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Do we really understand quantum mechanics (quant-ph 0209123) PDF

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Do we really understand quantum mechanics? Strange correlations, paradoxes and theorems. F. Lalo¨e Laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS, 4 0 LKB, 24 rue Lhomond, 0 F-75005 Paris, France 2 v June 6, 2007 o N 4 Abstract 1 This article presents a general discussion of several aspects of our 2 present understanding of quantum mechanics. The emphasis is put v on the very special correlations that this theory makes possible: they 3 2 are forbidden by very general arguments based on realism and local 1 causality. In fact, these correlations are completely impossible in any 9 circumstance,exceptthe veryspecialsituationsdesignedbyphysicists 0 especially to observe these purely quantum effects. Another general 2 point that is emphasized is the necessity for the theory to predict the 0 / emergenceofasingleresultinasinglerealizationofanexperiment.For h thispurpose,orthodoxquantummechanicsintroducesaspecialpostu- p late: the reduction of the state vector, which comes in addition to the - t Schr¨odinger evolutionpostulate. Nevertheless, the presence in parallel n a of two evolution processes of the same object (the state vector) may u be a potential source for conflicts; various attitudes that are possible q toavoidthisproblemarediscussedinthistext. Afterabriefhistorical : v introduction, recalling how the very special status of the state vector i has emergedin quantum mechanics,various conceptualdifficulties are X introduced and discussed. The Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) theo- r a rem is presented with the help of a botanical parable, in a way that emphasizeshow deeply the EPRreasoningis rootedinto whatis often called “scientific method”. In another section the GHZ argument, the Hardy impossibilities, as well as the BKS theorem are introduced in simple terms. The final two sections attempt to give a summary of the present situation: one section discusses non-locality and entangle- ment as we see it presently, with brief mention of recent experiments; the last section contains a (non-exhaustive) list of various attitudes that are found among physicists, and that are helpful to alleviate the conceptual difficulties of quantum mechanics. 1 Contents 1 Historical perspective 4 1.1 Three periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1.1 Prehistory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.1.2 The undulatory period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1.3 Emergence of the Copenhagen interpretation . . . . . 8 1.2 The status of the state vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.1 Two extremes and the orthodox solution . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.2 An illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2 Difficulties, paradoxes 13 2.1 Von Neumann’s infinite regress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2 Wigner’s friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Schro¨dinger’s cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4 Unconvincing arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 3 Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen 20 3.1 A theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2 Of peas, pods and genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2.1 Simple experiments; no conclusion yet. . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2.2 Correlations; causes unveiled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2.3 Transposition to physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4 Quantitative theorems: Bell, GHZ, Hardy, BKS 28 4.1 Bell inequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.1.1 Two spins in a quantum singlet state . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.1.2 Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.1.3 Contradiction with quantum mechanics and with experiments 31 4.1.4 Generality of the theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 4.2 Hardy’s impossibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.3 GHZ equality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.4 Bell-Kochen-Specker; contextuality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 5 Non-locality and entanglement: where are we now? 44 5.1 Loopholes, conspiracies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.2 Locality, contrafactuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5.3 “All-or-nothing coherent states”; decoherence . . . . . . . . . 51 5.3.1 Definition and properties of the states . . . . . . . . . 51 5.3.2 Decoherence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 5.4 Quantum cryptography, teleportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 5.4.1 Sharing cryptographic keys by quantum measurements 58 5.4.2 Teleporting a quantum state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 5.5 Quantum computing and information . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2 6 Various interpretations 64 6.1 Common ground; “correlation interpretation” . . . . . . . . . 65 6.2 Additional variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6.2.1 General framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 6.2.2 Bohmian trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 6.3 Modified (non-linear) Schro¨dinger dynamics . . . . . . . . . . 74 6.3.1 Various forms of the theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 6.3.2 Physical predictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 6.4 History interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 6.4.1 Histories, families of histories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 6.4.2 Consistent families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 6.4.3 Quantum evolution of an isolated system . . . . . . . 