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Does the Bible Contradict Itself? A Study of An Apparent Contradiction in Scripture PDF

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Preview Does the Bible Contradict Itself? A Study of An Apparent Contradiction in Scripture

Firm Our Volume 23, Number 7 • July 2008 Foundation YYou AAre BBoughhtt With a Price Part 3 Importance of Receiving the Holy Spirit “Politically Incorrect” Christianity Is God Particular? A Study of An Apparent Part 2 Contradiction in Scripture The King of the North Part 7 Fanaticism In Diet - Part 2 Does the Bible Contradict Itself? Page 12 The Seventh-day Sabbath Christ Our Righteousness The Immutable Law of God The Non-Immortality of the Soul The Three Angels’ Messages The Sanctuary Editorial Joe Olson Joe Olson serves as the executive director and chairman of the board of Hope International. He also travels as an international speaker. Theological Waymarks Beginning next month, we have de- years, and providing as much historical do that. There is also so much good, in- cided that we are going to move the documentation as we can discover. In spirational, soul-stirring material from Theological Waymarks section of the order to do this, we need the freedom the pen of Inspiration. Lastly it will magazine onto our website at www.ho- of more space in which to present the give us more room for the Newswatch peint.org. materials we find, and so we needn’t be articles and health articles. The reason for the move is that there concerned about what people remem- It is a constant juggle to try to make is so much information to share with ber was said in each previous article. the magazine easy to read and make it you, we simply cannot put all of it into We have many subscribers that give spiritually relevant at the same time, all the magazine without either taking up their past issues to others to read. They the while trying to meet the needs of the whole magazine or having endless send them to foreign countries or to our subscribers. We need your constant “parts.” We want to be able to maintain prisoners. There are many people that prayer and intercession that we might some sense of continuity. In order to do want to read the magazine that either follow the path that the Lord lays out that, we need to have all of the material cannot afford it, or cannot afford the for us. together in one place and one time. extra postage to get it to them, espe- We are striving to be faithful stew- At our website, we have the luxury cially in the case of foreign postage. ards of the Lord’s blessings and every of being able to include all of the ma- As a result, these people cannot easily issue of the magazine, every individual terial at once, without having to sacri- go back to previous issues and “recap” article, is gone over in a very painstak- fice space or continuity of thought. We what was said in the last few magazines. ing way to make sure it is all truth and have tried to present the materials we This is the problem we hope to address leads people to a deeper and closer re- have in as clear and concise a way as by putting all of the material together in lationship to Jesus Christ. we can, but some things get lost over one continuous strain for each topic. It “Whom shall he teach knowledge? time when you have the same article in also makes it much easier for those who and whom shall he make to understand eight, nine or ten magazines. want to do Bible studies on one of the doctrine? them that are weaned from We have struggled with how to get particular topics we address. All of the the milk, and drawn from the breasts. the materials that we have out to the material will be available for immediate For precept must be upon precept, pre- people without inundating them with download and printing. cept upon precept; line upon line, line a lot of the needed documentation and What will we do with the space that upon line; here a little, and there a lit- historical perspectives. For those that is left in the magazine? We almost al- tle.” Isaiah 28:9, 10. had been following the “daily” ar- ways have a standing list of articles “We need now to present the truth in ticles, each month we tried to address waiting to get into the magazine, but its important bearings. We are to walk another issue or error that had clouded space limitations have prohibited them every step understandingly. Blessed the truth. Unfortunately, because there from being included in a timely fashion. light from the Word of God is to come were so many issues to address, it took Some excellent articles are still in our to the people. No new and strange several articles. readers’ heads or hearts. We encourage thing is to be introduced now, unless it We have the goal of continuing to you to share with other readers your is proved by much diligent investiga- bring to you, with a firm “thus sayeth personal studies, spiritual insights, and tion and most earnest prayer. Blessed the Lord,” all of the truth that has in the like. As time progresses, we will light from the Word of God is ours to many cases been covered up with su- need to strengthen one another ever receive and in assurance give to peo- perstition, unbelief and error for many more earnestly. Writing is one way to ple.” 10MR 313. 