U.S. Department of Energy OCT 03 20tt LWTP- 3465 Mr RW. Bradford, Deputy Project Dizector/Project Manger Bechtel National, Inc 2435 Stevens Comler Place Richlum, Washington 99354 Dear Mz, Brad: CONTRACT NO. DE-AC27-01RV [4136— THE IS, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. WASTE TREATMENT AND IMMOBILIZATION PLANT (DOE-WTP) SURVEILLANCE REPORT $-1|- WED-RPPWTP-42; REVIEW OF PRETREATMENT FACILITY (PTE) VESSEL. VENT PROCESS (PVD) SYSTEM HEADER PIPE INSTALLATION IN PLANNING AREA 7 Reference: DOF eter From 8. Charbaneau ts FM. Russa, BNI, “Approval of Bechicl National, Ine. (BND Justification for Continued Design, Procurement aul Installation (CDP) 2430-P IF-JCDI-ENS-11-0002, Revision 0, Design and Procurement of PVP:PUY Equipment in Advance of Testing Completion and Hazards Analysis Alaled September 20. 2011 Inthe referenced letler, DOF indicated it planned ta provide a separa Ketter to address the eomvimued PVP piping system design, Fabrication, und insallasion until TINT Tues completed is evaluation and testing al the PVP system to deterine ifthe PVP system is properly size un maintain an ative confinement safety function. Ja support of this planned leter, the WT? Koaineeting Division (WEL) performed a review to investigate Bachtcl Nationa, fne."s (HNN) recent instalation of IVP system piping in PTF Planing Area 7, Attached, is a copy of the surveillance report documenting this review, [Based on this review, and DOE concerns regarding BNI's process for implemenring safety fuatetion changes. a Priority Leve. 2 finding is entified inthis Iter, requiring a weilten response. he currently designed and instlled PVP piping in PY Danning Area 7. suppor an active safety function thal assume Multiple Sparger or Pulse Jet Mixer Overblew (MOB) controls arc added to tae PDSA. However, these MOB controls were not addressed in the PDSA. This indicales a bronder ‘concer with INT’s configuration management of safety and design when changes are made after intial desiyn is approved and issued. Mr &. W, Bradford 1 TP 346 OCT G3 201 A Priority Teel 2 Finding is ete in this letter (Hinding $-1 |-WRD-RPPWTP-FO} fer not keeping the WTP salety husis and design udequataly aligned. DOF is eonvernet T's Design Verifieulion und Authorization Basis Maintenance programs lack sufficient guidance to address when ATS reyuicenients ste changed after the assoviated design i issaed for proeurcmeut'ssued fox constmetion (LEPIFC Within 14 days ol receipt af this letter, BINT should respons to the Priority Level 2 Gling discussed shove an] inthe follawing Notice of Finding, For the Finding, provide n correutive netion pm ust incluies: 1) immediate and remedial actions to correct The spevife deficiencies identviel in The finding; 2) the exsent of condition, including a summary of hovs the extent of eovudiion was established, the apparent cause(si of the finding: 4i corrective actions to correct the eondicion and cause(s} 0) prevent further findings, and 5) the date when all cosecetive actions sill be completed, veriiod, and compliance to applicable requirements achiowod, This response should address the tire nlated ‘sbservatinsifenilied i the ausached repr his lec noc eansideved to constitute a change to the Contact, Ln the cvent BNI disagrees with this Jnterpretation. it must immediately nofify the Contracting Oficer urlly. and otherwise comply with the requirements of the Central clause enitled 52.2432, “Nofilication of Changes.” I you bse any questions, please caimtac! me, cm you may contact Gary P Bruns, Director, WIP Engineering Division, (609) 176-2477, 4 hg nei an. Ni WLPEND Alvuchinent cc watach: D. Kymmenzind, BNI 1. Wearaer, BNI INE Carrespandence 240007 MR. W, Bradford HWE 346 Notice of Conleact No, O1-ACZT-O1RV A136, Neetion C, Slanlunl 9, Reological, Nuciewn, and Process Safes paragraph 2 state: “The conlrctor"s integrated standkrds-sed salely manoyernenl prangaya shall be developed to comply with the specific auclear safety regulations defined in the elective rules ‘of the 10 CFR 800 soties of nuclear safety 10 CFR 820, Subport B, perageaph 202(0)(1) requires contralors fo update the saley basis to keep it ceurent gal 10 roel ehamges i The Tuc Contract No. DE-AC27-01 RV14136, Sestion C, Stundard 9, Table 89-1, Radiolugicr, Nueleur, and Process Safety Deliverables, sequires the vontesctor to maintain the POSA current 6 sthia 60 days DF design Contrvet Wo. DP-AC27-OIRY 1418, Seution Prngram documented in aQA Manual Sanehurd 72) (3), requined TENT ea develop u QA BNPs Quality Assurance Manual. 