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SESSION 8 Do Not Commit Adultery God Displays His Glory Through People of Purity Summary and Goal In the Seventh Commandment, God forbids adultery and thereby emphasizes the goodness of sex within the marriage covenant. Sexual immorality distorts the picture of the gospel and becomes an idol that controls our behavior. Jesus showed how the sin of adultery begins with lust in the human heart. Through the gospel, we are forgiven of our disobedience, and we are set free to live in purity so that others might see the goodness and glory of God. Steps to Prepare 1. Read the main passages for this lesson, recording your insights and questions: - Deuteronomy 5:18 - Proverbs 6:20-29 - Matthew 5:27-30 2. Study the Expanded Lesson Content (pp. 94-101). - Determine what elements of this lesson are most applicable to your particular group. - Consider ways to personalize the lesson content for you and your class. 3. Review the Teaching Plan (pp. 92-93). - Refine the lesson plan based on your group’s particular needs. - Adjust the plan if necessary. 4. Pray for the Lord’s guidance as you lead your group through this material. Lesson Outline 1. Why does God forbid adultery? (Deut. 5:18) 2. What are the consequences of breaking this Commandment? (Prov. 6:20-29) 3. What is the solution to a lustful heart? (Matt. 5:27-30) Session 8 91 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources. Permission granted to reproduce and distribute within the license agreement with purchaser. Teaching Plan Do Not Commit Adultery Session 8 Introduce the Lesson For Further Begin by showing or describing the Pepsi commercial with the Coke driver Discussion using a Pepsi product (leader p. 94; personal study p. 74). In what ways can those of us who are single bring In society, fidelity is often an unspoken expectation. honor and glory to God Perhaps it’s being faithful to a team, a company, a brand, in a way that displays the a product, a political party, or a social cause. What does beauty of the gospel? betrayal look like in these cases? Does pledging fidelity by an oath or contract change the situation? For Further Transition to the subject matter of this lesson by pointing out how Scripture Discussion requires fidelity to God (the First Commandment) and to our spouse (the Seventh Commandment) (leader pp. 94-95; personal study pp. 74-75). Read 2 Samuel 11 and list the mistakes that David made before, 1. W hy does God forbid adultery? during, and after his descent into adultery. Read Deuteronomy 5:18, and open up for discussion the reasons why God forbids adultery. Highlight the reasons below (leader pp. 95-97; personal study pp. 75-76:) • Because it goes against God’s original design For Further What are some passages in the Bible that extol the Discussion beauty and glory of sex within marriage? What does the Reflect on the saying “Sex prohibition against adultery tell us about God’s view of sex sells.” Why is sex appeal and marriage? so powerful? • Because it destroys marriages and families Have you or someone you know walked through the pain caused by adultery? What were the consequences of this sin? Why do you think immorality is treated so seriously in the Scriptures? • Because it damages a picture of the gospel • Because it is an expression of spiritual adultery What are some activities the Scriptures would consider spiritually adulterous toward God? 92 Leader Guide | Summer 2014 2. What are the consequences of breaking this Commandment? For Further Read Proverbs 6:20-29, encouraging your group to notice the contrast between Discussion “life” (wise obedience) and “death” (burned by disobedience). Trace the progression What are some various of sin—flattery, lust, infatuation (leader p. 98; personal study pp. 76-77.) activities that would fall under the prohibition against adultery in the What are some elements of temptation that can lead a Seventh Commandment? person into sexual immorality? In what ways can Christians guard against potentially compromising situations? Highlight the description of one who commits adultery in Proverbs 7, especially For Further Discussion how the story ends (vv. 22-23). Drive home the serious consequences of adultery—idolatry that leads to destruction. Mention that sex outside of marriage What are some examples cheapens God’s gift of sexuality (leader pp. 98-99; personal study pp. 77-78.) of movies or television shows that romanticize or glamorize adultery? What In what ways can sexual sin become an idol? What are some should be our response to ways you see a cheapening of sexuality in society today? their message? 3. What is the solution to a lustful heart? Transition to this point by asking the group what we should do in light of God’s design for sexuality. Introduce Matthew 5:27-30, and encourage your group to note how Jesus traces adulterous behavior back to the heart (leader pp. 99-100; personal study p. 78). Emphasize the need for a gospel-transformed heart as the only solution to lust and adultery. Then discuss specific ways we can avoid temptation, pornography, lust, etc. (leader p. 100; personal study pp. 78-79). How does pornography distort sexual desire? What are some practical ways we can hold each other accountable as we seek to live holy, pure lives that glorify God? Tell the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery to drive home the point that our sexual sins can be forgiven (leader p. 101; personal study p. 79). How can we demonstrate the attitude of Christ toward those who have fallen into adultery? How does the gospel give us hope