BiolInvasions(2016)18:2531–2549 DOI10.1007/s10530-016-1200-8 PHRAGMITES INVASION Do ploidy level and nuclear genome size and latitude of origin modify the expression of Phragmites australis traits and interactions with herbivores? . . . Laura A. Meyerson James T. Cronin Ganesh P. Bhattarai Hans Brix . Carla Lambertini . Magdalena Lucˇanova´ . Shelby Rinehart . Jan Suda . Petr Pysˇek Received:28December2015/Accepted:19June2016/Publishedonline:29June2016 (cid:2)SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2016 Abstract We studied the relationship between variationintraitsthatwestudiedforP.australis,with genomesizeandploidylevelvariationandplanttraits latitudeoforiginbeinggenerallyabetterpredictorof for the reed grass Phragmites australis. Using a trait values and that ploidy level and its interaction common garden approach on a global collection of with monoploid genome size and latitude of origin populationsinAarhus, Denmark,weinvestigated the alsocontributedtotraitvariation.Wealsofoundthat influenceofmonoploidgenomesizeandploidylevel forfourtraits,tetraploidsandoctoploidshaddifferent ontheexpressionofP.australisgrowth,nutritionand relationshipswiththemonoploidgenomesize.While herbivore-defense traits and whether monoploid for tetraploids stem height and leaf water content genome size and ploidy level play different roles in showed a positive relationship with monoploid plant traitexpression.Wefoundthatbothmonoploid genome size, octoploids had a negative relationship genome size and latitude of origin contributed to with monoploid genome size for stem height and no relationship for leaf water content. As genome size within octoploids increased, the number of aphids Guesteditors:LauraA.MeyersonandKristinSaltonstall/ colonizing leaves decreased, whereas for tetraploids Phragmitesinvasion. L.A.Meyerson(&)(cid:2)S.Rinehart S.Rinehart TheUniversityofRhodeIsland,Kingston,RI02881, DepartmentofBiology,SanDiegoStateUniversity, USA SanDiego,CA,USA e-mail:[email protected] S.Rinehart J.T.Cronin(cid:2)G.P.Bhattarai DepartmentofEvolutionandEcology,Universityof LouisianaStateUniversity,BatonRouge,LA,USA California,Davis,Davis,CA,USA G.P.Bhattarai M.Lucˇanova´ (cid:2)J.Suda IndianRiverResearchandEducationCenter,University DepartmentofBotany,FacultyofScience,Charles ofFlorida,FortPierce,FL,USA UniversityinPrague,Bena´tska´ 2,12800Prague,Czech Republic H.Brix(cid:2)C.Lambertini DepartmentofBioscience,PlantBiology,Aarhus P.Pysˇek University,OleWormsAlle1,8000AarhusC,Denmark DepartmentofEcology,FacultyofScience,Charles UniversityinPrague,Vinicˇna´ 7,12844Prague,Czech M.Lucˇanova´ (cid:2)J.Suda(cid:2)P.Pysˇek Republic InstituteofBotany,TheCzechAcademyofSciences, Za´mek1,25243Pru˚honice,CzechRepublic 123 2532 L.A.Meyersonetal. there was a quadratic, though non-significant, rela- intraspecific variation in contributing to the ecological tionship. Generally we found that tetraploids were breadthofaspeciesanditsabilitytoadapttochanging taller, chemically better defended, had a greater environments (Albert et al. 2010; Sides et al. 2014). number of stems, higher leaf water content, and Greaterintraspecificfunctionalvariabilityispredictedto supported more aphids than octoploids. Our results allow plant populations to adjust to a wider range of suggest trade-offs among plant traits mediated by competitiveandabioticconditionstherebyconferringa genome size and ploidy with respect to fitness and broader niche (Sides et al. 2014). Some evidence defense.Wealsofoundthatthelatitudeofplantorigin indicates that within-species genetic variation mirrors is a significant determinant of trait expression sug- interspecificdiversity(e.g.HughesandStachowicz2004; gesting local adaptation. Global climate change may Stachowicz et al. 2007; Cardinale et al. 2012) and that favor some genome size and ploidy variants that can intraspecific variation,includingkaryologicaldiversity, tolerate stressful environments due to greater pheno- maydrivecommunitystructureandecosystemprocesses typic plasticity and to fitness traits that vary with (Levin 2002; Reusch and Hughes 2006; Johnson et al. cytotype which may lead to changes in population 2009;CrawfordandRudgers2013)viaplantfunctional genome sizes and/or ploidy structure, particularly at traits (Lavorel et al. 2007; Hull-Sanders et al. 2009). species’rangelimits. Intraspecific functional variation may be important at small and intermediate scales due to environmental Keywords Cytotype(cid:2)Globalclimatechange(cid:2) filtering and high interspecific variability at the global Latitudeoforigin(cid:2)Nucleargenomesize(cid:2)Plant scale (Albert et al. 2010), and because adaptation to defense(cid:2)Plantinvasion(cid:2)Polyploidy change plays out at the population and subpopulation scales(e.g.,microevolutionaryscale;Balaoetal.2011). Bothgenomesizeandploidylevelhavepreviously been implicated in invasion success (e.g. Kubesˇova´ Introduction etal. 2010; teBeest etal. 2011; Suda etal. 2015) but rarely considered simultaneously (but see Balao et al. Identifyingtraitsthatfacilitatethesuccessofinvasive 2011), even though including both in explanatory speciesandpredictingoutcomesoftheinteractionsof models may greatly increase their power to predict such traits with the environment continues to be a invasiveness (Pandit et al. 2014). For example, poly- priority for invasion ecologists (Ku¨ster et al. 2008; ploidy can facilitate invasion success by ‘‘pre-adapt- Pysˇeketal.2009,2015).Overthelasttwodecadesit ing’’ species to conditions in the introduced range has become clear that no single trait can account for relative to diploids, and the associated higher genetic theinvasionsuccessofaspecies(The´baultetal.2011) diversity in polyploids may enhance invasiveness andinvasionsuccesscanalsovaryoverbiogeographic (Henery et al. 2010; te Beest et al. 2011) whereas space further complicating the identification of key smallerholoploid(C-value)andmonoploid(Cx-value) invasivetraits(Croninetal.2015). genome sizes (sensu Greilhuber et al. 2005) often Studies searching for determinants of invasiveness contribute to faster growth rates (e.g. Lavergne et al. rarelyconsiderunderlyinggeneticfactorssuchasgenetic 2010;FridleyandCraddock2015).Holoploidgenome polymorphism,heterozygosity,andkaryologicalfactors, sizeis the amount ofDNA inthe whole chromosome such as nuclear genome size, number of somatic complementofthenucleuswithachromosomenumber chromosomes and ploidy level—all of which may n, irrespective of ploidy number whereas monoploid differentially modify plant traits and interactwith each genomesizeistheamountofDNAinonechromosome otherandenvironmentalfactors(e.g.,climate)toaffect setofanorganism(Sudaetal.2015). traitexpression(teBeestetal.2011;Sudaetal.2015). Currently,littleisalsoknownaboutwhethertrade- Understandinghowkaryologicalvariation(genomesize offsexist between intraspecific cytotypes withrespect and ploidy) influences plant traits across a range of toplantfunctionaltraits(butseeThe´baultetal.2011; environments is of particular interest for researchers Hao et al. 2013), including plant defense against seeking to improve predictive capacities in species herbivores and pathogens, and most work in this invasions and range expansions (Suda et al. 2015). direction has examined differences between diploids Moreover,studieshaveincreasinglyidentifiedtheroleof and higher ploidy levels. Data on enemy impact and 123 Doploidylevelandnucleargenomesizeandlatitudeoforigin 2533 plant defenses in relation to ploidy level and genome (56(cid:3)8103000N; 10(cid:3)8007000E) during the summer of sizeissparse(JanzandThompson2002;Mu¨nzbergova´ 2012toexaminetherelationshipbetweenplanttraits, 2006;Halversonetal.2008;Hull-Sandersetal.2009; genome size and ploidy (see ‘‘Appendix’’), and Arvanitis etal. 2010; Hahnand Dornbush2012) even herbivory. P. australis is a cosmopolitan species thoughherbivoresandpathogensplayanimportantrole within Poaceae and is adapted to wide climatic and in invasion success (e.g. Keane and Crawley 2002; latitudinalranges(±60(cid:3)),includingextremeenviron- Mitchelland Power2003;Fagan etal. 2005; Mitchell ments.Itexhibitsahighgeneticdiversity(Saltonstall etal.2010).OneexampleinvolvesCardaminepraten- 2002), intra- and interspecific hybridization (Meyer- sis where octoploids exhibited greater tolerance to son et al. 2010, 2012; Lambertini et al. 2012) and herbivory than tetraploids (Boalt et al. 2010). Impor- variation in ploidy (Clevering and Lissner 1999; tantly,agall-formingmidgeonlyattackedtheoctoploid