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DOPPLER RADAR AND WEATHER OBSERVATIONS Second Edition Richard J. Doviak Dubn S. Zrnic National Severe Storms Laboratory National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Norman , Oklahoma and Departments ofElectrical Engineering and Meteorology University ofOklahoma Norman , Oklahoma ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers San Diego New York Boston London Sydney Tokyo Toronto This book is printed on acid-free paper. e Copyright © 1993, 1984 by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transm itted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includ ing photocopy, record ing, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Academic Press, Inc. 1250 Sixth Avenue. San Diego, California 92 10 1-4311 United Kingdom Edition published by Academic Press Limited 24-28 Oval Road, London NW I 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Doviak, R. J. Doppler radar and weather observations / Richard J. Doviak and Dusan S. Zrnic. - 2nd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-12-221422-6 I. Radar meteorology-Observations. 2. Doppler radar. I. Zrnic Dusan S. II. Title. QC973.5.D68 1992 551.6'353-i1c20 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 93 94 95 96 97 98 QW 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 92-23494 CIP Preface Much has happened in operational radar meteorology since the first edition of this book was published. The National Weather Service, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Air Force Weather Service have begun deploying a network of Doppler weather radars (WSR-88D) to replace the aging noncoherent systems throughout the country. Simulta- neously the FAA is acquiring Terminal Doppler Weather Radars (TDWR) to monitor hazards and better manage routing of aircraft into and out of terminals at nearly 50 major airports. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has just installed a dem- onstration network of about 30 wind-profiling radars that might lead to improved under- standing and short-term forecasts of mesoscale weather phenomena. We have also witnessed new technological developments in airborne and spaceborne radars and lidars, and the emergence of a Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) that measures vertical profiles of temperature. Our revised book is meant to be a reference for users and devel- opers of these systems. The addition of a problem set at the end of each chapter should make this edition better suited for graduate courses on radar meteorology. As with the previous edition, we have benefited from teaching the course on radar meteorology at the University of Oklahoma. Furthermore, we were privileged to lecture in short courses organized by George Washington University, and to present the material to members of MIT's Lincoln Laboratory and NOAA's Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services. These interactions and constructive criticisms by our col- leagues led to crucial revisions and numerous clarifications throughout this edition. The new material, in addition to sets of problems, consists of an expanded Chapter 1, which now contains a short history of radar, sections on polarimetric measurements and data processing, an updated section on RASS, and a section on wind profilers. Fur- thermore, Chapters 9-11 have been expanded and updated to include new figures of phenomena observed with the WSR-88D. These figures were obtained from NOAA's Operational Support Facility managed by Dr. R. L. Alberty. Dr. V. Mazur provided the material for inclusion in the updated treatment oflightning, and Dr. 1.M. Schneider and Mei Xu contributed to the section in Chapter 10 on measurement of turbulence in the planetary boundary layer. xiii Preface to the First Edition To be able to observe remotely the internal motions of a tornadic thunderstorm that presents a hazardous threat to human communities is an impressive experience. We were fortunate to have entered the field of radar meteorology at a time when the use of Doppler radar was rapidly growing. Such advances were made possible by the general availability of inexpensive digital hardware, facilitating the implementation of theory developed in the early years of radar. The Doppler weather radar techniques developed by radar engi- neers and meteorologists may soon find applications in the National Oceanic and Atmo- spheric Administration's (NOAA) NEXRAD (next generation radar) program. A network of Doppler weather radars is planned to replace the present aging radar system used by the National Weather Service (NWS). Improvements in the techniques to provide warnings of tornadoes and other hazardous phenomena continue to be made. Doppler weather radar has already found a home in several television stations that broadcast early warnings of storm hazards. To a large extent this book is based on lectures given in a course on radar meteor- ology taught by both authors at the University of Oklahoma. A considerable portion of Chapter 11is derived from a graduate course in wave propagation through random media given earlier by R. 1.Doviak at the University of Pennsylvania. Material from this book has also been used in a one-week course on radar meteorology offered nationally by the Technology Service Corporation. The opportunities available to us at the National Severe Storms Laboratory were vital for the pursuit of research in the diverse disciplines re- quired