,..,h, p p one obtains the correlation C =F(ϕ,Re ), with p F =(1−ϕ)−5.726(cid:2)1.751+0.151Re 0.684 p −0.445(1+Re )1.04ϕ−0.16(1+Re )0.0003ϕ(cid:3). p p (15) 14 Fig. 4 shows the pointwise deviation |F −C∗|/C∗ be- 12 tween Eq. (15) and the simulated values. One observes the largest deviations for small volume fractions. The av- 10 erageabsolutepercentageerrorwithrespecttoC∗ is9.3%. Unlike the correlations reported by other authors (for in- Re)p 8 stance Beetstra et al., 2007; Benyahia et al., 2006), which F(, ϕ 6 W.&Y., 0.01 consist of two parts; the first part for the Stokes region, W.&Y., 0.03 i.e., Rep (cid:28)1, and a function of volume fraction only; the 4 WW..&&YY..,, 00..0058 second part a function of solid volume fraction and Re , present, 0.01 p 2 present, 0.03 we chose a unified expression. present, 0.05 present, 0.08 Fig. 5a shows the effect of ϕ on the normalized drag 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 force at constant Reynolds number. It can be seen that Re p the increase in drag force with increase in ϕ is more sig- nificant at high Reynolds number. Similarly, it can be seen from Fig. 5b that at a constant ϕ the normalized Figure 6: Wen & Yu - correlation for low solid volume dragforceincreaseswiththeReynoldsnumber. Theslope fractions ϕ=0.01..0.08 (filled symbols) in comparison to becomes steeper with increasing concentration ϕ. At low the present study (hollow symbols). concentrations and Reynolds number beyond Re > 200, p the increase of drag with Re is least significant. p 3.5. Comparison with previous studies At low solid volume fractions ϕ(cid:46)0.2, there is the well- established correlation by Wen and Yu (1966), compiled 8 tionfromtheotherstudieswasmostsignificant,thisdevi- ation is independent from the parameterization according to Eq. (9). The sensitivity study of Sec. 3.2 indicates that errorsduetounresolvedflowphenomenadonotaffectthe present study significantly. However, a small error stem- ming from the first-order staircase approximation of the sphereboundariesispresentandcanroughlybeestimated toyieldanovershootofafewpercent. Webelievethatthe deviations between the present study and that of Tenneti et al. (2011) is partially due to that reason. 4. Conclusion Fluid flow through random static assemblies of spheres has been studied by means of the lattice Boltzmann method. Compared with previous studies, our approach does not suffer from viscosity dependent boundary condi- Figure 7: Normalized drag force predicted by our correla- tions. As a result, a wide range of Reynolds numbers can tion compared to that reported by other authors. be studied by simple adjustment of the lattice viscosity - provided that a sufficient grid resolution is chosen. A convergence study demonstrates that the results are effec- from experimental data. Because of the emphasis on the tively independent of the lattice resolution. From system- dilute case in our study, we compare to this relation first. atic numerical studies of flow through random arrays at Fig.6showsthatthenewlypresentedcorrelationiscloseto varying solid volume fraction (0.01 ≤ ϕ ≤ 0.35), a new theWen&Yu-relationforthemostdilutecasesincluded correlation for the average normalized drag force for par- in this study. The smallest average deviation is +4.3% for ticle Reynolds numbers up to 300 is obtained. ϕ = 0.01, and increases with ϕ. The average deviation Despite a certain expected error from the first order for ϕ = 0.2 is +10.8% as shown in Fig. 7. Note, that boundaryconditions(“bounceback-rule”),wesuccessfully thecorrelationgivenbyWenandYuisapplicableonlyfor showedthereliabilityofthepresentapproachforthegiven ϕ(cid:46)0.2, whereas the proposed correlation can be used up range of moderate Reynolds numbers. The comparison to ϕ≈0.35. with Wen and Yu (1966) shows that the correlation pre- Fig. 7 shows the drag law predicted by Eq. (15) in dicts well at very low concentrations (ϕ < 0.1) and at comparison to the correlations obtained in the numeri- the same time can be used up to a solid volume frac- cal studies by Beetstra et al. (2007) and Tenneti et al. tion of 0.35. The deviations of the results obtained with (2011). In these references, both the simulated hydrody- our lattice Boltzmann scheme to the simulations of Ten- namicforceandaverageflowrateisaveragedoverallruns neti et al. (2011) are not as dramatic as reported in the of each (ϕ,Re ) – pair, to therefrom obtain the unknown same reference in comparison to previous lattice Boltz- p dimensionless drag. The maximum and minimum average mann studies. This confirms the reliability of the LBM. deviation when compared with the drag law reported by On the other hand, the existing deviations between differ- Tenneti et al. (2011) is approximately +12% for ϕ = 0.2, ent numerical approaches also indicate a need for further and +7% for ϕ = 0.35, respectively. The deviation in- studies conducted with more accurate numerical schemes creases with the Reynolds number. When compared with in the future, as it is presently unclear which results are the results reported by Beetstra et al. (2007), the max- themorereliable. Thiscouldbeachievedbyusingalattice imum and minimum average deviation is approximately Boltzmannmethodequippedwithahigherorderboundary −20% for ϕ = 0.1 and −14% for ϕ = 0.3, respectively. scheme (Bouzidi et al., 2001; Ginzburg and d’Humieres, Tenneti et al. (2011) comment that the deviation of more 2003; Mei et al., 2002), for instance. than 30% between the values reported by Beetstra et al. Thenormalizeddragcorrelationproposedinthepresent (2007) and their own is due to the poor lattice resolutions studywillbeusefulinpredictingtheflowbehaviorofpar- applied in the latter work. Hence, of the two references, ticles in fluid-particulate systems, where the solid volume thestudyofTennetietal.(2011)shouldberegardedmore fractions range from very low to moderate values. Usu- accurate. 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