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Double Transverse-Spin Asymmetries for Small-Q_T Drell-Yan Pair Production in p\bar{p} Collisions PDF

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Preview Double Transverse-Spin Asymmetries for Small-Q_T Drell-Yan Pair Production in p\bar{p} Collisions

Double Transverse-Spin Asymmetries for Small-Q Drell-Yan Pair Production T in pp¯ Collisions Hiroyuki Kawamura and Kazuhiro Tanaka† 9 ∗ 0 0 DepartmentofMathematicalSciences,UniversityofLiverpool,LiverpoolL693BX,UK ∗ 2 †DepartmentofPhysics,JuntendoUniversity,Inba,Chiba270-1695,Japan n a Abstract. We discuss the double-spin asymmetries in transversely polarized Drell-Yan process, J calculatingall-ordergluonresummationcorrectionsuptothenext-to-leadinglogarithmicaccuracy. 9 This resummation is relevant when the transverse-momentum Q of the produced lepton pair is 1 T small,andreproducesthe(fixed-order)next-to-leadingQCDcorrectionsuponintegratingoverQ . T ] Theresummationcorrectionsin pp¯-collisionbehavedifferentlycomparedwith pp-collisioncases, h andaresmallatthekinematicsintheproposedGSIexperiments.Thisfactallowsustopredictlarge p valueofthedouble-spinasymmetriesatGSI,usingrecentempiricalinformationonthetransversity. - p Keywords: Transversity,Drell-Yanprocess,Antiprotons,Softgluonresummation e PACS: 12.38.-t,12.38.Cy,13.85.Qk,13.88.+e h [ 1 The double-spin asymmetry in Drell-Yan (DY) process with transversely-polarized v protons and antiprotons, p p¯ l+l X, for azimuthal angle f of a lepton measured in ↑ ↑ − 8 therest frameofthedileptonl+→l withinvariantmassQ andrapidityy, is givenby 9 − 7 .2 A = ds ↑↑/dw −ds ↑↓/dw D Tds /dw = cos(2f )(cid:229) qe2qd q(x1,Q2)d q(x2,Q2)+··· , 1 TT ds /dw +ds /dw ≡ ds /dw 2 (cid:229) e2q(x ,Q2)q(x ,Q2)+ 0 ↑↑ ↑↓ q q 1 2 ··· 9 (1) 0 where dw dQ2dydf , the summation is over all quark and antiquark flavors with v: d q(x,Q2)a≡ndq(x,Q2)beingthetransversityandunpolarizedquark-distributionsinside i a proton, and the ellipses stand for the corrections of next-to-leading order (NLO) and X higher in QCD perturbation theory. The scaling variables x represent the momentum r 1,2 a fractions associated with the partons annihilating via the DY mechanism, such that Q2 =(x P +x P )2 =x x S and y=(1/2)ln(x /x ), where S =(P +P )2 is the CM 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 energy squared of p p¯ . In the proposed polarization experiments at GSI [1], moderate ↑ ↑ energies, 30 . S . 200 GeV2, allow us to measure (1) for 0.2 . Q/√S . 0.7, and probetheproductofthetwoquark-transversitiesinthe“valenceregion”.Recently,QCD correctionsin(1)atGSIkinematicshavebeenstudied:theNLO(O(a ))corrections[2] s aswellasthehigherorderonesintheframeworkofthresholdresummation[3]arerather small,so thattheLOvalueofA ,which turnsoutto belarge, isratherrobust. TT When the transverse momentum Q of the final l+l is also observed, we ob- T − tain the new double-spin asymmetry as the ratio of the Q -differential cross sections, T A (Q ) [D ds /dw dQ ]/[ds /dw dQ ].Thebulkofl+l pairisproducedatsmall TT T T T T − Q Q, w≡here the cross sections (D )ds /dw dQ receive large perturbative correc- T T T tion≪swithlogarithmsln(Q2/Q2) multiplyinga at each order, by therecoil from gluon T s radiations,andthosehavetobetreatedinanall-orderresummationinQCD[4].Thecor- responding “Q -resummation” has formally some resemblance to the threshold resum- T mation[3],butembodiescontributionsfromdifferent“edgeregion”ofphasespace.The Q -resummation for D ds /dw dQ has been derived recently [5], summing the corre- T T T spondinglargelogarithmsuptonext-to-leadinglogarithmic(NLL)accuracy.Combined withthatfords /dw dQ [4], weget [6](b 2e gE withg theEulerconstant) T 0 − E ≡ A (Q )= cos(2f )R d2b eib·QTeS(b,Q)(cid:229) qe2qd q(x1,b20/b2)d q(x2,b20/b2)+···, (2) TT T 2 R d2b eib·QTeS(b,Q)(cid:229) qe2qq(x1,b20/b2)q(x2,b20/b2)+··· where the numerator and denominator are, respectively, reorganized in the impact pa- rameter b space in terms of the Sudakov factor eS(b,Q) resumming soft and flavor- conserving