82 6.4.4 Comparison with other interpretations . . . . . . . . . 85 6.4.5 A profusion of points of view; discussion . . . . . . . . 87 6.5 Everett interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Quantum mechanics describes physical systems through a mathematical object, the state vector Ψ >, which replaces positions and velocities of | classical mechanics. This is an enormous change, not only mathematically, but also conceptually. The relations between Ψ > and physical properties | are much less direct than in classical mechanics; the distance between the formalism and the experimental predictions leaves much more room for dis- cussions about the interpretation of the theory. Actually, many difficulties encountered by those who tried (or are still trying) to “really understand” quantummechanicsarerelatedtoquestionspertainingtotheexactstatusof Ψ >: for instance, does it describe the physical reality itself, or only some | partial knowledge that we might have of this reality? Does it fully describe ensemble of systems only (statistical description), or one single system as well (single events)? Assume that, indeed, Ψ > is affected by an imperfect | knowledge of the system; is it then not natural to expect that a better de- scription should exist, at least in principle? If so, what would be this deeper and more precise description of the reality? Another confusing feature of Ψ > is that, for systems extended in | space (for instance, a system made of two particles at very different loca- tions), it gives an overall description of all its physical properties in a single block from which the notion of space seems to have disappeared; in some cases, the physical properties of the two remote particles seem to be com- pletely “entangled” (the word was introduced by Schro¨dinger in the early days of quantum mechanics) in a way where the usual notions of space- time and local events seem to become dimmed. Of course, one could think 3 that this entanglement is just an innocent feature of the formalism with no special consequence: for instance, in classical electromagnetism, it is often convenient to introduce a choice of gauge for describing the fields in an in- termediate step, but we know very well that gauge invariance is actually fully preserved at the end. But, and as we will see below, it turns out that the situation is different in quantum mechanics: in fact, a mathematical entanglement in Ψ > can indeed have important physical consequences on | the result of experiments, and even lead to predictions that are, in a sense, contradictory with locality (we will see below in what sense). Withoutanydoubt,thestatevector isarathercuriousobjecttodescribe reality; one purposeof this article is to describe some situations in which its use in quantum mechanics leads to predictions that are particularly unex- pected. As an introduction, and in order to set the stage for this discussion, we will start with a brief historical introduction, which will remind us of the successive steps from which the present status of Ψ > emerged. Paying | attention to history is not inappropriate in a field where the same recurrent ideas are so often rediscovered; they appear again and again, sometimes al- most identical over the years, sometimes remodelled or rephrased with new words, but in fact more or less unchanged. Therefore, a look at the past is not necessarily a waste of time! 1 Historical perspective Thefoundingfathersofquantummechanicshadalreadyperceivedtheessence of many aspects of the discussions on quantum mechanics; today, after al- most a century, the discussions are still lively and, if some very interesting new aspects have emerged, at a deeper level the questions have not changed so much. What is more recent, nevertheless, is a general change of atti- tude among physicists: until about 20 years ago, probably as a result of the famous discussions between Bohr, Einstein, Schro¨dinger, Heisenberg, Pauli, deBroglie andothers(inparticularatthefamousSolvay meetings [1]), most physicistsseemedtoconsiderthat“Bohrwasrightandprovedhisopponents to be wrong”, even if this was expressed with more nuance. In other words, the majority of physicists thought that the so called “Copenhagen interpre- tation” had clearly emerged from the infancy of quantum mechanics as the only sensibleattitude for good scientists. As we all know, this interpretation introduced the idea that modern physics must contain indeterminacy as an essential ingredient: it is fundamentally impossible to predict the outcome of single microscopical events; it is impossibleto go beyond the formalism of the wave function (or its equivalent, the state vector Ψ >1) and complete | it; for somephysicists, theCopenhagen interpretation alsoincludes thediffi- 1Inallthisarticle,wewillnotmakeanydistinctionbetweenthewords“wavefunction” and “state vector”. 