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VOLUME 21.4 I WWW.RZIM.ORG JTHUE MAGSAZINET OF RATVI ZAHCHARIIASN INTERNKATIONIALN MINISGTRIES + REBELS WITHOUT A PAUSE PAGE 14 A TREATY WITH REALITY PAGE 22 TO HEAR THE HORNS OF ELFLAND PAGE 26 Threads of a Redeemed Heart PAGE 2 Just Thinkingis a teaching resource of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and exists to engender thoughtful engagement with apologetics, Scripture, and the whole of life. Danielle DuRant Editor Ravi Zacharias International Ministries 4725 Peachtree Corners Circle Suite 250 Norcross, Georgia 30092 770.449.6766 WWW.RZIM.ORG TABLE of CONTENTS 21.4 VOLUME 2 26 Threads of a To Hear the Horns Redeemed Heart of Elfland Ravi Zacharias asserts that the When Alex Renton’s six-year-old fundamental difference between a daughter asked her parents to naturalist worldview and a religious send the letter she penned to God, worldview is the moral framework. Renton had to stop to consider all While a naturalist may choose to be the possibilities. Renton is an atheist, a moral person, no compelling rational and what was at stake was an issue of reason exists why one should not be imagination. Jill Carattini observes amoral. And yet, the Christian faith that Renton’s dilemma is one with reminds us that our fundamental which C.S. Lewis the atheistwould problem is not moral; rather, it is have deeply resonated. spiritual. 35 14 Think Again Rebels Without A Pause Too often we shun boundaries because Stuart McAllister shows how the we feel impeded or we’re afraid they concept of rebellion has taken hold will deprive us of what we think we in cultures throughout the West. really want, says Ravi Zacharias. However, our very freedoms The Christian message is a reminder contribute to much of our miseries, that our true malady is one that and the endless call for greater morality alone cannot solve. At its liberation sounds like the weary core, the call of Jesus is a bountiful cry of a jaded and fatigued culture. invitation to trust and freedom to live in the riches of that relationship. 22 A Treaty with Reality Whether filing our taxes, writing a research paper, or following up with the doctor, we often try to avoid as long as possible what we don’t want to do or to think about. Yet Danielle DuRant wonders, if the truth will set us free, why do we seek to evade it? JUST THINKING•TheQuarterly Magazine ofRAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES [ T h e G r a n d W e av e r ] [2] Just Thinking•RAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES Threads of a Redeemed Heart by Ravi Zacharias One of the cardinal distinctions of the Judeo-Christian worldview versus other worldviews is that no amount of moral capacity can get us back into a right relationship with God. Herein lies the difference between the moralizing religions and Jesus’s offer to us.Jesus does not offer to make bad people good but to make dead people alive. Just Thinking•VOLUME 21.4 [3] Taken from The Grand Weaver: How God Shapes Us Through the Events of Our Livesby RAVI ZACHARIAS. Copyright © 2007 by Ravi Zacharias. Used by permission of The Zondervan Corporation. S ome years ago, I read an article certain that there are other matters on in an in-flight magazine on the which no price is right and no sum of subject of ethics. It began with a money would cause one to budge. Would provocative story undoubtedly a man who truly loved his wife or his designed to instantly gain the daughters sell them for a certain price? attention of the reader. It worked. The I think the answer is an overwhelming writer described a man aboard a plane “absolutely not!” who propositioned a woman sitting next But then another thought entered to him for one million dollars. She glared my mind. What does one make of the at him but pursued the conversation and charge that God himself has set up a began to entertain the possibility of so scheme in human relations where the easily becoming a millionaire. The pair entire game is fixed? Perhaps Adam and set the time, terms, and conditions. Just Eve could not have resisted the wiles of before he left the plane, he sputtered, the devil; perhaps sooner or later the fall “I—I have to admit, ma’am, I have sort would have ensued. Isn’t this the way it of, ah, led you into a lie. I, um, I really sometimes appears? First, it is, “Don’t don’t have a million dollars. Would you look.” Then it is, “Don’t touch.” At consider the proposition for just—ah, least, that’s the way the skeptic say—ah, ten dollars?” frames the scheme. One form of On the verge of smacking him desire or another would soon find across the face for such an insult, she the price match, and Adam or snapped back, “What do you think I am?” Eve would succumb. “That has already been established,” The garden may have changed, he replied. “Now we’re just haggling over but the tantalizing trade-offs the price.” continue as we barter away our I have to admit that when souls. This dreadful moral I read this little anecdote, conflict rages within I