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Preview DOCUMENT RESUME ED 086 919 CG 008 591

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 086 919 CG 008 591 TITLE Proper and Improper Use of Drugs by Athletes. Hearings Before the Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency.. INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. Senate Committee on the Judiciary. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 867p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$29.61 DESCRIPTORS *Athletes; Conference Reports; Delinquency; *Drug Abuse; *Drug Education; Drug Legislation; *Investigations; *Medical Research ABSTRACT These hearings on the proper and improper use of drugs by athletes before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency include testimonies by athletes, trainers, physicians, researchers, and representatives of national athletic associations; supplementary articles on drugs; extensive information on drugs used and abused by athletes; a glossary of drug-related terms; and a bibliography on drugs and their abuse. (LKP) US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN A TiNG IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUrATION POSITION OR POLICY NOTICE SCOPE OF INTEREST assigned The ERIC Facility has coning this document for to Is document In our judgement, t the clearing- is also of interest t_ the right. Index- houses noted to their special ing should reflect points of view. cr, 1+;- PROPER AND IMPROPER USE OF DRUGS co BY ATHLETES HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE JUVENILE DELINQUENCY OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY -THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION Pursuant to S. Res. 56, Section 12 INVESTIGATION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN THE UNITED STATES INVESTIGATIVE HEARINGS ON THE PROPER AND IMPROPER USE OF DRUGS BY ATHLETES JUNE 18 AND JULY 12 AND 13, 1973 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 91-749 WASHINGTON : 1173 COMMITTEE ON TILE JUDICIARY (93d Congress) JAMBS 0. EASTLAND, Mississippi, Chairman 1011N L. M,.CLELLAN, Arkansas ROMAN L. HRUSKA, Nebraska SAM J. ERVIN, .1n., North Carolina HIRAM L. FONG, Hawaii l'HILIP A. HART, Michigan HUGH SCOTT, Pennsylvania EDWARI M. KENNEDY, .Massachusetts STROM THURMOND, South Carolina BIRCH. 11.1Y1L Indiana MARLOW W. COOK, Kentucky QUENTIN N. BURDICK, North Dakota CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, Ja., Maryland ROBERT C. BYRD. West Virginia EDWARD J. GURNEY, Florida JOHN V. TUNNEV, California SUBCOMMITTEE To INVESTIGATE JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN THE UNITED STATES (93d Congress). BIRCH BAYIL Indiana, Chairman PIIILIP A, HART, Michigan MARLOW W. COOK, Kentucky QUENTIN N. BURDICK, North Dakota ROMAN L. IIRUSKA, Nebraska EDWARD NI. Kl?,NNEDY, Massachusetts HIRAM L. FONG, Hawaii CHARLES McC. MATHIAS, In., Maryland \L AT n EA FALCO, Staff Director owl Chief Counsel, N NI. RECTOR, DCyli y Chief Conned J 11 Ms. Falco served as staff director and chief counsel to the subcommittee until her resig- nation un August 21. 1.973. CONTENTS ALI'IIA13ETICAL LIST 01? WITNESSES lilyth, Dr. Carl S., Anhui:in, Physical Education 1)epartnitnt of the Uni- versity of North (l'arolina; administrator, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Commit tee on Competitive Safeguards & Medical Aspects of Page Sports Invcompaiiiod Hobert 23 13reulder, Itoy S., menthol., Legislative Department, Atuoienn AIedial As- sociation t;tecomptutied Dr. Doltald L. ('000et.) it Brown. Philip, legal; counsel, National Collegiate Athletic Associatieu Shawnee Nlission, Kansas (accompanied Itohert Pritchard)-_- (7,,,,iee:lied Athletes in Action, -.Milwaukee, Cassel, 1)r. 13.us.:(41, tnetnlu Nis. (accompanied NVali Jones) Man, director, Amateur Athletic Unirat, Indianapolis, taceointelha David (1. lliyenes) 211(1)84 Connally. Harold, former Olympic ehampion--four-time Olympian; track and tiold each and English teacher at Santa :Monica High School, California 272 Cooper, Dr. lionald Anwriean Medic:ft :Association, :Medical Aspects of Sports Committee; team physician, Oklahoma State 'University (ac- companied by Roy S. Breddel 5 (Accompanied Hobert Pritchard/ 23 1)tter, A. 0..; executive director, Natiooutl Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, 1:ansas City, :\lo. (accompanied hy Donald Spencer, M.D.)