to develop and apply Doppler radar in remote sensing of severe thunderstorms. Such research fostered comprehensive and detailed treatment of the theory and practice of radar design, digital signal processing techniques, and interpretation of weather observations. In this book we have aimed to enhance radar theory with observations and measure- ments not available in other texts so that students can develop an understanding of Dop- pler radar principles, and to provide practicing engineers and meteorologists with a discussion of timely topics. Thus we present Doppler radar observations of tornado vor- tices, hurricanes, and lightning channels. In order to better relate radar observations to weather events commonly observed by eye, radar data fields are correlated with photo- graphs ofthe physical phenomena such as gust fronts, downbursts, and tornadoes. While our focus is on meteorology, the theory and techniques developed and dis- cussed here have applications to other geophysical disciplines. Propagation in and scatter xv xvi Preface to the First Edition from media having a random distribution of discrete targets or from media described by continuous temporal and spatial random variations in their refractive properties also occur in the nonstormy atmosphere and in the ocean, where waves or turbulence, or both, can be generated by intrinsic physical phenomena, by vehicles (such as aircraft, ships, and rockets) traversing the media, or by perturbations purposely created to exam- ine media characteristics. Radar specialists, who often are more interested in the detec- tion and tracking of vehicles and who treat storms as annoying clutter, should find the observations of weather phenomena and the characterization of their properties described herein useful in design studies aimed to maximize target echoes and to minimize inter- ference by weather. List of Symbols Thefollowing symbols are those used mostfrequently. ae Ae Bn B6 C C~ D. De Do E f fd fNrca, <1» g s.. gr I(r, r.) I(t) k k k k; kg k, k(J k", K K KDP x. s; Effective earth radius Effective aperture area of the antenna Noise bandwidth Receiver-filter bandwidth, 6-dB width Speed of light, 3 x 108 m s I Structure parameter of refractive index Diameter of the antenna system Diameter of an equivalent volume spherical raindrop Median volume diameter Electric field intensity Frequency Doppler shift Nyquist frequency Normalized one-way power gain of radiation pattern Gravitational constant (9.81 m S-2) Power gain of transmitting and receiving antenna Weighting function In-phase component of the complex signal Specific attenuation (m") Boltzmann constant [1.38 x 10- 23 (W S K- I ) ] Electromagnetic wave number (2'IT/A) Specific attenuation due to clouds (rn') Specific attenuation due to air (m -I) Wind shear in the r direction Wind shear in the (Jdirection Wind shear in the <p direction Specific attenuation (dB km') Wave number of an atmospheric structure (2'IT/A) Specific differential phase (deg km- I) Specific attenuation due to rain (dB km - I) Specific attenuation due to snow (dB km") xvii xviii I In log lr L r m M M M, n N N Ns N(D) Pr P, Pw P(T.) Qw Q(t) r r. r, r, r o R R R(T.) S Sn(j) SNR T r, Tv v w, W(r) Z z, List of Symbols One-way propagation loss due to scatter and absorption Natural logarithm Logarithm to base 10 Finite bandwidth receiver loss factor 10log t, (dB) Complex refractive index of water Number of signal samples (or sample pairs) along sample time axis Liquid water content Number of independent samples Atmosphere's refractive index Refractivity = (n - 1) X 106 White noise power Surface refractivity (N, = 313) Drop size distribution Received signal power Peak transmitted power Partial pressure of water vapor Instantaneous weather signal power Total water content Quadrature phase component of the complex signal Range to scatterer Unambiguous range Vortex radius 6-dB range width of resolution volume Vector range to the resolution volume V6 center Rainfall rate Gas constant for dry air (287.04 nr' S-2 K-') Autocorrelation of V (nT.) Signal power Normalized power spectral density Signal-to-noise ratio Absolute temperature (K) Pulse repetition time (PRT) or sample time interval Virtual temperature Velocity Unambiguous velocity Radial component of velocity (Doppler velocity) Resolution volume kth complex signal sample Vertical velocity Terminal velocity Range weighting function Reflectivity factor Equivalent reflectivity factor List of Symbols xix 1/ 1/0 (J (J. e, A A p P Ptw(O) Ts Differential reflectivity Antenna rotation rate Wind direction Eddy dissipation rate Reflectivity (cross section per unit volume) 377-fi space impedance Angular distance from the beam axis; also, potential energy Elevation angle One-way beamwidth between half-power points Electromagnetic wavelength Structure wavelength of an atmospheric quantity (turbulence) Mass density of air Distance in lag space Correlation coefficient between horizontally and vertically polarized return signals Density of water Absorption cross section Backscattering cross section Spectrum width due to different fall speeds of hydrometeors Extinction or attenuation cross section Spectrum width due to change in orientation and/or vibration of hydrometeors Spectrum width due to shear Spectrum width due to turbulence Doppler velocity spectrum width Spectrum width due to antenna rotation Second central moment of the two-way radiation pattern Pulse width Range time delay Azimuth Effective radiation