as we deal with sexual sin? Conclusion Connect these truths to our mission as Christ’s followers. The stronger our marriages, the stronger our gospel witness (leader p. 101; personal study p. 79). What is the connection between our purity as God’s people and our proclamation of the gospel? What are some practical ways we can elevate the institution of marriage in our churches? Session 8 93 Expanded Lesson Content Do Not Commit Adultery Session 8 Opening Illustration and Introduction Not long ago, a commercial came out for Pepsi Max® that depicted two truck drivers eating at the same diner. One represented Pepsi Max and the other Coca Cola Zero®. The Pepsi guy strikes up a conversation with the Coke guy while the song “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” plays from the jukebox. Next, the Pepsi driver offers a Pepsi Max to his newfound friend Voices from (who happens to be wearing a Coca Cola hat and uniform). Thinking this is Church History a sign of true friendship, the Coke driver takes a large swig of the soda. But the Pepsi driver gets his smartphone out, records the other driver, posts the “We should fear and love God, and so we should video to YouTube, and then tells the guy what he’s just done. The commercial lead a chaste and pure life ends with the two of them launching out of the diner window in a brawl. in word and deed, each one loving and honoring his The reason the Pepsi Max commercial is effective is because we see the wife or her husband.” 1 Coca Cola driver “cheating” on his company. In reality, of course, he was –Martin Luther (1483-1546) just drinking another soda. He was not married to the product; he just worked for the company. Even though he wouldn’t be legally prohibited from drinking Pepsi, there was irony in his actions. What makes the spot Voices from effective is that we expect fidelity from the truck driver, even without an the Church oath or commitment. “If God had the gospel of Jesus’s salvation in mind In society, fidelity is often an unspoken expectation. when he established Perhaps it’s being faithful to a team, a company, a brand, marriage, then marriage a product, a political party, or a social cause. What does only ‘works’ to the degree that approximates the betrayal look like in these cases? Does pledging fidelity by pattern of God’s self-giving an oath or contract change the situation? love in Christ.” 2 –Timothy and Kathy Keller Scripture has much to say about fidelity, oaths, and commitment. But Scripture’s focus is on more important things than brand loyalty for certain teams or companies or products. 94 Leader Guide | Summer 2014 First and foremost, God desires for us to be faithful to Him, to put no other gods before Him and live in purity. This faithfulness is expressed Further in our actions, such as our faithful, lifelong commitment to our husband Commentary or wife. God intended marriage to be for life. Because marriage is the “If murder is a violation physical and spiritual union of a man and woman, dire consequences of life itself, adultery is a violation of its most come from breaking this commitment. important and sacred human relationship, that of marriage. The seventh Lesson Summary commandment deals In this session, we will look at the Seventh Commandment, in which with this matter rather specifically in that it God forbids adultery and thereby emphasizes the goodness of sex within addresses adultery and the marriage covenant. Sexual immorality distorts the picture of the gospel not sexual impropriety in general as the precise and becomes an idol that controls our behavior. Jesus showed how the sin verb na’ap makes clear. of adultery begins with lust in the human heart. Through the gospel, we Elsewhere such matters as fornication (Num. 25:1), are forgiven of our disobedience, and we are set free to live in purity so prostitution (Deut. 22:21), that others might see the goodness and glory of God. and homosexuality (Judg. 19:22; Lev. 18:22; Deut. 23:17-18) receive 1. Why does God forbid adultery? (Deut. 5:18) attention and are soundly condemned. Following the Commandment forbidding murder is the one Adultery, however, implies forbidding adultery. Take a look at the stark, black-and-white way the unfaithfulness, covenant breaking, and so is an apt Commandment comes to us: analogue to covenant infidelity on a higher 18 “ ‘And you shall not commit adultery. plane—the divine-human. Later revelation speaks of ‘going whoring’ after other Reasons in Scripture That God Forbids Adultery gods, that is, abandoning the redeeming sovereign in favor of another who Because it goes against God’s original design. The prohibition against has no covenant claim or legitimacy (cf. Hos. 4:1-19; adultery doesn’t make sense until we understand God’s original design for Jer. 3:9-13).” 