WoRMALD (JENNY). --- Court, kirk, and community; Scotland, 1470-1625. [The New Hist. of Scotland, 4. Lond., 1981. .9(4104-06) Wor. --- Another copy. Scott. Hist. Lib. --- ed. Scottish society in the fifteenth century. Ed. by Jennifer M. Brown [i.e. J. W. J. Lond., 1977. .9(4103-04)01 Wor. --- Another copy. Celtic Lib. --- Another copy. Hist. Lib. --- Another copy. Law Lib. --- Another copy. Scott. Hist. Lib. --- Another copy. Scott. Stud. Lib. WOR L LD (JOHN). --- Diffraction methods. [Oxford Chem. Ser. 10. 1 Oxford, 1973. Chem. Lib. --- Another copy. K.B.L. WORMALD (ROBERT DOUGLAS). --- Latin prose composition. Repr. Lond., 1951 . .4782 Wor. --- Another copy. .4782 Wor. WORMALD (T.J.). --- comp. Pinusatula. [Commonwealth Forestry Inst. Trop. Forestry Papers, No. 7.I Oxford, 1975. Forestry Lib. ADDITIONS WORMALD (JENNY). --- ed. Scottish society in the fifteenth century. Ed. by Jennifer M. Browns [i.e. J.W.]. Lond., 1977• •9(4103-04)01 Wor. --- Another copy. .9(4103-04)01 Wor. WORMALD (PATRICK). -- ed. Ideal and reality in Frankish and Anglo-Saxon society; studies presented to J.M. Wallace-Hadrill. Ed. by P.W. with D. Bullough and R. Collins. Oxford, 1983• .9(4011) Wor. WORMAN (ERNEST JA S). ME --- Alien members of the book-trade during the Tudor period. [Bibl. Soc.] Lond., 1906. .0106 Bib. WORMELL (DONALD ERNEST 'r1ILSON). --- See PARKE (H.W.). [A history of the Delphic Oracle.] The Delphic Oracle. [Rev. ed.] by H.W.P. [and] D.E.W.W. WORMELL (RICHARD). --- A course of natural philosophy, containing the elements of mechanics, hudrostatics ... 4th ed. Lond., 1875. 0* 15/1 .19. WORMINGTON (HANNAH MARIE). --- Ancient man in North America. 4th ed., fully rev. [Denver Mus. 4. of Nat. Hist. Pop. Ser., No. 1 Denver [1957.] .571(7) Wor. Ed. on cover only. --- Origins; indigenous period. [Inst. Panamer. de Geog. e Hist. Publ. Plum. 153; Com. de Hist. 51; Prog. de Hist. de Amer. 1, 1.] Mexico, 1953. E* 10/1,701/1. WORMIUS (CHRISTIANUS). See WORM (CHRISTIAN). WORMIUS (OLAUS). See WORM (OLE). ('fHEoDoRE CFoRC6^ . WORMLEY --- Micro-chemistry of poisons, including their physiological, pathological and legal relations ... New York, 1867. E). S.r^-:or. s•B• 659 ^or WORMS (;MILE) . --- Histoire commerciale de la Ligue Hanseatique. Paris, 1864. Hodgson Collection. x 3 6 3 q --- Theorie et pratique de la circulation monetaire et fiduciaire ... Paris, 1869. 16'1 xxx Hodgson Collection. K L a-9,L' % A1)1) I'll () NS; UH WOR1%=L (DEBO ) . --- Sir John Seeley and the uses of history. Cambridge, 1980. .9072 See. Wor. WORM1ML (PETER). -- Anatomy of agriculture; a study of Britain's greatest industry. Lond., 1978• •3381(12) Wor. WORMS. -x-x Entries relating to Worms, Germany, are arranged after the surname Worms. WORE (ERNEST A.). -- See NEVERMANN (HANS), W. (E.A.) and PETRI (HELMiITT). WORMS (GARARD). --- Modern methods of applied economics. New York [1970.] •330182 Wor. WORMS (MOSES). qt- --- De Lehre von der Anfangslosigkeit der Welt, bei den mittelalterlichen arabischen Philosophen des Orients, and ihre Bekampfung durch die arabischen TheologenMutakallimun). [Beitr. z. Gesch. d. Philos, d. Mittelalters, III, 4•^ Munster, 1900. XX.6. WORMS. CATHEDRAL SCHOOL. --- Die Hltere Wormser Briefsammlung. Bearb. von W. Bulst. [Mon. German. Hist. Die Briefe d. deut. Kaiserzeit. Bd. 3. 1 Weimar, 1949• F •9(43) Mon. WORMSER (RENA ALBERT). --- [The law.] The story of the law and the men who made it; from the earliest times to the present. Rev. ed. 2nd pr. New York, 1962. Law Lib. -^enc^-^-9b^ WORMULL (THOMAS). --- See CLARK (HUGH) and W. (T.) WORMUTH (FRANCIS DUNHAM). --- The royal prerogative, 1603-1649; a study in English political and consIitutional ideas. Ithaca, New York, 1939• Keith Coll.C.93. *** Berriedale Keith Collection. WORNING (BORGE). --- A quantitative Rontgen-biological method with the back hairs of guinea pigs as experimental objects. (Tr. from the Danish by W.E. Calvert. With a summary in Danish.) [Th.] Copenhagen, 1937. C.M.L. ADDITIONS WORMS (DIET OF) 