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395 Pages·2016·8.01 MB·English
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INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT Submitted to NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) An Autonomous Institution of the University Grants Commission P.O. Box No.1075, Nagarbhavi Bengaluru-560072 By Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology (An Autonomous Institution, Aided by Government of Karnataka, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi) Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallathahalli, Bengaluru – 560 056 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 Table of Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................... 3 Executive Summary- The SWOC Analysis of the Institution ................................. 4 PROFILE OF THE AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE ................................................ 10 CRITERION – 1: CURRICULUR ASPECTS ....................................................... 22 1.1. Curriculum Design and Development ..................................................... 22 1.2. Academic Flexibility ................................................................................. 28 1.3. Curriculum Enrichment ........................................................................... 32 1.4. Feedback System ....................................................................................... 34 CRITERION – 2: TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION ................... 36 2.1. Student Enrolment and Profile ................................................................ 36 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity .................................................................. 44 2.3. Teaching-Learning Process ...................................................................... 50 2.4. Teacher Quality ......................................................................................... 67 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms ............................................................. 81 2.6. Student Performance and Learning Outcomes ...................................... 86 CRITERION – 3: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION ............ 92 3.1 Promotion of Research ............................................................................. 92 3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research ..................................................... 101 3.3 Research Facilities .................................................................................. 106 3.4 Research Publications and Awards ....................................................... 111 3.5 Consultancy ............................................................................................. 128 3.6 Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) ..... 136 3.7 Collaboration ........................................................................................... 137 CRITERION – 4: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES .... 142 4.1 Physical Facilities .................................................................................... 142 4.2 Library as a Learning Resource ............................................................ 145 4.3 IT Infrastructure ..................................................................................... 148 4.4 Maintenance of Campus Facilities ......................................................... 150 CRITERION – 5: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION ..................... 151 5.1 Student Mentoring and Support ............................................................ 151 5.2 Student Progression ................................................................................ 161 5.3 Student Participation and Activities ..................................................... 170 CRITERION – 6: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT .. 184 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership ...................................................... 184 1 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment ................................................ 191 6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies .......................................................... 196 6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization ............................ 198 6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System ....................................................... 199 CRITERION – 7: INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES ............................ 203 7.1 Environment Consciousness .................................................................. 203 7.2 Innovations .............................................................................................. 204 7.3 Best Practices ........................................................................................... 207 EVALUATION REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTS ...................................... 213 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING ................................................. 214 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ................................. 236 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING .............................................................................................................................. 250 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING .................................................................................................. 259 DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 286 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING .................................................................................................. 294 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ......... 306 DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING ............. 316 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ... 337 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL ELECTRONICS ......................................... 349 DEPARTMENT OF MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS ............ 358 DEPARTMENT OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ......... 365 DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS............................................................ 372 DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS ......................................................................... 378 DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY .................................................................. 