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Preview DMRG studies of the effect of constraint release on the viscosity of polymer melts

DMRG studies of the effect of constraint release on the viscosity of polymer melts Matthias Paeßens∗ and Gunter M. Schu¨tz Institut fu¨r Festk¨orperforschung, Forschungszentrum Ju¨lich - 52425 Ju¨lich, Germany (Dated: February 1, 2008) 2 Thescaling oftheviscosity ofpolymermeltsisinvestigatedwith regard tothemolecular weight. 0 We present a generalization of the Rubinstein–Duke model, which takes constraint releases into 0 accountandcalculatetheeffectsontheviscosity bytheuseoftheDensityMatrixRenormalization 2 Group(DMRG) algorithm. Usinginputfrom Rousetheorytherates for theconstraint releases are n determined in a self consistent way. We conclude that shape fluctuations of the tube caused by a constraint release are not a likely candidate for improving Doi’s crossover theory for the scaling of J thepolymer viscosity. 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION along which the displacement of the polymer chain as ] a whole can be monitored. This makes it possible to h calculate the diffusion coefficient and the viscosity from c The viscosity of polymer melts has been investigated e intensively.1 The models for describing this behavior, the model,without resortingtoindependent hypotheses. m Rubinstein assumes that the constraints of the other however, are not yet satisfying. Experiments show that - the viscosity η scales like M3.3±0.1, where M is the polymers divide space into cells which form a d– t dimensional regular cubic lattice. The polymer occupies a molecular weight. This behavior is valid for several t decades of the molecular weight. An early approach a series of adjacent cells, the “primitive path”. It is not s . was the reptation model by de Gennes2 which yields possibleforthe polymerto traversethe edgesofthecells at η M3 in the limit of infinitely long polymers. For (in two dimensions: the lattice points) so that only the m sho∝rt polymers Doi3 calculated the viscosity by taking ends of the polymer can enter new cells. The polymer is divided into segments whose length is of the orderof the - tube length fluctuations into accountandfound a region d of M where the scaling is of the correct size – but this lattice constant, the number of segments is proportional n to the length of the polymer or the molecular weight. region appears to be much too small. A discrete model o The orientation of the lattice is introduced by Duke in a for reptation which includes tube length fluctuations is c [ the Rubinstein–Duke (RD) model.4,5 Recently it was way that the electric field is diagonal to the lattice, i.e. shown6 that this model does not only provide a region in three dimensions in the (111)–direction. 1 where a scaling of M3.3±0.1 can be found, as already A segment – called a “repton” – is allowed to jump into v shown by Rubinstein,4 but also that this model shows an adjacent cell according to the following rules: 3 6 a crossover to the reptation exponent 3. But again the 4 mass regionwhere the correctexponent is validdoes not 1. The reptons in the bulk are only allowed to jump 1 exceed one order of magnitude. In this paper we extend along the primitive path. 0 the RD model in order to investigate whether constraint 2 release (CR) broadens that region. While good models 2. No cellinthe interiorofthe primitivepathmaybe 0 / for the non–linearregimeof viscositycanbe constructed left empty. t byusing CR,7,8 therewasonlylittle successinthe linear a m regime.9 3. The ends move freely insofar rule 2 is respected. If an end repton occupies the cell alone, it can only - d retract in the cell of the adjacent repton. If the n adjacent repton is in the same cell, the end repton o may enter any of the 2d surrounding cells. Rep- II. THEORY c tons inthe bulk jump withthe sameprobabilityas : v reptons at the end into occupied cells. A. RD model i X Rule 1 ensures that the polymer does not traverse the r In order to investigate the role of tube length fluc- edges of the cells. Rule 2 is motivated by the fact that a tuations in reptation theory Rubinstein introduced a the segments are of the size of the lattice constant. Fi- discrete “repton” model which allows the description nally rule 3 reflects the fact that there are more free ad- of three–dimensional reptation dynamics by a one– jacent cells for an end repton than occupied ones. If one dimensional lattice gas.4 Duke generalized the model considers a field F = 0 the ratio of the