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Product Spotlight: Compulite Vector Violet, page 30 StCPR aOO rtNJ s NE oEC n CTI pTIO agON eN 3 1 AUGUST Vol. 11.9 2010 Tent Collapse Injures Vuvuzelicious! Six; Frampton/Yes Yee Haw! Shows Rescheduled CONCHO, OK — High winds are U being blamed for ripping down a Y A D tent, injuring six crew members and N A causing extensive damage to gear Y B on the afternoon prior to a July 6 N O show featuring Peter Frampton and ATI R Yes. None of the injuries were life- T S U threatening, but two crew mem- L L I bers were hospitalized, one with a broken leg. The tent, set up outside the Lucky Star Casino, collapsed be- tween 3:30 and 4 p.m. Along with Nobody ever said there the July 6 event, set to begin at 8 wouldn’t be a few bumps when you p.m., a July 7 event at Sandia Casino hit the road to light a Country Music in Albuquerque, N.M. had to be re- tour. But if the gigs are a challenge, scheduled. continued on page 6 crews pull together. That, and some well-earned barbecue, creates a DTS Lighting of Italy special kind of camaraderie. For more hard-travelin’ insights, mosey Names Strong as Its on over to LD-at-Large, page 44. U.S. Distributor JOHANNESBURG — World-class lighting and video accompanied the 30-minute show that helped cap off the month-long, 10-stadium-wide 2010 FIFA World Cup. A blend of African music, dance and theatre, RIMINI, Italy and OMAHA, NE Company 411 with pop artist Shakira and others performing, the spectacle was lit by 468 of the most powerful moving — DTS Lighting of Italy has named For 100 years, Rosco Laboratories 22 lights Gearhouse South Africa could find — including fixtures from Vari-Lite, Robe and Strong Entertainment Strong Entertainment Lighting as has been offering lighting profes- Lighting — plus the first large-scale video projection in the country using triple-stacked Christie projectors. its exclusive distributor for all of its sionals a spectrum of color choices. (For more, see related stories on page 12 and 31.) products for the U.S. “These are the kind of partner- ships Strong is cultivating world- Buyers Guide 2010 Parnelli Award Nominations Now Open at ParnelliAwards.com wide,” said Jerry Colmenero, Strong’s Trendy? Nope. Energy efficient? 27 market development manager. Hardly. But good ol’ PAR cans are LAS VEGAS — And the 2010 winners of the Par- And while you’re at parnelliawards.com, be sure to “Strong could not be more pleased still widely available. nelli Awards for Lighting, Staging and Video are…yet vote for the top regional Hometown Hero nominees with this agreement, and DTS repre- to be determined, by YOU, the reader. The individu- — the regional ballot will only be on the site until sents the highest examples of qual- als and companies that YOU nominate and vote for Aug. 15. ity and integrity Strong strives to Focus on Fundamentals will be honored Oct. 22 in Las Vegas at our annual You can also nominate an entry for this year’s “IT” associate with. We look forward to a Strike one and you’re out, unless ceremony. (Indispensable Technology) Award for the most in- growing along with DTS.” 40 your venue has a good lightning Nominations are now being accepted at www. dispensable lighting, projection, staging and sound DTS has grown consider- protection system. parnelliawards.com for categories including light- technology introduced within the past year. ably since it was founded in ing designer, set/scenic designer, video director, The Parnelli Awards nominations end Aug. 27. 1980, and now operates out of a tour manager and production manager of the year. Shortly thereafter, the nominees will be announced, 120,000-square-foot facility in north- There are also awards honoring companies involved the Parnelli Awards ballot will be posted, and the ern Italy. DTS offers 18 product lines in lighting, staging, set construction, video, rigging, voting will begin, all on parnelliawards.com. and over 400 products used for con- PRO LIGHTING SPACE pyro, trucking, freight forwarding. For more information on the 2010 Parnelli Awards certs to clubs, theatres to architec- But it all begins with a nomination from YOU. sponsors, turn to page 7. tural installations. www.ProLightingSpace.com/join 5-17+ CVR.100.1008.indd 1 8/2/10 5:25 PM www.plsn.com AUGUST 2010 C O N T E N T S PROJECTION, LIGHTS & STAGING NEWS Production Profile: Muse T Features Columns With four-sided “video towers” and lighting that interacts with O moving set