2 Table of Contents Volume 23 Number 7 July 2008 Our Mission - It is the mission of Hope International and the You Are Bought With A editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly present Christ and Price: The “Penalty Death” His truth. The days remaining for this world are few, and we Part 3 - Page 4 must work quickly. We must boldly proclaim the historic truths Barry J. Mellor of Adventism that place us on so firm a foundation in the midst of this troubled world. —Editor Importance of Receiving Executive Director: Joe Olson the Holy Spirit - Page 8 [email protected] Editor: Heidi Heiks Ellen G. White [email protected] “Politically Incorrect” Director of Hope For Health: Heather Olson, R.N., C.H. Christianity [email protected] Page 10 Bookstore Manager: Kaye Olson Maxim Balaklitsky; Maxim Serbin [email protected] Sojourn To Egypt - Page 12 Layout & Design: Sherrie Steele [email protected] Clark Floyd Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by: Is God Particular? Hope International Part 2 - Page 15 P.O. Box 220 Hope Joe Olson Knoxville, Illinois 61448 USA International The King Of the North Phone: 309.343.1844 Part 7 - Page 18 Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Central Time Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Central Time Heidi Heiks Fax: 309.343.3721 News Watch - Page 24 Email: offi[email protected] Web: www.hopeint.org Fanaticism in Diet - Part 2 About Hope International - We are a lay ministry founded, supported, Page 26 and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist God’s Church in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel in every way that is consistent with the principles of God as revealed in Inspiration. Kevin Paulson Invitation to Writers - We are accepting article-length manuscripts for Historical Footnotes possible publication in Our Firm Foundation. We prefer that submissions be Page 29 submitted in Word .doc format as a computer file. Include a digital picture and a short bio. Please address all correspondence to Editor, Our Firm Letters to the Editor Foundation, P.O. Box 220, Knoxville, IL 61448, or by email to [email protected]. Page 31 Subscription Information: See page 30 • Shipping & Sales Tax: See page 30 Content credited in this publication is the property of its respective owner(s) and is licensed or used with permission. Other items are the property of Hope International. Cover Photo: Shutterstock.com All Photos unless otherwise noted: Shutterstock.com Volume 23, Number 7 3 Bought have to trust in? See Deuteronomy 8:3 You Are and Matthew 4:4; see also Luke 10:28; Psalms 16:10 and Acts 2:25–27. Jesus knew that He had done no wrong. He With had not personally violated the law. The A Price: sin which He had become was yours and mine. Satan could find nothing in Him. The “Penalty Death”—Part 3 Jesus’ Faith Then Saves Us Now Just as He assumed our fallen human nature, so He also assumed our sin and Jesus could not have gained the victory bore fallen human nature and sin into the grave—an eternal grave—from over every element of the penalty death which it would not rise the second time when all is fulfilled. But as He hung in unless He, by faith, submitted agony on the cross, none of this could be to every element of the penalty itself. “seen.” Jesus had to trust in His Father’s justice that the Father would “not suffer His Holy One to see corruption.” He Barry J. Mellor had to trust that His Father would raise Him again after He had rested on the Sabbath in the tomb. It was a supreme act of faith, on Jesus’ part, for Him to declare, “It is finished.” “Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.” Remember “the just shall live by faith.” Jesus is “the just;” it is His faith that saves us. His “faith is the victory!” “A light encircled the cross, and the face of the Saviour shone with a glory like the sun. He then bowed His head upon His breast, and died.” The Desire of Ages, 756. Now the temple veil is torn from top to bottom. Now the sacrificial lamb escapes from the nerveless fingers of the priest. “Type has met antitype in the death of God’s Son. [Not in the tasting!] The great sacrifice has been made. The way into the holiest is laid open. A new and living way is prepared for all.” Ibid., 757. The New and Living Way What is this “new and living way”? What is the power that raised up Jesus Faith, Not Feelings Ages, 421. Had Moses not been raised from the dead; that assures redeemed Did Jesus gain the victory before from the grave (first death)? Had Jesus