Keller2000;Lambertinietal.2006).Thespecieshas suggestingthatchangesinploidycanleadtohostshifts globally distributed diverse cytotypes (4x - 12x, in herbivores (Arvanitis et al. 2010). In other species, based on x = 12) and GS variability up to 22 % differentcytotypescansufferhigherorlowerlevelsof withincytotypes(Sudaetal.2015). attack depending on both the plant and herbivore or One hundred and sixty-six clones were planted in pathogen(Halversonetal.2008;ThompsonandMerg thegardenin2001.Adecadepassedpriortothestart 2008;Collinsetal.2013). ofthisstudy,allowingplentyoftimefortheplantsto Togaingreaterinsightintotherolesofgenomesize acclimate to the Danish climate and for maternal and ploidy level variation in an invasive plant, we environmental effects to have been virtually elimi- studied plant traits for the reed grass Phragmites nated. All pots were maintained under identical australis—oneofthebest-studiedplantspeciesglob- watering (daily) and fertilization regimes (monthly) ally (Hulme et al. 2013; Meyerson et al. 2016). This andallrhizomesweredividedduringspring2012and topicisofparticularinterestbecauseoftheimportant repotted in 60 L pots using commercial potting soil habitat, including ecosystem services, reed grass and sand mixture. Given the large genetic and provides across its native range in Europe and Asia, genomic variation represented for P. australis in this and its status as a highly invasive species in North common garden, the collection made it possible to America (Chambers et al. 1999; Kiviat 2013; Packer address, at the intraspecific level, fundamental rela- et al. 2016). P. australis is an ideal model species to tionships among genetics and the environment (i.e. investigate the interactions of genome size, ploidy geographyandherbivory). levelandplanttraitsbecauseofitsglobaldistribution, high genetic and genomic diversity, and habitat Genomesizeestimation breadth,rangingfrombrackishtofreshwatersystems, temperate to tropical, coastal to inland to high Holoploidgenomesizes(i.e.,theDNAcontentofthe elevation (Meyerson et al. 2016). Using a common whole chromosome complement with chromosome gardenapproachonaglobalcollectionofpopulations, number n irrespective of the degree of generative we investigated (1) the influence of monoploid polyploidy; C-value) of analyzed plants were esti- genomesizeandploidylevel onthe expressionofP. mated using DNA flow cytometry following the australis growth, nutrition herbivore-defense traits, simplifiedtwostepprotocolusingtheOttobuffersas andpalatabilitytoaphids,(2)andwhethermonoploid detailed in Dolezˇel et al. (2007). Bellis perennis genome size and ploidy level play different roles in (2C = 3.38 pg;Scho¨nswetteretal.2007)wasusedas planttraitexpression. an internal reference standard and the nuclei isolated from intact young leaves of actively growing plants were stained by the intercalating fluorochrome pro- Methods pidium iodide. Karyologically confirmed tetraploid (2n = 4x = 48) and octoploid (2n = 8x = 96) Plantmaterial Phragmites samples from the living collection of the InstituteofBotany,TheCzechAcademyofSciences We used the living collection of P. australis from a in Pru˚honice were used as reference points to infer common garden at Aarhus University, Denmark DNA ploidy levels of analyzed samples. Monoploid 123 2534 L.A.Meyersonetal. genomesizes(i.e.,theDNAcontentofthemonoploid overwinter on their primary hosts, various Prunus chromosome set, with chromosome number x; Cx- species,butswitchtograsses likeP. australis during value)werecalculatedas2C-value/ploidylevel. the spring and summer (Lozier et al. 2009). Mealy plum aphids often achieve densities [1000 per P. Growth,nutritionalanddefensetraits australisstem,andoutbreakscancausethedieoffof all aboveground vegetation (Cronin et al. 2015). We We measured 10 plant traits (Table 1) related to conductedtwoexperimentsinvestigatingherbivoryby growth (stem heightand number, the latter measured the mealy plum aphid Hyalopterus pruni that has P. as the stem number per pot), nutritional quality (% australisasitssummerhost. carbon, % nitrogen, C:N), herbivore defense (total phenolics, leaf toughness), ambient aphid abundance Ambientaphidabundanceperstem per stem, and palatability to aphids, all in the same