Do mergers trigger AGNs? Marco Chiaberge Space Telescope Science Ins4tute Johns Hopkins University Colin Norman (STScI/JHU), Roberto Gilli (INAF-‐OABo), Jennifer Lotz (STScI) DO MERGERS PLAY A ROLE IN TRIGGERING AGN ACTIVITY? WHAT TRIGGERS A RADIO-‐LOUD AGN? AGN – galaxies co-‐evolu4on The black hole “awakes” AGN/Quasar Galaxy mergers Ultra luminous IR galaxy AGN fades Galaxy group Stars evolve “Normal” galaxy “Old” ellipPcal galaxy Hopkins et al. 2008 the RL/RQ dichotomy RQ Kellerman et al. 1989 RL 114 PG QSO Bimodal distribution? White et al. 2000, Izevic et al. 2004, Cirasuolo et al 2007, Balokovic et al 2012 RL/RQ separation R = F / F = 10 5GHz B R > 10 is a good definiPon of radio loudness for QSOs At low L the threshold shifts bol towards higher values R~100 Chiaberge et al. 06, Sikora et al 2007 What is the origin of radio galaxies’ powerful jets? Spin paradigm (Blandford 1990) jets are powered by spinning BHs L ∝ λ2 B2 M2 EM BH Blandford & Znajek 77, Tchekhovskoy et al. 2011, McKinney et al 2012, Ghisellini et al 2014 Radio Loud rapidly spinning BHs Mergers? Radio Quiet slowly spinning BHs? Accretion? Wilson & Colbert 1995, Moderski, Sikora & Lasota 1998, Volonteri et al. 2007, 2013 MERGERS and AGN activity: still debated Some evidence that some AGNs are more common in close (interacting) pairs e.g. Silverman et al. 2011, Satyapal et al. 2014, Ellison et al. 2015 Distributions of asymmetry and concentration indices in GOODS show no connection between recent mergers and X-ray selected AGNs Grogin et al 2005, Schawinsky et al. 2011 Powerful reddened QSOs at z~2 L ~ 1048 erg s-1 are mergers bol Glikman et al. 2015, also Urrutia et al. 2008 Dependence of the AGN merger fraction on luminosity Treister et al 2011, Glickman et al. 2015 No dependence of AGN merger fraction on luminosity. Less than 40% of the highest luminosity AGNs may be triggered by mergers (CANDELS) Villforth et al. 2014 ULIRGs are mergers Veilleux et al. 2002 Are low – z Radio Galaxies mergers? Heckman 1986, Colina & de Juan 1995, Ramos Almeida et al. 2012 3CR HST SNAPSHOT survey Cycle 19 12 Radio galaxies +11 QSOs 1 < z < 2.5 Hilbert , Chiab et al. (in prep) HST WFC3 UVIS F606W + IR F140W L ~1037 erg s-1 Hz-1 178MHz L ~ 1046 erg s-1 bol PI M. Chiaberge W.B. Sparks (STScI) G. Miley (Leiden) A. Capetti (INAF-OATO) D. Macchetto (STScI) S. Baum (RIT) C. O’Dea (RIT) G. Tremblay (ESO) E. Perlman (FIT) A. Quillen (UofR) Bryan Hilbert (STScI) JohnPaul Kotyla (STScI-JHU) C. Stanghellini (INAF-IRA) E. Torresi (INAF-IASF) P. Grandi (IAF-IASF) Adapted form McLure et al 04, Willott et al 2000 POWERFUL RADIO GALAXIES AT z>1 3CR images with HST WFC3/IR F140W Hilbert , Chiab et al. (in prep) Chiab, Gilli, Lotz and Norman 2015 WHAT IS THE ROLE OF MERGERS? Radio loud and radio quiet Type 2 AGNs at 1< z< 2.5 observed with HST- WFC3/IR LOW LUMINOSITY Radio Galaxies from CANDELS/ECDFS Bonzini et al. 12, 13 Grogin et al. 2011 Bonzini et al. 2013 Koekemoer et al. 2011 9 Radio galaxies 1030 < P < 4x1032 erg s-1 Hz-1 1.4 q = log(F /F ) <~ 0.1 24 24µm 1.4GHz L < 1043 erg s-1 2-10keV Chiab, Gilli, Lotz et al. 2015 WHAT IS THE ROLE OF MERGERS? Radio loud and radio quiet Type 2 AGNs at 1< z< 2.5 observed with HST- WFC3/IR LOW POWER Type 2 AGN (RQ) from CANDELS/ECDFS 26 Objects L < 2 x 1042 erg s-1 2-10keV HIGH POWER Type 2 QSO (RQ) from CANDELS/ECDFS 9 Objects L > 1 x 1044 erg s-1 2-10keV Non Active Galaxies from 3D-HST/GOODS-S Skelton et al. 14, Grogin et al. 14, Koekemoer et al. 14 ~100 Objects Bright (matched with the 3CR hosts), Faint (matched with RQTY2AGN) High-mass 1-5x 1011 M sun