man of eternal life; that is the key to He died? Absolutely! The victory over Himself not recently called Lazarus salvation from sin (in which we are dead) feelings. It was in conscious faith that back from what Jesus Himself called and of victory over death (obviously Jesus gained that victory! What is faith? only “a sleep”? victory over the second death)? Romans “Now faith is the substance of things So what grave could Jesus not see 8:11, has the answer: hoped for, the evidence of things not through? The grave of those who are “But if the Spirit of him that raised seen.” Hebrews 11:1. Jesus “could not eventually separated from God! The up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he see through the portals of the tomb.” grave of sin, which He had become for that raised up Christ from the dead shall But had He not, shortly before, met us. However, since we have to exercise also quicken your mortal bodies by his with Moses and Elijah on the Mount of faith in God’s Word, which “Word” Spirit that dwelleth in you.” the Transfiguration? See The Desire of relating to God’s justice did Jesus The permanent indwelling presence 4 Our Firm Foundation of the Holy Spirit in the redeemed was in the cup of human woe. [Notice, this the Father’s hand as there had been with made possible only by Jesus effecting is the cup of “human woe,” not the Abraham. “. . . And with His parting the reconciliation, by dying in sinful final cup. Still not the penalty of the breath He exclaimed, ‘It is finished.’” man’s place—thereby remitting sin law!] In those dreadful hours He had The Desire of Ages, 758. until its final termination. In John relied upon the evidence of His Father’s “In death He [Jesus] gained the victory 14:17, Jesus made the promise of the acceptance heretofore given Him. He over its [death’s] power; in rising again, indwelling of the Comforter in the lives was acquainted with the character of He opened the gates of the grave to all of His followers: His Father; He understood His justice, His followers.” Prophets and Kings, “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the His mercy, and His great love. 701. world cannot receive, because it seeth “In dying, He condemned the him not, neither knoweth him: but ye “The penalty threatened is not originator of sin and disloyalty to suffer know him; for he dwelleth with you, merely temporal death, for all must the penalty of sin—eternal death.” and shall be in you.” suffer this. It is the second death, the Testimonies, vol. 6, 230. During Old Testament times the opposite of everlasting life.” The battle had been won. Satan, working of the Holy Spirit on men’s as well as sin and death—which are hearts was predicated upon the promise By faith He rested in Him whom it Satan’s power—had been defeated by of the redemption effected by Jesus’ had ever been His joy to obey. And as the “faith of Jesus.” Submission to the sinless life and His death on our behalf. in submission He committed Himself to penalty for sin—on behalf of fallen The New Testament is based upon God [Jesus was now laying “down His man—was Jesus’ part in the sacrifice. “better promises,” for our reconciliation life”—like Isaac, submitting Himself How readily we forget the Father’s part: has been accomplished. Man can now to the sacrifice presided over by the the performing of the sacrifice—the become a permanent union of humanity Father], the sense [feeling] of the loss taking of the Lamb’s life. and divinity—as Jesus was—by being of His Father’s favor was withdrawn. born again of the Spirit and by having, By faith, Christ was victor.” Jesus His Fallen Humanity through choice, the indwelling presence was trusting His Father to raise Him Died Forever of the Holy, Divine Spirit. That to restored and eternal unity with His The fallen humanity of Jesus bore sin indwelling of the Holy Spirit can be for Father. to the grave. In justice, because Jesus all eternity if we “faint not” and pass had never sinned in that fallen humanity, our earthly probation on God’s side of We Share His Victory God the Father could raise Him up the equation. “But if the Spirit of Him that raised up again. See Romans 8:11. However, let us Jesus said, “And I will pray the Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that never forget that Jesus’ fallen humanity Father, and he shall give you another raised up Christ from the dead shall also never rose from the grave. Jesus’ Comforter, that he may abide with you quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit fallen humanity died forever. Glorified for ever.” John 14:16. that dwelleth in you.” Romans 8:11. humanity rose from the grave. Sin, which “Whom God hath raised up, having Jesus had become, He bore to death— Humanity and Divinity United loosed the pains of death. . . .” Acts 2:29. eternal death. Jesus “condemned sin in We are warned not to grieve away the “Who verily was fore ordained before