pattern width Differential phase Angular frequency Doppler shift (rad s- 1) Introduction The capability of microwaves to penetrate cloud and rain has placed the weather radar in an unchallenged position for remotely surveying the atmosphere. Although visible and infrared cameras on satellites can detect and track storms, the radiation sensed by these cameras cannot probe inside the storm's shield of clouds to reveal, as microwave radar does, the storm's internal structure and the hazardous phenomena that might be harbored therein. The Doppler radar is the only remote sensing instrument that can detect tracers of wind and measure their radial velocities, both in the clear air and inside heavy rainfall regions veiled by clouds-clouds that disable lidars (i.e., radars that use radiation at optical or near optical wavelengths) because optical radiation can be completely extin- guished in several meters of propagation distance. This unique capability supports the Doppler radar as an instrument of choice to survey the wind and water fields of storms and the environment in which they form. Pulsed-Doppler radar techniques have been applied with remarkable success to map wind and rain within severe storms showing in real time the development of incipient tornado cyclones, microbursts, and other storm hazards. Such observations should en- able weather forecasters to provide better warnings and researchers to under- stand the life cycle and dynamics of storms. 1.1 Historical Background The term radar was suggested by S. M. Taylor and F. R. Furth of the U.S. Navy and became in November 1940 the official acronym of equipment built for radio detecting and ranging of objects. The acronym was by agreement adopted in 1943 by the Allied powers of World War II and thereafter received general international acceptance. The term radio is a generic term applied to all electro- magnetic radiation at wavelengths ranging from about 20 km (i.e., a frequency of 15,000 Hz-Hz or hertz is a unit of frequency in cycles per second that commemorates the pioneering work of Heinrich Hertz, who in 1886-1889 ex- perimentally proved James Clerk Maxwell's thesis that electrical waves are identical except in length to optical waves) to fractions of a millimeter. Perhaps the earliest documented mention of the radar concept was made by Nikola Tesla in 1900 when he wrote in Century Magazine (June 1900, LX, 2 1. Introduction p. 208): "When we raise the voice and hear an echo in reply, we know that the sound of the voice must have reached a distant wall, or boundary, and must have been reflected from the same. Exactly as the sound, so an electrical wave is reflected ... we may determine the relative position or course of a moving object such as a vessel at sea, the distance traveled by the same, or its speed ...." The first recorded demonstration of the detection of objects by radio is in a patent issued in both Germany and England to Christian Hulsmeyer for a method to detect distant metallic objects by means of electromagnetic waves. The first public demonstration of his apparatus took place on 18 May 1904 at the Hohenzollern Bridge, Cologne, Germany, where river boats were detected when in the beam of generated radio waves (not pulsed) of wavelength about 40 to 50 em (Swords, 1986). Although objects were detected by radio waves as early as 1904, ranging by pulse techniques was not possible until the development of pulsed transmitters and wideband receivers. The essential criteria for the design of transmitters and receivers for pulsed oscillations were known in the early 1900s (e.g., pulsed techniques for the acoustical detection of submarines were vigorously developed during World War I), but the implementation of these principles into the design of practical radio equipment first required considerable effort in the generation of short waves. The first successful demonstration of radio detection and ranging was accomplished using continuous waves (cw). On 11 December 1924, E. V. Ap- pleton of King's College, London, and M. A. F. Barnett of Cambridge Uni- versity in England used frequency modulation (FM) of a radio transmitter to observe the beat frequency due to interference of waves returned from the ionosphere (i.e., a region in the upper atmosphere that has large densities of free electrons that interact with radio waves) and those propagated along the ground to the distant receiver. The frequency of the beat gives a direct measure of the difference of distance traveled along the two paths and thus the height or range of the reflecting layer. This technique is based on exactly the same principles used in the FM-cw radars that are comprehensively described in Section 7.10.3 of the first edition (1984) of this book. Pulse techniques are commonly associated with radar and in July 1925 G. Breit and M. A. Tuve (1926) in their laboratory of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution obtained the first ranging with pulsed radio waves. They cooperated with radio engineers of the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and pulsed a 71.3-m wavelength NRL trans- mitter (Station NKF, Bellevue, Anacostia, D. C.) located about 10 km south- east of their laboratory, and detected echoes from a reflecting layer about 150 km above the earth. The equipment of Appleton and Barnett can be considered perhaps the first FM-cw radar, and that of Breit and Tuve the first pulsed radar. On the other hand, because the height of ionospheric