3 sexual expression within the confines of marriage. From the beginning, –Eugene H. Merrill God established a blueprint for the family. He saw that it was not good for man to be alone, and He created woman. Adam and Eve together reflected the image of God in their relationship of trust and love. In Genesis 2:24-25, we read: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” God’s design was for one man to be united with one woman as one flesh. Man would leave his father and mother in order to form a new family. In the innocence and purity of the garden of Eden, they would live together naked and not feel any shame. What are some passages in the Bible that extol the beauty and glory of sex within marriage? What does the prohibition against adultery tell us about God’s view of sex and marriage? Session 8 95 Because it destroys marriages and families. The glorious picture of marital Voices from bliss in the garden was shattered by human sin. When the first couple sinned Church History against God, they became separated from God. The marriage covenant is still powerful, but because of sin, it is a fractured version of what God originally “We are temples of the Holy Spirit, body and soul, intended. Trust is broken. Marriages are imperfect. Many fall apart. and God wants both to be Throughout Old Testament history, we see how marriage was kept clean and holy. That is why He forbids everything damaged as a result of sin in the world. Men mistreated women by which incites unchastity, betraying them or taking multiple wives. Adultery became commonplace. whether it be actions, looks, talk, thoughts, A well-known story of adultery in the Old Testament is King David or desires.” and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11. Here we see a strong king who followed –The Heidelberg Catechism after God’s heart but fell to the sin of adultery. David, the giant-killer and mighty warrior, saw from the rooftop of his palace a beautiful woman bathing. What the king wanted, the king got. Disregarding the fact she was married to Uriah—a soldier on the front lines of his army fighting for Israel—David slept with her. After Bathsheba informed him she was pregnant, David sent for Uriah, thinking he could cover up his sin by having Uriah spend the night with his wife. But Uriah was a faithful servant who extolled the virtues of his king and his soldiers. Even David’s plot to use alcohol to dull Uriah’s senses didn’t work. Uriah didn’t sleep with his wife, and the secret pregnancy would soon be known. The lust that led David to adultery next led him to lie and then led him to kill. In a remarkable display of depravity, David sent Uriah to the front lines and ordered the military commander to pull back during the fighting so Uriah would die. David did not get away with this act of cruelty. God’s law was clear, and God’s law was intended to guide His people to a life filled with joy. David’s sin reaped severe consequences for his family and his country. Have you or someone you know walked through the pain caused by adultery? What were the consequences of this sin? Why do you think immorality is treated so seriously in the Scriptures? Because it damages a picture of the gospel. You may wonder what God’s law about adultery has to do with the gospel. In Galatians 3:24, Paul wrote that “the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.” If we apply this verse about the law in general to the specific law against adultery, we see that this Commandment (like a guardian) was meant to protect marriage. It protects the design of what God established from the beginning. The law also protected marriage as a picture of the gospel. The apostle Paul wrote that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Eph. 5:25). Marriage is connected to Christ in that it paints a picture of our relationship with God. 96 Leader Guide | Summer 2014 In Matthew 19:5-6, Jesus reaffirmed the Old Testament’s vision of a man leaving his family to become one flesh with his wife. This passage Voices from demonstrates the fact that Christ came to fulfill the law, not abolish it. It the Church also demonstrates the importance of fidelity in marriage. Jesus went so far “As believers, through as to say, “What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.” Christ we have been made worthy to be a place that God is the One who joins man and woman together. Marriage is God is pleased to dwell. more than a document that deals with assets, rights, and obligations. It is In light of this, we must be driven to live a life the physical, lasting union of a man and woman for life. Adultery is the reflecting who is inside tearing apart of the “one flesh” God has established. That’s why it damages of us.” 4 people emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. –Eric Mason Because it is an expression of spiritual adultery. Physical adultery may be against a spouse, but there is always a spiritual component that Further is against God. That’s why David, who sinned against Bathsheba and Commentary her husband, when confessing his sin, cried out to God for forgiveness: “There is a kind of praying “Against you, you only, have I sinned” (Ps. 51:4). Physical adultery is an that is wrong because expression of spiritual adultery. it makes a cuckold out of God. We use our In Scripture, God often describes His relationship with His people in Husband’s generosity to terms of a marriage covenant. The expectation is love and fidelity. God is hire prostitutes for private pleasures. These are faithful and constantly pursuing His people, but His people “cheat” on startling words. James calls Him by running after idols. us ‘adulterous people’ if we pray like this. He pictures Through the prophets Hosea and Ezekiel, God described His the church as the wife relationship with the nation of Israel in graphic terms. God said that of God. God has made us for Himself and has He covered the nakedness of Israel and entered into a covenant with given Himself to us for our “her,” giving the nation a female description in order to compare His enjoyment. Therefore, it is adultery when we try to be relationship with Israel to that of a groom and bride. He bestowed ‘friends’ with the world. If wealth and gifts on His beloved, but the nation chose to worship idols. we seek from the world the pleasures we should seek Ezekiel 16:15 says: “But you trusted in your beauty and played the