probabilities to 6 to the case that an external electric field acts on a jump in respectively against the direction of the field is chargedpolymer5 which allowsa gooddescriptionofthe proportional to the Boltzmann weight. In the following diffusion constant in gel electrophorese experiments.10 wewillonlyfocusonthecasewithoutfield,weonlyneed However,also in the absence of a field the generalization the reference axis. by Duke is useful in so far as it provides a reference axis As the shape of the primitive path is not affected by 2 F 6. At the ends of the chain A–particles may be cre- ated: ∅ A. → 1 2 7. At the ends of the chain B–particles may be cre- 3 4 ated: ∅ B. 5 0 B B 0 B 0 B A → 6 9 The processes 1, 2, 4 and 5 take place with the same 7 8 probability; the processes 6 and 7 are d–times more probable. In this way a stochastic interacting particle system a) b) on a one dimensional chain has been defined. As the transitions are independent of the previous history this process is Markovian. FIG. 1: a) The repton model in two dimensions: the circles represent the reptons; the primitive path is marked by the bold lines. b) Projection onto onedimension. B. Quantum Hamiltonian the movement of the polymer and only the ends are cre- ated or annihilated this model can be mapped onto one A convenient way to describe the process mathemat- dimension. To this end a particle is assigned to each ically is the quantum Hamiltonian formalism which we bond between reptons; starting on one end, a bond into will present here shortly, for details see Ref. 11. the direction of the field is identified with an A–particle, The probability to be in state η at time t is labeled by | i against the field with a B–particle and finally a bond P (t). These probabilities of the individual states can η without change of potential, i.e. a bond between two be combined to a vector: P(t) = P (t) η . Due to η reptons in one cell, by a vacancy ∅ (Fig. 1).17 the conservation of probab|ilityithe ePntries o|f tihe vector These particles are residing on a chain whose number of P(t) sum up to 1 at any time t. With this definition | i sites N is the number of bonds, thus the number of rep- the master equation can be written as: tons minusone. As foreachsite three statesarepossible d this model can be identified with a “quantum” spin–one P(t) = H P(t) , (1) dt| i − | i chain.11,12 We define with the stochastic generator 1 0 0 A 0,∅ 1,B 0. H =− wη′→η|ηihη′|+ wη→η′|ηihη|. ≡ 0 ≡ 0 ≡ 1 Xη ηX′6=η Xη ηX′6=η       (2) We label this set of states with X = {A,∅,B}. A state Here wη′→η is the transition probability from state |η′i of a chain of length N can be considered as an element to η . In other words the off diagonal elements of the η of the tensor base X = X⊗N; η is constructed by ma|triix H are the negative transition rates between the | i | i thetensorproductofthethreecomponentvectorsforthe respective states and the diagonal elements are the sum individual sites. of the rates leading away from the respective state. The dynamics of this one dimensional model is: Thecreationoperatorsa† andb† aredefinedbya†∅=A and b†∅=B, acting on any other state yields zero. The 1. A–particlesmayexchangewithvacancies∅: A∅⇌ annihilation operators a and b are defined by aA = ∅ ∅A. andbB =∅,againactingonanyotherstateyieldsagain 2. B–particles may exchange with vacancies ∅: zneBro=. Fbi†nbaallnydwne∅de=fin1e thneAnumnbBe.r oBpyertahteosresdneAfin=itaio†nas, B∅⇌∅B. the stochastic generato−r H of−the RD model reads:12 3. A–particles may not exchange with B–particles. N−1 H =b (d)+b (d)+ u (3) 1 N n By these rules it is guaranteed that the shape of the X n=1 primitive path is conserved. The next rules define the with boundary dynamics: b (d) = d n∅ a† +n∅ b† +nA a +nB b 4. At the ends of the chain A–particles may be anni- n n − n n − n n − n n − n hilated: un = nAn(cid:2)n∅n+1−ana†n+1+n(cid:3)Bnn∅n+1−bnb†n+1 A ∅. + n∅nA a†a +n∅nB b†b . → n n+1− n n+1 n n+1− n n+1 5. At the ends of the chain B–particles may be anni- Again, d labels the lattice dimension. We have chosen hilated: the time scale such that the hopping rate in the bulk B ∅. equals unity. → 3 C. Calculation of the viscosity The viscosity is proportional to the longest relaxation time of the stochastic generator H which is the inverse energy gap.3 Due to the conservation of probability the groundstate ofa stochasticgeneratorhas the eigenvalue zero, so that we only need to calculate the first eigen- value. A very efficient algorithm to calculate the lowest