EYEWITNESS TRAVEL FLORENCE & TUSCANY EYEWITNESS TRAVEL FLORENCE & TUSCANY Main Contributor Christopher Catling Contents How to Use this Guide 6 Project Editor Shirin Patel Art Editor Pippa Hurst Editors Maggie Crowley, Tom Fraser, Sasha Heseltine Designers Claire Edwards, Emma Hutton, Marisa Renzullo Map Co-Ordinators Simon Farbrother, David Pugh Contributors Anthony Brierley, Kerry Fisher, Tim Jepson, Carolyn Pyrah Maps Jan Clark, James Mills-Hicks (Dorling Kindersley Cartography) Photographers Philip Enticknap, John Heseltine, Kim Sayer Brunelleschi’s door panel, Bargello Illustrators Stephen Conlin, Donati Giudici Associati Srl, Introducing Richard Draper, Robbie Polley Florence and Printed and bound by South China Printing Co. Ltd., China Tuscany First American Edition, 1994 14 15 16 17 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Discovering Published in the United States by DK Publishing, Florence and Tuscany 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 10 Reprinted with revisions 1994 (twice), 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 Putting Florence Copyright 1994, 2015 and Tuscany © Dorling Kindersley Limited, London A Penguin Random House Company on the Map 16 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any A Portrait of Tuscany 22 form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Florence and Tuscany A CIP catalogue record is available from the British Library. Through the Year ISSN 1542-1554 38 ISBN 978-1-46542-574-4 Floors are referred to throughout in accordance with European usage; ie the “first floor” is the floor above ground level. The History of Florence and Tuscany 44 The information in this DK Eyewitness Travel Guide is checked regularly. Every effort has been made to ensure that this book is as up-to-date as possible at the time of going to press. Some details, however, such as telephone numbers, opening hours, prices, gallery hanging arrangements and travel information, are liable to change. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of this book, nor for any material on third party websites, and cannot guarantee that any website address in this book will be a suitable source of travel information. We value the views and suggestions of our readers very highly. Please write to: Publisher, DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, Dorling Kindersley, 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL, UK, or email: [email protected]. Front cover main image: The Duomo, Florence Piazza della Repubblica, Cartona View of Florence’s Duomo from the towering Campanile Shops and Markets 276 Entertainment 282 Specialist Holidays and Outdoor Activities 284 Survival Guide Florence’s oldest bridge, Ponte Vecchio, stretching over the Arno Practical Information Florence Western Tuscany 156 288 Area by Area Northern Tuscany 172 Travel Information Florence at a Glance 62 298 Eastern City Centre East 64 Tuscany 194 General Index 308 City Centre Central Tuscany Phrase Book 327 North 88 210 City Centre Southern West 104 Tuscany 234 Oltrarno 118 Travellers’ Needs Four Guided Where to Stay 248 Walks 132 Where to Eat and Drink Florence Street 258 Finder 142 Flowering courgettes at the market Abbey church of Sant’Antimino Tuscany Area by Area Tuscany at a Glance 154 Siena’s striped Duomo (cid:2) 6 HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This guide helps you get the most from your important sights, with maps, pictures and stay in Florence and Tuscany. It provides detailed illustrations. Suggestions for food, both expert recommendations and detailed drink, accommodation and shopping are in prac tical information. Introducing Florence Travellers’ Needs, and the Survival Guide has and Tuscany maps the region and sets it in its tips on everything from the Italian telephone historical and cultural context. Florence Area system to getting to Tuscany and travelling by Area and Tuscany