elements, Muse’s Resistance Tour may look futuristic, but it actually harkens back to Nineteen-Eighty Four. 22 Company 411 4 Editor’s Note In 1910, a chemist named Sydney Kelsey Learning may be painful at times, but as H Rosenstein started making and marketing long as you don’t convince yourself that it’s Colorine, a transparent dipping lacquer for futile, you can achieve great things. coloring small light bulbs. And 100-year- gS old Rosco Laboratories was born. 37 The Biz n S ni Nashville might not have as many big- n Je 27 Buyers Guide spending clients as the West Coast, but e ’ ev Good, old-fashioned PAR cans. They’re niches like churches and corporate events t T S cheap, render skin tones well, don’t flicker are helping its staging companies build a when dimmed — and ravage the planet solid foundation for their businesses. A by wasting 95 percent of the energy they consume. But despite the best efforts of 38 Feeding the Machines eco-minded legislators, they’re still readily It’s the old Catch-22: To get work H available. experience, you need work experience. But if it’s never easy to get your foot in the W 30 Product Spotlight door, there are a lot of different doors for Compulite’s Vector Violet and Ultra Violet aspiring lighting programmers to try. 24 join the Vector family of consoles with the same operating system but with two new 40 Focus on Fundamentals hardware designs. Lightning protection: Get it right and Production Profile: KISS standing on the catwalk during a 44 LD-at-Large thunderstorm is not likely to present a T What do you do when KISS wants a complete video makeover The Country Music touring business can problem; get it wrong and it can ruin your — in 14 days? After indulging in a well-deserved panic attack, give a jolt to anyone who’s accustomed to whole day. O Mark Devlin sprinted to a sleep-deprived finish, working with the perks of Big Rock ‘N’ Roll. But if the work Jonathan Beswick and Kyle Stauffer to get the job done is hard and the hours are long, these tours Departments have their own brand of camaraderie. H 5 News 8 Calendar S 8 In Brief ’ 8 Letters to the Editor T 12 International News A 16 On the Move 18 Product News H 20 Showtime 31 Projection Connection W 32 Projection Connection News 34 Projection Connection New Products 35 m o ms.c oti h h. o p:// f htt o: nf d i A 02.100.1008.indd 2 8/2/10 12:13 PM EDITOR’S NOTE PROJECTION LIGHTS & STAGING NEWS By RichardCadena Mastering Misery The Publication of Record for the Lighting, Staging and Projection Industries Publisher Terry Lowe [email protected] Once, in a moment of apparent weak- That’s why I was so intrigued to read He says that there are basically two types Editor ness, the dean of the college of en- Daniel Pink’s latest book, Drive: The Surpris- of people in the world; those who believe Richard Cadena gineering invited me and some oth- ing Truth About What Motivates Us. In the that intelligence is a fixed quantity — that [email protected] er students to his house for dinner. We were book, Pink argues that the conventional ap- you’re either born with it or you’re not — Managing Editor all sitting in the study talking about school proach to motivating ourselves and others and those who believe that people have Frank Hammel when I said something that, in retrospect, with purely monetary rewards is outdated varying amounts of intelligence, but that [email protected] seemed to be the dumbest comment ever. and not as effective as it once was. Instead, it can be increased with work. He likens it Editorial Assistant “Learning is painful,” I said. he says, decades of research shows that the to physical qualities; some people believe Victoria Laabs Before the reverberation from the last things that motivate people today — once a intelligence is an attribute like height, [email protected] word faded from the room, I wished that certain level of financial security is reached and some believe it’s more like a muscle Senior Staff Writer I could vacuum the words from the air. In- — are autonomy, mastery and purpose. that can be developed. The distinction is Kevin M. Mitchell extremely important, because your view The room fell silent, and Dr. Woodson of intelligence plays a major part in how Contributing Writers Paul Berliner, Vickie Claiborne, Dan Daley, much you effort you put into developing looked at me as if I had just passed gas. David John Farinella, Steve Jennings, your skills and mastery. Morgan Loven, Rob Ludwig, His second point