excita- tionsofquantumspinchainsisthedensitymatrixrenor- malization group (DMRG) algorithm.13,14 For the stan- dardRDmodelthe usefulnessofthisalgorithmhasbeen demonstrated,6 so that we employ this algorithmas well for the modifications of the RD model, to be introduced in what follows. FIG. 2: A constraining polymer vacates for a short time its The Hilbert space of the spin chain grows exponentially site and thusmakes a constraint release event possible. with the number sites N; the number of states is 3N, so that for N = 50 — the maximum number of sites F considered in our calculations — the number of states is of the order 1023. By this it is reasonable to project all quantities onto a subspace consisting of the most im- portant states. The difficulty is to find out which states are the “most important”. The DMRG algorithm is a method which provides a choice of states which is opti- malintermsofamaximumoftheprobabilitywithwhich the states contribute to the target state.13 This proba- ...AABA... ...ABAA... bility is gained by diagonalizing the density matrix. As the diagonalization of the density matrix for the whole system would be as laborious as the direct diagonaliza- FIG. 3: Constraint release by AB–permutation in the RD tion of the hamiltonian the system is build up stepwise. model. Starting with a small system (e.g. 2 states) one adds iteratively two states until the system has reached the searched size. In each step the Hilbert space is reduced (CR) event. to the subspace of the most probable states, so that the A straightforward implementation of this mechanism is systemsizeincreaseswhilethedimensionofthematrices shown in Fig. 3. The turning of bend of the primitive remain constant. path equals to the permutation of an AB–pair. At the ends ofthe pathA–particlescanbe transformedintoB– particlesandviceversawhichcorrespondstoaCRevent D. Constraint release at the ends. ToconstructtheextendedHamiltonianwhichtakesthese The RD model as well as standard reptation theory is mechanismsintoaccountweintroduceanoperatorwhich based on the assumption that the polymer moves in a transforms B–particles into A–particles: fixednetworkformedbythesurroundingpolymers. This c=a†b; c† =b†a, (4) assumption is at best justifiable for a single polymer im- mersed in a gel. But for polymer melts, for which the the adjoint operator effects the reversed process. The viscosity is measured, it should be taken into account corresponding diagonal elements are build up by nB re- that the surrounding polymers reptate themselves. In spectively nA. Now the new Hamiltoniancan be written terms of the Rubinstein model this means that the lat- as: tice itself is subjected to fluctuations. N−1 We consider the following model of lattice fluctuations: HCR =H +g (α)+g (α)+ v (α) 1 N n Imagine that a constraining polymer moves so far that X n=1 the constraintfor the investigatedpolymer is releasedso g (α)=α nB c +nA c† that it can move freely in this region. After a short time n n − n n − n (cid:2) (cid:3) theconstrainingpolymerreturnsoranotherpolymerhas v (α)=α nBnA c c† +nAnB c†c , taken its place so that the free movement in this region n h n n+1− n n+1 n n+1− n n+1i (5) isagainprevented. Thelatticehasregaineditsoriginally structurebuttheprimitivepathmayhavechangedinthe with the Hamiltonian H from Eq. (3), and α labels the bulk (Fig. 2). This iswhatwecalla “constraintrelease” rate for the CR process. 4 III. CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS In order to investigate the dependence of the viscosity 10000 on the CR rate α we performed DMRG calculations for therates1/N,1/N2 and1/N3. Thechoiceoftheserates isbasedontwoestimates. Thefirstisverysimple: Acon- straintis releasedwhen anend repton retractsback into η the tube. The probability that the constraint is exerted by an end repton is 2/N, provided that the probability for the presence of a segmentis equally distributed. The without CR hopping ofa singlereptonis a processofrateone andso Rate ~ 1/N3 Rate ~ 1/N2 we find that the rate for a CR is of the order 1/N. For Rate ~ 1/N the second estimate we assume that a CR is causedby a tube renewal. Later in this paper we will show the cal- 1 10 100 culation of this estimate within the Rouse model which N leads to the result that the rate α is proportional to the inverse relaxation time and scales therefore with 1/N3. FIG. 4: The viscosity (η ∝E−1) for several CR rates of AB The viscosity which was calculated with these rates for N permutation. Thesolidlineshowstheresultforthestandard the mechanism of AB exchange is plotted in Fig. 4. It RD model without CR. can bee seen that the viscosity decreases with increasing CRratewhichisreasonablebecausetherelaxationofthe tube is acceleratedby this process. For the investigation of the scaling it is more useful to plot the local slope or the effective exponent lnτ lnτ z = N+1− N−1 , (6) 3.4 without CR N ln(N +1) ln(N 1) Rate ~ 1/N3 − − Rate ~ 1/N2 Rate ~ 1/N against1/√N asintroducedinRef. 