2454 W 11! QAM-QA-064001, Revision 9. Policy Q.05.1. Listeuetions, Procedures, and Drirwings, Soetion 51.2.1, roquited ‘work to be performed in accordance vith instuetions, procodimes, or drawings than include ot reference appropriate quantative or qualitative accapiines criteria for detsmsining thal preseed] resus have been satisictorily atlaned, Cemtrary to che ebuve, RINI's Authorization Basis program and Design Vetfleation progiare are not adequate to ensure Authonzation Basis requirements ate adequately aligned (in timely mannec befor _marcrial nstalasions), with applicaéle facility design ler the: design has been issued for procursmentissued for consinieFon (IFPAFC}, Specilically. BN| installed PTT PYP piping in Parsing Are 7 in lae July 2001 sion the design of this piping was nar in accoudance wit the Preliminary Documented Safety Analysis (PISA), BNI nd iekentfic this condiiun in May of 2011 Forthermore, a8 of September 30, 2011, NT continued ts install PVP piping tha wus wot fn compliance will: the approved sully basis. (Tindizg -11-WED-RPPWTE-FO1) Auadhment LWP 346 SA1WRD-RPPWTP.042 Attachment WIP 346 Review of Pretreatment Facility (PTF) Vessel Vent Process (PVP) System Header Pipe Tustallation in Planning Area 7 September 23, 2011 Repart Number: $-UL-WED-RPPWTP-H2 ages. I [Including Cawershecti ‘Attachmoat HWTP-346 S-11-WED-RPPWTP-1 WED SurveiMlance Report Report Nummber: S-I|-WED-RPPWTP-042, Title: Review of Pretreatment Facility (PTT} Vessel Von! Progoss (PYP) Systom Header Pipe Installation in Planning Arca 7 Bat Seplember 12-23, 2011 Surveillance Lead: Elaine Diez, LIVAC and Process Gas Treuttnent Suiety Systems Oversight, DOE WIP Engineering Division ‘Veam Meubers/Observer: Brandon Gadish, Conttol Systems Safety Systems Oversight, WTP Lingineering Divisinn Brad Pavlestin, Facility Representative, WIP Coustnstion Oversight & Assurance Division Naas Vogel, Hovirenneotal Teal und Safety Teas, WTP Projecl Management, Observer Scope: A large piping module was inl in the PTF Planning Arca 7 ir ale July including a section af 16" SCA, Saety Class PTF PVP systems euler piping (see Tigures 1 & below}: r Fig: 1 Mode! view dwn lle ecco Fig.2, 16° Ned: lakcg sont, PWD Blak oe ‘The salety function of the PIT PVP system was changed by 2.2009 Preliovinary Documented? Safety Analysis (PDSA) Addendum, 24390-W [P-PSARA-ENS-D9-0001, and the associated Department of Energy (DOR) Approval Letter, 09-NSD-44, However, the design of the system had been influx sinoc teansenital of hese docuanenis. More details af the bistory of this issue can be found on Project Risk FING-151 and Technical Tysue cut sheet 2010-0001 ‘The PIF PVP system pipe in Planning Ares 7. as installed supporls an active safely fesetion of the system (either case 3 or 4 fiom CCN; 23433). The pipe SC-T and Salety Class, ib of the sconatias cited in CCN; 234433 assume Multiple Sparger or Pulse Jel Mixer Overblase Attachment LAWTP-346, 8-11 WED-REPWIP-043, (MOB) controls az added. However, those oontrols do nor Yel exist in the PDSA, The need Toe MOR eons sas ientitied hy Bechtel Nationa, Ine. (4N1) engineering in May 2011 aneluding proposed comtols (re! CON: 234424), ‘Without MOB conteols, che PIE PVP System would need ur he sited ts actwmmulate the Now astociated with MOB conditioes. ‘This way sequire increasing the size ofthe PVP fester a0ugi to near y double the airflow (fiom 4000 co 7000 set}. ‘The aurveillance ‘earn investigated chi poteorial PVP header undersized condi, walked down the