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1 0 1 0 2 T R O P E E R R N O E IS N R N E I O V H T I S T IL I G N A N E U I L A V E Parcourir L’Europe Sandra Ungemach-Bensaid, Jeanne Geoffroy, Daniel Poulenard 28 Avenue Léon Blum 31500 Toulouse/France www.reseau-parcourir.eu In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 0: INTRODUCTION/METHOD .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 MED PROGRAMME ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE METHOD .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 AUDIT OF USE OF EVALUATION TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 PART 1: THE INTERREG IV MED PROGRAMME IN PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................ 9 PERSPECTIVE, ISSUES AND COOPERATION AREA ......................................................................................................................................... 10 definition of the cooperation area ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 PERSPECTIVE, GOVERNANCE AND IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................................................ 12 The 2000-2006 legacy .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Challenges facing the MED programme since 2006-2007. ..................................................................................................................... 13 Response to the challenges ................................................................................................................................................................. 13 PART 2: PROGRAMME EVALUATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 ANALYSIS OF PROGRAMME LOGICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 State of implementation of Programme................................................................................................................................................. 18 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 36 BENCHMARKING COMPONENTS (RATING) ............................................................................................................................................................. 37 Methodological rating principle ............................................................................................................................................................. 37 Analysis of questions submitted for rating ............................................................................................................................................. 40 conclusions ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 PART 3: PROJECT EVALUATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 45 REMINDER OF METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................................................... 46 OVERVIEW OF PROJECT SELECTION ............................................................................................................................................................. 46 CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS BY TYPOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................. 47 INTERVIEW METHOD .................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Establishing a sample group of projects to be evaluated ....................................................................................................................... 49 Interview Methods ................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 ANALYSIS OF THE "PROJECT LIFE".................................................................................................................................................................... 55 ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59 ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 60 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61 PART 4: RECOMMANDATIONS’ SYNTHESIS ............................................................................................................................................ 62 METHOD REVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 63 THE OVERALL PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS .......................................................................................................................................... 63 ANALYSIS OF THE PROGRAMME-PROJECTS COHERENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 65 CAPITALISATION, MUTUALISATION, FEEDBACK ....................................................................................................................................................... 66 PROPOSALS, PRECONISATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 67 Proposed general organisation: programme management, project monitoring .................................................................................... 67 General recommendations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Short-term recommendation: Evaluating scenarios for using available funds in the last phase of programming ............................. 70 PART 5: ANNEXES.................................................................................................................................................................................. 72 GUIDES D’ENTRETIENS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 73 pROJETS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 aUTORITES NATIONALES ........................................................................................................................................................................ 75 stc /aug- JTS /MA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 77 INTERVIEWS LIST ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 81 In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 3 PART 0: INTRODUCTION/METHOD In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 4 MED PROGRAMME Programme agreed the 20th December 2007 by the European Commission: Eligible Regions Managing structures  Cyprus: the entire country  Managing Authority : Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur  France: 4 regions - Corse, Languedoc-Roussillon, Region Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes  Joint technical secretary : Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur  Greece : the entire country Region  Italy : 18 regions : Abruzzo, Apulia, Basilicata,  Liaison office between Med et ENPI CBC Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Mediterranean programmes : Valence Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise,  Liaison office between the programme and IPA Umbria, Piedmonte, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Veneto. partners : Thessalonique  Malta: the entire country  Certifying Authority : Caisse des dépôts et  Portugal : 2 regions - Algarve, Alentejo consignations  Slovenia: the entire country  Audit Authority : Commission Interministérielle de  Spain: 6 autonomous regions - Andalusia, coordination des contrôles Aragon, Catalonia, Balearic islands, Murcia, Valencia -  Monitoring Committee: representatives of each and the two autonomous cities - Ceuta and Melill Member States, MA, Audit Authority, Certifying  United-Kingdom : 1 region of economic Authority, representatives from liaison offices, and programming - Gibraltar economic abd social partners. Priority axes and financial allocation At the programme level : 256 million €, of which 193 millions are ERDF  Axe 1 : Strengthening innovation capacities : 77 millions €, of which 58 millions are ERDF  Axe 2: Protection of the environment and promotion of a sustainable territorial development: 87 millions €, of which 66 millions are ERDF.  