reflection is a function of the radio wavelength, these radio systems might not be considered 1.1 Historical Background 3 radars because they did not locate an object well defined in space as an aircraft (Watson-Watt, 1957, Chap. 21). Nevertheless, these radar-like systems were assembled for atmospheric studies and not for the location of aircraft, which was the impetus for the explosive growth of radars in the late 1930s and early 1940s. It is likely that the first attempt to use pulsed radar principles to measure ionospheric heights came from a British physicist, W. F. G. Swann, who during the years 1918 to 1923 joined the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis where Breit was an assistant professor (1923-1924) and Tuve was a research fellow (1921-1923) (Hill, 1990). It was at the University of Minnesota that Swann and J. G. Frayne made unsuccessful attempts to measure the height of the iono- sphere using radar techniques. Although many have contributed to the devel- opment of radar as we know it today, the earliest radars were developed by men interested in research of the upper atmosphere and methods to study it (Guerlac, 1987, p. 53).1 The role of atmospheric scientists in the early development of radar is also evident from the British experience. It was in January 1935 that the Committee for the Scientific Survey of Air Defense (CSSAD) approached Robert A. Watson-Watt to inquire about the use of radio waves in the defense against enemy aircraft. Sir Watson-Watt graduated as an electrical engineer, and in 1915 joined the Meteorological Office to work on a system to provide timely thunder- storm warnings to World War I aviators. After this wartime effort, it was realized that meteorological science was an essential part of aviation. He there- fore was able to continue his research on direction finding of storms using radio emissions generated by lightning. The CSSAD inquiry triggered Watson-Watt and his colleague A. F. Wilkins to propose, in a memo dated 27 February 1935, a radar system to detect and locate aircraft in three dimensions. The feasibility of their proposal was based on their calculation of echo power scattered by an aircraft, and was supported by earlier published reports by British Post Office engineers who detected aircraft that flew into the beam of Postal radio transmitters (Swords, 1986, p. 175). It was in July 1935, less than five months after their proposal, that Watson-Watt and his colleagues successfully demonstrated the radio detection and ranging of aircraft. This radar system, after considerable modifications and improve- ments, led to the Chain Home radar network that provided British avaitors with early warning of approaching German aircraft. 1. Dr. William Blair, who studied the properties of microwaves for his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago and was involved in the development of an atmospheric sounding system known as the radiosonde, was a scientist in the U.S. Army Signal Corps Laboratories at Fort Monmouth, N.J., when he made a proposal in 1926 to the U.S. Army for a "Radio Position Finding" project. However, he was unsuccessful in obtaining support. Nevertheless, he actively pursued the develop- ment of radar theory and its practical realization. For this, he was granted the u.s. patent for radar on 24 August 1957. It is interesting to note that Dr. Blair's pursuits were without official authoriza- tion, which came several years later. 4 1. Introduction Although many have contributed to the development of radar, Watson-Watt credits many of his remarkable achievements to the earlier nonmilitary work of atmospheric scientists. To quote Watson-Watt (1957, p. 92): " . .. without Breit and Tuve and that bloodstream of the living organism of international science, open literature, I might not have been privileged to become . .. the Father of Radar." Throughout the 1930s, independent parallel efforts in radar development took place in the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan, France , Holland, and Hungary. The almost simultaneous and similar radar developments in all these countries should not be surprising because the ideas basic to radar principles had been repeatedly presented for many years preceding its development. It was during this period that the threat of faster and more lethal military aircraft, and the looming of global conflict, gave tremendous impetus to the development of equipment for the early detection and location of aircraft. On 28 April 1936, scientists at NRL obtained the first definitive detection and ranging of aircraft, and on 14 December the U.S. Army's Signal Corps, in an independent work, succeeded in locating an airplane by the pulse method. For a detailed description of these efforts and those in other countries, the reader is referred to the excellent and comprehensive books by Swords (1986) and Guerlac (1987). The use of microwaves in radars for longrange detection did not become practical until early in 1940, when a powerful and efficient transmitting tube , the multiresonant cavity magnetron, was developed. The magnetron, as we know it today , evolved in many stages from a primitive device used initially as a switch and a high-frequency oscillator (Hull, 1921). In 1924, an important modification led to the split anode design, which allowed the generation of useful ultrahigh frequency waves first described by Erich Habann in his dissertation (Habann, 1924). This early work led, in 1924, to