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Preview Doryopteris majestosa (Pteridaceae), a New Species from South America

American Forn Journal <)7(4):212-219 (2007) New Doryopteris majestosa Species (Pteridaceae), a from South America YESILYURT JOVITA ClSLINSKl TWO UK Royal Hotanic Gardens, Kow, Herbarium, Richmond, Surrey, 3AB, j.yesilviirtOrbgkow. org.uk — A now Ahstract. species of Doryopteris here described, illustrated and diagnostic characters is its new discussed. Materia] of the taxon, Doryopteris majestosa, been misinterpreted as lias Doryopteris nobilis as has features similar to such as the lamina architecture and large it it, fronds, but mainly having proliferous buds the base of the lamina amongst other differs in at characters. — Key Words. Cheilanthoideae, Doryopteris, Neotropical. Pteridaceae. South America During a revision of the genus Doryopteris Sm. (Yesilyurt, in preparation), J. detailed nomenklatura] studies were also carried out, taking into account ca. Among names 218 published within Doryopteris. these, Doryopteris nobilis (T. Moore) C. Chr. well known, probably because one of the largest species is it is of the genus, and several synonyms have been assigned to this taxon (Tryon. 1942). However, on checking synonyms and types, was noticed that its all it the names referred plants without proliferous buds the base of the lamina. to at The A-D) lamina and probably similarities of the architecture the size (Fig. 1, led misidentification. Moreover, Tryon (1942) stated that Doryopteris nobilis to \. is characterized by the usual presence of buds at the base of the blade. ,' ... name thereby applying the D. nobilis to what are considered here as two new distinct taxa. All specimens with buds therefore describe here as a I species, confirmed not only on morphological but also on the cytological evidence (Yesilyurt and Gibby, unpubl. Most of the terms used data). in this work follow Lellinger (2002). — Doryopteris majestosa C. Yesilyurt, sp. nov. TYPE. BRAZIL. Rio de J. J C. Yesilyurt 564, /. J, H. Labiak, 18/01/1999 (holotype SPF; isotype BM). 1-4. P. Figs. Moore) Doryopteris majestosa nov. D. nobilis Chr. sed sp. (T. C. affinis, gemmis gemmis ad basin laminae locatis (nee lamina carentibus), petiolo e indumento lamina adaxialiter pubescenti, ad basin laminae atque lereti, in venis maioribus densiore (nee oinnino sparsae) pilis differt. Rhizome decumbent; Plants occasionally rupicolous. scales terrestrial, lanceolate ovate-lanceolate, with sporadically dentate margin, light-brown. to and fronds dimorphic, sub-coriaceous, with proliferous buds Sterile fertile at the base of the lamina, adaxial surface with glandular hairs, usually DORYOPTERIS MAJESTOSA SOUTH AMERICA YESILYURT: IN 21 3 D c D Frond Fig. variation in Doryopteris. D. majestosa (A, B): A, sterile fronds; B, fertile fronds; 1. nobilis (C, D): C, sterile fronds; fertile fronds. I), concentrated base of lamina and extending along the axes; abaxial surface at glabrescent, indument of glandular hairs, microscales (simple and furcate) on brown the axes; veins anastomosing. Petiole terete to slightly sub-terete, to rarely dark brown, glabrescent, with hairs usually on the upper side of the petiole and more concentrated towards the base of lamina; scales same as those more of rhizome, concentrated the base of the petiole, those above scattered, at cm lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, usually caudate. Sterile fronds to 46 long; cm lamina to 29 long, sagittate, ovate-lanceolate to 3-5-lobate, occasionally pentagonal, pedate, usually broadly pinnatilobed, apex acute acuminate; to margin serrate with ascending teeth; hydathodes present. Fertile fronds to cm cm 80 long; lamina to 30 long, pentagonal, pedate to usually deeply 5- lobed, with 3-5 pairs of pinnae/segments, slightly ascending; apices acute to cm acuminate; sterile tips conspicuous, up to 1 long, with crenate to serrate margin; basal pinnae/segments pinnatifid deeply pinnatilobed, asymmetric, to AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER FERN JOURNAL: 214 97 4 (20G7) mm 0.5 cm i cm 0.5 '(Mlyitfc Doryopteis majestosa C. Yesilyurt [Yesilyurt 564 et SPF, holotype). A, habit; B, Fig. 2. a/., J. petiole indument: scales; C, sorus detail showing sporangia and indnsium; D, segment apex; E, now proliferous buds with plants; F, petiole indument: hairs; G, proliferous buds at lie base of the I lamina (adaxial surface). Drawings by the author. DORYOPTERIS MAJESTOSA SOUTH AMERICA YESILYURT: IN 215 SEM photomicrographs of Doryopteris spores. D. majestosa (A. Yesilyurt 564 et aL); D. Fig. 3. 