Axe 3 : Improvement of mobility and territorial accessibility : 51 millions €, of which 38 millions are ERDF  Axe 4 : Promotion of a polycentric and integrated development of the Med space: 26 millions €, of which 19 millions are ERDF  Axe 5 : Technical assistance : 15 millions €, of which 12 millions are ERDF. In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 5 INTRODUCTION PRESENTATION The 2010 in itinere evaluation report represents the second stage of the 2010 evaluation work. The first stage was carried out internally with the programme bodies to define the method and terms of reference. This report constitutes the first deliverable for dissemination. In mid-2011 a further document shall set out specifications for the implementation of the recommendations presented in the fourth part of this report. The work of evaluation started in February 2010 and the following tasks have been completed: Production of evaluation guidelines March April 2010 Documentary analysis of the programme documents and the two calls for February June 2010 projects (2008 and 2009) and benchmarking. Production of a "Programme authorities" maintenance guide May 2010 Discussions with the authorities in charge of the programme. May - September 2010 Production of the list of projects to assess and an interview guide June 2010 Interviews (Traditional projects only) September 2010 - January 2011 JTS/MA Interviews December 2010 - January 2011 Drafting of evaluation report December 2010 - February 2011 Working notes were produced during this first evaluation period May 2010 - July 2011 In parallel with this, the evaluation team took part in transnational meetings during the whole period, including the ones dedicated to the Strategic projects (Santorini, Chania, Thessalonica, Marseille, and Madrid). Implementation of evaluation work, progress and limitations: The evaluation work is fitted to the implementation schedule of the program. Given the launch period for the first call for Strategic project submissions, the projects from the first two calls for Traditional projects were assessed. During 2011, the Strategic projects shall be assessed. The visits to the projects’ partners and lead partners were, globally very much welcomed. The project interviews required more time than initially anticipated (from September 2010 to January 2011) . Some projects were late in launching their transnational activities. For this reason, the evaluation team prioritised interviews with the leaders and some partners. Participation in transnational activities have benn partially postponed untill 2011. The analysis devoted to the rating of projects shall be carried out in 2011 for Traditional and Strategic projects. In 2011 specific evaluations regarding categories of projects, partners or results may be carried out at the request of the programme's managing authorities. We are extremely grateful for the availability of the persons met during this first, 2010, stage of the in itinere evaluation and their welcome In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 6 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE METHOD GOALS OF THE EVALUATION: IN ITINERE STRATEGIC EVALUATION (CE DOC 5) The terms of reference, as well as our proposal, make refer to the recommendations of CE Doc 5 concerning the in itinere strategic evaluation and, in particular, to the following points • Macroeconomic impact of Structural Funds • Relevance and consistency of strategies at national/regional level • Proposals for adjustments of context • Thematic and strategic targeting • Inventory of good practice • Impact indicators • Other means of achieving the impact sought (rating) As the evaluation process is anticipated to take 36 months, we have methodologically and chronologically set specific goals for our initiative: – Main stages of the evaluation process • 2010: overview • 2011: strategic adjustments • 2012: monitoring and audit OUR WORKING ASSUMPTIONS Our method is focussed on the following points: • Importance of taking project evaluation into account during the process of Programme evaluation: project typology, state of progress etc. This implies doing a cross-evaluation: – Between programme and projects, – Resulting from different perspectives of the beneficiaries of the programme, national bodies, the MA (Managing Authority) and the JTS (Joint Technical Secretariat) • Rating projects: comparison of the sample of projects with: – MED Programme "atypical" projects – Similar projects outside the MED Programme • Putting the evaluation in context: – Analysing the Programme environment, mainly at the level of regional, national and European reference policies – Comparing the Programme governance regime with similar programmes in terms of territorial cooperation or thematic targeting. The domain of in itinere evaluation covers the analysis of projects and of the Programme, across three distinct themes included in our approach (Programme/projects different perspectives):  Evaluation of projects (Traditional/Strategic): As the programme can mainly be assessed through its principal outputs, i.e. the MED projects, an essential part of the evaluation shall be concentrated on the processes of project selection and implementation  Programme Governance: Our cross-disciplinary approach enables a comparison between the selection and implementation process of projects in one section, the visions and decision-making process of Programme bodies concerning its implementation.  