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_________________________________________________________________________________ A comparison of volatility models: Does anything beat a GARCH(1,1) ? P. Reinhard Hansen and A. Lunde ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Working Paper Series No. 84 March 2001 A Comparison of Volatility Models: Does Anything Beat a GARCH(1,1)? PeterReinhardHansen AsgerLunde BrownUniversity AalborgUniversity,Economics DepartmentofEconomics,BoxB Fibirgerstraede3 Providence,RI02912 DK9220AalborgØ Phone: (401)863-9864 Phone: (+45)9635-8176 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] March8,2001 Abstract By using intra-day returns to calculate a measure for the time-varying volatility, An- dersenandBollerslev(1998a)establishedthatvolatilitymodelsdoprovidegoodforecasts oftheconditionalvariance. In this paper, we take the same approach and use intra-day estimated measures of volatility to compare volatility models. Our objective is to evaluate whether the evolu- tionofvolatilitymodelshasledtobetterforecastsofvolatilitywhencomparedtothefirst “species”ofvolatilitymodels. We make an out-of-sample comparison of 330 different volatility models using daily exchangeratedata(DM/$)andIBMstockprices. Ouranalysisdoesnotpointtoasingle winner amongst the different volatility models, as it is different models that are best at forecastingthevolatility of the twotypesof assets. Interestingly, the bestmodelsdo not provide a significantly better forecast than the GARCH(1,1) model. This result is estab- lishedbythetestsforsuperiorpredictiveabilityofWhite(2000)andHansen(2001). Ifan ARCH(1)modelisselectedasthebenchmark,itisclearlyoutperformed. WethankTimBollerslevforprovidinguswiththeexchangeratedataset,andSivanRitzforsuggestingnumer- ousclarifications.Allerrorsremainourresponsibility. 1 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS 1 Introduction Time-variation in the conditional variance of financial time-series is important when pricing derivatives, calculating measures of risk, and hedging against portfolio risk. Therefore, there has been an enormous interest amongst researchers and practitioners to model the conditional variance. As a result, a large number of such models have been developed, starting with the ARCHmodelofEngle(1982). Thefactthattheconditionalvarianceisunobservedhasaffectedthedevelopmentofvolatil- ity models and has made it difficult to evaluate and compare the different models. Therefore the models with poor forecasting abilities have not been identified, and this may explain why so many models have been able to coexist. In addition, there does not seem to be a natural andintuitivewaytomodelconditionalheteroskedasticity–differentmodelsattempttocapture differentfeaturesthatarethoughttobeimportant. Forexample,somemodelsallowthevolatil- ity to react asymmetrically to positive and negative changes in returns. Features of this kind aretypicallyfoundtobeverysignificantinin-sampleanalyses. However,thesignificancemay be a result of a misspecification, and it is therefore not certain that the models with such fea- tures result in better out-of-sample forecasts, compared to the forecasts of more parsimonious models. Whenevaluatingtheperformanceofavolatilitymodel,theunobservedvariancewasoften substituted with squared returns, and this commonly led to a very poor out-of-sample perfor- mance. The poor out-of-sample performance instigated a discussion of the practical relevance of these models, which was resolved by Andersen and Bollerslev (1998a). Rather than us- ing squared inter-day returns, which are very noisy measures of daily volatility, Andersen and Bollerslev based their evaluation on an estimated measure of the volatility using intra-day re- turns,whichresultedinagoodout-of-sampleperformanceofvolatilitymodels. Thisindicates thatthepreviouslyfoundpoorperformancecanbeexplainedbytheuseofanoisymeasureof