6. The choiceofthe abscissa is motivated by the formula of Doi3 which pre- zN 3.2 dictsacorrectiontotheN3–scalingintheorderof1/√N bytakingtubelengthfluctuationsintoaccount. Itshould be mentioned that in this paper N labels the number of 3 segmentswhichisproportionaltothe lengthofthe poly- merwhileinRef. 6itlabelsthenumberofreptonswhich isthe numberofsegmentsplusone. Surprisinglythe lat- 2.8 terinterpretationshowsabetteragreementwiththeDoi 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1/N1/2 formula while the former shows a better agreement with the experiments since the range where z 3.3 0.1 is N ≈ ± much broader. FIG.5: TheeffectiveexponentzN forseveralCRratesofAB The influence on the effective exponent zN is plotted in permutation. Thesolidlineshowstheresultforthestandard Fig. 5. The influence is non–monotonic in α: While RD model without CR. the rate 1/N causes an obvious shift down in compari- son with the data without CR, the data of rate 1/N2 is located above the curve without CR. The data of rate 1/N3 is also located above the curve without CR but at that the first excitation is caused by an other relaxation a smaller distance. mechanism and the second excitation yields the desired We remark that from a theoretical point of view also time, which scales with the expected exponent whereby the rate α = 1 is interesting. If A– and B–particles ex- the transition to Rouse dynamics is verified. changewiththesamerateasparticleswithvacancies,the Thebounds1/N >α>1/N3areratherweakandaself– particle can diffuse freely, as they feel no longer restric- consistentapproachisneededfordeterminingtheappro- tions. This means that the reptation model transforms priate scaling of the rate α. As a CR event is caused into the Rouse model as the tube can change its form by the tube renewal of a polymer, this process is not in- freely. This is why rate α = 1 represents a possibility dependent of the relaxation time. The relaxation time to verify the model: The relaxation time should scale in itself is affected by the CR rate. So the rate is physical, the limit N as N2. But the DMRG calculation iftherelaxationtime,whichiscalculatedusingthisrate, → ∞ ofthe effectiveexponentwiththis rateyieldsadiverging yields the same CR rate. curve. Ontheotherhand,ifthesecondexcitationiscon- To calculate the self consistent rate α we proceed as SC sidered, one can see that it scales as N−2. This suggests follows: ThedependenceoftheCRrateontherelaxation 5 1e+05 τ(α) 14000 Ν τ(α) 12000 10000 10000 1000 8000 τ η 6000 100 4000 10 without C.R. 2000 S.C. DMRG with α SC 00 0.0005 α 0.001 0.0015 1 10 N 100 FIG. 6: Relaxation time versus CR rate α; αSC is given by FIG. 7: The new DMRG calculation of viscosity – a good theintersectionpointofthecurvesτN andτ (hereexemplified coincidence with the data of the intersection points can be for N =30). seen. time α(τ) is estimatedby ananalyticalcalculationusing is the first passage time density, i.e. the probability per Rouse dynamics. The DMRG calculation with the rates time that the segment s is reached by one end just at mentioned above yields directly the dependence of the time t. Now we can specify the mean first passage time relaxation time on the CR rate τ (α) for the respective N ∞ chainlengths. Theinversefunctionofα(τ),τ(α),iscom- µ¯(s)= dttf(s,t) (10) Z pared with τN(α): The intersection of the curves yields 0 the self consistent rate α in first approximation. SC whichindicateshowlongittakesinaverageuntilsegment First we calculate the dependence of the CR rate on the s is reached by an end. Finally we average over all s relaxation time. The polymer whose relaxation time we provided that each segment builds up an entanglement want to calculate finally is hindered in his free move- with the same probability ment by an other polymer. The position which exerts the constraint may have the distance s from one end of 1 N the constraining polymer. So, the constraint is released µ= dsµ¯(s). (11) N Z when the polymer moves either the distance s into the 0 one direction or the distance N s into the other direc- − This is the desired time: In averagethe release