542 & Prado, nobilis (B. Yesilyurt, C. /.). J. Distribution of Doiyopteris. D. majestosa: stars; D. nobilis: squares Fig. 4. AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 2 IB 4 (2007) 1)7 the basiscopic side being more developed and more dissected than the acroscopic broadly surcurrent; pinnae/segments predominantly side, distal lanceolate, rarely lobed, broadly sursumcurrent; inter-pinnae sinus inconspic- uous to broad, rounded; apex of the lamina long-acuminate, tapering. Sori along a marginal vascular commissure, continuous around sinuses; all receptacle and indusium continuous, indusium with margin sporan- entire; mm gium up to 0.4 long, with stalk almost same length as capsule; capsule basal inconspicuous absent); annulus with ca 15-17 indurated cell (to cells. Spores castaneous 30-35 (whitish), light cristate, (im. new The epithet given Doryopteris species specific: to this refers to its majestic appearance, due to the outstanding size and shape of the Fronds. The specimens mentioned here Doryopteris majestosa were previously as identi- fied as D. nobilis. Both species have similar lamina architecture (Fig. A-D). 1, much Doryopteris majestosa however a larger plant and has wider range of is a distribution than D. nobilis (Fig. can be distinguished from D. nobilis 4). It most easily by the presence of the proliferous buds the base of the lamina at New These buds (Fig. E, are also present in juvenile fronds. plants of 2, Ci). both species were grown from spores collected either from herbarium specimens from and were under same or the original plants cultivated the conditions about two years Chelsea Physic Gardens, London, UK. Buds for at the base of the lamina were always present in Doryopteris majestosa. at brown Furthermore, Doryopteris majestosa has dark red-brown, a to terete to sub-terete petiole with denser indument (ferrugineous hairs) especially towards the base of the lamina F-G); castaneous (whitish), (Fig. light 2, cristate spores (Fig. 3A) and pusbescent on both surfaces of the lamina on main and (Table especially the Cytological data (Yesilyurt Gibby, axis. 1), unpubl. data) also supports the distinction of both species; Doryopteris and majestosa triploid D. nobilis diploid. is Doryopteris majestosa widely South relatively distributed in east central is America (Fig. occurs in northeastern (Bahia), southeastern (Minas Gerais) 4). It and southwards southern Grande do occurs to Brazil (Rio Sul). also in It central west Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul), Paraguay, Argentina and southeast- ern Bolivia. Doryopteris majestosa occurs in different ecological habitats from the Atlantic, Parana pine (south Galery and secondary alongside Brazil), forests, mountains The streams, slopes of or usually along forest borders. species has when usually been found growing in rather large populations compared to genus do other species of the Doryopteris. Therefore, not believe the that I from any species suffers strong threat. — BRAZIL. Specimens examined. Bahia: Santos 4121 (US); M. Blanche! T. S. el al. Espirito Santo: A. Brade 18503 Rio de s.n. (G). C. et al. (RB). Janeiro: & Luetzenberg 12917 (M, M. Tryon A. Tryon 6620 (BM, GH); Bizzini B. S); C. 452 Brade 12709 Brade 9495 Minas Mosen (RB); A. (RB); A. (BM). Gerais: C. C. T 2082 M, (B, K, S); Santos 4121 (US); G. Lindberg 601 (B); Begnell 329 (BR, U); E. P. Heringer 5709 (M); L. S. Leoni 745 (UG). Sao Paulo: M. Kuhlmann 804 YFSILYURT: DORYOPTERIS MAJESTOSA SOUTH AMERICA IN 2 17 Main Table morphological 1. features to distinguish Doryopteris majestosa from D. nobilis. CHARACTERS majestosa D. D. nobilis buds Proliferous at the present (Fig. IE) absent base lamina of the Size of the fertile frond to 80, lamina up to 30 frond 55-60; lamina up 45 ii]) to frond (length in cm) Size of the sterile frond frond up to 46, lamina up 29 frond 35-40 lamina to long; 30 cm) (length in shape Petiole terete (rarely sub-terete), predominantly sulcate, towards (especially base of the lamina) Petiole colour brown to dark red -brown. red red-brown. to light indument Petiole pubescent (ferrugineous with hairs usually on the hairs, Fig. IF), with upper side of the petiole denser indument towards and more concentrated the base of the lamina towards the base of (Fig. 1G) and scales (Fig. IB) the lamina Indument on the adaxial pubescent, denser the puberulous at to glabrous, surface of the lamina base of the lamina, extending hairs scattered along on the main axes (Fig. 1G) the