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DOMAIN OF DIFFERENCE MATRIX OF ORDER ONE IN SOME SPACES OF DOUBLE SEQUENCES SERKANDEMİRİZ ANDOSMAN DUYAR Abstract. In this study, we define the spaces Mu(∆),Cp(∆),C0p(∆),Cr(∆) and Lq(∆) of double sequences whose difference transforms are bounded , convergent in the Pringsheim’s sense, null in the Pringsheim’s sense, both convergent in the Pringsheim’s sense and bounded, regularly convergent and absolutely q−summable, respectively, and also examine some inclusion relations related to those sequencespaces. Furthermore,weshowthat thesesequencespaces areBanach spaces . Wedetermine thealpha-dualofthespace Mu(∆)andtheβ(v)−dualof thespace Cη(∆) ofdoublesequences,where 5 v,η ∈ {p,bp,r}. Finally, we characterize the classes (µ: Cv(∆)) for v ∈{p,bp,r} of four dimensional 1 matrix transformations, where µ is any given space of double sequences. 0 2 n a J 1. Introduction 6 By ω and Ω, we denote the sets of all real valued single and double sequences which are the ] A vector spaces with coordinatewise addition and scalar multiplication. Any vector subspaces of ω and F Ω are called as the single sequence space and double sequence space, respectively. By Mu, we denote . the space of all bounded double sequences, that is h t a m Mu := x = (xmn)∈ Ω : kxk∞ = sup |xmn| < ∞ (cid:26) m,n∈N (cid:27) [ 1 whichisaBanachspacewiththenormkxk∞;whereNdenotesthesetofallpositiveintegers. Considera v sequencex = (x )∈ Ω. Ifforeveryε > 0thereexistsn = n (ε) ∈ Nandl ∈ Rsuchthat|x −l|< ε mn 0 0 mn 3 for all m,n > n then we call that the double sequence x is convergent in the Pringsheim’s sense to 0 1 the limit l and write p−limx = l; where R denotes the real field. By C , we denote the space of all 1 mn p 1 convergent double sequences in the Pringsheim’s sense. It is well-known that there are such sequences 0 inthespaceC butnotinthespaceM . IndeedfollowingBoos[1],ifwedefinethesequencex = (x ) p u mn . 1 by 0 5 1 n , m = 1,n ∈ N, v: xmn := (cid:26) 0 , m ≥ 2,n ∈ N, i X then it is trivial that x ∈ Cp\Mu, since p−limxmn = 0 but kxk∞ = ∞. So, we can consider the space r a Cbp of the double sequences which are both convergent in the Pringsheim’s sense and bounded, i.e., C = C ∩M . A sequence in the space C is said to be regularly convergent if it is a single convergent bp p u p sequence with respect to each index and denote the set of all such sequences by C . Also by C and r bp0 C , we denote the spaces of all double sequences converging to 0 contained in the sequence spaces r0 C and C , respectively. Móricz [2] proved that C ,C ,C and C are Banach spaces with the norm bp r bp bp0 r r0 k.k∞. Let us consider the isomorphism T defined by Zeltser [3] as (1.1) T : Ω → ω x 7→ z = (zi):= (xϕ−1(i)), where ϕ: N×N → N is a bijection defined by 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 40C05, 