__ 2,1.8 Dyer, Michael, member, Concerned Athletes in Action, 1\li1wauk.ec, (:ti c,annanied ;Jones) 104 Goddard, Dr. loy, chairman, Amateur Athletic Union, Sport 'Medicine Committee, Indianapolis, Ind. (accompanied David (:3. liveries) 298 Golding, Lawrence A. Ph, I)., Kent. State University, Kent, Ohio 124 Ilanley, Daniel F., college physician, 13(nythwin College, Brunswick, member, International ()lymph Committee's Medical Coin- mission ._ 168 Hart, .Allen, head trainer, Ohio State University (accompanied Hobert Prii chard) _ 23 hart, Edward, former ()lympic sprinter; assistant track coach, University of California, Berkeley 289 Jones, Wall, executive tfirector, Concerned Aillietes in Action, Milwauke, \V is. (accompanied by Harold Nelson, Nfichael Dyer, and Dr. Russell Cassell 104 _National Junior College Athletic executive director, George Killian, Association, Hutchinson, Kans. 265 lilwatike, Wis. Nelson, Haold., member, (.`oncertte(1 Athletes in Action, tneconipanied Jones)_ 104 Pritchard loheri, (.4.;drultin, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Drug Elttratin ('ommittee, Shawnee. Nlission, Kansas (arc:imp:tined be Philip Brown, Dr. Carl S.. Blyth, Allen Hart, .1:anes 1ilkerson and lir. Donald L. Cooper) 23 ltivtates, David G., president, Amateur Athletic Onion, Indianapolis, Ind. taecompanled hy Dr. It 1.thlar(1 and 011an Cassell) 298 II., athletic director and chairman, Physical Education Scott, ,inek. PI:. Depart tnent, Oberlin College; dirertor, hist it hie for the Study of Sports anti Society_ '152 Shinniek, l'hllip K., director of athletics, Livingston ('ollego (Ringers), Brunswick, N, 1:34 coordinator, Mcdictll Aspects of Sports Committee, Spencer. 1)1.. I).,te National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (accompanied A. (i. Inter)._ NVilkinson. Jaills, National (..'ollegiate Athletic Association, aciminisira- tive stall. Shawnee :\lission, Kansas; director, national summer youths sports program .accompanicd Hobert. Pritchard) 23 lv ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ORGAN] ZAT1ONS REPRESENTED Page Anniteur Athletic l7niott, Indianapolis, Ind 298 American Nleclical Association, Medical Aspects of Sports Committee 5 Concerned Athletes in Action, Nlilwatikee, 1"is 104 Instil me for the Study of Spurts & Sociviy, Oakland, Calif 152 International Olympic C:ommit Ice's .Nleilical Commission. 168 National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Kansas City, Alo 248 National Collegiate Athletic Association, l:milinit tee uti Drug Education, Shawnee Mission, 1::insas 23 National Junior t'oilege Athletic Association, Hutchinson, Icans 205 CH IWNOLOGICAL LIST 01' WITNESSES Just: 18, 1973 Cooper, Donald L., M. D., American Medical Association on Nledical Aspects of Sports; team physician, Oklahoma State University, Still- water, Okla., (acconqnmied by Roy S. Bredder, meniber of Legislative Pngo Department, American Nledical Association) 5 Pritchard, Robert, chairman, National Collegiate Athletic Association's Drug Education Committee, (accompanied by Philip Brown, legal counsel of NCAA; Dr. Carl S. Blyt h, chairman of the Physical Education Departnant of the University of North Carolina and administrator of the NCAA Ovnunittee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports; Allen Hart, head trainer at. Ohio 1:_ltate -University; James Wilkinson of the NCAA Administrative Staff; and, Dr. Donald L. Cooper, team physician at Oklahoma State university)__ 23 Jones, Wali, executive director, Concerned Athletes in Action, (accompanied by Harold Nelson, member; Michael Dyer, member; and 1)r. Russell Cassel, Ineinber) 104 Golding, Lawrence A., Ph. D., Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 124 JULY 12, 1973 Shinnick, Philip K., director of athletics, Livingston College (Rutgers), New Brunswick, N..I 134 Scott, Jack, Ph. D., athletic director a. and chairman of the Physical Educa- tion