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DOCUMENTED CHROMOSOME NUMBERS 1993:2. CHROMOSOME ADDITIONAL COUNTS THE MALVACEAE IN PAUL FRYXELL A. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Service, & Department Crop Soil Sciences of A&Al Texas University TX 77843-2474 College Station, DAVID STELLY M. New Beasley Laboratory & Depart?nent of Soil Crop Sciences A&M Texas University TX 77843-2474 College Station, ABSTRACT Chromosome numbers are reported for 29 species of Malvaceae in 3 genera, of which 8 are 1 1 new reports. The taxonomic impHcations of these data are discussed. RESUMEN Se reporta niimeros cromosomicos para 29 especics de malvaceas en generos, de cuales las 3 las 1 18 son datos nuevos. La significacion taxonomica de estos datos esta considerado. INTRODUCTION Chromosome numbers have been useful in evaluating generic boundaries and many generic and tribal relationships in families, including the Malvaceae (Bates The 1966, 1968, 1976; Bates and Blanchard 1970; Krapovickas 1957, 1969). opportunity obtain counts and previous counts (Table permits to nevv^ verify 1) the extension and revision of previous interpretations of relationships within the Malvaceae. AND METHODS MATERIALS made grown All counts were on samples taken from greenhouse-grown plants, from seed samples taken from voucher specimens indicated in Table Voucher 1 . specimens kept herbarium College are in the senior author's in Station, Texcis; may additional duplicates of these collections also be found in other herbaria, ^is noted the in table. 95% minimum buds were Floral fixed in ethanol: glacial acetic acid, for a 3: 1 , of 24 Prior to preparation of specimens, the buds were rinsed and allowed to hr. 639-647. SiDA 1993 15(4): 640 SiDA 1993 15(4): New Clirtjmosonu' tuinibcrs of sclecuxl species of Malvaceae. counrs are indicare<.l with an asterisk {*). Tari.i-. 1 . 1 Origin Voucher Species u /270J,MnXU Abiitihni M.F.. Jones 6 '^ Mexict). Nayarit Tellcz Ihiyyiniiiiv 1 Torrey ex Gray MFXU hiihiMuum 14 Mexico. Veracruz rfW>w.S56\S, Ahuttliin (Torr. l^ Cjray) Ahutdou 14* Mexico. nhicViUigl)}} I'ryx. Jalisco 14* Fo.u'//j.S3^,CANB Ahi^lilofi otoaiyjy/nN Miiell. Australia F. Ahi/lilon /h/risl)!/ S. Watson 14* U.S.A. Arizona Vdri Dvnndey d dl. ARl/ 91-808, NY Hocht. 14* Mexico. Veracruz Nee O'ldylor 28^^)0, Ahi/lilon sphiii'vostiViinium ^Y & Mexico AlloirisSiuli/hi Jlinh/ohlif (Schltdl.) I'ryx- 6 Jones Tyeidflt) 168, I AholLi dljiitilmdcs A. Gray 30 U.S.A. Arizona Vdf/ Dfvoidcy vl dl. ARIZ 97-959, * Auikld dUu Fryx. 30 Mexico. Michoacan Fo'.\v//30/2,NY flora AnocLi [hilmatci Fryx. ^0 Mexico. Jalisco Koc-b&Fryxe// 89193. CHAPA 24* Veneztiela rryxi'//&B//ydm//4393.T' 32* Bjtaiuulvii vtohued (Rose) Fryx, U.S.A. Texas Wurdiiik s.n. NY nUoiucdid 21)* Mexico. San Luis Potosf Jom's 147, Fr)^x. C'n:)tfne\:^fis'h} CTES Cienffii'gosia almtfolsj Fryx. 21) Art;ennna Schidz s. }}. , UCR Uirhiimphis uiexwcina Fryx. 30* Mexico. Jalisco LotUidl. 4042, NY Fryxi'llid (Curr.) Dates 16 Mexico. Coaluula Frj:vr//5006, l)yy^ifhiea uilypljylhis Cav. 80 Hawaii. Kauai without coll.. Seed acc. no llihisi/L\ WaimeaB.G. 74s72.\ UCR Hihiki/s cttYDun Fryx, 22^'. Mexico. Jalisco Lonetdl. 4083, 32* Hardy /" Jlihisa/s grd)ul!iliai Baillon Ma(.la^^ascar s.n., N^i CANB Biirm. 