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APOLOGETIX k o o b g n o S 1993-2015 ApologetiX Albums & EP’s 2 ApologetiX Singles 3 ApologetiX Through the Years Earliest Concert 3/27/1992 4 ApologetiX Through the Years Latest Concert 10/24/2015 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS DISCOGRAPHY Cassettes 12 Classics – Country 37 Isn’t Wasn’t Ain’t 13 Classics – Oldies 38 Radical History Tour 14 Classics – 60’s 39 Ticked 15 Classics – 70’s, Vol. 1 40 Jesus Christ Morningstar 16 Classics – 70’s, Vol. 2 41 Biblical Graffiti 17 Classics – 80’s 42 Spoofernatural 18 Classics – 90’s 43 Keep the Change 19 Classics – 2000’s 44 Grace Period 20 Wise Up and Rock 45 Adam Up 21 Orchard Avenue 46 New and Used Hits 22 20:20 Vision 47 Apol-acoustiX 23 Hot Potato Soup 48 Hits: The Road 24 Churchigo II 49 Wordplay 25 Transformed Soul 50 Rare Not Well Done, Vol. 1 26 Classics - Christmas 51 Rare Not Well Done, Vol. 2 27 Handheld Messiah 52 Chosen Ones 28 Singles Group 53 12 Downloads of Christmas 29 Loaded 45’s 54 Future Tense 30 Apoplectic 55 Recovery 31 Unconditional Releases 56 The Boys Aren’t Backin’ Down 32 Easter Standard Time 57 Soundproof 33 Music Is as Music Does 58 Classics – Party 34 Play Nice 59 Classics – Heavy 35 You Can’s Say Euphrates Without the 80’s 60 Classics – Light 36 Downloadable singles 61 SONG LYRICS 80’s Medley: Octagon but Not Forgotten 66 Already Goin’ 79 969 68 Although None Could Watch an Hour 80 Aaronic 69 Amos 81 Act Selfless 70 Animals I Have Begun 82 A.D. 1992/Rockin’ the Paradise Club 71 Another One Died for Us 83 Addicted to Christ (1996) 72 Anteater 85 Addicted to Christ (2015) 73 Apostle Me 86 Ain’t That a Miracle (1993) 74 Aquila 87 Ain’t That a Miracle (2010) 75 Are You Gonna Be Ike’s Girl 88 All ApologetiX 76 Armageddon Valley Someday 89 All My Letters 77 The Atheists 90 All the Stalls Stink 78 Baa! We’re Lambs 91 6 7 Babylona 92 Cornelius 149 Back in a Hurry 93 Cöstly Trüth 150 Back in the New Testament 94 Could He Choose You 152 Back Intact 95 Counting Blessings 153 Bad Case of Leprosy 96 Cousin Zephaniah 154 Bad Dad 97 Crazy Little King God Loves 155 Bad Dude Risin’ 98 Credence Thru Deepwater Survival 156 Ballad of Jesus and Yahweh 99 Crowd of Foreign Girls 157 Barroom Hitz 100 Cut-Rate Hotel 158 Bartimaeus Eyes 101 Dancing Dave 159 Bathwater 102 Dancing with the Ark 160 Be Bold Jeremiah 103 Daniel 161 Be Like David Was (1993) 104 David and Goliath 162 Be Like David Was (2015) 105 A Day in the Loaf 163 Bends to Low Places 106 Day Kippur 164 Bethlehemian Rhapsody (1994) 107 Death 165 Bethlehemian Rhapsody (2001) 108 December 5 or 6 B.C. (Oh Holy Night) 166 Bethlehem’s Boy 109 Desperate Queen 167 Better Than Exorcism 110 Devil Fell 168 Bible in Hand 111 The Devil Went Down to Jordan 169 Big Deal 112 Did You Ever Ask Where Cain Got His Wife? 170 Bone Digger 113 Didn’t Just Die 171 Born Above 115 Died and Rose 172 Born-Again Child 116 Do What David Did 173 