Tributes AM Dr Gretna Margaret Weste 5 September 1917-30 August 2006 Last year a long-standing and generous MethodistLadies’ College in Hawthorn. In contributor to the FNCV died- Dr Gretna Victoria’s Leaving examination in Weste, aClubmemberfrom 1978 until she December 1934 she gained the Exhibition left Victoria in 2003 to live near her (top marks) in botany and first-class hon- daughter in Tasmania. Before leaving, ours in enough subjects to win a govern- Gretnacontributedtomyhistorical investi- ment scholarship to Melbourne’s only gation ofThe University ofMelbourne’s universityin 1935. Botany School, with which she had an During her honours-studded science even longer association. Because we were degree course at the University of discussing her pre-1975 work, I didn’t ask Melbourne, Gretna studied botany under her why she joined the FNCV in 1978, several FNCVmembers. DrReuben Patton somethingI nowregret. taught plant taxonomy and ecology, and In hindsight, joining the FNCV seems Associate Professor Ethel McLennan entirely appropriate for someone with taught mycology and plant pathology. Gretna’s interests and expertise. In the Professor Alfred Ewart was also a FNCV 1970s she was helping an amateur natural- member. Gretna was in his last Botany ist describe fungi, and teaching and Part III class - in her third year in 1937. researching in the Botany School, during Ewart died just before Gretna presented which undergraduate excursions took her her talk on a topic of little interest to her to Wilsons Promontory, and her research (soil pH measurement), thereby sparing took her to dying patches of Victoria’s her his usual scathing criticism. Gretna diverse heathlands, woodlands and forests. Parkin sharedthe exhibition in Botany Part Gretna was on a quest- to understand the III, and inApril 1938.graduatedBSc. ways and wiles of a destructive plant A Howitt Natural History Scholarship pathogen - and this required an ecological allowed her to undertake research for the understanding ofthe bush it invaded. Her University’s MSc degree in 1938. In the interest in and love ofthe bush was shaped Division ofForest Products ofCSIR (later by her childhood and university experi- CSIRO) she investigated the ‘tension ences, bush-walking, and perhaps her wood’ formed in response to bending in forester husband. Her parents, Arthur and Australian hardwood trees, her foundation Grace Parkin, took her bush-camping and investigations gaining her the nick-name encouraged her love of plants and the ‘Gelatinous Gretna’, due to the gelatinous bush; and, although their names do not layerinsidethe tension wood. Inthe spring appear in FNCV membership lists, Gretna of 1938 Gretna and other members ofthe claimed to have enjoyed FNCV shows and Botany School helpedto introduce Ewart’s meetings as a child. No wonder shejoined newly-arrived successor, Professor John the FNCV. By 1978 her three children Turner, to Australia’s tall flammable were well and truly independent adults, forestsbeyondMarysville. and, sadly,herhusbandhad died. And then came the January 1939 bush- World War 1 was responsible for firesandWorldWarII. Gretna’s Scottish birth and name. In 1917 Early in 1939 Gretna Parkin gained first- her scientist father was working in the class honours and shared the MSc exhibi- new. War-provoked munitions factory, tion in the Botany School, and was ‘H.M. Factory Gretna’, near the Scottish appointed a research officer in the Forests border town of Gretna. At the end ofthe Commission ofVictoria (FCV). Or so the War, the Parkin family returned to paper-work ofher appointment led her to Victoria, where Gretna grew up on the believe. She investigated the problem of edge of suburbia in Surrey Hills. During preserving the timber ofthe huge numbers the Depression, a scholarship allowed her oftrees killed but not incinerated in the to complete her secondary education at 1939 fires. Unlike herresearch officer col- Vol. 124 (3) 2007 183 Tributes GretnaParkinworkingintheForestsCommissionofVictoria Laboratoryin 1940. PhotocourtesyofSandraHeardneeWeste. leagues, all ofwhom were male, hersalary soon lecturing as well as demonstrating in did not increase