24 Australia Frj.u7/4530, ]lihtsctis pdiidiiyijormis hi. ^G AN 36* B Mnell. Australia Frj.w// 443 llibisais pcNldphylli/s F. 30* Mexico. Sonora Sdmlcr^4620,\K:\\ HorsJon//d cxd/i/fd I'ryx. & 56* Kodj& PdJ'onid Fryx. Kocli Mexico. Jalisco Fry xd/ 89198, i'costdlii CHAPA rryxci/4939,NY Vbyuiuud Huibclldta (Cav.) Kearn. 34 Mexico. Tamatilpas Cm/r/W CTES 2079, S'ldd drgeuliud var. tucnvhimnsis Hassler 11 Ari^entina. Salta ex Rodrii^o BRIT Sidd FnL;elm, Gray 28 U.S.A. Texas frjA.// 4964, lifidheiffiLri «S: M* GANB Sidd ndjlaidc var, nmt'ud (Benth.) Fr)'x. Australia Fo.u//4428, SphdiTidaui A, Gray 30 U.S.A. California Pifzcr /97,U(:R Lii)d)'igNd TEX 20* Sphairalaa Fryx. Mexico. Goahuila Fryxd! 4997, nflcxd et al, dl. L't soak tap wattr or distilled water for several hours. Anthers were dissected from ill the buds, placed in acetocarniinc stain, then cut and macerated to release microsporocytes. Preparations containing microsporocytes at stages suitable for chromosome counting were covered with covershp and repeatedly heated and a The cooled until chromatin was satisfictorily stained. cells were then sc|uashed, and were with wax. Counts were made under immersion the coverslips sealed oil brightfield occasionally, phase-contrast optics on an Olympus Vanox micro- or, Kodak specimens were photographed using Technical Pan Sufficiently scoj^e. flat 2415. film and FRYXELL Chromosome Stelly, counts in Malvaceae 641 AND RESULTS DISCUSSION The summarized results of these studies are in Table 1. Chromosome Abutilon. counts genus for six species are reported in the A huhmnum Abiitilon (Figs. previous count for A. (Bates 1976) 1, 2). verified, is new and reports are presented for the remaining five species Four of these five have . a chromosome number oiln = l4, which conforms to the base number of x = 7 for the majority of species in the genus, Abutilon harrancae, on the other hand, has In = 16. This species represents Abutilon sect. Anasida (cf Fryxell 1988, p. 25). Those species that have been or can be placed in this section, and which have been =16, counted, also have chromosome numbers of 2n including Abutilon coenocyticspomd showing Fro. MicrosporocyteofA^//r/7(??7 hctrranccw. stage, four nuclei, each 1 , with eight chromosomes 18 (bar )am). := Fig. 2. Microsporocyte oi Abinilou parhljii: coenocytic sporad stage (at early cytokinesis), showing four nuclei, each with seven chromosomes (bar = 20 )Llm). Fig. 3. Microsporocyte oiHiljiscus dtrnms\ coenocytic dyad stage, each of the two poles having chromosomes 20 (bar ^ 1 1 jLlm). Fig. 4. Microsporocyte oi Hibiscus grandidien: diplotene stage with 6 bivalents, one closely 1 associated with the darkly staining nucleohis (bar = 15 )im). K ( 642 SiDA 1993 15(-i): anckrssouuiuiini Garcke, A, dliptianu Schkdl., A. thurhcri A. Gray, A. miibeUcJtinn (L.) Sweet, A. virgatnrvi (Cav.) Sweer and VseiicLtbiittlon adlimorphimi (Hochr.) R.E. , group Fries (Bares 1966, 1976; Fernandez 1974; Krapovickas 1957). This of supported by species clearly distinguished cytok)gicalIy, a distinction that is is morphok)gical characters, and the c]uesrion must be raised whether sect. Anasida name merits elevation to generic rank. If so, the VseNduhatiUm available, is altliough several new combinations would be required, and the generic bound- The aries originally proposed by Fries (1908) would have to be revised. who typification of Pseiidcd)i{td(m was discussed by Fryxell (1988, 75), p. concluded that the type species PieadahNtUon scahriim (Presl) R.E. Fries [= is M.E. Abiitdini hcinancae Jones]. chromosome number Another by grou]:) of Abi/tilon species characterized a is = wW/tr-yJvVwc/Gurke&Scluimann, of l6(e.g. A. inaeq/nIcncr/n}iSi.