Write to us at: USA: RBC Ministries PO Box 2222 Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2222 CANADA: Radio Bible Class (Canada) Box 1622 Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7 RBC Web site: www.rbc.org DISCOVERY SERIES booklets Many people, can be valuable guides to help making even you learn what the Bible says the smallest of about a broad range of topics donations, enable including creation, the church, RBC Ministries to and how to live the Christian reach others with life. Each 32-page booklet can be the life-changing used in your personal Bible study wisdom of the or in a small-group setting. Bible. We are not Visit us on the Web at funded or endowed by any group or www.discoveryseries.org/catalog denomination. to get your free copy of our Bible Resources catalog. Q0107 Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 1 DO CHRISTIANS BELIEVE IN THREE GODS? CONTENTS MMuslims, Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Questions At The Door. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 and Mormons say yes. They insist that the orthodox How Important Is The Teaching Of Christian doctrine of the Trinity is Three In One? . . . . . . . . 4 unbiblical and is a hangover from What Is The Relationship the polytheism of Greek and Of Father,Son,And Spirit? Roman mythologies. Is this true? The Father As God . . . . . 7 Or is believing in a three-in-one God foundational to biblical The Son As God . . . . . . . 8 faith? The Holy Spirit To help answer these As God . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 questions, RBC senior research Do Christians editor Herb Vander Lugt has Believe In Three Gods Or One?. . . . . . . 21 written the following pages to show what the Bible says about Questions People Ask . . . . . . . . . . 23 the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is What Difference Does It Make?. . . . . . . . 30 our prayer that this booklet will help you to see why followers of Knowing God. . . . . . . . 32 Christ believe in a three-in-one God, and why this doctrine of the Trinity has such great significance. Martin R. De Haan II Managing Editor:David Sper Cover Photo:Roger Markham Smith/TSW Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version.Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,Inc.Used by permission.All rights reserved. © 1992,2002 RBC Ministries,Grand Rapids,Michigan Printed in USA © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 2 QUESTIONS AT problems to a national THE DOOR spiritual crisis. They are looking for people who are IIt’s 10:15 Saturday willing to study the Bible morning. A slow-starting with them. weekend yawns one You don’t invite them in, more time. Sections of the but you find it hard to turn newspaper try to make them away. You sense they conversation with a half- have earned a few minutes empty coffeemaker. A nearly of your time simply by their overdrawn checkbook waits willingness to stand at your to be balanced. Breakfast door. You wonder if you’d dishes lie in state on the be willing to do as much kitchen table. Then the for your own faith. Would doorbell reminds you that you knock on the door of you owe the paperboy for strangers to talk to them 2 months of news. about the future, about As you open the door, God, and about their soul? two young men dressed in These members of a white shirts and ties greet faith different from yours you with a smile. You’ve are doing that. These never seen them before. serious-minded visitors Yet you recognize them have a message of warning and their briefcase. Other about average, normal, run- members of their faith have of-the-mill church people. visited you in the past. You They say they can show you expect that these two will from your own Bible that ask similar questions about much of what church people your spiritual interests. They believe is actually contrary will politely try to give you to the Bible. Christians, they pamphlets linking our social say, have believed a lie. 2 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 3 Take, for instance, the The visitors at your church’s doctrine of the door are not alone in their Trinity, they say. Christians anti-Trinity conviction. They worship a Father, Son, and join with Jews, Muslims, Holy Spirit. Yet Moses, and several other Bible- the great lawgiver revered quoting voices who insist by Jews, Christians, and that anyone believing in Muslims alike, declared that the Trinity has violated there is only one God when the sacred Hebrew Shema he wrote, “Hear, O Israel: recited twice daily by devout The Lord our God, the Lord Jews: “Hear, O Israel: The is one! You shall love the Lord our God, the Lord is Lord your God with all your one!” heart, with all your soul, Anti-Trinity groups insist and with all your strength” that when we speak about (Dt. 6:4-5). God as existing in three How, your visitors Persons, we are in reality gently prod, can Christians establishing three Gods. be faithful to Moses and to They rightly declare that the the foundations of the Old word trinitynever appears Testament while worshiping in the sacred Scriptures. three distinct Persons of But then they go on to say Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? that this idea of three-in-one Is it possible, they ask you, was transplanted into that you have bought into Christianity from Greek a doctrine that violates the and Roman paganism. most basic teaching of the Is it possible that they are Bible? Is it possible that you right? Is there evidence that have unknowingly accepted this teaching had its origin in a teaching that puts you at paganism? Is the doctrine of risk with God? a three-in-one God biblical? 