the flesh.” Romans 8:3. Satan—he who Holy Spirit, “whereby we are sealed unto the foundation of the world, but was had the power of sin and death—was the day of redemption.” The indwelling manifested in these last times for you: defeated; his power was now broken. presence of the Holy Spirit—the union who by him do believe in God, that Satan’s fate, sin’s fate, was now eternally of humanity with divinity—is man’s raised Him up from the dead, and gave sealed. The redeemed who have died assurance of eternal life, for man’s life Him glory, that your faith and hope before Christ’s Second Coming will all is united to divinity and divinity cannot might be in God.” 1 Peter 1:20, 21. come forth from the grave with glorified die, whereas fallen humanity will perish humanity. Those redeemed who are forever. The redeemed only “sleep.” Finishing His Work still alive at His coming will all receive Their life is hid with God through the “Christ did not yield up His life till He glorified humanity before ascension. agency of the mighty third person of had accomplished the work which He This “mortal” body—subject to eternal the Godhead: the Holy Spirit. When the came to do. . . .” What work was that? It death—must “put on immortality,” redeemed come forth from the grave, was to show that fallen human nature, because this “flesh and blood” “cannot they do so in glorified humanity—like united with Divinity can perfectly keep inherit the kingdom of God.” However, the Jesus! The living saints are changed in God’s law; to vindicate the character lost will retain their fallen humanity, and the twinkling of an eye and also receive of God; to show and demonstrate what finally all fallen humanity will, together glorified humanity. God is really like; to refute Satan’s with sin and its author, be consumed root misrepresentations and to redeem and branch—each suffering the penalty Faith is the Victory fallen man. His act of submitting to of the law—as God performs “His In The Desire of Ages, pg. 756, we read the final, sacrificial phase of the Plan strange act.” By contrast, the redeemed of Jesus’ final moments as He drank of Redemption was the last work that will eternally praise God the Father, the the last of the cup of death: “Amid the Jesus had come to do on earth. But Son, and the Holy Spirit that Jesus paid awful darkness, apparently forsaken of did the Father permit “His Holy One” the penalty for them. God, Christ had drained the last dregs to see death? There was no one to stay Volume 23, Number 7 5 The Penalty the second death.” And they refer also Some have stated that in the Sacred to Revelation 21:8: “But the fearful, Writings they cannot find where it is and unbelieving, and the abominable, stated that Jesus died the second death! and murderers, and whoremongers, and As we have seen, the prophet uses the sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, term “second death” interchangeably shall have their part in the lake which with the term ‘”eternal death,” and burneth with fire and brimstone: which the prophet in both usages indicates is the second death,” implying that the that what these terms describe is the “lake of fire” is being defined as the penalty for sin. The prophet also clearly “second death” and since Jesus did not states and emphasizes that Jesus paid burn in the lake of fire, how could He that penalty. What other reasonable have died the second death? conclusion can one come to other than Let us look closely at these statements that Jesus paid the penalty which is to see whether they are correctly clearly that death which is defined as understood. Revelation 20:14 refers to the “penalty”? two abstracts being cast into the lake “Through death He destroyed ‘him of fire: firstly, “death,” and secondly, that had the power of death, that is, the ‘hell’ (or gehenna or sheol), which devil.’ Hebrews 2:14. This act [dying] is the grave. Is the lake of fire the decided the destiny of the rebel chief, and second death, or is the total and eternal not always refer to the one who has the made forever sure the plan of salvation. elimination of these aspects of Satan’s first birthday, but refers to a status or In death He gained the victory over its rule the second death? Personally, I see standing with God. power; in rising again, He opened the these two abstracts as representing him gates of the grave to all His followers.” who has “the power of sin and death,” When Was Victory Gained? Prophets and Kings, 701–2. namely Satan. And it is the lake of fire It has been published abroad that Jesus “The penalty threatened is not merely that finally and eternally eliminates gained the victory over death while still temporal death, for all must suffer this. Satan (see Revelation 20:10) and all he alive and that He then died the first It is the second death, the opposite of represents. That final elimination is death, rested from His victory during everlasting life. God cannot save the the second death—even though this is the Sabbath and then simply rose from sinner in his sins; but he declares that the the first time that Satan is dying. Once “sleep” [first death] on the first day of wicked, having suffered the punishment again, it seems to me, Inspiration uses the week. The truth is that Jesus gained of their guilt, shall be as though they the term “second death” as representing a series of victories, most notably in the had not been. Says an inspired writer, the state of “eternal death.” wilderness temptation, in the Garden of ‘Thou shalt diligently consider his The second text, Revelation 21:8, is Gethsemane, and finally on the cross. place, and it shall not be.’ Psalms 37:10. even more clear. The “second death” is See Prophets and Kings, 701. On the In consequence of Adam’s sin, death all those various grades of sinners having cross Jesus gained the ultimate victory, passed upon all mankind. All alike go “their part” in the lake of fire. What is best described in Testimonies, vol. 2, down into the grave. But through the “their part in the lake of fire?” To suffer 209–215: provisions of the plan of salvation, all eternal death when they are consumed. “. . . The glorious Redeemer of a are to be brought forth from their graves. The torments of the lake of fire that the lost world was suffering the penalty of Then those who have not secured the wicked suffer is the execution of God’s man’s transgression of the Father’s law. pardon of their sins must receive the vengeance; the ultimate finale is the He was about to ransom His people with penalty of transgression. They suffer penalty or second death. His own blood. [Only when His blood punishment varying in duration and It is also to be noted that some of was shed was the ransom met.] intensity according to their works, but those finally expiring in the lake of fire “. . . . Christ is dying! He is in finally ending in the second death. have previously died at the end of their despair! His Father’s approving smile is Covered with infamy, they sink into probationary lives, have been raised removed, and angels are not permitted hopeless, eternal oblivion.” The Spirit in a special resurrection to see Him to lighten the gloom of the terrible hour. of Prophecy, vol. 4, 364. coming in the clouds of glory, have They can only behold in amazement been destroyed by the “brightness of their loved Commander, the Majesty of “Through the provisions His coming,” are raised at the end at heaven, suffering the penalty of man’s of the plan of salvation, the millennium to die the second death transgression of the Father’s law. all are to be brought forth (even though, for them, it is the third from their graves.” time that they die). Thereafter, they are “He is acquainted with the character as nothing for all eternity. The term of His Father, with His justice, His The Lake of Fire and “second death” simply describes eternal mercy, and His great love, The Second Death death, not necessarily the mechanism and in submission With consternation others refer to which brings it to pass. It is a term used He drops into His hands.” Revelation 20:14: “And death and hell to describe the “penalty of the Law!” were cast into the lake of fire. This is Similarly, the term “firstborn” does “Even doubts assailed the dying Son 6 Our Firm Foundation Amid the awful darkness which is felt He had the abiding evidence of His by sympathizing nature, the Redeemer future glory. Here is a great mistake. . . . drains the mysterious cup even to its “The sins of the world were upon dregs. Denied even bright hope and Him, also the sense of His Father’s confidence in the triumph which will wrath as He suffered the penalty of be His in the future, He cries with a the law transgressed. It was these that loud voice: ‘Father, into Thy hands I crushed His divine soul. . . . commend My spirit.’ He is acquainted “When the atonement is viewed with the character of His Father, with correctly, the salvation of souls will be His justice, His mercy, and His great felt to be of infinite value.” love, and in submission He drops into His hands. . . . Error Must Be Met; Truth Established His Work on Earth Completed Is it important to understand and “Jesus did not yield up His life till He to teach the difference between the had accomplished the work which He concepts of Jesus dying either the came to do, [He lived a life sustained first or the second death? I believe the by faith—a life reflecting the utter statement in Testimonies, vol. 5, 292, trustworthiness of the Father. Laying which states, “Error is never harmless. of God. He could not see through the down His life in total submission and It never sanctifies, but always brings portals of the tomb. Bright hope did not faith was the ultimate victory] and confusion and dissension. It is always present to Him His coming forth from exclaimed with His departing breath: ‘It dangerous.” Jesus stated that the Holy the tomb a conqueror [Does this sound is finished.’ Satan was then defeated. He Spirit, which He sends, would guide like the complete achievement of victory knew that his kingdom was lost. Angels His followers into “all truth,” that His before Jesus died—“laid down His rejoiced as the words were uttered: ‘It is followers would know the truth and the life?”] and His Father’s acceptance of finished.’ The great plan of redemption, truth would set them free. His sacrifice. The sin of the world, with which was dependent on the death of It is error which attempts to insinuate all its terribleness, was felt to the utmost Christ, had been thus far carried out. . . . itself among God’s remnant and bring by the Son of God. The displeasure of the “When men and women can more about division. That is why God’s Father for sin, and its penalty, which is fully comprehend the magnitude of the prophet has declared that error must death [We already have established that great sacrifice which was made by the be met! To teach that Jesus did not the first death is not the penalty.], were Majesty of heaven in dying in man’s die that death which is the penalty of all that He could realize through this stead, then will the plan of salvation be lawbreaking implies that Jesus has not amazing darkness. [No sense of victory.] magnified, and reflections of Calvary “paid it all” for you and me. He could He was tempted to fear that sin was so will awaken tender, sacred, and lively not have gained the victory over every offensive in the sight of His Father that emotions in the Christian’s heart. . . . element of the penalty except He, by He could not be reconciled to His Son. faith, submit to every element of that The fierce temptation that His own “Considering at what an immense penalty. Inspiration tells us that He Father had forever left Him caused that cost our salvation has been “exhausted the penalty.” It was in being piercing cry from the cross: ‘My God, purchased, what will be the fate raised from the penalty death that Jesus My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?’ of those who neglect so great demonstrated His power over the second “Christ felt much as sinners will feel salvation?” death. PRAISE GOD! when the vials of God’s wrath shall be poured out upon them. . . . “Considering at what an immense cost Concluded. “Faith and hope trembled in the our salvation has been purchased, what expiring agonies of Christ because will be the fate of those who neglect so Barry J. Mellor of God had removed the assurance He great salvation? Tennessee: Sailor, Ento- had heretofore given His beloved Son mologist’s Assistant, of His approbation and acceptance. The Magnitude of Clerk, Qualified Auto The Redeemer of the world then relied The Atonement Technician, Student, upon the evidences which had hitherto “. . . Some have limited views of Mission Farm Manager strengthened Him, that His Father the atonement. They think that Christ & Business Economics accepted His labors and was pleased suffered only a small portion of the Lecturer, Town Mayor, with His work. In His dying agony, as penalty of the law of God. They suppose Farmer, Maintenance He yields up His precious life, He has that while the wrath of God was felt by Man & Lifestyle Counselor (self by faith alone to trust in Him whom His dear Son, he had, through all His supporting), Builders’ Carpenter, it has ever been His joy to obey. He is painful sufferings, the evidence of His Church Company Leader, Preacher. not cheered with clear, bright rays of Father’s love and acceptance; that the hope on the right hand nor on the left. portals of the tomb before Him were All is enshrouded in oppressive gloom. illuminated with bright hope, and that Volume 23, Number 7 7 Importance of Receiving the Holy Spirit EElllleenn GGG.. WWWhhiittee Limited Comprehension Character Decides Entrance Expanded Only by Holy Spirit “You may be tall and well-proportioned in self, but you cannot enter here. None can enter who are grown-up chil- During the night of the first Sabbath of the Newcastle dren, carrying with them the disposition, the habits, and the meeting, I seemed to be in meeting, presenting the neces- characteristics which pertain to children. If you have nur- sity and importance of our receiving the Spirit. This was the tured suspicions, criticism, temper, self-dignity, you cannot burden of my labor—the opening of our hearts to the Holy be admitted; for you would spoil the feast. All who go in Spirit. On one occasion Christ told His disciples, “I have through this door have on the wedding garment, woven in yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them the loom of heaven. Those who educate themselves to pick now.” Their limited comprehension put a restraint on Him. flaws in the characters of others, reveal a deformity that He could not open to