-Y[i\.,A. 2// & A, Griseb., A. piciaui (Hooker Arnott) Walp., A. purpusii Standley, A. niveii)}! may Mic]uel, and A, Dicks, ex Lindl.), but these be assigned to regudlii struit/ini and Abiitdo)! sect. Phiviovidatae Fryx. are outside of the present discussion. A The rms Allowissadula. count of = 6 Hon con the 2/; for 'issadidajlordyufid^t fi 1 chromosome number previously reported for this species (Bates 1978, as A. Of mkroudyy. (Rose ex R.E. Fries) Bates). the nine species of this genus, five are known cytologically, of which have the same chromosome number. all Anoda. The chromosome three species oi Aiiodc^ reported here have the all number 2)1 = 30, which conforms to the known b^ise number for tlie genus, x - The 15 (Bates 1987). values for A. abiitdoides (Fig. 5) and A. palmata are confirmations of previously reported counts (Bates 1987), and the report for A. The polymorphic and new. latter species for corolla color, the albiflora is is available seed saniple was segregating for white- and lavender- flowered plants. Both flower color forms have the same chromosome number. The new Only Batesimalva. count of = 32 for B. violacea (Figs. 10). 2;/ is 9, chromosome one previous count in Bcitesbucdva has been reported, also 2n - 32 ^ov B.jv/1chella Y'cyy.. (Bates and Blanchard 1970,asG'<:/j'<;/aff violcicea). Thisspecies both morphologically and phytogeographically. very similar to B, violacea, is The count of 2/; = 24 for B. killipii also new (Fig. 3) and presents a number is 1 m that seldom encountered the Malvaceae. In the tribe Malveae, counts of 2;/ is Gaya = 12 and 24 have been reported principally in the genera (Krajiovick;.is 1957; Fernandez 1974, 1981; Bates 1976) and Malvastrum (Hill 1982), as well as from a few species ofCr/sfar/a (Krapovickas 1957) and Lecanophora (Krapov- cannot be with any of these genera, ickas 1950). Bates'unalva killipii allied 1 them liffering substantially from of in morphological terms. c all At the same time, the chromosome count of = 24 Batesnualva 2// for killipii differs from the counts of 2// ^ 32 reported for other species o{ Batcsivudi'a (see previous paragraph), and the two counts are not readily reconciled. Therefore, the The generic placement of B. brought into question. species was killipii is and Fryxell Chromosome Stelly, counts in Malvaceae 643 ^^,^^ .Mkrosporocy Fig. 5 te o^Auocfa a/wt//ou/cs\ late c!iplocenestage(nucleolLis barely visible), with 15 bivalents ar unusual semi-contracted state (bar = 9 |-lni). Fig. 6. Microsporocyce of D/rhawp/j/s mexkana: diplotene stage, sliowing 15 bivalents, three attached or partially superimposed on the nucleolus (bar = 6 jJm). I Fig. 7. Microsporocyte o^Fyyxdlui pygviaed: diplotene stage, showing R bivalents (bar = 16 Llm). efl< - 12 Urn). originally placed in Batesimalva because shared features of mericarp morphol- it known ogy with previously species of the genus, although differed in (and it floral other) characters and inphytogeography. In view of the cytological difference here reported, the generic boundaries oi Batesimalva will need to be reconsidered, new including the possibility of a generic placement for B. kiUipn. C Cienfuegosia. The chromosome counts of = 20 for intermedia a new 2;; is report, and the same count for C. confirms the report of Palacios and idviifolta Tiranti(1966). These counts agree with the numbers reported other American for known species of this genus that are cytologically (Wilson and Fryxell, 1970). Dirhamphis. The chromosome number of 2// ^ 30 (Fig. 6) reported here for 644 SiDAl5(4): 1993 ^^1 y 1 ^^^^^H » • • ^^^^^B ^^^^^1 ^^^^^1 ^^^^^1 ^^^^^1 ^ ^* ^ 1 ' 1 \ 1 •* ^^^^^H % « % » \ • 1 m 1 p P> r-^ ^ 9 \\ |io ^ ^^f^ ^^-' ^^ % \x ^.