pots.Sincewatercontentofleavescanhaveapositive Backgrounddensitiesofaphidspersourcepopulation relationshipwiththepopulationgrowthrateofaphids likely reflect a combination of plant defense, nutri- (e.g. Johnson 2009; Bhattarai et al. in review), we tional quality, and positional effects (i.e., location in estimatedthistraitastheproportionofwaterperunit thegarden).Historicaleffects(e.g.,temporalautocor- freshbiomassofthreenewlyopenedleavescollected relation in abundance) are unimportant because the from each pot. For nutrient analysis (% carbon, % mealyplumaphidoverwintersonotherhostsandthen nitrogen, C:N ratio), the top three leaves were returns to the garden. To quantify ambient aphid collected during July 2012 from a single plant per abundance,wefirstcountedstemsandtheproportion pot.Leaveswereoven-driedat70 (cid:3)Candgroundtoa of stems that were infested with aphids. Randomly finepowder.Carbonandnitrogenwereanalyzedusing selecting three aphid-infested stems in each pot, we a CE Instruments Model NC2100 elementalanalyzer counted the number of leaves with aphids. One atBrownUniversityEnvironmentalChemistryFacil- infested leaf per stem was chosen at random and the ities ( aphidswerecounted.Meanaphidsperstemwerethen facilities). estimated as the proportion of stems infested per Leaf toughness and total phenolics were our pot 9 mean number of infested leaves per infested measures of plant defense against herbivores. In stem 9 meannumberofaphidsperinfestedleaf. Poaceae, defenses are likely limited to structural defenses and phenolics. Using a penetrometer (Itin Scale Co., Inc., Brooklyn, NY), toughness was mea- Palatabilitytoaphids sured for the fully open uppermost leaf from a randomly selected stem (force in kg to push a We performed a caging experiment to access palata- 4.8 mm diameter blunt steel rod through the leaf). bilityofP.australispopulationstomealy-plumaphid Total phenolics (nM/g of dried leaf tissue) were (Hyalopterus pruni, Aphididae). We collected aphids estimated using a microplate modified version of the fromasinglesourceinanaturallyoccurringstandof Folin–Ciocalteu method (Waterman and Mole 1994; P. australis within 10 km of the common garden to Croninetal.2015). minimize the genetic variation among aphids in the experiment.WecagedadultaphidsonliveP.australis Aphidabundanceandpalatabilitytoaphids leaves to assess the palatability of the garden popu- lations to aphids (see Bhattarai et al. in review for AwidediversityofherbivoresareknowntofeedonP. details).Aphidcolonieswereinitiatedwithtwoadult australis(Tewksburyetal.2002).WithinEuropeand aphids caged on the youngest fully open leaf on a North America, the mealy plum aphid Hyalopterus randomlyselectedstemfromeachpot.Aphidsrepro- pruni (Homoptera: Aphididae) is the most common duce parthenogenetically and produce a colony in a herbivore in terms of numbers and biomass (Cronin few days. After 10 days, leaves with aphid colonies et al. 2015). The mealy plum aphid is a Eurasian were collected, transported on ice to the laboratory, species that was introduced to North America more andstoredinafreezerat-20 (cid:3)C.Withasuitablehost, than acenturyago (Lozier et al. 2009).These aphids aphidcoloniescanincreaseinsizeupto100timesin 123 Doploidylevelandnucleargenomesizeandlatitudeoforigin 2535 Table1 ModelselectionresultsbasedonAkaikeInformationCriteriacorrectedforfinitesamplesize(AICc) Trait Model AICc DAICc AkaikeWt %Carbon Cx,L,L9L,H 287.4 0.0 0.13 P,Cx,P9Cx,L,L9L,H 287.8 0.4 0.11 L,L9L,H 288.0 0.6 0.10 Cx,L,Cx9L,L9L,H 289.1 1.7 0.06 P,Cx,L,L9L,H 289.2 1.8 0.05 %Nitrogen Cx,L 105.2 0.0 0.20 Cx,L,H 105.6 0.5 0.16 Cx,L,Cx9L 106.5 1.3 0.10 P,Cx,L,H 107.0 1.8 0.08 Cx,L,Cx9L,H 107.1 1.9 0.08 P,Cx,L 107.2 2.0 0.07 C:Nratio Cx,L,H 569.8 0.0 0.35 P,Cx,L,H 571.2 1.4 0.18 Cx,L,Cx9L,H 571.7 1.9 0.14 Totalphenolics P,H 75.6 0.0 0.21 P,L,H 75.9 0.2 0.18 P,L,P9L,H 76.5 0.8 0.14 P,Cx,H 77.5 1.8 0.08 Stemheight P,Cx,L,P9Cx,P9L -38.0 0.0 0.11 Cx,L,H -37.7 0.3 0.10 P,Cx,L,P9Cx -37.4 0.7 0.08 L,H -36.7 1.4 0.06 P,Cx,P9Cx -36.3 1.7 0.05 Cx,H -36.2 1.9 0.05 Stemnumber Cx,L,L9L,H 290.3 0.0 0.27 P,Cx,L,P9Cx,L9L,H 290.7 0.5 0.21 P,Cx,L,P9Cx,P9L,L9L,H 291.9 1.6 0.12 %Watercontent P,Cx,L,P9Cx,P9L,Cx9L -321.4 0.0 0.18 P,Cx,L,P9L,Cx9L,Cx9Cx -321.2 0.2 0.16 P,Cx,L,P9L,Cx9L -320.4 1.0 0.11 