the discovery by August Zacek that the split anode magnetron was able to produce appreciable microwave power at wavelengths as short as 29 em (Zacek, 1924). Apparently, Japanese investiga- tors developed the split anode magnetron independently and in 1927 reported intense microwave power at wavelengths of about 40 cm (Okabe, 1928). How- ever , the breakthrough in the production of truly powerful microwaves came when J. T. Randall and H. A. Booth at Birmingham University in England combined the resonant cavity feature of the klystron with the high current capacity of the magnetron cathodes to conceive a multiresonant cavity structure that is the basic design of today's magnetrons. The first magnetron built by Randall and Booth produced on 21 February 1940 an impressive 400 watts of continuous microwave power at wavelengths near 10 em (Guerlac, 1987). This robust design is commonly used to this day in microwave ovens in many homes. It is difficultto trace the origin of the first radar detection of precipitation, no doubt because of wartime secrecy. But beginning in July 1940 a lO-cm radar system was operated by the General Electric Corporation Research Laboratory in Wembley , England, a place where Dr. J. W. Ryde was working. There is no documented evidence that this radar (or another like it, which was at about this 1.1 Historical Background 5 time located also in England) detected echoes from precipitation in 1940;but the work of Ryde (1946) to estimate the attenuation and echoing properties of clouds and rain is strong evidence that this study was undertaken because precipitation echoes were observed, and because there was concern for effects this might have on detection of aircraft (Probert-Jones, 1990). Thus it seems likely that radar first detected precipitation in the latter half of 1940. The origins of radar meteorology are hence traced to this early work of Ryde. Although weather radar is commonly associated with detection of pre- cipitation and storms, the earliest of what we now call meteorological or weather radars detected echoes from the nonprecipitating troposphere. However, only in the last few decades has this capability been exploited to explore the structure of the troposphere; more recently it has led to measurements of winds and temperature in all weather conditions. These particular radars are now known as Profilers. Detection of echoes from the clear troposphere can be traced to the 1935 observations of Colwell and Friend (1936)in the United States and Watson-Watt and others (1936) in England. These researchers used vertically pointed radio beams to detect echoes from layers at heights as low as 5 km. These echoes at first were thought to originate from ionized layers, but Englund and his associ- ates (Englund et al., 1938) at Bell Laboratories clearly showed both ex- perimentally and theoretically that short waves (wavelengths of about 5 m) are reflected from the dielectric boundaries of different air masses. In 1939 Friend (1939) was able to perfectly correlate his observations of tropospheric reflection heights with air mass boundaries located with in situ measurements made aboard an aircraft. After the war, Friend completed his Ph.D. studies and initiated experiments to locate air mass boundaries using a 300-MHz (one-meter wave- length) radar. This effort was continued by Peter Harbury, who constructed a vertically pointed 50-m diameter antenna to resolve returns from the tropo- sphere. Tragically, Harbury was electrocuted while working on the radar modu- lator and this experiment was shortly thereafter discontinued (Swingle, 1990). If this work had continued it seems likely that Harbury and Friend would have found echoes from throughout the troposphere, and the development of Pro- filers might have commenced much earlier. Pulsed-Doppler radar was developed during World War II to better detect aircraft and other moving objects in the presence of echoes from sea and land that are inevitably illuminated by microwave emissions through sidelobes (i.e., radiation in directions outside the beam or mainlobe) of the antenna's radia- tion pattern. Although pulsed-Doppler radar was developed in the early 1940s, Doppler effects were observed in radio receivers when echoes from moving objects were received simultaneously with direct radiation from the transmitter or scattered from fixed objects. Actually these observations preceded the development of radar, and in fact provided the incentive for radar because it was shown in the early 1920sthat moving objects such as ships and aircraft were detectable. 6 1. Introduction The earliest pulsed-Doppler radars were called MTI (moving target indica- tion) radars in which a coherent continuous-wave oscillator, phase-locked to the random phase of the sinusoid in each transmitted pulse, is mixed (i.e., beated) with the echoes associated with that pulse. The mixing of the two signals produces a beat or fluctuation of the echo intensity at a frequency equal to the Doppler shift (Doviak and Zrnic, 1988). Although these early MTI radars were used to suppress the display of echoes from fixed targets so that only moving target echoes were displayed, they are based on exactly the same physical principles used in pulsed-Doppler radars. The only significant difference is that MTI radars detect moving targets but do not measure their velocities, whereas pulsed-Doppler radars do both. The rapid development of pulsed-Doppler radar was impeded by the formidable