^ V K^ * (^ V Xl '- > ^i ^;^^ W^ ti -K \^^ ^^ '^^'T .»* v..ri ^^J ^- f \^ ="^ -*:-. ^J -^ ^ X *s t^ - Ki^ * -W ''<* ^» 1 > ^ 1 ^ 4^ * r 4 « ^1 ^ ^ *% f % ^ ^. » * "^t^- A > % ^ -1 % J* f « 4t ft * ^_ -^ #«. .-f . « > f '^ : ^ *- '^ * • ^ ^V ^ -i I ^iv « « ''^ 13 f >* *- €.. * 's. r'-: i ** ts % ^- m % % * Figs. 9 '^nd 10. Microsporocyces o[ Safes////ah'c/ vioLicecr. early metaphase I, wich 16 bivalcnts - (bar 18|-ln-i). Figs. and 2. Microsporocytes of SiiLi rohleuaevAr. niutica: iNchipbcisel, with seven bivalcnts 1 1 1 (four "nxls" and tlTree"rings")vs. six bivalents (one rod) plus two univalents (off metaphaseplate), and respectively (bars = 13 respectively). 1 \\\ix\ |^^*ii, Two microsporocytes of meraphase each with 2 bivalents (bar Fig. 13. Bi/tes/f?k//ra killipii: I, t = pm). 8.9 and FRYXELL Chromosome STELLY, counts in Malvaceae 645 D, mexkana new The a report. otlier species of the genus, D, halansae Krapov., is has been reported as 2;^= l4 (Fernandez 1981). Fryxell (1988, suggested that 6) p. group a of four genera {Batesimalva, Horsfordia, Briqiietia, and Dirhaviphis) constitute a generic alhance, based largely on a commonality in fruit structurcj may but this view need to be revised on the basis of chromosome numbers reported here, as discussed further in the following paragraph. Further, because of chromosome numbers, two Dirhamphh may disparate the species di not be congeneric. The Fryxellia. cotmt of 2/2 = 1 6 for /^ pygmaea (Fig. 7) was previously reported (Fryxell and Valdes 1991) and the preparations was suggested cell illustrated. It may that a phylogenetic relationship exist between Ffjxellia and Bateshnalva, common which chromosome possibly share a base number. This finding provides a hypothesis for evaluation using other classes of data. Moreover, the other genera On noted above need be brought also to into the discussion. the basis of chromosome numbers now available^ this group may need to be divided mto at two groups, one with x - {Pirhamphh mexkana and and one least 15 Horsfordia) with X = 16 (Batesmaha) or x = 8 {Fryxellia). Briquetia (x = 7) may not relate to may group but The either be better placed in the Ahutilon alliemce. position of Dtrhamphis mexkana and we that oi Batesimalva killipii rec]uire further study, but now have framework a for discussion. Chromosome Hibiscus. counts for five species are reported here, three of which are new. Previous reports for Hibiscus pa mhiriforviis (Skovsted 1941; Dasgupta and Bhatt 1976, 1982; Bhatt and Dasgupta 1976; Krishnappa and Munirajappa 1980) have all given the same result as found here, 2yi = 24, even though The this species highly variable morphologically. count o{2n = 80 for is H. calyphyllus conforms to previous counts reported by Skovsted 94 Niimoto (1 ), 1 & (1966), Kachecheba (1972) and Krishnappa Munirajappa (1980), but differs from a report of 2a; - 40 by Bates 966); the species evidently exists at two ploidy ( 1 levels. ^22 The count of 2;; for H. citrinus (Fig. 3) conforms to similar counts reported New World for other species oiHibisc/Ls sect. Bombicella, H, biseptus S. Wats., H. denudatus Benth.