felt more disgusted cultures and with the man who did communities the propositioning than with the woman and within who was propositioned. I sensed some- each human thing mean-spirited about the man who heart. What is this moral made the offer. He obviously had set her plan about anyway? How does God up for the kill. It seemed like one of demand moral rectitude in the pattern those manufactured stories where you he is weaving for you and me in the vast start with the endgame in view and move design of the universe, when it seems backward to the start. both impossible and artificial? But as I reflected on the writer’s conclusion—namely, that everyone has THE SYSTEMIC DIFFERENCE his or her price—I questioned the The fundamental difference between a assumption. While we all may have a naturalist worldview and a religious price on some matters, I’m equally worldview is the moral framework. While [4] JUST THINKING•RAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES a naturalist may choose to be a moral per- religions. In every religion except Christ- son, no compelling rational reason exists ianity, morality is a means of attainment. why one should not be amoral. Reason In Hinduism, for example, every simply does not dictate here. Pragmatism birth is considered a rebirth, and every may, but reason alone doesn’t allow one to rebirth is a means to pay for the previous defend one way over another. Prominent life’s shortcomings. To make up for this Canadian atheist Kai Nielson said it well: obvious debit-and-credit approach, Hinduism established the caste system We have not been able to show that to justify its fatalistic belief. Karma is reason requires the moral point of systemic to the Hindu belief. You cannot view, or that really rational persons be a Hindu and dismiss the reality of karma. unhoodwinked by myth or ideology In Buddhism, while every birth is a need not be individual egoists or clas- rebirth, the intrinsic payback is imper- sical amoralists. Reason doesn’t decide sonal because Buddhism has no essential here. The picture I have painted for self that exists or survives. Life is a force you is not a pleasant one. Reflection carried forward through reincarnations, on it depresses me. . . . Pure practical and the day you learn there is no essential reason, even with a good knowledge of self and you quit desiring anything is the the facts, will not take you to morality.1 day that evil dies and suffering ends for you. The extinguishing of self and desire Bertrand Russell admitted that he through a moral walk brings the ultimate could not live as though ethical values victory over your imaginary individuality were simply a and your matter of personal In every religion except Christianity, suffering. taste. That’s why Karma is he found his own morality is a means of attainment. intrinsic to views incredible. Buddhism “I do not know as well, but the solution,” he concluded.2Frederick there is a different doctrine of self at Nietzsche also said as much: “I, too, have work. While in Hinduism every birth is a to end up worshipping at the altar where rebirth, in Buddhism every birth is a God’s name is truth.”3While we cannot rebirth of an impersonal karma. Only the escape the moral “stranglehold” our best of Buddhist scholars are even quali- moral bent puts us into, neither can fied to discuss these very intricate ideas. naturalism explain either the inclination In Islam, the system of tithing, the toward morality or the conclusion. tax system, the way women are clothed— So extreme a problem has this all the way to the legal structure and the created for the naturalist that some have ultimate punishment reserved for apostasy gone to great lengths to deduce even that —express the moral framework in which there is no such thing as good or evil; all this religion operates. Even then, heaven of us merely dance to our DNA. This sits is not assured (which, ironically, is sensuous very comfortably with them until they in its experience). Only Allah makes the irresistibly raise the question of all the decision about whether an individual gets “evil” that religion has engendered. rewarded with heaven. The debate gains rational grounds In the early days of Israel’s formation, in the realm of religion, which is why it is moral imperatives extended to every critical to understand the similarities and detail of life. Hundreds of laws covered foundational differences between various everything from morals to diet to ceremony. JUST THINKING•VOLUME 21.4 [5] “Who gives whom the right to pronounce the other evil?” I have heard this question countless times. The very word “morality” has become a lightning-rod theme. “Who is to say what is good? How audacious that anyone should lay claim to an absolute!” This lies at the core of our entire moral predicament. In short, while moral rectitude dif- name the animals. But essential to the fers in its details, it is, nevertheless, a factor created order was a moral framework in determining future blessing or retribu- that the creation was not