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DOCUMENTED CHROMOSOME NUMBERS CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN 1996.3. SOME SOUTH AFRICAN COMPOSITAE JOHN STROTHER L. Herbarium University 1001 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California CA 94720-2463, U.S.A. Berkeley, WATSON LINDA E. 316 Department Building of Botany, Biological Sciences Miami University OH 43036, U.S.A. Oxford, PANERO JOSE L. Department Botany of University Texas of TX78713. U.S.A. Austin, e include first reports of chromosome number for Heterolepis (H. aliena; 2k = 12, new number ber for Arctoteae), for Athanasia bremeri {In = 20, a for the genus), species of Ursinia (U. abrotanifolta, U. nudicaulh, U. pinnata, and U. punctata; r O U ^rotamfolia, U. nudkaulis, pinnata y punctata; todas elks In = 16). . . Although chemical and numerical methods are currently in vogue, chro- losome numbers continue be important indicators of evolutionary (and to among Some relationships plants Stebbins 1993). of the (cf. lie) new nbers reported here are reports or are reports of first numbers previously counted taxa and are especially likely to be impor- for m tant phyletic hypotheses for the taxa from which the counts were made. made nts reported here were by Strother from meiotic figures in acetocarmine-stained squashes (in Hoyer's mountant) of sporo- phytic (pollen parent) cells from floral buds fixed in a solution of parts 3 95% Radford Sharma and Sharma ethanol: part acetic acid (see et 1974; al. 1 1980). Pollens were stamed with lactophenol-cotton blue; percentages were determined from 200 grains per sample. Source-plants were collected (Cape Provmce, South Africa, November 1994) and identified by Watson and Panero. Voucher specimens have been deposited herbaria of Miami Uni- in versity (MU), National Botanic Gardens of South Africa (NBG), and Uni- versity of Texas (TEX). Anthemideae Athanasia bremeri = 20 Wuppertal Kallersjo. (10 late diakinesis): 2;^ II, Division, Grid 32 19 AC, Cederberg WaUon 94-53. The count Valley, re- new number ported here is the first for the species and is a for the genus. Kallersjo (1991) reported 2n = l6 for eight other species Atbauasia and oi' called attention to a report of = 20 for a species in the related genus 2?? Lasiospermum report by Nordenstam (1967) brachygUmmn DC. for L. [i.e., from Cape Province, South Africa}. Perhaps the taxonomic position of A. bremeri should be reconsidered. Cotula coronopifoiia L. 2n = 20 (10 late diakinesis and early II, first metaphase): Piketberg Division, Grid 32 18 DC, Berg River N7, Watson at Numerous 94-26. prior counts of2n = 20 and 40 have been reported for C. and diploid and/or polyploid counts based on x = coronopifoiia 12, 10, 1 3, 9, and 8 have been reported for other cotulas (see standard indices of chromo- some numbers in plants). Oncosiphon grandiflorum (Thunb.) Kallersjo. 2« = 16 (8 II at late some diakinesis, cells with "sticky" bivalents; pollen stainability 4%): Cape Town Division, Grid 33 18 CB, Melkbostrand, Watson 94-23. 2n=l6(7ll + 2 8 chain of 4 + 6 late diakinesis, early metaphase; pollen I, II, 1 II, first stainabiHty 3%): Wuppertal Division, Grid 32 19 AA, on Pakhuispas, Watson 94-44. Mitsuoka and Ehrendorfer (1972) reported Pentzia gran- (as d flora) 2n = 16 for a plant from National Botanic Gardens of South Africa, I Nordenstam Kirstenbosch. (1982) reported Pentzia In = 16 (as grandiflora) grown Lund for a plant in from "Seeds from Kirstenbosch ...." Oncosiphon suffruticosum (L.) Kallersjo. 2n = l6 (various configura- 16 4 tions: I, 7 II + 2 I, 2 chains of 3 + II + 2 I, late diakinesis; pollen Town stainability 2%): Cape Division, Grid 33 18 CB, Melkbostrand, Watson 94-24. Mitsuoka and Ehrendorfer and Nordenstam (1972) (1969) reported losome numbers 267 2/2=16 from National Botanic Gar- (both as Pentzta suffruUcosa) for plants dens of South Africa, Kirstenbosch. Ursinia abrotanifolia Spreng. 