46A45 . Key words and phrases. Double sequencespace, Matrix transformations, 1 ϕ[(1,1)] = 1, ϕ[(1,2)] = 2,ϕ[(2,2)] = 3,ϕ[(2,1)] = 4, . . . ϕ[(1,n)] = (n−1)2 +1,ϕ[(2,n)] = (n−1)2+2,..., ϕ[(n,n)] = (n−1)2 +n,ϕ[(n,n−1)] = n2−n+2,...,ϕ[(n,1)] = n2, . . . Let us consider a double sequence x = (x ) and define the sequence s = (s ) which will be mn mn used throughout via x by m n (1.2) s := x mn ij Xi=0Xj=0 for all m,n ∈ N . For the sake of brevity, here and in what follows, we abbreviate the summation ∞ ∞ by and we use this abbreviation with other letters. Let λ be a space of a double i=0 j=0 i,j sPequenPces, convePrging with respect to some linear convergence rule v −lim : λ → R. The sum of a double series i,jxij with respect to this rule is defined by v− i,jxij = v−limm,n→∞smn. Let λ,µ be two spacesPof double sequences, converging with respect toPthe linear convergence rules v1 −lim and v −lim, respectively, and A= (a ) also be a four dimensional infinite matrix over the real or 2 mnkl complex field. The α−dual λα, β(v)−dual λβ(v) with respect to the v−convergence for v ∈ {p,bp,r} and the γ−dual λγ of a double sequence space λ are respectively defined by λα := (a )∈ Ω : |a x | < ∞ for all (x )∈ λ , ij ij ij ij (cid:26) (cid:27) Xi,j λβ(v) := (a )∈ Ω :v− a x exists for all (x ) ∈ λ , ij ij ij ij (cid:26) (cid:27) Xi,j k,l λγ := (a )∈ Ω : sup a x < ∞ for all (x ) ∈ λ . ij ij ij ij (cid:26) k,l∈N(cid:12)(cid:12)iX,j=1 (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:27) (cid:12) (cid:12) Itiseasytoseeforany two spaces λ,µof doub(cid:12)lesequences(cid:12) that µα ⊂ λα whenever λ ⊂ µ andλα ⊂ λγ. Additionally, it is known that the inclusion λα ⊂ λβ(v) holds while the inclusion λβ(v) ⊂ λγ does not hold, since the v−convergence of the sequence of partial sums of a double series does not imply its boundedness. (v) The v−summability domain λ of a four dimensional infinite matrix A = (a ) in a space λ A mnkl of a double sequences is defined by (v) (1.3) λ = x = (x )∈ Ω :Ax = v− a x exists and is in λ . A (cid:26) kl (cid:18) mnkl kl(cid:19) (cid:27) Xk,l m,n∈N We say, with the notataion (1.3), that A maps the space λ into the space µ if and only if Ax exists and is in µ for all x ∈ λ and denote the set of all four dimensional matrices, transforming the space λ into the space µ, by (λ : µ). It is trivial that for any matrix A ∈ (λ : µ), (amnkl)k,l∈N is in the β(v)−dual λβ(v) of the space λ for all m,n ∈ N. An infinite matrix A is said to be C −conservative if C ⊂ (C ) . v v v A Also by (λ :µ;p), we denote the class of all four dimensional matrices A = (a ) in the class (λ :µ) mnkl such that v −limAx = v −limx for all x ∈ λ. 2 1 2 Now, following Zeltser [4] we note the terminology for double sequence spaces. A locally convex doublesequencespaceλiscalledaDK−space,ifalloftheseminormsr :λ → R,x = (x )7→ |x |for kl kl kl all