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G. Berghaus . B. Brinkmann C. Rittner· M. Staak (Eds.) DNA-Technology and Its Forensic Application With 91 Figures Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona Budapest Prof. Dr. rer. bioI. hum . G. B ERGHAUS Universitat Koln Institut fur Rechtsmedizin , Melatengiirtel60 W -5000 Koln 30, FRG Prof. Dr. med. B. BRINKMANN W estfalisch e Wilhelms-Unive rsitat lnstitut fur R echtsmedizin , von Esmarch-StraBe 86 W-4400 Munster, FRG Prof. Dr. med . C. RITINER loha nnes-Gute nberg-Universitat Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Am Pulverturm 3 W -65.DO Mainz, FRG Prof. Dr . med . M . STAAK Universitat Koln Institut fur Rechtsmedizin, Melatengurte l60 W-5000 Koln 30, FRG Proceedings of an International Symposium. Cologne, September 13-14, 1990 ISBN- I 3:9 78-3-540-54035-9 e-ISBN- 13: 978-3-642-76632-9 001: 10.10071978-3-642-76632-9 Li braI")' of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. DNA-Technology and its forensic application I edited by G. Berghaus ... let ai. ]. p. em. Based on a symposium held during the 69th Congress of the German Society of Legal Medicine, on Sept. 13-14, 1990, Cologne, Germany. Includes b bi liographical references and index. ,1SBN 3-540-5403~ (alk. paper). - - ISBN 0-387-5403S-O (alk. paper). I. DNA fingerprints-Congresses. 2. Forensic genetics -- Technique-Congresses. I. Bcrghaus. G. II . German Society of Legal Medicine. Congress (69th: 1990: Cologne, Germany) (DNLM : I. DNA- analysis--con- gresses. 2. Forensic Medicine-Congresses. W 750 D7SS 19901 RA IOS7.SS.D67 1991 614'. 1--dc20 DNLM/DLe for Library of Congress. This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or pan of the material is oon- cerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting. reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is only permitted under the provisions of the German Copyrigh t Law of September 9, 1965. in its current version, and a copyright fee must always be paid. Violations fall under the prosecution acl of the Gennan Copyright Law. C Springer-VerIag Berlin Heidelberg 1991 Soflcover reprint or the h~rdcove r 1st edition 1991 The use of registered names,t rademarks, etc. in this publication docs not imply, even in the absence of a specifIC statement , that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and the- refore free for general use. Typesetting: Springer TE X inhouse system 1913130-543210 - Printed on acid·free paper Preface This volume contains the scientific contributions presented at an International Symposium on "DNA-technology and its forensic application", held within the 69th Congress of the German Society of Legal Medicine on September 13-14, 1990 in Cologne, Germany. The contributions to the symposium covered all aspects of the application of DNA-polymorphisms to paternity and to biological stain analysis. This included review lectures and basic lectures on biostatistical approaches and legal questions as well as many new technical approaches. We would like to thank the authors of the articles contained in this book and to Springer-Verlag for having made such a quick publication possible. We hope, that these contributions will give the reader a survey of the most re- cent developments in the field of forensic DNA-technology. Summer 1991 The Editors Contents Review Lectures Principles and Recent Advances in DNA Fingerprinting AJ. Jeffreys, N.J. Royle, I. Patel, J.AL. Armour, A. MacLeod, - A Collick, I.C. Gray, R. Neumann, M. Gibbs, M. Crosier, M. Hill, E. Signer, and D. Monckton . