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Dolerus anatolii, n. sp., the first Palearctic member of the subgenus Neodolerus goulet (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) PDF

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Preview Dolerus anatolii, n. sp., the first Palearctic member of the subgenus Neodolerus goulet (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 106(1), 2004, pp. 139-165 DOLERUS ANATOLII, N. SP., THE FIRST PALEARCTIC MEMBER OF THE SUBGENUS NEODOLERUS GOULET (HYMENOPTERA: TENTHREDINIDAE) MiKK Heidemaa and Alexey Zinovjev (MH) Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Tartu. Vanemuise 46, 51014 Tartu, Estonia, c/o Institute of Plant Protection, Estonian Agricultural University, 50412 Tartu, Estonia (e-mail: [email protected]); (AZ) Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia (e-mail: zag_entom(s^yahoo.com) — Abstract. A new tenthredinid, Doleriis {Neodolerus) anatolii Heidemaa and Zino- vjev, n. sp., is described from the Russian Far East and South Korea. It is the first species of the subgenus Neodolerus Goulet from outside the Nearctic Region. The subgenus now includes eleven Nearctic and one Palearctic species. Shared characters between Neodol- erus species and the Palearctic Dolerus (Poodolenis) vulneratus Mocsary are discussed. Key Words: Dolerus vulneratus, Dolerus shanghaiensis, geographic distribution, Hol- arctic, Hymenoptera, Neodolerus, new species, Poodolerus, sawfly. taxon- omy, Tenthredinidae, zoogeography Neodolerus Goulet, 1986 (type species 1965; Haris 1996; Wei 1997; Wei and Nie Dolerus sericeus Say, 1824), a subgenus of 1997; Haris 2000, 2001), and it is not one the Holarctic genus Dolerus Panzer, 1801, of the Nearctic species treated by Goulet has been known from Nearctic species. (1986). The species is named after the out- 1 1 Together with the nitens group, which cor- standing Russian symphytologist. Anatolii responds to Poodolerus Zhelochovtsev, Nikolaevich Zhelochovtsev (1903-1976), 1988, it is regarded as an early lineage of who was the first to recognize it as a new Dolerus by Goulet (1986). Both are char- species but never named or published on it. acterized by a shared apomoiphic character, Material and Methods the relatively long sternum 9 in males (short in Selandriinae). Neodolerus is defined by The description of new species is based the following synapomorphies: a deeply on 3 female specimens, 2 collected in the outlined furrow on the outer surface of the Russian Far East and in South Korea. The 1 metatibia, a large flat surface at the poste- morphological terminology follows Goulet rior angle of the median lobe (small in other (1986) and Viitasaari (2002). The right half Selandriinae), and the markedly raised pos- of valvula (lancet) of the holotype and the 1 teriomedial surface of tergum 8 in the left half of one paratype were dissected, males. processed in 109f KOH. and mounted in Here, we describe a new species of Neo- Canada balsam (holotype) and euparal dolerus from the Russian Far East and (paratype) between rectangular cover slides. South Korea. It does not fit any Dolerus They were then pkiced in paper frames and species known from the Palearctic (Zhelo- pinned with the corresponding specimen. chovtsev 1928, 1935; Malaise 1931; Muche Measurements were made on all three spec- — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 160 Cydavx. 3an. [= prope] taeniatus" [in pencil, authentic handwriting of A. N. Zhelochovtsev]; rmbi "HOLOTYPUS DOLERUS ANATOLII 9 A. lUapoe 948 HEIDEMAA & ZINOVJEV 2003" [red handwritten label]. Flagellomeres 5-7 of [Sudzuch. Zap. = Lazovsky Reservation] the right antenna are missing, the remaining [Ta-Chingou-za Bay = Proselochnaya Bay] flagellomeres of both antennae are glued on [24.