installed setion of piping, reviewell BNP sath forward, anil assossed the scape of BYPs extent of condition regarding other incensistenvies hetween design and Authorization Basis documents. ft also cxamined BNI's process for addcessing similar situations where ‘accident miligalions strategies may not be rflooted in design, procnrement, ad installaion, Design Documents Reviewed: 0002, Rev. 0, Auuust 24,2011 + 24590-WTP-PIER-MGT-100965-C, current version iu PIER module as of Sepueinber 12, Dold » 24990-WTP-PIFR-MGT-I1-0761-B wy , HANS PIER. # 14590.WTP-GPP-SREG-002, LENS Screening and Audhsization Basis Maintenance, Rov. 23D, June 15,2011 = 74390-W'1P-SDP-GO4B-00001, Dosign Criteria, Rev, 16, July 5, 2011 = 24590-WTP-GPG-ENG-OL48, Design Ciiteria Detahase Maintonan 2011 + 24590-WTP-QAM-QA-06-001, Quality Amurmve Manual, Rev. 9, September 31,2011 + 2439040 TF-M6C-PV-4H0N2, Vessel Vent System Line Caloulations, Rev, E, Qowober 30, D008 + 24500.WIP-PSARA-BNS-09-0001, Rov. 1, PDS Addendum, October 29, 2009 Rev. 4, March | * Loller 09-NSD-D44, Aerdur Approval Letter with Conditions of Acueptance, Nivvamnber 02, 2009 + DCD Notitica:ion of Change Documents and linpact Voring Records DED Changs (Rev. 3); CCN: 225678 Responses: CCN: 231136 DCD Caange Rev, 1): CON; 205871, Funuary 19, 2010 Responses: CCN: 215958, March 24, 2016 © Mechanical and Process Lnginecving Design Verification Fucitity Thearmplete andl Open Action froms Report for Mechanicel Systems, printed Sepuerber 14, 2011 CON: 254904, Proliminary Controls to Proveet PVP-PVY and CSV, May 31, 2011 Attachment HAWTP-346, S-L-WED-RPPWTP-042 Discus of Area(s) Revieweu: The surveillance team performed reviews ofthe yoventng requirements: intereiewed BNI personnel regarding ihe scope and path forward of Ine follow yp actions snd the impact ofthis PYE PVP systers installation, and perlirined reviews of pertinent seclions gF the pipe sizing calenlatioa, The surveillance wee perfarmed an independent calculation of PVP healer pie sing, ro determine impact to design nvargia st MOB controls were nc feasible. Reyulzemeply Process Review: ‘The follesing discussion descrihes the key requirements that address Design Verificetion and Authorization Basis Maiatenanee. NT had a sound process lor contnilling issuance sf design ‘a ensure no desigr documents were issuod until they were compliant with Ue Auloxizatin Basis, Design Vorifivtion (DV: BNT’s Quality Asounimce Vianusl (QAM) required the design to be vorifiel prier fe release for rvcuremnent or aomstrustion unless Min timing could not he met, in which suse she design agency i require lo identi and control unveriFia design elements and eornplete DY prior to tke ss8.et oe component pertocming its finction and hefore installation becownes imeversiie is. voquires extensive demelition and rework) (rf, QAM seztion 3.12.34) BNT design control procedures were elear thal design mata may not be issued for rovuremen™ ‘or ccmatraction un chey ace felly compliant with the Authorization Basis. Authislzatiog Hasis (AB) Maintenance: ‘When che 4B ts modified by BNI in an Auchosizacivn Basis Amendment Request (ABARD, Justification for Continuod Design, Procurement, a Installation (QCDED, of PDSA Addenda, Environmental and Novleur Safety (EAWS) has 40 days to Low tat down inte the AB. Upon revision of an ATI document, Project Dacurrient Contes! nu lies the Design Criteria Database (DUD) Manager. A DUD Notification of Change is written, to whieh responsible desiga ‘personnel must respone! within 60 days, identifying impacts to design. ‘These impav's ure then ‘menaged within he normal trenlfag,sisk, and design zhange processes. BNI's procedures ‘untain no requirement « individually rack aftecred design clormcats thar havo already bec. Jssued for procurement or constuction pret tothe AB change, Yo sommarze the process review, there is arequiretnent put Ip issue non-AB-compliant design documents for procurement or cans:rueticn, hut there im requirement stup iasallstions ar procurements already underway when Ihe