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DNA Fingerprinting as a Tool of Paternity Testing in Germany C. Rittner, U. Schacker, and P.M. Schneider . . . . . . 20 Genetic1YPing of Biological Evidence Using the Polymerase Chain Reaction G.F. Sensabaugh. . . . . . . 33 A Critical Review of the Forensic Application of DNA Technology B. Brinkmann, P. Wiegand, and S. Rand . . . . . . . . 41 DNA Methylation: A Defense Mechanism Against the Expression of Foreign DNA? W. Doerfler . . . . . . . . . . 50 Juristische Aspekte der forensischen DNA-Analyse G. Kohlmann. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 peR-Technology Research Regarding the Polymerase Chain Reaction for Forensic Utility - HLA-DQa Locus and AMP-FLPs B. Budowle, C.T. Comey, J.M. Jung, and A.M. Giusti. 71 DNA Typing Using PCRAmplified Fragments in the HLA Class I Region J. Holtz, K. SchOnbom-Sobolewski, and S. Urmetz . 79 PCR-Typing of the Human HLA-DQa Locus: Population Genetics and Application in Forensic Casework P.M. Schneider, A. Veit, and C. Rittner . . . . . . 85 VITI Contents DNA Amplification (PCR) of Several Hypervariable Loci in Disputed Paternity Cases E. Trabetti, D. De Leo, P. Gasparini, P.P' Pignatti, and M. Marigo 92 Amplification of a Highly Polymorphic VNTR Segment, Localized on the Ha-Ras Gene by PCR H. Haas, M. Prinz, M. Staak, and G. Berghaus . . . . . . . . . 96 Methodology, Data Bases Reliability of Restriction Enzyme Digestions of Genomic DNA for the Generation of DNA Fingerprints U. Schacker, T. Kaufmann, P.M. Schneider, and C. Rittner . . 103 Concept for a More Precise Definition of the Polymorphism YNH24 C. Puers, S. Rand, and B. Brinkmann . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Evaluation of Variable Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR) Alleles in Mother-Child Combinations G. Holmlund, and B. Lindblom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 A Proposed Combination of Single Locus Probes for Multiple Rehybridization P. Wiegand, S. Rand, andB. Brinkmann . . . . 121 DNA-ProfIles with HVR-Probes - Allele Frequencies of HinfI-RFLPs Using pHINS310, pMUC7 and pMR24/1 in a Population Sample from Hannover and Lower Saxony T. Rothamel, W. Keil, and H.D. Troger. . . . . . . . . 128 Analysis of Allele Frequencies of Tho Polymorphic Loci in a North-East Italian Population P. Fattorini, A.P. Callegaro, P. Florian, D. Fabbro, T. Frisan, B.M. Altamura, and G. Graziosi. . . . . . . . . . 134 Digoxigenin-DNA Probes for Detecting Human VNTR Polymorphism N. Dimo-Simonin, C. Brandt-Casadevall, andH.-R. Gujer . . .. 141 Practical Use: Paternity The Application of Four Single Locus Probes in Cases of Disputed Paternity J.A. Thompson, P.J. Lincoln, C.P. Phillips, D. Syndercombe Court, and P.H. Watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Contents IX The Practical Significance of Human Genetic RFLP-Systems in Paternity Testing D. Krause, R. Szibor, W. Kuchheuser, and R. Bruckner 153 Individual Diagnostics by DNA Fingerprinting M. Rose, L. Roewer, O. Prokop, and G. Geserick . . 157 Paternity Analysis in a Deficient Family by DNA Profiling (Single-Locus and Multi-Locus Probes) E. Iten and R. Pflugshaupt ....... . . . . . . . . 