^ H. martianus Zucc, and H, (Skovsted phoeniceus 1935, ]z.qq^. 1941; Bates 1976), indicating that the American members of this section are cytologically quite uniform. Chromosome numbers which for Hibiscus sect. Bombkella, the section to H. grandtdieri belongs, were reviewed by Fryxell (1980). The count here reported (Fig. 4) for H. grandidieri {2n = 32) conforms to counts for two other African Brown species of this section {H. mutatus N.E. and W.fen^ugineus Cav.) but differs from the tetraploid count 2n = 64 for//. nncranthus'L. f and the count of = 22 2;/ The H. Thunberg. count same which for pusilliis latter the as that cliaracterizes is American known the five species of section Bombicella that are cytologically (Fryxell 1980; see previous paragraph). SiDA 1993 646 15(1): ^phylL However, similarspecies H. rv7cw/vGarcke(Dasguptaand Bhatt 976, 9S2). the 1 1 chromosome number base of x = 8 also characteristic o^Hihiscus sect. Finraria, is 1 Menzel& Wilson tph) much Thus clear that remains to be learned about the generic subdivision it is polymorphism. genus of considerable cytological o^HihiscNS, a (W: (W: The 30 (Bates 966, 976), reported here for H. exalata. genus appears to be is 1 iis 1 uniform, and shares a base chromosome number of x ^ 5 with Dirhamphh it 1 discussed previously. mex'icana, as Pavonia. Chromosome counts more 25 species o^Vavoma have been for tlian and have been various ploidy reported in the literature (Fryxell, in prep.), all at based on x = The new count of = 56 conforms to this levels 7. for P. ecostata 2;/ pattern and indicates the species octoploid. This the only count yet reported is is Pciimuasv\hgi^n.Malmioe,Pcnwncrc\ndHih'Lscusptt^^ ^or Both are large genera with more than 200 species, but Pavoma cytologically is uniform with a single base number, whereas Hibiscus highly polymorphic witli is wide range of base numbers. a Phymosia. The report of 2// = 34 for Phymosia ionhellata confirms previous Webber 1976;Skovsted 1936) and previous reports for this species (Bates 1935; and Blanchard counts for other species in the genus, P. rosea (DC.) Kearn. (Bates and P Hamilton (Webber 1970) 1936). ahiitilouks (L.) Two new Both Sida. of the three counts reported here iox Sulci are reports. Sida argent luu var. tiiaimarmisis and Suki rohlemie var. vmtica have 2n-^ l4 (Figs. 11, 12), common The the most count reported tor species oiSicLi. tetraploid count of 2;/ = 28 for SicLi Ihnlheimeri confirms a previous count (Krapovickas 1969)- A chromosome number x Sphaeralcea. b^ise of = 5 characterizes this genus, and countsof2// = 10, 20, and 30 have been reported for various species, including amhigiici, reported here as having 2;/ ^ 30. The count of 2;/ = 20 for S. rejkxa S. new a report (Fig. 8). is ACKNOWLEDGMl'NTS We Wiens Kenneth are grateful to for seed samples o{ Abiitilou pcrrishii^ to J.F. Waimea Wurdack and Botanic Garden, for seeds oiBatesinudva violacea, to the J. Haleiwa, Hawaii for seeds diHihisais grandidieri and of W. adyphylhis (received as The ofJuan Dfaz-Colon in making chromosome preparations for //. rockji). skill microscopic examination also greatly appreciated. is and Fryxell Chromosome Stelly, coLints in Malvaceae 647 REFERENCES D.M. Chromosome numbers Bates, 1966. in theMalvales. Genres Herb. 10:1-116. I. D.M. Baths, 1968. Generic relationships the Malvaceae, Malveae, Gences Herb. 10:117- in tribe 135- D.M. Chromosome Bates, 1976. numbers in the Malvales. Miscellaneous counts from the III. Byttneriaceae and Malvaceae. Gentes Herb. 143-1 50. 