Departtnent, Oberlin College; Director of the Institute for the Study of Sports and Society_ 152 Hanley, Daniel F., NI.D., college physician, 13owduin College, Brunswick, memberInternational Committee's Olympic Al edical Maine ; Commission 108 Duer, A. 0., exectuive director, National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, Kansas City, I\ lo., (accompanied by Donald Spencer, AL D., coordinator of the Medical Aspects of Sports Committee, NAIA) 24S Juts 13, 1973 National Junior College Athletic George, executive director, 205 lutchinson, Association, Olympic champion .four -titre Harold, former Olympian; Omni illy, track and field coach and English teacher at Santa Monica high School, 272 California hart, Edward, former Olympic sprinter; assistant track coach, University 289 of California at Berkeley Itiyenes, David O., president., the Anutteur Athletic Union, (accompanied by Roy Goddard, M. I)., chairman, AAU Sport. Medicine Committee, Indianapolis, Ind.; and 011an Cassell, executive director, AAU, Indiana- poli, Ind.) 29S LIST OF EXHIBITS Text, of Senate. Resolution .50, section 12, 93d Congress, first session, I. dated February 27, 1973, authorizing expenditures for the subcom- mittee to investigate juvenile delinquency 3 International 2. Pamphlet "Doping" Commit tee Olympic entitled, Medical Commission, Lausanne, 1972 175 I V) APPENDIX (Additional Materials Submitted fur the Record) (A) Diteci Anttst.: AND SPORTS-NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE PROBLEM Articles, three-part series on drugs in sports by 1311 Gilbert, Sports Page 1. Illustrated, June 23, 30: July 7, 1969, pages 64-72, 30-42, 30-35___ 329 2. Article, "It's Not how You Play The Gaint, But What Pill You Take," by Jack Scott, New York Times magazine, October 17, 1972, pages 40-41, 106-112, 114--Letter to the Editor, New York Times, "Drugs and Sports Shouldn't. :%lix," November 14, 1971 350 3. Articles, four-part. series on drugs in sports by Sandy Padwe, Newsday, April 29, 30; May 1, 2, 1973 357 4. Art ides, four-part series on drugs in sports .by Bill Beek, St. Louis Post-bispatch, June 19, 20, 21, 22, 1973 371 Article, "Use of Drugs By Chargers Under Probe," by Mark Asher, 5. Washington Post, May 27, 1973, page 1)-1 380 6. Article "Houston Ridge Case A Real Sorry Affair," by Jerry Magee, \Veekly, July 1973, pages 1, 6 3S7 Pro F0111)1111 Article, "Doping: A Stash Littrature Review," prepared by the staff 7. if the Student Association for the Study of Hallucinogens, Grass- roots, June 1973 Supplement, Socio-Cultural, pages 1-6 388 S. Excerpt, "Resolutions Approved for the Year 1972," by the governing of the American School flealth Association, San Diego, council Calif., October 1972, the .huirmd of School Health, February 1973, volume XLIII, No. 2 396 9. Article, "Athletics and Drugs a Growing Nlenace," by Dave Reznick, San Francisco Chronicle, March 1, 1972, page 1 39S 10. Article, "College Coaches Warned To Be Alert to Drug Use," by Gordon S. White, Jr., New York Times January 24, 1971 400 11. Statement, "The Quest for Ergogenie Aids " by William M. Fowler, Jr., M. I)., AMA Conference on the Medical Aspects of Sports, Ifouston, Tex., November 26, 1967 401 12. Statement, "Use of Amphetamines and Barhit uiruIe as Ergogenic Aids," by Donald L. Cooper, M. I)., AMA Conference on the Medical Aspects of Sports, New Orleans, La., 1971 410 13. Statement, American Medical Association, "Joint Statement. of Use of Antifatigne I )rugs in Athlet es," Council on Drugs and the Committee 414 on the Medical Aspects of Sports , Sports Medicine, March 1964____ 14. Exec pt " Drug Use and Abuse," 1iindatuentals of Athletic 'Pr:doing, , 414 American NIedital Association, 1971, pages 50-54 15. Statement, "The Use and Misuse of Drugs in Sports," the National At 417 Trainers Assoeiatbm, January 20, 1971 16. Article, "High-School Sports Flunk the 'Saliva Test,' " by Theodore 418. Irwin, Today's Health, October 1970 17. Article, "The Use of Drugs in Athletics,'' by William J. Kinnard, Jr., 0., Maryland State Medical :Tournal , August 1970, pages Ph, 67-6S 423. IS. Article ''The Use of Drugs in Sports: An Ethical