is that mastery is an Bryan Reesman, Brad Schiller, stead, they just hung in the air like the hu- Those who have the freedom to do the job asymptote, or something that can be ap- Nook Schoenfeld midity in Houston. The room fell silent and the way they see fit, have a desire to get re- proached but never fully attained. Pink Photographer Dr. Woodson looked at me as if I had just ally good at something, and have a sense relates how the French painter Paul Cé- Steve Jennings passed gas. I meant what I said, but the of greater purpose are far more productive zanne’s best work came towards the end words didn’t come out as eloquently as I than their counterparts who are prodded of his life because he always strived to get Art Director had imagined in my head. along by a controlling boss using the pro- better and better. Those who realize that Garret Petrov What I meant to say it that it isn’t easy verbial carrot and stick. you never fully realize mastery continue [email protected] to read page after page, chapter after chap- But the best part of the book is the to drive for it. Web Master ter of engineering text as dry as rice cakes chapter on mastery. In it, Pink argues three Lastly, Pink says that mastery is a pain. Josh Harris wrapped in cardboard. I just didn’t mean to important points about achieving mas- There it is! Take that, Dr. Woodson. Mas- [email protected] say it so bluntly. But that’s how I felt. tery. The first is that mastery is a mindset. tery is painful. Pink quotes psychologist National Anders Ericsson: “Many characteristics Advertising Director once believed to reflect innate talent Gregory Gallardo are actually the results of intense prac- [email protected] tice for a minimum of 10 years.” Account Manager Pink goes on to say, “Mastery — Mike Devine [email protected] of sports, music, business — requires effort (difficult, painful, excruciating, Advertising Manager Matt Huber all-consuming effort) over a long time [email protected] (not a week or a month, but a decade). Sociologist Daniel Chambliss has re- Production Manager Linda Evans ferred to this as “the mundanity of ex- [email protected] cellence… Whereas the importance of working harder is easily apprehended, General Manager William Hamilton Vanyo the importance of working longer [email protected] without switching objectives may be less perceptible…in every field, grit Business and may be as essential as talent to high Advertising Office 6000 South Eastern Ave. accomplishment.” Suite 14J In many of the training seminars Las Vegas, NV 89119 I teach, the hardest part is getting Ph: 702.932.5585 through the drudgery of working Fax: 702.554.5340 through Ohm’s law and the power Editorial Office formulas. But they are so important 10305 Salida Dr. to understanding the true nature Austin, TX 78749 of electricity that you really need to Ph: 512.280.0384 Fax: 512.292.0183 master them before you can really un- derstand more advanced topics like Circulation phase angles, three-phase power and Stark Services harmonics. Those who stick with it are P.O. Box 16147 more apt to demonstrate a certain lev- North Hollywood, CA 91615 el of mastery in their field. Since my college days it seems that Projection, Lights & Staging News (ISSN: the work gets less and less tedious and 1537-0046) Volume 11, Number 7 Published month- ly by Timeless Communications Corp. 6000 South more and more enjoyable. I may never Eastern Ave., Suite 14J, Las Vegas, NV 89119. It is achieve mastery, but I’m going to have distributed free to qualified individuals in the lighting and staging industries in the United fun trying. States and Canada. Periodical Postage paid at Las Vegas, NV, office and additional offices. Ohm’s law is hard. E-mail is easy. Reach Postmaster please send address changes to: Projection, Lights & Staging News, P.O. Box Richard Cadena at [email protected]. 16147 North Hollywood, CA 91615. Mailed in Canada under Publications Mail Agreement Number 40033037, 1415 Janette Ave., Windsor, ON N8X 1Z1. Overseas subscriptions are available and can be obtained by calling 702.932.5585. Editorial submissions are encouraged, but must include a self-addressed stamped envelope to be returned. Projection, Lights & Staging News is a Registered Trademark. All Rights Reserved. Duplication, transmission by any method of this publication is strictly prohibited without permission of Projection, Lights & Staging News. PRO LIGHTING SPACE prolightingspace.com/join ESTA TEENCTHENROTALIONGMYE NATS SSOECRIVAITCIEOSN & 04.100.1008.indd 4 8/2/10 12:14 PM NEWS PROJECTION LIGHTS & STAGING NEWS Chinese Court Rules Academy Of Production Technology (APT) Becomes in Favor of Leviton ETCP-Recognized Training Program GUANGZHOU, China — Guangdong High NEW YORK — The Academy of Produc- ceive full ETCP Renewal Credits. The course the class have attested to its value. Tony Han- People’s Court issued a ruling on June 23 in tion Technology (APT) has been officially is designed for practicing professionals as sen, LD/systems consultant with Techni-Lux, favor of Melville, N.Y.