whore in God, we are unfaithful because of your renown and lavished your whorings on any passerby; to our marriage vows. And, what’s worse, when we go your beauty became his.” to our heavenly Husband The seriousness with which God takes our sin is a sign that God and actually pray for the resources with which to desires to receive glory and love from us. He desires to have a relationship commit adultery with the with His people, and this relationship must be exclusive. world, it is a very wicked thing. It is as though we As believers, our relationship with Christ is now described in terms of would ask our husband a bride and groom. In James 4:4, we read that friendship with the world is for money to hire male prostitutes to provide the hostility toward God. Those who give themselves over to worldly patterns pleasure we don’t find of thought and behavior are “adulteresses”—serious language from a God in him!” 5 serious about loving His people! –John Piper What are some activities the Scriptures would consider spiritually adulterous toward God? Session 8 97 2. What are the consequences of breaking this Further Commandment? (Prov. 6:20-29) Commentary We’ve seen that God forbids adultery because it unravels a bond “Instruction that has been that should never be broken. Now let’s look at the consequences that internalized sustains the come from disregarding the Seventh Commandment. Proverbs 6 gives person who faces moral challenges (Ps. 119:11). While instruction and warning against adultery: verse 21 refers to ‘them,’ verse 22 literally says ‘she 20 My son, keep your father’s commandment, will guide you,’ perhaps referring to the command and forsake not your mother’s teaching. or the teaching in verse 20 21 Bind them on your heart always; or to Lady Wisdom, a common personification tie them around your neck. of wisdom. The word for 22 When you walk, they will lead you; ‘guide’ is the same as ‘leads’ in Ps. 23:3. Walking, when you lie down, they will watch over you; lying down, and waking and when you awake, they will talk with you. up covers all aspects of daily life.” 23 For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, “[Verse 26] is not to excuse and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life, prostitution (1 Cor. 6:15-20) 24 to preserve you from the evil woman, but to illustrate the terrible penalty of adultery by from the smooth tongue of the adulteress. way of comparison; the 25 Do not desire her beauty in your heart, adulteress will destroy someone’s life.” and do not let her capture you with her eyelashes; “[Verses 27-29] illustrate 26 for the price of a prostitute is only a loaf of bread, the inevitability of but a married woman hunts down a precious life. punishment. To ‘go unpunished’ is a legal term 27 Can a man carry fire next to his chest meaning to be acquitted, and his clothes not be burned? declared innocent, pardoned, or released; 28 Or can one walk on hot coals to be set free from guilt, and his feet not be scorched? liability, or punishment (Ex. 21:19; Num. 5:31). The 29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; basic meaning of the word none who touches her will go unpunished. is to be pure, clean, or free. To say that someone will not go unpunished This passage begins with the author telling the reader that his wisdom is more emphatic than simply saying he will will bring life and discipline. It is written from the perspective of a father be punished.” 6 giving advice to his son. He wants him to stay away from the woman –David K. Stabnow, who has a flattering tongue. He warns his son not to lust after her or be HCSB Study Bible captivated by her eyelashes. Notice the progression: flattery leads to lust and then infatuation. What are some elements of temptation that can lead a person into sexual immorality? In what ways can Christians guard against potentially compromising situations? The following chapter in Proverbs reiterates these warnings in the form of a story. A young man wanders past the house of a seductress. Lacking sense, he goes inside. With smooth words she convinces him that her husband is away and will not be back for some time. 98 Leader Guide | Summer 2014 (Sounds like someone today saying, “No one needs to know!”) The dire result is communicated in Proverbs 7:22-23: “All at once he follows her, as Voices from an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast till an arrow pierces Church History its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost “The sin of immorality is him his life.” not one we are instructed to fight. It is one we have This language may seem harsh, but that’s how serious the sin is. The been told to flee. Run point of these warnings is that our actions have severe consequences. from that compromising situation. Saturate that Violating the law of God will not go unpunished. We will face earthly place with your absence.” 7 consequences for our sin, and unless we repent, we will face eternal –Adrian Rogers (1931-2005) condemnation too. Do you see the contrast between life and death in Proverbs 6? The command to discipline oneself to stay away from adultery is “the way of life” (6:23). Obedience lends protection from evil and resistance to Voices from the Church flattery (6:24). The adulteress goes after “a precious life” (6:26). Then note the imagery at the end: fire, burnt clothes, and scorched feet—vivid “When you allow your eyes to feast on the illustrations of the punishment promised in verse 29. forbidden, the result will be The consequences of adultery, just like the consequences of all sin, are great folly.” 