thevolatility. Inthispaper,wecomparevolatilitymodelsusinganintra-dayestimatemeasuresofrealized volatility. Sincethisprecisemeasuresof volatilitymakesit easier toevaluatetheperformance of the individual models, it also becomes easier to compare different models. If some models arebetterthanothersintermsoftheirpredictiveability,thenitshouldbeeasiertodeterminethis superiority,becausethenoiseintheevaluationisreduced. Weevaluatetherelativeperformance 2 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS ofthevariousvolatilitymodelsintermsoftheirpredictiveabilityofrealizedvolatility,byusing therecentlydevelopedtestsforsuperiorpredictiveabilityofWhite(2000)andHansen(2001). These tests are also referred to as tests for data snooping. Unfortunately, it is not clear which criteria one should use to compare the models, as was pointed out by Bollerslev, Engle, and Nelson(1994)andDieboldandLopez(1996). Therefore,weusesevendifferentcriteriaforour comparison,whichincludestandardcriteriasuchasthemeansquarederror(MSE)criterion,a likelihoodcriterion,andthemeanabsolutedeviationcriterion,whichislesssensitivetoextreme mispredictions,comparedtotheMSE. Givenabenchmarkmodelandanevaluationcriterion,thetestsfordatasnoopingenableus to test whether any of the competing models are significantly better than the benchmark. We specifytwodifferentbenchmarkmodels. AnARCH(1)modelandaGARCH(1,1)model. The tests for data snooping clearly point to better models in the first case, but the GARCH(1,1) is notsignificantlyoutperformedinthedatasetsweconsider. Althoughtheanalysisinoneofthe data sets does point to the existence of a better model than the GARCH(1,1) when using the meansquaredforecasterrorasthecriterion,thisresultdoesnotholduptoothercriteriathatare morerobusttooutliers,suchasthemeanabsolutedeviationcriterion. Thepowerpropertiesoftestsfordatasnoopingcan,insomeapplications,bepoor. Butour rejection of the ARCH(1) indicates that this is not a severe problem in this analysis. The fact thatthetestsfordatasnoopingarenotuncriticaltoanychoiceofbenchmarkiscomforting. Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. Section2describestheuniverseofvolatilitymodelsthat weincludeintheanalysis. Italsodescribestheestimationofthemodels. Section3describesthe performance criteria and the data we use to compare the models. Section 4 describes the tests fordatasnooping. Section5containsourresultsandSection6containsconcludingremarks. 2 The GARCH Universe WeusethenotationofHansen(1994)tosetupouruniverseofparametricGARCHmodels. In this setting the aim is to model the distribution of some stochastic variable, r , conditional on t some information set, t−1. Formally, t−1 is the σ-algebra induced by all variables that are F F observed at time t −1. Thus, t−1 contains the lagged values of rt and other predetermined F variables. Thevariablesofinterestinouranalysisarereturnsdefinedfromdailyasset prices, p .We t 3 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS definethecompoundedreturnby rt =log(pt)−log(pt−1), t =−R+1,...,n, (1) whichisthereturnfromholdingtheassetfromtimet−1totimet.Thesampleperiodconsists ofanestimationperiodwith R observations,t =−R+1,...,0,andanevaluationperiodwith n periods,t =1,...,n. Ourobjectiveistomodeltheconditionaldensityorrt, denotedby f(r|Ft−1) ≡ ddrP(rt ≤ r| t−1). In the modelling of the conditional density it is convenient to define the conditional F mean, µt ≡ E(rt|Ft−1), and the conditional variance, σ2t ≡ var(rt|Ft−1) (assuming that they exists). Subsequently we can define the standardized residuals, which are denoted by e = t (r −µ )/σ ,t =−R+1,...,n.Wedenotetheconditionaldensityfunctionofthestandardized t t t residuals by g(e|Ft−1) = ddeP(et ≤ e|Ft−1), and it is simple to verify that the conditional densityofr isrelatedtotheoneofe bythefollowingrelationship t t 1 f(r|Ft−1)= σ g(e|Ft−1). t Thus, a modelling of the conditional distribution of r can be divided into three elements: t the conditional mean, the conditional variance and the density function of the