Boulevard of Both Extremes 117 Donkey Talked with Him 174 Boy Tell the World 118 Don’t Be Fooled 175 The Boys Aren’t Backin’ Down 119 Don’t Bring Me Cows 176 Brush 120 Don’t Fear the People 177 Called My Wife 121 Don’t Stop Till Egypt 178 Calling Dr. Luke 122 Don’t Try 179 Can’t Buy Free Love 123 Downer of a Sister 180 Can’t Eat Enough 124 Drop of Lucifer 181 Casket Place 125 Drop Your Knife and Hurry, Man 182 Catch That Fever! (1994) 126 Droppin’ on the Sun 183 Catch That Fever! (2009) 127 Dude (Would Like to Save Me) 184 Cemetery Came Alive 128 Eight Ways to Be 185 Cheap Birds 129 El-ijah 186 (Check Out) the Book 130 Emmaus 187 Child King 131 Enemy Lines 188 Choirboy 132 Enter Samson (1994) 189 Choose Your Daddy 134 Enter Samson (1999) 190 Christ in the Stable 135 Ephesians 191 Christ’s Wedding 136 Even Though 192 Christians Doin’ Music 137 Every Crown Has Its Thorns 193 Christmasnite 138 Every Step to Take 194 Clothing Time 139 Excuse Me, Pal, It’s Christmastime 195 Come for Some 140 E.Z.Kiel 196 Come on, Heal the Boy 141 Faith Pt. 2 197 Come Out and Pray 142 Faithless Love 198 Come to Father 143 Fakey Shaky Parts 199 Come, Whale, Away 144 Fast Paul 200 Comeback 145 Fearful 201 Communion Ain’t Just Bread Now 146 Feelin’ Stronger in the Faith 202 Complain 147 Fight for Your Right to Parody 203 Corinthians 148 Fishin’ on a Pier (2000) 204 6 7 Fishin’ on a Pier (2011) 205 I Dealt with You 260 Flirtin’ with the Pastor 206 I Feel God 261 Flurry 207 I Found the Answer There 262 Fly Away from Hell 208 I Have to Die First 263 Fly Like Ezekiel 209 I Know a Riddle 264 Follow Me 210 I Love Apostle Paul 265 A Fool Can Sound Intelligent 211 I Made the Team 266 For Just You 212 I Saw the Answer There 267 Found God 213 I Wanna Read the Bible 268 Genny 22 214 I Want in That Place 269 Get a Bite 215 I Want That Crown 270 Get Found Tonight 216 I Went in the Stream 271 Gideon (Man of God) 217 Ignorant Song 272 Gideon’s Comin’ 218 I’ll Prepare for You 273 Gimme Helper 219 I’m a Receiver 274 Gimme Pre-Trib 220 I’m Cured 275 Go Right Now 221 I’m Gonna Feed (500 Mouths) 276 God I Like About You 222 InYerFace Love Song 277 God Knows You’ve Tried 223 Iran (So Far Away) 278 God of Peace 224 Iraq & Iran 279 God’s Blood 225 Isaac Man 280 God’s Own Son 226 Isn’t Wasn’t Ain’t 281 Good Guys Bad Guys 227 It’s All in God’s Control 282 Good News Bookie 228 It’s Not Eden 283 Goodnews 229 It’s Tough (Song About Nehemiah) 284 Grinch Girl 230 It’s You in Me 285 Guard Your Candle 231 I’ve Got Elijah Fightin’ Baal 286 Guide the Way 232 Jacob’s Name Is Israel 287 Ha-Bakk 233 Jail Got Rocked 288 Hanukkah 234 James 1:3 289 He Really Got Mad (1993) 235 JC’s Mom 290 He Really Got Mad (2009) 236 Jehovah 291 He Spoke 237 Jephthah You Needed 292 Heaven Isn’t Like That 238 Jericho 293 Heavenly Hill 239 Jesse’s Boy 294 Hell! 240 Jesus (Sermon on the Mount) 295 Hell Smells 241 Jesus and Moses 296 Help Me, Rhoda 242 Jezebel 297 Here Come the Sons 