8 spiritual and physical death. If left unchecked, sexual desire can become –Johnny Hunt an idol that consumes our hearts. That’s why we must guard our heart from anything that would hinder our relationship with God. Choosing to disobey God is choosing death over life. Voices from Another consequence of adultery is that it cheapens the beautiful Church History gift of sex that God has given us. The Bible doesn’t just give us warnings “There are as many against sex outside of marriage; it also commends sex inside of marriage. snares as there are sins; For example, Song of Solomon is a love poem between a husband and wife as many hunters as there are snares.” 9 who have a strong physical and emotional desire for one another. They –Jerome (347-420) describe their physical attraction in vivid language. Take the beautiful descriptions of marital love in Song of Solomon and compare them to the warnings against adultery in Proverbs 6–7. Immediately you can see how sex outside of God’s plan cheapens the gift. In what ways can sexual sin become an idol? What are some ways you see a cheapening of sexuality in society today? 3. What is the solution to a lustful heart? (Matt. 5:27-30) We’ve seen that the prohibition against adultery is an expression of God’s desire for His people to live according to His design. We’ve also seen that keeping this Commandment leads to life, while breaking this Commandment leads to death and destruction. We know that adultery tramples on the gift of marriage by polluting it with sexual immorality. But how do we stay pure? In a fallen world, we will battle lust and temptation. What do we do? Session 8 99 The law focuses on the action of what not to do. Jesus, however, went even further. Knowing that our actions and motives are marred by sin, Further Commentary Jesus claimed that even if we do not outwardly commit the sin of adultery, we are guilty of sin because of our inward lusts. In Matthew 5, Jesus took “ ‘Adultery’ usually referred to sexual relations by the Seventh Commandment and went beyond the action to the heart: a married person with a partner other than his or her spouse, but 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ v. 28 makes clear that 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent Jesus is not limiting his commandments to married has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye people but speaking of causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you sexual sin in general… Christians must recognize lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. those thoughts and actions 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. which, long before any overt sexual sin, make the For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole possibility of giving in to body go into hell. temptation more likely, and they must take dramatic action to avoid them… According to Jesus, it’s not the hands and feet that lead us to adultery; Literal self-mutilation is not Christ’s objective. it’s the heart. Therefore, the solution to a lustful heart is not willpower or It is quite possible to be self-discipline or self-mastery. It’s a heart transformation. The only solution blind or crippled and still lust. Rather, as is to an adulterous heart is to have our hearts changed by the gospel. Living characteristic of Jesus’ in light of this change, we are to do whatever it takes to remain pure. figurative and hyperbolic style, he commands us How do we apply Jesus’ teaching in this passage? To begin with, we to take drastic measures ought to recognize pornography as a form of adultery of the heart, just as to avoid temptations to sexual sin—to remove lustful thoughts and fantasies are. Whether in the form of visual pictures from ourselves anyone or or erotic romance novels, pornography leads to more and more lust. anything that could lead us into scandal (‘causes you As those who have had our hearts transformed, we are called by Christ to sin’)…Eternal judgment to go beyond the mere avoidance of adulterous actions and fight against appears as the punishment for those who fail to heed adulterous thoughts as well. This may mean giving up some of the movies Jesus’ words. Sin that is not and television shows we watch. It may mean building in accountability dealt with leads inexorably to judgment. Jesus is not online or on our phones. If that seems too severe, just look at the severity implying, however, that of Jesus’ warnings in verses 29-30. Better to lose something that leads us to sexual sin cannot be forgiven when there is sin rather than be thrown into hell! true repentance.” 10 Stop and think for a moment: What in this lifetime is worth an eternity –Craig L. Blomberg in hell? The Scriptures are clear that the pleasures of sexual sin last for a moment. Eternity without Christ is suffering that will not end. The harsh words of Jesus are for our good, meant to shake us out of our slumber. If the earthly consequences of sexual sin aren’t enough to keep you from falling, then consider the eternal consequences of unrepentant sin! Proactively dealing with sexual sin and temptation does not mean creating a checklist of legalistic requirements. It means our pursuit of pleasure in God is greater than our pursuit of pleasure in the world. So take a good look at your life. If you are currently in or close to an adulterous relationship, end it immediately and confess. If you are addicted to Internet pornography, get some accountability. There should be a sense of urgency in fighting sexual sin. 100 Leader Guide | Summer 2014

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