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Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E. PDF

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Preview Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – ENFORCEMENT MATTER – CASE NO. 51632 Page 1 of 2 Olke Andries Jongsma RN101516045 Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E Order Type: Findings Agreed Order Findings Order Justification: People or environmental receptors have been exposed to pollutants which exceed levels that are protective. Media: AGR Small Business: Yes Location(s) Where Violation(s) Occurred: 248 County Road 4310, Winnsboro, Wood County Type of Operation: concentrated animal feeding operation Other Significant Matters: Additional Pending Enforcement Actions: None Past-Due Penalties: None Past-Due Fees: None Other: None Interested Third-Parties: None Texas Register Publication Date: March 10, 2017 Comments Received: None Penalty Information Total Penalty Assessed: $7,500 Total Paid to General Revenue: $1,500 Total Due to General Revenue: $6,000 Payment Plan: 24 payments of $250 each Compliance History Classifications: Person/CN – Satisfactory Site/RN – Satisfactory Major Source: No Statutory Limit Adjustment: None Applicable Penalty Policy: April 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – ENFORCEMENT MATTER – CASE NO. 51632 Page 2 of 2 Olke Andries Jongsma RN101516045 Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E Investigation Information Complaint Date(s): July 9, 2015 Complaint Information: Complaint alleged a fish kill in Brushy Creek. Date(s) of Investigation: July 10, 2015 Date(s) of NOV(s): N/A Date(s) of NOE(s): September 21, 2015 Violation Information Failed to prevent the discharge of agricultural waste into or adjacent to water in the state [of TEX. WATER CODE § 26.121(a)(1), 30 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §§ 321.31(a) and 321.40(d) and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit (“TPDES”) No. TXG920068, Part III, (A)(12)(c)(1) and (A)(12)(c)(6)]. Corrective Actions/Technical Requirements Corrective Action(s) Completed: Ceased discharges into the unnamed tributary on July 10, 2015. In addition, on November 2, 2016, Respondent submitted photographs and documentation demonstrating that the buffer had been leveled and the discharge path had been filled. Technical Requirements: None Litigation Information Date Petition(s) Filed: August 9, 2016 Date Answer Filed: N/A Settlement Date: February 3, 2017 Contact Information TCEQ Attorneys: Jim Sallans, Litigation Division, (512) 239-3400 Garrett Arthur, Public Interest Counsel, (512) 239-6363 TCEQ Litigation Division Agenda Coordinator: Janice Hernandez, (512) 239-2575 TCEQ Enforcement Coordinator: Had Darling, Enforcement Division, (512) 239-2520 TCEQ Regional Contact: Ross Morgan, Tyler Regional Office, (903) 535-5100 Respondent Contact: Olke Andries Jongsma, 248 County Road 4310, Winnsboro, Texas 75494 Respondent's Attorney: N/A Penalty Calculation Worksheet (PCW) Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) PCW Revision March 26, 2014 DATES Assigned 5-Oct-2015 PCW 17-May-2016 Screening 19-Oct-2015 EPA Due RESPONDENT/FACILITY INFORMATION Respondent Olke Andries Jongsma Reg. Ent. Ref. No. RN101516045 Facility/Site Region 5-Tyler Major/Minor Source Minor CASE INFORMATION Enf./Case ID No. 51632 No. of Violations 1 Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E Order Type Findings Media Program(s) Water Quality Government/Non-Profit No Multi-Media Enf. Coordinator Had Darling EC's Team Enforcement Team 1 Admin. Penalty $ Limit Minimum $0 Maximum $25,000 Penalty Calculation Section TOTAL BASE PENALTY (Sum of violation base penalties) Subtotal 1 $7,500 ADJUSTMENTS (+/-) TO SUBTOTAL 1 Subtotals 2-7 are obtained by multiplying the Total Base Penalty (Subtotal 1) by the indicated percentage. Compliance History 25.0% Adjustment Subtotals 2, 3, & 7 $1,875 Notes Enhancement for one order without denial of liability. Culpability No 0.0% Enhancement Subtotal 4 $0 Notes The Respondent does not meet the culpability criteria. Good Faith Effort to Comply Total Adjustments Subtotal 5 -$1,875 Economic Benefit 0.0% Enhancement* Subtotal 6 $0 Total EB Amounts $0 *Capped at the Total EB $ Amount Estimated Cost of Compliance $245 SUM OF SUBTOTALS 