standardized residuals. Whichmakethemodellingmoretractableandmakesiteasiertointerpretaparticular specification. Inourmodelling,wechooseaparametricformoftheconditionaldensity,starting withthegenericspecification f(r|ψ( t−1;θ)), F whereθ isafinite-dimensionalparametervector,andψt = ψ( t−1;θ)isatimevaryingpara- F meter vector of low dimension. Given a value of θ, we require that ψ is observable1 at time t t −1.Thisyieldsacompletespecificationoftheconditionaldistributionofr . t Asdescribedabove,wecandividethevectoroftimevaryingparametersintothreecompo- nents, ψ =(µ ,σ2,η ), t t t t where µ is the conditional mean (the location parameter), σ is the conditional standard de- t t viation (the scale parameter), and η are the remaining (shape) parameters of the conditional t 1Thisassumptionexcludestheclassofstochasticvolatilitymodelsfromtheanalysis. 4 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS distribution. Hence, ourfamilyofdensityfunctionsforr isalocation-scalefamilywith(pos- t siblytime-varying)shapeparameters. Ournotationforthemodellingoftheconditionalmean,µ ,isgivenby t mt =µ( t−1;θ). F Theconditionalmean,µ ,istypicallyofsecondaryimportanceforGARCH-typemodels. The t primaryobjectiveistheconditionalvariance,σ2,whichismodelledby t h2t =σ2(Ft−1;θ). (2) In financial time-series, it is often important to model the distribution with a higher precision thanthefirsttwomoments. Thisisachievedthroughamodellingofthedensityfunctionforthe standardizedresiduals,e ,throughtheshapeparametersη . t t Most of the existing GARCH-type models can be expressed in this framework, and when expressed in this framework, the corresponding η ’s are typically constant. For example, the t earliestmodelsassumedthedensity g(e|η )tobe(standard)Gaussian. Inouranalysiswealso t keep η constant, but we hope to relax this restrictive assumption in future research. Models t with non-constant η include Hansen (1994) and Harvey and Siddique (1999). As pointed out t by Tauchen(2001), it is possible toavoidrestrictive assumptions, andestimate a time-varying densityfore bysemi-nonparametric(SNP)techniques,seeGallantandTauchen(1989). t 2.1 TheConditionalMean Ourmodellingoftheconditionalmean,µ ,takestheform t mt =µ0+µ1ζ(σt−1) whereζ(x)= x2. Thethreespecificationsweincludeintheanalysisare: theGARCH-in-mean suggestedbyEngle,Lillen,andRobins(1987),theconstantmean(µ =0),andthezero-mean 1 model(µ =µ =0),advocatedbyFiglewski(1997),seeTable1fordetails. 0 1 2.2 TheConditionalVariance The conditional variance is the main object of interest. Our aim was to include all parametric specifications that have been suggested in the literature. But as stated earlier we restrict our analysis to parametric specifications, specifically the parameterizations given in Table 2. The 5 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS specificationsforσ ,thatweincludedinouranalysisaretheARCHmodelbyEngle(1982),the t GARCH model by Bollerslev (1986), the IGARCH model, the Taylor (1986)/Schwert (1989) (TS-GARCH)model,theA-GARCH2,theNA-GARCHandtheV-GARCHmodelssuggested byEngleandNg(1993),thethresholdGARCHmodel(Thr.-GARCH)byZakoian(1994),the GJR-GARCH model of Glosten, Jagannathan, and Runkle (1993), the log-ARCH by Geweke (1986) and Pantula (1986), the EGARCH, the NGARCH of Higgins and Bera (1992), the A- PARCH model proposed in Ding, Granger, and Engle (1993), the GQ-ARCH suggested by Sentana(1995),theH-GARCHofHentshel(1995),andfinallytheAug-GARCHsuggestedby Duan(1997). Several of the models nest other models as special cases. In particular the H-GARCH and the Aug-GARCH specifications are very flexible specifications of the volatility, and both specificationsincludesseveraloftheothermodelsasspecialcases. TheAug-GARCHmodelhasnot(toourknowledge)beenappliedinpublishedwork. Nev- ertheless,weincludeitinouranalysis, becausethefactthatapplicationsofaparticularmodel havenotappearedinpublishedwork,doesnotdisqualifyitfrombeingrelevantforouranalysis. The reason is that we