Area by Area describe the around the region. Florence Area by Area CITY CENTRE NOFLORRENTCEH AREA BY AREA (cid:2) 89 All pages relating to Thsoihwagsehn bth sceiesheteanoipn rditgcei vrac,i derweneahtdsri .ce iEnh oat oofc thp fho eheuna crss i wtiytsi t h TcwmmavabayTgoheisnnhruohaae a addioitlsoinlarrehnd p sasl taanifiti,epobcsog rnaclse tpoirueeigeketnaash mnn.,erar eeoi Cadid rosdedtencfot,ehfs n ihFdh htsdc eCtotliie ai omthhostbo e trh racesepfuecoeoi te dtsmtiown lm hhwso dgscm aoeerairiaemttnn e naisc biioiltnga idnis auesVtntgs sy sd iewa h Ml ioto’tto srcaitoi ft gfcettnhfm io haiphshdteennth piolild asaoyccacrwe n ie.hospise deTdtcaeoufad n h itayrwmtsraus thecn sblt ich eiaR ehataymoahn eo so fotntaft sdamieutfay ms,nf h ditts operhu eae s ra. nte , lt e a do z zi bMPoFmPftMthaiohlainnfiuotsaeo eltdtabi arrdlvh mile dNc ezN eiiejonncz aoedtbi eo gc ghgwua1 uee ahrensMr5r e .ctn S i ii5wcE naefreaaeio0hvtd cdecnyS ,seuei lri dansitlbcnirnn hs n ancit aDtt aehhs Rto ycLahaf ee,itkGvot clwehMe ls arrcret ereitaneooagvi o cntnx r fMeaohtrh dztdShrsnrreoeei a iae.AdoD c dl.MnHv a a rfFniuDa n nceloLteo kguihogs ord’irescas se etrti tsku nfcehh lor iR.omilenrt e poes t fgzCc ahttanftoao u aomdehtar nprhma eodiePistpenl mesyrastb edi,hadc lb shaelD nie l Sutaz,aie acinyaztsrtd e yhe no o dei nn e FclooAlroe ulnorceceda httaaobvres .m thaep s asmhoew s where you Sights at a Glance are in relation to other areas of the dsowatphi relgliodeittshht aetstti ireiScC nol,gie hdsihm fghdta u pthphot rahicsrtetnnkeeeh s arif ces nao’ssraeshe nigr;st gna mM i gnaAhtiptuhe uart Gtsteedstemseila a urobadi.s bnmynMney e ccs s naftea rcoaouetp rnelrdi im.sd glb eoTt osaeeahc rtndyrcaehi:dh. cte eA a ll l C26etyH34qM5890rhius uTSSOSSSPPCGCMtsVeIaaoapAaaareoea pV u mcnnll nne rInlnuaa i lsh Aif0tt0V deazzAsLMpeicmiaL L cFeszzreoyacmO oi ENisiBooaDaoMsorlarC oAsPV eierevIrm AA IR ulFd A t aPMIdc nao aOadI srdZ rs Liouenr CteazrZ c nelI eedi oasA IPdo c alh Fpdl VAddlg FeIiPlArVcAID ’S A ie.pepEiM NOSSilNnlnE AioSSciZi OGo T1 cpLA taAP nO Igiyai0cNl nnNc9aSiNoRudITena0s'ToAnN4tlgintVdd Z’IlOac–RA– oIrAei zeaceVOc1gD5O.pVIc ZiID rlamN oaZE BP INeLeoDi oAILAIr'DRtAe AALnBndRailgIIAuEEZalPNs N aoti TVZOE.Our i ANe nD d.VCMe D CDiEIeA aEEsPNNEAG.RNi TLT DCOZPLLRUE3A'A AEa LT0DEL OzE0EC L'zA3NSTF6EiE0VV. 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FV rP M OBMVIIGVANkEAIORISIREAC ORNeM NLH OGOAEREt ZOALU sD IIV RAEPICAALIALVN VAPTI.VAIP ILGPA OE GII NEU D GIHCTSES1BIG AO’EEROeP–12345678CIPRDLIAAROeLVO2PI AAMEG ERAPN, aS LLO ROD.I5N TAlL CIDSLTTICRD . sR–Ill AM A FNrrN oaIe EaA eV6AoDaaPROS I ATIrsSTGeNsTttlCIgNeEactattIBTtAgOUrIioosi TeaOvoS dTeceeDIrrT eMuR eotiitI'G PaaGr AaADrFlIn A ZaOoSrViIVMZnoEiAaSZA n zaLGiVVdILaZIF lIMnAazAEndc AtLe RIDiIZoOrs eErOoeLCi L moazAp lR VzOMB2aIAeATCr6pTLOoEEs6N AnIAA zNiTBnOCEPNCoIIEOA SCGZRAAAM ISCZRRAEIA 1city c FslaFpAoeiolragnoercrgtehra raeeeettalenas.ss sdocMa1ye r4o se ra4hSne np–tof reau5we rm1meen.tnb a oFcpeinenr. ,e T dttdhhhe eerea nosidng hts Galleries; Historic Buildings, Detail from The Procession of the Magi, by Benozzo, Palazzo Medici Riccardi For keys to symbols see back flap Streets and Piazzas. 9 0 (cid:2) FLORENCE AREA BY AREA CITY CENTRE NORTH (cid:2) 91 wiA2na tselkur eTosScgsihoftgtg ivritnhseheeg tsrgeess ts i eettvthhre-deeebeies na rm ytrgaost- o ui bSanorteri tftere rhde aefe’aos. ea-cr ertahey aMe. vaiepw PMshwTMPasmbgeSBmvc1ttoarhsaeaoeuaaaroeoeplsugnl stieeioanMaltasdun stede-nebzd et zreitiaiunes crzot nczlaa soa wrlsoerimdorboi niaenc 1,a n, cn dh ldR aliba 8tene Milrte ie hyttyi7ton secnsdcohyhr n4 egoeh eacti1 c eta,fsoCsafur e da 2,o.GM tesi. sesnerf-h lil6 T li ikdcitsstnt omoee6kbihyeeo,hiint t. uer-,wc ltReree scodo1 ewrat tirya fo mf5a ncmlc huutethl5octhhlpoears-l7oaala ea s ra,drFCarSt l kn ckadwomlneetooi wirosdtnntV.sarm . nfIe riItibrMcns knrAsCnm eaea tage amotantslD ii senirhessinrse