383 DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES.................. 388 2 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 Preface Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology (Dr AIT) was established in the year 1980 by Panchajanya Vidyapheeta Welfare Trust (PVPWT) Bangalore. PVPWT is founded by Late Sri. M. H. Jayaprakash Narayan. The Institution was started with Three AICTE approved undergraduate (UG) programmes in Departments of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE). Later UG programmes in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, Instrumentation Technology, Computer Science and Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Information Science and Engineering and Medical Electronics, were also inducted. In addition, the institution currently also holds 14 research centers recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi. This year (2015-16), the college has grown manifold with a total student intake of 1285 pursuing courses in ten undergraduate, eight postgraduate programmes (PG) of engineering and the PG Programmes, MBA, MCA and MSc (Engg.) by research/Doctoral Programmes. The vision and mission of the Institute are: Vision Statement:  To create Dynamic, Resourceful, Adept and Innovative Technical professionals to meet global challenges. Mission Statement:  To offer state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes in the fields of Engineering, Technology and Management.  To generate new knowledge by engaging faculty and students in research, development and innovation.  To provide strong theoretical foundation to the students, supported by extensive practical training to meet industry requirements.  To install moral and ethical values with social and professional commitment. The Institution is aided by Government of Karnataka, approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and is affiliated to VTU, Belagavi. The college was granted with Autonomous Status by UGC during 2007 and the college implemented the same during 2010-11 academic year. The Institute has ISO 9001:2008 certification and all departments are accredited by NBA, New Delhi. Board of Management Chairman: Dr. S. Chinnaswamy Secretary: Dr. M. Mahadeva Treasurer: Shri A. R. Krishnamurthy Trustee: Shri P. L. Nanjundaswamy Trustee: Shri S. Mariswamy Trustee: Shri S. Shivamallu PRINCIPAL 3 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 Executive Summary- The SWOC Analysis of the Institution Executive Summary I. Curricular Aspects: Dr AIT established in 1980 received autonomous status from UGC in the year 2010. Though the UGC mandates that the autonomous status needs to be given to the institute, the VTU statutes defined the same program wise. Since in 2010 more than 80% of PG programs did not had Accreditation/Permanent Affiliation, VTU granted autonomous status only to UG programmes and not to PG programs. The curriculum of PG programmes are given by the affiliating University, which is revised once in every two years to meet the industry and societal requirements. Dr AIT has been making continuous progress in designing its curriculum and developing academic programmes based on Outcome Based Education (OBE), since the academic year 2010-11. The institute aspires in fulfilling and attaining the vision and mission goals by providing the dynamic and challenging education in frontiers of engineering, science and management. The curriculum of all UG programmes is revised and updated every year to meet the needs of Industry and current research. The curriculum meets the standards as prescribed by VTU, AICTE, Professional Bodies and other regulatory agencies. The Board of Studies of each Programme/Department consisting of academicians from highly reputed Institutions, VTU Nominee, Industry Professionals and Alumni representatives design the curriculum to attain certain attributes to employability, innovation and research. The knowledge of faculty members through the research on various fields, feedback from the students, alumni, employer and the suggestions given by the experts help in framing the curriculum which in turn helps in introducing new courses and updating the syllabus. Further, the institute has MOUs with various leading industries who provide the internship opportunities/Project works to UG/PG students. Apart from this, Co- curricular activities organized by the respective departments makes the students more competitive and Industry ready. Good number of events/programs on soft skills and professional development are conducted within the campus to enrich the skills of all students. II. Teaching-Learning Evaluation: Being a Government aided Institution 95% admissions to all UG programmes of the college are through government, based on the CET conducted by Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA), Comed-K, and GOI quota. The remaining 5% student admission is done under Management Quota as per the Government norms. Admissions through KEA and COMED-K are as per the rules framed by the respective authorities. Faculty acts both as a mentor and as a guide. A thorough planning and execution of the plan in teaching the courses throughout the semester pave the way for efficient learning for the students. Academic calendar prepared by the Dean (Academic) consists of list of working days, Continuous Internal Evaluation 4 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 (CIE) and Semester End Examination (SEE) dates, result announcement dates, public holidays, study holidays and all other important events like Sports day, Maithri, parents meet, Alumni meet etc planned by the institute/departments. Head of the department monitors the academic progress as per the proposed schedule. Faculty adheres to the proposed lecture plan and regularly updates their course files. The Teaching Learning Evaluation process at Dr AIT has been standardized as per the guidelines for autonomy issued by VTU. Preparing the lesson plan, lecture notes, laboratory manuals etc tuned to the requirements of providing experiential learning platforms to the students of both at the UG and PG level. The evaluation in the case of B.E. programs consists of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE–50% weight age of total marks) and Semester End Examination (SEE–50% weightage of total marks). The CIE is based on assessment tools, which includes three Continuous Internal Evaluation consisting of three Tests and Quizzes; the best two performances in test & quiz combined will be considered for the award of final CIE marks. The Semester End Examination (SEE) is conducted for the whole syllabus, evaluated by two examiners (internal and external or both external). The question papers for