4 cult notion of “complementarity”.... even if it is truethat, dependingon the context, complementarity comes in many varieties and has been interpreted in many different ways! By and large, the impression of the vast majority was that Bohr had eventually won the debate with Einstein, so that dis- cussing again the foundations of quantum mechanics after these giants was pretentious, useless, and maybe even bad taste. Nowadays, the attitude of physicists is much more moderate concerning these matters, probably partly because the community has better realized the non-relevance of the “impossibility theorems” put forward by the de- fenders of the Copenhagen orthodoxy, in particular by Von Neumann [2] (see [3], [4] and [5], as well as the discussion given in [6]); another reason is, of course, the great impact of the discoveries and ideas of J. Bell [7]. At the turn of the century, it is probably fair to say that we are no longer sure that the Copenhagen interpretation is the only possible consistent attitude for physicists - see for instance the doubts expressed in [8]. Alternative points of view are considered as perfectly consistent: theories including additional variables (or “hidden variables”2) [9] [10]; modified dynamics of the state vector [4][11][12][13](non-linearand/orstochastic evolution) ; attheother extreme we have points of view such as the so called “many worlds inter- pretation” (or multibranched universe interpretation) [14], or more recently other interpretations such as that of “decoherent histories” [15] (the list is non-exhaustive). All these interpretations will be discussed in 6. For a § recent review containing many references, see [16], which emphasizes addi- tional variables, but which is also characteristic of the variety of positions among contemporary scientists3, as well as an older but very interesting debate published in Physics Today [17]; another very useful source of older references is the 1971 AJP “Resource Letter” [18]. But recognizing this va- riety of positions should not be the source of misunderstandings! It should also be emphasized very clearly that, until now, no new fact whatsoever (or no new reasoning) has appeared that has made the Copenhagen interpreta- tion obsolete in any sense. 1.1 Three periods Three successive periods may be distinguished in the history of the elabora- tionofthefundamentalquantumconcepts; theyhaveresultedinthepointof view that we may call “the orthodox interpretation”, with all provisos that have just been made above. Here we give only a brief historical summary, butwereferthereaderwhowouldliketoknowmoreaboutthehistoryofthe 2Aswediscussinmoredetailin§6.2,weprefertousethewords“additionalvariables” since they are not hidden, but actually appear directly in the results of measurements; whatisactuallyhiddeninthesetheoriesisratherthewavefunctionitself,sinceitevolves independentlyof these variables and can neverbemeasured directly. 3It is amusing to contrast thetitles of refs. [8] and [16]. 5 conceptual development of quantum mechanics to the book of Jammer [19]; see also [20]; for detailed discussions of fundamental problems in quantum mechanics, one could also look for references such as [21] [22] [8] or those given in [18]. 1.1.1 Prehistory Planck’s name is obviously the first that comes to mind when one thinks about the birth of quantum mechanics: he is the one who introduced the famous constant h, which now bears his name, even if his method was phe- nomenological. His motivation was actually to explain the properties of the radiation in thermal equilibrium (black body radiation) by introducing the notion of finite grains of energy in the calculation of the entropy, later inter- preted by him as resulting from discontinuous exchange between radiation and matter. Itis Einstein who, later, took theidea more seriously and really introduced the notion of quantum of light (which would benamed “photon” much later), in order to explain the wavelength dependence of the photo- electric effect- for a general discussion of the many contributions of Einstein to quantum theory, see [23]. Oneshouldneverthelessrealizethatthemostimportantandurgentques- tion at the time was not so much to explain fine details of the properties of radiation-matter interaction, or the peculiarities of the blackbody radiation; it was, rather, to understand the origin of the stability of atoms, that is of all matter which surrounds us and of which we are made! Despite several attempts, explaining why atoms do not collapse almost instantaneously was still a complete challenge in physics. One had to wait a little bit more, un- til Bohr introduced his celebrated atomic model, to see the appearance of the first elements allowing to treat the question. He proposed the notion of “quantized permitted orbits” for electrons, as well as that of “quantum jumps” to describe how they would go from one orbit to another, during radiation emission processes for instance. To be fair, we must concede that these notions have now almost disappeared from modern physics, at least in their initial forms; quantum jumps are replaced by a much more precise theory of spontaneous emission in quantum electrodynamics. But, on the other hand, one may also see a resurgence of the old quantum jumps in the modernuseof thepostulate of the wave packet reduction. After Bohr, came Heisenberg who introduced the theory that is now known as “matrix me- chanics”, an abstract intellectual construction with a strong philosophical component, sometimes close to positivism; the classical physical quantities are replaced by “observables”, mathematically matrices, defined by suitable postulates without much help of the intuition. Nevertheless, matrix me- chanics contained many elements which turned out to be building blocks of modern quantum mechanics! In retrospect, one can be struck by the very abstract and somewhat 6 mysterious character of atomic theory at this period of history; why should electrons obey such rules which forbid them to leave a given class of orbits, as if they were miraculously guided on simple trajectories? What was the origin of these quantum jumps, which were supposed to have no duration at all, so that it would make no sense to ask what were the intermediate states of the electrons during such a jump? Why should matrices appear in physics in such an abstract way, with no apparent relation with the classical description of the motion of a particle? One can guess how relieved many physicists felt when another point of view emerged, a point of view which looked at the same time much simpler and in the tradition of the physics of the 19th century: the undulatory (or wave) theory. 