-based Leviton, which approved by ETCP as an ETCP Recognized well as novices. said, “I learned more usable and appropriate had been sued for patent infringement by Training Program. The Academy’s three-day “This seminar is an excellent review for knowledge here than I did in four years of Tongling Technology Group, now known as course covers the concept of electrical the- the practicing entertainment electrician as college.” Another attendee, Jason Gay, said, General Protecht Group. ory, power distribution and networking for well as a primer for the aspiring electrician,” “The class addressed issues we run into dai- The ruling rejected Tongling’s appeal and stage and studio. said Cadena. “It has enough detail and in- ly. I am more confident in my ability to work affirmed the judgment of the Guangzhou The course instructor is APT Founder formation to challenge the experienced safely and direct others in their work.” Intermediate Court, which earlier this year Richard Cadena, an ETCP Certified Enter- among us, but is presented in such a way Upcoming courses will be held at CITT ruled in Leviton’s favor and dismissed a pat- tainment Electrician and Recognized Train- as to convey useful concepts to the less ex- in August, in Nashville from Sept. 1-3, and ent infringement suit brought against Levi- er, who is also editor of PLSN magazine. perienced with a minimum amount of math a more basic course will be taught at Texas ton’s Dongguan-based subsidiary, Leviton Now that the course is recognized, ETCP and complexity.” State University in San Marcos Jan. 10-12, Electronic Co., Ltd. Certified Technicians who attend will re- Lighting professionals who have taken 2011. China-based General Protecht originally filed the lawsuit against Leviton Electronic Co, Ltd. in 2006, claiming that Leviton GFCI products infringed on its design patent for 20 Amp GFCIs. Leviton countered that argument, con- tending that the design in question was a standard GFCI design that had been available to the public for decades. On September 2, 2009, the Beijing High People’s Court deter- mined that General Protecht had no right to the patent. “We are very pleased with our experience before the judiciary for properly and fairly ap- plying the law which led to a complete vin- dication of our Chinese subsidiary,” said Meir Blonder, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel. “The favorable decision on appeal brings this matter to a close.” Ultratec Special Effects, Pyrotechnics Management in Strategic Partnership LONDON, ON — Ultratec Special Ef- fects Inc., a special effects and pyrotech- nics manufacturer, and Pyrotechnics Management Inc., manufacturers of the Fire One Pyrotechnics Control System, announced a strategic alliance. “We have been in the manufactur- ing business for more than 20 years and have manufactured our own Pyro sys- tems,” said Adrian Segeren, president of Ultratec Special Effects. “To better serve our customers, we decided to partner up with another leading company who specializes in pyrotechnics control and work together to improve our product offerings.” “We see the alliance of Ultratec and FireOne as a powerful combination that will offer new levels of capability for both Ultratec and FireOne clients,” said Dan Barker, founder and president of Py- rotechnics Management, who has been involved with the design, manufactur- ing and support of FireOne products since 1989. “We are pleased to work with Adrian and his highly knowledgeable, capable staff. It is our goal to comple- ment each other with respect to prod- uct development, marketing and distri- bution.” Ultratec will continue to support all existing clients with both the Pyropak and Surefire systems. Moving forward, Ultratec will be selling the Fire One brand as its pyro control system and fea- turing it on the Ultratec website, www. ultratecfx.com. 2010 AUGUST PLSN 5 5-17+ CVR.100.1008.indd 5 8/2/10 12:10 PM NEWS PROJECTION LIGHTS & STAGING NEWS Tent Collapse Injures Six; Frampton/Yes Shows Rescheduled continued from cover David Beerley, marketing and promo- increased, but that, “in an instant, this down- Andrew Wine told the newspaper that he broke his leg. tions manager for the staging company, PM shear came and it went down to the ground.” had shouted for everyone to get out before The Peter Frampton/Yes tour, which is Productions, told the Oklahoman that the About 15 crew members were under the pushing another crew member out of the being supported by Bandit Lites, resumed tent poles were secure as winds and rains tent at the time. Hospitalized crew member way when the tent pole swung around and July 9 at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles. TLS Supports International Ballet Competition Lighting Design JACKSON, MS — n ei Theatrical Lighting t s l Systems, Inc. (TLS/ e k n Mississippi) recently fi d helped light the an- r a nual USA Interna- ch tional Ballet Compe- f ri o tition (IBC). TLS’ Andy y s Prince, IBC LDs Bill E. te r Kickbush and Jared A. u o Sayeg using a mix of o c t conventional and LED o h fixtures. P Marcel Fairbairn ESTA Posts ACN Revisions Signs Agreement to for Public Review Distribute Coemar NEW YORK — BSR E1.17 — 201x, En- Gear in the U.S. tertainment Technology — Architecture for Control Networks, has been posted WELLINGTON, FL — Marcel Fairbairn, for review. The draft standard is a suite founder and president of Gear-Source, of documents that revise sections of the Inc. and GearSource.com, announced existing ANSI E1.17 — 2006. a sales and marketing agreement with The revisions, posted on ESTA’s web- Coemar. site at esta.org, include changes to the Fairbairn also announced that LED Device Description Language, the Ses- Source, a company he founded with VP sion Data Transport protocol, the De- and partner Gavin Cooper in 2005, will vice Management Protocol and to vari- exclusively distribute the Coemar LED ous EPIs. The revisions are being done range. to correct errors and to add additional Fairbairn served as a shareholder and functionality to the standard. The review vice president of Coemar’s U.S. operations period runs through August 23. from 1999 to 2002. He has spent more ANSI E1.17-2006, Entertainment than 20 years in the entertainment light- Technology — Architecture for Control ing business, and started Gear-Source, Networks (ACN) is a suite of documents Inc. in 2002. that specifies an architecture, including Fausto Orsatti, vice president of sales protocols and language, that may be and marketing at Coemar, said the com- configured and combined with other pany was “thrilled by the coverage we will standard protocols to form flexible, net- gain through the experience of the Gear- worked audio, lighting, or other control Source team. It is a great opportunity to systems. It can be implemented on net- work with Marcel again and benefit from works that support UDP, IP, and related the access to market that he and his com- protocols. panies can uniquely provide our brand.” PRG Distribution North America Announces Agreements with Chainmaster, Eurotruss DALLAS — PRG Distribution North product line includes motors (from 1/4 America announced separate partner- to 12 ton), control boxes (2 to 32 chan- ship agreements in North America, Mex- nels), XYZ computer control for large ico, Central America and South America jobs and trolleys. with electric chain hoist manufacturer Eurotruss has been manufacturing Chainmaster and truss manufacturer Eu- truss since 1993 and was the first to im- rotruss. plement the conical connection system. Manufacturing motors for the en- Their wide range of aluminum truss sys- tertainment industry since 1993, Chain- tems covers all aspects of the entertain- master introduced the first variable ment industry. speed VarioLift motor in 1998. Their 6 PLSN AUGUST 2010 5-17+ CVR.100.1008.indd 6 8/2/10 12:10 PM NEWS PROJECTION LIGHTS & STAGING NEWS 2010 Parnelli Awards Welcomes Returning, New Sponsors By Kevin M. Mitchell LAS VEGAS — As the Parnelli Awards Staging, Harman Professional (AKG, BSS, tributors of the entertainment lighting in- artists that have worked with the profes- enter their second decade, more industry Crown, dbx, JBL, Soundcraft), Media Vi- dustry,” says Philips Entertainment’s Bob sionals is always entertaining and exclu- leaders are stepping up to support the sions, Precise Corporate Staging (PCS), Schacherl. sive.” one evening a year dedicated to applaud- Sennheiser/K-Array/Neumann, Sound Powersoft’s Blecher adds that he “Honoring our most talented profes- ing, honoring, and awarding the very best Image, Strictly FX, Tannoy/Lab.gruppen, wants to be there when the careers are sionals is only possible with the sponsors’ in the live event industry. Tomcat, Tour Tech East and Yamaha/NEXO. celebrated. “This event is the one that support, and we are excited that these “This promises to be the best show Silver sponsors include: Chauvet, Litt- makes me feel great to be part of the in- companies are playing such an active role yet, and we’re grateful for our returning lite, Powersoft, Screenworks NEP, Sound- dustry.” in what has become a rich tradition,” adds sponsors, and thrilled at the new ones Broker.com and Syncrolite. Production “The event is one of a kind,” Daktron- Parnelli Awards executive producer Lowe. joining us in celebrating what we do,” said partners are On Stage Audio, PRG, Stage ics’ Linde sums up. “The number of pas- “To see this kind of generosity from such Terry Lowe, PLSN/FOH publisher and ex- Crew, Techni-Lux and Technical Produc- sionate, creative professionals together a rich and varied collection of compa- ecutive producer of the Parnelli Awards. tions, Inc. in one room, sharing stories, accomplish- nies is a testimonial to the legacy we are The Parnelli Awards Board of Advisors “The Parnelli Awards are a great forum ments and planning the future is exhila- building on.” announced sponsors of the 10th annual for recognizing the leaders and key con- rating. The ‘toast’ style video from the Parnelli Awards, set for the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas on Oct. 22, 2010. Of the 16 con- firmed Gold sponsors, four are new and three upgraded from Silver sponsorships last year. There are also six confirmed Sil- ver sponsors and five Production Partner sponsors. The new Gold sponsors for the 2010 Parnelli Awards include Daktronics, Me- dia Visions, Philips Entertainment, and Sennheiser/Neumann/K-Array. All Access Staging & Production, Tannoy/Lab.grup- pen and Yamaha/NEXO are upgrading to Gold this year from Silver sponsorships last year. Powersoft also joins the 2010 roster of sponsors as a Silver sponsor. “With the massive amounts of pro- duction, prepping, and logistics that go into bringing a show to life, the Parnelli Awards offers us an opportunity to rec- ognize the heroes that are performing behind the scenes,” says Robb Blumenre- der, Sennheiser/Neumann/K-Array Indus- try team manager. “The winners of these awards are recognized as leaders in the industry, working toward the perfect ex- ecution of a flawless performance for au- diences throughout the world; naturally, Sennheiser is extremely proud to be a part of their success. It is through these industry leaders that we are able to con- tinuously innovate and perfect our craft in electro-acoustic design, systems, and services.” For Powersoft vice president and director of business development Ken Blecher, the awards mean a lot to him personally: “It’s absolutely incredible, and there’s nothing like it,” he says of the Parnellis. “It’s real and it’s down to earth. It’s about honoring real people who have defined the next level of the touring in- dustry.” “The Parnelli Awards give industry pioneers the recognition they deserve, encouraging industry growth, sparking the creative nerve and the drive to reach greater feats in the years ahead,” says Myron Linde, mobile and modular video group manager of Daktronics, also one of the new sponsors this year. “As a video products manufacturer, we look to these pioneers for a true testament of the road ahead and commit ourselves to develop- ing the best products and solutions to help get our clients there successfully. We are honored to support the awards and the future of the industry. Daktron- ics is proud to help honor the best in the business and we are committed to the research and development of products and solutions that will aid in the progres- sion of the industry and those that make it tick.” Additional Gold sponsors include: All Access Staging & Production, Branam Enterprises, Brown United, Dedicated 2010 AUGUST PLSN 7 5-17+ CVR.100.1008.indd 7 8/2/10 12:10 PM

Aug 27, 2010 David John Farinella, Steve Jennings,. Morgan Loven . David Beerley, m arketing and promo- .. ager, and Mik Auckland, David Proctor, Da-.
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