to name or tion. For the most part, both theistic and define. This was the prerogative of the pantheistic religions conveyed that idea. Creator, not of the creation. I believe But for the later Hebrews and, in that this is what is at stake here. turn, the Christians, two realities make Does mankind have a right to define a crucial systemic and distinguishing what is good and what is evil? Have you difference. First and foremost, God is the never heard this refrain in culture after author of moral boundaries, not man and culture: “What right does any culture not culture. Here, Islam and Judaism find have to dictate to another culture what is a little common ground, at least as the good?” Embedded in that charge is always basis. But there the superficial similarities another charge: “The evil things that end because the two differ drastically on have happened in your culture deny you the very possibility of ascribing attributes the prerogative to dictate to anyone else.” to God, the idea of fellowship with God, the entailments of violating his law, and Anyone living at the time and old the prescription for restoration. God is enough to recall will never forget the so transcendent in Islam that any analogi- outrage of some members of the media cal reference to him in human terms runs when President Ronald Reagan the risk of blasphemy. denounced the Soviet Union as an “evil The book of Genesis, on the other empire,” or when President George hand, shows God in close fellowship with W. Bush branded three nations as form- his human creation. It also gives numer- ing an “axis of evil.” AyatollahKhomeini ous possibilities to the first creation, with of Iran, in the meantime, remained well just one restriction: no eating of the fruit within his own comfort zone when from the tree of the knowledge of good he pronounced the United States as a and evil. When Adam and Eve violated “satanic power,” according to the same that restriction, the second injunction members of the media. took effect: they were not to eat the fruit Such moralizing goes on, always from the tree of life. When you look with the same bottom line: “Who gives carefully at those two boundaries, one whom the right to pronounce the other following the other, you understand what evil?” I have heard this question countless is going on. Eating the fruit from the tree times. The very word “morality” has of the knowledge of good and evil basi- become a lightning-rod theme. “Who is cally gave humanity the power to redefine to say what is good? How audacious that everything. God had given language, anyone should lay claim to an absolute!” identification, and reality to humankind. This lies at the core of our entire moral He imparted to humans the power to predicament, and it is truly fascinating, [6] JUST THINKING•RAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES isn’t it? But we find an interesting twist In the first chapter of this book, I here, because this selective denial of referred to the address I delivered at a absolutes in morality does not carry over prestigious university on the subject into the sciences. “What Does It Mean to Be Human?” A professor of medical ethics from another THE CONTRADICTORY university had the next presentation. APPROACHES It didn’t take long to sense that we were In his book Glimpsing the Face of God, poles apart in our starting point. After Alister McGrath points out an obvious listening to her views (neither medical nor truth that most miss.4He uses the illus- ethical, it seemed to me, but rather just tration of chemical formulas. Every mole- moral autonomy masquerading as science), cule of water has two atoms of hydrogen she paid me the ultimate compliment. She and one atom of oxygen. The formula said, “I have never met anybody with H2O remains true, no matter what race whom I have disagreed more.” So I chose of people or what gender analyzes it. Can to agree with her on that point. one really say, “It’s not fair to oxygen that During the question and answer there are two atoms of hydrogen in time that followed, a few things emerged. water; so to be fair, there should be two The first was her confident but naive atoms of oxygen as well”? You can give optimism that, with all the tools in our two atoms of oxygen, if you want to—but hands, we could shape our future in if you drink it, it will bleach your insides genetics and engineer whatever we want (if not worse), because that would make it to. She spoke in very altruistic terms hydrogen peroxide and not water. about everything from the elimination of Naming and actual reality have a direct disease to the utilization of human connection in physics, even as they do in cloning. Her arrogance, pathetic in its morality and in metaphysics. ignorance, added insult to injury when So the question arises, Why do we she gave not one whit of objective basis readily accept the restrictive absolutes of for what her ethical standards would be chemical structures but refuse to carry with regard to all of this. these absolutes into our moral