the SEE are set by External and Internal examiners. The final grade will be awarded based on the combined marks obtained in both CIE and SEE. External examiners are invited for evaluating the courses with the Laboratory components as well as for project based courses. Absolute Grading on a 10 point scale has been adopted in the Evaluation system. SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cumulative Grade point Average) are awarded at the end of every semester end examination. Finally, the degree shall be awarded by the VTU, Belagavi to all the students who have earned 200 credits and recommended by the College after approval from the Academic Council of Dr AIT. III. Research, Consultancy and Extension Empowerment of engineering students is achieved with strong theoretical knowledge, interdisciplinary skills, creativity, innovation, hands on expertise and professional ethics. R&D initiatives at Dr AIT foster these needs among students and faculty members. R&D policies and advisory committee drive research thrust with constant monitoring and encouragement. State-of-the-art lab facilities established with grants from DST, VGST and AICTE provide the researchers exposure to advanced technology and urge to carryout research activities in the recent trends. The World Bank assistance, TEQIP-II received during October, 2012 also helped in improving the existing infrastructure and quality of Human Resources to carry out R&D and Consultancy related to various domains. Over the last five years R&D has contributed in publishing research work in reputed journals, conferences and filing patents that are of societal relevance. Partnering with leading MNCs and research agencies through MOUs, R&D center works on prime areas of research such as guidance and control, embedded systems, image processing and data analytics. Resources at R&D center is put to optimum use in providing industry relevant training and consultancy activities that in turn generates revenue for further investment. Faculty of Dr AIT are encouraged to pursue Ph.D from VTU and other leading premier organizations under QIP providing them relevant support as per the 5 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 government norms. Roadmaps and vision, mission documents set the pace for R&D center at Dr AIT to be one of the leading research hubs of national importance providing solutions that of societal needs. IV. Infrastructure and Learning Resources: Dr AIT has well maintained campus spread over 20.53 acres out of which the built up portion is around 50% to house all the Departments and Central Facilities. The Green cover on campus has been consciously maintained and any plans for expansion of buildings to cater to increased students and faculty strengths are taken with a thought of maintaining the green cover and the academic ambience and Learning environment for inspiring the students and the faculty, who join Dr AIT with the pursuit of Excellence in mind. Every Department is housed in an Independent Block with adequate space provision for class room, Laboratories, research Laboratories, and other requirements. A Central Library & Information Centre is located in the Centre of the Campus, which acts as a hub of knowledge, with a collection of Voluminous Number of titles and annual subscriptions to several internationally reputed journals in all disciplines of science, engineering and technology. The library has several E Resources and facilities such as E-Books, learning resources like NPTEL, DELNET and are well equipped with access via the internet and the Wi-Fi connectivity to the entire faculty and students anywhere on the campus. Dr AIT is a member of the VTU Consortium of libraries and under this scheme access to knowledge resources have no limitation whatsoever. The use of these resources is evidenced in terms of a large number of publications in peer reviewed and refereed international journals. V. Student Support and Progression An effective Student mentoring and Support scheme is practiced at Dr AIT since many years. Mentors are nominated for every group of 20 to 25 students and given the responsibility of monitoring the academic performance and advise them on personal matters to certain extent which helps to give individual attention to every student in the group. The Departments conducts Parents Teachers meet as part of the system to involve the parents who are the key stakeholders in the progress of their respective wards. Issues related to the academics and personality developments are discussed with the parents during this meet. Student’s participation in Extra-Curricular activities, sports and other co-curricular activities are also recorded in the course registration book. The system of mentoring has resulted in providing timely corrective advice to keep the students on track in the academic and non-academic engagements. Rules for academic progression are published in the “Handbook of Rules and Regulations” given to every student admitted into the undergraduate degree program. These rules are in line with the guidelines for the autonomous institution given by the VTU, which finally awards the degree to the graduates based on the recommendations of the institution. The Institute also provides the welfare measures such as scholarships, free-ships and student safety insurance scheme to ensure a financially trouble free environment. It provides information about the competitive examinations and offers career counselling, soft skills training, entrepreneurial skills to enhance the employable opportunity of the students. The Placement cell is well equipped 6 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 with full time Training and Placement Officer (TPO) and infrastructure to ensure smooth placement process. On an average every year 80% of eligible students gets placed at many reputed Companies/Industries, while the remaining few will puruse their higher education in and outside the Country. The institute has grievance redressal, sexual harassment prevention, Anti ragging cells to address the issues. The alumni association provides a platform for aluminous to interact with the college. The institution takes up the measures to monitor the slow learners and drop out students. It also monitors the career growth of the students. The students are encouraged to take part in several responsible administrative positions which not only improves their leadership skills but also helps them to achieve the academic excellence. Participation in several events, research, NSS, blood donation camp, Swach Bharat instils social responsibility amongst the students. VI. Governance, Leadership and Management: Dr AIT is governed by the Board of Trustees of the PVPWT, an educational trust