3 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 4 HOW IMPORTANT church theologians, a IS THE TEACHING biblical teaching of the OF THREE IN greatest importance. Catholic, Protestant, ONE? and Orthodox branches of OOpponents of the the church all agree that teaching of the the New Testament teaching Trinity make very of a three-in-one God is a serious claims. They insist doctrine firmly grounded in that anyone who believes in Scripture not in philosophy. a three-in-one God violates Together they agree that the the first commandment of Trinity shows us the extent to Moses in which the Lord which God’s own existence is states, “I am the Lord your rooted in the joys of eternal God, who brought you out relationship. The three-in- of the land of Egypt, out of oneness of God shows us the house of bondage. You the eternal reality of His shall have no other gods love and the enormous before Me” (Ex. 20:2-3). price that God paid in giving Yet, for many centuries His Son as a sacrifice for our church theologians have sin. The three-in-oneness also made serious claims of God shows that our own in support of the Trinity. relationships are important to This doctrine, according a God in whom relationship to church fathers, is not a and love are foundational to matter of pagan philosophy. His existence. A three-in-one It is not polytheistic. It is not God gives us the example of a matter of semantics. That one who exists not merely as the one true and Most High one, but in the inexpressible God exists in three distinct joy and creativity of a Persons is, according to perfectly shared relationship. 4 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 5 Unlike the many warring example, He said, “Let Us gods of pagan religion, and make man in Our image, unlike our own history of according to Our likeness” broken relationships, this (Gen. 1:26). Later, after God is always one in mind Adam and Eve had eaten and heart and action. from the forbidden tree, All major branches of God said, “Behold, the man Christendom also agree has become like one of Us, that a three-in-one God is to know good and evil” consistent with the trail of (Gen. 3:22). Old Testament evidence for When Moses declared the same doctrine. The Old that God is one (Dt. 6:4), Testament gives strong he used the same word he implications that though had employed to describe God is one, He is not a the “one flesh” relationship solitary Being. Old of a man and his wife (Gen. Testament writers often 2:24). The word onein use language that makes Deuteronomy 6:4 definitely us think of a plurality within allows for the idea of a this unity. plurality of Persons within For example, the word the unity of the Godhead. translated “God” some 2,570 Both Testaments, times in the Old Testament is therefore, give us reason Elohim—a plural term. In to believe that onecan be all except five instances, it more than one. That this is clearly refers to the one God beyond our ability to fully who is Creator, Sustainer, understand is not reason and Master of everything. to reject it, but to try to God sometimes used understand as much a plural pronoun when as we can of what God speaking of Himself. For has revealed. 5 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 6 WHAT IS THE The New Testament RELATIONSHIP does not reveal these three OF FATHER, SON, Persons to us separately, but in a profound sense of unity. AND SPIRIT? It represents all three in a SSome Christians have relationship of oneness and attempted to explain love for one another and the three-in-oneness for us as well. of God by suggesting that The New Testament God has three different ways relationship between of revealing Himself to us. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Sometimes He portrays disproves the conclusion that Himself as Father, the Father alone should be sometimes as Son, and thought of as the only True sometimes as Holy Spirit. and Most High God. While The explanation of one it is understandable that God in three different roles some would try to protect might carry more weight if it the oneness of God by seeing were not for the evidence for the Son and Spirit as lesser plurality within oneness that beings or forces, such a we have already considered. conclusion is not valid. Since the Old Testament The Old Testament makes does reveal a God who it clear that the one true God says, “Let Us create man of the Bible is a jealous God. in Our image,” it’s much He is a God who, according easier for us to understand to Isaiah, will not give His the sense of relationship, glory to another (Is. 48:9-12). submission, love, and The God of the New loyalty that the Scriptures Testament, however, links describe as existing between His own name in the the Father, Son, and Spirit. threefold designation as 6 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 7 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Just as important, the New R Testament shows us that the E H S Father makes our relationship FAT ON to Him dependent on our relationship to the Son, and our relationship to HOLY SPIRIT the Son dependent on our relationship to the Spirit. This God certainly shares His the nation of Israel (Dt. 32:6; glory among three Persons, Isa. 1:2; Hos. 11:1; Mal. who in turn offer Their love to 2:10). Jesus called God His all who will accept the love of Father (Jn. 5:17-18) and the Father, Son, and Spirit. taught us to pray, “Our To see how the glory of Father in heaven”(Mt. 6:9). a jealous God is shared in He told us that we are to this oneness of Persons, come to the Father in His let’s take a brief look at each name (Jn. 16:23). He Person of this one Godhead declared that both He and as described by the Bible. His Father would soon send His disciples a divine Helper THE FATHER (Jn. 15:26). AS GOD It is clear from these Among those who recognize verses that the Father is the authority of the Bible, God. God is Father. The few if any doubt the full apostle Paul referred to Him deity of the Father. In many as the “God and Father of different ways, the Father is our Lord Jesus Christ, the revealed as the personal God Father of mercies and God of creation. The Scriptures of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3). reveal God as the Father of What is important about 7 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 8 the Father’s revelation of great prophet. But she Himself, however, is that insists that Islam’s sacred He made our relationship book “states emphatically to Him dependent on our in passage after passage that relationship to His only Son. Jesus is not God’s Son, . . . that such a notion has much THE SON AS GOD more in common with pagan The New Testament writers repeatedly refer to Jesus R Christ as the Son of God. E H S But what does this title FAT ON mean? Jehovah’s Witnesses take this expression to mean that HOLY SPIRIT He was ason of God, much like angels and other human beings. They believe that mythologies in which Jesus was the archangel ‘gods’ fathered semi-divine Michael in human form. children by human women, Present-day leaders in than with a true religion Judaism say that Jesus was coming from God” (What a great prophet, but nothing Everyone Should Know more. Muslims take the About Islam And Muslims, same view. Suzanne Haneef, 1979, Kazi Haneef, a well-educated Publications, Chicago). contemporary Muslim, The New Testament, points out that the Koran however, teaches that Jesus honors Jesus by teaching Christ is the “only,” the that He was born without unique (see p.24) Son of the agency of a human God (Jn. 1:14,18; 3:16,18; father, and that He was a 1 Jn. 4:9). The Scriptures 8 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved. Q0107 Trinity 2col pp 10/27/04 5:39 PM Page 9 portray Christ as sharing the were written well before glory of a jealous God who, AD70. And although the through Moses, insisted Gospel of John was not that no one deserved to be produced until around AD worshiped but God Himself. 90, the evidence is strong This God shares His love that it belongs to the apostle with angels and mortals. John, who was actually with But with Christ the Son, Jesus throughout His earthly He shares His glory. ministry. The apostles To see the extent to undoubtedly repeated the which the Son shares the words of Christ often as glory of the Father, let’s they began to proclaim the consider the evidence gospel. Jesus’ words tell us of Christ’s words, the that He definitely claimed testimony of the apostles, to be God. We’ll look at only the predictions of the Old two of the tremendous Testament prophets, and the statements Jesus made declarations of the church about Himself. fathers. In John 8:58 we find The Words Of Jesus. Christ’s claim that He never The four Gospels record had a beginning. Since only many of the words Jesus God is eternal, this amounts spoke during His earthly to a declaration of deity. To ministry. Even if a group of hostile religious we did not believe in the leaders, He said, “Most inspiration of the New assuredly, I say to you, Testament, we would have before Abraham was, IAM.” good reason to accept what Notice, Jesus didn’t say, they wrote as accurate. We “Before Abraham was have strong evidence that born, I was born.” He said, Matthew, Mark, and Luke “Before Abraham came into 9 © RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.