1-7 Final Subtotal $7,500 OTHER FACTORS AS JUSTICE MAY REQUIRE 0.0% Adjustment $0 Reduces or enhances the Final Subtotal by the indicated percentage. Notes Final Penalty Amount $7,500 STATUTORY LIMIT ADJUSTMENT Final Assessed Penalty $7,500 DEFERRAL 0.0% Reduction Adjustment $0 Reduces the Final Assessed Penalty by the indicated percentage. (Enter number only; e.g. 20 for 20% reduction.) Notes No deferral is recommended for Findings Orders. PAYABLE PENALTY $7,500 Screening Date 19-Oct-2015 Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E PCW Respondent Olke Andries Jongsma Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) Case ID No. 51632 PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN101516045 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Had Darling Compliance History Worksheet >> Compliance History Site Enhancement (Subtotal 2) Component Number of... Enter Number Here Adjust. Written notices of violation ("NOVs") with same or similar violations as those in 0 0% NOVs the current enforcement action (number of NOVs meeting criteria) Other written NOVs 0 0% Any agreed final enforcement orders containing a denial of liability (number of 0 0% orders meeting criteria) Orders Any adjudicated final enforcement orders, agreed final enforcement orders without a denial of liability, or default orders of this state or the federal 1 25% government, or any final prohibitory emergency orders issued by the commission Anynon-adjudicatedfinalcourtjudgmentsorconsentdecreescontainingadenial of liability of this state or the federal government (number of judgments or 0 0% Judgments consent decrees meeting criteria) and Consent Anyadjudicatedfinalcourtjudgmentsand defaultjudgments,ornon-adjudicated Decrees final courtjudgments orconsentdecreeswithout adenialof liability,of thisstate 0 0% or the federal government Any criminal convictions of this state or the federal government (number of Convictions 0 0% counts) Emissions Chronic excessive emissions events (number of events) 0 0% Letters notifying the executive director of an intended audit conducted under the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 0 0% 1995 (number of audits for which notices were submitted) Audits DisclosuresofviolationsundertheTexasEnvironmental,Health,andSafetyAudit Privilege Act, 74th Legislature, 1995 (number of audits for which violations were 0 0% disclosed) Please Enter Yes or No Environmental management systems in place for one year or more No 0% Voluntary on-site compliance assessments conducted by the executive director No 0% under a special assistance program Other Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program No 0% Early compliance with, or offer of a product that meets future state or federal No 0% government environmental requirements Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 2) 25% >> Repeat Violator (Subtotal 3) No Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 3) 0% >> Compliance History Person Classification (Subtotal 7) Satisfactory Performer Adjustment Percentage (Subtotal 7) 0% >> Compliance History Summary Compliance History Enhancement for one order without denial of liability. Notes Total Compliance History Adjustment Percentage (Subtotals 2, 3, & 7) 25% >> Final Compliance History Adjustment Final Adjustment Percentage *capped at 100% 25% Screening Date 19-Oct-2015 Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E PCW Respondent Olke Andries Jongsma Policy Revision 4 (April 2014) Case ID No. 51632 PCW Revision March 26, 2014 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN101516045 Media [Statute] Water Quality Enf. Coordinator Had Darling Violation Number 1 30 Tex. Admin Code §§ 321.31(a) and 321.40(d), Tex. Water Code § Rule Cite(s) 26.121(a)(1), and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit No. TXG920068, Part III, (A)(12)(c)(1) and (A)(12)(c)(6) Failed to prevent the discharge of agricultural waste into or adjacent to water in the state, as documented during an investigation conducted on July 10, 2015. Violation Description Specifically, irrigation tailwater runoff from land management unit ("LMU") No. 9 discharged into an unnamed tributary then into Brushy Creek resulting in a fish kill of approximately 4,831 fish. Base Penalty $25,000 >> Environmental, Property and Human Health