uEes,sayiam em,mpLaict lwoohsmah eth,oi nfch ntr yo:uo khteeiidloheM leesfg d ge dAVuet tegf ra ErhS e owp luartagacebLrmhirristcnte oess haaAahon e Vcdat LrpnIfiune enuRiooFdrsAuratrdec hl,r aAs io,e tfnp,VD losra–nI nENgaem Anu oLzarn tDdCneonardchVGEed d rIeIesLaekI eLga GOsntA he ’vorlLAprSdeta IeaMo e D bs faO–rOtfci aihatalRE oillt IaerlsvehLNuwg nlaa tOeLlsayathl’ uhViy Ae nIeesLA L.V r F LIVoAAOIAEPA NMLRI rZDSDAOAACstTapeEAhOtDZusLiDhag esLNtZleBnE,c lOr’ msAaiTcaAGRp h’NpaRn aze ALbIi rc N cDtEIITNOaCk’EDo AIV NakaoNeInAAu kefT tDdéenn.NO saITd rVa wTohNa IniaennAaIOdsy d ytFt rN h s.fcasoZeIeuobAlo lcovbN VNdtkkiiNrcstlIeOai.i,EnA nddPsCTgi-uiMT ttImE yDciI Ao hENeonEZ afRaT LtZBl CO RR GOA CLAAA NOA CTELDNOEE TLO DE’NVIA DEELLAL LSTBUVi1OFLsOARD6GPi OIla tiRSIInAh NcdA Ee-LoSOecfdRNZioElen’ASdcbilNI GneZwutZnZchOaye Nc inclto1u iAnnOugtTuAt odp5irh dolohrrmcmGei7eey ir nhefndS9ain iimVppo n gd.c oBw eiraevVonIa IiifdiADnsla abAn Dlap eEtso’gtnaGzlnhIr soiN p nbzeOno aerR DaIiotceti.t it eh1niiogse EoV’I 6eseAomc uDu Et’ r’Da pnMhisAGsReT i Eu R LvmsLctIObih ienocalanieRcfnct Vt af C uuIrhirneIosrdoscy mA1uic,r a7iowse VpnIe1deDAtaa 5 ydsa s..,E,VC A VIBO1AUIR4F T4hD4FeM aEI pne’taddVh Ilti aAec1h ziRi4erI z f 6 oMbaCh4Am,a Se4e,bn OasidLulkIedPy i.iir cqlnhtvUi ug eob RPa Cdmeeira ctmtCaelwecas parI aezstrineh zrdoeodnefi. Tt3hhei LSsP elo CaaiesIc tTlAF aeaYtl Worh z tCnrdEoeez ESoCenNo TrIacsTT MenRiYPg E ScCu anteErcpeeNCsecTrItTtR ir YEFEaE i mACnlN ESdhONTielRoTirTo RmmHE P aeup osc 5cf ,i 6. dT0O(s28VTFasdTtwsm MwAf1FTMboahueteho55inlhhyrcpaaocumoimei 0rala5 SteetSd eecDcd c e Rr0dh hwrtciGau o2ahmae nnogkee0ei5onlwAanec s9pndincset 5ctdlurainnaer8n cohtea. i a4r ’el etcaslrrhats:2&oglAaan1lta )8esoso em ecd.l 3salln5 d,1oBa(cid:2) la Ce t 88 rotislapvaltoc w8og hlfene oiy63l ee ^emt alieM8oacd7almfmtee 0 c xaate(.w6i siFs a c3.l–irrt blrnt csPol tfeceoereeaMhy 0 6,iae uni7htoeLldse rdstn’fl 9: mesi ases5it(oioande dofr do oc aOtt 1 r 0(hpfm.uffnahgp yiev u a1m n npos =t JeaacFd nh4r e 2nrcRafmao aiartpoo7iead in hdnminyhDnnnmnts 0ord E1vsi ,eT ooemtt)e sd4adtno5 1is,eue ctuh pddo N tit s a(fsheAmdmhhMscrie)6 el ilet.s– -cnaie aoi n rseiC n caoEipnSiyuty n genpiyp1nmts u q enol1,E hw Ep) py)nt1t .iud;r5 2uu no.eh t t7ier5 6utr a sieAy8h2osn3tr n C –4e p o aRt7. s e f s aE onnAde pAc(sttccptTMafoitpwpDfpSatM msft(s1tPbmfaomtt ooirt1hhhhhhhhttcpdoiongrihnr5f feoooyrhatgBaaewe5 eiru ii2uuaoMoeeeeeeeemh2ymld eicciheelssettvla6nsMs 0ssln slvte Yuuahhiia3diu a mgAtbPiBmQpi h 4ieottttesc4toasdmeefcdocrms ehieieeei–a t hooiintec icfuaoo u c)2t rhd sa,bitwiom es7 r lll.i emiocdiebudiitnbFtAi th(oaaalsanno9mpnaeens 5Tlosda 5earaytmi onldronnzi dsebft, entcc tnilhooot ri n b(.d i dRaetSaezini 2ra.p l blngglsS aod otg rsGorivcef fisaki:onnol c.Aeesso st enirth clirt eeeneE enmGMs1 gn wI sh oPe oe diimogfeton nhucttVMo.nslltlP hddc5eh gugoosieavmhelPAw Tepo o fi/aceelirr tog t10eid c peaerre , fno1aeihiialtsphzPeo nlr(cGidgerngoe8h p8dtoaot ssltott7, zdtpoe8 cibemoh e hsioeaeet’7c ir,aahe ybsst ao nfh0 enheo ’ryefeawon.lnn3 sszrnsrs lM e euosnot–aoado dite It atnznt, d sJp)od)ttc htaidsnlr1t8 fa,ml weueoh ed a dus1o .th tiwto1w 5eCglnrdlol fe u e3,eglueidii G ) 2 aeu nla ti hk 5 aeap1rcgsa r h1 rlss i )asiisoid5ail l cn. e cl isamIi’ne8wnoshIn ,it.n sc d 5dsgtr D aetwadh1 n, oe t ralt5 e ie eno ciDv6 n r e aie4d v i d by wn ibwlTs Tpo1mhMmitrfh4foeariaeehi ucTPitbotpeiBadwlneh,nheohha cfvy e yocedob rtcB(a hc-el( iMzldbMeari’lc1i1asofitarnaP nytann tgeo eieb5L4anlrptcidt goganrgBb coetht inafrnti4aaeadfsdaana b otor hyh mellwaiisrtt5seoiG dorllinnoA tCnluu ute e-ee ltmaMowc–e(onpsii hb shgnmCuel1ltssrrd ltafSo n1masMaB rzearyyooistiooio in 3opanc moncolrnca5absi eoa ru dl(rfnonls1aiascrhfeehds:ht ncnnas 1gdyna o nepos sFoytoo 0cdgDadtcoeetl nwuet0d odou,eeeyulrhi1alno o do er )tn ioes, goaibla)o(dsnd gaf ,lo pitgs6da e a ,n1Famiroonl nnttpeh gtrsadBsyanf