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Mem.S.A.It.Vol.75,282 (cid:13)c SAIt 2008 Memoriedella Doppler Tomography in Cataclysmic Variables: an historical perspective J. Echevarr´ıa1 2 1 0 InstitutodeAstronom´ıa,UniversidadNacionalAuto´nomadeMe´xico, 2 ApartadoPostal70-264,Me´xico,D.F.,Me´xicoe-mail:[email protected] n a J Abstract. Tomarkthe half-century anniversary of thisnewly-born fieldof Cataclysmic 5 Variables,aspecialemphasisismadeinthisreview,ontheDopplerEffectasatoolinas- 1 trophysics.TheDopplerEffectwasinfact,discoveredalmost170yearsago,andhasbeen since,oneof themost importanttoolswhichhelpedtodevelop modernastrophysics. We ] describeanddiscusshere,itsuseinCataclysmicVariableswhich,combinedwithanother R importanttool,thetomography,firstdevisedformedicalpurposes70yearsago,helpedto S devisetheastronomicalDopplerTomography,developedonlytwodecadesago.Adiscus- . sion is made since the first trailed spectra provided a one dimensional analysis of these h binaries; on the establishment of a 2D velocity profiling of the accretion discs; and unto p moderntechniques,whichincludeRocheTomography,timemodulationand3Dimaging. - o r Keywords.stars:cataclysmicvariables–Dopplertomography–spectroscopy t s a [ 1. Introduction ing binarieswe are able to obtaina fullset of 1 orbital parameters which include masses, ra- v Doppler (1842)publishedhismonographyber tios,orbitalseparationandinclinationangle. 5 dasfarbigeLichtderDoppelsterneundeiniger 7 andererGestirnedesHimmelstoexplainedthe Another important scientific result is the 0 changeincolourinbinarystarsandotherstars medicaltomograph,developedinthe1930sby 3 in the sky. Although not yet based in spec- the radiologist Vallebona, who use the tech- 1. tral line shifting, this triggered the works of nique of projectional radiography. The math- 0 Ballot in 1945 on sound waves, and that of ematical basis for the reconstruction of a to- 2 Fizeau in 1948 on electromagneticwaves and mographic image was established by Radon 1 thechangeoftheemittingfrequencyofanob- (1917). The idea, as the name suggests, is v: ject, as it approachesor recedes.The Doppler to use several slice images taken around an i effectis,withoutdoubtofthethemostimpor- object, and to reconstruct an image. Doppler X tanttoolsinmodernastrophysics.Particularly, Tomography would therefore be a technique r in the study of spectroscopic binary stars, the basedonthereconstructionofanobjectbased a DopplerEffectallowsustomeasureradialve- on doppler obtained, image slices, around an locitycurves,andthroughthem,calculatemass object. Contrary to medical scans, in binary ratiosandorbitalperiods,Inthecaseofeclips- starswetakeimageslices,asthetwostarsre- volveoneorbitalcyclearoundeachother,since Sendoffprintrequeststo:J.Echevarr´ıa we cannot go around them, like in the med- Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 283 ical scans. It is obvious that such stars have asymmetric components and in some cases, tobeshortorbitalperiodssystems,inorderto like RU Peg, the presence of numerous ab- obtain results in a reasonable period of time. sorption lines moving in anti-phase with the Interactivebinariesaresuchaclassofobjects. broademissionlines.Thebroademissionlines give, in particular, a first picture of the accre- tion disc, its extension and degree of symme- 2. DopplerTomographyof try, while the asymmetric or S-wave compo- CataclysmicVariables nent, show the behaviorof the hot spot in the disc,detectedinphotoelectriclightcurveslike Although we are concerned here with in the case of U Gem (Krzeminski 1965). In Cataclysmic Variables (CV’s), most of the thecaseofEYCyg,thesystemwasthoughtto results discussed in this review apply to be nearpole-onandit tookmanyyearsto de- interactivebinariesin general,i.e anyclassof tecttheperiodicradialvelocityvariationofits double stars in which an exchange of matter componentsEchevarr´ıaetal.