P,Cx,L,P9L,Cx9Cx -319.7 1.6 0.08 P,Cx,L,P9L,Cx9L,Cx9Cx,H -319.7 1.6 0.08 Leaftoughness Cx,H 330.2 0.0 0.27 Aphidsperstem P,Cx,L,P9Cx,P9L,Cx9Cx 5378.0 0.0 0.60 Palatabilitytoaphids P,Cx,L,P9L,Cx9Cx,L9L,H 1721.9 0.0 0.42 (colonymassat10days) CandidatemodelswithaD value(=AICc -AICc )ofB2andtheAICcweights(w)arereported i i min i P,ploidy(4xor8x);Cx,monoploidgenomesize;L,latitudeoforigin;H,longitudeoforigin 10 days but still do not compromise colony growth Statisticalanalysis becauseofintraspecificcompetitionorleafdeteriora- tion (Bhattarai et al. in review). Aphids per colony Weusedgeneralizedlinearmodelstotestwhetherthe were counted, dried at 40 (cid:3)C and weighed. We used expressionofP.australisgrowth,nutritional,defense colonymassat10 daysasanindexofpalatability. andpalatabilitytoherbivoretraitswereinfluencedby 123 2536 L.A.Meyersonetal. ploidy, monoploid genome size and the latitude and value,latitudeoforigin,longitudeoforigin)shouldbe longitude of origin of the populations. Only the two included in the candidate models for each trait. The most common ploidy levels of P. australis were AICcscoreforthebasemodelwiththemainpredictor considered in this study, 4x (n = 126 source popula- variables (ploidy, Cx-value, ploidy*Cx-value) and tions) and 8x (n = 40). Because holoploid genome covariate in question was compared with the AICc size (C-value)is closely correlated with ploidy level, scoreforthebasemodelplusthequadratictermforthe we used monoploid genome size (Cx-value) as an covariateinquestion.Ifthelattermodeldidnotreduce explanatory variable. Ploidy was treated as a fixed the AICc score by C2 relative to the base model, the effect in the model while Cx-value, latitude and quadratic term was excluded from the list of terms longitudeoforiginweretreatedascovariates.Latitude usedforconstructingcandidatemodels(seeBurnham oforiginwasincludedbecausetheexpressionofplant andAnderson2010). traits, including those related to interactions with Candidate models were constructed using all pos- herbivores,oftencovarywithlatitude(e.g.Schemske siblecombinationsofpredictorvariables.Restrictions etal.2009)andthisisparticularlytrueforP.australis tothepossiblecombinationsofvariablesincludedthe (Cronin et al. 2015). Longitude is closely correlated requirement that interaction terms could only be with previously described P. australis phylogeo- present in the model if their main effects were also graphic groups (see Lambertini et al. 2006). We also present in the model. Candidate models were ranked included a quadratic term for each covariate (e.g., byAICcfromlowesttohighestvalueandAICswitha latitude2) to assess nonlinearity in the relationship D value(= AICc - AICc )ofB2weredeemedto i i min betweenatraitandthecovariate.Wewereparticularly have substantial support (Burnham and Anderson interested in testing for a ploidy 9 Cx-value (or 2010). We also report the AICc weights (w) which i ploidy 9 Cx-value2) interaction that would indicate indicate the weight of evidence (as a proportion) in that the relationship between a trait and monoploid favorofmodelibeingthebestmodelgiventhesetof genome size differs fundamentally between ploidy candidate models. As the Proc Glimmix procedure levels. Finally, all first-order interactions among does not report goodness-of-fit for the models, we predictor variables were considered. Data were ana- emphasizeeffectsizesofthefactorsinthemodel(i.e., lyzed using SAS 9.3 Proc Glimmix with normally proportional differences in least-squares means or distributed errors and an identity link function (SAS slopesinrelationships). InstituteInc.,Cary,NorthCarolina). In order to visualize the relationship between a Analysis of ambient aphid abundance per stem response variable (i.e., any of the plant traits) and a required a slightly different analytical approach. particularpredictorvariable(e.g.,monoploidgenome Aphid counts per stem was Poisson distributed. size), we used the following procedure. We repeated Therefore,forthisplantmetric,weusedageneralized the generalized linear model analysis for the AICc- linearmodelwithLaplaceestimationmethod,Poisson best model, with the exclusion of the predictor distributionoferrorsandaloglinkfunction(SASProc variable in question, and then obtained the residuals. Glimmix). A