taea iunta-s uaeiirepi4 onw tth nd polnne bnhttio iciaws daanciineJAylgaoins9ohei punaey1ud rgdh g-rcatio jh plm,dcadpde.4titip oeorc Rti 2s s p cgncta1 i zM phfidToSesiil itlti– r f enu rrg8tica’hmoVoesi1paB 3aigsperhedhees aolhnpn1n–ee growayli edr n4p.tatlcoc aae-ieneoe maeo a5ata ,nlhs9t n moMp4 t oliio)dcro ,rduaslartansilr5r )u,t-afuel .s0tL ih ivt. tla ro d ce rna nF6t,il arria sk i,seyyiceiocoa eibdp rr.d)n elnntised yeraa, itr.nrf yp,no ge sed ey na s id’ts. s l, T(1pAosBp1dbtcMC9PStnc(omd(alacAaBi1rmO(DShTcna6s1oehr98oreauraicoelncoe8awaiaemupa ussioe vs7ist3mEuoeticarghqsnlrztmdemmotniaehs plp nelf16nuntht9zatCt ssopp aiiuecn Sspo tosl)nhpa-nlo it0ide,asp ee,e .tsaiicosatf n ic a cpfnslnia irTaooroMtd–n io dde snoyo aianoehmleemeceo8retnal geo os1f ism mr l pomtsh1nyltdn l2dain pnafralu eh icus mn8nreli paLn 1ba 70oee–trnL tt ef1 I rRdlide4baroe udtp–btt5na uaao8 74l so3sbtsABat haFoeeM o2tS5 eLhtsr,yrets5yhgRr7r)tcd erj hrleearl ey o.ta)yirout cs tdy e 20fahi,uli ec-eCF.etTuemebaa hln os .t nmce9ir;n’h sn .Tvprhsde e ghdrghP n leHrBm tyezor cdmlH feih eiAe2iznr io vaagfmeiooie)mti sy ahLuimemfdc i g tS1 Amre eil t Crna Lr iueb ul anTast iael FasiectoidiBouo n 8uwipcra inn oaerhczr cseG onssllsbyow2f0a fniracdodtztni qats osbzose.ecuaev. Mcc.rs leiruad o t i,Trce tlonyMoarauaLnrrst yna,ialguse era.d rveil iauiholmir nrmdn,sV e nvil,ebsds conn yai sok enntr bseloewo eaidaso.or dtoipihfb ttuuameafnnattr iiii rccrlii, w oo n fn iterhean lnnysDvi c 2otio c at yh,.aitinfsh hci aohh ed hac:d i Dne tuh e o sal t ieha e i uiaswes4ke no iaaon nne .rdd me ns r al d yysessy, s , TtImlAPP0VTMhSaoitpmsf1fodw s1tstdwZwbpobitnhluaohinkhatehiosioae96puoftyeiaraotoiiibsdaleen tlamtTiooheoltttle ett uiurctc rcsnt reydNnfnh0ehhe r hhlehOhd elde.w ik iobeMca rF,–bs er5tcecoFa& d ue i- eiere uauh,fyh tSalpctrge5cso iotu i lc tlfodsseooarnv ebdspar oohcc r otroeilisrMe.eeon2chiee,ee retdt ea n go hti uw Tlen=pl( A e4aeen rmnttlfMs xt a(dms ifo iateol i hrmahtid sntnsliesadòqppteSe9glrfe ofetnibuRd dp naaueirpen crdt8ia isrda iuvstlD souop enBdt7lveridisiied rt s tg c sn ni bcennhe8diya tpati osymnueahsur (sce aibari3rb r,1e7ecgilneecmnuii tiet mrNrgceicaiadn nswtG.8w8aaoot coeu yiyiim ddeep Ocddi n 4drih’ di.disll.dTfi t )r rrra s och9ii i or Mc o ualiima rap ryzhbnip tmigeainatm 1)ectoesbrp oesdhupntri,rn iueh arukufosy pnaoh8oyee m1bainmrtaatsen)diad neprbe:r m ery.c4agdll anu8e drwor daò l o tsC o s euie8taecnZ9ibsp2R 5D esprts.yert,uwif ohlr:nrl oainn nlo,n1aii,oo5 olooaDosit aw c snugelrnaiamedr5 dtchcid.sln n (tsestnu4e tkets hkiiicsaneA sgahretsetohnsne es .ei .ie ssmueooo( 1hd nias os e r6 nSa na Csbss4 us pmnsn ifn elo t–s eelgpct8 aa,Fi yd shi t-.a,o ed I7feuvhw1 nl2i ih adge)nctpT )e bpi e.erothnr kp egrlemed ni Y-a2ocg s 5t l h 2eC– S7IqPMTHIotautFB(gaawApsmuaowt tBCC1O5c2dsT(hbwlApGmpEa n1swhhhacltin5puhdrnneh4rrdaesnrfyaolhloatpheetoahra4oonaunra u dWopeeemN ee4zs neisDdosoodiaJewaier pritcndsa3noszsniouznSio r ntierhdo5t hsn prdnt snel eg fUc sh ilaesph8 teepiSa “Tepsta2cetanticseel,aeddtpwTsgacbd caee mh,pdh ry pnihhedioa)tp9pfd lnwe dthnun iilfe.larvsd.nlDhe cnoeeeora dtsR lcet ’imde2iaaro lseelei&see e5Colrotiue;dlesrtneae bnrtg)sgont l4eea gey cmt6cr. dsl dlr ldeet,ssn1 sr2.oilnbellid abElrare ao ase tol A4 ylcs aaoalgs fga dlbt(cpoiea teI iMdCci–4es –seto fc t r dy6di –d winiithr mnnIhnoisu^tnm hot eeSiieaAnllt-rbc un Ao4inr8 3p ch an n7 f eusfhthah eFafcoitDcedapNsc dnseng ,oi p aoflNi5lhWs )aau 7p ends b’itht1tndokltrddcresliosthah aes cdp’ aemt sloroihcyhsholblnie o),i l eptihcadpdo meaow natlOis” lsnnse1. d odili riieb aec o omseeemrnrtUltusten at Tu,a notteelib ruetgdidMn aoud hmecoiahs Jd lsln iaeeh Siewe t tu3rdiM p n..o Roctlabwsiar br t hl eP skrt bMeiacm dflioatedolgef0dtTaae ntotnnpcpee ae edgflimnraiwienhe uda a0henags naincTidnad wh oaN,iemraamgnnnno, a cocwwdn ess 5ndie rrgME–io cezondl reamicgl semaLl ksse’oes gAld 5Hsnien siaigeiziFsds