243 John 1:1 298 Here I Go (Against All I’ve Known) 244 Jonah Jonah 299 Herman’s Sermon 245 Judge 300 Hey Zaccheus (1996) 246 Judgment Gets Passed (1994) 301 Hey Zaccheus (2007) 247 Judgment Gets Passed (2009) 302 Hit ‘em with Your Slingshot 248 Keep on Loving Ruth 303 Hold On, Christ’s Comin’ 249 Keep Your Arms Steady 304 Holy Land 250 Keep Your Ham to Yourself 305 Hosanna 251 Kick in the Wall 306 Hotel Can’t Afford Ya 252 Kosmik 307 How You Rewind Me 253 La Bible 308 Huge Slumber Party 254 Land of Delusion 309 Humpty Dumpty Country Club 255 Last Night 310 Hundred Nineteenth Psalm 256 Last Rain the Clouds Spill 311 Hurry Home Wayward Son 257 Lawful Woman (in a Bad Place) 312 I Can’t Escape 258 Lazy Brain 313 I Can’t Grow from That (Nor Can You) 259 Lazzie Lay 314 8 9 Learn Some Deuteronomy 315 Nicky 373 Lemonade 316 No Chain 374 Let’s End the Fight Together 317 No Existence 375 Let’s Redo the Music 318 No One Is Good but One 376 Letterman 319 No Shepherd Tonight/New Other Nature 377 A Lie 320 None Too Ladylike 378 Life in the Last Days (1994) 321 Not Logs Lincoln 379 Life in the Last Days (2009) 322 Not Named Job 380 Life Restored 323 Not Some Old Fantasy 381 Lifestyles of the Rich & Nameless 324 Obadiah 382 Lightning Flashes 325 Obed-Edom Obadiah 383 Lily-White Boy 326 Offer Your Prayer 384 Lions (1993) 327 Old Man 385 Lions (2010) 328 Old Time Romans Road 386 Listening After Midnight 329 Once Livin’ Twice Died 387 Little Esther 330 One Headline 388 Little-Read Bible Book 331 One More Wall 389 Little Sins 332 One Night in Bethlehem 390 Lived the Day You Died 333 One of These Guys 391 Livin’ What Jesus Spoke Of 335 One of Us Indeed 392 Lock 336 One Thing Leads to the Father 393 Look Yourself 337 One Way 394 Lost and Found 339 Parable Guy 396 Love (Ain’t Nothin’) 340 Patients (1993) 398 Love & Kisses 341 Patients (2015) 399 Love the Jews 342 People 400 L.S.F. 343 People Are Lazy 401 Magdalena 344 Pharaoh-noid 402 Mama Told Me (What’s to Come) 345 Play Fair Delilah 403 Man on a Cross 346 Play That Funny Music 404 Manger 347 Plump 405 Mary’s Got a Son 348 The Power Above 406 Matching Punches 349 Pray Now (Lost Art) 407 Matthew 9 350 Preachers 408 Maybe Madonna 351 Proving My Religion (1995) 409 Mediterranean Wholebook News 352 Proving My Religion (2014) 410 Meshach 353 Psalm Passage at Night 411 Messiah 354 Psalms Come True (1992) 412 Micah No. 5 355 Psalms Come True (2015) 413 Midnight Hour, Pt. 2 356 Psum 14 414 Mishael 357 Puffed-Up Cliques 415 Miss Martha 358 Put You Down in My Will 416 Mister Christian 359 Read Acts 417 Monkey Scheme 360 Read Ephesians (1994) 418 Monkeys for Uncles 361 Read Ephesians (2009) 419 More Than a Healing 362 The Real Sin Savior 420 More Than Works 363 Regeneration 422 Mrs. Protestant 364 Resist Him 423 Must Seem Silly 365 Revelation 424 Nain 366 Revelation Man 425 Naomi Gonna Be with Ruth 367 Rock and Roots 426 Narrow Way to Heaven 368 Rock This Tower 427 Never Been