least-squares regression analysis or plot of the To help normalize data distributions and homoge- residuals against the predictor variable would reveal nizevariancesbetweenploidylevels,totalphenolics, the effect of the predictor variable on the plant trait stemheights,numberofstemsperpot,andaphidmass thatisindependentoftheothermodelfactors onthat were ln transformed. Quantile–quantile plots and trait. For convenience, the R2 and P values from the studentized residuals were used to identify potential regression are provided for each case as a means to outliersinthedistributionoftraitestimates.However, gaugethemodelfit. in no case did the removal of these data points To determine whether there were any significant qualitativelychangetheconclusionsofthemodel. relationships between climate and the latitudes and For each dependent variable, we used Akaike’s longitudes of origin of the P. australis populations Information Criteria corrected for finite sample size includedinourstudy,wealsoconductedacorrelation (AICc) to select the most informative model (Burn- analysis using the data base (http://www.worldclim. ham and Anderson 2010). We began by assessing org/bioclim)at30Arc-secondsresolutionforthefol- whetherquadratic terms forthe three covariates(Cx- lowing variables: annual mean temperature, 123 Doploidylevelandnucleargenomesizeandlatitudeoforigin 2537 isothermality(meandiurnalrange/temperatureannual significantlyrelatedtoCx-valuewasleaftoughness— range),temperatureseasonality(standarddeviationof plantswithlargermonoploidgenomestendedtohave the temperature 9 100), maximum temperature tougherleaves(Fig. 1). warmestmonth,minimumtemperaturecoldestmonth, For stem height, leaf water content, and ambient temperature annual range, annual precipitation, sea- aphidabundance,theAICc-bestmodelsuggestedthat sonal precipitation, precipitation wettest quarter and therelationshipbetweenmonoploidgenomesizeand precipitation driest quarter, where a quar- each of these traits differed between tetra- and ter = 3 months. Climate values were derived octoploids (i.e., a ploidy 9 Cx-value interaction; accordingtothemethodsofHijmansetal.(2005). Table 1). Stem height increased significantly with increasing Cx-value for tetraploids (R2 = 0.067, P = 0.004) but decreased with increasing Cx-value Results for octoploids (R2 = 0.054, P = 0.160) (Table 2; Fig. 2a). Leaf water content (Table 2; Fig. 2b) was Themonoploid genomesizefor 4x P.australis plants significantforincreasingCx-valuesintetraploidsbut included in the experiment was 0.500 ± 0.002 pg not octoploids. Finally, ambient aphid number per (mean ± SE; n = 126) and ranged from 0.470 pg to stem decreased significantly with Cx-value for octo- 0.573 pg. For 8x plants, Cx-value was 0.501 ± ploids whereas modelselectionfavored a non-signif- 0.002 pg (n = 40) and ranged from 0.485 pg to icant quadratic relationship between aphid number 0.521 pg. The difference in Cx-values between tetra- andCx-valueforthetetraploids(Table 2;Fig. 2c). and octoploids was not significant (t = 0.25, Latitude of origin was generally a better predictor 164 P = 0.98) suggesting that no genome downsizing of P. australis traits than genome size. Mean R2 was occurredintheoctoploidsthatwesampled. 0.12 ± 0.03forthe8traitsinwhichlatitudeoforigin Forthe10P.australistraits,theAICcbestmodels wasintheAICc-bestmodel(seeTables 1,2);almost are reported in Table 1. In general, the most likely threetimeshigherthanthemeanR2forCx-value(see models explaining variation in trait expression above). Regardless of ploidy level, % nitrogen included Cx-value and latitude. Monoploid genome decreasedlinearlywithlatitudeoforigin(R2 = 0.19, sizewaspresentinatleastoneofthecandidatemodels P\0.001) and the C:N ratio increased linearly with withsubstantialsupport(DAICc B 2)forall10traits. latitude of origin (R2 = 0.20, P\0.001). Interest- Infact,itwasinthemodelwiththehighestlikelihood ingly, % carbon and stem number per pot peaked at (i.e., lowest AICc value) in 9 of 10 cases (the intermediatelatitudesoforigin(theAICc-bestmodel exception being total phenolics; Table 1). Among all includedaquadraticfunction;Table 2;Fig. 3). supportedmodelsforthe10traits(n = 35),Cx-value For four traits, stem height, leaf water content, was a factor in 