Perspective," inter- view conducted by Robert. J. Rueter, The Christian Century, April 5, 425 1972, pages 394-30S 19. Article, 'Ile Use and Abuse of Drugs in Athletics," by Robert J. Murphy, M. D., Ohio State Medical Journal, August 1971, pages 431 737-741 20. Article, "The Struggle against Doping and Its History," by L. Prokop, \[. I),, journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, volume 10 (1): 45-48, March 1970 436 21. Article, "Drugs in Modern Sports," by Andrew I. Malcolm, M.D., Addictions, volume 17(1): 1-9, spring, 1970 440 (VI) VII 22. Article, "The Use of .Drugs in Athletics," by Gary 0. Buterbaugh, Page Ph.D., Maryland State Medical Journal, August 1970, pages 69-70_ 443 23. Article, "How 'Spced' Kills Athletic Careers," by William Barry Furlong, Today's Health, February 1971 445 24. Article, "An Administrator's View of Use and Misuse of Drugs Among Athletes," by James C. Smith, M.A., the Journal of School Health, March 1972, volume X LIIL No. 3 450 25. Article, "Drug Use and Abuse in Athletics," by Dr. John Boyer, t Mete, May 1971, pages 20-23 Amateur 451 26. Letter and attachments to John Rector, deputy chief counsel, Senate Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, from John Erickson, president, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, June 15, 1973_ 455 27. Letter and attachment., "Transcript of Proceedings, Drug AbuSe in Athletics," to John Rector, deputy chief counsel, Senate Subcom- mittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, from David A. Winston, California Legislature, Assembly Committee on Health consultant, March 22,1972 467 2S, Report, "Baseball versus Drugs: An Education and Prevention Pro- 535 gram," Baseball, office of the commissioner, 1971 29. Study, "Marijuana Use Among Athletes," by Lee D. Foreman, Stanford Law School, May 1971 558 30. Letter and attachments to Senator Birch Bay'', chairman, Senate- Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, from Frank P. Director, Department of Health, Physical Education, Bolden, Athletics and Safety, Public Schools of the District of Columbia, 570 July 16,1973 (13) l)iwos ABUSED BY ATHLETESAMPHETAMINES, STEROIDS AND' OTHERS 1. Article, "A Rational Approach to Drug Abuse Prevention," by Samuel Irwin, Ph. D., Contemporary Drug Problems, spring 1973, reprinted 573 in Grassroots, October 1973 Supplement 2. Article, "Amphetamines: A Dangerous Illusion," by George R. Edison, M.D., Annals of Internal Medicine, volume 74, No. 4, April 1971, 594 reprinted in Grassroots, .January 1973 supplement 3. Pamphlet, "Speed Kills! The Amphetamine Abuse Problem," by the staff of the Amphetamine Research Project, Department of Phar- macology of the University of California Medical Center, San Fran- cisco, published by American Social Health Association, August 601 1969 4. Statement of former amphetamine abusers at. hearings before the Senate Subcommittee To Investigate Juvenile Delinquency on "Ampheta- 609 mine Legislation, 1971," July 15,1971, pages 129-140 5. Statement of Richard Hartig, director, Topic House, and former am- phetamine abusers at hearings before the Senate Subcommittee To "Diet Pill (Amphetamines) Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, OD 617 Traffic, Abuse and Regulation," February 7,1972, pages 111-121 Description of the Individuals 6. Article, "Amphetamine Psychosis: I. and Process," by E. H. EllinwoodIr., M.D., Journal of Psychedelic 625 Drugs, pages 42-51, volume 2, No. 2, spring 1969 Article, "Amphetamine Psychosis: H. Theoretical Implications," by 7, NI.D., Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, pages 11. Ellinwood, .Jr., E. 636 52-59. volume 2, No. 2, spring 1969 8. Article, "Introduction to Amphettunine Abuse," by John C. Kramer, M.D., Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, pages 8-13, volume 2, No. 2, 644 spring 1989 9. Article, "The True Speed Trip: Schizophrenia," by Solomon H. 650 Snyder, Psychology Today, pages 42-46,74-75, January 1972 10. Excerpt., "Amphetamine," The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, fourth edition, the MacMillan Co., first printing 1970, chapter 24, 657 pages 501-23 11. Study, "Amphetamine