k,l ∈N are continuous. A DK−space with a Fréchet topology is called an FDK−space. A normed FDK−space is called a BDK−space. We record that Cr endowed with the norm k.k∞ : Cr → R, x = (x ) 7→ sup |x | is a BDK−space. kl k,l∈N kl Let us define the following sets of double sequences: M (t) := (x ) ∈ Ω : sup |x |tmn < ∞ , u mn mn (cid:26) m,n∈N (cid:27) C (t) := (x ) ∈ Ω :∃l ∈ C ∋p− lim |x −l|tmn = 0 , p mn mn (cid:26) m,n→∞ (cid:27) C (t) := (x ) ∈ Ω :p− lim |x |tmn = 0 , 0p mn mn (cid:26) m,n→∞ (cid:27) L (t) := (x ) ∈ Ω : |x |tmn < ∞ , u mn mn (cid:26) (cid:27) Xm,n C (t) := C (t)∩M (t) and C (t):= C (t)∩M (t); bp p u 0bp 0p u where t = (t ) is the sequence of strictly positive reals t for all m,n ∈ N. In the case t = 1 mn mn mn for all m,n ∈ N; M (t),C (t),C (t),L (t),C (t) and C (t) reduce to the sets M ,C ,C ,L ,C u p 0p u bp 0bp u p 0p u bp and C , respectively. Now, we can summarize the knowledge given in some document related to the 0bp doublesequencespaces. GökhanandÇolak[5,6]haveprovedthatM (t),C (t)andC (t)arecomplete u p bp paranormed spaces of double sequences and gave the alpha-, beta-, gamma-duals of the spaces M (t) u and C (t). Quite recently, in her PhD thesis, Zeltser [3] has essentially studied both the theory of bp topological double sequence spaces and the theory of summability of double sequences. Mursaleen and Edely [7] have introduced the statistical convergence and statistical Cauchy for double sequences, andgavetherelationbetweenstatisticallyconvergent andstronglyCesàrosummabledoublesequences. Nextly,Mursaleen[8]andMursaleenandEdely[9]havedefinedthealmoststrongregularityofmatrices fordoublesequencesandappliedthesematricestoestablishacoretheoremandintroducedtheM−core for double sequences and determined those four dimensional matrices transforming every bounded double sequence x = (x ) into one whose core is a subset of the M−core of x. More recently, Altay jk and Başar [10] have defined the spaces BS,BS(t),CS ,CS and BV of double series whose sequence bp r of partial sums are in the spaces M ,M (t),C ,C ,C and L , respectively, and also examined some u u p bp r u properties of those sequence spaces and determined the alpha-duals of the spaces BS,BV,CS and bp the β(v)−duals of the spaces CS and CS of double series. Quite recently, Başar and Sever [11] bp r have introduced the Banach space L of double sequences corresponding to the well-known space ℓ of q q absolutely q−summable single sequences and examine some properties of the space L . Furthermore, q they determine theβ(v)−dual ofthe spaceandestablishthat thealpha- andgamma-duals ofthe space L coincide with the β(v)−dual; where q L := (x ) ∈ Ω : |x |q < ∞ , (1 ≤ q < ∞), q ij ij (cid:26) (cid:27) Xi,j CS := (x ) ∈ Ω: (s ) ∈ C . v ij mn v (cid:8) (cid:9) Here and after we assume that v ∈ {p,bp,r}. The double difference matrix ∆ = (δ ) of