-27.06.1948 A. Sharov leg.] a piece of paper placed on the same pin as the specimen. The preparation of the right half of valvula bears the handwritten 1 code: "Dol. sp. 6493-3." and is pinned with PARATYPES the specimen. (2 2): 1 9 with two labels '"RUSSIA: Primorskiy kray [LB] Sikhote-Alin Biol. Station [LB] 30 km SE Chuguevka [LB] 44.05 N 134.12 E m [LB] 31.V.1983 650 [LB] leg. A.TAEGER" [white printed label]; "PAR- Doi n. sfD. ATYPUS 9 DOLERUS ANATOLII HEI- pr. [prope = near] taeniatus 1 DEMAA & ZINOVJEV 2003" [red hand- written label]. The preparation of the left &Fig. 1. Dolerus aiuitolii. holotype female. Labels half of valvula 1 is pinned with the speci- 1 2. men. Deposited in the Deutsches Entomo- logisches Institut. Eberswalde. Germany; 1 imens. The upper and lower limit for each 9 with two labels: "Mirugam (Pugdaesa) measurement is given in the description. [128.57 E; 37.80 N] [LB] 1300m Mt. Odae- The line drawings of valvula 1 are from san [LB] Kangwondo. Korea [LB] digital micrographs taken with an Olympus 28.V.1991 [LB] A. Shinohara" [white print- BX50 System Microscope and Olympus ed label, the date partially handwritten]; DPI Camera. Other illustrations are from "PARATYPUS 9 DOLERUS ANATOLII 1 micrographs taken with an Olympus stereo- HEIDEMAA & ZINOVJEV 2003" [red microscope SZX9 and digital camera C- handwritten label]. The left flagellum, mid- 4040ZOOM. tibia, and midtarsus are missing. Deposited in the Department of Zoology. National Dolerus (Neodoleriis) auatolii Heidemaa Science Museum (Nat. Hist.), Tokyo, Japan. — and Zinovjev, new species Female. Body black. Wings hyaline, (Figs. 1-10) slightly infuscated towards apices. Abdo- Type material. Holotype: female in men and legs of holotype somewhat brown- coll. A. N. Zhelochovtsev, Zoological Mu- ish, probably due to storage conditions of seum of Moscow State University (Russia); specimen. Body length 9.6-10.2 mm. Dis- & with three labels (labels 1 2 in Fig. 1.): tance from distal margin of tegula to pter- [Sudzuch. Zap. = Judzuhe Zapovednik, ostigma 5.0-5.55 mm. now the Lazovsky Reservation, Ta-Chin- Head: Width at level of compound eyes gou-za (= Ta-Chingou-za Bay, now Prose- 2.35-2.52 mm, maximum width behind mm lochnaya Bay, approximately in the middle eyes 2.26-2.41 (measured in dorsal between Valentin 44. 12N; 134.30E and view). Head behind eyes subparallel in dor- Preobrazheniye 42.90N: 133.9 IE). 24- sal view (Fig. 2). Length of head behind 27.06.1948, A. Sharov leg. (pale label, par- compound eye about 0.4X (25/60) of length tially printed, partially handwritten, in Cy- of eye in dorsal view (head positioned so rillic)], "Dol. n. sp. [LB = line break] pr hind margins of lateral ocelli and com- VOLUME NUMBER 106. 1 161 pound eyes aligned). Setae from silvery to and central parts of mesoscutellum smaller brownish silvery and from brownish silvery and sparser than on posterior and lateral to brownish on labrum and mandible. Lon- parts. Flat surface at posterior angle of me- gest setae on postocellar area shorter than dian lobe glabrous or slightly alutaceous. diameter of middle ocellus, on frons in Setae on upper part of thorax silvery to front of middle ocellus setae about as long brownish, longer than those on upper head. as ocellus diameter. Setae on paraantennal Punctures on mesopleuron up to 0.13 mm, mm field up to 0. 1 1 long. Antennal setae often polygonal, with glabrous ridges of un- mm blackish, on scape up to 0.11 long. even height between them (Fig. 4). Setae mm Length of antennal segments measured in on mesopleuron up to 0.14 long. Lat- mm: scape (with radicula) 0.49-0.50; ped- eral portions of pectus surface rather flat. icel 0.27-0.32; flagellomere 1—0.83-0.95, Pectus with small and sparse punctures in 2—0.69-0.81, 3—0.60-0.70, 4—0.51- middle and posterior parts, in its anterior 7— 0.60, 5—0.44-0.52, 6—0.40-0.45, part punctures larger (up to 0.06 mm) and 0.38-0.45. Upper area between ocelli and denser; pectus microsculpture indistinct, compound eye somewhat depressed. Punc- scalelike. Anterior part of thorax at border tures behind eyes mostly separated, only