Back cover: “In Russian Tradition” Viktorija Beglik D2 Welcome to Yearbook 2013 Yearbook 2013 is dedicated to Sue Jenkins True Stewart The entire SIS community wish them both a very happy retirement with our many thanks for all their years of service to the school. TThhee wwaayy wwee wweerree –– SSuuee JJeennkkiinnss rreefflleeccttss oonn 3300 yyeeaarrss aatt SSIISS “But you never seem to stay very long in one place.” These were the words of the headmistress, Mrs. Gomez, when she somewhat reluctantly offered me a teaching position at SIS (or ISS as it was then known.) Now, more than thirty years later, I find myself wondering just how and why I extended my stay from an initial three years to one of more than thirty. I have to admit that I wasn’t attracted to Sotogrande for professional reasons. In fact I barely looked at the contract and conditions when I was first appointed. No, it was my long term love affair with Spain and Spanish life which drew me to this part of the world. Later that same love and sense of belonging trans- cended to the school itself, which has been my home and my family for so long. Of course the school was very different then. As the teaching staff was so small, there was a noticeable lack of sub- ject specialists. Many of us found ourselves blithely agreeing to teach in areas where we had no previous experi- ence. It never occurred to us not to do so and our enthusiasm made up for our lack of expertise. It’s unlikely that any student’s education suffered as a result and teachers rapidly became competent in teaching a wide range of sub- jects. In those days we had a strong liaison with the neighbouring Spanish school at Guadiaro. We invited them to many of our cultural and sporting events and the invitations were readily reciprocated. On one memorable occasion we invited them to take part in a hockey tournament. Many of them had never heard of the game let alone played it, but their enthusiasm could not be questioned. Practically the whole school descended on us that day, armed with anything that remotely resembled a hockey stick! Surprisingly there were no accidents but I still shudder at the memory! Summer holidays were spent running summer courses. We had up to 50 boarders each summer with students re- turning each year and bringing their friends. Besides being popular, these courses were very lucrative for the school and were useful in providing us with some important contacts. We were fortunate in those years in having the use of the polo field for all major sporting events. Between the years 1982 – 1985, we organized annual athletics competitions with 6 or 7 schools from along the coast and the local Spanish schools participating. These events were enormously popular but sadly ended when the polo field was dug up for real estate purposes. That still left us with our Andalucian Patio. Each summer we held whole school summer shows in these delightful surroundings and the patio was packed with parents and their friends who regarded it as the highlight of the school year. Christmas Pantomimes remain vivid in my memory as the audience sat under the leaking gym roof protected by umbrellas which the well initiated brought along with them. The conditions in no way dampened the enthusiasm with which these hilarious shows were received. Along with the many performances held throughout the year there were numerous other events supported and orga- nized by a loyal band of parents and friends. Christmas fetes, Bonfire nights and summer fairs were just some of the celebrations which were regularly supported by our rapidly growing Sotogrande family. By the late nineties we sadly had to acknowledge that the Old Cortijo was in no fit state to allow us to go forward as a school. With much excitement and some trepidation we prepared to move to the new purpose built school which would take us on the next phase of our journey. The new millennium witnessed us striding forward into the future. Innovations in technology, curriculum develop- ment, global partnerships, teacher training in coaching and mentoring have all been part of this new era in So- togrande’s development. In 2008 we celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the school. It was a chance to meet up with old friends and to reflect with some nostalgia on times past. 2013 sees the Primary School as busy as ever and I scarcely have time to think of my imminent departure. After more than 30 years I cannot pretend that it won’t be a huge wrench for me and I’m already finding it difficult to imagine life without the excitement and challenges which SIS never failed to deliver. Teachers, students and head- masters have all come and gone and no doubt will continue to do so. I shall miss the comradeship of my colleagues and the Sotogrande pupils, past and present, who have taught me so much over the years. We are now busy preparing for what will be my last Primary production. After the west wind has carried Mary Poppins off to her next adventures, I will start planning my own, but for a while I may just enjoy the luxury of sitting back ……and reflecting. Reading for pleasure Summer 2012