main axes Indument on the abaxial glabrescent, with glandular and glabrescent with surface of the lamina and hairs scattered microscales usually microscales along the axes concentrated the base at of the lamina Margin of sterile tips of predominantly serrate (Fig. ID) predominantly dentate lamina the fertile and/or margin of the lamina sterile Size of the sterile tips usually long (up cm) medium to short 1 to of the lamina mm) fertile ID) (Fig. (up to 0.7 Spores in light light castaneous (whitish), light castaneous (golden). microscope with cristate (cristae sparsely cristate (cristae (color en masse) threads) 3A) (Fig. lamellate) 3B) (Fig. SEM and Spore 30-35 size (in \xm) 27.5-30 Sporangium, up si to 0.4, with stalk almost up to 0.3, with stalk ca. 2/3 mm) same (in length as capsule of capsule length, Distribution (Fie. 4) in Brazil, from Bahia down only in Brazil, usually along to Rio Grande do Sul states, coastal rainforest, from towards Paraguay, Argentina Bahia Santa to .nid Bolivia Catarina states. Kuhlmann M. (SP); 1053 Duarte Hoehne (SP); C. s.n. (SP); F. C. s.n. (SP) H. Luederwaldt 21312 (SP); H. Luederwaldt (SPF); O. Yano 3663 s.n. (SP); F. Tamandare & A. C. Brade 6516 (SP); A. C. Brade 8599 (UC); Duarte 4979 (S); M. 400 (MO, PACA, M. R. Silva, SPF); R. Silva, 1571 (SPF); Guedes 72 (NY); M. VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 97 4 (2007) 218 Sehnem Mato Grosso do A. Albricht 130 (NY); A. B. Joly 841 (RB, SPF). Sul: (MBM, MO, PACA); 21520 Hatschbach G. 8063 (PACA). Parana: G. Guimaraes PACA, Hatschbach Hatschbach 24144 UC, US); G. 8r O. (C, S, Dusen Hatschbach 21520 (PACA, MO); P. 11621 (S); G. 19338 G. (C); O. S. Hatschba J & Lindenam Hass 3357 M. 109 H. (B, U); C. Ribas Silva (B); C. /. 8r /. J. J. Lindenam Hass 1219 (BM, RB, Lindenam Hass 4969 (GH, H. H. U); C. &•]. &>]. /. Perreira 5322 (B); Reis 129 (GH); A. C. Cervi 2536 (NY); A. P. Duarte 6- E. U); E. 7790 Kazera 168 (NY); Pereira Pereira 1678 (NY, RB); U. A. Dietrich Er C. E. Sehnem Tessman 26 Tessman 6026 (BR); B. 971 (NY); G. (RB); G. (M); A. /. & M. 436 UC); Poliquesi Pirani 406 (SPF); Cordeiro Silva (S, C. B. 8r /. et al. /. /. 6673 Cordeiro 304 (UC). Santa Catarina: M. Klein 7982 (PACA); Reitz Er Klein (BM); / (MO Grande do Smith 9614 (US). Rio Sul: A. H. Gauthier s.n. (RB); L. B. et al. Sehnem Sehnem 3574 PACA, 3576 Sehnem GH, A. 3330 US); A. (C); C, (B, 2186 {US); Leite J.E. J. J Lindman 1019 M. (B, S); C. / M Mackh Jneri>ens s.n. (B, L, Bambo Bambo 42096 41710 (RB). (RB); B. Ekman Herzog 26 Tablas-Thales: BOLIVA. Herzog T. T. 2 (US); E. L. (S). & 2143 M. UC). La Paz: Plowman E. W. Davis 5166 (GH); M. Kessler et al. T. (L. I 1000 (UC). al. Guarapi: Joergensen 4061 (GH). B. BM (MO) (MO); M. Ortiz 492 Caazapa: M. Ortiz 945 (MO); B. Degen 1295 (G). Penna-Chocarro 268 (BM) M. BM 4372 Maracayi: Hassler E. ( BM Woolston 707 (BM, NY, SP, U, Alto Paraguay: A. S, L. . & Molero GH, Casas UC). Alto Parana: K. Fiebrig 5796 (B, US). Itapua: F. /. J. 3738B (MO, NY); forgensen 4062 (MO, NY, UC); Bassualdo 002123 (MO); P. I. 7640 Gran Chaco: C A. M. Lindman 2077 (GH, NY); T. M. M. Foster (UC). S. 3390 Pedersem 5973 (GH); F. Billiet 8r B. Jardin (BR). Tucuman: ARGENTINA. G. Niedulein s.n. (B); E. Hassler 782 (G). /. E. Vemturi 9645 (GH, US); Montes 2446 (MO) F. 2918 Vemturi 1231 Vervoorst A. Cuezzo 7806c (GH); Lillo (GH); S. (U). B. Sr Mortes 1673 (BM, Mortes 10756 (MO); E. Mortes Missiones: C); E. E. /. /. /. MO) Huidabro 5540 (BM, Meyer 5498 (GH); / (BM,RB);/ Schuh (MO); A. G. Novara 9999 (M) /. (GH, US). YESILYURT: DORYOPTERIS MAJESTOSA SOUTH AMERICA IN 219 Acknowledgements am indebted I to all the curators, especially of several herbaria cited in this text, for making am who available the material studied. also grateful to Dr. R. Harley kindly corrected early I versions of the manuscript and made valuable suggestions; to Dr. R. Brummitt who dedicated his me expertise to discuss with several nomenclatural problems within the genus; Mrs. Melanie to Thomas for the Latin corrections and suggestions, and also to an anonymous reviewer. This paper Museum constitutes a portion of a Ph.D. project developed the Natural History (UK) at in conjunction with the University of Reading (UK) and partly also the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew at (UK). Literature Cited Modern Lellinger, D. B. 2002. Multilingual Glossary for Taxonomic Pteridology. N. Am. Fern 3. Soc, Inc. A Tryon, R. M. 1942. revision of the genus Doryopteris. Contrib. Gray Herb 143:1-80.

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