(2007b). occurs. Doppler Tomography of Cataclysmic Variables should be understood as an image reconstruction of its components via the 2.2.1DTomography doppler shift of the emission or absorption lines, visible in their spectra, along an orbital Inastrictsense,anyslicesectionstakenaround period.Thisimageissubjecttointerpretation, anorbitalperiodshouldbeconsideredasato- sinceweareonlydealingwithradialvelocities mogram.Thisisthecaseofthesimplestanaly- and thereforewe have to make some assump- sisoftheoverallradialvelocitymeasurements tions about the location of the material in the of the binary components, which gives us a stars and around them. Furthermore, as its is verybasic,butfundamentalpictureofthesys- in mostcases,we donotknowtheinclination tem. This has been the basis for obtainingor- angle of the system and we observe only the bital periods and mass ratios. One of the first projectedvelocity. radial velocity picture was made by Joy in 1954 for AE Aqr as shown in Fig. 2. The or- bital period was overestimated by Joy, but its 2.1.Trailedspectra valuewaslatercorrectedbyPayne-Gaposhkin (1969). ThefirsttomogramsofCV’sare,inasense,the Radial velocity studies of CV’s have been earlytrailedspectraobtainedaroundthe1960s. akeystoneinmanyways.Theyhaveprovided AnexampleofthisisillustratedinFig.1. the basics for understanding their nature and varietyWarner(1995),aswellastheirforma- tionandevolutionRitter(2012). Fig.1.TrailedspectraofCataclysmicVariablesby Kraft(1962). The figure shows the photographic spec- tra ofseveralDwarfNovaeinquiescence,ob- tainedwiththeprime-focusofthe200-intele- scope.Theseimagesshow,visually,the move- Fig.2. The radial velocity semi-amplitude of the ment of broad emission lines, the presence of componentsofAEAqr.byJoy(1954). 284 Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 2.3.ClassicalTomography InthelateeightiesMarsh&Horne(1988)pro- posedamethodtoreconstructimagesofaccre- tion discs, basedon the profilesof theiremis- sion lines. These are two-dimensional maps in velocity space. Their proposed method, has been greatly successful. An extensive re- view can be found in Marsh (2001). An AtlasofDopplerTomographyforCataclysmic Variables can be found in Kaitchuck et al. (1994). An example of a velocity space image is shown in Fig. 3, for the Hα emission line in UGeminorumEchevarr´ıaetal.(2007a). Fig.4. Velocity map of U Geminorum in 2006 Echevarr´ıaetal.(2012b). cated in the forward face of the secondary, it is also possible that the emission comes from the L pointandhasrapidlyacquireda keple- 1 rianvelocity.ThisisunusualinUGem,aswe shouldhaveexpectedtoseethehotspotmuch further away, along the keplerian line, collid- ing with the disk to the left of the V axis. y However, at least in the case of the Balmer lines, the hot-spot appears to come, at times, from a mixture of disc and stream velocities Marshetal.(1990),oftenwithanaverageve- Fig.3. AnHαvelocitymapof UGemEchevarr´ıa locity between them. This is clearly the case, etal.(2007a)). showninFig.4,fromatomogramderivedfor UGem(Echevarr´ıaetal.2012b). This tomogram has the typical layout for a CV. The Roche Lobe of the secondary is 2.3.1. OntheBasicassumptions shown,aswellasthekeplerianandstreamtra- jectoriesofthe transferredmatter. Itisimpor- We also assume thatallthe visible materialis tant to stress out that in this representation in intheorbitalplane,whichmightnotbethereal space velocity, the inner disc corresponds to case,especiallyinpolars,wherethematerialis the outer geometricalboundary,while the ex- funneledintothewhitedwarfbythemagnetic ternal disc, at the higher velocities has a cut- poles,outsidetheorbitalplane.Theprinciples offattheboundarylayer.Itisthereforeneces- of standard Doppler Tomography have been sarytointerpretthismap,asthereisnotaone discussedby(Marsh2005).Someofthemare to one correspondence between velocity and obviously contravened, like polar flow, emis- space. As an example of this ambivalence we sion fromthe mass donorand systemsin out- pointoutat the positionof the hotspot in the bursts. Therefore,one has to be carefulin the diagram.Althoughthematerialseemstobelo- spatialinterpretationofanytomogram. Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 285 2.3.2. Achievements New discoveries have been achieved with DopplerTomography,whichincludethepres- ence of spiral structures in discs; bright-spots from the secondaries stars; missing discs in nova-like systems; as well as stream emis- sion in polars. The Dwarf Nova IP Peg, was the first system found to have a spiral- arm structure during their outbursts (Steeghs et al. 1997). Since this important discovery, this spiral structure has been detected in sev- eral systems. Among them are the nova-like V3885Sgr(Hartleyetal.2005)andUXUMa (Neustroev et al. 2011); WZ Sge during its Fig.6. Hβ tomogram of WZ Sge during super- 2001super-outburst(Babaetal.2002)(Fig.5) outburst taken on 2001, July 6 (Echevarr´ıa et al. and (Echevarr´ıa et al. 2012a) (Figs. 6 and 7); 2012a). and the dwarf nova U Gem during outburst (Groot2001).DuringquiescenceNeustroevet al. (2004) have found indications of a spiral structure in U Gem. Echevarr´ıa et al. (2012b) havealsofoundthat,atthisstage,UGemhas acomplexbehavior,includingspiralstructures asshownalsoinFig.8. Fig.7. HeII tomogram of WZ Sge during super- outburst taken on 2001, July 1-3 (Echevarr´ıa et al. 2012a). hancedmasstransferfromthesecondaryplays amajorroleintheeruption. Bright-spotsfromthesecondarystarshave been detected in several systems like U Gem Fig.5.HeIItomogramofWZSgeduringthe2001 (see Marsh et al. (1990);Unda-Sanzanaet al. super-outburstbyBabaetal.