Matrix Harm Release Major Moderate Minor OR Actual x Potential Percent 30.0% >>Programmatic Matrix Falsification Major Moderate Minor Percent 0.0% Matrix Human health or the environment has been exposed to significant amounts of pollutants as a Notes result of this violation. Adjustment $17,500 $7,500 Violation Events Number of Violation Events 1 1 Number of violation days daily weekly monthly x mark only one quarterly Violation Base Penalty $7,500 with an x semiannual annual single event One monthly event is recommended from the date the discharge began (July 9, 2015) to the date the discharge ceased (July 9, 2015). Good Faith Efforts to Comply 25.0% Reduction $1,875 Before NOE/NOV NOE/NOV to EDPRP/Settlement Offer Extraordinary Ordinary x N/A (mark with x) Notes The Respondent achieved compliance on July 9, 2015. Violation Subtotal $5,625 Economic Benefit (EB) for this violation Statutory Limit Test Estimated EB Amount $0 Violation Final Penalty Total $7,500 This violation Final Assessed Penalty (adjusted for limits) $7,500 Economic Benefit Worksheet Respondent Olke Andries Jongsma Case ID No. 51632 Reg. Ent. Reference No. RN101516045 Media Water Quality Years of Percent Interest Violation No. 1 Depreciation 5.0 15 Item Cost Date Required Final Date Yrs Interest Saved Onetime Costs EB Amount Item Description No commas or $ Delayed Costs Equipment 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Buildings 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Other (as needed) 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Engineering/Construction 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Land 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Record Keeping System 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Training/Sampling 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Remediation/Disposal 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Permit Costs 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Other (as needed) $245 9-Jul-2015 9-Jul-2015 0.00 $0 n/a $0 Actual cost to repair the flat tire on the center pivot irrigator. Date required is the date the discharge Notes for DELAYED costs began. Final date is the compliance date. Avoided Costs ANNUALIZE [1] avoided costs before entering item (except for one-time avoided costs) Disposal 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Personnel 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Inspection/Reporting/Sampling 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Supplies/Equipment 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Financial Assurance [2] 0.00 $0 $0 $0 ONE-TIME avoided costs [3] 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Other (as needed) 0.00 $0 $0 $0 Notes for AVOIDED costs Approx. Cost of Compliance $245 TOTAL $0 The TCEQ is committed to accessibility. To request a more accessible version of this report, please contact the TCEQ Help Desk at (512) 239-4357. Compliance History Report PUBLISHED Compliance History Report for CN602563660, RN101516045, Rating Year 2015 which includes Compliance History (CH) components from September 1, 2010, through August 31, 2015. NOT NULL NOT NULL Customer, Respondent, or CN602563660, Jongsma, Olke Andries Classification: SATISFACTORY Rating: 42.75 Owner/Operator: Regulated Entity: RN101516045, Amelia Dairy Classification: SATISFACTORY Rating: 42.75 Complexity Points: 5 Repeat Violator: NO CH Group: 12 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting Location: 248 County Road 4310 in Winnsboro, Wood County, Texas TCEQ Region: REGION 05 - TYLER ID Number(s): WASTEWATER AGRICULTURE EPA ID TX0130877 WASTEWATER AGRICULTURE PERMIT TXG920068 WASTEWATER AGRICULTURE EPA ID TX0136336 Compliance History Period: September 01, 2010 to August 31, 2015 Rating Year: 2015 Rating Date: 09/01/2015 Date Compliance History Report Prepared: January 05, 2016 Agency Decision Requiring Compliance History: Enforcement Component Period Selected: January 05, 2011 to January 05, 2016 TCEQ Staff Member to Contact for Additional Information Regarding This Compliance History. Name: Herbert Darling Phone: (512) 239-2520 Site and Owner/Operator History: 1) Has the site been in existence and/or operation for the full five year compliance period? YES 2) Has there been a (known) change in ownership/operator of the site during the compliance period? NO NO 3) If YES for #2, who is the current owner/operator? N/A 4) If YES for #2, who was/were the prior N/A owner(s)/operator(s)? 