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eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page i 2 n d e d i t i o n Encyclopedia of Philosophy eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page iii 1 ABBAGNANO – BYZANTINE PHILOSOPHY e m u l o v 2 n d e d i t i o n Encyclopedia of Philosophy DONALD M. BORCHERT Editor in Chief eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page iv Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Second Edition Donald M. Borchert, Editor in Chief © 2006 Thomson Gale, a part of the Thomson For permission to use material from this Since this page cannot legibly accommo- Corporation. product, submit your request via Web at date all copyright notices, the acknowledg- http://www.gale-edit.com/permissions, or you ments constitute an extension of the Thomson, Star Logo and Macmillan Reference may download our Permissions Request form copyright notice. USA are trademarks and Gale is a registered and submit your request by fax or mail to: trademark used herein under license. While every effort has been made to Permissions ensure the reliability of the information For more information, contact Thomson Gale presented in this publication, Thomson Gale Macmillan Reference USA 27500 Drake Rd. does not guarantee the accuracy of the data An imprint of Thomson Gale Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 contained herein. Thomson Gale accepts no 27500 Drake Rd. Permissions Hotline: payment for listing; and inclusion in the Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535 248-699-8006 or 800-877-4253 ext. 8006 publication of any organization, agency, Or you can visit our internet site at Fax: 248-699-8074 or 800-762-4058 institution, publication, service, or individual http://www.gale.com does not imply endorsement of the editors or publisher. Errors brought to the attention of the publisher and verified to the satisfaction ALL RIGHTS RESERVED of the publisher will be corrected in future No part of this work covered by the copyright editions. hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, record- ing, taping, Web distribution, or information storage retrieval systems—without the written permission of the publisher. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Encyclopedia of philosophy / Donald M. Borchert, editor in chief.—2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-02-865780-2 (set hardcover : alk. paper)— ISBN 0-02-865781-0 (vol 1)—ISBN 0-02-865782-9 (vol 2)— ISBN 0-02-865783-7 (vol 3)—ISBN 0-02-865784-5 (vol 4)— ISBN 0-02-865785-3 (vol 5)—ISBN 0-02-865786-1 (vol 6)— ISBN 0-02-865787-X (vol 7)—ISBN 0-02-865788-8 (vol 8)— ISBN 0-02-865789-6 (vol 9)—ISBN 0-02-865790-X (vol 10) 1. Philosophy–Encyclopedias. I. Borchert, Donald M., 1934- B51.E53 2005 103–dc22 2005018573 This title is also available as an e-book. ISBN 0-02-866072-2 Contact your Thomson Gale representative for ordering information. Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page v e d i t o r i a l b o a r d editor in chief consulting editors DONALD M. BORCHERT LOUISE ANTONY Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy,Ohio Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy,Ohio State University University,and Executive Board,Institute for Applied and Professional Ethics,Ohio University JOHN BURGESS Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, associate editors Princeton University DON GARRETT VICTOR CASTON Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy,New Professor ofPhilosophy and Classical Studies,Department York University ofPhilosophy,University ofMichigan JAEGWON KIM RICHARD P. HAYES William Herbert Perry Faunce Professor ofPhilosophy, Assistant Professor ofPhilosophy,Department of Philosophy,University ofNew Mexico Department ofPhilosophy,Brown University JEFFREY C. KING BARRY LOEWER Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, University ofSouthern California Rutgers University OLIVER N. LEAMAN DOUGLAS MACLEAN Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, University ofKentucky University ofNorth Carolina,Chapel Hill VLADIMIR MARCHENKOV ERNEST SOSA Assistant Professor ofAesthetics,School of Romeo Elton Professor ofNatural Theology and Professor Interdisciplinary Arts,Ohio University ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy,Brown THOMAS NENON University; Distinguished Visiting Professor,Rutgers Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, University University ofMemphis MICHAEL TOOLEY KARL H. POTTER Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, Emeritus Professor ofPhilosophy,Department of University ofColorado at Boulder Philosophy,University ofWashington SUSAN WOLF PHILIP QUINN Edna J.Koury Professor ofPhilosophy,Department of Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, Philosophy,University ofNorth Carolina,Chapel Hill University ofNotre Dame eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page vi editorial board JENEFER ROBINSON JAMES