1.1.2 The undulatory period It is well known that de Broglie was the first who introduced the idea of associating a wave with every material particle; this was soon proven to be correct by Davisson and Germer in their famous electron diffraction experi- ment. Nevertheless, forsomereason,atthattimedeBrogliedidnotproceed much further in the mathematical study of this wave, so that only part of the veil of mystery was raised by him (see for instance the discussion in [24]). It is sometimes said that Debye was the first who, after hearing about de Broglie’s ideas, remarked that in physics a wave generally has a wave equation: the next step would then be to try and propose an equation for this new wave. The story adds that the remark was made in the presence of Schro¨dinger, who soon started to work on this program; he successfully and rapidly completed it by proposing the equation which now bears his name, one of the most basic equations of all physics. Amusingly, Debye himself does not seem to have remembered the event. The anecdote may not be accurate; in fact, different reports about the discovery of this equation have been given and we will probably never know exactly what happened. What remains clear anyway is that the introduction of the Schro¨dinger equation is one of the essential milestones in the history of physics. Initially, it allowed one to understand the energy spectrum of the hydrogen atom, but we now know that it also gives successful predictions for all other atoms, molecules and ions, solids (the theory of bands for instance), etc. It is presently the major basic tool of many branches of modern physics and chemistry. Conceptually, at the time of its introduction, the undulatory theory was welcomed as an enormous simplification of the new mechanics; this is par- ticularly true because Schro¨dinger and others (Dirac, Heisenberg) promptly showed how it allowed one to recover the predictions of the complicated ma- trix mechanics from more intuitive considerations on the properties of the newlyintroduced“wavefunction”-thesolutionoftheSchro¨dingerequation. Thenatural hopewas then to beable to extend this success, and to simplify all problems raised by the mechanics of atomic particles: one would replace 7 it by a mechanics of waves, which would be analogous to electromagnetic or sound waves. For instance, Schro¨dinger thought initially that all particles in the universe looked to us like point particles just because we observe them at a scale which is too large; in fact, they are tiny “wave packets” which re- main localized in small regions of space. He had even shown that these wave packets remain small (they do not spread in space) when the system under study is a harmonic oscillator... alas, we now know that this is only one of the very few special cases where this is true; in general, they do constantly spread in space! 1.1.3 Emergence of the Copenhagen interpretation It did not take a long time before it became clear that the undulatory theory ofmatter alsosuffersfromvery seriousdifficulties, actually soserious that physicists were soon led to abandon it. A first example of difficulty is provided by a collision between particles, where the Schro¨dinger wave spreads in all directions, exactly as the water wave stirred in a pond by a stone thrown into it; but, in all collision experiments, particles are observed to follow well-defined trajectories which remain perfectly localized, going in someprecise direction. For instance, every photograph taken in thecollision chamber of a particle accelerator shows very clearly that particles never get “diluted” in all space! This remark stimulated the introduction, by Born, of theprobabilisticinterpretation ofthewavefunction.Anotherdifficulty, even more serious, arises as soon as one considers systems made of more than one single particle: then, the Schro¨dinger wave is no longer an ordinary wave since, instead of propagating in normal space, it propagates in the so called “configuration space” of the system, a space which has 3N dimensions for a system made of N particles! For instance, already for the simplest of all atoms, the hydrogen atom, the wave which propagates in 6 dimensions (if spins are taken into account, four such waves propagate in 6 dimensions); for a macroscopic collection of atoms, the dimension quickly becomes an astronomicalnumber.Clearlythenewwavewasnotatallsimilartoclassical waves, which propagate in ordinary space; this deep difference will be a sort ofLeitmotivinthistext4,reappearingundervariousaspectshereandthere5. In passing, and as a side remark, it is amusing to notice that the re- cent observation of the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute 4For instance, the non-locality effects occurring with two correlated particles can be seen as a consequence of the fact that the wave function propagates locally, but in a 6 dimension space, while the usual definition of locality refers to ordinary space which has 3 dimensions. 5One should probably mention at this point that quantum mechanics can indeed be formulatedinawaywhichdoesnotinvolvetheconfigurationspace,butjusttheordinary space: theformalismoffieldoperators(sometimescalledsecondquantizationforhistorical reasons). Thepricetopay,however,isthatthewavefunction(acomplexnumber)isthen replaced by an operator, so that any analogy with a classical field is even less valid. 