seek to get a precise assessment of how good a performance (or excess performance)onecanexpecttoachievebychance,whenestimatingalargenumberofmodels. Therefore, it is important that we include as many of the existing models as possible, and not justthosethatweresuccessfulinsomesenseandappearinpublishedwork. Finally,weinclude . Although, this results in a very large number of different volatility models, we have by no meansexhaustedthespaceofpossibleARCHtypemodel. Given a particular volatility model, one can plot of σ2t against εt−1, which illustrates how the volatility reacts to the difference between realized return and expected return. This plot is asimplewaytocharacterizesomeofthedifferencesthereareamongthevariousspecifications of volatility. This method was introduced by Pagan and Schwert (1990), and later named the News Impact Curve by Engle and Ng (1993). The News Impact Curve, provides an easy way to interpret some aspects of the different volatility specifications and several of the models includedinouranalysiswerecomparedusingthismethodbyHentshel(1995). Theevolutionofvolatilitymodelshasbeenmotivatedbyempiricalfindingsandeconomic 2AtleastfourauthorshaveadoptedtheacronymA-GARCHfordifferentmodels. Toundothisconfusionwe reservetheA-GARCHnameforamodelbyEngleandNg(1993)andrenametheothermodels,e.g.,themodelby Hentshel(1995)isherecalledH-GARCH. 6 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS interpretations. Ding, Granger, and Engle (1993) demonstrated with Monte-Carlo studies that both the original GARCH model by Bollerslev (1986) and the GARCH model in standard deviations,attributedtoTaylor(1986)andSchwert(1990),arecapableofproducingthepattern of autocorrelation that appears in financial data. So in this respect there is not an argument for modelling σ rather than σ2 or vice versa. More generally we can consider a modelling t t of σδ where δ is a parameter to be estimated. This is the motivation for the introduction of t theBox-Coxtransformationoftheconditionalstandarddeviationandtheasymmetricabsolute residuals. Theobservedleverageeffectmotivatedthedevelopmentofmodelsthatallowedforan asymmetricresponseinvolatilitytopositiveandnegativeshocks. Theleverageeffectwasfirst notedinBlack(1976),andsuggeststhatstockreturnsarenegativelycorrelatedwithchangesin returnvolatility. Thisimpliesthatvolatilityshouldtendtoriseinresponsetobadnews,(defined as returns that are lower than expected), and should tend to fall after good news. For further detailsontheleverageeffect,seeEngleandPatton(2000). Thespecificationsfortheconditionalvariance,giveninTable2,containparametersforthe laglengths,denotedby pandq.Inthepresentanalysiswehaveincludedthefourcombinations oflaglengths p,q =1,2formostmodels. TheexceptionsaretheARCHmodelwhereweonly include (p,q) = (1,0) (the ARCH(1) model), and the H-GARCH and Aug-GARCH models, where we only include (p,q) = (1,1). The reason why we restrict our analysis to short and relatively few lag specification, is simply to keep the burden of estimation all the models at a manageable size. It is reasonable to expect that the models with more lag, will not result in moreaccurateforecaststhanmoreparsimoniousmodels. Sotolimitourattentiontothemodels withshortlags,shouldnotaffectouranalysis. 2.3 TheDensityfortheStandardizedReturns In the present analysis we only consider a Gaussian and a t-distributed specification for the densityg(e|η ),thelatterwasfirstadvocatedbyBollerslev(1987). Thus,η isheldconstant. t t 2.4 Estimation The models are estimated using inter-day returns over the sample period t = −R +1,...,0, whereasintra-dayreturnsareusedtoconstructagoodestimateofthevolatility. Theintra-day estimatedmeasuresofvolatilitiesareusedtocompareofthemodels,inthesampleperiodt = 1,...,n. Theestimationisdescribedinthissubsectionwhereastheevaluationandcomparison 7 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS areexplainedinSection3. All models were estimated using the method of maximum likelihood. The