86 % of them. Latitude was in the ambient aphid abundance and aphid palatability AICc-bestmodelfor8of10traitsandwasafactorin (colony mass at 10 days), the relationship between 86 %ofthemodels(Table 1).Indescendingorderof latitude of origin and trait expression differed importance, the percentage of models with longitude between tetraploids and octoploids (Table 2). For of origin, ploidy, ploidy 9 latitude of origin interac- example, stem number increased (R2 = 0.11, tion, andploidy 9 Cx-valueinteractionwas 69 %(9 P = 0.041) and leaf water content decreased of10traits),60 %(9of10traits),29 %(6of10traits), (R2 = 0.32, P\0.001) with increasing latitude of and23 %(5of10traits),respectively(Table 1). origin for 8x plants (Fig. 4a) but no relationship Althoughgenomesizewasconsistentlyincludedas was observed for 4x plants (Fig. 4b). A quadratic a predictor variable of plant traits, the proportion of function best described the relationship between plant variation that was explained by Cx-value was palatability to aphids and latitude of origin but generallylow.Table 2showstheleast-squaresregres- 4x plants exhibited a trough while 8x plants sionmodelfortherelationshipbetweenCx-valueand exhibited a peak at intermediate latitudes of origin each plant trait after factoring out the effects of all (Fig. 4c). The relationship between latitude of other predictor variables from the AICc-best model. origin and ambient aphid abundance per stem was Thecoefficientofdetermination(R2)wasB0.10inall not statistically significant regardless of the ploidy cases and averaged 0.045 ± 0.01. One trait that was level (Table 2). 123 2538 L.A.Meyersonetal. Table2 Effectofthemonoploidgenomesize(Cx-value)andlatitudeoforiginoneachPhragmitesaustralistraitstudied Factor Trait Model R2 P Monoploidgenomesize %C -0.43(Cx)?0.23 0.001 0.884 %N -1.71(Cx)?0.85 0.098 0.263 CNratio 7.22(Cx)-3.59 0.005 0.395 lnStemheight 4x 2.51(Cx)-1.26 0.067 0.004 8x -5.08(Cx)?2.54 0.054 0.160 lnStemnumber -3.68(Cx)?1.86 0.015 0.116 %water 4x 0.84(Cx)-0.42 0.067 0.009 8x -1.18(Cx)?0.59 0.063 0.187 Leaftoughness 5.87(Cx)-2.95 0.030 0.029 Aphidnumber 4x 167.44(Cx)-163.46(Cx2)-42.79 0.006 0.699 8x -24.59(Cx)?12.00 0.107 0.048 lnAphidcolonymass -627.0(Cx)?614.7(Cx2)?159.6 0.035 0.057 Latitudeoforigin %C 0.11(L)-0.001(L2)-2.62 0.061 0.018 %N -0.02(L)?0.80 0.193 <0.001 CNratio 0.11(L)-4.68 0.203 <0.001 lnStemheight 4x 0.002(L)-0.085 0.007 0.362 8x 0.011(L)-0.424 0.111 0.041 lnStemnumber 0.190(L)-0.002(L2)-4.72 0.293 <0.001 %water 4x -0.0004(L)?0.022 0.005 0.492 8x -0.005(L)?0.194 0.324 0.001 Aphidnumber 4x 0.017(L)-0.949 0.026 0.082 8x -0.004(L)-0.220 0.001 0.817 lnAphidcolonymass 4x -0.550(L)?0.006(L2)?12.05 0.064 0.019 8x 0.504(L)-0.005(L2)-12.08 0.173 0.030 IftheAICc-bestmodelcontainedaploidy9Cx-valueinteraction,separatemodelswerereportedforeachploidylevel.Pvaluesin boldaresignificant(PB0.05).Valuesforeachtraitwereobtainedastheresidualsfromseparategeneralizedlinearmodelanalyses thatincludedallvariablesfromtheAICc-bestmodelexceptthetraitinquestion.Least-squaresregressionswereperformedonthe residualstoobtainthemodelandassociatedstatistics TestsoftherelationshipbetweenCx-valueandplant-traitvaluewereperformedusingresidualsfromtheAICc-bestmodel,minus Cx-value and all interactions involving Cx-value. The same approach was used for assessing the relationship between latitude of originandeachplanttrait In addition to ploidy-level effects on how trait 30 % higher total phenolics, 14 % fewer stems per expressionvarieswithlatitudeoforigin,ploidyperse pot, and 7 % fewer aphids per stem than octoploids. wasamodestlyimportantpredictorforonehalfofthe There were other significant differences between plant traits considered in this study (Table 3). The ploidy levels, but those differences were associated mostpronounceddifferenceswerethattetraploidshad with very small effect sizes—tetraploids had 3 % 123 Doploidylevelandnucleargenomesizeandlatitudeoforigin 2539 Fig.1 Therelationshipbetweenmonoploidgenomesize(Cx- value) and P. australis leaf toughness (kg). Leaf toughness valueswereobtainedastheresidualsfromageneralizedlinear modelanalysis thatincludedallvariables fromtheAICc-best model,excludingmonoploidgenomesize.Lineisfitbyleast- squaresregression taller stems and 2 % less % water