of mesopleuron and pectus without punc- some in upper third (just behind eye) fused. tures, but with some scalelike microsculp- Punctures between compound eyes with ture. Distance between cenchri 0.50-0.59 glabrous interspaces narrower than punc- mm. Lateral parts of mesoscutellar append- ture diameter, forming meshlike sculpture. age transversely concave, meshed. Metepi- Punctures on genae and temples less dense, meron and metepisternum with irregular with glabrous interspaces; puncture diame- rough sculpture, their shape as in Fig. 5. ter on temples 0.02-0.06 mm. Postocellar Outer surface of metacoxa with numerous area slightly raised, convex, with longitu- sparse punctures, denser and larger at base dinal median groove indistinct (holotype, than at apex; microsculpture scalelike, rath- 1 paratype) or missing (1 paratype), bordered er obsolete. Basal upper corner of metacoxa by distinct parallel or slightly convergent glabrous. postocellar furrows. OCL: 0.45-0.49, OOL: Abdomen: Terga shiny. Tergum 1 with at 0.55-0.59, POL: 0.28-0.31 mm. Length of least some small punctures. Macrosculpture left compound eye 0.67-0.73. height 0.96- on next terga obsolete, indistinct punctures 1.05 mm. Posterior part of vertex with starting from tergum 5. Sculpticells on terga transverse depression bordered posteriorly 1-5 scalelike, obsolete. Terga 1-4 dorsally with occipital carina. Occipital carina more almost without setae, more numerous and distinct at vertex and gena level. Clypeus dense from tergum 5. Silvery-gray setae slightly asymmetric, with right lobe more cover all sterna and lateral parts of all terga prominent than left lobe (Fig. 3). Clypeus entirely. Brownish setae may be present on with indistinct transverse carina and irreg- terga 8-9. Valvula 3 (apical sheath) in lat- ular punctures, its slightly triangular emar- eral view about as long (1.0-1.10 mm) as gination about 0.8X as deep as its length. valvifer 2 (basal sheath), its shape as in Fig. Distance from lower margins of toruli to 6. Longest setae of valvula 3 (sensory tuft) lower margin of clypeus 0.54-0.60 mm. 0.29-0.33 mm, curved at apical third and Thorax: Lateral half of median lobe with forming ca. 30° angle in dorsal view (Fig. mm 10-14 large punctures. Middle part of me- 7). Cercus 0.17-0.19 long. Setae on dian lobe laterally from median mesoscutal cercus and valvula 3 brownish. Valvula I groove longitudinally depressed. Punctures (lancet) with 16 segments, apical half dor- on mesoscutum fine, more or less regular, sally concave (Fig. 8). Annuli of middle with glabrous interspaces mostly wider than segments outlined by stiff setalike sensilla; puncture diameter. Punctures on anterior winglike processes of annuli absent; serru- PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 162 Figs. 2-7. Dolerus anatolii, holotype/paratype female. 2, Head in dorsal view (holotype). 3. Outline of clypeus (holotype). 4. Mesopleuron surface (holotype). 5. Metepimeron and metepisternum (holotype). 6, Apical part of abdomen in lateral view (paratype). 7, Valvula 3 (apical sheath) in dorsal view (holotype). VOLUME NUMBER 106, 1 163 Figs. 8-10. Dolenis anatolii, holotype female. 8, Valvula 1 (lancet) with details of 2 serrulae. 9, Apical part of the valvula 1. 10. Basal part of the valvula 1. lae as in Fig. 9. Apical and basal parts of (Fig. 1.) indicating that he was planning to valvula 1 as in Figs. 9-10. Serrulae 1-3 describe it as a new species. However, there without teeth, the rest with approximate is no indication that he noticed its resem- number of teeth as follows: 4:4; 5:5; 6:7; 7: blance to any Nearctic species. Superficial- 8; 8:8; 9:10; 10:9; 11:8; 12:7; 13:9; 14:6; ly, D. anatolii resembles D. pachycenis 15:4; 16:1 (serrulae numbered from base of Hartig. 1837 (= D. taeniatiis Zaddach, valvula —1 to apex). 