optimization problem was programmed in C++, and the likelihood functions were maximized using the simplexmethoddescribedinPress,Teukolsky,Vetterling,andFlannary(1992). Atotalof330 modelswereestimated3. Becausethelikelihoodfunctionisrathercomplexformostofthevolatilitymodels,itcanbe difficult for general maximization routines to determine the global optimum. However, in our situationwhereweestimatealargenumberofmodels,someofwhicharequitesimilar,wecan oftenprovidethemaximizationroutinewithgoodstartingvaluesoftheparameters,toeasethe estimation. However,giventhelargenumberofmodelsandtheircomplexnature,itispossible that one or more of the likelihood functions were not maximized. But we are comforted by thefactthatwedonotseeanyobviousinconsistenciesacrossmodels. Forexample,fornested models we check that the maximum value of the likelihood function is larger for the more generalmodel. Thesemodelswereestimatedtofittwodatasets. Thefirstdatasetconsistsofdailyreturns for the DM-$ spot exchange rate from October 1, 1987, through September 30, 1992 – a total of1,254observations. ThisdatasethaspreviouslybeenanalyzedbyAndersenandBollerslev (1998a). TheseconddatasetcontainsdailyreturnsfromclosingpricesontheIBMstockfrom January2,1990,throughMay28,1999–atotalof2,378observations. 3 Performance Metric Given a forecast for volatility and a measure of realized volatility, it is non-trivial to evaluate the value of the forecast, as pointed out by Bollerslev, Engle, and Nelson (1994). There is not a unique criterion for selecting the best model; rather it will depend on preferences, e.g., expressed in terms of a utility function or a loss function. The standard model selection cri- teria of Akaike andSchwartz are oftenapplied, but thisapproachisproblematic whenever the distributionalassumptionsunderlyingthelikelihoodaredubious. Further,agoodin-sampleper- formancedoesnotguaranteeagoodout-of-sampleperformance. Thispointisclearlyrelevant for our analysis. Most of the models we estimate have significant lags (that is p or q = 2) in 3Due to space constraints we have not included all of our results. An extensive collection of our results are given in a technical appendix, which interested readers are refered to. The appendix can be downloaded from http://www.socsci.auc.dk/~alunde. 8 Hansen,P.R.andA.Lunde: ACOMPARISONOFVOLATILITYMODELS ourin-sampleanalysis. Butintheout-of-samplecomparison,themodelswithmorelagsrarely performbetterthanthesamemodelwithfewerlags(measuredbythe R2 oftheregressions(3) and(4)below). We index the l volatility models by k, and denote model k’s forecast of σ2 by h2 , k = t k,t 1,...,330andt = 1,...,n.The volatilitymodelsabilitytomake accurate predictions of the realizedvolatility,haveoftenbeenmeasuredintermsofthe R2 fromtheregressionofsquared returnsonthevolatilityforecast,thatis r2 =a+bh2+u . (3) t t t Unfortunatelythisregressionissensitivetoextremevaluesofr2,especiallyifestimatedbyleast t squares. Sotheparameterestimatesofaandbwillprimarilybedeterminedbytheobservations wheresquaredreturns,r2,havethelargestvalues. ThishasbeennotedbyPaganandSchwert t (1990)andEngleandPatton(2000)4. Thereforetheyadvocatetheregression log(r2)=a+blog(h2)+u (4) t t t whichislesssensitiveto“outliers”,becauseseveremispredictionsaregivenlessweightthanin (3). Inouranalysis,wecomparethemodelsintermsoflossfunctions,someofwhichareeven more robust to outliers. It is not possible to identify a unique and natural criterion for the comparison. So rather than making a single choice, we specify seven different loss functions, 4EngleandPatton(2000)alsopointoutthatheteroskedasticityofreturns,rt,implies(evenmore)heteroskedas- ticityinthesquaredreturns,r2.Soparameterestimatesareinefficientlyestimatedandtheusualstandarderrorsare t misleading. 9

models: Does anything beat a. GARCH(1,1) ? . P(et ≤ e|Tt−1), and it is simple to verify that the conditional meter vector of low dimension. Given a
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