P. STERBA Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy, University ofCincinnati University ofNotre Dame KWONG-LOI SHUN CHARLES TALIAFERRO Vice President and Principal,University ofToronto at Professor ofPhilosophy,Department ofPhilosophy,St. Scarborough OlafCollege ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY VI • 2nd edition eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page vii c o n t e n t s volume 1 PREFACE TO 2ND EDITION INTRODUCTION TO 1ST EDITION LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS LIST OF ARTICLES ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY 2nd edition Abbagnano–Byzantine Philosophy volume 2 Cabanis–Destutt de Tracy volume 3 Determinables–Fuzzy Logic volume 4 Gadamer–Just War Theory volume 5 Kabbalah–Marxist Philosophy volume 6 Masaryk–Nussbaum volume 7 Oakeshott–Presupposition volume 8 Price–Sextus Empiricus volume 9 Shaftesbury–Zubiri volume 10 APPENDIX: ADDITIONAL ARTICLES THEMATIC OUTLINE BIBLIOGRAPHIES INDEX ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY 2nd edition eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page ix e d i t o r i a l a n d p r o d u c t i o n s t a f f executive vice president and publisher proofreaders Frank Menchaca Archie Hobson,John Krol,Amy Unterburger director, new product development bibliographic researcher Hélène Potter Michael Farmer project editors translators Names oftranslators appear throughout the body ofthe Jane A.Malonis Encyclopedia,at the end ofeach article that has been Carol A.Schwartz rendered into English. contributing editors indexer Erin Bealmear,Deirdre S.Blanchfield,Steve Cusack,Angela Coughlin Indexing Services Doolin,Susan Doty,Jason Everett,Alan Hedblad,Monica Hubbard,Lynn Koch,Melissa McDade,Bradley J.Morgan, product design Scot Peacock,Drew Silver,Ken Wachsberger Kate Scheible editorial technical support graphic art Josh Kondek,Andrew Malonis,Mark Mikula,Mark Springer Argosy Publishing manuscript editors composition Robert A.Arlt,Dorothy Bauhoff,Sharon R.Gunton, Evi Seoud William Kaufman,Eric Lagergren,Steven M.Long,Gina Misiroglu,Marie L.Thompson,Alan Thwaits,Amy manufacturing Unterburger Wendy Blurton ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY • IX 2nd edition eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page xi p r e f a c e t o t h e s e c o n d e d i t i o n N early four decades ago, in 1967, Macmillan ics in philosophy broadly construed.That was a winning published its eight-volume Encyclopedia of Philosophy. formula:substantive articles by talented scholars explor- With Paul Edwards as its exceptionally able editor in ing the full spectrum of philosophical topics. It would chief, the Encyclopedia became a highly respected, pre- also guide the Second Edition. mier reference work consulted by countless professors Second, while that winning formula involved in- and students as they pursued the examined life.Indeed, depth and broad coverage, nevertheless it did not and it would be safe to say that most ifnot all ofthe scholars could not aspire to exhaustive coverage ofall philosoph- who have contributed to the new Second Edition of the ical topics given the constraints imposed by the limited Encyclopedialeaned on the First Edition for philosophi- print space available.Whether the space available was the cal insight during their formative years as young acade- eight volumes of the First Edition or the one volume of micians.For them to be able to participate in reshaping a the Supplementor the ten volumes ofthe Second Edition, reference resource that figured importantly in their intel- a policy of selectivity had to be pursued with the lectual development has been a unique opportunity and unavoidable exclusion of some material that could have a privilege. been,and perhaps should have been,included. When Macmillan invited me to serve as editor in Third,to maintain the tradition ofexcellence estab- chief for the new ten-volume Second Edition, the task lished by the First Edition,an editor in chiefneeds to be appeared daunting because of its magnitude.But it also surrounded by a group of distinguished philosophers seemed manageable because backing me up was a valu- who represent expertise in diverse subfields and who are able learning experience I had as the editor in chief for willing to commit considerable time and effort to serve Macmillan’s single-volume Supplement, published in on an editorial board.I was fortunate indeed to have the 1996,that updated the Encyclopedia.Among the insights support ofan editorial team for the Supplementconsist- I gained from that experience three were especially ing of K.Danner Clouser,Paul Horwich,Jaegwon Kim, important. Joseph J. Kockelmans, Helen E. Longino,Vann McGee, First,it seemed that the Encyclopediahad gained the Louis Pojman,Ernest Sosa,and Michael Tooley.Because respect of academicians because its articles provided of them,and the highly competent authors they helped substantive discussions by exceptionally competent to recruit,the Supplement continued Macmillan’s tradi- scholars and its coverage embraced a wide range of top- tion ofpublishing highly regarded reference works. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY • XI 2nd edition eophil_fmv1 10/28/05 3:58 PM Page xii preface to the second edition Editorial Board Formation From the very beginning,our project’s goal was not to replace the First Edition and the Supplement but to Upon accepting the role ofeditor in chieffor the Second build the Second Edition on the foundation oftheir out- Edition,I immediately turned to three ofmy former edi- standing scholarly work.Accordingly,the task set before torial colleagues—Jaegwon Kim, Michael Tooley, and each editor was to analyze all the entries in the First Edi- Ernest Sosa—and invited them to become the core of a tion and the Supplementthat were pertinent to his or her new Board of Associate Editors that would assist me in domain in order to determine which entries should be planning the new edition. The guidance provided by retained “as is”in the Second Edition with perhaps only a these three colleagues has been astute,seasoned,and truly bibliographical update,which entries should be retained indispensable from the early planning stages until the day but needed an updating addendum, and which entries of publication. With their assistance we were able to should be replaced by entirely new ones.In addition,all recruit Don Garrett,Barry Loewer,Doug MacLean,and editors were given the opportunity to commission Susan Wolf to join the Board of Associate Editors.Then entirely new entries in their subfields. Each editor also we constituted a Board ofConsulting Editors that would had the responsibility to review and assess all new mate- add expertise in specific subfields of philosophy not rial appearing in his or her subfield.This generic descrip- already covered by the specializations ofthe associate edi- tion of the work of our subfield editors for the Second tors.The result was the impressive editorial team of dis- Edition masks all too easily the many hours of painstak- tinguished philosophers listed below. Their areas of ing effort devoted to this project by these scholars. editorial oversight are noted after their names. In early autumn of 2004, regrettably, our editorial The Board ofAssociate Editors colleague Phil Quinn passed away after a brief struggle Don Garrett—Modern Philosophy with esophageal cancer.Prior to his death,however,Phil Jaegwon Kim—Philosophy ofMind had overseen his domain with an extraordinarily watch- ful and skilled eye.He had analyzed in detail every entry Barry Loewer—Philosophy ofScience relating to the philosophy of religion in the First Edition Doug MacLean—Ethics and Applied Ethics and the Supplement, and sent me copious notes and Ernest Sosa—Epistemology recommendations for either improving, retaining, or Michael Tooley—Metaphysics replacing those entries.He also made specific recommen- dations for new entries to be commissioned and wrote Susan Wolf—Ethics and Applied Ethics detailed scope descriptions for those entries.When his ill- The Board ofConsulting Editors ness forced him to withdraw from his teaching at the Uni- versity of Notre Dame, he continued to work on the Louise Antony—Feminist Philosophy Second Edition,which provided concrete purpose for the John Burgess—Logic,Philosophy of Logic,Philoso- day at hand.Phil worked carefully,deliberately,and had phy ofMathematics his eye on the prize of excellence.His fine work made it Victor Caston—Ancient Philosophy, Medieval Phi- relatively easy for our colleague Charles Taliaferro to losophy assume Phil’s responsibilities on the editorial team. Richard P.Hayes—Buddhist Philosophy If the Second Edition continues the tradition of Jeffrey King—Philosophy ofLanguage excellence initiated by the First Edition,as I believe it will, that accomplishment will be due in no small measure to Oliver Leaman—Islamic Philosophy,Judaic Philoso- the exceptionally high quality work provided by our edi- phy tors who,like Phil,have given of their time and talent to Vladimir Marchenkov—Russian Philosophy enhance the work ofphilosophy. Thomas Nenon—Continental Philosophy Development of the Second Karl H.Potter—Indian Philosophy Edition’s Content Philip Quinn—Philosophy ofReligion Our strategy ofbuilding the Second Edition on the foun- Jenefer Robinson—Aesthetics,Philosophy ofArt dation ofthe First Edition and the Supplementrequires a Kwong-loi Shun—Chinese Philosophy few additional comments. James Sterba—Social and Political Philosophy Carefully and judiciously our editorial team selected Charles Taliaferro—Philosophy ofReligion those entries from the First Edition and the Supplement ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PHILOSOPHY XII • 2nd edition

2 n d e d i t i o n. Encyclopedia of. Philosophy. 1 volume. ABBAGNANO – BYZANTINE PHILOSOPHY. DONALD M. BORCHERT. Editor in Chief
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