ebiee Cseiunneorsinnin on s g i eo w tssenrnaeu unbd ilasf(r 2n t.C rdsitetaishn dtohn algrwtgug1 go .tr,n nrhdT t(yir dh4ae.tn u oh1e dh.io.c ldhpp M1b oEUvS 4fid le su So ht9 srgl1s eirenelM h4i bdntebir1,teouleRic (cid:2)aae lhudiel o8tngn odehvieNte a4nha te l1 Mza4iifrasrh eacatbn gopihi8za riororcmeealese o 7m2afsr nttc eita4Iroseiblewnoe ntdn)a rteaiebhgao Casn ei t.,2h’,roe ,0ee f s 1ssa ne –p ti r dtfdra .brgaf taidbiEd e tea8 ta enrrr ag i ta’hgteoysstrso.iue 0.F lstih r 1l heon a e .a e ,tnl,es ft a 2 hn red 1 nhn . eg aids e lo 00 ymaerdtrsesBMiebdliiocteeoc-aL aurenzian1a00100 3 nicaAaADonK ehcryudln Seefulgcago meds Mt Ttteeherdd2erhed ir nroiuagc ut.dnmsibebt ebfeereeiiens yaolSii siegrBseai,is hnnrnwes useet 1lh hnLddac4eoie scsaf2fs lcreaonhlr5eeçro –ns wat thbic4esdhzrahlr6oeeeagsii.d e,ios nbho ,s n adiettpin lesgd soew lfoi hennnio nhp ipt anrFde hrdmlgeoioovGG(dBsmareri leaonevsn vdrhnpcsiadai 5ni nnd5eDei n)tlu,hl hiioiidek sid(tes 1sdn eu 5sCelt4lpoaa eiu0setsi cu)Bi .mcteaoae iiondbdr d yorIi’en selB s f abnNa lcat.ehctny rtieoleer a, . nd (cid:2) HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE 7 Tuscany Area by Area TUSCANY AREA BY AREA (cid:2) 211 In this book, Tuscany has been divided CENTRAL TUSCANY issneigtpoha tfrsiav tteoe rvcehigsaiitop hnteas,vr .ee Ta hbceeh e monfo nwsuth minicbthee rhreeasdsti na g WgSCtcolarlaaie nttysahh sGht eiS cisi mlisocleooe nirucgneaktnig hcsaai, to bnie sineort tos,a ha wudhentehe ydCdae, r rPrnoeteio,tfe ecsttnoee,o zwdnmpa tsi.fert ooTah ooril l l fTiatbt uhIsnyt seadh ch lsinyaesc’ontsaao ryvbptr yhiieesc srs oaawt c fniw nhaS al aiiolnegervaendreicsa crt t uao eitsrlwhrt eituez hnper ecsard,e ol C snbaduhtryuceui achrarnoei eaoutdissfn ;. d cbEayan cit hbs e ca oqrlueoiaucr ko lcyfo Tidduiesncngat.nifiye d on15 8a (cid:2) RTUSeCAgNY iAoREAn BYa ARlE AMap. TabiotspTstptaathpAG1neorhhturrlh9fiiaoogerTLoaeegtlnf ieagstereopsoeppiebn hohnncnp da rrs srueuvlgliwatn iikond,he,oumncs hm illn ipfinada s eerntaxagoTiceo t:rsmlrepuruny logcao e l tdavlts,-Wamccrottnouh duhpcodaastyuyraeutwrih rleronra ussEsrew at oahtin(tiea ed tor stededsaniShauoltihts s,neeeudt snt a nrde g stThhte w.ds fnys neo dowt co b h.Ri EPpsp h ollftofli sMrsloyoeiaei aep 5sreRdhw mSs ifrirnmr ouc9rtaicmsiatemoeeNroer oto)mrtunu omae.gu a wnveriTrr hr ylvnpnntiinopeiieTauvnio dnahoel ea en dat,aystwyoUn fgleeuur ihsldactl onee s ih qasihrccSalwens pn raa fealoionuihton s osCol nlst1lihait llenoo eysht,rofiaohtdp8 eAeedi.t ewndvh eetnclethsa Ca seaisCghbNesm hcl r temylytdMt,oa t raar uuhuSapwY ssmeei nfstplrofru2i enr krhta dae cidShneaeene s c dkrah idi i.ntes,in(cid:2)smhe src tn etsl i d d nth ehdu i sasss a sei1, ,s n e 5gd 9 latcCTbavbtcoerfnbbatireoohnrhirrnhxfeoeeuuoc uceg weApeade1gtiezittnh nsli w ond see 5doxB nlwhthisSeg trnrpghe5lnisesitiieaincy hnsee,ef4 leeawe cioc ettgbmegnvnin– d,nnoknt nrreseent a 5ucoe rtdot hdlDotcr t.eiyl,i.r a ht an meshCeeavSai redhdttoleef emel ido ame leegeoswof sytr ttn ,aB n.hr tbte t fh wcataearothB hafaeh ywei n,ncanlt rbou’ete s aiewyeye tscdthcr tyfnl afr cdo af eyfta oi iiceautdimnFcins,re nrt hefgfolglthdm tye t aoaslnteeoliefeo isoaruhl rshn ta lsrMtsetftvtdnyrbe a.kgaet acahna a ee sovits -ittelnlocnepse uncmeelonTne eg,uqdlaos c wutiyhbtt en rrauc ifuhsotsg tnan adpuehwcea rifracao ssi. iameni tdeeFaslr k nfhnoalrtr lvlssowTbdttyolier n ysaihcuevo i e r aot glipsieee t snfsdttnnio can i leef e myo e1 atsrcga so,swu2n eo e e 6dy ss 0 t , 1ITarshcnehenhagtonsderi wt o odlcuaneidhrnn ivaieugdsers csaldh ocatceoapintosepwedcrned r wto,i bhohfh eeviesad eaatt roc rh ietrtheh ya r ee , Exploring Western Tuscany offers the visitor today. PwrgeIaobagcvoviLS1234567890qwernteoeainriinfelei eetsvowcg g olmdvTnhVV SLSEAPMCCPC alwaehatrieeioaaminhoiaieea orte,hvinslndlaiAmn tnnoytlslgplrrsatwoarttncierepahtttumm;e, e ri gurrsri PMoo hnias o . atttcinr cdvho ibi stssaoiiThraoiinieleeaniodatemhiaaarlo