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Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works : Vitamin C PDF

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A comprehensive guide to nutritional therapy that provides proven methods lor combating almost every possible health condition — from asthma and Alzheimer’s disease to cancer. Natural Healing That Worko “Doctor Youroelf has an enormous amount of very important information dealing with the use of nutrition in the treatment of mental and physical disease. Thank you, Dr. Saul, for making this information more available and thus promoting the development of the medicine of the twenty-first century— orthomolecular medicine.” _Abram Hoffer, M.D., author of Putting It All Together: The New Orthomolecular Nutrition Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation https://archive.org/details/doctoryourselfOOandr octor r\ our^e Natural Healing That Work** Pli.D n^rew au Basic Health PUBLICATIONS, INC. The information contained in this book is based upon the research and personal and professional experiences of the author. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other healthcare provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be done under the direction of a healthcare professional. The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular healthcare protocol but believes the information in this book should be available to the public. The publisher and author are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed in this book. Should the reader have any questions concern¬ ing the appropriateness of any procedures or preparation mentioned, the author and the publisher strongly suggest consulting a professional healthcare advisor. Basic Health Publications, Inc. 28812 Top of the World Drive Laguna Beach, CA 92651 949-715-7327 • www.basichealthpub.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Saul, Andrew W. Doctor yourself : natural healing that works/Andrew W. Saul ; foreword by Abram Hoffer. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN-13 978-1-59120-033-8 ISBN-10 1-59120-033-4 1. Orthomolecular therapy—Popular works. 2. Naturopathy—Popular works. I. Title. RM235.5.S38 2003 615.8'54—dc21 2003009645 Copyright © 2003 by Andrew W. Saul All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other¬ wise, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. Editor: Rowan Jacobson Typesetter: Gary A. Rosenberg Cover design: Mike Stromberg Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 ontent? Foreword by Abram Hoffer, M.D., vii Warning, ix How to Use This Book, xi The Doctor Yourself Laws of Natural Therapeutics, 1 Fire Your Doctor!, 3 PART ONE: Natural Healing Protocols Acid Reflux; Hiatus Hernia, 13 Endometriosis, 89 ADHD and Learning Disabilities, 15 Epilepsy, 91 Alcoholism, 17 Eyesight, 93 Allergies, 21 Fertility, 96 Alzheimer's Disease, 26 Fibromyalgia, 100 Angina, 30 Fistulas and Boils, 101 Antibiotic Alternatives, 33 Gums, Receding, 103 Arthritis, 36 Heart Arrhythmia, 105 Asthma, 40 Hemorrhoids, 107 Backache, 42 Hepatitis and Cirrhosis, 109 Cancer, 50 Hiccups, 113 Cancer—The Gerson Therapy, 64 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), 114 Cervical Dysplasia, 67 Immune Dysfunction, 116 Congestive Heart Failure, 69 Kidney Disease, 122 Cuts, Lacerations, and Slivers (Oh My!), 73 Kidney Stones, 125 Depression, 77 Kids'Health, 128 Dermatitis, 79 Lactose Intolerance, 131 Diabetes, 82 Laryngitis, 132 Lead Poisoning, 133 Pregnancy and Lactation, 151 Longevity, 135 Psoriasis, 157 Meniere's Syndrome and Tinnitus, Rectal Bleeding, 159 138 Schizophrenia and Psychosis, 161 Menopause, 140 Sleep Disorders, 165 Multiple Sclerosis, 142 Thrombophlebitis (Blood Clots), 168 Parkinson's Disease, 145 Trigger Finger, 171 Platelet Formation, 147 Vaccinations, 173 PMS, 149 PART TWO: Natural Healing Tools and Techniques Saul's Super Remedy, 183 Evading Exercise, 207 Niacin Saturation, 186 Weight Loss, 210 Vitamin C Megadose Therapy, 189 Removing Pesticides from Food, 213 How to Get Intravenous Vitamin C Natural versus Synthetic Vitamins, Given to a Hospitalized Patient, 215 194 Ten Ways to Spot Antivitamin Biases Juicing, 198 in a Scientific Study, 217 Breakfast Blast, 201 Why I Didn't Die in Bio Lab, 219 Vitamin B12 Supplementation, 203 A Crash Course in Vegetarian Stress Reduction, 205 Cooking, 221 Afterword: It's Your Decision, Your Health, Your Life, 225 Bibliography, 229 Index, 237 B ot - Michael, Gabriel', and Raphael Special thanko to Helen, Luanne, John, and Richard, who dtood by me regard leer oreword by Abram Ho H er, M.D. In 1952, when we first began to study the therapeutic properties of vitamin B3 for the treatment of schizophrenia, my colleagues and I did not think that we were blazing new trails. We merely used much larger amounts of this vitamin than were