160 Paternity Tests in 10-12 Weeks Old Fetuses by Mean of Single-Locus-DNA-Polymorphisms L. Henke, G. Hummelsheim, and J. Henke . 165 DNA Fingerprinting for the Protection of Endangered Species J. Mathe, R. Wolfes, and A. Seitz . . . . . . . . . 170 Practical Use: Stain Analysis Treatment of Bloodstains for Simultaneous Application of Serological and DNA 'TYping Methods M. Prinz, T. Ohshima, M. Staak, and G. Berghaus . . . . . . . . 175 DNA Extraction and RFLP Analysis of Bloodstains on a Variety of Textiles - Investigation of Various Extraction Procedures R. Scheithauer, and H.-J. Weisser . . . . 181 Stability of DNA in Brain Cortex After Long Post Mortem Periods B. Ludes, P. Mangin, andA.J. Chaumont. . . . . . . .. 187 The Identification of a Charred Body by Oligonucleotide Fingerprinting with the (GTG)s Probe H. Poche, G. Wrobel, V. Schneider, and J.T. Epplen . . . . . . . 192 Biostatistics Biostatistical Evaluation of Evidence from Single Locus Hypervariable DNA Probes: Tests of Independence of Loci J.w. Morris and C.H. Brenner . . . . . 199 MLP and SLP Band Patterns and Probabilities ofIdentity K. Hummel and N. Fukshansky . . . . . . . . . 203 x Contents Efficiency of Multilocus Probes in Mother-Child-Putative Father Cases N. Fukshansky and K. Hummel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 The Proposal of Evett et al. for Paternity Calculations in Normal Trio Cases Using MLP Profiles and the Freiburg Model of a Multiple Diallelism: A Comparison K. Hummel and N. Fukshansky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 A Contribution to the Computer-Aided Analysis of DNA Fingerprint Patterns A. Kelch, H.-P. Kinzl, K. Trommler, and U. Ziegler . . . . . . . 221 List of Contributors Altamura, B.M. 134 Hill,M. 3 Rand,S. 41,109,121 Annour, J.A.L. 3 Holmlund, G. 116 Rittner, C. 20,85,103 Berghaus, G. 96, 175 Holtz,J. 79 Roewer,L. 157 Brandt-CasadevaIl, C. Hummel, K. 203,208, Rose, M. ~157 141 212 Rothamel, T. 128 Brenner, C.H. 199 Hummelsheim, G. 165 Royle,NJ. 3 Brinkmann, B. 41, 109, Iten, E. 160 Schacker, U. 20, 103 121 Jeffreys, AJ. 3 Scheithauer, R. 181 Bruckner, R. 153 Jung, J.M. 71 Schneider, P.M. 20,85, Budowle, B. 71 Kaufmann, T. 103 103 Callegaro, A.P. 134 Keil, W. 128 Schneider, V. 192 Chaumont, A.J. 187 Kelch, A. 221 SchOnbom-Sobolewski, Collick, A. 3 Kinzl, H.P. 221 K. 79 Corney, C.T. 71 Kohlmann, G. 59 Seitz, A. 170 Crosier, M. 3 Krause, D. 153 Sensabaugh, G.F. 33 DeLeo,D. 92 Kuchheuser, W. 153 Signer,E. 3 Dimo-Simonin, N. 141 Lincoln, P J. 147 Staak, M. 96, 175 Doerfler, W. 50 Lindblom, B. 116 Syndercombe Court, D. Epplen, J.T. 192 Ludes, B. 187 147 Fabbro, D. 134 MacLeod, A. 3 Szibor, R. 153 Fattorini, P. 134 Mangin, P. 187 Thompson, I.A. 147 Florian, F. 134 Marigo, M. 92 Trabetti, E. 92 Frisan, T. 134 MatM,J. 170 Trommler, K. 221 Fukshansky, N. 203, Monckton, D. 3 TrOger, H.D. 128 208,212 Morris, I.W. 199 Urmetz, S. 79 Gasparini, P. 92 Neumann, R. 3 Veit,A. 85 Geserick, G. 157 Ohshima, T. 175 Watts, P.H. 147 Gibbs,M. 3 Patel, I. 3 Weisser, R.J. 181 Giusti, A.M. 71 Pflugshaupt, R. 160 Wiegand, P. 41,121 Gray,I.C. 3 Phillips, C.P. 147 Wolfes, R. 170 Graziosi, G. 134 Pignatti, P.F. 92 Wrobel, G. 192 Gujer, H.-R. 141 Poche, H. 192 Ziegler, U. 221 Haas, R. 96 Prinz, M. 96,175 Henke, J. 165 Prokop, O. 157 Henke, L. 165 Poers, C. 109 Review Lectures

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