Sulfate and Alitletic Performance," by Gene M. Smith, Ph.D. and Henry K. Beecher, M.D., Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 170, No. 5, pages 542-557, May 30, 682 1959 VIII 12. Study, "Amphetamine, Scobarbital, and Athletic Performance," by time M. Smith, Ph.D., and I leury K. Beecher, M.D., Journal of the rage American Aledical Association, Volume 172, No. 14, pages 1502-1514, April 2, 1960 707 13. Study, "Atnphetamine. Secobarbital. and Athletic Performance," by Gene NI. Sinith, Ph.D., and Ilenry K. Beecher, M.D., Journal of the American Aledical Association, volume 172, No. IS, pages I623, 1629, April 9, 1960 725 14. Article, "Pill Popping and Performance," by Daniel le. Ilanley, M.D., (Medical Aspects of the. Olympic (;antes) `Modern Medicine, June 26, 736 1972, pages 81-84 15. Study, "The Effect of d-Amphetamine Sulfate on Physical Perform- ance," by Lawrence A. (Iolding and James R. Barnard, the Journal of Sports Alediine and Physical Fitness, volume 3, No. 4, pages 221-224, December 1903 740 16. Study, "Effect of Amphettimine Sulfate on Athletic Performance.," by Peter V, Karpovich, \I.1)., Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 170, No. 5, pages 558-561, Alay 30, 1959 746 17. Study, "The Influence of Amphetamine (13ettezedrine) Sulfate, el- (Pervitin), and Caffeine Upon Desoxyephedrine Hydrochloride WOO, Output mill Recovery \Vhen Rapidly Exhausting Work is Done by Trained Subjects," by E. E. Foltz, AI. S. NI.D.: A. C. Ivy, M.D.: and C. J. Barborka. NI.S., AI. D., D.Se., the Journal of Laboratory mid Clinieal Medicine, pages 603-606 751 18. Study, "An Improv,ed Method for Detection of Some Stimulants, Antihistamines, and Local anesthetics in Urine front Athletes," by J. W. Steele, NI. Boland, and J. K. Eyoflson, Canadian Journal of Pliamacentical Scionei.s, volume 5, XII. 4. 1970, pages 107 -111 _ _ 753 19. Excerpt, 'Me Doping of Athletes," Comments, the Medical Journal of Australia, pages 39-40lanuary 8, 1972 760 by Ann 20. Article, "Even Alllateur Athletes Using Speed, Steroids. Niel:eat ters, Scripps -1 oward staff writer, Cineinnati, Ohio Post & Times-Star, luly 13, 1973 762 21. Article, ''NCAA Plans Tests for Drugs," by eleorge Kentera, News Washington Bureau, Detroit, Miele., News, June 14, 1973_ 763 22. Article. "Urine Tests Off for Now; Rozelie Introduces Plan," by Bruce Lewitt, Associated Press spirts writer, Kentucky, Ontrier- Journal, June 27, 1973_ 7114 23. Article, " \Vali Jones Tells Senate Body Pressure Can Mount Drug l'se," by Bill Peterson, Courier-Journal stall writer, Kentucky, Courier-Journal, June 19, 1973 765 24. Article, "NCAA Plans Screening for Drug Abuse," by Nancy Scannell, Washington Post staff writer, Washington Post, June 19, 1973 766 25. Article, "Drugs and the Single - Minded Athlete," by Mike Roberts, but Washington Star-News, July 1'3, 1973 767 26. Article, "Hill Panel Told of Extent of Pill Use," by Nancy Seannell, Washington Post staff writer, Washington Post, July 13, 1973 768 27. Article, "AA U Opposes Drug Screening, ' by Nancy Scannell, Wash- ington Post staff writer, Washington Post, July 14, 1973 769 28. Excerpt, "Androgens and Anabolic Steroids," by E. B. As) wood, the Pharmacohtgical Basis of Therapeutics, Fourth Edition, chapter 70, pages 1566-1580 770 29. Excerpt, "Drugs and Iltirnumes,' by Lawrence A. (Iolding, Ergcaeenie Aids and Muscular Performance, chapter 13, 1972, pages 367-397_ _ L 787 30. Article, "High-Ho, High-Ho, It's Off to Lift. We Go," by Herman Weiskopf, Sports Illustrated, September 28, 1970, pages 63-64, 66_ 818 31. Article, "Anabolic Steroids: Doctors Denounce Them, but Athletes Aren't Listening," by Nicholas Wade, Science, June 30, 1972, vol- ume 176, No. 4042 820 32. Article, "Breakfast of Champions," Medicine, Newsweek, December 29, 1969, page 37 823

As I say, the first finishers, the winners, were not the ones using i the drugs; it was the . -Anabolic steroids have such a specific purpose that their abuse is confined much more to the athletic community. In athletics. anabolic steroids are It is statiml in Alfa Drug Eraluatiovs that overdosage
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