established in the year 1979 at Bangalore. The distinguished personalities of PVPWT with rich experience in the field of Higher Education and the niche segment of Technical education on the Governing body guide all the activities of the institution. The Governing body gives lot of credence to the autonomy of the academic council, which is the highest academic body overseeing the Teaching-Learning process in various programs of study administered in the institution. The institute has been contributing to Engineering and Management Education with a focus towards developing graduates with a global outlook and with necessary Entrepreneurial, Managerial & Software Development skills to succeed in a competitive world. As an academic institution, Dr AIT is continuously learning, evolving with every year and updating the needs of the companies by promoting all necessary requirements. The Institute believes in overall development of its all stakeholder. The institution is striving towards excellence and imparting practical knowledge through Technical expertise since its inception. Engineering students at Dr AIT are privileged to have world class Education and well-furnished lab facilities, good infrastructure over all personality development with the support of Management and dedicated staff. Management of the Dr AIT has empowered its faculty members at all the level of the organization. The participation of teaching faculty in the governing bodies of institution has been ensured. All the stakeholders are involved in the development of the institution. VII. Innovations and Best Practices The College has adopted various measures to maintain a green campus which helps in developing an eco-balanced environment. The College ensures environmental consciousness in the minds of students by conducting environmental awareness programmes from time to time. A two credit course, Environmental Studies is prescribed in 1st semester of all UG programs. Entrepreneurship development cell has been established to meet the challenge and need of the society. College has adopted certain Best Practices like “Mentoring System”, “Research and Development” amongst students and faculty members and “Training and Placement activities” which makes Dr AIT as one of the best institution to enhance the performance of the students. 7 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016 The SWOC Analysis of the Institution Strengths  Management with a vision for imparting quality education and student welfare.  Government aided Institution.  Autonomous, TEQIP Funded Institution.  Institute has well qualified and highly dedicated Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff.  Better retention of faculty with 24% of Ph.D holders.  Sufficient infrastructure and Hostel facility.  Outcome Based Education focused on employment, entrepreneurship development and research orientation.  Stakeholder’s need based curriculum and its periodic revision.  Value added courses to UG/PG students.  Institute has excellent rapport with outside corporate world for technical and managerial support.  Active memorandum of understanding with industries and foreign universities.  Faculty members are regularly encouraged and given opportunities to pursue higher studies, research work and encouraged to apply for research projects.  The Institute has well equipped digital library which has access to e- books, National and International e-journals.  Special Book Bank for SC/ST Students  Institute Faculty members and students are members of professional bodies like IEEE, ISTE, IETE, CSI, ISOI, SAE and IWS. Weaknesses  Students, being from rural area, are striving to meet national and global standards in technical education and facing language barriers.  Institute has to upgrade their teaching community for more funded projects; quality research and development; and patents and consultancy. Consultancy work to be improved.  Lack of opportunities for international collaboration.  Poor Industry supported laboratories.  Lack of faculty exchange or student exchange programmes.  Campus placements of the college, needs to be improved.  Aptitude of the students for higher learning is low.  Involvement of Staff in research is constrained due to more academic work load. Opportunities  Institute is continuously organizing various developmental programs for the benefit of teachers and students through seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums and other student meets.  Ever increasing demand for technical education at UG & PG level of Engineering & Technology. 8 Dr.Ambedkar Institute of Technology SSR for NAAC-2016  Many more opportunities for tie-ups with both established and start-up companies in India and abroad for enhancing learning outcomes.  Situated at the centre of Bangalore city where multinational companies are setting up their design houses.  Enhancing engineering values among socio-economic background Students through innovative teaching and learning process.  Promoting the young and motivated faculty members towards research and academic excellence.  Industry institute interactive learning to prepare industry ready candidates.  Enhancement of research and entrepreneur activity in the field of engineering and technology.  Innovation in teaching-learning process.  To develop R&D activities by interacting with premier Industries and high performing Institutions.  Scope for strengthening the industry institute interaction for better placement of students. Challenges  Matching 100% placement against declining quality of students.  Bridging the gap between curriculum and industry needs due to fast developing technology.  Grooming students for inculcating Entrepreneurship in cut-throat competitive markets.  Working strategically on key requirements of industry to increase revenue through consultancy.  Institute has competition from other technical Institutions/ universities.  Competition from other institutions and foreign universities that may setup their operations in India in near future.  Decreasing availability of committed and quality faculty with passion for teaching.  Collaboration with foreign universities.  Students with diverse background.  Continuous change in technology that challenges the employability of the students.  Increasing number of engineering colleges.  Input quality of students, their academic performance and providing placement opportunities. 9

CRITERION – 3: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 92. 3.1 .. to the institute, the VTU statutes defined the same program wise. Since in 2010 . standards in technical education and facing language barriers. Many more opportunities for tie-ups with both established and start-up.
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