incrementally, so she plant pathology and first-year biology. In appealed to the Public Service Board, August 1969 lecturerWestewasawarded a whose investigation ofher research reports PhD degree for her agriculturally-impor- and typewriter-free laboratory somehow tant thesis on a fungal disease of wheat. concluded that, as awoman, her classifica- That year two timely events redirected Dr tion and salary were those ofa temporary Gretna Weste’s research focus to typist. And that was that. Her research led Victoria’s indigenous vegetation - the to the FCV’s policy ofkeeping salvaged decision to transfer University agricultural timber sprayed with water, but her myco- plant pathology across the System Garden logical paperon wood-rotting fungi on liv- to the Agriculture School, and the detec- ingforesttreeswasnotpublished. tion of symptoms of a non-agricultural In December 1941 Gretna married Geoff pathogen in the Victorian bush. Frank Weste, a Creswick-trained forester, and, Podger, who had recently shown that the since married women were then not toler- devastating dieback in Western Australia’s ated in the Public Service, she had to precious Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata resign from the FCV. Fortunately marriage forests was due to Phytophthora cinnamo- was not an explicit barrier to university mi accompanied Gretna’s ecologist col- , women, and Professor Turner welcomed league, Dr David Ashton, on a botanical her back in the wartime-depleted Botany excursion to the Brisbane Ranges, where School in 1942, to continue (on a they noticed symptoms which were later Commonwealth Research Scholarship) confirmed to be due to P cinnamomi. This work he claimed was of national impor- was the first record ofthe disease in the tance - her research on the pathology and Victorian bush, having probably reached preservation of timber salvaged after the the Brisbane Ranges during road-construc- 1939 fires. tion in the 1960s. In 1961, after two decades of family And so DrWestetransferred herresearch responsibilities and some school-teaching, gaze from an agriculturally-important soil- Gretna was again welcomed back in the borne pathogen to one which devastates Botany School toteach increasingnumbers Australian indigenous ecosystems. In the ofbotany students in the 1960s. Beginning Botany School she taught science and as a senior demonstrator, she also under- forestry undergraduates about interactions took research in plant pathology, and was between micro-organisms and plants, and 184 The Victorian Naturalist Tributes Dr Gretna Weste pointing out an unusual Grass-tree she spotted in the Mary DWhite Heathland Reserve during an excursion with Friends ofAngahook-Lome State Park in February 2000. Later identified byNeville Walsh asXanthorrhoea ccespitosa, itwas a new record forthe Anglesea dis- trict.PhotocourtesyofMargaretMacDonald. supervised post-graduate research projects continued to study the physiological and on diverse aspects ofP. cinnamomi in the ecological consequences ofP cinnamomi. bush. Although P. cinnamomi was com- For more than three decades, beginning monly known as ‘cinnamon fungus’ with Victoria’s rather wet growing season because of its initial discovery on cinna- of 1970-71, which favoured its zoospore- mon trees, with its motile (swimming) led dispersion, they followed its fate and zoospores, it is more closelyrelatedto cer- fancies in forests, woodlands and heath- tain algae than fungi. Unfortunately this lands in the Brisbane Ranges, Wilsons alien micro-organism has been foundto be Promontory, Grampians and East a virulent, root-invading pathogen of Gippsland. numerous Australian plants, its degree of These long-term studies have revealed destructionbeinginfluencedbytheantago- the pathogen’s modus operandi, the sus- nistic activity ofsoil microbes. Alsounfor- ceptibility ofthousands ofAustralian host tunately, Australian nutrient-poor soils and species, and the cyclic nature ofthe infes- gravels invariably lack sufficient micro- tation. Bycontinuouslymonitoringvegeta- organismstocombatP. cinnamomi. tion in permanent quadrats in diseased and Dr Weste officially retired as Reader in disease-free