to Spain (Yet) 369 Rocky Day Woman #8 & 3-11 428 The New Testament in Living Color 370 Rocky Start 429 Nice Iced Pavement 371 Rocky’s Now My Name 430 8 9 Rollin’ in the Yeast 431 Swimmer 486 Ronomy 432 The Tablecloth (Peter’s Vision) 487 Sa-Maria 433 Take Jude 488 Sabbath Day That’s Alright for Righting 434 Talk About the Lord 489 Sabbath Day’s Quite Alright for Nice Things 435 Talk and I’ll Walk 490 Sad Today in the Dark 436 Talking Inner Peace 491 Saint Jude 437 Telling the Drama 492 Santa Claus 438 Temple Physician 493 Save Your Voice (Quiet Down, Boy) 439 That Daughter (1993) 494 Scars 440 That Daughter (2010) 495 Scripture 441 These Streams 496 Search and You’ll Get Saved 442 They Blindly Speak of Science 497 Second Glance 443 This Is from Paul 498 The Second Half of Acts 444 Time for Me to Die 499 Second Timothy 445 Timeline 500 Seek Out God to Be Free 446 Tip from an Angel 501 Separate Days (to Worship God) 447 To Be Rebuked 502 Servin’ the Father 448 Tom Saw Ya 503 Set Him Free 449 Too Much Grime on My Hands 504 Sheba 450 Too Pregnant 505 Sheba Woman 451 Too Wicked for Paradise 506 Shepherd’s Paradise 452 Transplants 507 Shoestring Tie-er (1992) 453 Trinity 508 Shoestring Tie-er (2009) 454 Triune Godhead 509 Should I Pray or Should I Go? 455 Trooth 510 Shovin’, Crushin’, Squeezin’ 456 Trust Him 511 Simp Liztik 457 Trust in the Lord 512 Sin Can Be Resistible 458 Try and Try Again 513 Sin of the World 459 Try Micah 514 Singled You Out 460 Tufftumbling 515 Smart Blest Man 461 Turning a Little Seasick 516 Smarten Up 462 Twins Came Out 517 Smells Like Thirtysomething Spirit 463 Two-Time Baby/Lord’s House Blues 518 Smooth Grandmama 464 Under the Breath (1995) 519 So Render (to Caesar) 465 Under the Breath (2014) 520 Some Sign from Above 466 Unfinished Job 521 Somebody Sold Me 467 Upper Room 522 The Sounds of Silas 468 Very Wiser 523 A Source with No Name 469 Verynice City 524 Special Stone 470 Virgin (1994) 525 Spirit Inside 471 Virgin (2013) 526 The Spittle 472 The Voice of Sodom 527 Spread the Way 473 Wake Up Talitha Cumi 528 Stay in the Light 474 Walk His Way 529 Stone Him Rough 475 Walk on the Water 530 Story of a Squirrel 476 Want It Dead or Alive? 531 Strange Cat, But ... 477 We Didn’t Start Messiah 532 Strangest Folks 478 We Got the Feet 534 Stupid World 479 We Will Walk Through 535 Stupid’s Stronghold/Reckless in America 480 Weep Jeremiah 536 Such Impressive Loving Smart Close Friends 481 Welcome to the Judges 537 Sufferin’ Just Finished 482 We’re in a Parody Band 538 Superficial 483 We’re More Than Champions 539 Sweet Jesus Made a Whip 484 We’re Not Goin’ to Canaan 540 Sweet Oholibamah 485 We’re Not Gonna Drown 541 10 11

Armageddon Valley Someday. 89. The Atheists. 90 Hot Potato Soup. 48. Churchigo II .. Enter Samson • We're Not Gonna Drown . a Rolling Stone magazine cover, using the .. dictionary and the Bible agree that we don't get
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