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Updated: 2017-01-03 Dr. Alison Gill / Professor / Geography/REM Educational Background 1982 Ph.D. Geography, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada "Residents' images of northern Canadian resource communities", Examining Committee: G.C. Smith (Senior Supervisor), R.H. Foster, J.R. Rogge, W.W. Koolage (Anthropology), M.T. Cadwallader (External, University of Wisconsin-Madison). 1971 M.A. Geography, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada "Off-farm employment and mobility in the Goodfare district, Alberta". Examining Committee: V.B. Proudfoot (Chair), R.G. Ironside, C. Hynam (Sociology). 1966 B.A. Honours Geography, Hull University, England Other Professional Training Employment History at Academic Institutions September 2000 - Current Professor, Geography and School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University January 2005 - December 2007 Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Simon Fraser University September 1997 - August 2002 Chair, Geography, Simon Fraser University September 1991 - August 2000 Associate Professor, Geography, Simon Fraser University September 1991 - August 2000 Associate Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University 1985 - 1991 Assistant Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University 1985 - 1991 Assistant Professor, Geography, Simon Fraser University 1984 - 1985 Assistant Professor, Geography, Trent University 1983 - 1984 Assistant Professor, Geography, Brandon University 1981 - 1983 Lecturer, Geography, Brandon University   1 September 2000 - Current Professor, Geography and School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University 1981 - 1981 Sessional, Geography, University of Winnipeg 1980 - 1980 Sessional, Geography, University of Manitoba 1979 - 1980 Sessional, Environmental Studies Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba 1978 - 1979 Sessional, Geography, University of Winnipeg 1978 - 1978 Sessional, Geography, University of Manitoba 1978 - 1978 Sessional, Geography, University of Winnipeg 1977 - 1978 Lecturer, Geography, University of Manitoba 1975 - 1977 Lecturer, Geography, Brandon University for Inter Universities North Program in Northern Universities 1976 - 1976 Sessional, Geography, Brandon University 1968 - 1969 Teaching Assistant, Geography, University of Alberta Other Employment History 1974 - 1975 Contract Researcher, Canadian Wildlife Service, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Research 1973 - 1974 Cartographic Editor, Alberta Research Council, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Research 1973 - 1973 Contract Researcher, Peace-Athabasca Delta Project, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Research 1967 - 1968 Assistant Research Officer, Ministry of Defense, England Research 1966 - 1967 Marketing Planning Assistant, Milk Marketing Board of England and Wales Marketing Other - Education and Employment Information   2 Semesterly Activity at Simon Fraser University Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 2016-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 54 Tourism 2016-1 Teaching Sel.Topics/Geog. of GEOG427 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 14 Tourism 2016-1 Teaching Sel.Topics/Geog. of GEOG427 D01.01 Seminar 2.00 14 Tourism 2015-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 59 Tourism 2015-2 Administrative 0.00 0 Leave 2015-1 Administrative 0.00 0 Leave 2014-3 Other Paid Study leave 0.00 0 Leave (September) / Medical leave(October- December) 2014-1 Teaching Selected Topics in GEOG D01.01 Seminar 2.00 24 Geography of 427 Tourism: Tourism in Mountain Environments 2014-1 Teaching Selected topics in GEOG D01.00 Lecture 2.00 24 Geography of 427 Tourism: Tourism in Mountain environments 2014-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM 652 G01.00 Graduate 4.00 5 Planning Studies 2013-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG Directed 2.00 1 404 Studies 2013-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 58 Tourism 2013-1 Teaching Sel.topics/geog. of GEOG427 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 25 Tourism 2013-1 Teaching Sel.topics/geog. of GEOG427 D01.01 Seminar 2.00 25 Tourism 2013-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Graduate 4.00 7 Planning Studies   3 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 2012-3 Teaching Geography of Geog 327 Lecture 2.00 79 Tourism 2012-1 Teaching Selected Topics: Geog 427 Lecture 4.00 19 Tourism in Mountain Environments 2012-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 Seminar 4.00 8 Planning 2011-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 86 Tourism 2010-2 Teaching Honors Essay GEOG491 D01.00 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 2010-1 Teaching Sel.topics/geog. of GEOG427 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 23 Tourism 2010-1 Teaching Sel.topics/geog. of GEOG427 D01.01 Seminar 2.00 23 Tourism 2010-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Seminar 4.00 4 2009-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 91 Tourism 2009-1 Teaching Sel.topics/geog. of GEOG427 D01.00 Lecture 4.00 17 Tourism 2009-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Seminar 4.00 6 2008-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 96 Tourism 2007-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Seminar 4.00 6 2006-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 106 2005-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 108 2004-1 Teaching Intro.grad.sts.spr. GEOG601 G01.00 Seminar 2.00 15 2004-1 Teaching Research techniques GEOG604 G01.00 Seminar 2.00 9 in human geography 2004-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Seminar 4.00 6 Planning 2003-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 107 2003-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 D02.00 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 2003-3 Teaching Intro/grad.sts.fall GEOG600 G02.00 Seminar 0.00 15 2002-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 G01.00 Seminar 5.00 5 2001-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 108   4 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 2001-3 Teaching Anal.tech.hum.geog. GEOG704 G01.00 Lecture .25 3 2001-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 D01.00 Lecture 2.00 28 2001-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 D01.01 Seminar 2.00 28 2001-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 D01.02 Field 1.00 28 School 2001-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 G05.00 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 2000-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 109 2000-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 2000-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 Seminar 5.00 5 1999-3 Teaching Tourism/outdoor Rec. GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 106 1999-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1999-2 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1999-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1999-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Lecture 2.00 32 1999-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Seminar 2.00 32 1999-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Field 1.00 32 School 1999-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1998-3 Teaching Tourism/Outdoor GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 115 Rec. 1998-2 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1998-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 Seminar 5.00 5 1997-3 Teaching Tourism/Outdoor GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 80 Rec. 1997-3 Teaching Tourism/Outdoor GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 24 Rec. 1997-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1997-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Field 1.00 31 School   5 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 1997-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Lecture 2.00 31 1997-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Seminar 2.00 31 1997-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 Seminar 5.00 4 1996-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 3.00 179 1996-3 Teaching Tourism/Outdoor GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 93 Rec. 1996-3 Teaching Tourism/Outdoor GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 19 Rec. 1996-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1996-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Lecture 2.00 25 1996-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Seminar 2.00 25 1996-1 Teaching Geog. of Tourism GEOG427 Field 1.00 25 School 1996-1 Teaching Community Tourism REM652 Seminar 5.00 10 1995-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 85 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1995-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 22 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1995-3 Teaching Analytical GEOG704 Seminar 4.00 7 Techniques-Human Geographers 1995-2 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1995-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1995-1 Teaching Selected Topics- GEOG427 Lecture 2.00 23 Geography of Tourism 1995-1 Teaching Selected Topics- GEOG427 Seminar 2.00 23 Geography of Tourism 1995-1 Teaching Community Tourism MRM652 Seminar 5.00 7 Planning & Development 1994-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 207 1994-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 72   6 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1994-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 26 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1994-3 Teaching Analytical GEOG704 Seminar 4.00 6 Techniques-Human Geographers 1994-2 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1994-1 Teaching Selected Topics- GEOG427 Lecture 2.00 21 Geography of Tourism 1994-1 Teaching Selected Topics- GEOG427 Seminar 2.00 21 Geography of Tourism 1994-1 Teaching Introduction to GEOG701 Lecture 0.00 11 Graduate Studies-Part I 1994-1 Teaching Community Tourism MRM652 Seminar 5.00 7 Planning & Development 1994-1 Teaching Research Project MRM699 Directed 5.00 1 Studies 1993-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 72 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1993-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 19 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1993-3 Teaching Introduction to GEOG700 Lecture 0.00 12 Graduate Studies-Part I 1993-3 Teaching Analytical GEOG704 Seminar 4.00 4 Techniques-Human Geographers 1993-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1993-1 Teaching Introduction to GEOG701 Lecture 0.00 16 Graduate Studies-Part I 1993-1 Teaching Community Tourism MRM652 Seminar 5.00 6   7 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment Planning & Development 1992-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 193 1992-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Lecture 2.00 66 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1992-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG327 Tutorial 2.00 18 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1991-1 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 189 1991-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 19 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1991-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 19 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1990-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 212 1990-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1990-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1990-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1990-3 Teaching Analytical GEOG704 Lecture 4.00 2 Techniques-Human Geographers 1990-2 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1990-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1990-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1990-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 21 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1990-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 21 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1989-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 241   8 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 1989-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1989-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1989-3 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1989-3 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1989-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1989-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1989-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG404 Directed 1.00 1 Studies 1989-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1989-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1988-3 Teaching Canada GEOG162 Lecture 2.00 184 1988-3 Teaching Human GEOG369 Lecture 2.00 27 Microgeography 1988-3 Teaching Human GEOG369 Tutorial 2.00 27 Microgeography 1988-2 Teaching Seminar GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1988-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Seminar 2.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1988-1 Teaching Geography of GEOG423 Lecture 3.00 20 Tourism/Outdoor Recreation 1988-1 Teaching Directed Readings GEOG791 Seminar 4.00 1 1987-3 Teaching Canada GEOG262 Lecture 2.00 168 1987-3 Teaching Analytical GEOG704 Seminar 4.00 8 Techniques-Human Geographers   9 Semester Type Course Number Session Type Hours Enrollment 1987-3 Teaching Regional GEOG742 Seminar 4.00 2 Development 1987-2 Teaching Seminar GEOG405 Directed 2.00 1 Studies 1987-1 Teaching GEOG262 Lecture 3.00 125 1987-1 Teaching GEOG423 Lecture 5.00 21 1987-1 Teaching GEOG423 Seminar 5.00 21 1986-3 Teaching GEOG262 Lecture 3.00 157 1986-3 Teaching GEOG262 Tutorial 3.00 23 1986-3 Teaching GEOG491 Directed 5.00 1 Studies 1986-1 Teaching GEOG262 Tutorial 1.00 23 1986-1 Teaching GEOG262 Lecture 2.00 119 1986-1 Teaching GEOG423 Seminar 3.00 17 1986-1 Teaching GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 17 1985-3 Teaching GEOG423 Lecture 2.00 28 1985-3 Teaching GEOG423 Seminar 3.00 28 1985-3 Teaching GEOG462 Seminar 3.00 13 1985-3 Teaching GEOG462 Lecture 2.00 13 Teaching at Another Canadian Institution Semester Institution Course Number Type Hours Enrollment Teaching at an Institution Outside of Canada Dates Country Institution Course Title Type Hours Enrollment Senior Supervisory Duties of a Thesis/Dissertation/or Major Project Name Degree Project/Thesis Title Status Began Completed   10

and A.M. Gill (1990), "Le Columbia Icefield et le Glacier Athabasca Geomorphologie . Gill, A. M. and Clark, T. (2006) "Must global trump local?
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