amount of signal processing that is required to extract quantitative estimates of the Doppler shift at each of the thousand or more range locations that a radar can survey. It was only in the late 1960s and early 1970s that solid-state devices made practical the implementation of Dop- pler measurements at all resolvable ranges. The first application of pulsed-Doppler radar principles to meteorological measurements was made by Ian C. Browne and Peter Barratt of the Cavendish Laboratories at Cambridge University in England in the spring of 1953 (Barratt and Browne, 1953). They used an incoherent version of the MTI radar in which the reference phase of the coherent oscillator is replaced by a signal reflected from ground objects at the same range as the meteorological targets of interest. The beam of the radar was pointed vertically into a rain shower while part of a magnetron's output was directed horizontally to ground objects. Barratt and Browne showed that the shape of the Doppler spectrum agreed with the spec- trum expected from raindrops of different sizes falling with different speeds, but that the measured spectrum was displaced by an amount consistent with a downdraft of about 2 m S-1 (Rogers, 1990). Those readers interested in a comprehensive presentation of the evolution of radar meteorology since 1940 are encouraged to examine "Radar in Meteorology" (Atlas, 1990), which has 18 chapters that contain the history of radar meteorology in various countries and principal organizations. By far the most comprehensive treatment of radar techniques is found in the collected works compiled by M. I. Skolnik in his "Radar Handbook" (1970). Battan's text (1973) on weather radar applications is probably the most widely used by meteorologists, and Atlas (1964) also gives a concise and informative review of many weather radar topics. Both of these works emphasize the electromagnetic scatter and absorption by hydrometeors. A book by Nathanson (1969) emphasizes the total radar environment as well as radar design principles. The radar environment as defined by Nathanson is also the source of unwanted reflection (clutter) from the sea and land areas. (Precipitation is said to produce clutter when aircraft are the targets of interest.) Thus, precipitation echoes are comprehensively treated. The anomalous propagation of radar signals enhances ground clutter. A good general reference on the propagation of electromagnetic 1.2 The Plan of the Book 7 waves through the stratified atmosphere is the book by Bean and Dutton (1966). Sauvageot (1982) has distilled the essence of over 500 references in his book "Radarmeteorologie" that includes much of the radar meteorological work accomplished during the 1970s. The book "Radar Observation of Clear Air and Clouds" by Gossard and Strauch (1983) emphasizes the potential of radars for studying storms in their early evolutionary stage and for studying clear-air structure and wind profiles. "Applications of Weather Radar Systems" by Col- lier (1989) is a guide to uses of radar data in meteorology and hydrology that contains a fair amount of system concepts. A comprehensive treatment of weather radars on board satellites is contained in "Spaceborne Weather Radar" by Meneghini and Kozu (1990); this is a timely topic with obvious significance for global monitoring of precipitation. Rinehart's (1991) book "Radar for Meteorologists" is an up-to-date text for undergraduates and professionals, with color figures of radar displays of meteorological and nonmeteorological phenomena. 1.2 The Plan of the Book The book "Doppler Radar and Weather Observations" by Doviak and Zrnic (1984a) emphasizes the application of Doppler radar for the observations of stormy and clear weather. The 1984edition was intended to be a reference book on radar theory and techniques applied to meteorology. To have an updated text that is also useful to students, meteorologists, and atmosphere scientists not familiar with Doppler radar, we have revised the 1984 text to provide addi- tional explanatory material. To stimulate further investigation and understand- ing we have included problems at the end of each chapter. This present edition also discusses the fundamental principles underlying recent developments such as polarimetric Doppler radar and radio acoustical soundings systems. As in the earlier text, this edition lightly touches on subjects comprehensively treated elsewhere (e.g., the scattering properties of hydrometeors), but presents a com- prehensive treatment of the techniques used in extracting meteorological in- formation from weather echoes, and relates radar and signal characteristics to meteorological parameters. Chapter 2 introduces the essential properties of radio waves needed to understand radar principles and describes the effect that the atmosphere has on the path of the radar pulse and its echo. In Chapters 3 to 5 we develop weather radar theory starting from fundamental principles, most of which are covered in undergraduate physics and mathematics. In Chapter 3 we trace the path of the transmitted pulse, through the antenna, along the beam to a single hydrometeor, and its return as an echo to the receiver, highlighting along the way the important aspects of the signal properties. We immediately consider the coherent or Doppler radar, but equations derived can directly be applied to the incoherent weather radar commonly used for over 40 years.

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