5) If YES, when did the change(s) in owner or operator N/A occur? Components (Multimedia) for the Site Are Listed in Sections A - J A. Final Orders, court judgments, and consent decrees: 1 Effective Date: 10/27/2012 ADMINORDER 2011-0909-AGR-E (Findings Order-Agreed Order Without Denial) Classification: Moderate Citation: 30 TAC Chapter 321, SubChapter B 321.36(c) 30 TAC Chapter 321, SubChapter B 321.37(d) Rqmt Prov: Part II.A.6(d)(ii) PERMIT Description: failed to design, construct, operate, and maintain the RCS to contain all wastewater from the production area, including the runoff and direct precipitation from the design rainfall event. Classification: Major Citation: 2D TWC Chapter 26, SubChapter A 26.121(a)(1) 30 TAC Chapter 321, SubChapter B 321.31(a) Rqmt Prov: Part II.A PERMIT Description: failed to prevent the unauthorized discharge of wastewater into or adjacent to water in the state Classification: Major Citation: 30 TAC Chapter 321, SubChapter B 321.44(b) Rqmt Prov: TXG920000 Part III.A.5(c) PERMIT Description: failed to sample and analyze all discharges to surface water in the state from RCSs and LMUs. Classification: Moderate Citation: 30 TAC Chapter 321, SubChapter B 321.40(h) Rqmt Prov: TXG920000 Part III.A.11.(e)(1) PERMIT Description: failed to maintain a vegetative buffer strip of no less than 100 feet of vegetation between manure, litter, or wastewater application areas and water in the state. Classification: Moderate Citation: 30 TAC Chapter 305, SubChapter F 305.125(1) Rqmt Prov: Part V.D. PERMIT Description: failed to properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the permit conditions. B. Criminal convictions: N/A C. Chronic excessive emissions events: N/A D. The approval dates of investigations (CCEDS Inv. Track. No.): N/A E. Written notices of violations (NOV) (CCEDS Inv. Track. No.): A notice of violation represents a written allegation of a violation of a specific regulatory requirement from the commission to a regulated entity. A notice of violation is not a final enforcement action, nor proof that a violation has actually occurred. N/A F. Environmental audits: N/A G. Type of environmental management systems (EMSs): N/A H. Voluntary on-site compliance assessment dates: N/A I. Participation in a voluntary pollution reduction program: N/A J. Early compliance: N/A Sites Outside of Texas: N/A TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN THE MATTER OF AN § BEFORE THE ENFORCEMENT ACTION § CONCERNING § TEXAS COMMISSION ON OLKE ANDRIES JONGSMA; § RN101516045 § § ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AGREED ORDER DOCKET NO. 2015-1824-AGR-E On , the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (“Commission” or “TCEQ”) considered this agreement of the parties, resolving an enforcement action regarding Olke Andries Jongsma (“Respondent”) under the authority of TEX. WATER CODE chs. 7 and 26. The Executive Director of the TCEQ, represented by the Litigation Division, and Respondent, presented this Order to the Commission. Respondent understands that he has certain procedural rights at certain points in the enforcement process, including the right to formal notice of violations, to request an evidentiary hearing, receive notice of an evidentiary hearing, and a right to appeal. By entering into this Order, Respondent agrees to waive all notice and procedural rights which might otherwise be authorized or required in this action. It is further understood and agreed that this Order represents the complete and fully-integrated agreement of the parties. The provisions of this Order are deemed severable and, if a court of competent jurisdiction or other appropriate authority deems any provision of this Order unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be valid and enforceable. The duties and responsibilities imposed by this Order are binding upon Respondent. The Commission makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Respondent owns and operates a concentrated animal feeding operation located at 248 County Road 4310 in Winnsboro, Wood County, Texas (the “Site”). The Site is near or adjacent to water in the state as defined in TEX. WATER CODE § 26.001(5). 