nit u hrfdyesrlddo e l atho e ildde e giaai ie y iid dip l s etC mniiabStan dPon e rstiao PFicara etio arhgo Ginfcsi ui G ieonwnrass Va at.iae ntrii as di eenut gasuSRhilPodnt eeenad,onx noa ;s zeooreRu sehco tne sttnlt og nedershim A o rtoE. ceohfyngMn -ewrfa terdf s ensiaeriiat oinire uhi hindonm vs wv siaVei eeeslvaeclo a oi wtCaatntroun,orhlna c klmpscs aeii i Tater, sclCty oyeuen aa.rrlm aclroein MGTaeshnsi m eoaerM d i Dlrmmniseobenl ArIrgnlboAA iaosoPaiRo Cn, arnntrV IdISaaotSeeA NieiNlarAg Qwa ntReArnfLOToeuzuE eSatgNaeSM rrUnhsOgiri,TCaSeocR AieRaAiLoEgaA eaDo naIsh nI,VNstGM dui ieeiggOg rRli PsnllVgaihRApIroaleoEilNnneaDiMRlegocrtcOOiOee onhSiSlaarnlo otorlntsllaev y PaoP,n iyiwFeMefInVoS rtGtaoai rrAhttLoCtadrhhuei ebeani c encbd aiScit ria naP sdoBaan Riilb aoVGbzsizCoiciCugianoalrnailesalCCaleclnaEVRnoisCnloiRiaocpceai Tlo aTvcMApOreiebnriLsrStaenaaamtArlSoni liCaa CteoDnatailtsICima ftTPao eBLeosIlruilcSrnbiPmicnAaibeoaaneon aPMntoaeanrdCisPtMeGatVeMrioacaocmaVccllnola ialoeCdotnlno ailltd iopepCi'coAaeannlcritin nininnoeoaili EMPraSsaualaSVlnPeMliao’ota laAlFtmiItn NureCaaenrcrIr roASodeaalAciTncCelccONaehiVVsitofIONeeMlLCfiTMoPrIoEonoreRnnteettRC elenu eAA tcaSpEl6iibal nons2AEaana 7IonFGsRP mEGioaiaoTMsimtrmIoeMPMbinAigaOaIton NCisPCnLnsaaOiItOoAnremoIGsApigGenNCrIatOOneoPAorlroitBnCgaoieCsClgdaerLaEib ionbSaSnmRaaiszVo gTiTtVnaSpiaParnnoO aaeilvCia ssgleda Said nBrViAs niacPaa eiP relaDb lesdlneaesI oa rEFiSFlnIsilRaeooTFnErhleaoNen rbZcCeeehEnaiacuentitfiu vlilny epyraeGWbFFtrvL bsaA Vbf rrsehei lidanoeouuur–o v eaeser rnldlmtss olvPvrctaTsIe t oeyeee tonsirithhtPdy–c nse nderclFri vi.ieedf r L onMnrsvofcoaalTaaan o ia reaegorn nr rhS,gltmo em, ulroidr, Ta e 6dfie esrat bgnbnhuesesAy7hot nloddSie t. osu s o titeubrc trAmt 1b cthoptasbodons eouK o e asniewr tpcwae,io nweisnn uwrfi trgonPistfaeesreysennyi w aen hiaoaa.vclxsMMSMMMSw s igsrfyin Ahsy etuuepa desc.dPMoaaiiis t e,cmnnnla tl aaroejiat lnroeatlnooogooelenlosietm lnlninn rnn porrt z rn srt r gstratdwoaarRh vrrsiskde aooFthioeaniea tu nre lo asnairwl amorri rrarlecygoLN wtdnlyoagemdvPuaadag uirienraamiauev yiirnmeooe toseya ycsaodtvhanrn nlaa.keas hscadbri fe ctbjieo,nihiwi ro ne n lfetfrtAy o VorrhLvidsd t e .ir oriveh annc o e fy ero zn i, oa 2 TgwnRhuiehvimegso slsibe ohae ronnreew aigdlllsiu o aMtsnnht.rde aaA ptrtleohl dtaehd roee nv aseeirgrtevwh iaetolsswr oak rouaefns tedhf uel CapIrsPaouilnaata della TCeAiaPRAIA ICsaoplaraia CaMstCaaargirnndaeu tdcoci- iCasCtaaGSgrDradnoonuesn csGtoecouirtaoidtiocoBMoMlognahtreCeitravtienimrndoeito CoSrenirarazzTBaeanrgmoMMneooa ldroniittetirmLoatorLodeCVn eCaadr1osleo0 rtdln6elio0al nCmteueocivnoa di tbipy sc aorn, bguest tainngd atrraoiunn.d the region PunZtean doebliltoo 00 mkiliolemsetres 5 5 00 mkiliolemsetres 10 10 The S68 road to Volterra For hotels and restaurants see pp252–7 and pp264–75 222 (cid:2) TUSCANY ARFoErA ke yBs tYo syAmRboElsA see back flap CENTRAL TUSCANY (cid:2) 223 3fSetaa2 t2 uAadlnMtooDor4i hssrn(cid:2)ntuel nee atlTheid sUm sent pSitrec Cm heddaeAao.rrbN nie a YiW citpi ibsedAsn lhaRciieoE ergimtA wdehtie odrBdnhhrYe ot p rt A giats hdptRirnisoEnkani Aenel.o sgradie t lrbtfno ec,hiaab oevfef dcn totsuiarsdh ht trlii mln tluet otd.tofo aowRoai nlwvwelrtiygimngisnn.o siigTsto a ona h tna tnrieh roa edcyeln i ta yr,e SdgcScmeatEFAPTPbeprdfiob1to dMVawitsnoeiohoeii nnhiiil4iofremeeoyy tt2aareehturrca aoTi ex0i etiy dcptdgoplli zb5haeJtnnd iznnhPd h ure9c1o, laC1zaii oer - leo speotcntaatebevieeeehk,k–a9ntrc4hahd,aa inrte ’a na scesgmn ist u1oditg atriw edlmehlz n.wlethAlsseshhr n ila9 t,pieudiWl n z ieaoaa ra lee-llecd ewnano.(ancidp-odvcl acslgenm 1ea Tfiasd aadot ofgte eeaF C hdio rcS5chfte obhrdbtydmn psewn ion nhn m eiiailr.