required to keep anyone free from pellagra. At that time, it was forbidden for medical doctors to have any professional interaction with alternative medicine professions such as homeopathy, chi¬ ropractic, and naturopathy. Even sharing an office with them could lead to the financial death of losing one's license to practice. So we happily carried on with our work, gath¬ ering more and more data showing how powerful niacin and niacinamide were in help¬ ing to treat the schizophrenias, among the worst of all human diseases. We were rudely awakened when we began to publish our findings in the psychiatric literature. To my surprise, I discovered that our conclusions were not accepted with grace and interest. They were rejected with boredom, or hostility and anger. At the time I was both a professor of psychiatry and director of psychiatric research. But because of the vitamin research I was doing, I was in an awkward situation. I could not be politi¬ cally loyal to the medical school and to the profession of psychiatry if I continued to advocate megadoses of niacin. I chose to give my loyalty to my patients. Gradually, a few brave physicians, mostly American psychiatrists previously trained as analysts, began to use the treatment we had described and slowly we began to make some headway. The medical associations fought us tooth and nail every step of the way, but interest in our work continued to grow. We were far from the first to point out the importance of good food, but we were the first to show that very large "megadoses" of some vitamins were therapeutic when usual vitamin doses were not. (Actually, the first controlled experiment that showed the importance of good food was published in the Bible, in the first chapter of the Book of Daniel. It was an open study.) Today, orthomolecular medicine is beginning to flourish. "Orthomolecular" means using a therapeutic substance that is natural to the human body, such as a vitamin or mineral. There has been a major paradigm shift away from the "old school," which maintained that a few easy dietary rules as promoted by governments and medical asso¬ ciations would ensure everyone's good health. Every year, more and more authors join the orthomolecular field, publishing good books that set the record straight about vita¬ mins and put power into the hands of patients. VII Doctor Youroelf Doctor Yourself is one of these. In it, the reader will find information on a large number of conditions, ranging from attention deficit disorder in children to Alzheimer's, arthritis, women's health issues, alcoholism, cancer, diabetes, the problems with vacci¬ nation, and many more. As Dr. Saul shows, all of these conditions are treatable through natural means. In fact, they are best treated that way. It is high time somebody said this, because natural means have been almost totally ignored. The body is composed of innumerable molecules developed over billions of years by the toughest test of all: survival. We are finely tuned organisms, with a dizzying number of different compounds and reactions. To think that one can insert a strange molecule that has never before been there, and hope to correct some malfunction, is the height of folly. The only molecules that are therapeutic are orthomolecular ones—those that are normally present and with which the body is familiar. I can't think of a single toxic molecule that has ever truly cured anything. The only compounds that have been used successfully in chronic ailments are the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acid, essential fatty acids, and hormones. And when one tries to replace natural hormones by compounds that are slightly different in order to have patent protection, the results are dismal. By writing this foreword, I mean to give Dr. Saul, and the other writers in this field, the recognition and honor due to them for preparing for the eventual takeover of all health care by safe, effective nutritional medicine. Doctor Yourself represents a new type of comprehensive medical reference book. With this book, Dr. Saul is making a major contribution toward consolidating what is known in the huge and growing field of natural, orthomolecular medicine. Some day it will be considered malpractice for any healer anywhere to ignore the vast importance of nutrition and the optimum use of nutrients in preventing and healing disease, as is detailed in this book. I urge all readers to promote Doctor Yourself to their physicians. Some of them will be grateful. vm

One of the most popular guides to nutritional therapy ever publishd is now in its second edition. Updated and expanded with the latest research and more helpful advice, this book presents proven methods for combating almost every possible health condition, from asthma and Alzheimer's disease, to can
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