2. During an investigation conducted on July 9, 2015 and July 10, 2015, an investigator documented that Respondent failed to prevent the discharge of agricultural waste into or adjacent to water in the state. Specifically, irrigation tailwater runoff from Land Management Unit (“LMU”) No. 9 discharged into an unnamed tributary then, into Brushy Creek resulting in a fish kill of approximately 4,831 fish. 3. The Executive Director recognizes that Respondent ceased discharges into the unnamed tributary on July 10, 2015. In addition, on November 2, 2016, Respondent submitted photographs and documentation demonstrating that the buffer had been leveled and the discharge path had been filled. Olke Andries Jongsma Docket No. 2015-1824-AGR-E Page 2 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 1. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 1, Respondent is subject to the jurisdiction of the TCEQ pursuant to TEX. WATER CODE ch. 26 and the rules of the TCEQ. 2. As evidenced by Finding of Fact No. 2, Respondent failed to prevent the discharge of agricultural waste into or adjacent to water in the state, in violation of TEX. WATER CODE § 26.121(a)(1), 30 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §§ 321.31(a) and 321.40(d) and Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit (“TPDES”) No. TXG920068, Part III, (A)(12)(c)(1) and (A)(12)(c)(6). 3. Pursuant to TEX. WATER CODE § 7.051, TCEQ has the authority to assess an administrative penalty against Respondent for violations of state statutes within TCEQ’s jurisdiction, for violations of rules adopted under such statutes, or for violations of orders or permits issued under such statutes. 4. An administrative penalty in the amount of seven thousand five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) is justified by the facts recited in this Order, and considered in light of the factors set forth in TEX. WATER CODE § 7.053. Respondent paid one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) of the penalty. The remaining amount of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) of the administrative penalty shall be payable in twenty-four (24) monthly payments of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) each. The first monthly payment shall be paid within 30 days after the effective date of this Agreed Order. The subsequent payments shall be paid not later than 30 days following the due date of the previous payment. If Respondent fails to timely and satisfactorily comply with the payment requirements of this Agreed Order, including the payment schedule, the Executive Director may, at his option, accelerate the maturity of the remaining installments, in which event the unpaid balance shall become immediately due and payable without demand or notice. In addition, Respondent’s failure to meet the payment schedule of this Agreed Order, constitutes the failure by Respondent to timely and satisfactorily comply with all of the Terms of this Agreed Order. ORDERING PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ORDERS that: 1. Respondent is assessed an administrative penalty as set forth in Conclusion of Law No. 4 for violations of state statutes and rules of the TCEQ. The payment of this penalty and Respondent’s compliance with all requirements set forth in this Order resolve only the matters set forth by this Order in this action. 2. All relief not expressly granted in this Order is denied. 3. The duties and provisions imposed by this Order shall apply to and be binding upon Respondent. Respondent is ordered to give notice of this Order to personnel who maintain day-to-day control over the Site operations referenced in this Order. 4. The Executive Director may grant an extension of any deadline in this Order or in any plan, report, or other document submitted pursuant to this Order, upon a written and substantiated showing of good cause. All requests for extensions by Respondent shall be made in writing to the Executive Director. Extensions are not effective until Respondent receives written approval from the Executive Director.

Respondent Contact: Olke Andries Jongsma, 248 County Road 4310, Winnsboro, Texas 75494 Estimated Cost of Compliance. Total EB Amounts.
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