-eia i umira ecyt niteegomffsanntodeTttomrn pn yrehs n lu asu raefll fs tlorhtwnat uiaar ee iaei’ai .C stnashetrrpCodnlobtwrm z agega e nedyyt uPahtb dhQfibofzam G.ui.thei nr) hr,saw Sn a ebcl ii a Tu 1dsmeute lE.1dat ez satii dronhi shteuzeSI i8eat g nvceq e2 i ftCttaec boh,apfpiessrebsd ei in-rmt nho uaaahtdelte . a cemfi hyso ,–dEoih yhatuTnee r n vestsaitpe tomto-val ,orrseheih,dionii hda sochNC ldnanc veb i la f pme fiiu atenne assvnae etwnt e dogataemptn q Tn o can nhds hrtb i c2 1estpapdunemt atgihr ey5wR ean y,uod3ts d aao e2 le tc asarr 4re iA–rr sphreyeeneioej78 e edo u ev n Lpuan gswra lonrutna el1epdorvTh trd a s2oPPO4TPhBabpFirwlaeoeusU oolippn6hauiettaplnnegnndn2emhelgz0deitte daSdl6Thze wy ;dtie n rt)zla b4n aboF . eG2aashC bz a g–eCrn1dsymaer srmo0 7aelsyepi0lqetrgl lAdao5 nu0lt a anele,P ftiBu mehs l tmnCuci har1 Nudneoyd1lalrzeae re a3y–debzIeoPwi3mrtest iYe7 c i 4Fe hbaaba2uc3rolpepvkz8ell5 or l8ernoyMmszrfoia so ,mca D Dr,y .dtr da cl w (cid:2) toaldTao (emde hneaibmiia eet v cnn hnieR ltedatilus. 1bii nCehggdetv02&rci t a0int1siohr-e5snel i nmhO 2bdt 2aa35 Mlml fhelepiho wc l4uier2mzd5on tesuop8ifs9a–eieot,tlge c ,z Fnm d P2 (aw totiecce3s3tyhihlibio.f aet3nn hoi 4e:hestn 0zng 2 tih i yoczd .tn. fe h a t- ) . Mm12Tsp tafLIpwrsRlPPTarTcabeb(1aaafG conrMtircToadanrreoeihhVttai05hoaistnscfhhha3pnniffaaeeyyauttariuhstlat sv oa TTieeddlrraizeree1nTdm eee5Dttdessrttgle olpizsomSAeleniehhPzhhg- lmhhdpdcchny w5l0 rer e fpnseeMera1ieoBaPmsndagema eeeooeeaimee –og– eee,cole annrdsr1 (l 9ssanadnna m zid 7,. i s e Tlol15or i sta a awS GttLsQt 3o CbrleTt&maeedmo wipg iahsaih sa so1:4ofnrsch r iiga nauldo0idfoitriofd nzm.er1nr auueeztveb)G2 t cwCwelholtbeu-eefa 0s(utr e0oaz as zlf i i ileitMecci I8b.iea5lh cBSncopc , sog any oao”sieotple osds BncioC edeimido).)feom0a amay. evMdvt i tsfar r o wi iaA loowpoAOnn d o GObfnPly,c tn ee5P hudoi tpaOw jatter–avcmspewmfa hflte rut aalie hyhspo tanaouLl gnto 6.ielnasnup sGsdeir sottesenea s.olbcTl stvoeephphtecnF irettfhbhb1emtgldr d hoetf nle e a,ei uchVtb m yiryoPro ee.nii onHthnweeorAf lb l vhbc e wrcpuddoTo )2irr eeioba(l dg, nis cer Mifr;re.ehe uifDeenlpecl ua as w ’sniv gr ccassiyimglaiJwhPl irnm tSttla eboen k b iradizVuotet cn oten awihtlhebeaniaoMo0naagn vli,inse olulioaoibrjlp sbdt me o,dint re5iary eafcml acriee sco htinatrh11 ara gs -ant(i.pdsl5efs otGcoe t lloyMasdind1h6om peNte l lpte3 si eh itblcaahlh-edfMr 2h l enven oln4, y he d risoa(u3srAa (-vowempns9sneni-ee1eisdeis t o0,t rts vee“8ueiebcn atM –àv a greaers tld3s2 t–i 7daostgw e. nrcs gt Oigcleeoaii 6iaeo3 hn i,tt)nahn ,snnh co rri eecitpsr0 f1 ner bnees t.e d.ot e r y)4e) : tdaiy s ’.sois ’.sdsr .t , itVPVTivIiBfcADaEVTOTS&H1BctTcldStrO1ChN1Gnnlatrehhhueu1 wilieuohnoeohi4ilu oamaJppaouonctao chmelie:neealrntev 3dtn idt omcsee oBulSsmssd0Dzyh–on7oh PP oup0.beth&u tnn te aSanaa 5 Sis7ro,sieuVuar-ar a wriohdrnn miodeerni 7i1aetisccMacnsm8eoe tniiosrthlr cecmit17n ien inhdaePetn:n yM1aenig,nfbga1pheor oo eiw4iiips9E2,aMtesn dnasgec5acz i enanicydoaird t f 6aao8ml nrtdaea1asstio glz yt o.natoomm trss t –0trSsuen, m hhi,Cts1 3o w o n( h.eLh i FipttcraipB2saS ncet1rc1y –oltoemhio–pe– 2o ee hynoo5yen,ahe egaoPvg5b1 nS679er Pcl so tt ssluoicwoipeD aiu’Te1SPia t1yin: hs.n cetz aia1p aorccaoeomtcr n ni.a 0 naeenedet i5tdt,etARl aca vsclfc 5itlyeolat)ezbipedn 9 n.naioe ocfdl o s.o, 2Ik e n gasydu :m LtePt zb 3ig asso.lIlllh atpl zuaeItoamo a zyoTi0xoes ti, ri ezl(rt son paroelneiwyaraaSmansactl,moytcei leilpm weel m tA dmr nh uglP, hot0lni o ietriwMeudowhiinn,iid nso5 ys or onpvnz,a1pdgaui nnkeo7ia d eeihno 0gnlfPsie pts7gf es &teeltso:oha1 olf iy3 M5e t oeosb,e4 ’ubrsm.f 4p 0wi 8 r 0ar’dtrySpoKtsua uts–r r5eihi h tmtmoi fb lil 9nhityl le6n tl’ oo) O.ig3e i& c.n p (. e 1e 3(rca3. 