them the truths He longed to unfold; makes families unhappy, that turns souls from the truth to for while their hearts were closed to them, His unfolding choose fables. Your leaven of distrust, your want of confi- of these truths would be labor lost. They must receive the dence, your power of accusing, closes against you the door Spirit before they could fully understand Christ’s lessons. of admittance. Within this door nothing can enter that could “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost,” Christ said, possibly mar the happiness of the dwellers by marring their “whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you perfect trust in one another. You cannot join the happy fam- all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, what- ily in the heavenly courts; for I have wiped all tears from soever I have said unto you.” their eyes. You can never see the King in His beauty if you are not yourself a representative of His character. The Sentinel’s Question to All Required: Full Surrender In my dream a sentinel stood at the door of an impor- tant building, and asked every one who came for entrance, “When you give up your own will, your own wisdom, and “Have ye received the Holy Ghost?” A measuring-line was learn of Christ, you will find admittance into the kingdom in his hand, and only very, very few were admitted into the of God. He requires entire, unreserved surrender. Give up building. “Your size as a human being is nothing,” he said. your life for Him to order, mold, and fashion. Take upon “But if you have reached the full stature of a man in Christ your neck His yoke. Submit to be led and taught by Him. Jesus, according to the knowledge you have had, you will Learn that unless you become as a little child, you can never receive an appointment to sit with Christ at the marriage enter the kingdom of heaven. supper of the Lamb; and through the eternal ages, you will never cease to learn of the blessings granted in the banquet prepared for you. 8 Our Firm Foundation We must comply with “the conditions of discipleship” if we wish entrance to the heavenly courts. away and mingled with the scoffers. Others, with tears, all broken in heart, made confession to those whom they had bruised and wounded. They did not think of maintaining their own dignity, but asked at every step, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). The answer was, “Repent, and be converted, that your sins may go beforehand to judg- Within this door nothing can enter that could possibly ment, and be blotted out.” Words were spoken which re- mar the happiness of the dwellers by marring their perfect buked spiritual pride. This God will not tolerate. It is incon- trust in one another. sistent with His Word and with our profession of faith. Seek the Lord, all ye who are ministers of His. Seek Him while “Abiding in Christ is choosing only the disposition of He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. “Let Christ, so that His interests are identified with yours. Abide the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his in Him, to be and to do only what He wills. These are the thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have conditions of discipleship, and unless they are complied mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly with, you can never find rest. Rest is in Christ; it cannot be pardon” (Isa. 55:7). as something apart from Him. You must have an inward, higher experience. You must A Purified Conception of obtain a growth in grace by abiding in Christ. Spiritual Things Needed As I presented these principles to the people in the Sab- bath meeting, all seemed to feel that the Lord had spoken “The moment His yoke is adjusted to your neck, that mo- through the feeble instrument.—The Review and Herald, ment it is found easy; then the heaviest spiritual labor can April 11, 1899. be performed, the heaviest burdens borne, because the Lord The time has come when we must expect the Lord to do gives the strength and the power, and He gives gladness in great things for us. Our efforts must not flag or weaken. We doing the work. Mark the points: ‘Learn of me; for I am are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord. Be- meek and lowly in heart’ (Matt. 11:29). Who is it that speaks fore the work is closed up and the sealing of God’s people thus?—The Majesty of heaven, the King of glory. He desires is finished, we shall receive the outpouring of the Spirit of that your conception of spiritual things shall be purified God. Angels from heaven will be in our midst. The present from the dross of selfishness, the defilement of a crooked, is a fitting-up time for heaven when we must walk in full coarse, unsympathetic nature. You must have an inward, obedience to all the commands of God.