content than octoploids. All other traits were indistinguishable betweenploidylevels(Table 3). As indicated by the frequent occurrence of longi- tudeoforiginintheAICc-bestmodels(seeTable 1), there are differences among continents/phylogeo- graphic groups. Interestingly, there were no interac- tions between longitude of origin and ploidy number or genome size. As this study is about karyological diversity and its effects on plant trait expression, no furtherdiscussionoflongitudeoforiginiswarranted. Finally, using the variables listed above from the Bioclim database (see ‘‘Statistical analysis’’ section), wefoundastrongnegativerelationship(r = -0.795) between latitude of origin and annual mean temper- ature and moderately strong relationships between latitude of origin and minimum temperature in the Fig.2 Therelationshipbetweenmonoploidgenomesize(Cx- coldest month (r = -0.595) and isothermality value)andP.australis.alnstemheight(cm),(b)percentwater (r = -0.508). The correlation coefficient was weak content, and c ambient aphid abundance per stem.Values for (r B 3) for all other variables except temperature stemheight,percentwaterandaphidabundancewereobtained seasonality, which was also weak at 0.306. All astheresidualsfromseparategeneralizedlinearmodelanalyses thatincludedallvariablesfromtheAICc-bestmodel,excluding correlationcoefficientsrelatinglongitudeoforiginto monoploid genome size. Because the AICc-best model the 10 variables were weak (r =\3) except precip- (Table1) included a ploidy*Cx-value interaction, separate itation, which showed a moderate negative relation- least-squares regression lines were fit to tetraploids and shipwithlongitudeoforigin(r = -0.435)andannual octoploids (see Table2). Quadratic regression was used for tetraploidsin(c).Note:onlyasingle,pooledregressionlinesis precipitation, which showed a weak negative linear provided in (b) because separate lines almost completely relationship(r = -0.361). overlapped 123 2540 L.A.Meyersonetal. Fig.3 Therelationshipbetweenlatitudeoforiginandnumber ofP.australisstemsperpot.Numberofstemsaretheresiduals from a generalized linear model analysis that included all variables from the AICc-best model, excluding latitude of origin.Lineisfitbyleast-squaresregression,bandrepresentsthe 95% confidence limits and dashed lines present the 95% predictionlimits Discussion Recent studies indicated a relationship between genomesizeandplanttraitsassociatedwithinvasive- ness such as growth rate and phenology (e.g. Kubesˇova´ et al. 2010), while others showed differ- encesbetweenplantdefensetraitsacrossploidylevels (e.g. te Beest et al. 2011); however, the effects of genome size and ploidy level have rarely been addressed simultaneously (Pandit et al. 2014). In our common garden study we examined 126 populations of tetraploid P. australis spanning from 14.6(cid:3)N to 61.8(cid:3)N and 40 octoploid populations spanning from 39.5(cid:3)S to 51.2(cid:3)N. We have documented significant intraspecific variation ingenomesize across globally distributed populations of P. australis. Furthermore, weexaminedtherolesmonoploidgenomesize,ploidy Fig.4 The relationship between latitude of origin and P. australis. a stem number, b percent water content, and and latitude of origin (and their interactions) play in cpalatabilitytoaphids(colonymassat10days).Aswiththe trait expression in a common garden setting that previousfigures,valuesforeachvariablearetheresidualsfrom allowed us to explore the relative contributions of thegeneralizedlinearmodelanalysesfromtheAICc-bestmodel thosefactorsonparticularplanttraits. excludinglatitudeoforigin We found that both monoploid genome size and latitudeoforigincontributedtovariationinnineoutof This suggests that while genome size and ploidy are the 10 traits that we studied for P. australis, with eachimportantfactorsthathelpdetermineplanttraits, latitudeoforiginbeinggenerallyabetterpredictorof eachisonlyacontributingfactorthatinteractswiththe traitvalues.Moreover,wefoundthatploidyleveland other, as well as the environment, and reinforces the its interaction with monoploid genome size and idea that no single trait can account for the invasion latitude of origin also contributed to trait variation. successofaspecies(The´baultetal.2011).Therewasa 123