areas, they have documented 1982; in March 1984 the University of the changing face ofthe disease. With the Melbournehonouredthe foremost authority dieback and death ofsusceptible trees and on the biology of P. cinnamomi in shrubs (with the conspicuous evidence of Australian ecosystems with a DSc degree dead Grass Trees Xanthorrhoea australis, for her published research papers; and in noticed by so many field naturalists), drab, 1989, shewasmadeaMemberofthe Order resistantvegetation(suchassedges)gradu- ofAustralia (AM) ‘For service to science, ally replaces diverse, colourful, insect-, particularly in the field ofbotany’. Beyond bird- and animal-attracting susceptible all these, Gretna and her research students species(likepeas, heaths andgrevilleas) in Vol. 124 (3) 2007 185 Tributes heathlands and shrubby understoreys. quent extinction. The ecological threat of Then, decades after the initial infestation P. cinnamomi to Australian biodiversity is ofP. cinnamomi, its density and distribu- now officially acknowledged. ‘Dieback tion may decline, with the co-incident caused by the root-rot fungus reappearance of susceptible trees and {Phytophthora cinnamomi)' is now listed understoreyspecies. as a ‘Key Threatening Process’ under the In the 1990s they recorded a welcome Commonwealth Environment Protection recovery on Wilsons Promontory - the andBiodiversityConservationAct 1999. reappearance ofX. australis and Saw A foundation memberofthe Australasian Banksias Banksia serrata on the northern Plant Pathology Society (APPS), Dr slopes ofVerekerSpurnearthejunction of Gretna Weste was an executive member of Millers Landing Track and Five Mile the International Society of Plant Road. Dr Weste first noticed dieback there Pathologists’ Committee on Phytophthora, in 1970 (during a university botany excur- and chaired the Organising Committee of sion), probably originating from contami- the Society’s 4lh International Congress of nated soil on a bulldozerbrought in to help Plant Pathology, which was held in fight bushfires in 1962 and offloaded in a Melbourne in 1983. She was also a plant gravel pit. The disease was dispersed by pathology research group leader in the the 'dozer, and subsequently by the use of International Union of Forest Research infested gravel on roads and tracks, and by Organisations. In the 1990s she was made zoospores swimmingafterrain. an Honorary Member ofthe APPS and Dr Weste represented the Botany School Patron of the new Australasian on the Conservation Council ofVictoria, Mycological Society. and submitted botanical evidence to Gretna’s mycological activities included Victoria’s LandConservation Council. She a productive collaboration with an amateur wasa foundation memberoftheAustralian mycologist and long-standing FNCV Conservation Foundation, and a member member, Gordon Beaton. While Gordon ofnumerous groups, including the FNCV, collected, identified, described and illus- Victorian National Parks Association, trated small cup-fungi (Discomycetes) and Environmental Studies Association of other fungi, Gretna prepared their descrip- Victoria, Friends ofWarrandyte State Park tive papers for publication. Their 20 joint and ofthe 100 Acres in Park Orchards, papers, published from 1976 to 1984 in the Montrose Environment Group, the Transactions ofthe British Mycological Ringwood Field Naturalists Club, and the Society, include type descriptions of Maroondah branch of the Society for Australian fungi. The Victorian Naturalist Growing Australian Plants (now (1978-80) carries five oftheir papers on Australian Plants Society). Victorian fungi and Weste’s obituary for In 1990 Dr Weste undertook a compre- Beaton in 1988. Gretna participated in the hensive investigation ofthe risk posed by fungal forays, workshops and conferences P. cinnamomi to endemic plants through- of Fungimap, the realisation of Dr Tom out Australia for the new Endangered May’s 1995 suggestion to the FNCV’s Species Unit of the Australian National Botany Group of a mapping scheme for Parks and Wildlife Service (ANPWS). Australian fungi. At the 3td Fungimap con- Having just published the revised edition ference in Gowrie Park, Tasmania, in