order one is defined by mnkl (−1)m+n−k−l , m−1 ≤ k ≤ m, n−1 ≤ l ≤ n, δ := mnkl (cid:26) 0 , otherwise for all m,n,k,l ∈ N. Define the sequence y = (y ) as the ∆−transform of a sequence x = (x ), i.e., mn mn (1.4) ymn = (∆x)mn = xmn −xm,n−1−xm−1,n+xm−1,n−1 for all m,n ∈ N. Additionally, a direct calculation gives the inverse ∆−1 = S = (s ) of the matrix mnkl ∆ as follows: 3 1 , 0≤ k ≤ m, 0 ≤ l ≤ n, s := mnkl (cid:26) 0 , otherwise for all m,n,k,l ∈ N. Inthepresentpaper,weintroducethenewdoubledifferencesequencespacesM (∆),C (∆),C (∆) u p 0p and L (∆), that is, q M (∆) := (x )∈ Ω : sup |y |< ∞ , u mn mn (cid:8) m,n∈N (cid:9) C (∆) := (x )∈ Ω : ∃l ∈ C ∋ p− lim |y −l| = 0 , p mn mn m,n→∞ (cid:8) (cid:9) C (∆) := (x )∈ Ω : p− lim |y |= 0 , 0p mn mn m,n→∞ (cid:8) (cid:9) L (∆) := (x ) ∈Ω : |y |q < ∞ , (1 ≤ q < ∞). q ij mn (cid:26) (cid:27) Xm,n By C (∆) and C (∆), we denote the sets of all the ∆−transforms convergent and bounded, and the bp r ∆−transformsregularlyconvergentdoublesequences. OnecaneasilyseethatthespacesM (∆),C (∆), u p C (∆),C (∆),C (∆) and L (∆) are the domain of the double difference matrix ∆ in the spaces 0p bp r q M ,C ,C ,C , C and L , respectively. u p 0p bp r q 2. Some new double difference sequence spaces In the present section, we deal with the sets M (∆),C (∆), C (∆),C (∆),C (∆) and L (∆) u p 0p bp r q consisting of the double sequences whose ∆−transforms of order one are in the spaces M ,C ,C ,C , u p 0p bp C and L , respectively. r q Theorem 2.1. The sets M (∆),C (∆), C (∆),C (∆),C (∆) and L (∆) are the linear spaces with u p 0p bp r q the coordinatewise addition and scalar multiplication, and M (∆),C (∆), C (∆),C (∆),C (∆) and u p 0p bp r L (∆) are the Banach spaces with the norms q (2.1) kxkMu(∆) = sup xmn+xm−1,n−1−xm,n−1−xm−1,n , m,n∈N(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 1/q (2.2) kxkLq(∆) = (cid:20) |xmn +xm−1,n−1−xm,n−1−xm−1,n|q(cid:21) , (1 ≤ q < ∞). Xm,n Proof. The first part of the theorem is a routine verification. So, we omit the detail. Since the proof may be given for the spaces M (∆),C (∆), C (∆),C (∆) and C (∆), to avoid u p 0p bp r the repetition of the similar statements, we prove the theorem only for the space L (∆). q It is obvious that kxkLq(∆) = kykq, where k.kq is the norm on the space Lq. Let x(r) = {xj(rk)} be a Cauchy sequence in Lq(∆). Then, {y(r)}r∈N is a Cauchy sequence in Lq, where y(r) = {ym(rn)}∞m,n=0 with y(r) = x(r) +x(r) −x(r) −x(r) mn mn m−1,n−1 m,n−1 m−1,n for all m,n,r ∈ N. Then, for a given ε> 0, there is a positive integer N = N(ε) such that 1/q (2.3) ky(r)−y(s)k = y(r) −y(s) q < ε q (cid:26) mn mn (cid:27) Xm,n(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) for all r,s > N. Therefore ym(rn) − ym(sn) < ε, i.e. {ym(rn)}r∈N is a Cauchy sequence in C, and hence converges in C. Say, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (2.4) lim