2n = l6 (R. Br.) (8 II, late diakinesis): CA, Worcester Division, Grid 33 19 Bainskloofpas, Watson 94-68. Ursinia nudicaulis (Thunb.) N.E. Br. 2n = 16 (8 II, late diakinesis): CA, Worcester Division, Grid 33 19 Bainskloofpas, Watson 94-70. Ursinia pinnata (Thunb.) 2n = l6 Prassler. (8 late diakinesis): II, AC, Wuppertal Division, Grid 32 19 Cederberg Valley, Waison 94-51. Ursinia punctata (Thunb.) N.E. 2n = 16 Br. (8 II, late diakinesis): AD, Worcester Division, Grid 33 19 Michels Pass, Watson 94-60. The counts reported here for ursinias are evidently first counts for the Numerous four species. counts of = l6 have been reported for other 2;z species of Urstnia (see standard indices). Nordenstam (1969) reported 2n = 14 for U. anthemoides (L.) Poir. subsp. anthemotdes and 2n = \6 for U. He anthemoides subsp. versicolor (DC.) Prassler. suggested that the 2n = 14 may plants have been derived as "... the result of a secondary reduction." Arctoteae Wuppertal Arctotis acaulis 2^ = 18 per pole, second metaphase): L. (9 AC, Division, Grid 32 19 Cederberg Valley, Watson 94-55. Ahlstrand (1979) Lund from Garden reported n ^ 9 for a plant the Botanical of identified as Arctotis undulata Jacq. 2n ^ 18 (9 II at late diakinesis; 9 per pole, late anaphase): Wuppertal Division, Grid 32 19 AC, Cederberg Valley, first Watson 94-52. The count reported here evidently the for A. undulata. first is Heterolepis aliena Druce. 2n = 12 diakinesis and (L. (6 II at late f.) AC, metaphase): Wuppertal Division, Grid 32 19 near Cederbergpas, early The Watson 94-49. count reported here evidently the first for Heterolepis is new number Norlindh x = and evidently a for the tribe. (1977) reported is 9 and 15 for Arctotinae (to which he assigned Heterolepis), x = 9 for Gundeliinae, and x = and 8 Gorteriinae. for 5, 7, ChrysocomalongifoliaDC. 2« = 18 H, late diakinesis): ClanwiUiam (9 km Division, Grid 32 18 BB, 13 from ClanwiUiam town, Dwarsrivier Farm, Watson 94-38. Nordenstam (1967) reported 2n = 18 for a plant (from Cape South Province, Africa) identified as C. longifolia. Gnaphalieae DC. Leysera tenella 2n = 8 (4 late diakinesis; in the initial prepara- II, tion from this gathering, one cell had evident chains, pairs, and univalents Pakhuispas near Kleinkiphuis, Watson 94-42. Bremer (1978) reported 2n = 8 for a plant (from an unspecified site) identified as L. tenella. We Kim acknowledge John Rourke and gratefully Steiner cooperation for and assistance at the National Botanical Institute in Kirstenbosch and Phillip m We Hooks, Jan Vlok, and Steven Lynch for assistance the thank field. R.D. Noyes and Urbatsch comments on an Research L. for earlier draft. DEB94-08019 supported, in part, by National Science Foundation grant L.E.W to MiTSUOKA, and Ehrendorfer. 1972. Cytogenetics and evolution oi Matricaria and S. F. related genera (Asteraceae-Anthemideae). Osterr. Bot. Z. 120:155-200. NoRDENSTAM, Chromosome numbers B. 1967. in South African Compositae. Aquilo, Set. Chromosome 1969. studies on South African vascular plants. Bot. Not. 122:398- . 1982. Chromosome numbers of South African plants: African Bot. 48:273- 2. S. . J. 275. & New The and B. L. Turner, eds. biology and chemistry of the Compositae. London York: Academic Press. Pp. 943-959. Radford, W.C. A.E., Dickison, J.R. Massey, and C.R. Bell. 1974. Vascular plant system- New & Harper Row. York: atics. Sharma, A.K. and A. Sharma. 1980. Chromosome techniques: Theory and Ed. practice. 3. London: Butterworths. Stebbins, G.L. 1993. Concepts of species and genera. In: Flora of North America Editorial & New Committee, eds. Flora of North America north of Mexico. London York: Oxford 229-246. University Press. Vol. pp. 1,

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