ofRare or ThreatenedAustralian Plants 2005, with her usual generous enthusiasm, (1988), the ANPWS did not publish her Gretna helpedprofessional and novicepar- report on this particular biological risk to ticipantsalike in theirpursuitoffungi. them, but did use information from her Undeterred by hip replacements and the report. Further research by Weste and co- occasional broken bone, Gretna continued workers on rare and endangered species in to hike through the world’s national parks the Brisbane Ranges and Grampians and wilderness areas into the 21s1 century. (Gariwerd) National Parks, has revealed With humour, hand lens and camera at the the alarming news that over a dozen ready, she marvelled at the beauty as well endemic species are not only susceptible to as the ecology of landscapes and their P. cinnamomi but are also at risk ofconse- plants and fungi. From the 1970s she 186 The Victorian Naturalist Tributes shared her biological wisdom and wonder- The cinnamon fungus. Is it a threat to ment during engagingtalks and enthusias- Australian native plants? The Victorian tically-led excursions for the FNCV and Naturalist 1993) 110 78-84. { , other conservation groups, and founded Is dieback declining? The threat of and led walks for the Melbourne Phytophthora cinnamomi. The Victorian UniversityandAlumni Bushwalkers Naturalist(1997) 114 216-221. , The patient, perceptive and persistent DiebackatWilsons Promontory. Isthebat- investigations of P. cinnamomi by Dr tle won? The Victorian Naturalist (1998) Gretna Weste and her students show the 115,331-336. huge importance of sustained scientific Dieback threatens endangered native research for the understanding and man- plants [in the Grampians]. Will they sur- agement ofecosystems and their pestifer- vive? The Victorian Naturalist (2004) ous invaders. They have documented and 121 148-153. , explained the physiological and ecological And you might like to read her autobio- destruction caused by this alien micro- graphical 2005 Daniel McAlpine organism that poses such a threat to Memorial Lecture, ‘A long and varied Australia’s biodiversity, and which, in our fungal foray’, in Australasian Plant careless ignorance during road-works, log- Pathology34 433—437. , ging and mining, we humans have intro- I thank Sheila Houghton, Gary Presland, ducedintoAustralianecosystems. Jason Benjamin, Jane Ellen, Tom May, Gretnaleavesasubstantial legacyofideas Lorraine Gale, Marion King and Jean and information - in the busy minds ofher Galliottfortheirhelp. former research students and in her pub- lishedpapers, including over 100 paperson Phytophthora cinnamomi, in Australian and international journals such as the AustralianJournalofBotany, Australasian LindenGillbank Plant Pathology, Phytopathology SchoolofSocialandEnvironmentalEnquiry TheUniversityofMelbourne Zeitschrift Phytophthora Newsletter [email protected] , (International) and, of course, The Victorian Naturalist. The following four papers provide an overview ofherprotract- ed study ofthis destructive pathogen in the Victorianbush: One Hundred Years Ago POPULAR NAMES FORNATIVE PLANTS - Following up the suggestion made in a paper readbeforethe FieldNaturalists' Club somelittletimeago, asub-committeehasbeenappointed to see what can be done towards compiling a list ofpopular names for our commoner native plants. The first step is, ofcourse, to get as many lists ofnames as possible from observers in variouspartsofthestate,andwiththatviewthesub-committeerequestsallinterested,especially teachers, who, perhaps, have better opportunities than others, to forward any names they may know ofto Dr. C.S. Sutton, Rathdown-street,NorthCarlton, whohas kindlyconsentedto actas secretary to the movement. It is not to be expected that this work will be accomplished in one season, but, ifstartedatonce, itwill notbe longbeforeasatisfactoryfoundation can be laid for future work, which, it is hoped, will include the publication ofa Floral Calendar forthe State. Parcelsofdried specimens,with localnames attached, maybeforwardedtothecareofMr. J.A. Leach,M.Sc.,TrainingCollege,Carlton. From The VictorianNaturalistXXIVp85,September5, 1907 Vol. 124 (3) 2007 187