1 1 : D.M. new Bates, 1978. Alloivissadida^ a genus of North American Malvaceae. Gentes Herb. 11:329-354. D.M. Chromosome Bates, 1987. numbers and evolution Anoda and in Periptera (Malvaceae). Ahso 11:523-531. Bates, D.M. and Blancuard, 1970. Chromosome numbers theMalvales New O.J. Jr. in or II. otherwise noteworthy counts relevant to classification in the Malvaceae, tribe Malveae. Amer. 57:927-934. Bot. J. Bi R,P. and A. Dasgupta. 1976. Cytotaxonomy of Malvaceae Chromosome number and lA'rr, I. karyotype analysis of Hddsa/s, Azauzd, and Urena. Cytologia 41:207-217. lOPB Dasgupta, A. and R.P. Bimtt. 1976. chromosome number reports. Taxon 25:494. Dasgupta, A. and R.P. Bhatt. 982. Cytotaxonomy ofMalvaceae Meiotic III. studies oiHihisais, 1 Akhnoschus, Azanza, Thespesia, MaLahra, and Pavonia. Cytologia 47:109-1 lJre)ia, 16. Fhrmaxdez, a. 1974. Recuentos cromosomicos en Malvaceas. Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 15:403- 410, Fernan[:)EZ, a. 1981. Recuentos cromosomicos en Malvales. Bonplandia 5:63-71. Fries, R.E. 1908. Entwurf einer Monographic der Gattungen WissaduLt und PseudcdMitihm, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 43(4):1-1 14 + 10 plates. A Fryxell, PA. 980 revision of the American species of section Bojuhicella (Malvaceae). 1 ///7;/jr//j Techn. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agric. 1624 1-53). (pp. PA. Fryxell, 1988. Malvaceae of Mexico. Sysr. Boc. Monogr. 25:1-522. PA. Fryxell, and Valdes R. 1991. Observations on Pryxdlut pygmaea (Malvaceae). Sida J. A Hill, S.R. 982. monogra]-)h of the genus Ahdvc/stn/in A. Gray (Malvaceae: Malveae). Rhodora 1 159-264,317^09. 84:1-83, Kaulecheba, The cytotaxonomy some Kew 27:425^33 J.L. 972. of species oi H/i^/sa/s. Bull. 1 + 2 plates. Krapovickas, A. 1950. Revision del genero Lcanfophora (Malvaceae). Darwiniana 9:248-279. Krapovickas, A. 1957. Niimeros cromosomicos de Malvaceas americanas de tribu Malveae. la Rev. Agronom. Noroeste Argent. 2:245-260. Krapovickas, A. 1969. Notas citotaxonomicas sobre Malvaceas. Bonplandia 3:9-24. Krisiinappa, D.G. and Munirajappa 1980. lOPB chromosome number Taxon reports. 29:536. Menzel, M.Y. and F.D. Wilson. 1969. Genetic relationships in Hibiscus Pinraria. Bnttonia sect. 21:91-125. Chromosome NiiMOTO, numbers some D.FF. 1966. of Uibiscus species and other Malvaceae. Baileya 14:29-34. Palacios, R.A. and l.N. Tirantl 1966. Niimero cromosomico de especies argentinas de Cienfuegosici Cav. (Malvaceas). Inst. Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, Bol. No. 4(). (9 pp. 6 + figs.) Chromosome Skovsted, a. 1935. numbers in the Malvaceae. Genet. 31 :263-296. I.J. Chromosome Skovsted, a. 1941. numbers the Malvaceae. Compt. Rend. in Trav. Lab, II. Carlsberg, sen Physiol. 23:195-242. Werrer, Chromosomes J.M. 1936. in SphderaliCij and related genera. Cytologia 7:313-323. Wii^soN, F.D. and PA. Fkyxlll. 1970. Meiotic chromosome numbers and oi'denf/zegosia species hybrids and Hampea species. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 97:367-376.

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