AB isreviged, nor is Ihete a requirement track affeoted design clemen's te prevent ireversitic installations, The DCD Nolifcatiom a Ch process sorves to notify cnginecring disciplines viu the Inegraled Project Tetans (IPT), wich then are responsible for identifying impuels ln design und tuking appropriate actions. These Artachmeat L-WIP-M6 S-1WTED-RPPWTP-€82 ‘issues ure munauedl vin the CPR 4.4 dalahase, known as the Safety Systems Reconciliations Actions, as ell as the Projen’s tak, renin, nnd cul sheet programs. Tn he: ease of the PVE systous, cho design was issued for procarementisansuuetion (IFPAIEC) as passive sysiem pos! seismic design bas's event (DBE). ‘Tac system was complant with he AB unl the AT was chonged in 2008 and 7009, upgrading the post-DER function 0 the system to active, and changing key inputs thal lm Ihe nae wf the inpuls tothe system calculations. ‘The vedesygn of PVP veas placod on hold between the 2008 Decisiva-to- Deviate ana the 2009 PDSA Addenda, ponding the outcome of the Material at Risk’ tiydcogen in Piping and Aucillary Vessels vbanges The impact changes to tac DSA addenda were stole, s, allsough engingering did reecive the DCD Notification of Change in a tutely manner and jnmedistely report] that there were impacts tn design, Ihe alfovled euginecring diseiphncs did ‘ot omediately recngmie the broad irepactiif the change upon nnvifiation.. Thexe imewcts were discovered in the process of atteamting us implement the chaages ic a design change ‘The redesfen efforts Wy allermpl to vomply ith the PDSA axidenda wer: stopped, dve 1 # projet risk decision, when i wat recxygized Ina dhe sedosign woul he a "major impact to PTT (aciitional Noor), and an integrated pall forward was aulopled, This inieyraled upprowh incl.ded a test ui determine zealistc accident challenge conditions lo egeipment, sharactorivation of performance of system cat jpment under eccident conditions, and reconsideration of PDSA requitcments given additional inormacion from these eéfors, in addition to consideration of limited reéesign options. ‘This path forward was documented on Toclunical Issues Cul Sheet 2010-001, Rick Assessment Shoot ENG" $1, andl in CCN: 23443, “The issued PVP system line sizing ealeulation was designated as “commited,” allowing For isuance of inal design, yet conta:ned eleven unverified assuniptians. Thase assumptions were boing trseked in the Design Verification database tool known as CALCTRAC. Ik sheuld also ‘oe noted that engineering did not idemtify the need fer MOB controls until very Tote in the process nf reviewing opfions...Muy 2011. Toe design was sereeneal in February 2010 for inpucts due wo increased flo, hut Mixing was hen thought Lo be the oaly potential Aeiver fora significant increase to system flow, and it was later detenmned thst the Mixing, ‘mpact Was nol s'gnificanl, {twas Ihe combination oF the appreciation pI te i pcs Lo the CSV confinement venlilatinn syslem and the aerosol test planning proces ut Prought this sue (potential PVP header undersized pipe) to Tight ‘Nhumerons extenuating circumstances, suchas those deserted abewve, and the renliation by caginecring that the PDSA contiols required by the 2000 PDSA Adenia were xt inset 10 be implementod in tae design, le to a two-year gxp doting which the PVP systern had boen ‘unaisle wm meet Authorization Basis requirciments. The first PVP system piping module was mstalled in Planning Arca 7 i. ste Tuly. the lack of MOB cantrals inthe AB beings into question whether this pipe was undersized. ‘Anachmeat L-WTP.346 S-11-WED-REPWTP-042 ‘This :ssne was idenstled by BNI aad added to Prjest Issues Fvuluation Rept 24890-1°7P- PIER-MGI-10-05654C as accom icems 15 und 16, Because this issue sas ieatiied hy BN) no tinding is cite, Hoveewe. the oover letter to cis surveillance tepore will <equize BRL 0 provide a waiter respons descsibing its path forward to address this PW system piping instllaron issu A second piping modu'e is scheduled tu he intal ed ie PTF al dhe end of September. Hover, this