(2002). (2006); Echevarr´ıa et al. (2007a)); BY Cam (Schwarz et al. 2005), and OY Car in out- burst(Harlaftis&Marsh1996),amongothers Duringthe2001super-outburstofWZSge, (see also Harlaftis and Marsh and references evidence has been found by Patterson et al. therein).Theseemissionscanbeinterpretedin (2002)and Echevarr´ıaet al. (2012a)(see also somecasesasmasstransferseeingthroughthe Fig.7)thatthehot-spotincreasessubstantially. L , which collide with a large accretion disc, 1 AsremarkedbyPatterson,itispossiblethaten- producingahot-spotnearthelagrangianpoint 286 Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s white dwarf, as shown in Fig. 9 (Herna´ndez Santistebanetal.2012). Thecharacteristicsofthesystemindicates that this is a SW Sex type system rather than aUXUMaone.Bothclassificationsweresug- gestedbySingetal.(2007). Fig.8. Velocity map of U Geminorum in 2008 Echevarr´ıaetal.(2012b). (Echevarr´ıa et al. 2007a); or from irradiation onthesecondarystarbytheinnerdisc(Marsh 2001).AspointedoutbyHarlaftisandMarsh, the origin of this emission, coming from all type of stars and in differentstates, has yet to bedetermined. Fig.9. HeII velocity map of J0644 Herna´ndez In some nova-like stars there is little evi- Santistebanetal.(2012). denceofafullaccretiondisc,likeinUUAqr, V413Aql,V363Aur,ACCnc,VZScl,LXSer, SWSex,RWTriandSWUMa(seeKaitchuck Doppler tomogramsof polars have shown et al. (1994)). In some cases a ring is seen, unmistakablythepresenceofstream-likeflow butin manycasesthereis a largeblobof ma- unto the magnetic poles of the primary stars, terial only in the second and third quadrant like in HU Aqr (Heerlein et al. 1999) and of the disc or a dense blob near the location UZ For (Schwope et al. 1999). In the case of of the white dwarf. The high transfer rates in the asynchronouspolar BY Cam (Schwarz et nova-like systems is thought to be a proba- al.2005)acurtainemissionisratherdetected, ble cause of this, as the material is jettisoned whileinthesemi-polarV2306Cyg(Zharikov along the stream trajectory and returns to the et al. 2001) an accretion ring is observed, as discattheoppositedirectionofthesecondary well as hot-spots caused by the X-ray beam star, producing either the large blob, or cap- and from the interaction of the mass transfer tured in the vicinity of the white dwarf. Such isthecaseofJ0644+3344,anewlydiscovered stream,asshowninFig.10. eclipsing binary, classified as a CV by Sing We point out again, that what we see in et al. (2007) and discussed in these proceed- these tomogramsis aninterpretationof where ingsbyHerna´ndezSantisteban(2012).TheHα the observed material is in the geometrical and Hβ maps show a large blob around the space of the binary. As discussed, one of thirdquadrant.Thereisalsoevidenceofmate- theassumptionstoconstructclassicalDoppler rialnearthewhitedwarfinthe Hαtomogram Tomographyis to assume thatall the material and, as in other objects, HeII shows a strong is in the orbital plane, which evidently in po- and narrow emission near the vicinity of the lars,mightnotbethecaseatall! Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 287 (2007)andonRUPegbyDunfordetal.2001 (seeSmith(2012)). Fig.10. HβvelocitymapofV2306CygZharikov etal.(2001). Fig.11. Roche Tomography of AE Aqr from 2.4.RocheTomography Watsonetal.(2006). A tomographic application to study the sec- ondarystarsinCataclysmicVariablehasbeen developed in the last two decades. Roche Tomography(Rutten&Dhillon(1994);Smith (1995))use the absorptionlines profile which is interactively fitted to a grid of square spe- cificfluxeslyingonthesurfacethecriticalpo- tentialsurfacethatdefinesthe RocheLobe.A fullextentoftheprocedureandbasicassump- tionscanbefoundinDhillon&Watson(2001). Roche Tomographyfrom single line data like the Na I doublet, used in AM Her, IP Peg and QQ Vul (Watson et al. 2003),revealonly partial information such as irradiation Smith (2012). Similar results have been obtained in Fig.12. Roche Tomography of LTT 560 from HUAqrbytheseauthors,usingtheHeII4686 Tappertetal.