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Indexes for 2011, Volume 61 Index of Titles \buse of Language, Abuse of Power, An- | Following the Signposts Left by Thomas gela Hanley, no. 4, April, p. 4 Merton and Roget Schutz, Barbara And the Angel Left Her (Lk 1:39), Kath- Whelan, no. 8, October, p. 42 leen Coyle, $.S.C., no. 10, December, p. Francois Mauriac 1885-1970) and _ the o) Catholic Novel, Eamon Maher, no. 10, Battling over Translations, Bernard December, p. 36 Treacy, O.P. , no. 4, April, p. 2 Future Church to Hope for, The, Sean Blessed Franz Jagerstatter: Witness to Un- | O’Conaill, no. 4, April, p. 49 compromising Discipleship, Pat Collins, Gospel Parables, The: Martin Henry, no C.M., no. 7, September, p. 18 10, December, p. 27 Building the Ark, Eugene Duffy, no. 1, Ground Is Moving under Our Feet The: January, p. 33 the Crisis in the ‘Christian’ West, Regina Catholic Schools in the Republic of Ire- Ammicht-Quinn, n. 6 July-August, p. 3 land, Catholic Schools Partnership, no. How sright is the Light of the World?, 5, May-June, p. 52 Martin Henry, no. 3, March, p. 30 hallenge of Religious Diversity, The, How Relationships Are Managed in the \lan Hilliard, no. 5, May-June, p. 3 Church: Crisis or Kairos? , Catherine hurch Authority and Sexual Morality: Gibson, O.P., no. 8, October, p 14 Che Genealogy of a Crisis, Raphael Gal- Images of God, Images of Priest: What Is lagher, C.Ss.R., no. 6, July-August, p. 46 the Crisis?. Fainche Rvan, no. 6, July- hurch Is fully so only where the Eucha- \ugust, p. 28 rist Is Celebrated, The: Implications for In Memoriam John Orme Mills, O.P., Ber- the Irish Church, Frank X. O’Connell, nard Treacy, O.P, no. 1, January, p. 2 no. 9, November, p. 14 In Memoriam Louis McRedmond, Bernard hurch or State, Tony McNamara, no. 8, Treacy, O.P., no. 2, February, p. 2 October, p. 2 Ireland and the Vatican ... and the Kenny thurch Universal Is Alive, The, Wendy Speech, Bernard Treacy, O.P., no. 7, Grace, no. 8, October, p. 17 September, p. 2 Church: a Culture of Abusive Relation- Ireland’s Identity, Owen O’Sullivan, ships?, Bernard Treacy, O.P., no. 6, July- O.F.M.¢ ap., no. 10, December, p- 17 August, p. 2 Is the Priest as ‘Judge’ in the Sacrament ‘ollegiality, Transparency and Account- of Reconciliation still helpful today, ability, Paul Surlis, no. 8, October, p. 11 Helen Costigane, no. 8, October, p. 52 ‘onfront the Cover-up, Michael McGuck- Journey on a Changing Map, David N. ian, S.J., no. 1, January, p. 48 Power, O.M.I., no. 1, January, p. 48 Diary of Frontiers Crossed, Ian Linden, Jurgen Moltman: Political Theology and no. 6, July-August, p. 60 the Theology of Hope, John Marsden, Dr Newman: Non Angelus sed Anglus!, Da- no. 5, May-June, p. 34 mian Barry Smyth, no. 5, May-June, p. Living with Evolution, Edward P. Echlin, 18 no. 8, October, p. 31 Early Dominicans and the Inquisition, Making Visible What Is Invisible, Terence Richard Woods, O.P., no. 7, September, Crotty, O.P., no. 8, October, p. 26 p. 24 Moving towards a New Stage in Ecumen- Faithful Departed, The: John Scally, no. 9, ism, Brendan Leahy, no. 1, January, p. 3 November, p. 42 New Translation of the Missal Unaccept- 62 DOCTRINE &L IFE able, Association of Catholic Priests, no. Sharing the Charism, Donal Dorr, no. 3, 2, February, p. 54 March, p. 4 Newman and the Quest for Sanctity, Oli- Sunday Gospel, The: Snapshot or Film ver P. Rafferty, S.J., no. 2, February, p. 13 Clip?, Thomas O’Loughlin, no. 10, De- No Surrender!’ War and the Death of In- cember, p. 48 nocence in the Fictions of John McGa- Tacking toward the Truth: The Wisdom hern, Eamon Maher, no. 2, February, of Cardinal Newman, Joseph A. Komon- p. 34 chack, no. 2, February, p. 4 Pastoral Care of Prisoners Overseas and Tackling the Ultimate Mystery of Grace: Their Families, The, Christopher Jones, Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited, no. 2, February, p. 45 Eamon Maher, no. 7, September, p. 40 Peace: Gift and Task, Kieranj . O'Mahony, Time for Distributive Justice, Angus Sib- O.S.A., no. 2, February, p. 27 ley, no. 1, January, p. 39 Person of Newman, The, Dermot Mans- Treasuring Tradition, Bernard Treacy, field, S.J., no. 1, January, p. 23 O.P., no. 3, March, p. 2 Playing Politics with the Confessional, Unity — as Ignatius of Antioch Saw It, Pat David Gwynn Morgan, no. 9, November, Collins, C.M. , no. 3, March, p. 33 pz Universal Problem, A, Kathleen Coyle, Point of the Parables, The, Martin Henry, S.S.C., no. 8, October, p. 10 no. 9, November, p. 30 Unspeakable Abuse and Forgiveness, Da- Reaching out at Threshold Places, Cathy vid Tombs, no. 6, July-August, p. 16 Burke, no. 3, March, p. 55 Virtue Model of the Christian Life, The, Remaining a Catholic in the Two Crises, Bill Cosgrave, no. 4, April, p. 30 John Mangan, no. 8, October, p. 8 Walking the Tight-rope: ‘das Mystische’ Resurrection, not Resuscitation, Owen and the Mystic, John D. Haves, no. 9, O’Sullivan, O.F.M.Cap. , no. 4, \pril, p November, p. 49 7 What Is Ordination about, Be It of Men Retrieving a Masterpiece: Yes Congar’s or of Women? Paul Surlis, no. 3, March, Vision of True Reform, PaulJ . Philibert, p. 19 O.P., no. 1, January, p. 12 What It Takes to Make a Good Teacher, Revelation as Experience George Tyrrell Maria Cahill, no. 8, October, p. 20 (1861-1909), James Kelly, no. 3, March, What’s in a Name?, Bernard Treacy, O.P. p 39 no. 10, December, p. 2 Right Speech about God, Elizabeth By Who Do You Think You Are?’, Catherine rnes, no, 10, December, p. 45 Gibson, O.P. , no. 4, April, p. 2)5 Roman Mass Revealed — in a New Trens- Women, Theology and the Church: lation, The, Fergus Ryan, O.P., no. 4, Whose Expertise?, Ethna Regan, no. 7, \pril, p. 56 September, p. 4 Index of Authors Ammicht-Quinn, Regina: Ground Is Moy God, no. 10, December, p. 45 ing under Our Feet, The: the Crisis in ahill, Maria: What It Takes to Make a the ‘Christian’ West, n. 6, July-August Good Teacher, no. 8, October, p. 20 p..3 atholic Schools Partnership: Catholic \ssociation — of Catholic Priests, New Schools in the Republic of Ireland, no Translation of the Missal Unacceptable, 5, May-June, p. 52 no. 2, February, p. 54 ollins, C.M., Pat: Blessed Franz Jagerstat- Burke, Cathy: Reaching out at Threshold ter: Witness to Uncompromising Dis- Places, no. 3, March, p. 55 cipleship, no. 7, September, p. 18 Byrnes, Elizabeth: Right Speech about ‘ollins, C.M., Pat: Unity — as Ignatius of INDEX OF AUTHORS 63 Antioch Saw It, no. 3, March, p. 33 Stage in Ecumenism, no. 1, January, p. 3 Cosgrave, Bill: Virtue Model of the Chris- Linden, Ian: Diary of Frontiers Crossed, tian Life, The, no. 4, April, p. 30 no. 6, July-August, p. 60 Costigane, Helen, Is the Priest as ‘Judge’ Maher, Eamon: ‘No Surrender!’ War and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation still the Death of Innocence in the Fictions helpful today?, no. 8, October, p. 52 of John McGahern, no. 2, February, p. Coyle, S.S.C., Kathleen, And the Angel 34 Left Her (Lk 1:39), no. 10, December, Maher, Eamon: Francois Mauriac (1885- pd 1970) and the Catholic Novel, no. 10, Coyle, S.S.C., Kathleen: A Universal Prob December, p. 36 lem, no. 8, October, p. 10 Maher, Eamon: Tackling the Ultimate Crotty, O.P., Terence: Making Visible Mystery of Grace: Evelyn Waugh’s Brides What Is Invisible, no. 8, October, p. 26 head Revisited, no. 7, September, p. 40 Dorr, Donal: Sharing the Charism, no. 3, Mangan, John: Remaining a Catholic in March, p. 4 the Two Crises, no. 8, October, p. 8 Duffy, Eugene: Building the Ark, no. 1, Mansfield, S.J., Dermot: Person of New- January, p. 33 man, The, no. 1, January, p. 23 Echlin, Edward P.: Living with Evolution, MarsJdohen: nJi,rge n Moltman: Political no. 8, October, p. 31 Theology and the Theology of Hope, Gallagher, C.Ss.R., Raphael: Church Au- no. 5, May-June, p. 34 thority and Sexual Morality: The Gene- McGuckian, S.J., Michael: Confront the alogy of a Crisis, no. 6, July-August, p. 46 Cover-up, no. 1, January, p. 48 Gibson, O.P., Catherine: How Relation- McNamara, Tony: Church or State, no. 8, ships Are Managed in the Church: Crisis October, p. 2 or Kairos?, no. 8, October, p. 14 Morgan, David Gwynn: Playing Politics Gibson, O.P., Catherine: Who Do You with the Confessional, no. 9, November, Think You Are?’, no. 4, April, p. 25 p. 2 Grace, Wendy: The Church Universal Is O’Conaill, Sean: Future Church to Hope Alive, The, no. 8, October, p. 17 for, The, no. 4, April, p. 49 Hanley, Angela: Abuse of Language, O'Connell, Frank X.: Church Is fully so Abuse of Power, no. 4, April, p. 4 only where the Eucharist Is Celebrated, Hayes, John D.: Walking the Tight-rope: rhe: Implications for the Irish Church, ‘das Mystische and the Mystic, no. 9, No- no. 9, November, p. 14 vember, p. 49 O'Loughlin, Thomas: Sunday Gospel, Henry, Martin: Gospel Parables, The: no. The: Snapshot or Film Clip?, no. 10, De- 10, December, p. 27 cember, p. 48 Henry, Martin: How Bright is the Light of O'Mahony, O.S.A., Kieran: Peace: Gift the World?, no. 3, March, p. 30 and Task, no. 2, February, p. 27 Henry, Martin: The Point of the Parables, O'Sullivan, O.F.M.Cap., Owen: Ireland’s no. 9, November, p. 30 Identity, no. 10, December, p. 17 Hilliard, Alan: Challenge of Religious Di- O'Sullivan, O.F.M.Cap., Owen: Resurrec- versity, The, no. 5, May-June, p. 3 tion, not Resuscitation, no. 4, \pril, p. Jones, Christopher: Pastoral Care of Pris- 17 oners Overseas and Their Families, The, Philibert, O.P., PaulJ .: Retrieving a Mas- no. 2, February, p. 45 terpiece: Yves Congar’s Vision of True Kelly, James: Revelation as Experience Retorm, no. 1, January, p. 12 George Tyrrell (1861-1909), no. 3, Power, O.M.I., David N.: Journey on a March, p. 39 Changing Map, no. 1, January, p. 48 Komonchack, Joseph A.: Tacking toward Rafferty, S.J., Oliver P.: Newman and the the Truth: The Wisdom of Cardinal Quest for Sanctity, no. 2, February, p. 13 Newman, no. 2, February, p. 4 Regan, Ethna: Women, Theology and the Leahy, Brendan: Moving towards a New Church: Whose Expertise?, no. 7, Sep- 64 DOCTRINE @& LIFE tember, p. 4 Treacy, O.P. Bernard; Battling over Trans- Ryan, Fainche: Images of God, Images of lations, no, 4, April, p. 2 Priest: What Is the Crisis?, no. 6, July- Treacy, O.P., Bernard: Church: a Culture August, p. 28 of Abusive Relationships?, no. 6, July- Ryan, O.P., Fergus: Roman Mass Revealed August, p. 2 — in a New Translation, The, no. 4, Treacy, O.P., Bernard: In Memoriam John April, p. 56 Orme Mills, O.P., no. 1, January, p. 2 Scally, John: The Faithful Departed, no. 9, Treacy, O.P., Bernard: In Memoriam Louis November, p. 42 McRedmond, no, 2, February, p. 2 Sibley, Angus: Time for Distributive Jus- Treacy, O.P., Bernard: Ireland and the tice, no. 1, January, p. 39 Vatican ... and the Kenny Speech, no. 7, Smyth, Damian Barry: Dr Newman: Non September, p. 2 Angelus sed Anglus!, no. 5, May-June, p. Treacy, O.P., Bernard: Treasuring Tradi- 18 tion, no, 3, March, p. 2 Surlis, Paul: Collegiality, Transparency Treacy, O.P., Bernard: What’s in a Name?, and Accountability, no. 8, October, p. 11 no. 10, December, p. 2 Surlis, Paul: What Is Ordination about, Be Whelan, Barbara: Following the Signposts It of Men or of Women?, no. 3, March, Left by Thomas Merton and Roger p. 19 Schutz, no. 8, October, p. 42 Tombs, David: Unspeakable Abuse and Woods, O.P., Richard: Early Dominicans Forgiveness, no. 6, July-August, p. 16 and the Inquisition, no. 7, September, p. 24 Who is my neighbour? - Ask yourself where on the spectrum from fire insurance for your home to derivatives designed to fail, you would draw the line of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. And before you answer too quickly, recall that, historically, fire insurance has its own dark side. It replaced local mutuality that led members of a community to pitch in and help and help rebuild a neighbour's burnt-out home. For insurance meant you didn’t have to depend n your neighbour, and was both a cause and an effect of the slow withering of neighbourly cooperation (dare we say, ‘love of neighbour’) that has characterized so much of US history. Daniel K. Flynn, ‘When Is Self-interest Moral? A Gap in Catholic Social Teaching’, Commonweal

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