8 gases [25] can be seen, in a sense, as a sort of realization of the initial hope of Schro¨dinger: this condensation provides a case where the many-particle matter wave does propagate in ordinary space. Before condensation takes place, we have the usual situation: the atoms belong to a degenerate quan- tum gas, which has to be described by wave functions defined in a huge configuration space. But, when they are completely condensed, they are re- stricted to a much simpler many-particle state that can be described by the same wave function, exactly as a single particle. In other words, the matter wave becomes similar to a classical field with two components (the real part and the imaginary part of the wave function), resembling an ordinary sound wave for instance. This illustrates why, somewhat paradoxically, the “excit- ing new states of matter” provided by Bose-Einstein condensates are not an example of an extreme quantum situation; they are actually more classical than the gases from which they originate (in terms of quantum description, interparticle correlations, etc.). Conceptually, of course, this remains a very special case and does not solve the general problem associated with a naive view of the Schro¨dinger waves as real waves. Thepurelyundulatorydescriptionofparticleshasnowdisappearedfrom modernquantummechanics. InadditiontoBornandBohr,Heisenberg[26], Jordan, Dirac [27] and others played an essential role in the appearance of a new formulation of quantum mechanics [20], where probabilistic and undu- latory notions are incorporated in a single complex logical edifice. The now classical Copenhageninterpretation ofquantummechanics(often alsocalled “orthodox interpretation”) incorporates both a progressive, deterministic, evolution of the wave function/state vector according to the Schro¨dinger equation, as well as a second postulate of evolution that is often called the “wavepacketreduction”(oralso“wavefunctioncollapse”). TheSchro¨dinger equation in itself does not select precise experimental results, but keeps all of them as potentialities in a coherent way; forcing the emergence of a sin- gle result in a single experiment is precisely the role of the postulate of the wavepacketreduction.Inthisscheme,separatepostulatesandequationsare therefore introduced, one for the “natural” evolution of the system, another for measurements performed on it. 1.2 The status of the state vector Withtwokindsofevolution, itisnosurpriseifthestatevector shouldget, in orthodox quantumtheory, anon-trivialstatus -actually ithasnoequivalent in all the rest of physics. 1.2.1 Two extremes and the orthodox solution Two opposite mistakes should be avoided, since both “miss the target” on different sides. The first is to endorse the initial hopes of Schro¨dinger and 9 to decide that the (many-dimension) wave function directly describes the physical properties of the system. In such a purely undulatory view, the position and velocities of particles are replaced by the amplitude of a com- plex wave, and the very notion of point particle becomes diluted; but the difficulties introduced by this view are now so well known - see discussion in the preceding section - that few physicists seem to be tempted to sup- port it. Now, by contrast, it is surprising to hear relatively often colleagues falling to theother extreme, and endorsingthepoint of viewwherethewave function does not attempt to describe the physical properties of the system itself, but just the information that we have on it - in other words, the wave function should get a relative (or contextual) status, and become analogous to a classical probability distribution in usual probability theory. Of course, at first sight, this would bring a really elementary solution to all fundamen- tal problems of quantum mechanics: we all know that classical probabilities undergo sudden jumps, and nobody considers this as a special problem. For instance, as soon as a new information becomes available on any system to us, the probability distribution that we associate with it changes suddenly; is this not the obvious way to explain the sudden wave packet reduction? One first problem with this point of view is that it would naturally lead to a relative character of the wave function: if two observers had different information on the same system, should they use different wave functions to describe the same system6? In classical probability theory, there would be no problem at all with “observer-dependent” distribution probabilities, but standard quantum mechanics clearly rejects this possibility: it certainly does not attribute such a character to the wave function7. Moreover, when in ordinary probability theory a distribution undergoes a sudden “jump” to a more precise distribution, the reason is simply that more precise values of the variables already exist - they actually existed before the jump. In other words, the very fact that theprobability distributionreflected our imperfect knowledgeimpliesthepossibilityforamoreprecisedescription,closer tothe reality of the system itself. But this is in complete opposition with orthodox quantum mechanics, which negates the very idea of a better description of the reality than the wave function. In fact, introducing the notion of pre- existing values is precisely the basis of unorthodox theories with additional variables (hidden variables)! So the advocates of this “information inter- 6Here we just give a simplified discussion; in a more elaborate context, one would introducefor instance thenotion of intersubjectivity,etc. [8] [21]. 7We implicitly assume that the two observers use the same space-time referential; otherwise, one should apply simple mathematical transformations to go from one state vector to the other. But this has no more conceptual impact than the transformations which allow us, in classical mechanics, to transform positions and conjugate momenta. Weshouldaddthatthereisalsoroom inquantummechanicsforclassical uncertainties arising from an imperfect knowledgeof thesystem;theformalism of thedensityoperator is a convenient way to treat these uncertainties. Here, we intentionally limit ourselves to thediscussion of wave functions (purestates). 10

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