10RSEP4dM2TEPOTmoSRiTDMottdn3)oheii85eaahhhfef,uaape0a lf u. ewieeiCl zz pniieDll0rnpDne aOyssu MDSzz: stph) runaatne o tf1aa er(epeidfmhpaoirotciniu o0sn ouins1uddoene m2a.es npiai tsor 0tui&ee tnsptsPm2nhclsm8omi at i: llaosmefe o3D4nhe PpaodamnlDDl e– 0–noanodegPbmleehu lcs5uuzauoi5Mc isor addl s eeDDtCszooo(mpettMbwt1 ooltd. ocmhoJ 1cer-hrhoxc haahmu mmm3uauuM uets ue–aeneP5ogateoo on neni0i sircosue6lo nl doonial0ta reropdfmdsiMss –di8tbcolas:nrmkrif.r f3eta2sett p ’ an8–A beite i– e TStOubsrrto0(ogoaissieu) .lOhiulesiotlàry, o1sdaii p ftcyr kuTd’rnce s bserpf.hlgtesaac,1,a.h ei o emu rie e oiP soe nt0iCnty)vdforolalloe o,rldoh;l:l s.i tr cal5 fn o aeiplispisg0oNne9m dlnfrA tSeoseuiao7itmf a n n5dap:tnsa u aoeEsroed3hos7w. tslnu7l o acitc2lee v0tuo b SleTdee ferhe27yosro oohs–hm d2adoahgreslp. cti9 cod a efmmwd2o e4a &oh noo..e tag1it d m 28t-c–dsephiItiode fmi – snhiln6Lo dJ htaa 53a eie7b tal asai de- n= f10he) ptn. o.en y . eh5 me, n d.de PC23SBdSaorettoR1scplSbDtiCCnieaooul8–flnhiolo4eoffaoaaooooeeglc 7 r si6dnure8ieGmrRt tsms nqirne t:Sreb3hs1tm1ce oxaig oioeaitunett0 t ae evyi e.rro7uaidhem’ luhdpeosx cnTe en nino5nionraa tnprme no,anfgp .dseS ieetn ndrikcdfCrOsec.adnkausstr a r a oadd tIieoensic rt tpaF ntstsfaoho Ai a hh tda orr md(areytewp i’oiorfeAf 1aseels1vd,tn nn i yi ebm a tnne 3n ihai 3o.Bssd tewcgvsrS9 ty4v sceut7eatseo enas ee:nie ert17heumrgn6craccnadhaicdto5 n l–tsoahai,hihmtoC oda eioanpcan nt8dmanm aloom r aCesaotogo61f.a0geaopa , uftsssa .S –f e4ttr) td eVCdsmn reTetat,asane1hP4d ohhora reeeawli.rpG idy s0ei z adnmnli e6peetH em t e eis raa0hnavh n7s itwdiei,seacpd 5s gr, nie.h iSe i.gi so tlrn7y,i ae htsrd t iieao7h e shoicnpohd nt r inrlao ,cen a u ye irkst cnsd s p aX. y -i I - SSsbcictiptmnnhhpiiiultte auieeeiCiyintzegls .cshtps eeauI t onnsronca ueiDouo spscm1 autth unuuh3ehti oslloe t3nha,at Dmlwf9trrd tp ohu iG,ioooi enfceutt om nhdht t (Ichi1t.et oo. httiaT 1et ohTnSiylh3 mchy eAi ce6fe ,si s rlaaso a–npocu rion1poeumsmtn 3d nsllticap ne 8h oqoonat 2edffuumfn u)c tmebar eeailpecsrll rma aor. liGwoedikcfeeotn eiaktsen tdhe rt adhogdo e not ni s n icondff,t e at okst tbhwwvhthitluyeeheleh ilit ni elon oimndbt.guo eg ihMoa gtw o sasw sgantfk vtcfoenh eie ormnsywe ttnb esn ou ct en ouarctheadhfhisunn viete nro eshd c a feaht r o y Ctd.heaerp P vpiceuatdln ps becitlyes Pn Noaeinnsc otefrhlloase mP oi scTathnaego Lo iinfne a 1ol2 fp 6Cu5hl–pri8istt, . UIwf ncoofuimnldips h5l(lhee9a0ent7v edmg efd t tNm ,)h ( t1ia nhea6v ean2bes d nrufe ta3r)aev 0idedn mt h . TPP47msS15&@M(V5hia8p0:rra3:oIiaot3a.:mdz 30S, Onn 0wczP∑-90p Ia–AptsopM:a)mTi 3Sp:umdlcem lo0 1aOigoaoe ncSatn 0–lSl–rip; am nR –:MD5te38IOetnFo:p0 ,uS–3a r&rc.f1aioa–r60’,to – 1 mS 1MmdppC(rmaui:mmum3n–maoHni0ol7rd. a a.)–,SM T:m -E i53t1S6Audei0oC2upolnuo fpn:0nml.g1; nKo s8m–5N.5: i o,7^LF1e S,o 9 rr7M0a6nI vi, ot, :S:23 a1–3 o 1&n780.1F0Tn:i 3 aetaSp3–m0bmu0m –n: – ; Fa oVirs iatollr st’ hCehe tcokplis ts pigrohvtisd,e s the practical information you will need to plan your visit. Tafe.lh oasceoe I hrrnM.i elTyaasehsi aodesar f ,m M csinrcaea erS robnebfle peltseht ie iesFnm Ilu notsbhnoueeorar ci lnaleynnl autdisdn Oi csmo cotvanoerebbre eloedrf . 4 The top sights These are given two or more full pages. Historic ForBnidnpi12345Knn haeaaa tE1ovrlovp tCATCTe3DYte stethho h8r:ihuw lsct2eeslaoethuh a– apr sfmemswM9ynaie dr0ddçoaluno .ea o.yorso edboe affls eoeaeriStssdsa at wdlie u denJoe ar oii vloan1nslhe’ nfO2g b urntt8 puhsatn 4 toeiesnlf–hetr id 9utaneeih n 7n t i pBsue ,f tphita rwnh2nepi5oesedtNBmsh2 dir us–lee aaatp7dscvrt p ab keno-laedrn tpp dtpihl-2lwae6r 4hvs– ai7tue5l t. Pp(tt.sohioen eeE rtP t lubpreiarce2oiycct3nr oc0toohhl)to.re ihaHom a l’oesilfi rfefon erP efio, oshFLfrc riePtebou odpergpaersaee rr(lisy 1.cPid5kiu 0eIIs9sI )I aI t Eton tDruanocmeo Siec(1no3Hen8srtori0evpa– atdin1olatr4g hy g4e, i tisS4mvo ts)e byeBw umlneeapdrmbnn aobtaslelllr odadSloono iuftny ddhtnaoh seul htSe onyfe yefr i dtmituSsoe dieae btuninnhnon daCegldFMbod i hrearee rairçileg snla’nitOyn.d rpaseeltes paSr talataur acdeete esuidn loe D btnshuy teo hc mMeo pofuai.seçesao;d t he eh ave mchibrneoeutvulleioeplsdraeu eyilurns o-ttmgchuinose s lgdia ora er ceniendaxd tdth fle egiiosb rtaisohoieltlrersecps. rt;ml iea ednos ssth tota o v e