1859), of the subgenus Jiincilerus Zhelo- Male. Unk—nown. chovtsev (= Achaetoprion Goulet), but it Host plant. —Unknown. differs by the ovipositor and presence of a Distribution. Eastern Asia: southern furrow on the metatibia. Dolenis anatolii, Russian Far East and South Korea. possessing the following combination of Discussion characters, does not fit any of Zhelochov- The holotype female of the species bears tsev's subgenera: comparatively long ovi- a handwritten label by A. N. Zhelochovtsev positor, valvula 1 without lateral teeth, and 164 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON the enlarged irregular punctures on the me- known from Estonia (Viitasaari et al. 1998), sopleuron. Within the subgenus Neodole- Russian Karelia (Lindqvist 1969), Siberia, rus, Dolerus anatolii is closest to D. par- the Russian Far East (Zhelochovtsev and asericeus MacGillivray, 1908; however, D. Zinovjev 1996), and South Korea (Haris anatolii differs by the mostly separated 2001). punctures behind the compound eyes with On the other hand, the penis valve of D. only some in the upper third (just behind vulneratus is very different (Zhelochovtsev the eyes) fused, the mesoscutellar append- 1988: 181, fig. 10) from all Neodolerus spe- age transversely concave, outer surface of cies and resembles species of the Dolerus the metacoxa with numerous punctures, and alpinus and D. affinis groups. We did not the lamnium with 16 segments. study any material of Dolerus shanghaien- The host plant is known for only one sis Wei and Nie (the name is preoccupied Neodoleriis species, Dolerus sericeus Say, by Dolerus shanghaiensis Haris, 1996) that which feeds on wheat and probably on oth- according to its description and illustrations er grasses (Goulet 1986, Leblanc and Gou- of the ovipositor and penis valve first re- let 1992). Until now, Neodolerus was con- sembled a Neodolerus species. However, sidered endemic to North America. With the specimens of its type series show no the discovery of D. anatolii in the eastern funow on the outer surface of the metatibia Palearctic the possibility of a Palearctic or- (Meicai Wei, personal communication). igin for Neodolerus cannot completely be This species most probably belongs to the excluded. Presence of Neodolerus in east- subgenus Poodolerus. ern Palearctic is a sequent example reflect- Further study incorporating molecular ing the well-known relationships between methods may shed more light on the phy- the temperate fauna of eastern Asia and logenetic relationships between the Neodol- eastern North America. Because many sci- erus and allied Poodolerus species. entists studying eastern Asiatic species Acknowledgments were unaware of the eastern North Ameri- can taxa, they often described new genera. David R. Smith (Systematic Entomology Goulet (1986) proposed that Neodolerus Laboratory, USDA, National Museum of might be a lineage within his nitens group Natural History, Washington, D.C.) and (Poodolerus Zhelochovtsev). Poodolerus is Henri Goulet (Canadian National Collec- distributed mostly in the Palearctic (over 55 tion of Insects, Ottawa) commented on and species in western Palearctic), with seven improved the manuscript. Irina Kadis (Ar- Nearctic and one Holarctic species {D. as- nold Arboretum, Harvard University, Cam- per Zaddach, 859), and one species intro- bridge, Massachusetts) improved the style. 1 duced into North America (D. nitens Zad- Alexander V. Antropov (Zoological Muse- dach, 1859). Discussion of the phylogenetic um of Moscow State University, Moscow), relationships within Poodolerus is not with- Akihiko Shinohara (Dept. of Zoology, Na- in the scope of this paper, but it is note- tional Science Museum (Nat. Hist.), To- worthy that characteristic features of Neo- kyo), and Andreas Taeger (Deutsches En- dolerus occur in some species of Poodole- tomologisches Institut, Eberswalde) loaned rus, for example, in D. vulneratus Mocsary, specimens. Matti Viitasaari (Dept. of Ap- 1878. This species has two characters in plied Biology, University of Helsinki) ar- common with Neodolerus