y(r) = y . r→∞ mn mn ∞ Using these infinitely many limits, we define the sequence y = (y ) . Then, we get by (2.4) that mn m,n=0 1/q (2.5) rl→im∞kym(rn) −ymnkLq(∆) = rl→im∞(cid:26) ymn−ym(rn) q(cid:27) = 0. Xm,n(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 4 Now, we have to show that y ∈ L . Since y(r) = {y(r)}∞ ∈L and by (2.5) q mn m,n=0 q 1/q 1/q 1/q |y |q ≤ |y −y(r)|q + |y(r)|q < ∞, (cid:26) mn (cid:27) (cid:26) mn mn (cid:27) (cid:26) mn (cid:27) Xm,n Xm,n Xm,n which shows that y = (ymn)∞m,n=0 ∈ Lq, i.e. x = (xjk) ∈ Lq(∆). Since {x(r)}r∈N was arbitrary Cauchy sequence in L (∆), the double difference sequence space L (∆) is complete. This completes the proof q q of the theorem. (cid:3) Theorem 2.2. The space λ(∆) is linearly isomorphic to the space λ, where λ denotes any of the spaces M ,C ,C ,C ,C and L . u p 0p bp r q Proof. We show here that M (∆) is linearly isomorphic to M . Consider the transformation T from u u M (∆) to M defined by x = (x ) 7→ y = (y ). Then, clearly T is linear and injective. Now, define u u jk mn the sequence x = (x ) by jk j k (2.6) x = y jk mn mX=0nX=0 for all j,k ∈N. Suppose that y ∈ M . Then, since u j k kxkMu(∆) = js,ku∈pN(cid:12)(cid:12)mX=0nX=0ymn(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) = sup (cid:12)|yjk|= kyk∞(cid:12)< ∞, j,k∈N x = (x ) defined by (2.6) is in the space M (∆). Hence, T is surjective and norm preserving. This jk u completes the proof of the theorem. (cid:3) Now, we give some inclusion relations between the double difference sequence spaces. Theorem 2.3. M is the subspace of the space M (∆). u u Proof. Let us take x = (x ) ∈ M . Then, there exists an K such that mn u sup |x | ≤ K mn m,n∈N for all m,n ∈ N, one can observe that (∆x)mn = xmn −xm,n−1−xm−1,n+xm−1,n−1 (2.7) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) ≤ (cid:12)(cid:12)|xmn|+|xm,n−1|+|xm−1,n|+|xm−1(cid:12)(cid:12),n−1|. Then, we see by taking supremum over m,n ∈ N in (2.7) that kxk∞ ≤ 4K, i.e., x ∈ Mu(∆). Now, we see that the inclusion is strict. Let x =(x ) be defined by mn x = mn mn for all m,n ∈ N. Then the sequence is in x ∈ M (∆)\M . This completes the proof of the theorem. u u (cid:3) Lemma 2.4. [10, Theorem 1.2] L ⊂ BS ⊂ M strictly hold. u u Lemma 2.5. [10, Theorem 2.9] Let v ∈ {p,bp,r}. Then, the inclusion BV ⊂ C and BV ⊂ M strictly v u hold. Combining Lemma 2.4, Lemma 2.5 and Theorem 2.3, we get the following corollaries. Corollary 2.6. The inclusion L ⊂ BS ⊂ M (∆) strictly hold. u u Corollary 2.7. The inclusion BV ⊂ M (∆) strictly holds. u Theorem 2.8. The inclusion L ⊂ L (∆) strictly holds; where 1 ≤ q < ∞. q q 5 Proof. The prove the validity of the inclusion L ⊂ L (∆) for 1 ≤ q < ∞, it suffices to show the q q existence of a number K > 0 such that kxkLq(∆) ≤ KkxkLq for every x ∈ L . Let x ∈ L and 1 ≤ q < ∞. Then, we obtain q q 1/q