collinear radiation, while the ellipses involve the remaining contributions of the O(a ) collinear radiation, which can be absorbed into the exhibited terms as s d q D C d q, q C q+C g using the corresponding coefficient func- T qq qq qg tion→s (D )C ;⊗note tha→t there⊗is no “chir⊗al-odd” gluon distribution to participate in the T ij numerator of (2) as well as (1). Using universal Sudakov exponent S(b,Q) with the first nonleading anomalous dimensions in (2), the first three towers of large logarith- miccontributionstothecrosssections,a nlnm(Q2/Q2)/Q2 (m=2n 1,2n 2,2n 3), s T T are resummed to all orders in a , yielding the NLL resummation. I−n addit−ion to t−hese s resummed components relevant for small Q , the ellipses in (2) also involve the other T termsofthefixed-ordera , which treat theLO processes in thelarge Q region,so that s T (2) is the ratio of the NLL+LO polarized and unpolarized cross sections. We include a Gaussian smearing as usually as S(b,Q) S(b,Q) g b2, corresponding to intrinsic NP → − transverse momentum of partons inside proton. The integrations of the NLL+LO cross sectionsD ds /dw dQ andds /dw dQ overQ coincide,respectively,withthe(fixed- T T T T order)NLOcross sectionsD ds /dw and ds /dw , associatedwith A of(1)[5, 6]. T TT The resummation makes 1/b Q the relevant scale in (2), in contrast to Q in T (1). Figure 1 shows [6] the nume∼rical evaluation of (2), as well as of D ds /dw dQ T T associated with its numerator, at GSI kinematics using the NLO transversities that saturate the Soffer bound, 2d q(x,m 2) q(x,m 2)+D q(x,m 2), at a low scale m with D q the helicity distribution. The NLL re≤summed component dominates D ds /dw dQ T T in small and moderate Q region, and similarly for ds /dw dQ reflecting universality T T of the large Sudakov effects, which leads to almost constant A (Q ), in particular, TT T with even flatter behavior than the corresponding asymmetry [5] for the pp-collision case. Remarkably, A (Q ) at NLL+LO has almost the same value as that at LL; TT T this is in contrast to the pp case where the resummation at higher level enhances the asymmetry [5]. We note that A (Q ) at LL is given by (2) omitting all nonleading TT T corrections, i.e., omitting the ellipses, replacing S(b,Q) by that at the LL level, and replacingthescaleofthepartondistributionsasb2/b2 Q2,sothattheresultcoincides with A at LO (see (1)). Therefore, at GSI, bot0h A→(Q ) and A are quite stable TT TT T TT when including the QCD (resummation and fixed-order) corrections, with A (Q ) TT T A (0),and ≃ TT A (Q ) A . (3) TT T TT ≃ To clarify the relevant mechanism, A (Q ) A (0) allows us to consider the TT T TT ≃ Q 0 limit of (2): for Q 0, the b integral is controlled by a saddle point b=b , T T SP → ≈ 0.8 40 3V] (a) NNLLLL+LO (b) dQ [pb/GeT00..46 LLLO mmetry [%]2300 fdyd Asy NLL+LO 2Q NLL d0.2 10 LL / LO sd T D 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Q (GeV) Q (GeV) T T FIGURE1. (a)D ds /dw dQ (b)A (Q )withGSIkinematics,S=210GeV2,Q=4GeV,y=f = T T TT T 0,andwithg =0.5GeV2,usingtheNLOtransversitydistributionsthatcorrespondtotheSofferbound. NP whichhasthesamevaluebetweenthenumeratoranddenominatorin(2)suchthat[5,6] A (0) cos(2f )(cid:229) qe2qd q(x1,b20/b2SP)d q(x2,b20/b2SP) , (4) TT ≃ 2 (cid:229) e2q(x ,b2/b2 )q(x ,b2/b2 ) q q 1 0 SP 2 0 SP omitting the small corrections from the LO components involved in the ellipses in (2). This saddle-point evaluation is exact at NLL accuracy; in particular, the O(a ) contri- s butions from the coefficients (D )C , e.g., C g associated with gluon distribution, T ij qg ⊗ completely decouple as Q 0 (see [4, 5]). The simple form of (4) is reminiscent of T A of (1) at LO, but is dif→ferent from the latter in the unconventional scale b2/b2 ; TT 0 SP the actual position of the saddle point implies b /b 1 GeV, irrespective of the 0 SP ≃ values of Q and g [5, 6]. In the valence region relevant for GSI kinematics, the u- NP quarkcontributiondominatesin(4)and(1),sothattheseasymmetriesarecontrolledby the ratio, d u(x ,m 2)/u(x ,m 2) with m 2 = b2/b2 