of a con- tion, where N labels the length of the polymer. In Ref. straint will take the time µ, the CR process takes place 3 anexpressionis presentedwhich providesthe distribu- with rate α = µ−1. The calculation of the integrals is tion ψ(s,t) of the probability that the tube segment s elementary mathematics and we only show the result: was at time t not yet reached by the ends: µ=0.822τ α=1.22τ−1. (12) ψ(s,t)= 4 sin pπs e−p2t/τ, (7) ⇒ X pπ (cid:16) N (cid:17) This calculation is based on a continuous description p,odd of the polymer. However, we are considering a lattice with the relaxation time τ. The calculation of this for- model of reptation so that boundary effects might mula bases on the assumption that the polymer diffuses not be taken into account correctly by the continuum inbetweenthetubeduetoRousedynamics. Thecomple- expression (11). Therefore we performed the above mentary probability distribution φ(s,t), which indicates calculation as well for the discrete case. As the result the probability that at time t the segment s is already for the discrete case converges quickly to the continuous reached by one of the ends is then case but consists of only numerical evaluable series, we restrictedourselvestothe continuouscasehere. Thereis φ(s,t)=1 ψ(s,t). (8) anerroroflessthan2percentforaslittle as10reptons. − The derivate with respect to time Fig. 6 shows the curve τ(α) = 1.22α−1 and the re- laxation times for the CR rates α = 1/N3 and 1/N2 ∂φ exemplified for N = 30, the data point for α = 1/N f(s,t)= (9) ∂t is out of the plotted range. In order to investigate the 6 4.2 new DMRG run was done with a fit of the determined rates; as can be seen in Fig. 7 the resulting relaxation 4 times coincide well with the ones determined by the self without C.R. consistence condition, so that the linear interpolation S.C. DMRG with α represents a sufficiently good approximation. 3.8 SC InFig. 8the effectiveexponentisshownfortheselfcon- sistent relaxation times and for the DMRG calculation. zN 3.6 The exponent is shifted to higher values in the region of small N, but a broadening of the region where z 3.3 N 3.4 could not be observed. ≈ 3.2 The Rubinstein model is not microscopic and hence 3 there is some freedom in implementing microscopic pro- 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1/N1/2 cess such as CR. A different mechanism10 leads to the creation and annihilation of particles in the bulk. We performedsimilaranalysisforthis mechanismwithqual- FIG. 8: The effective exponent zN of the viscosity with self– itatively similar results.16 consistent CR. We conclude that Rouse–based calculations do not lead to a proper description of crossover behavior in the vis- cosity of polymer melts when Rouse theory is used as dependence of the relaxation time on the CR rate we a self consistency input in the mesoscopic and generally interpolated the data points linearly by fitting them quitesuccessfulRubinsteinmodelforreptation. Wecan- with splines. The data points are is well approximated not rule out that a fully self–consistent implementation by this interpolationinthe regionwhere the intersection of CR (without Rouse assumption) leads to a crossover point is expected. In this way we determined the self regime closer to empirical evidence, but the broad range consistent relaxation times and rates for the lengths of CR rates studied here suggests that bulk shape fluc- N = 8...50. As the lengths N = 4 and N = 6 do tuations of the tube which result from constraint release not lead to reasonable intersection points we did not do not significantly broaden the crossover range of the take them into account. To verify the self consistence a viscosity. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] 10 G.M. Schu¨tz, Europhys.Lett 48, 623 (1999). 1 J.D. Ferry, Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers (Wiley, 11 G.M. Schu¨tz, in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenom- New York,1980). ena, editedbyC. DombandJ.Lebowitz(Academic,Lon- 2 P.G. de Gennes, Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics don, 2000), Vol. 19. (Cornell University Press, London,1979). 12 G.T. Barkema and G.M. Schu¨tz, Europhys. Lett. 35, 139 3 M.DoiandS.F.Edwards,TheTheoryofPolymerDynam- (1996). ics (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986). 13 S.R.White, Phys. Rev.Lett. 69, 2863 (1992). 4 M. Rubinstein,Phys.Rev.Lett. 59, 1946 (1987). 14 R.M.NoackandS.R.White,inDensity–MatrixRenormal- 5 T.A.J. Duke,Phys. 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