kxkLq(∆) = (cid:26) |xmn−xm,n−1−xm−1,n+xm−1,n−1|q(cid:27) Xm,n ≤ 4kxkL . q This shows that the inclusion L ⊂ L (∆) holds. q q Additionally, since the sequence x = (x ) defined by mn 1 , n= 0 x := mn (cid:26) 0 , otherwise for all m,n ∈ N is in L (∆) but not in L , as asserted. This completes the proof. (cid:3) q q Theorem 2.9. The following statements hold: (i) C is the subspace of the space C (∆). p p (ii) C is the subspace of the space C (∆). 0p 0p (iii) C is the subspace of the space C (∆). bp bp (iv) C is the subspace of the space C (∆). r r Proof. Weonly prove that the inclusion C ⊂ C (∆)holds. Let us take x ∈ C . Then, fora given ε > 0, p p p there exists an n (ε) ∈ N such that x ε |x −l|< mn 4 for all m,n > n (ε). Then, x |(∆x)mn| = xmn −xm,n−1−xm−1,n+xm−1,n−1 ≤ |(cid:12)(cid:12)xmn −l|+|xm,n−1−l|+|xm−1,n −(cid:12)(cid:12)l|+|xm−1,n−1−l| ε ε ε ε < + + + = ε 4 4 4 4 for sufficiently large m,n which means that p−lim(∆x) = 0. Hence, x ∈ C (∆) that is to say that mn p C ⊂ C (∆) holds, as expected. p p Now, we see that the inclusion is strict. Let x =(x ) be defined by mn x = (m+1)(n+1) mn for all m,n ∈ N. It is easy to see that p−lim(∆x) = 1. mn But lim (m+1)(n+1) m,n→∞ which does not tend to a finite limit. Hence x ∈/ C . This completes the proof. (cid:3) p Lemma 2.10. [10, Theorem 2.3] CS is the subspace of C . p p Combining Lemma 2.10 and Theorem 2.9, we get the following corollary. Corollary 2.11. The inclusion CS ⊂ C (∆) strictly holds. p p 6 3. The alpha- and beta-duals of the new spaces of double sequences In this section, we determine the alpha-dual of the space M (∆) and the β(r)−dual of the u space C (∆), and β(ϑ)−dual of the space C (∆) of double sequences, ϑ,η ∈ {p,bp,r}. Although the r η alpha-dual of a space of double sequences is unique, its beta-dual may be more than one with respect to ϑ−convergence. Theorem 3.1. {M (∆)}α = L . u u Proof. Let x = (x ) ∈ M (∆) and z = (z ) ∈L . Hence, there is a sequence y = (y ) ∈ M related kl u kl u ij u with x = (x ) from Theorem 2.2 and there is a positive real number K such that |y | ≤ K for kl ij (k+1)(l+1) all i,j ∈ N. So we use the relation (2.6)we have that, k l |z x | = z y ≤ K |z | < ∞ kl kl kl ij kl (cid:12) (cid:12) Xk,l Xk,l (cid:12) Xi=0Xj=0 (cid:12) Xk,l (cid:12) (cid:12) so z ∈ {M (∆)}α, that is (cid:12) (cid:12) u (3.1) L ⊂ {M (∆)}α. u u Conversely, suppose that z = (z ) ∈ {M (∆)}α, that is |z x | < ∞ for all x = (x ) ∈ kl u k,l kl kl kl M (∆). If z = (z ) ∈/ L , then |z | = ∞. Further, if we chPoose y = (y ) such that u kl u k,l kl kl P 1 , 0 ≤ i≤ k, 0 ≤ j ≤ l y :=  (k+1)(l+1) kl  0 , otherwise for all k,l ∈ N. Then, y ∈ Mbut u k l 1 |z x |= z = |z | = ∞. kl kl kl kl (cid:12) (k+1)(l+1)(cid:12) Xk,l Xk,l (cid:12) Xi=0Xj=0 (cid:12) Xk,l (cid:12) (cid:12) Hence, z ∈/ {M (∆)}α,this is a contrad(cid:12)iction. So, we have the f(cid:12)ollowing inclusion, u (3.2) {M (∆)}α ⊂ L . u u Hence, from the inclusions (3.1) and (3.2) we get {M (∆)}α = L . u u (cid:3) Now, we may give the β−duals of the spaces with respect to the ϑ−convergence using the technique in [12] and [13] for the single sequences. The conditions for a 4-dimensional matrix to transform the spaces C ,C and C into the space bp r p C are well known (see for example [14, 15]). bp Lemma 3.2. The matrix A = (a ) is in (C : C ) if and only if the following conditions hold: mnij r ϑ (3.3) sup |a | < ∞, mnij m,n∈NXi,j (3.4) ∃ v ∈ C ∋ ϑ− lim a = v, mnij m,n→∞ Xi,j (3.5) ∃ (a )∈ Ω ∋ ϑ− lim a = a for all i,j∈ N, ij mnij ij m,n→∞ (3.6) ∃ uj0 ∈ C ∋ϑ− lim a = uj0 for fixed j ∈ N, m,n→∞ mnij0 0 Xi (3.7) ∃ v ∈ C∋ ϑ− lim a = v for fixed i ∈ N. i0 m,n→∞ mni0j i0 0 Xj 7 Lemma 3.3. The matrix A = (a ) is in (C : C ) if and only if the conditions (3.3)-(3.5) of mnij bp ϑ Lemma 3.2 hold, and (3.8) ϑ− lim |a −a | = 0 for each fixed j ∈ N, m,n→∞ mnij0 ij0 0 Xi (3.9) ϑ− lim |a −a | = 0 for each fixed i ∈ N. m,n→∞ mni0j i0j 0 Xj Lemma 3.4. The matrix A= (a ) is in (C :C ) if and only if the conditions (3.3)-(3.5) of Lemma mnij p ϑ 3.2 hold, and (3.10) ∀ i ∈ N ∃ J ∈ N ∋ a = 0 for j > J for all m,n∈ N, mnij (3.11) ∀ j ∈ N ∃ I ∈ N ∋ a = 0 for i> I for all m,n∈ N. mnij Theorem 3.5. Define the sets F = a = (a ) ∈ Ω : (i+1)(j +1)|a |< ∞ , 1 ij ij (cid:26) (cid:27) Xi,j m m n F = a = (a ) ∈ Ω :r− lim a exists for each fixed j , 2 ij pq 0 (cid:26) m,n→∞ (cid:27) Xi Xp=iqX=j0 m m n F = a = (a ) ∈ Ω :r− lim a exists for each fixed i . 3 ij pq 0 (cid:26) m,n→∞ (cid:27) Xj pX=i0Xq=j Then, {C (∆)}β(r) = F ∩F ∩F . r 1 2 3 Proof. Let x = (x ) ∈ C (∆). Then, there exists a sequence y = (y ) ∈ C . Consider the following ij r mn r equality m n m n i j z = a x = y a mn ij ij pq ij (cid:18) (cid:19) Xi=0Xj=0 Xi=0Xj=0 Xp=0Xq=0 m n m n = a y pq ij (cid:18) (cid:19) Xi=0Xj=0 Xp=iXq=j m n = b y = (By) mnij ij ij Xi=0Xj=0 for all m,n ∈ N. Hence we can define the four-dimensional matrix B = (b ) as following mnij m n a , 0 ≤ i≤ m, 0 ≤ j ≤ n, (3.12) b :=  pq mnij  Xp=iXq=j  0 , otherwise.   Thus we see that ax =(a x )∈ CS whenever x = (x ) ∈ C (∆) if and only if z = (z ) ∈ mn mn r mn r mn C whenever y = (y ) ∈ C . This means that a = (a ) ∈ {C (∆)}β(r) if and only if B ∈ (C : C ). r mn r mn r r r Therefore, we consider the following equality and equation m n m n m n sup |b | ≤ sup |a | mnij pq m,n∈NXi=0Xj=0 m,n∈NXi=0Xj=0(cid:18)Xp=iXq=j (cid:19) m n i j = sup |a | ij m,n∈NXi=0Xj=0(cid:18)Xp=0Xq=0 (cid:19) m n (3.13) = sup (i+1)(j +1)|a |, ij m,n∈NXi=0Xj=0 8 m n i j r− lim b = r− lim a mnij pq m,n→∞ m,n→∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) Xi,j Xi=0Xj=0 Xp=0Xq=0 i j (3.14) = a . pq (cid:18) (cid:19) Xi,j Xp=0Xq=0 Then, we derive from the condition (3.3)-(3.5) that (3.15) (i+1)(j +1)|a | < ∞. ij Xi,j Further, from Lemma 3.2 conditions (3.6) and (3.7), m m m n (3.16) r− lim b = r− lim a m,n→∞ mnij0 m,n→∞ pq Xi Xi Xp=iqX=j0 exists for each fixed j ∈ N and 0 n m m n (3.17) r− lim b = r− lim a m,n→∞ mni0j m,n→∞ pq Xj Xi pX=i0Xq=j exists for each fixed i ∈ N. This show that {C (∆)}β(r) = F ∩F ∩F which completes the proof. (cid:3) 0 r 1 2 3 Now, we may give our theorem exhibiting the β(ϑ)-dual of the series space C (∆) in the case η η,ϑ ∈ {p,bp,r}, without proof. Theorem 3.6. {C (∆)}β(ϑ) = {a = (a ) ∈ Ω :B = (b ) ∈(C :C )} where B = (b ) is defined η mn mnij η ϑ mnij by (3.12). 4. Characterization of some classes of four dimensional matrices In the present section, we characterize the matrix transformations from the space C (∆) to the r double sequence space C . Although the theorem characterizing the class (µ : C (∆)) are stated and ϑ ϑ proved, the necessary and sufficient conditions on a four dimensional matrix belonging to the classes (C :C (∆)) and (C : C (∆)) also given without proof. r r bp bp Theorem 4.1. A =(a )∈ (C (∆) :C ) if and only if the following conditions hold: mnkl r ϑ ∞ ∞ (4.1) sup a < ∞, mnpq (cid:12) (cid:12) m,nXk,l (cid:12)Xp=kXq=l (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) s s t (cid:12) (cid:12) (4.2) ϑ− lim a −exists for fixed j , mnpq 0 s,t→∞ Xi=0Xp=ipX=j0 t s t (4.3) ϑ− lim a −exists for fixed i , mnpq 0 s,t→∞ Xj=0pX=i0Xp=j ∞ ∞ (4.4) ϑ−lim a = a for all k,l ∈ N, mnpq kl m,n Xp=kXq=l ∞ ∞ (4.5) ∃ul0 ∈ C ∋ ϑ−lim a = ul0 for fixed l ∈ N, mnpq 0 m,n Xk Xp=kqX=l0 ∞ ∞ (4.6) ∃v ∈ C ∋ ϑ−lim a = v for fixed k ∈ N, k0 mnpq k0 0 m,n Xl pX=k0Xq=l ∞ ∞ (4.7) ∃v ∈ C ∋ ϑ−lim a = v. mnpq m,n Xk,l Xp=kXq=l 9 Proof. Let us take any x = (x ) ∈C (∆) and define the sequence y = (y ) by mn r kl ykl = xkl−xk−1,l−xk,l−1+xk−1,l−1; (k,l ∈ N). Then, y = (y ) ∈ C by Theorem 2.2. Now, for the (s,t)th rectangular partial sum of the series kl r a x , we derive that j,k mnjk jk P s t (Ax)[s,t] = a x mn mnjk jk Xj=0Xk=0 s t j k = y a pq mnjk (cid:18) (cid:19) Xj=0Xk=0 Xp=0Xq=0 s t s t (4.8) = a y mnpq jk (cid:18) (cid:19) Xj=0Xk=0 Xp=jXq=k for all m,n,s,t ∈ N. Define the matrix B = (b[s,t] ) by mn mnjk s t a , 0 ≤ j ≤ s, 0 ≤ k ≤ t, (4.9) b[s,t] :=  mnpq mnjk  Xp=jXq=k 0 , otherwise.   Then, the equality (4.8) may be rewritten as (4.10) (Ax)[s,t] = (B y) . mn mn [s,t] Then, the convergence of the rectangular partial sums (Ax)[s,t] in the regular sense for all m,n ∈ N mn and for all x ∈ C (∆) is equivalent of saying that B ∈ (C : C ). Hence, the following conditions r mn r ϑ (4.11) (k+1)(l+1)|a |< ∞, mnkl Xk,l s s t (4.12) ϑ− lim a −exists for fixed j , mnpq 0 s,t→∞ Xi=0Xp=ipX=j0 t s t (4.13) ϑ− lim a −exists for fixed i mnpq 0 s,t→∞ Xj=0pX=i0Xp=j must be satisfied for every fixed m,n ∈ N. In this case, ∞ ∞ [s,t] ϑ− lim b = a , s,t→∞ mnjk mnpq Xp=jXq=k ϑ−(Ax)[s,t] = r−lim(B y) mn mn 10

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