species: the dis- ranged the loan of D. sericeus and helped tinctly outlined furrow on the outer surface with some morphological terms. Arkady S. of the metatibia and the large flat triangular Lelej (Institute of Biology and Pedology, surface at the posterior angle of the median Vladivostok) provided us with up-to-date lobe (3 females were examined). Dolerus geographical information concerning the vulneratus is a rare Palearctic species type locality. Wei Meicai (Central South VOLUME NUMBER 106, 1 165 Forestry University, Zhuzhou, Hunan) in- schwedischen Kamtchatka-Expedition 1920- formed us about the requested character 1922. Arkiv for Zoologi 23A(8): 1-68. Muche, H. 1965. Mongolische Dolerini (Tenthredini- states of D. shanghaiensis Wei and Nie. dae, Dolerinae). Reichenbachia 5(20): 181-189. Martin Kiirner and Taavi ViiTO (Institute of Viitasaari, M. 2002. The suborder Symphyta of the Zoology and Hydrobiology, University of Hymenoptera, pp. 11-174. //; Viitasaari, M., ed. Tartu) assisted in preparing the digital mi- Sawfllies I (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). A Review of the Suborder, the Western Palaearctic Taxa of crographs for the line drawings of the ovi- Xyeloidea and Pamphilioidea. Tremex Press, Hel- positor. Our cordial thanks is extended to sinki, 516 pp. them. Viitasaari, M., M. Heidemaa, M. Nuorteva, and A. Zi- novjev. 1998. An annotated checklist of the saw- Literature Cited flies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Estonia. Pro- ceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Goulet, H. 1986. The genera and species of the Ne- Biology Ecology 47(2): 126-147. Wei, M. 1997. New species of sawflies (Hymenoptera: arctic Dolerini (Symphyta, Tenthredinidae, Selan- driinae): Classification and phylogeny. Memoirs Tenthredinidae) in the collection ofEntomological Museum of Northwestern Agricultural University. of the Entomological Society of Canada No. 135, Entomotaxonomia 19(Suppl.): 17-24. 208 pp. Haris, A. 1996. New east-Palearctic Dolenis species Wei, M. and H. Nie. 1997. Seven new species of Do- lerus Panzer (Hymenoptera: Tenthredino-morpha: (Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Tenthredinidae). Acta Tenthredinidae) from China. Entomotaxonomia Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19(Suppl.): 60-68. 42(3): 187-194. Zhelochovtsev, A. N. 1928. Uber palaarktische Doler- 2000. Study on the Palearctic Dolerus Panzer, . inae. Zoologischer Anzeiger 79(3—4): 105—112. 1801 species (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). Fo- . 1935. Notes sur les Dolerinae (Hym.) Palearc- lia Entomologica Hungahca/Rovartani Kozlemen- tiques. Archives du Muzee Zoologique de yek 61: 95-148. rUniversite de Moscou II: 79—84. (In French with 2001. Six new Dolerus Panzer, 1801 species . Russian summary.) from Japan, Turkey and the United States (Hy- . 1988. Symphyta, pp. 7-234. In Medvedjev, menoptera: Tenthredinidae). Folia Entomologica G. S., ed. Opredeliatel Nasekomykyh Evropeiskoi Hungarica/Rovartani Kozlemenyek 62: 83-93. Chasti SSSR. III. Perepondhatokrylye 6. Oprede- Leblanc, L. and H. Goulet. 1992. Descriptions of lar- liteli po faune SSSR 158. Nauka Leningrad. (En- vae of eight Nearctic species of Dolerus (Hyme- glish translation: 1994. Keys to the Insects of the noptera: Tenthredinidae) with focus on six Equi- European Part of the USSR, Volume III, Hyme- setum-iceding species from the Ottawa region. noptera, Part VI, Symphyta. E. J. Brill, New York, Canadian Entomologist 124(6): 999-1014. 432 pp.) Lindqvi.st, E. 1969. Blattwespen-Studien (Hymenop- Zhelochovtsev. A. N. and A. G. Zinovjev. 1996. A list tera, Symphyta). Notulae Entomologicae 49: 38- of sawflies and horntails (Hymenoptera, Symphy- 48. ta) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent territories. Malaise, R. 1931. Entomologische Ergebnisse der II. Entomological Review 76: 451-470.

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