1521. --- See KUKOFF (PAUL). Der Wormser Reichstag von 1521 ... WORMS. CATHEDRAL. -- See DOERING (OSCAR. Die Dome von Mainz and Worms. See WOLFF (PAUL). Drei Kaiserdome: Mainz, Worms, Speyer. WORNUM (RALPH NICHOLSON). --- Analysis of ornament. The characteristics of styles; an introduction to the study of ornamental art. 2nd ed. Lond., 1860. .74544 Wor. --- The epochs of painting characterized. A sketch of the history of painting, ancient and modern ... New ed. ... Lond., 1859. Co.14.9• --- Some account of the life and works of Hans Holbein ... Lond., 1867. R* 1.14. --- writer of text. See TURNER (J.M.W.). The Turner gallery. WORONIAK (ALEXANDER). --- See SPENCER (DANIEL LLOYD) and W. (A.) eds. WORONIN (MICHAEL). --- See BARY (A. DE) and W. (M.) WORONITZIN (SERGEY). --- comp. Bibliography of social research in the Soviet Union, 1960- 1970 ... [Russ., Eng. and Ger.] Pullach bei Munchen, 1973. Ref. .301(47)016 Wor. WORONOF'F (JON). --- Organizing African unity. 3 S 9 Wor. 20 I Metuchen, N.J., 1970. r. --- Another copy. C.A.S. --- Another copy. Hist. Lib. --- West African wager; Houphouet versus Nkrumah. Metuchen, N.J., 1972. .9(6668-667) Wor. WORONZOW (Family of). See VORONTSOV (Family of). WORPITZKY (JULIUS). --- Lehrbuch der Differential- and Integral-Rechnung. Berlin, 1880. Yx.5.52. WORRALL (ARTHUR JAMES). --- English idioms for foreign students. With exercises. New impr. Lond., 1957. English Lib. --- More English idions for foreign students. 3rd impr. Lond., 1956. English (For. Stud.) Lib. WORRALL (JOHN). --- comp. The annual catalogue, or, a new and compleat list of all the new books ... from January the first, 1736, to January the first, 1737 ... Republ. [Eng. Bibl. Sources, Ser. 1, 5.] Lond., 1965. Main Ref. .015(42 Eng. *** Facsimile repr. of the Lond., 1737, ed. --- comp. Bibliotheca legum; or, a catalogue of the common and statute law-books of this realm ... giving an account of their several editions ... A new ed. corrected [by E. Brooke] ... with observations on the principal works ... To which is added a list of the principal Scotch law-books, and of some relating to Ireland. Lond., 1782. *V.34.66/1. --- Another ed. Bibliotheca legum Angliae, part 1; or, a catalogue ... Lond., 1788. *M.32.76/1. *** For pt. 2 see BROOKE (EDWARD) comp. Bibliotheca legum Angliae part 2 ... WORRALL (JOSEPH. --- Diss. ... inaug. de apoplexia. Edin., 1825. Att.88.6.17/22. --- Another copy. Att.88.6.18/22. ADDITIONS WORP (K.A.). --- See RAGNALL (ROGER S.) and W. (K.A.) WORRALL (ARTHUR J.). --- Quakers in the colonial Northeast. Hanover, 1980. , .2896(71) Wor. WOROSZYLSKI (WIKTOR). --- [Sny pod sniegiem. ] CHbi nOA "eroM; nOBeCTb O 3KZ3HD4 Mzxazjia, Ca 1TXX0Ba — EjeApxHa• 891853 Wor. ***,There is Md6A Ef hsh title-page: WORRALL EDWARD S.). --- ed. Returns of papists, 1767; Diocese of Chester. See-CHESTER. DIOCESE. WORRALL (I.J.). --- See WORRALL (JEAN) and W. (I.J.) WORRALL (JEAN). -- and WORRALL (I.J.). --- Introduction to valence theory. Lond., 1969. Chem. Lib. WORRALL (RALPH LYNDAL). --- Energy and matter. Lond., 1948. Chem. Lib. WORRALL (WILLIAM). --- ed. The Gospel Communicator. See GOSPEL (THE) COMMUNICATOR, OR PHILANTHROPIST'S JOURNAL. WORRELL (ALBERT CADWALLADER). --- Economics of American forestry. New York [1959•] Forestry Lib. --- Another copy. Forestry Lib. WORRELL (WILLIAM HOYT). --- The Coptic manuscripts in the Freer Collection. [Michigan Univ. Stud. Hum. Ser. 10.] New York, 1923. Ad.2.310. --- Coptic sounds. With an appendix by Hide Shohara. [Michigan Univ. Stud. Human. Ser. 26.1 Ann Arbor, 1934. Ad.2.326. --- ed. Coptic texts in the University of Michigan Collection. Collaborators: E.M. Husselman, L.A. Shier, PI.C. Youtie ... With a study in the popular traditions of Coptic, by W.H.W. [Michigan Univ. Stud. Human. Ser. 46.] Ann Arbor, 1942. Ad.2.346. --- A short account of the Copts. a-917 Ter. Ann Arbor, 1945. :9 (32) 01__ Vor. --- A study of races in the ancient Near East. 5 (35)Wor -7-1 Cambridge, 1927. :5-72(3) Wor.- [Continued overleaf.]