—Letter 30, 1907. higher experience. You must obtain a growth in grace by abiding in Christ. When you are converted, you will not be From Selected Messages, Vol. 1, 109-111. a hindrance, but will strengthen your brethren.” Ellen G. White, 1827-1915, received the spiritual gift of Spiritual Pride Addressed prophecy, and the fruits of her life and work accord with the biblical tests of a true messenger of God. To this day, her counsels are an incalculable blessing to God’s people As these words were spoken, I saw that some turned sadly around the world. Volume 23, Number 7 9 spWeCceCscreoeahaeeuborsrccurf Oeils rneuwuecbaroeaeit facorslrlspfecsnStiauit ithitl lfowocohmtnuhcghrlllena nina ne w eaegsratiekaccdasApealoesncdw b.ocn ntyi uetotf ootso c xsttc.eamaouotsitsaesnmIoel ivr vmtr oeoefcm cna vTrnw,mtrTtspkxaarateo i mteimlp whuuecru loeitesihele rurtsinahwfod oiziten.ealstirrewm yl o crptIaesnz dsmaoeevrp mttea Snstnh h in b htyitet reiegdea U nsittn sicievh ohp ei rutbneeh snssindtrdoiae tcatsiedroaeoeenMhlcnnts awpho nvceeto.b c.,hfbevol”fpt niifuo n e;mlde obte eblciiilovho ,ooa s iirecaetieolsT rtl eo,rimaekndthruiliieorusshha eaatscVrsncgimauds znlr mhyer i oeattfoxtts ostiirutoetnnyrg s eaaue kie eg au t e mkpnhticwiii gooatesd itest rrfa gsiCsnnlith aisfaesiihfty.lonsu mldnhavmmae lsooawhdai gvlf,e loh e w tanrso lg e nisivu ntt,Tc ihncepedturlso.r rta ofanp pdei hno t ttdo,iaovmhealsh rrtztnusf htchgsethIre pdoehiptclh nxnierehethet,t to dtyoae ssri ohae e tfae ealttf shdwraoedlfpsic l s - eurp dn silfn resmrton poope nofdoaoisorehrobeperhspn mfr ec s fdfoore neommvu ofiemolaieroueaeto odtoaaboiaabuanps eat oerstmrnuclnpdocf p edt e ior ieslyi.admseucra ratcinil hotpeee tnc ho cpvuh,tu avwhixi nuthlmor tnm,lanmitrchbahaoeeneecc ee riaelioespy aeaa ttceeirerrn hrmet.titsauvtma styiaf.oeisl yst hossers r hooot gi. esnept a sro.fh pyeins popuae f lan hdyao ltTtf n oal eef l Sracrho atwb m e rnaIen v gh ontid“kcgcaoet faexsonto mo,ae tkgioy aposaoli T fhiimocc crhtodndlf fnvnett vll snn.ruhscuaa oof uhoaete 1tsadeaige te’eoeeht Cnnlhln n c o.hesbr9wt eqciy rcar WwTs’etc aiauiung fsea’u9 aseauuursFnnrrshf si ihlgrsl rs ynd0r t Flaldeaiigt fo ueaeres natea ctsot epssyc tlesseosra so i osdrsmr kreoo wa w ,iot er Astrg cii pa ero cbt nusta lnswesonnaceseohhhS lhcauy fia oIttstitgaddoifduedl -ymmnt s t cietsro ec lptetf-imecw sfeEin ptdavhluia ehgo r erroiagsa iyvattUan aaiereolooadlrcveuri ofuohul .boanr—edlo nnh oiilrsf w rawg elnkuEicieprtnc is.efptieRvu’t stoeunztua dmnohsit rhiol,ra svn icortmdine pa ssdtnoe aao enAtla eosl sretest ets etah toahoeehsl mlcihidhtsnhwn lteayirrtiimndrb ststv tefihaeoat-eopg tety iy. caeeeog. .h eiSea heyst oenn in suuei ne;brvaBi fict aclriEoar otptd np od sorlnstlndteimut hitoarudttiansi“vsvebvea-t urets t aeehnlienomoit t oraf“,cunasi eyatvsmrlhn se eiird nuuimnurclitatnd sne z meeen-l g.thhec eapyn trdld’l i s has el etaclaysitvUeooerfelts,pidovwoBtihitohasv heeanf cyersrsrghpniwtaooer”cenkeneoe iaasiu ehha a edimottitr isosc Gsf hd notrinn aypttniaaa s pmeomtdebtaae nepooe i ,nn bmnthpltl yodiod rtowtisein tlo fnong cneyoaeohgnsltethdw.p n coetioetlshht egab nsiu iineeesoia yh ra,dritso ndao. eeis’yi lt t.otghtn omeosoen ni i nsoaitr naop Fceavt vs fmamefta sI nmh gh trfter epthsh,eiee r irshToe oroifroa seslieosieei d Ce nea es yjsvsc htpmsnnl dtp brnuutute g e ih eliihWsehe mteeoIopet asentcnn a .soiithu ;m ,micl tfoiwwasf” nsod d.mani nihm re —ir Faeetpnt Bg feosncesgn oaoiiynbf vcanevuii or c“ ,r’rhaSmol oim ncra rsui esaSoeeeo ctlbsn st tfrletts ysathdirsj oe,bahlolaboeud l .ma—cete .yvanrcu uiedcThn vc.n r i,rsvn occdi oe rtr ieodlee u ativenwhRdtahasginf esfdouauaid mwsIsdeBueltr wreooen eldf r nouennka ne sotoo ntwuw apoflnndbueobF,hjderers tddrtfm m gictetar rcy srtapi e iiaieaateoaeahiab biafclttihstenrehl e nlsn d erpdurhwhhtrittallemlettlo.ti dnoe rstt ih otslviih iev hprmital t hohsf ”cavt ontlRt,sereceomho tiit.e aah osr nastie dehie n, s pasp ecicesioe nt ne nslta u swnuwerieeh drHa aa lhltl o—d mgnat siivoigBabhsAdfCi et s esgchpoc nl eg“argpesrefises da oa ilhieiecInteco rueihmsslea,tida seops,ont”uDeoriujoi r.onts elohe” btetmepu’er h serrpsh nry ctsuultwcSpo .—fcoe col:soihcie e e ieevo eetu slsvb, stefsnoahrreceetdr “s ,e .srf lul i.ews h s hr. ne at a“ e MnnhfsIwf wbali deswIicso inrGtmetaatcagiatlatnhio e.reuhorohci aon hbis h mwnou twc sinsnnluolao,retun hltapad.dog u sclieo“ho t lfsahnt ro.rc!dhs gh a le ep Vrertye, ataeinaiaerlvhe”eyd rrlss wtadrrceivllvwi de o iah i ss dimy dguer-weeevse;ftetmai yotf ddsi hl m swn evfoohenatsia, ro oie nht erealucrdeo i mee rdelt eihslslt is f oxtssft vi se thi t lh-”ohh ippr omeliiil fyneiieonmsnyag-gws sd s en hhe e til tdlet hy of se . t Maxim Balaklitsky; Maxim Serbin Under secularism’s influence, the church becomes ineffectual. 10 Our Firm Foundation

Contradiction in Scripture . 8:11, has the answer: “But if the Spirit of 5, 136. When the two apostates—church and state—“shall unite” “in forcing.
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