Communications and capitalisation of projects and of the Programme constitute the third pillar of our themes of evaluation In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 7 Overall evaluation methodology Evaluation team Analysis Analysis Process Opinions Projects & organisation Goals Relevance Consistency Consistency Relevance Interviews Cross-evaluation Interviews Programme Programme & Project partners instances projects Performance Intervention approach Benchmarking Rating Reference Reference programmes and documents(Program policies (local, me, territorial, Reference projects and national, thematic) players (stakeholders, key transnational) players, other types of project) AUDIT OF USE OF EVALUATION TOOLS The work of evaluation was based on two elements:  The proposal drafted in the context of the call for tenders. A series of evaluation tools were proposed  The available Programme components and development of the Programme implementation schedule made it necessary to adapt the tools initially proposed. We have deliberately described each tool and method used at the beginning of each Section of this Evaluation Report, rather than commenting on them here. Proposal of assignment provision Problems encountered Adapting the use of tools in the first evaluation tools (Service 5: phase of the evaluation Performance of evaluations of the 2010 and 2012 Programme) Analysis of call for projects procedures None Performed for 2008 and 2009 calls for projects Analysis of decision-making process None Performed Analysis of national and transnational None Performed structures and bodies Analysis of allocated resources Absence of suitable documents Evaluation chart proposed by the current evaluation team Cost analysis Collection of sources to be Collection of documents to be carried completed out Producing a set of indicators Collection of sources to be In progress completed Selection and analysis of reference None Performed for this evaluation documents Contacting people Difficulty organising meetings with Carried out for the projects from June project workers/eployees due to 2010 their lateness in starting activities (2nd call) In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 8 Implementation 2010 (according to project evaluation dates) cf. evaluation proposal MA interviews Change to initial schedule Interview carried out at end of first stage of evaluation National Authorities interviews Change to initial schedule Carried out first in order to have an analysis of the general perception of the Programme and to prepare project evaluations. Increase in the number of interviews from that in the initial proposal JTS interviews Change to initial schedule Carried out after the project interviews to facilitate correlation of information. Correlation of project evaluations None Performed Documentary analysis None Performed Initial evaluation report including Change to initial schedule For a complete 2010 evaluation in compiling project data compliance with the goal, the production of the report was put back in order to have the returns of all project interviews and of the Programme. Service 4 cf. assignment Included cf. Assignment tender Problems encountered and tender "Production of change to performance methodological tools" Proposals document Description of issues, underlying assumptions, Presentation to the Monitoring evaluation principles Committee, Chania June 2010 Setting evaluation goals Courses of action to achieve these goals Project evaluation materials Memorandum of reference documentation Carried out (Traditional Sampling projects only) interviews were, Evaluation chart as a priority, targeted on the Lead partner interview guide lead partners Partners questionnaire Activity/site visit audit sheet Programme evaluation Memorandum of reference documentation Completed except for chart of materials Indicators chart indicators in progress Interview guide Interview audit sheet Initial projects evaluation Summary of projects evaluation campaign: description Information included in the report of projects, possible lines of development, analysis of 2010 report because of delay project/Programme connections due to the time taken for project interviews Initial Programme evaluation Interview summary sheets Ditto report Summary of the evaluation campaign: projects evaluation return, possible lines of development, analysis of project/Programme impressions etc. Advice note Summary note analysing the projects and Programme Note summarising evaluation campaigns: context analysed, recommendations presented recommendations for amendments and/or corrections to the Monitoring Committee, Valencia, February 2011 2010 Report Summary of approach followed Submission early March 2011 Summary tables and diagrams Documentary appendices (methodology guide, standard tools, projects/Programme evaluation charts) In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 9 PART 1: THE INTERREG IV MED PROGRAMME IN PERSPECTIVE In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011 10 PERSPECTIVE, ISSUES AND COOPERATION AREA DEFINITION OF THE COOPERATION AREA 2000-2006 2 distinct programmes, MEDOCC and ARCHIMEDES, in the same cooperation area, aiming to bring together adjacent non- member states or adjacent candidate countries, essentially in the east and south. 2007-2013 the 2 areas brought together in one and the same programme, the dual purpose of which is to bring together pre- accession assistance countries (IPA €199 900 000 - Balkans) in coordination with € 79.536.208 ENPI MED (southern Mediterranean shore) The problem to be solved for this INTERREG cooperation area is one of the most complex for the EU 27, exceeding the complexity which all previous programmes have attempted to address: The first difficulty is that the cooperation area is located in a zone of major geopolitical and economic issues exceeding the scope of the objectives of an INTERREG programme. Unlike in certain contact areas with non- member states such as the Baltic, for example, major transformations and differences are involved here. For example, the ex-ante evaluation of the Archimedes programme in 2001 concluded that the only two common issues between the countries of the northern shore and the others were the environment and culture! The second difficulty which is specific to the MED programme lies in the geographical extent of the cooperation area. The diversity of territories and socio-economic situations between Member States emerges as soon as we go beyond the phase of analysing the major indicators. The previous programmes have dealt with this issue for each programming period. The intermediate MEDOCC evaluation included annexes to measure developments since the start of the programme. The analysis instruments available in the Operational Programmes (OPs) are either too simplistic (such as the SWOT analysis) or out of date (ESDP1). The MEDOCC programme was the last to make significant reference to this work. The third difficulty is in what lies ahead. What types of work can support the OP in building realistic operational objectives. Work is currently in hand (ESPON or example) or is continually in operation, such as EUROSTAT statistics. These types of work have been little used so far. For its part, the INTERACT programme addresses the need to analyse good practices and to establish links between programmes and between projects. Conversely, it makes little contribution to the issue of the territorial impact of the programme. 1 European Spatial Development Perspective In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011

In itinere evaluation Programme MED Parcourir- 09/2011. 1. E managing the previous MEDOCC and Archimedes programmes (ex-ante and environmental
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