(2011). emission line, and on EX Hya by Beuermann &Reinsch(2008)usingtheNaIdoubletinab- sorptionandemission,aswellasCaII8498in Although the Roche Tomography in emission. Cataclysmic Variables is a powerful tool to To detect spots on the secondary surface studythe secondarystars, it hasthe disadvan- many spectral lines are needed (Dhillon & tage, comparedto isolated or detached binary Watson 2001), using techniques such as the stars, that the accretion disc masks the signa- Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD), devel- tureoftheabsorptionlinesandtherefore,only oped for single rapidly rotating active stars large orbital period systems can be observed. (Donati et al. 1997). First results have been Forexample,basedontheRocheTomography obtained on AE Aqr by Watson et al. (2006) method by Rutten & Dhillon (1994) and the (see Fig. 11). The secondary star shows sev- LSDanalysis,Tappertetal.(2011)havefound, eral large, cool star-spots and the presence of inthedetachedpost-commonenvelopebinary a large,high-latitudespot,similarto thatseen LTT 560, that a large area of the secondary inrapidlyrotatingisolatedstars.Similarresults staronitsleadingsideiscoveredbystarspots, havebeenobtainedonBVCenbyWatsonetal. asshowninFig.12. 288 Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 2.5.Modulatedand3-Dimensional eral in astrophysics, a discovery made more Tomography thatacenturyandahalfyearsago.Combined with another important tool, the tomography, New applications of Doppler Tomography devised for medical purposes during de mid- have been developed. Among them, time dle of the last century, Doppler Tomography modulated as well as three-dimensional (3D) hasbeendevisedforCataclysmicVariablesre- Doppler Tomography.Steeghs (2003) has ex- cently. A discussion was made, starting from tended the classical tomography to a modu- thefirsttrailedspectratotheestablishmentofa lated emission line tomography by relaxing 2Dvelocityprofilingoftheaccretiondiscsand the requirement that the material is visible at unto other techniques, which involve Roche all times and allowing the mapping of time- Tomographyofthesecondarystars,timemod- dependentemission sources.He hasapplieda ulated and 3D imaging tomography of the new code to IP Peg during outburst and finds discs. (seeFig.13)thattheasymmetrictwo-armdisc modulatesstronglyintermsofitssineandco- sineamplitudes. 4. Questions Question:DmitryKononov As you state, I understand that the bright spotincreaseduringtheoutburstduetothein- crease mass transfer rate. But don’t you sup- pose that it may happendue to the redistribu- tionoftheintensitywhenthealmostdestroyed discbecomesfainterandmostofthecontribu- tiontothetomogramisfromtheshocks. Answer:Echevarr´ıa ItisthecaseinWZSgethatawellformed discstillremainsnearthepeakoftheoutburst, nearly 10 days after maximum as shown in Fig. 7. This tomogram was constructed from spectra taken on 2001, 1-3 of July and three Fig.13. Modulated Tomography of IP Peg from days later, on July 6, the system still shows a Steeghs(2003). spiralstructureasshowninFig.6. Question:DmitryBisikalo Agafonovetal.(2006)havealsodeveloped Couldyoucommentontheperspectivesof a three-dimensional (3D) tomography by re- 3Dtomography? laxing, this time, the requirement that all the Answer:Echevarr´ıa materialisallintheorbitalplane,thusexplor- The method has provedto be effective for ing the z-axial dependance. They find a high very well know high inclinations systems. It velocitystreamacrosstheorbitalplaneforthe has yet to be seen if it can be applied other Algol-type system U CrB which has a well systems as well. The adjustment of a stretch- know high inclination angle. Richards et al. ingeffect,specificallyageneraldeconvolution (2010)have also foundevidenceofoutof the of the image along the z-direction, presents a planeflowforthesystemRSVul. significantconstraintonthefullreconstruction ofthe3Dimage. 3. Conclusions We have reviewed, Doppler Tomography in Acknowledgements. Partofthisworkhasbeendone Cataclysmic Variables, making a special em- with observations supported by the grant from phasis on the DopplerEffect as a tool in gen- DGAPAIN122409. Echevarr´ıa:TomographyinCV’s 289 References MarshT.R., 2005,Ap&SS,296,403 Marsh, T.R., & Horne, K., 1988, MNRAS, Agafonov, M., Richards, M. & Sharova, O., 235,269 2006,ApJ,652,1547 Marsh, T.R., Horne, K., Schlegel, E.M., Baba,H.etal., 2002,PASJ,54,7 Honeycutt,R.K. &Kaitchuck,R.H., 1990, Beuermann, K. & Reinsch, K. 2008, A&A, ApJ,364,637 480,199 Neustroev,V.V.,Chavushyan,V. Valde´z,J.R., Dhillon, V.S. & Watson, C.A., 2001,Lecture 2004,RMAACS,20,162 Notes in Physics Vol. 573, Boffin H. M. 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