frame- When the organizers opened the work? The answer is obvious: we simply floor to questions, one woman stood and do not want anyone else to dictate our said to me, “I was very offended by your moral sensitivities; we wish to define comment that the heart of humanity is them ourselves. This is at the heart of our evil.” Between the professor, who placed rejecting of God’s first injunction. It has the power to live or die in human hands, very little to do with the tree and every- and the questioner, who denied the thing to do with the seed of our rebellion, depravity of the human heart, we had the namely, autonomy. We wish to be a law garden of Eden in front of our eyes all unto ourselves. over again. In Adam and Eve’s defense, Of course, we also wish to have they, at least, felt ashamed after they had control over the tree of life. We desire made the wrong choice. By contrast, our perpetual and autonomous existence—in brilliant contemporaries have a chest- effect, wanting to play God. Even though out, clenched-fist audacity and think we did not author creation, we wish to that by shouting louder their arguments author morality and take the reins of life. become truer. Combine the two attitudes, and it boils I recall that Malcolm Muggeridge down to this: we want to live forever on once said that human depravity is at once our own terms. the most empirically verifiable fact yet JUST THINKING•VOLUME 21.4 [7] most staunchly resisted datum by our A few centuries later emerged the intellectuals. For them, H2O as the teachings of the Buddha, who rejected formula for water is indisputable; but in the caste system and built his prescription ethics, man is still the measure—without for conduct on “the four noble truths”: stating which man. This is the fundamen- tal difference between a transcendent 1. the fact of suffering worldview and a humanistic one. 2. the cause of suffering But the question arises as to what 3. the cessation of suffering makes the Christian framework unique. 4. the eightfold path that can end suffering Here we see the second cardinal difference between the Judeo-Christian worldview About a millennium later came and the others. It is simply this: no Muhammad in the sixth century after amount of moral capacity can get us Christ. His instructions came in the “five back into a right relationship with God. pillars [or injunctions]” of Islam: the Creed; The Christian faith, simply stated, the Prayers; the Tithe; the Fast; and the reminds us that our fundamental prob- Pilgrimage (some add Jihad as the sixth). lem is not moral; rather, our fundamental All of these are prescribed in specific problem is spiritual. It is not just that we ways. The injunctions address every are immoral, but that a moral life alone detail imaginable. The Hadith (a narrative cannot bridge what separates us from record of the sayings and traditions of God. Herein lies the cardinal difference Muhammad) became the basis of the between the moralizing religions and practices and customs of all Muslims. Jesus’ offer to us. Jesus does not offer to A make bad people good but to make dead pproximately fourteen centuries people alive. before Christ (scholars debate the exact date), the Hebrew people WORLDVIEWS APART received the Ten Commandments. An A brief glance at the basis of the laws that extraordinary first line gives the basis of have come down to us through religious the Ten Laws: “I am the LORD your history gives us a clue. The Code of God, who brought you out of Egypt, out Hammurabi, originating in Eastern of the land of slavery. You shall have no Mesopotamia, is one of the oldest legal other gods before me” (Exodus 20:2 – 3). codes we have, dating back to about 2500 To miss this preamble is to miss BC. In addition to the preamble and the the entire content of the Mosaic law. It epilogue, it contains 282 prescriptions for provides the clue to each of the systems conduct dealing with a wide range of situ- of law that have emerged through time. ations. The last of the codes reads as fol- Here the Hebrew-Christian worldview lows: “If a slave say to his master, ‘I am stands distinct and definitively different. not your slave,’ if they convict him, his Redemption precedes morality, and not master shall cut off his ear.” the other way around. While every moral About a thousand years after this law ever given to humanity provides a came the Laws of Manu, considered an set of rules to abide by in order to avoid arm of Vedic teaching. This codebook punishment or some other retribution, begins by telling us how ten sages went to the moral law in the Bible hangs on the the teacher Manu and asked him what redemption of humanity provided by God. laws should govern the four castes. The Something else emerges with stark response came in 2,684 verses covering difference. If you notice, the moral law in several chapters. the other legal codes separates people [8] JUST THINKING•RAVI ZACHARIAS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES

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