and Q2, respectively. Actually the 1,2 1,2 0 SP scaledependenceinthisratioalmostcancelsbetweenthenumeratoranddenominatoras d u(x,b2/b2 )/u(x,b2/b2 ) d u(x,Q2)/u(x,Q2) (see Fig. 3 in [6]); this implies (3) at 0 SP 0 SP ≃ GSI.Notethatthisisnotthecasefor ppcollisionsbecauseofverydifferentbehaviorof thesea-quarkcomponentsundertheevolutionbetweentransversityandunpolarizeddis- tributions[5];indeedA (Q )>A atRHICandJ-PARC[5].Asimilarlogicapplied TT T TT to(2)alsoexplainswhyA (Q )at GSI areflatterthan in pp collisions. TT T Anotherconsequence of thesimilarlogicis that d u(x ,1 GeV2)/u(x ,1 GeV2) as 1,2 1,2 a function of x directly determines the Q- as well as S-dependence of the value of 1,2 (3) at GSI, through x = (Q/√S)e y. In Fig. 2, using the NLO transversity distribu- 1,2 ± tions corresponding to the Soffer bound, the symbols “ ” plot A (Q 1 GeV) of TT T △ ≃ (2)atNLL+LO[6].Thedashedcurvedrawstheresultusing(4);thissimpleformulain- deed workswell.Alsoplottedby thetwo-dot-dashedcurveisA of(1)at LO withthe TT transversitiescorrespondingtotheSofferboundatLOlevel,todemonstrate(3).TheQ- andS-dependenceoftheseresultsreflectthattheratiod u(x,1GeV2)/u(x,1GeV2)isan increasingfunctionofx.TheseresultsusingtheSofferboundshowthe“maximallypos- sible” asymmetry, i.e., optimisticestimate. A more realistic estimate of (2) (with Q T ≃ 1 GeV) and (4) is shown [6] in Fig. 2 by the symbols “ ” and the dot-dashed curve, respectively,withtheNLOtransversitydistributionsassu▽mingd q(x,m 2)=D q(x,m 2) at 50 50 %] 40 S=30GeV2 %] 40 S=210GeV2 [ [ y 30 y 30 r r et et m m 20 20 m m y y As 10 As 10 0 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 4 6 8 10 Q (GeV) Q (GeV) FIGURE2. Thedoubletransverse-spinasymmetriesatGSIasfunctionsofQwithy=f =0. a low scale m , as suggested by nucleon models and favored by the results of empirical fit for transversity [7]. The new estimate gives smaller asymmetries compared with the Soffer bound results, but still yields rather large asymmetries [6]. Based on (3), these resultsinFig. 2may beconsideredas estimateofA of(1). TT At present, empirical information of transversity is based on the LO global fit, us- ing the semi-inclusive DIS data and assuming that the antiquark transversities vanish, d q¯(x) = 0, so that the corresponding LO parameterization is available only for u and d quarks [7]. Fortunately, however, the dominance of the u-quark contribution in the GSI kinematics allows quantitative evaluation of A at LO using only this empirical TT information [6]: the upper limit of the error band for the u- and d-quark transversities obtainedbytheglobalfit[7]yieldsthe“upperbound”ofA shownbythedottedcurve TT in Fig. 2; using (3), this result may be considered also as estimate of A (Q ). In the TT T small Q region, our full NLL+LO result of A (Q 1 GeV), shown by “ ”, can be TT T ≃ ▽ consistentwithestimateusingtheempiricalLOtransversity,buttheseresultshaverather different behavior for increasing Q, because the u-quark transversity for the former lies slightly outside the error band of the global fit for x&0.3 [6]. Thus, in the large asym- metries to be observed at GSI, the behavior of A (Q ), A as functions of Q will TT T TT allowus todeterminethedetailedshapeoftransversitydistributions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thisworkwas supportedbytheGrant-in-AidforScientificResearch No.B-19340063. REFERENCES 1. V.Baroneetal.[PAXCollaboration],arXiv:hep-ex/0505054. 2. V.Barone,A.Caferella,C.Coriano,M.GuzziandP.G.Ratcliffe,Phys.Lett.B639,483(2006). 3. H.Shimizu,G.Sterman,W.VogelsangandH.Yokoya,Phys.Rev.D71,114007(2005). 4. J.C.Collins,D.E.SoperandG.Sterman,Nucl.Phys.B250,199(1985). 5. H.Kawamura,J.Kodaira,H.ShimizuandK.Tanaka,Prog.Theor.Phys.115,667(2006);H.Kawa- mura, J. Kodaira and K. Tanaka, Nucl. Phys. B777, 203 (2007); H. Kawamura, J. Kodaira and K.Tanaka,Prog.Theor.Phys.118,581(2007). 6. H.Kawamura,J.KodairaandK.Tanaka,Phys.Lett.B662,139(2008). 7. M.Anselminoetal.,Phys.Rev.D75,054032(2007);arXiv:0812.4366[hep-ph].

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