module does not coataia PVP keader piping. fn late October, a PTF piping module in Panning Area 1 will be installed waich will contain several addicianal scetions of patexially under sizud HYP header pising (sco atached “PVP Piping ia Mactks te be st Nese") Became Je pipe siving insu Ha nok been ydldeessed with iullition uf adequate MOB concls ‘nv an AB ange docurnesr, future PTT PVP pipe installason is currently ats Where Authorization Basis requirements change alter Ure astociated design is IEPHTC, especially when broad changes sueh a isthe ease for che PVP system ate pending (but before ‘hey happen), robus; discussion betwece, BNL ERAS and the zespensible IPT would reduce risk co thopvoject and ensure reyuéremens changes ore fully evaluarod up font, The discussion wild inclale a clear definition othe change in erm al Gmelional reguiernents expestel ‘he sy81em, and the impact of the proposed change oe the issued design, pracureent, al canstruction. (Observation S+1I-WED-RPFWTP+142-001]) ‘Where Authorization asi requirements change after the associated design is IEPAKC, and impacts arc identified to issued design elements, :n order to prevent ireversible installations as requiteé by the Waste ‘Treatment anc Immobilization Plant (WIP) QAM, there should bea process for clearly Irackiny and idenbifying affected clurents. (Observation S-A1-WED- RPPWTP-042-002} eaulroments Excerpt ASME NQA-1-2000, irene 3, Resgn Cony, Seevon 56, Deen Wein ‘crane yor fore Zc procrement or onstvtoa ales tng evmast be met. ck be ‘ait fev Ten Ey andra wend ign and cumple vir kat” Ecc fie Table $9-L of Carta. Pago #6 eanertencgn ee} SEDANS Chae tie _ _ Attachment TLAVTP-346 S-1-WED-RDPWTP-042, 2A9C-WIE-QAM-GA-16-CO1, Qual teurce Moma, agen 05.5. xh “Design veraton shall he erro pr a rele sig he deen lr precoenen ome coratuten, eb aaoda design engonaioa exes whee this tuning east 3 il. es tones, the esi pork a he ce a he clelydeaies an xml, al ces de den ‘ertcation sal be ceayplted prio a sliag upon he SC coma progane teem Fension aa befre fal heroics revere, ese extensive demesne” "Engincsingcvaastss tho pact of dese chang or teil np-zoaement. canton, operons, fer the design change Somme hav bron agarose. erginecringcoarinees dh frocurrev, cotati, pation in Heute speak wet lene he change Reb Paso {1500 T-GPP-SREG-N02, FANS Sarccning and Antasizusinn Bays Meine Sor 15,2311 aso: >. GUMBO, Desig Catena. 1, fy, 2001 BASMUEH UFC NCLETOS, Design Cram abe Mamlennce, Re. 4 ae 1, 2601 Peesonnel la:erviews: ‘wing an interview between the DOE-W'LP surveillance team and BNI staff on September 14, 2011, the team cvaluated the planned extent of condition review. ‘The BNI Point of Contact for the exten af condinon review planned to review all ofthe thirteen CPR. 44 issues ard determine for each isc if procurements or installations are impacted, This review will include an examination of huss ean of those risks are being managed, ars expevted by bake 2-3 weeks <j avoomplish, ‘The DOE-WTP surveillance team aged this proposed seope was adequate to detemnine if similor iseves exist elsewhere om the project. Por additional ascuranee, the surveillance tearn resutnmenils DOE-W'TP periorm an independent review of “he extent of condition upoe comapletion af BNTs ceview (Assessment Follow-up Item $-LI-WED-RFPW'IP-1M2-A01) During the incerviows, the DOL-WTP surveillance tear ulsa determined that che Tazactds Analysis Meetings (8.k.n. “HAZOPS", th review the need for and feasibly of BNL Engineering's proposed MOB contsois, were not currently seheduled. The Plamaing Area 7 piping male, instilled in lave July, was the list of many to be installed, with the next module ‘aintainig PVP heuder piping scheduled tor installation in late October. Although B&NS may Ie iting far results fram cogeing test efforts, « HAZO? to determine if controls propose by Engineering in CON: 234424 were leasible could -eduve the significant risk associated with the future insielacion af PTE piping modules. {Observation S-11-WED-RPPWTP-(42-043)